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Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise
Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise
Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise
Ebook369 pages5 hours

Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise

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About this ebook

Award-winning journalist, physicist, and bestselling author of Endure Alex Hutchinson reveals the little-known and often surprising truths that science has uncovered about exercise, ranging from cardio and weights to competition to weight loss.

There's plenty of conventional wisdom on health and fitness—but how much of it is scientifically sound? The truth is: less than you'd think.

In Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?, physicist and award-winning journalist Alex Hutchinson tackles dozens of commonly held beliefs and looks at just what research science has—and has not—proven to be true:

  • Should I exercise when I'm sick? 
  • Do I get the same workout from the elliptical machine that I get from running?
  • What role does my brain play in fatigue? 
  • Will running ruin my knees? 
  • To lose weight, is it better to eat less or exercise more? 
  • How should I adapt my workout routine as I get older? 
  • Does it matter what I'm thinking about when I train? 
  • Will drinking coffee help or hinder my performance? 
  • Should I have sex the night before a competition?

This myth-busting book covers the full spectrum of exercise science and offers the latest in research from around the globe, as well as helpful diagrams and plenty of practical tips on using proven science to improve fitness, reach weight loss goals, and achieve better competition results.

Release dateMay 24, 2011

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It provided a lot of useful information. The author backed his points with literature and research and let's the reader come to their own conclusions about it. Also helps the reader to be aware of the myths and ways that they can change their habits to good/healthy ones.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is not likely to become a book for the ages. Hutchinson reviews many recent results in sports science. The basic problem is that recent results in science are always ephemeral. There is a great nutrition book, Eat Drink and Be Healthy, by Walter Willett. Willett points out this problem. He advises his readers to ignore recent scientific results. The science to live by are the old results that have stood the test of time, that stopped being newsworthy decades ago. Science is a slow winnowing process. The latest reports published in journals and conference proceedings have only passed the very preliminary filters. Other researchers will come at those topics from different directions and get somewhat different results. After five or ten years some sort of rough consensus will form and appear in a review paper. Another five or ten years go by with some more sorting out and deeper understanding, and clear picture is presented in a monograph. Finally the subject becomes boring and appears in undergraduate textbooks. The boring textbook science is what you want to live by. If you are in desperate straights then maybe you could gamble with notions out of review papers. But if you are not so unlucky, it is smarter to play safer.Another problem with the book is that it focuses on competitive sports. It is not at all clear that competitive sports are a smart way to stay healthy. Rather the contrary, sorry to say. Yeah, somehow one needs to push oneself out of the comfort zone... some stress and risk is necessary for healthy living. Competition is one way to generate that kind of push. But competition can be playful. One can keep the goal of winning in perspective, as just a tactic in the larger game of staying healthy. It's a nice puzzle, actually. What is it go be healthy, or fit? Fit for what? The practical tasks of living involve both routine and extraordinary challenges. And then these change decade by decade, as we age, as our circumstances change, and as our world evolves. In some times and places the only practical way to get around is by automobile. Other times and places allow for pedestrian locomotion alongside automobiles. In yet others automobiles are difficult and the easiest way to get around is on foot. Daily life can demand certain types of fitness and also promote it. A fourth floor walk-up apartment could even change a person's diet, just to reduce the weight of groceries to be carried up!I will say, this book inspired me to go out for a run. I hope I manage to keep running regularly as part of my regular rotation! So it's definitely a book one can learn from and be inspired by. But I don't plan ever to enter into any sort of athletic competition. Maybe I will do some interval training even though I am not interested in competition. But how do I adapt training program to optimize by fitness for the routine and extraordinary physical challenges of my coming decades? This book doesn't help me much.For example, its discussion of stretching is a bit odd. Hutchinson looks at whether static or dynamic stretching before an athletic competition will improve my results. But if I don't care about winning races, what difference to my overall practical fitness does it make, whether my muscles are tight or loose? If my muscles are so tight that my posture is pulled out of alignment? A dedicated competitive athlete might even ruin their own health to win. Look at the use of performance enhancing drugs! Somehow the emphasis of this book on winning... while it surely will increase the book's appeal in a sizable audience... doesn't increase its appeal for me!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    re-visit when I am ready to learn more

Book preview

Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? - Alex Hutchinson

Chapter 1

Getting Started

IN 1960, PRESIDENT-ELECT JOHN F. KENNEDY wrote an article for Sports Illustrated called The Soft American, lamenting the declining role of physical activity in everyday life. Today human activity, the labor of the human body, is rapidly being engineered out of working life, he wrote. By the 1970s, according to many economists, the man who works with his hands will be almost extinct. That prediction didn’t quite pan out—but it’s certainly true that, for most of us, physical activity is now a choice rather than the necessity it was for our ancestors.

Kennedy was concerned that Americans wouldn’t have the vigor and determination necessary to match the Soviet Union; today, we’ve realized that physical fitness is essential to the health of our bodies and minds. But the basic challenge remains the same: if you’ve just begun working out recently, or you’re about to head to the gym for the first time, you need to know what to expect. How hard to push, how long it will take to see results, how to make the most of your workout time, how to minimize the risks associated with starting an exercise program—these are the issues you should consider before getting started.

How long does it take to get in shape?

First, the good news. Your body actually starts getting stronger and healthier just hours after you start working out. But if you’re wondering how long it will take to rock a six-pack—well, you’ll have to be a bit more patient. A few years ago, exercise scientist Megan Anderson and her colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse put 25 sedentary volunteers through an intense six-week exercise program modeled on the bold claims made by companies such as Bowflex and Body-for-Life. Despite sticking to the program religiously, zero percent of the subjects developed instant washboard abs. In fact, a panel of six judges could detect no differences whatsoever in their physical attractiveness before and after the program.

That doesn’t mean nothing was happening. After just a few strength training sessions, your brain learns to recruit more muscle fibers and make them contract all at once to produce a greater force. This neural activation kicks in after only a few workouts, allowing you to get stronger almost immediately, well before your muscles get noticeably bigger. Further strength gains come as the individual muscle fibers within your muscles get bigger, which starts in as little as two weeks if you’re training intensely. But it takes longer for these changes to be noticeable: even with sophisticated lab equipment, researchers can’t usually detect changes in fat and muscle composition until after about nine weeks of training. Similarly, a University of Tokyo study published in 2010 saw the biggest increases in strength after two months and the biggest boost in muscle size after three months. To achieve these rapid gains, the subjects were doing four very hard workouts a week. For the average person at the gym, it will take six months or more to see significant sculpting of the body—even though strength has been increasing from day one.

Weight loss is more difficult to predict, because it depends on your starting point, your health history, your genetics, and your diet as well as your workout routine. But like strength training, aerobic exercise produces major health and performance benefits long before you see them in the mirror. Aerobic exercise increases the number of mitochondria, which are essentially the cellular power plants in your muscles that use oxygen to produce energy: the more mitochondria you have, the farther and faster you can run, and the more fat your muscles will burn. Studies have found that about six weeks of training will boost mitochondria levels by 50 to 100 percent.

Health benefits, on the other hand, kick in after a single bout of aerobic exercise. For about 48 hours after a workout, your muscles will be consuming more glucose than usual, helping to bring down blood-sugar levels. After a few workouts, your insulin sensitivity will begin to improve, offering further control of blood sugar.

The bottom line: Getting in shape is a journey that extends over months and even years, but the process—and the benefits—start as soon as you begin exercising. So if you’re having trouble staying motivated without immediate physical changes, track your strength and endurance gains along the way.

Am I exercising enough?

This is a hugely controversial question, but not in the way you might expect. Almost all experts agree about what the science says—but they’re bitterly divided about what message they should convey to the public. Decades of research have made two things crystal clear:

1. Every bit of exercise helps, even in scraps as short as 10 minutes.

2. More is almost always better.

The challenge is conveying the second message without discouraging the people who are still struggling with the first. And there are a lot of people struggling: in 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that a quarter of Americans hadn’t done any physical activity at all in the previous month. And less than half met the modest government-mandated Healthy People 2010 goal of 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week. In Canada, only a third of people are meeting a similar goal of 30 minutes at a moderate effort, four times a week.

From a public health perspective, the top priority is getting those inactive people to start moving, even a little bit. Going from zero to slightly active offers the biggest possible health boost, according to a recent National Institutes of Health study that followed 250,000 men and women between the ages of 50 and 71. Those who were just slightly active but didn’t manage to meet the exercise guidelines were 30 percent less likely to die than those who were totally inactive. Stepping it up to moderate exercise reduced risk by only eight more percent, and adding in some vigorous exercise subtracted an additional 12 percent. When you combine that data, you find that getting half an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise five times a week cuts your risk of dying from all causes in half. So far, so good. The controversy starts when you ask what happens if you do more exercise than the government guidelines recommend. According to researchers like Paul Williams of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, you keep piling up more and more benefits. Williams has been following a cohort of 120,000 runners since 1991, tracking how much they run and what happens to their health. With this enormous sample size, his National Runners’ Health Study has been able to uncover a pronounced dose–response relationship between aerobic exercise and health: the more you do, and the harder you do it, the more benefits you get.

What kind of benefits, you ask? Well, in a series of studies stretching back over a decade, Williams has found that the risk of everything from big killers like diabetes, stroke, and heart attack to less common conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration can be reduced by as much as 70 percent by going beyond the standard exercise guidelines. In every case, the benefits relate to both how much running the subjects do and how fast they do it. For example, every additional mile in your average daily run lowers your glaucoma risk by 8 percent. And speeding up your 10K time by one meter per second (the difference between, say, finishing times of 53 minutes and 40 minutes) lowers heart attack risk by about 50 percent.

It is true that overdoing your workout regimen can weaken your immune system (later in this chapter), especially if you’re not eating and sleeping well. And elite athletes training for hours a day at extremely high intensities sometime suffer from overtraining syndrome. But the message of Williams’s research is that the risks of doing too much—and these results apply to all forms of aerobic exercise, not just running—pale in comparison to the benefits of doing a bit more.

Which should I do first: cardio or weights?

Let’s start with one incontrovertible fact: you can’t fulfill your ultimate potential as both a weightlifter and a marathoner at the same time. Too many hours sweating on the elliptical will hinder your ability to put on muscle, and pumping too much iron will slow your endurance gains. But most of us don’t want Olympic medals in both events. We just want some combination of reasonable cardiovascular fitness and non-vanishing muscles—a desire shared by many elite athletes. Top basketball players, for instance, need strength and explosiveness but also have to last for a full 40 to 60 minutes on the court.

The solution, according to Derek Hansen, the head coach for strength and conditioning at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia, and a speed consultant to numerous Olympic athletes, is to mix it up. For basketball players, he says, we typically have our athletes lift weights, jump, and sprint one day, then do their aerobic work the next day. When Hansen’s court-sport athletes are combining weight training with cardio in a single session, the weights come first, since building power is their first priority.

This approach—starting with whichever activity is most important to you—is widely used by elite athletes. Until recently, scientists thought it was simply a matter of logistics: if you’re tired from the treadmill, you can’t lift as much weight, so over time you put on less muscle. But new techniques now allow researchers to directly measure which specific proteins are produced in muscles after different types of exercises. It turns out that the sequence of cellular events that leads to bigger muscles is determined in part by the same master switch—an enzyme called AMP kinase—that controls adaptations for better endurance. But you can’t have it both ways: the switch is set either to bigger muscles or to better endurance, and the body can’t instantly change from one setting to the other. How you start your workout determines which way the switch will be set for the session.

So if your goal is beach muscles, your weights routine should come first. If you’re preparing for an upcoming 5K race, do your full cardio workout before tacking on weights at the end. And if you’re looking for the best of both worlds, Hansen suggests mixing it up, both within a single session and from day to day: The variability will be good, as it challenges your body and metabolism.

Can I get fit in seven minutes a week?

Breathless claims about exercise regimens that produce near-instant results with minimal effort are generally the domain of late-night infomercials. So it might seem surprising that one of the hot topics at the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual meeting over the last few years has been research into high-intensity interval training (HIT), whose proponents suggest that many of the benefits of traditional endurance training can be achieved with a few short bouts of intense exercise totaling as little as seven minutes a week.

Exercise physiologist Martin Gibala and his colleagues at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, have performed a remarkable series of studies in which their subjects cycle as hard as they can for 30 seconds, then rest for four minutes, and repeat four to six times. They do this short workout three times a week. The gains are quite substantial, Gibala says. Compared to control subjects who cycle continuously for up to an hour a day, five times a week, the HIT subjects show similar gains in exercise capacity, muscle metabolism, and cardiovascular fitness. In fact, the group’s latest study shows that HIT improves the structure and function of key arteries that deliver blood to the muscles and heart—just like typical cardio training. Similar studies by University of Guelph researcher Jason Talanian have found that high-intensity interval training also increases the body’s ability to burn fat, an effect that persists even during lower-intensity activities following the interval training.

The results are no surprise to elite cyclists, runners, and swimmers, who have relied on interval training for decades to achieve peak performance. To break the four-minute mile in 1954, Roger Bannister famously relied on interval sessions of ten 60-second sprints separated by two minutes of rest, because his duties as a medical student on clinical rotation limited his training time to half an hour a day at lunch. Such time constraints are the main reason Gibala advocates HIT, since studies consistently find that lack of time is the top reason that people don’t manage to get the 30 minutes of daily exercise recommended by public health guidelines. We’re not saying that it’s a panacea that has all the benefits of endurance training, he says. But it’s a way that people can get away with less.

More recent studies have started to piece together exactly how HIT sessions work. A study at the University of Western Ontario compared volunteers who ran four to six 30-second sprints with four minutes’ rest (just like Gibala’s HIT workout for cycling) with another group running steadily for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. After six weeks of training three times a week, both groups made identical gains in endurance and lost similar amounts of fat. In the long runs group, the endurance gains came from increases in the amount of blood pumped by the heart; in the HIT group, almost all the gains came from the muscles themselves, which improved their ability to extract oxygen from circulating blood. Since it’s important to have a healthy heart and healthy muscles, this suggests you shouldn’t rely exclusively on HIT workouts. As with cardio and weights, a mixture is best.

High-intensity exercise is generally thought to carry some risks, so sedentary or older people should check with a doctor before trying HIT. Interestingly, though, University of British Columbia researcher Darren Warburton has studied HIT training in cancer and heart disease patients and found that these higher-risk populations can also benefit safely from HIT.


The guiding principle of HIT is that the shorter the workout, the higher the intensity you need to reap the benefits. Basically, McMaster University’s Martin Gibala says, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Start by trying a HIT workout once or twice a week.

The Street-lighter: For a sedentary person who gets winded walking around the block, HIT can be as simple as walking more quickly than usual between two light poles. Then back off, and repeat after you have recovered.

The Classic: Go hard for one minute, then recover (either by slowing down or stopping completely) for one to two minutes. Repeat 10 times. This is a staple workout for a wide range of abilities, suitable for any cardio activity.

The Timesaver: Gibala’s protocol of 30 seconds of all-out cycling four to six times with four minutes rest is the shortest workout shown to be effective. But achieving the necessary intensity outside the lab is extremely challenging, so it’s best suited to experts and those capable of extreme self-punishment.

All these workouts should be preceded by a gentle warm-up of at least 5 to 10 minutes.

There is one catch—the disclaimer at the end of the infomercial, if you will. To cram the benefits of an hour-long workout into a few short minutes, you also have to compress the effort you would have spent. That’s the trade-off, Gibala says. Going all out is uncomfortable. It hurts. But at least with this approach, it’s over quickly.

Can exercise increase my risk of a heart attack?

Danny Kassap was one of the fittest people in the world when he was felled by a heart attack just several kilometers into the 2008 Berlin marathon. The 25-year-old Canadian marathon star survived thanks to a spectator who immediately began CPR, but a few weeks later, Alexei Cherepanov wasn’t so lucky. The 19-year-old hockey prospect collapsed and died during a game in Russia’s Continental Hockey League. News like that inevitably makes us wonder whether we’re tempting fate each time we lace up our running shoes. In the wake of Cherepanov’s death, the Continental Hockey League mandated in-depth medical examinations for young players currently in the league and compulsory exams for all players in the league’s junior draft. But it’s not clear that such preventative measures can make much difference.

There’s no doubt that, during exercise, your risk of a potentially fatal cardiac event is elevated, says Paul Thompson, a cardiologist at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and a leading researcher on the topic. However, it’s equally well established that any risks you incur during an hour of exercise are dwarfed by the reduced risk of a heart attack—as much as 50 percent lower, according to the American Heart Association—during the other 23 hours of the day.

The problem is that the man-bites-dog nature of rare events, like the death of a young athlete, sticks in the mind. These events really do have a chilling effect on people’s desire to exercise, says University of Toronto epidemiologist Donald Redelmeier. To put the risks into context, Redelmeier and a colleague analyzed marathon results from more than three million runners. They found that about two deaths occur for every one million hours of aerobic exercise—a rate that isn’t significantly different from the baseline hourly risk of being alive for the average 45-year-old man. The study, published in the British Medical Journal in 2007, also found that when cities close roads for a marathon, the chance that a traffic death will be averted is nearly twice as high as the chance that one of the runners will die.

Of course, statistical arguments aren’t much help if it’s your life on the line, so it’s natural to look for ways of screening out the risk. Indeed, autopsies after such deaths reveal pre-existing heart abnormalities in about 94 percent of cases, Thompson says. But it doesn’t necessarily follow that we can screen for these abnormalities, because they’re so common in the general population. About 10 percent of healthy athletes display abnormal electrocardiograms—and upon further examination, you keep finding more little abnormalities, Thompson says, producing an impractically high rate of false positives.

Redelmeier agrees: his analysis indicates that any screening program would need to be exceptionally accurate and inexpensive to be worthwhile. Otherwise the resources would be better spent elsewhere, such as improving paramedic staffing at events like marathons to respond to the all-but-unavoidable cardiac events that will sometimes occur. In Kassap’s case, the cause turns out to have been myocarditis—an inflammation of the heart caused by a virus, which no screening could have predicted. People want a riskless society, Thompson says. So I tell them to go to bed alone.

Will exercising in cold air freeze my lungs?

The strangest story that Michel Ducharme, a scientist with Defence Research and Development Canada, has encountered is the cross-country skiers who were swallowing Vaseline to coat their airways as a protective measure against cold air. That’s just crazy, he says—and it’s entirely unnecessary. Ducharme is the researcher whose work led to a major revision of the wind-chill scale in 2003, thanks to the efforts of impressively dedicated volunteers who sat in a frigid wind tunnel until their faces developed the first stages of frostbite. And he firmly dismisses the idea that your lungs will suffer from contact with cold air. The heat exchange is very quick, he says, and there’s no evidence of any risk of freezing tissue.

Do you need to see a doctor before exercising?

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) was originally developed by the British Columbia Ministry of Health and is now widely used around the world. If you answer yes to any of the seven questions, you should see a doctor before heading to the gym.

• Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?

• Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?

• In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?

• Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?

• Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee, or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?

• Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or a heart condition?

• Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?

This may be cold comfort for people who swear they are overcome by coughing fits or throat pain when they exert themselves in subzero conditions. For a long time, people have blamed exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), an asthma-like narrowing of the airways that leads to shortness of breath and coughing, on cold air. The condition affects between 4 and 20 percent of the population—but it’s the dryness of the air, not its temperature, that triggers the response.

The dryness-versus-coldness debate has been raging in scientific circles for many years, but recent experiments by Kenneth Rundell, a researcher at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania, who spent 10 years as an exercise physiologist with the United States Olympic Committee, have essentially settled it. In a study published in the journal Chest, Rundell found that warm, dry air triggered the same response as cold, dry air in 22 EIB sufferers riding stationary bikes. The reason is that the cells that line our airways are highly sensitive to dehydration, and breathing hard during exercise means more dry air rushing past these cells.

There are some makeshift solutions. For example, wearing a scarf or balaclava over the mouth can moisten the air as it is inhaled. That makes breathing more difficult, Rundell notes, so it’s less useful for skiers or runners in competition but may be fine in training. Commercial heat-exchange masks, which accomplish the same thing with less breathing resistance, are also available. If the EIB symptoms are serious—and confirmed by a lung-function test administered by a doctor—asthma medication can provide relief.

For most people, it’s safe to assume that, short of an asthma attack, exercising outside in the dead of winter is perfectly safe. Even without EIB, some people do experience a burning sensation in their throat or upper airways when they exercise in the cold, Rundell says, but that’s just a response of the nerve endings. In other words, even if it feels like you’re freezing your lungs, you’re not—so you might as well keep going.

When is it too hot to exercise?

Heat is more than just an inconvenience, as we’re reminded almost every summer when we hear the inevitable reports of a football player dropping dead from heat exhaustion during a grueling practice. Since 1960, there have been 128 heat-related deaths among football players at the high school, college, and pro levels—and there’s really no excuse for this to keep happening.

The basic steps to avoid danger are straightforward: stay hydrated, schedule workouts for the coolest parts of the day, stay out of the sun, shorten workouts, take more rest, and reduce intensity. But how hot does it need to be for these steps to become important? That depends on who you are and where you are. If you’re obese, out of shape, or dehydrated, you’ll be much more susceptible to heat exhaustion. And if you live in a part of the country that’s usually cool, you’ll be more at risk in a sudden heat wave than people farther south who are acclimated to hot temperatures.

One reassuring fact to note is that we’re generally pretty good at automatically adjusting our effort under hot conditions. In fact, when researchers at the University of Cape Town asked volunteers to cycle for 20 kilometers in 95°F (35°C) temperatures, they found that the volunteers’ brains adjusted to the hotter-than-usual conditions right from the start, before they’d had a chance to start overheating, by automatically signaling fewer muscle fibers in the legs to contract. When it’s hot, you don’t wait 20 minutes to slow down, you slow down within a minute, says Ross Tucker, the lead author of the study.

Still, when the conditions are unusually hot, many people do manage to push beyond their limits. In 2010, the medical director of the Twin Cities Marathon in Minnesota, William Roberts, published an analysis of eight recent marathons where hot conditions caused mass casualty incidents that overwhelmed local health facilities and caused unacceptable delays in emergency care. He found that most of these races started with weather conditions deemed acceptable under the guidelines published by the American College of Sports Medicine. The problem is that the races took place in cities like Boston, Chicago, London, Rotterdam, and Rochester, N.Y.—all northern cities where temperatures are relatively cool for all but a few months each year.

As a result, mass casualty incidents occurred when the wet bulb globe temperature (a corrected scale that factors in air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation) was a relatively modest 70°F (21°C) at the start of the race. Crucially, these races all took place in the spring or fall, rather than in the middle of summer when runners would have been used to the heat. In other words, context matters: the actual temperature is less important than how well you’re prepared for it.

Should I avoid exercising outside when air pollution is high?

No surprise, the air pollution in cities is bad for you. And exercise makes it worse, since you breathe in a greater volume of air and bypass the natural filtering of

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