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Ray & Me
Ray & Me
Ray & Me
Ebook160 pages2 hours

Ray & Me

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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The ball hit me. It sounded like a bomb going off in my head. Everything went dark. The last thing I remember was hearing somebody yell, "Call 911!"

When Stosh gets hit in the head with a baseball, he's lucky to survive. Then he learns about another player who wasn't so lucky—Ray Chapman, the only player in major league history to get hit by a ball and die. If only they'd had batting helmets back then . . .

Get ready to go back in time as Stosh travels to 1920 to try to save Ray—and meets Babe Ruth, Tris Speaker, and even Harry Houdini. This baseball card adventure is a wild ride to a moment that changed baseball history forever!

Release dateOct 6, 2009
Ray & Me

Dan Gutman

Dan Gutman is the New York Times bestselling author of the Genius Files series; the Baseball Card Adventure series, which has sold more than 1.5 million copies around the world; and the My Weird School series, which has sold more than 36 million copies. Thanks to his many fans who voted in their classrooms, Dan has received nineteen state book awards and ninety-two state book award nominations. He lives in New York City with his wife. You can visit him online at dangutman.com.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    a very fun story! a kid can travel back in time just by touching baseball cards. in this one he goes back to try and save the only player ever killed by being hit by a pitch. a fun mix of history and baseball this is an excellent read for kids.

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Ray & Me - Dan Gutman


With a baseball card in my hand, I am the most powerful person in the world. With a card in my hand, I can do something the president of the United States can’t do, the most intelligent genius on the planet can’t do, the best athlete in the universe can’t do.

I can travel through time.

—Joe Stoshack


Wally Pipp and Me

I FELT SICK. ALL MORNING, I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING TO throw up. It must’ve been something I ate. As much as I love baseball, I really didn’t feel like playing today.

Hey, Stosh, c’mere! I need to talk to you ’bout somethin’.

It was my coach, Flip Valentini. He always calls me Stosh. Most people do. Flip is a really old guy, and he’s a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, so I do what he says. I dragged my tired body off the bench and went over to where he was standing near the backstop.

The rest of the team was straggling in to Dunn Field on their bikes. Kids were tying their shoelaces and stretching. The sound of baseballs popping into gloves was starting to echo across the grass. Louisville can get pretty hot by the end of April. It felt like it was already 90 degrees.

I need to talk to you too, Flip, I said.

The coach put an arm around my shoulder. I supported some of his weight. He’s been like a father to me ever since my parents split up.

Flip wasn’t always a Hall of Famer. What happened was that I took him back in time with me, to 1942. When we got there, Flip was a teenager. We met the great pitcher Satchel Paige, and Satch taught him how to throw his famous Hesitation Pitch. After that, some nut tried to kill us; and I was forced to leave Flip in 1942. Long story short, Flip got to live his adult life all over again in the past; and when I got back to the present day, he was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Time travel is funny that way. You never know what’s going to happen when you start messing around with history. But that’s a story for another day.

I was all ready to tell Flip I didn’t feel well enough to play, but he didn’t give me the chance.

Stosh, he said, Billy Hoobler’s mom called me an hour ago. His uncle died suddenly, and they gotta go to Texas for the funeral.

I felt bad for Billy. He is a good pitcher and a good guy. I met his uncle once. He came to one of our practices and showed us the right way to slide.

Who’s gonna take Billy’s place? I asked Flip.

You are, Flip told me. I need you to pitch today.


Me? Pitch? I’m a shortstop. I’ve always played short.

I—I can’t pitch, Flip, I sputtered. Why can’t Johnny or Zack pitch?

’Cause Johnny and Zack can’t hit the broad side of a barn, Flip whispered so they wouldn’t hear. I need somebody who can get the ball over the plate.

Oh, man, I complained. I feel like crap today, Flip. I’d probably give up ten runs.

Stosh, ya know who we’re playin’ today? Flip asked.

I looked across the diamond. It said SHIMOJIMA on the other team’s uniforms. That’s the name of an optician in town.

Those bums can’t hit their way out of a paper bag, Flip told me. They only have one good hitter, that kid Cameron Considine. You can pitch around him.

I have a headache, Flip, I whined.

Oh, I know a foolproof cure for headaches, Flip told me.

What is it?

Pitch two innings and call me in the morning, Flip said. Come on, Stosh, I’m beggin’ ya! You got a good arm. Just give me two innings. Six lousy outs. Tell you what. If you pitch, I’ll take you and your mom out for ice cream after the game.

I really didn’t want to play today at all, I told Flip. Can’t I sit this one out?

"Sit this one out? Sit this one out? Flip shook his head and raised his voice. Did I ever tell you the story of Wally Pipp?"

Here we go again! Somebody behind me chuckled.

Flip is always telling us stories about the good old days of baseball. For an old guy, he has incredible recall. Flip can’t remember where he left his glasses, but he can remember who was the on-deck batter when Bobby Thomson hit his Shot Heard ’Round the World in 1951.

(It was Willie Mays, by the way.)

Everybody gathered around: Colin Creedon, Luke Lee, Matt Connelly, Ryan Riskin, Dylan Wilson, Sean-Patrick Racaniello, and the other guys on our team. With a name like Wally Pipp, you’d think that at least one of us would have heard of him.

Wally Pipp was a great first baseman, Flip told us. Played for the Yanks in the 1920s. Led the league in homers. Twice. Anyways, Pipp got a lotta headaches ever since he got creamed in a hockey game as a kid. Then one day in 1925, he asked for a couple of aspirins ’cause he had a splittin’ headache, and the manager said he could take the day off.

So? I asked. It sounded like a pretty lame story to me.

Y’know who replaced Wally Pipp at first base that day? Flip asked us.

Who? we all said.

A 22-year-old kid, Flip said. "His name was Lou Gehrig. Ever hear of him?"

So Lou Gehrig got his shot because Wally Pipp had a headache? Matt Connelly asked.

That’s right, Flip said. And Gehrig was so good that he became the new first baseman. The Yankees sold Pipp to Cincinnati. So what’s the moral to the story, boys?

You’re gonna send Stosh to Cincinnati? asked Ryan Riskin.

What a dork.

Okay, okay, I said. I’ll pitch.

Attaboy! Flip said, clapping me on the back. He put a clean, white baseball in my glove.


Keep It Simple, Stupid

I WALKED OUT TO THE MOUND. OUR CATCHER, LUKE LEE, squatted behind the plate and gave me a target. I tossed in a couple of easy warm-up pitches, bouncing both of them in the dirt two feet in front of the plate. Flip was right about one thing. My headache was gone. I had other things to worry about now.

It’s weird throwing off a pitcher’s mound. You’re so high. I tried to get comfortable up there. Each warm- up pitch came a little closer to the strike zone.

I glanced to my right. The kids on the other team were leaning against the backstop, checking me out and whispering to each other. I looked off to the bleachers on my left until I found my mom in the third row. She was easy to spot because she was wearing her white nurse’s uniform. She must have just gotten off work.

Mom gave me the thumbs-up. My dad was nowhere to be seen. He makes it a point not to be around if my mom is there. And vice versa. They don’t exactly get along.

I pumped in a few more warm-up pitches to Luke. The umpire took a swig from his water bottle and brushed off the plate with a whisk broom.

You ready, son? he asked me.

Ready as I’ll ever be, I replied.

Let’s get this party started. Play ball!

Luke trotted out to the mound and dropped the ball in my glove.

Okay, Stosh, Luke said. You know the KISS signs?

KISS signs? I asked. What are you talking about?

KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid, Luke said. If I put down one finger, it means you throw the fastball, okay? Two fingers, you throw the curve.

I don’t have a curve, I told Luke.

I got news for you, he replied. You don’t have a fastball either. Just try to hit my mitt, okay? We’ll get you through this.

Luke was right. I’ve got a decent arm, and I can throw accurately; but my hands are small. I don’t throw that hard. What was I doing out here? I asked myself. I glanced over at Flip. He just nodded to me.

Luke went back behind the plate. Everybody got into position. The first batter dug a toe into the batter’s box. I took a deep breath.

You can do it, Stosh!…You’re the man!…One- two-three, baby! Just throw strikes!…No batter!…Let ’em hit it, Stosh! We’ll cover you.

Infield chatter is so meaningless. I never noticed until people started yelling it at me.

I went into my windup and threw the first pitch as hard as I could. It sailed way over Luke’s mitt and slammed into the backstop behind the batter’s head. A few kids snickered. The batter stepped out and called time.

Settle down, Stosh, Flip called out. Nice and easy. Just throw strikes, babe.

I was trying too hard. I threw the next pitch much slower, and the kid actually swung and missed. He missed the next one too, and the umpire called the pitch after that a strike even though it was a few inches outside. The kid didn’t complain.

One out! called the ump.

I turned around and threw a secret smirk at my infielders. Hey, I struck a guy out! Who says pitching is so hard?

The batter must have freaked out when I threw my first pitch so wild. Hmmm, I thought. Maybe I should chuck the first pitch to every batter behind his head. That would keep ’em on their toes.

Focus on the now, I told myself. One out. Nobody on. If the ball comes to me, I reminded myself, throw it to first base. Luke trotted out to talk to me again.

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