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Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils
Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils
Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils
Ebook2,562 pages36 hours

Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils

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Written by a leader on the subject, Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering is first introductory geotechnical engineering textbook to cover both saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics. Destined to become the next leading text in the field, this book presents a new approach to teaching the subject, based on fundamentals of unsaturated soils, and extending the description of applications of soil mechanics to a wide variety of topics. This groundbreaking work features a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses.
Release dateOct 2, 2013
Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils

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    Book preview

    Geotechnical Engineering - Jean-Louis Briaud

    Chapter 1


    1.1 Why This Book?

    Things should be made as simple as possible but not a bit simpler than that.

    Albert Einstein (Safir and Safire 1982)

    Finding the Einstein threshold of optimum simplicity was a constant goal for the author when writing this book (Figure 1.1).

    Figure 1.1 Einstein threshold of optimum simplicity.

    (Photo by Ferdinand Schmutzer)


    The first driving force for writing it was the coming of age of unsaturated soil mechanics: There was a need to introduce geotechnical engineering as dealing with true three-phase soils while treating saturated soil as a special case, rather than the other way around. The second driving force was to cover as many geotechnical engineering topics as reasonably possible in an introductory book, to show the vast domain covered by geotechnical engineering and its important contributions to society. Dams, bridges, buildings, pavements, landfills, tunnels, and many other infrastructure elements involve geotechnical engineering. The intended audience is anyone who is starting in the field of geotechnical engineering, including university students.

    1.2 Geotechnical Engineering

    Geotechnical engineering is a young (∼100 years) professional field dealing with soils within a few hundred meters of a planet's surface for the purpose of civil engineering structures. For geotechnical engineers, soils can be defined as loosely bound to unbound, naturally occurring materials that cover the top few hundred meters of a planet. In contrast, rock is a strongly bound, naturally occurring material found within similar depths or deeper. At the boundary between soils and rocks are intermediate geo-materials. The classification tests and the range of properties described in this book help to distinguish between these three types of naturally occurring materials.

    Geotechnical engineers must make decisions in the best interest of the public with respect to safety and economy. Their decisions are related to topics such as:



    Retaining walls




    These structures or projects are subjected to loads, which include:

    Loads from a structure

    Weight of a slope

    Push on a retaining wall

    Environmental loads such as waves, wind, rivers, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and chemical changes, among others

    Note that current practice is based on testing an extremely small portion of the soil or rock present in the project area. A typical soil investigation might involve testing 0.001% of the soil that will provide the foundation support for the structure. Yet, on the basis of this extremely limited data, the geotechnical engineer must predict the behavior of the entire mass of soil. This is why geotechnical engineering is a very difficult discipline.

    1.3 The Past and the Future

    While it is commonly agreed that geotechnical engineering started with the work of Karl Terzaghi at the beginning of the 20th century, history is rich in instances where soils and soils-related engineering played an important role in the evolution of humankind (Kerisel 1985; Peck 1985; Skempton 1985). In prehistoric times (before 3000 bc), soil was used as a building material. In ancient times (3000-300 bc), roads, canals, and bridges were very important to warriors. In Roman times (300 bc-300 ad), structures started to become larger and foundations could no longer be ignored. The Middle Ages (ad 300-1400) were mainly a period of war, in which structures became even heavier, including castles and cathedrals with very thick walls. Severe settlements and instabilities were experienced. The Tower of Pisa was started in 1174 and completed in 1370. The Renaissance (ad 1400-1650) was a period of enormous development in the arts, and several great artists proved to be great engineers as well. This was the case of Leonardo da Vinci and more particularly Michelangelo. Modern times (ad 1650-1900) saw significant engineering development, with a shift from military engineering to civil engineering. In 1776, Charles Coulomb developed his earth pressure theory, followed in 1855 by Henry Darcy and his seepage law. In 1857, William Rankine proposed his own earth pressure theory, closely followed by Carl Culman and his graphical earth pressure solution. In 1882, Otto Mohr presented his stress theory and the famous Mohr circle, and in 1885 Joseph Boussinesq provided the solution to an important elasticity problem for soils. From 1900 to 2000 was the true period of development of modern geotechnical engineering, with the publication of Karl Terzaghi's book Erdbaumechanik (in 1925), which was soon translated into English; new editions were co-authored with Ralph Peck beginning in 1948. The progress over the past 50 years has been stunning, with advances in the understanding of fundamental soil behavior and associated soil models (e.g., unsaturated soils), numerical simulations made possible by the computer revolution, the development of large machines (e.g., drill rigs for bored piles), and a number of ingenious ideas (e.g., reinforced earth walls).

    Geotechnical engineering has transcended the ages because all structures built on or in a planet have to rest on a soil or rock surface; as a result, the geotechnical engineer is here to stay and will continue to be a very important part of humanity's evolution. The Tower of Pisa is one of the most famous examples of a project that did not go as planned, mostly because of the limited knowledge extant some 900 years ago. Today designing a proper foundation for the Tower of Pisa is a very simple exercise, because of our progress. One cannot help but project another 900 years ahead and wonder what progress will have been made. Will we have:

    complete nonintrusive site investigation of the entire soil volume?

    automated four-dimensional (4D) computer-generated design by voice recognition and based on a target risk?

    tiny and easily installed instruments to monitor geotechnical structures?

    unmanned robotic machines working at great depth?

    significant development of the underground?

    extension of projects into the sea?

    soil structure interaction extended to thermal and magnetic engineering?

    failures down to a minimum?

    expert systems to optimize repair of defective geotechnical engineering projects?

    geospace engineering of other planets?

    geotechnical engineers with advanced engineering judgment taught in universities?

    no more lawyers, because of the drastic increase in project reliability?

    1.4 Some Recent and Notable Projects

    Among some notable geotechnical engineering projects and developments are the underpinning of the foundation of the Washington Monument in 1878 (Figure 1.2; Briaud et al. 2009); the Panama Canal (1913) and its slope stability problems (Figure 1.3; Marcuson 2001); the Tower of Pisa (1310) and its foundation repair in 1990 (Figure 1.4; Jamiolkowski 2001); the locks and dams on the Mississippi River and their gigantic deep foundations (Figure 1.5); and airports built offshore, as in the case of the Tokyo Haneda airport runway extension (Figure 1.6). Among the most significant milestones in the progress of geotechnical engineering are the discovery of the effective stress principle in saturated and then unsaturated soil mechanics; the development of laboratory testing and in situ testing to obtain fundamental soil properties; the combination of soil models with numerical methods to simulate three-dimensional behavior; the advent of geo-synthetics and of reinforced soil, which is to geotechnical engineering what reinforced concrete is to structural engineering; and the development of instruments to monitor full-scale behavior of geotechnical engineering structures.

    Figure 1.2 The Washington Monument.


    Figure 1.3 Culebra cut of the Panama Canal, 1913.

    (a: Courtesy of Fernando Alvarado; b: Courtesy of United States Geological Survey)


    Figure 1.4 The Tower of Pisa and its successful repair in 1995.

    (c: Courtesy of Dr. Gianluca De Felice (General Secretary), Opera Primaziale Pisana.)


    Figure 1.5 Lock and Dam 26 on the Mississippi River in 1990.

    (a: Courtesy of United States Army Corps of Engineers, b: Courtesy of Thomas F. Wolff, St. Louis District Corps of Engineers, 1981. c: Courtesy of Missouri Department of Transportation.)


    Figure 1.6 Extension of the Tokyo Haneda airport in 2010.

    (Courtesy of Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan.)


    1.5 Failures May Occur

    Failures do occur. The fact remains that it is not possible to design geotechnical engineering structures that will have zero probability of failure. This is because any calculation is associated with some uncertainty; because the geotechnical engineering profession's knowledge, despite having made great strides, is still incomplete in many respects; because human beings are not error free; and because the engineer designs the geotechnical engineering structure for conditions that do not include extremely unlikely events such as an asteroid hitting the structure at the same time as an earthquake, a hurricane, and a 100-year flood during rush hour.

    Nevertheless, geotechnical engineers learn a lot from failures, because thorough analysis of what happened often points out weaknesses and needed improvement in our approaches. Some of the most notable geotechnical engineering failures have been the Transcona silo bearing capacity failure in 1913 (Figure 1.7), the Teton dam seepage failure in 1976 (Figure 1.8), and the failure of some of the New Orleans levees during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (Figure 1.9).

    Figure 1.7 Transcona silo bearing capacity failure and repair (1913).

    (Courtesy of the Canadian Geotechnical Society.)


    Figure 1.8 Teton Dam seepage failure (1976)

    (Photos by Mrs. Eunice Olson. Courtesy of Arthur G. Sylvester.)


    Figure 1.9 New Orleans levee failures during the Katrina hurricane in 2005.

    (Courtesy of United States Army Corps of Engineers.)


    1.6 Our Work Is Buried

    As Terzaghi is said to have noted, there is no glory in foundations. Indeed, most of our work is buried (Figure 1.10). For example, everyone knows the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but very few know about its foundation (Figure 1.11; Lemoine 2006). The foundation was built by excavating down to the water level about c01-math-0001 deep—but the soil at that depth was not strong enough to support the c01-math-0002 weight of the Tower, so digging continued. Because of the water coming from the River Seine, the deepening of the excavation had to be done using pressurized caissons (upside-down coffee cans, big ones!) so that the air pressure could balance the water pressure and keep it out of the excavation. Workers got into these c01-math-0003 caissons (Figure 1.12) and worked literally under pressure until they reached a depth where the soil was strong enough to support the Tower (about c01-math-0004 on the side closest to the river and about c01-math-0005 on the side away from the river).

    Figure 1.10 A rendition of the geotechnical engineering world.

    (Courtesy of Hayward Baker Inc., Geotechnical Contractor.)


    Figure 1.11 The Eiffel Tower foundation plan.


    Figure 1.12 The Eiffel Tower foundation.

    (Photos b, c: Courtesy of the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.)


    1.7 Geotechnical Engineering Can Be Fun

    Geotechnical engineering can be fun and entertaining, as the book by Elton (1999; Figure 1.13) on geo-magic demonstrates. Such phenomena as the magic sand (watch this movie: www.stevespanglerscience.com/product/1331?gclid=CNiW1uu-aICFc9J2godZwuiwg), water going uphill, the surprisingly strong sand pile (Figure 1.13), the swelling clay pie (Figure 1.13), and the suddenly very stiff glove full of sand will puzzle the uninitiated. Geotechnical engineering is seldom boring; indeed: the complexity of soil deposits and soil behavior can always surprise us with unanticipated results. The best geotechnical engineering work will always include considerations regarding geology, proper site characterization, sound fundamental soil mechanics principles, advanced knowledge of all the tools available, keen observation, and engineering judgment. The fact that geotechnical engineering is so complex makes this field an unending discovery process, which keeps the interest of its adepts over their lifetimes.

    Figure 1.13 Soil magic.

    (Courtesy of David J. Elton.)


    1.8 Units

    In engineering, a number without units is usually worthless and often dangerous. On this planet, the unit system most commonly used in geotechnical engineering is the System International or SI system. In the SI system, the unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), which is defined as the mass of a platinum-iridium international prototype kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris, France. On Earth, the kilogram-mass weighs about the same as 10 small apples. The unit of length is the meter, defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. A meter is about the length of a big step for an average human. The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium c01-math-0006 . Watches and clocks often have a hand ticking off the seconds. The unit of temperature is the Kelvin, defined as 1/273.16 of the difference in temperature between the absolute zero and the triple point of water. The degree Celsius (C) is also commonly used; it has the same magnitude as the degree Kelvin but starts at c01-math-0007 for the freezing point of water and uses c01-math-0008 for the boiling point of water. There are seven fundamental units in a unit system, but these four (kg, m, s, K) are the most commonly used in geotechnical engineering. The other fundamental units in the SI system are the mole (substance), the candela (light), and the ampere (electricity).

    Other geotechnical engineering units are derived from these fundamental units. The unit of force is the Newton, which is the force required to accelerate a mass of c01-math-0009 to c01-math-0010 .

    1.1 c01-math-0011

    This force is about the weight of a small apple. Humans typically weigh between 600 and c01-math-0012 . Most often the kilo-Newton (kN) is used rather than the Newton. The kilogram force is the weight of one kilogram mass. On Earth, the equation is:

    1.2 c01-math-0013

    The unit of stress is the kN/m², also called kilo-Pascal (kPa); there is about c01-math-0014 under your feet when you stand on both feet. Note that a kilogram force is the weight of a kilogram mass and depends on what planet you are on and even where you are on Earth. Other units are shown in a table at the beginning of this book.

    Accepted multiples of units, also called SI prefixes, are:


    1.1 How would you decide if you have reached the threshold of optimum simplicity?

    1.2 What was achieved by underpinning the c01-math-0024 Washington Monument foundation from a c01-math-0025 square foundation to a c01-math-0026 square ring, as shown in Figure 1.2?

    1.3 How would you go about deciding if the slopes of the Panama Canal are too steep?

    1.4 What major geotechnical engineering problems come to mind for the extension of the Tokyo Airport?

    1.5 Write a step-by-step procedure for the up-righting of the Transcona Silo.

    1.6 For the c01-math-0027 Eiffel Tower, calculate the average pressure under the foundation elements.

    Figure 1.1s Foundation of the Eiffel Tower.


    1.7 For the Tower of Pisa, calculate the pressure under the foundation, given that the foundation is a ring with a c01-math-0028 outside diameter and a c01-math-0029 inside diameter. Compare this pressure to the pressure obtained for the Eiffel Tower in problem 1.6.

    Figure 1.2s Tower of Pisa foundation.


    1.8 Calculate the pressure under your feet.

    Figure 1.3s Feet geometry.


    1.9 What do you think caused the failure of the Teton Dam? What do you think might have avoided this problem?

    1.10 Explain the magic behind Figures 1.13d and 1.13e.

    1.11 Are the following equations correct?


    1.12 What is the relationship between a kilopascal (kPa) and a pound per square foot (psf)? What is the net pressure in psf under the Eiffel Tower foundation?

    Problems and Solutions

    Problem 1.1

    How would you decide if you have reached the threshold of optimum simplicity?

    Solution 1.1

    The threshold is not reached if:

    The solution seems too simple or too complicated.

    The solution is not used in practice.

    It costs too much time and money to obtain the solution.

    The solution leads to erroneous answers.

    The solution does not contain or address the essential elements of the problem.

    The threshold is likely reached if:

    The solution seems reasonably simple and cannot be simplified further.

    The solution is used in practice.

    The cost of obtaining and implementing the solution is consistent with the budget of a large number of projects.

    The solution leads to reasonable answers.

    The solution is based on fundamental elements of the problem.

    Problem 1.2

    What was achieved by underpinning the c01-math-0031 Washington Monument foundation from a c01-math-0032 square foundation to a c01-math-0033 square ring, as shown in Figure 1.2?

    Solution 1.2

    By increasing the area of the foundation, the pressure under the Washington Monument was decreased. This allowed the construction of the column to be completed with greatly reduced settlement and avoided the overturning or collapse of the structure that would likely have occurred if no underpinning had been done.

    Problem 1.3

    How would you go about deciding if the slopes of the Panama Canal are too steep?

    Solution 1.3

    I would draw a free-body diagram of the mass that would be likely to fail, I would show all the external forces, and I would check the equilibrium of the system.

    I would also check the site and make observations of the slope as a function of time. If it had not already been built, I could observe neighboring slopes and make measurements.

    Problem 1.4

    What major geotechnical engineering problems come to mind for the extension of the Tokyo Airport?

    Solution 1.4

    Some of the problems associated with the extension of the Tokyo airport include:

    Soil failure in the form of rotational sliding at the edges of the embankment.

    Excessive settlement of the embankment, and in particular differential movements.

    Erosion problems during storms.

    Earthquake-induced problems, as the airport is in a high-seismicity area.

    Problem 1.5

    Write a step-by-step procedure for the up-righting of the Transcona Silo.

    Solution 1.5

    The following steps could be considered for the successful up-righting of the silo:

    Build footings on top of which hydraulic jacks can be installed to raise the structure. Make sure the footings can resist the force necessary to lift the structure.

    Lift the structure upward and start to backfill the failed soil. An alternative is to reinforce the existing failed soil.

    Complete the reinforcement of the key locations beneath the silo.

    Lower the jacks and allow the silo to rest on the reinforced earth.

    Problem 1.6

    For the c01-math-0034 Eiffel Tower, calculate the average pressure under the foundation elements.

    Solution 1.6

    Pressure is force over area. The problem states that the Eiffel Tower exerts c01-math-0035 of force on the foundation. From Figure 1.11, we know that the foundation of each leg of the Eiffel Tower is made of one rectangular foundation of c01-math-0036 by c01-math-0037 and three rectangular foundations of c01-math-0038 by c01-math-0039 . Therefore, the total area for the foundation of each leg is c01-math-0040 . Assuming that the load is evenly distributed among the four legs, the load per leg is c01-math-0041 divided by 4, or c01-math-0042 . The average pressure per foundation element is


    Note that this pressure does not include the weight of the foundation.

    Weight of the largest foundation element:


    Average pressure due to the weight of this foundation is:


    which is much larger than the pressure due to the tower alone. Indeed, the weight of all the foundation elements is a lot more than the weight of the tower.

    Figure 1.1s Foundation of the Eiffel Tower.


    If we assume a total unit weight of soil of c01-math-0046 , this pressure c01-math-0047 is equivalent to the pressure created by a height of soil equal to


    Because 13 meters of soil were excavated, the weight of soil removed during the excavation was approximately equal to the weight of the foundation and the net pressure increase on the soil is c01-math-0049 . However, the actual pressure under the biggest foundation element is c01-math-0050 .

    Problem 1.7

    For the Tower of Pisa, calculate the pressure under the foundation, given that the foundation is a ring with a c01-math-0051 outside diameter and a c01-math-0052 inside diameter. Compare this pressure to the pressure obtained for the Eiffel Tower in problem 1.6.

    Solution 1.7


    If this pressure does not include the weight of the foundation, then c01-math-0054 is the net pressure. Net pressure under the c01-math-0055 . The net pressure under the Tower of Pisa is about five times higher than the net pressure under the Eiffel Tower.

    Problem 1.8

    Calculate the pressure under your feet.

    Solution 1.8


    Figure 1.3s Feet geometry.


    Problem 1.9

    What do you think caused the failure of the Teton Dam? What do you think might have avoided this problem?

    Solution 1.9

    The failure of the Teton Dam was likely due to seepage at the boundary between the dam and the abutment. This seepage led to piping in the dam and ultimately to its breach. One way to avoid such a problem is to build a wall penetrating into the abutment, called a key, to minimize the seepage at that interface.

    Problem 1.10

    Explain the magic behind Figures 1.13d and 1.13e.

    Solution 1.10

    The swelling clay pie is made of smectite clay, which has a tremendous ability to attract water in the presence of a free water source. This is due to the chemical attraction between the water molecules and the smectite mineral


    . This clay type can swell an amount equal to its initial height or more. This is why the clay pie swelled to twice its height when subjected to a water source.

    The sand pile at the top of the figure fails under the load applied c01-math-0059 because the load exceeds the shear strength of the sand. The sand pile at the bottom of the figure is internally reinforced by sheets of toilet paper that are not visible from the outside. These paper sheets provide enough tension and increased shear strength in the sand for it to resist a much higher load c01-math-0060 than the unreinforced sand pile.

    Problem 1.11

    Are the following equations correct?

    Solution 1.11


    Problem 1.12

    What is the relationship between a kilopascal (kPa) and a pound per square foot (psf)?

    Solution 1.12


    What is the net pressure in psf under the Eiffel Tower foundation?


    Chapter 2

    Engineering Geology

    This chapter is intended to give readers a general overview of engineering geology. More detailed information should be sought in textbooks and other publications (Waltham 1994; Bell 2007).

    2.1 Definition

    Geology is to geotechnical engineering what history is to humankind. It is the history of the Earth's crust. Engineering geology is the application of the science of geology to geotechnical engineering in particular and engineering in general. The same way we learn from history to avoid repeating mistakes in the future, we learn from engineering geology to improve geotechnical engineering for better design of future structures. Engineering geology gives the geotechnical engineer a large-scale, qualitative picture of the site conditions. This picture is essential to the geotechnical engineer and must always be obtained as a first step in any geotechnical engineering project.

    2.2 The Earth

    The age of the universe and of the Earth is a matter of debate. The most popular scientific views are that the universe started with a big bang some 15 billion years ago and that the Earth (Figure 2.1) began to be formed some 4.5 billion years ago (Dalrymple 1994), when a cloud of interstellar matter was disturbed, possibly by the explosion of a nearby star. Gravitational forces in this flat, spinning cloud caused its constituent material to coalesce at different distances from the Sun, depending on their mass density, and eventually to form planets. The Earth ended up with mostly iron at its center and silicates at the surface.

    Figure 2.1 The Earth.

    (Courtesy of NOAA-NASA GOES Project.)


    The Earth has a radius of approximately 6400 km (Jefferis 2008). The first layer, known as the crust (Figure 2.2), is about 100 km thick and is made of plates of hard silica rocks. The next layer, called the mantle, is some 2800 km thick and made of hot plastic iron silicates. The core is the third and last layer; it has a radius of 3500 km and is largely made of molten iron.

    Figure 2.2 Earth temperature, pressure, and density.


    Early on, the planet was very hot and all earth materials were melted like they are on the Sun today. The cooling process started right away and has been progressing ever since. The present temperature gradient, shown in Figure 2.2, represents an average increase in temperature with depth of 15 degrees Celsius per kilometer in the crust, although the overall average is only 1 degree Celsius per kilometer. The gravity field is governed by the acceleration due to gravity ( c02-math-0001 on the average). This gravity field generates an increase in stress versus depth, which leads to an enormous pressure at the center of the Earth of about 340 GPa. The Earth's magnetic field is created by magma movement in the core and varies between 30 and 60 microteslas; it is strongest near the poles, which act as the two ends of the Earth dipole.

    The Earth is a dynamic medium that changes and evolves through major events such as plate tectonics and earthquakes. The rock plates (about 100 km thick) that float on the semiliquid and liquid layers below accumulate strains at various locations where they run into each other. When the stress buildup is released abruptly, the result is an earthquake. Earthquakes and other movements allow the plates to move slowly (centimeters per year) yet significantly over millions of years. For example, on today's world map South America still looks like it could fit together with Africa—because in the distant past they were in fact joined (Figure 2.3).

    Figure 2.3 South America and Africa fit.

    (Courtesy of John Harvey.)


    2.3 Geologic Time

    Geologic time is a scale dividing the age of the earth (4600 million years) into 5 eras (Figure 2.4): Precambrian (4600 million years ago [MYA] to 570 MYA), Paleozoic (570 MYA to 245 MYA), Mesozoic (245 MYA to 65 MYA), Tertiary (65 MYA to 2 MYA), and Quaternary (2 MYA to the present) (Harland et al. 1989). Each era is subdivided into periods and then into epochs (Figure 2.5). The Quaternary era, for example, is divided into the Pleistocene period and the Holocene or Recent period.

    Figure 2.4 Geologic time (eras).


    Figure 2.5 Geologic time (periods and epochs).


    Typically, the older the earth material, the stronger it is. The last Ice Age occurred about 10,000 years ago at the beginning of the Holocene period. Glaciers, some of them 100 meters thick, covered the earth from the North Pole down to about the 40th parallel (St. Louis in the USA) and preloaded the soil. Because of this very heavy preloading, called overconsolidation or OC, those soil types (e.g., till) are very stiff and strong and do not settle much under load, but may erode quickly (as in the Schoharie Creek bridge failure disaster in 1987). When the glaciers melted, the soil surface rebounded; in some places this movement is still ongoing at a rate of about 10 mm per year.

    2.4 Rocks

    The Earth crust is 95% silica—and when silica cools, it hardens. This cooling creates the first kind of rocks: igneous rocks. Igneous rocks (e.g., granite, basalt, gneiss) are created by the crystallization of magma. Sedimentary rocks (e.g., sandstone, limestone, clay shales) are made of erosional debris on the Earth surface which was typically granular and recemented; they are created by wind erosion and water erosion, and are recemented by long-term high pressure or by chemical agents such as calcium. Metamorphic rocks (e.g., schist, slate) are rocks that have been altered by heat and/or pressure. The strength of rocks varies greatly, from 10 times stronger than concrete (granite) to 10 times weaker than concrete (sandstone). Older rocks are typically stronger than younger rocks. Figure 2.6 shows some of the main rock types.

    Figure 2.6 Main categories of rocks.

    (Courtesy of EDUCAT Publishers)


    2.5 Soils

    Soils are created by the exposure of rocks to the weather. This weathering can be physical (wetting/drying, thermal expansion, frost shatter) or chemical (solution, oxidation, hydrolysis). The elementary components of rocks and soils are minerals such as quartz and montmorillonite. Some minerals are easier to break down (montmorillonite) than others (quartz). As a result, the coarse-grained soils (sand, gravel) tend to be made of stable minerals such as quartz, whereas the fine-grained soils (silt and clay) tend to be made of less stable minerals such as montmorillonite. Organic soils may contain a significant amount of organic matter (wood, leaves, plants) mixed with the minerals, or may be made entirely of organic matter, such as the peat often found at the edges of swamps. Figure 2.7 shows some of those soils categories. Note that what the geotechnical engineer calls soil may be called rock by the engineering geologist; this can create confusion during discussion and interpretation.

    Figure 2.7 Main soil categories (crushed rock, gravel, sand, silt, clay).


    2.6 Geologic Features

    The ability to recognize geologic features helps one to assess how the material at the site may be distributed. These features (Waltham 1994; Bell 2007) include geologic structures (faults, synclines, anticlines), floodplains and river deposits (alluviums, meander migration), glacial deposits (glacial tills and boulders left behind by a glacier), arid landforms (dunes, collapsible soils, shrink-swell soils), and coastal processes (shoreline erosion, sea-level changes).

    The following list identifies some of the most common and important geological features that can affect geotechnical engineering projects.

    Faults (Figure 2.8) are fractures in a rock mass that has experienced movement. They can lead to differences in elevation at the ground surface, differential erosion, contrasting visual appearance, and weaker bearing capacity of the fault material compared to the parent rock.

    Outcrops show up at the ground surface when the rock layers are inclined. The area on the ground surface associated with an outcrop depends on the thickness of the layer and its dip or angle with the horizontal.

    Escarpments are asymmetric hills formed when an outcrop is eroded unevenly or when the edge of rock layers is not flat. A cliff is an extreme case of an escarpment.

    Folds (Figure 2.9) are created when rock layers are curved or bent by earth crust movement. Synclines are concave features (valleys), whereas anticlines are convex features (hills). Folds are best seen on escarpments.

    Inliers and outliers are the result of erosion. Older rocks are typically below younger rocks. When an anticline erodes, the old rock appears at the surface between two zones of younger rocks (inlier). When a syncline erodes, it can lead to the reverse situation (outlier).

    Figure 2.8 Example of rock fault.

    (Courtesy of USGS U.S. Geological Survey.)


    Figure 2.9 Example of anticline-syncline combination.

    (Photo by R. W. Schlische.)


    Karst is the underground landscape created when limestone is eroded or dissolved by groundwater. This process leads to holes in the limestone, called sinkholes, which can range from 1 meter to more than 100 meters in size and may become apparent while drilling during the site investigation (Figure 2.10).

    Subsidence refers to settlement of the ground surface over large areas (in the order of square kilometers). Subsidence can be caused by pumping water out of the ground for irrigation or drinking purposes (Houston, Mexico City), pumping oil, digging large tunnels and mines, the presence of sinkholes, melting of the permafrost, and wetting of certain soils that collapse in the presence of water (called collapsible soils).

    Meander migration occurs because rivers are dynamic features that change their contours by lateral erosion, particularly around bends or meanders. The soil forming the bank on the outside of the meander is eroded and is sent to the inside of the meander by the helical current of the river as it takes the meander turn. The inside of the meander then forms a sand bar (Figure 2.11).

    Figure 2.10 Examples of sinkholes.

    (Left: Courtesy of R.E. Wallace, United States Geological Survey, USA,; Right: Courtesy of International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Inc.)


    Figure 2.11 Example of meander migration.


    Figure 2.12 Example of an alluvial fan.

    (Courtesy of Mike Norton.)


    Flood plain deposits occur when rivers experience flooding and the water spills over from the main channel into the floodplain. The main channel is a high-energy deposition environment, and only coarse-grained soils heavy enough not to be transported away are found there. In contrast, floodplains are a low-energy deposition environment where fine-grained soils are typically found. Floodplains and main channels can end up being buried or abandoned as the river migrates laterally and vertically. Abandoned floodplains are called river terraces.

    Alluvium and alluvial fans are soil deposits transported to the bottom of a steep slope by the erosion of a river flowing down that steep slope (Figure 2.12).

    Colluvial fans are deposits that form by gravity at the bottom of steep slopes when the slope fails.

    Dunes are wind-blown sediments that accumulate over time to form a hill.

    Permafrost is a zone of soil that remains frozen year round.

    2.7 Geologic Maps

    Geologic maps are very useful to the geotechnical engineer when evaluating the large-scale soil and rock environment to be dealt with in a project. These maps typically have a scale from 1:10,000 to 1:100,000 and show the base rock or geologic unit and major geologic features such as faults. Each rock area of a certain age is given a different color (Figure 2.13); soil is usually not shown on those maps. These maps can provide useful information regarding groundwater and hydrogeology, landslide hazards, sinkhole susceptibility, earthquakes, collapsible soils, flood hazards, and karst topography. Remember that what the geotechnical engineer calls soil may be called rock by the engineering geologist; to avoid confusion during discussion and interpretation, it is best to clarify the terminology.

    Figure 2.13 Example of geologic map.

    (Courtesy of National Park Service, NPS.)


    2.8 Groundwater

    Another important contribution of engineering geology to geotechnical engineering is a better understanding of how the groundwater is organized at a large scale. This field involves aquifer conditions, permeability of the rocks, and weather patterns (Winter et al. 1999). If you drill a hole in the ground, at some point you are likely to come to a depth where there is water. This water is called groundwater and it comes from infiltration from rain, rivers, springs, and the ocean. It may be stationary or flow slowly underground. If you go very deep (about 3 km or more), you will get to a point where there is no more water and the rocks are dry. The groundwater table (Figure 2.14) is the surface of the water within the soil or rock where the water stress is equal to the atmospheric pressure (zero gauge pressure). Under natural conditions and in the common case, the groundwater table is close to being flat.

    Figure 2.14 Groundwater.


    The phreatic surface, also called the piezometric surface, is the level to which the water would rise in a tube connected to the point considered in the soil mass. Most of the time, the groundwater table and the phreatic surface are the same. In some cases, though, they are different: artesian pressure refers to the case where the pressure in the water at some depth below the groundwater table is higher than the pressure created by a column of water equal in height to the distance between the point considered and the groundwater table. This can occur when a less permeable clay layer lies on top of a more permeable sand layer connected to a higher water source (Figure 2.14). Indeed, if you were to drill a hole through the soil down to a zone with artesian pressure, the water would rise above the level of the ground surface and could gush out into a spring (Figure 2.15).

    Figure 2.15 Example of flow due to artesian pressure.

    (Courtesy of USGS U.S. Geological Survey.)


    Perched water is a zone of water in the soil where the water appears at a certain depth in a boring and then disappears at a deeper depth; it acts as a pocket of water in the ground. Aquifers are typically deeper reservoirs of water that are supplied by surrounding water through a relatively porous rock. Aquifers are often pumped for human consumption. Their depletion can create kilometers-wide zones of settlement called subsidence, and in some instances the settlement can reach several meters in depth.

    In geotechnical engineering, it is very important to know where the groundwater table is located, as it often affects many aspects of the project. Furthermore, it is important to identify irregularities in groundwater, such as artesian pressure or perched water.


    2.1 Calculate the pressure at the center of the Earth.

    2.2 Calculate the temperature at the center of the Earth

    2.3 What is the depth of interest for most geotechnical engineering projects?

    2.4 List the Tertiary and Quaternary epochs.

    2.5 What happened about 10,000 years ago on the Earth? What are some of the consequences for soil and rock behavior today?

    2.6 What are the three main categories of rocks, and what is the origin of each category?

    2.7 What are the four main categories of soil sizes? How were each of these soils generated?

    2.8 What engineering geology features can you look for when you visit a site for a geotechnical engineering project?

    2.9 How can geologic maps be useful to the geotechnical engineer?

    2.10 Define the following terms: groundwater level, perched water, phreatic surface, aquifer.

    Problems and Solutions

    Problem 2.1

    Calculate the pressure at the center of the Earth.

    Solution 2.1

    To calculate the pressure at the center of the Earth, we will use Newton's law of universal gravitation. The force between two masses, c02-math-0002 and c02-math-0003 , separated by a distance r, is:


    where G is the gravitational constant c02-math-0005 c02-math-0006

    The density of soil layers varies with depth; the average density value for each layer is given in the following table:

    Consider a small element of Earth dr thick and c02-math-0008 wide at a depth such that the distance from the center of the Earth is r (Figure 2.1s). This small element has a mass c02-math-0009 . The force acting on that element consists of three gravitational force components: the force due to mass Ma, which pulls the element away from the center; the force due to mass Mb, which pulls the element toward the center, and the force due to mass Mc, which also pulls the element toward the center. Newton showed that the forces due to mass Ma and Mb are equal and opposite so that the only force acting on the element is the force due to mass Mc. Therefore:

    Figure 2.1s Parameters definition.


    The pressure c02-math-0010 is c02-math-0011 where c02-math-0012 is the area of the element, so:


    Because the density of the Earth's layers is not constant (see Figure 2.2), the pressure at the center of the Earth is:


    Note that in geotechnical engineering we calculate the pressure, also called vertical total stress, at a given depth z as:


    Where c02-math-0016 is the unit weight of the c02-math-0017 thick c02-math-0018 layer within the depth z. This is an approximation, as the unit weight c02-math-0019 is not constant and depends on the depth z (since g is a function of z). This approximation is very acceptable for the usual depth involved in a geotechnical project (a few hundred meters at most); indeed, this approximation only makes a difference of a small fraction of a percent.

    Problem 2.2

    Calculate the temperature at the center of the Earth.

    Solution 2.2

    The temperature gradient is c02-math-0020 Celsius per kilometer in the crust and c02-math-0021 Celsius per kilometer in the mantle and the core. Therefore, the temperature at the center of the Earth is:


    Problem 2.3

    What is the depth of interest for most geotechnical engineering projects?

    Solution 2.3

    The depth of interest for most geotechnical engineers is a few hundred meters.

    Problem 2.4

    List the Tertiary and Quaternary epochs.

    Solution 2.4

    Problem 2.5

    What happened about 10,000 years ago on the Earth? What are some of the consequences for soil and rock behavior today?

    Solution 2.5

    An ice age occurred about 10,000 years ago, at the beginning of the Holocene period. At that time, glaciers about 100 meters thick covered the earth from the North Pole down to about the 40th parallel and loaded the soil. This very heavy loading increased the density, stiffness, and strength of the soils below the glaciers. When the glaciers melted, they left behind these very dense, overconsolidated soils, called glacial tills. These soils do not settle much as long as the pressure does not exceed the pressure exerted by the Ice-Age glacier. (The glaciers also carried within them very large and heavy rocks, and deposited these boulders along their paths when they melted.) When the glaciers melted, the soil surface rebounded, and in some places this movement still goes on today at a rate of about 10 mm per year. An example of this is the landmass in England.

    Problem 2.6

    What are the three main categories of rocks, and what is the origin of each category?

    Solution 2.6

    The three main categories of rocks are:

    Igneous rocks, which come from the solidification and crystallization of magma. Common igneous rocks are granite, basalt, and gneiss.

    Sedimentary rocks, which are composed of rocks previously eroded through wind and hydraulic erosion and recemented by long-term high pressure or chemical agents (e.g., calcium). Common sedimentary rocks are sandstone, limestone, and clay shales.

    Metamorphic rocks, which have been altered by heat and/or pressure. Common types of metamorphic rocks are schist and slate.

    Problem 2.7

    What are the four main categories of soil sizes? How were each of these soils generated?

    Solution 2.7

    Soils are generated by the exposure of rocks to the weather and other altering mechanisms. The weathering can be physical (wetting/drying, thermal expansion, frost shatter) or chemical (solution, oxidation, and hydrolysis). Erosion and deposition is another mechanism responsible for soil formation.

    Problem 2.8

    What engineering geology features can you look for when you visit a site for a geotechnical engineering project?

    Solution 2.8

    Geologic structures (faults, synclines, anticlines)

    Floodplains and river deposits (alluviums, meander migration)

    Glacial deposits (glacial tills and boulders left behind after glacier melting)

    Arid landforms (dunes, collapsible soils, shrink-swell soils)

    Coastal processes (shoreline erosion, sea level changes)

    Problem 2.9

    How can geologic maps be useful to the geotechnical engineer?

    Solution 2.9

    Geologic maps help geotechnical engineers to evaluate the soil and rock in an area and to find specific geologic features such as faults.

    Problem 2.10

    Define the following terms: groundwater level, perched water, phreatic surface, aquifer.

    Solution 2.10

    Groundwater level: the level at which water is found in an open borehole.

    Perched water: a zone of water in the soil where the water appears at a certain depth in a boring and then disappears at a deeper depth; it acts as a pocket of water in the ground.

    Phreatic surface: the level where the water would rise in a tube connected to the point considered in the soil mass. Most of the time, the groundwater table and the phreatic surface are the same. Some exceptions include artesian pressure and water flow.

    Aquifer: a deep reservoir of water created by infiltration of surrounding water through a porous soil or rock. Drinking water may come from an aquifer.

    Chapter 3

    Soil Components and Weight-Volume Parameters

    3.1 Particles, Liquid, and Gas

    Soils are made of particles, gas (most often air), and fluid (most often water). Particles are also called grains. The space between the particles makes up the voids sometimes also called pores. If the voids are completely filled with air, the soil is called dry. If the voids are completely filled with water, the soil is called saturated. If the soil is filled partly with air and partly with water, the soil is called unsaturated. Figure 3.1 shows a soil sample and its graphical representation (the three-phase diagram discussed later in this chapter).

    Figure 3.1 Three-phase diagram representation.


    Note that in some cases, there is a subtle distinction between saying that a soil is dry and saying that a soil has no water. If a small sample of wet soft clay is left in the sun or in a low-humidity laboratory, it will become dry after a while and at the same time much stronger than when it was wet. This dry clay still has a tiny bit of water firmly bound between the particles. This water is in tension and sucks the particles together through a phenomenon called suction (explained in Chapter 10 on effective stress). This suction is responsible for the increase in strength of the clay. If the dried clay is ground into individual particles and placed in an oven at 100°C, then it will have no water and no strength. Thus, it becomes important to make a distinction between dried and no water; for example, a dried clay is a hard block of soil whereas a clay with no water may simply be a dry powder.

    3.2 Particle Size, Shape, and Color

    Depending on their size, soil particles are called gravel size particles, sand size particles, silt size particles, or clay size particles. Gravel, sand, and the coarser silt particles are typically made of quartz and are more rounded in shape. They can be seen with the naked eye or a simple microscope. Clay and the finer silt particles are too small to be seen with the naked eye; they are visible only with the use of electron microscopy or X-ray diffractometry. Figure 3.2 shows photos of soil particles.

    Figure 3.2 Examples of cobbles, gravel-, sand-, silt-, and clay-size particles.


    Ranges of particle sizes are defined as:

    Gravel-size particles: 20 mm to 4.75 mm

    Sand-size particles: 4.75 mm to 0.075 mm

    Silt-size particles: 0.075 mm to 0.002 mm

    Clay-size particles: less than 0.002 mm

    These ranges indicate a huge difference in size between a sand-size particle and a clay-size particle. For example, if the clay particle were a postage stamp, the sand particle would be a very large airplane. Soil particle sizes are so dramatically different that showing them on a natural scale is not very helpful (Figure 3.3); instead, a logarithmic scale is used which allows the very small particle to appear on the scale as well as the very large ones. Figure 3.4 shows such a scale and summarizes the main differences between soil particles.

    Figure 3.3 Particle sizes on a natural scale.


    Figure 3.4 Particle sizes on logarithmic scale and some characteristics of each size.


    There is also a big difference in shape between the gravel- and sand-size particles on the one hand and the silt- and clay-size particles on the other. Gravel, sand, and the larger silt particles tend to be rounded, whereas clays and the smaller silt size particles tend to be rodlike or platelike. This is because minerals such as quartz, which form the larger particles, are much more stable and resistant to weathering than the minerals, such as kaolinite (baby powder), that form the smaller particles. The surface of sand and gravel particles can present various degrees of roughness. At one end of the spectrum are the angular particles (freshly broken from the parent rock, for example) and at the other are the smooth, rounded particles (eroded by water over a long period of time, for example). Clays and silts are typically much smoother to the touch than sands and gravels.

    Soil particles are grey, tan, brown, or reddish. The brown or reddish color may come from the presence of iron. The wetter the soil is, the darker the color will be; this may help in determining the location of the groundwater level when retrieving samples from a boring. A darker color may also indicate the presence of organic matter, although a foul smell is another and possibly better indicator.

    3.3 Composition of Gravel, Sand, and Silt Particles

    Soil particles are made of mineral or organic matter. Mineral matter is inert matter such as silica, whereas organic matter is of biological origin (basically, anything that lives or has lived). Organic particles include leaves, plants, grasses, fibers, tree trunks, shells, and fossils. Most soil particles are made of minerals, which have a crystalline structure. The most common mineral is silica; indeed, silica makes up 95% of the Earth's crust. Minerals are to particles what bricks are to houses: they are the building blocks of the particle. The most stable minerals are framework minerals, which are resistant to erosion and weathering, and form the larger particles (gravel and sand). The least stable minerals are the sheet minerals which make up the clay particles. The most common constituent mineral in gravel, sand, and the coarser silt particles is quartz c03-math-0001 but feldspar c03-math-0002 and mica c03-math-0003 are also encountered. The behavior of gravel particles, sand particles, and the coarser silt particles is determined by the weight of the particle and associated friction. Other phenomena, such as electromagnetic and intermolecular forces, do exist, but in these coarser particles their effects are negligible compared to the weight. However, this is not the case for extremely small particles, such as clay particles or the finer silt particles.

    3.4 Composition of Clay and Silt Particles

    Note that silt particles are listed in the title of this section and the last section. The reason is that silt particles straddle the properties of coarse-grained particles and clay particles. Three major minerals make up clay particles. In decreasing order of size, they are kaolinite, illite, and smectite (Mitchell and Soga 2005). Montmorillonite and bentonite are subgroups of the smectite minerals. These minerals are composed of elementary sheets, which are the silica sheet c03-math-0004 the gibbsite sheet c03-math-0005 and the brucite sheet c03-math-0006

    The mineral kaolinite c03-math-0007 is made of a stack of a silica sheet and a gibbsite sheet. Kaolinite makes up the larger clay particles with length on the order of 1000 nanometers (Figure 3.5), a thickness of about 100 nanometers, and a specific surface (particle surface per unit mass) of c03-math-0008 Kaolinite is commonly used in baby powder. Smectite ( c03-math-0009 and c03-math-0010 interlayers of c03-math-0011 ) is made of a gibbsite sheet sandwiched between two silica sheets. Smectite makes up the smaller clay particles with length on the order of 100 nanometers (Figure 3.5), a thickness on the order of 1 nanometer, and a specific surface (particle surface per unit mass) of c03-math-0012 This remarkably high specific surface allows the smectite particle to absorb a significant amount of water between the elementary sheets. This leads to extreme swelling and shrinking potential for these clays (Figure 3.6). Montmorillonite and bentonite are subgroups of the smectite mineral group. Bentonite is sold commercially for drilling mud applications because it can form a nearly impervious cake on the wall of the borehole and keep groundwater from penetrating the borehole (see Chapter 6 on site investigation). The mineral illite has properties intermediate between those of kaolinite and smectite.

    Figure 3.5 Approximate dimensions of montmorillonite and kaolinite particles.


    Figure 3.6 Absorption of water in bentonite. (Courtesy of Komine and Ogata, 2004.)


    Cations are positive ions that are attracted to the surface of clay particles. Silicium c03-math-0013 is a very common cation in soils. Because c03-math-0014 has a high valence, a negative charge will be generated if it is replaced by another cation such as c03-math-0015 This cation exchange is called isomorphous substitution because the exchange cation has the same shape (isomorphous means same shape in Greek), allowing it to fit in the crystalline lattice, but a lower valence. This substitution will occur if an exchange cation is available when a c03-math-0016 cation is not. The cation exchange capacity or CEC is a measure of how many cations a clay particle can catch; it is measured in milliequivalents per unit mass (meq/100 g). The milliequivalent is a unit of amount of substance and is related to the mole, the SI unit used to quantify the amount of substance. Kaolinite has a smaller CEC c03-math-0017 than montmorillonite c03-math-0018 As a result of isomorphous substitution, the surface of clay particles is negatively charged except at the ends of the particles, where positive charges may appear due to broken bonds. In this case, clay particles can be thought of as little magnets that attract or repel each other. The negative and sometimes positive electrical charges on the surface of clay particles influence the way the structure of the clay mass develops (flocculated or dispersed).

    The water next to the clay particle surface is made of molecules that can be thought of as electrical dipoles c03-math-0019 The c03-math-0020 end of the dipole is attracted to the negative charges on the clay particle surface and the water molecule adheres to the surface. Cations such as c03-math-0021 may also be present in the water and will be attracted to the surface in an effort to neutralize the negative charge. The sodium adsorption ratio or SAR gives an indication of how much sodium is available around the particles. It is defined as:

    3.1 c03-math-0022

    where the value within brackets c03-math-0023 is the concentration of cations in meq/liter. This layer of bound water is called the electrical double layer (Figure 3.7) and its thickness is on the order of 1 to 50 nm, with the higher values found in very active clay particles such as montmorillonite and bentonite. The layer of water most closely bound to the particle surface within the electrical double layer is called the adsorbed water layer (Figure 3.7).

    Figure 3.7 The electrical double layer of clay particles.


    The attraction between clay particles is attributed to the Van der Waals forces that overcome the repulsion between two negatively charged particles. Van der Waals forces are intermolecular forces that give water its tensile strength, for example. The other important source of cohesion in a clay is the attraction between water and silica, which sucks the particles together. This phenomenon, called suction, and is discussed in Chapter 10 on effective stress.

    3.5 Particle Behavior

    Gravels and sands are called coarse-grained soils, while silts and clays are called fine-grained soils. The weight of soil particles varies tremendously; for example, a gravel-size particle is about 10 billion times heavier than a clay-size particle. Coarse-grained soil particles tend to behave according to their weight. In contrast, the behavior of fine-grained, clay-size particles is significantly influenced by the electrostatic and electromagnetic forces that exist at the particle surface. These forces create attraction and repulsion much like small magnets would do. They give clays their consistency, which you might wish to think of as stickiness. The behavior of silt-size particles is intermediate between that of gravel and sand on the one hand and that of clay on the other.

    In addition to the weight of the particle and the electrostatic/electromagnetic forces affecting the particles, water can strongly influence the behavior of an assembly of particles (Figure 3.8). First, the water can create buoyancy if the particle is below the groundwater level. This buoyancy reduces the effective weight of the particle (like when you go into a swimming pool) and therefore reduces the friction that it can generate when rubbing against other particles. Second, even above the groundwater level water is still present in the voids because of two fundamental phenomena: the attraction between water and the clay minerals (e.g., water is attracted to silica, which leads to capillary suction) and the attraction between water and salt (osmosis). Both phenomena allow the water to stay in the voids, go into tension, and suck the particles together. This glue between particles influences the behavior of the particles, contributes to soil plasticity (stickiness), and is responsible for the strength of a dry clay. This topic is developed in Chapter 10 on effective stress.

    Figure 3.8 Forces acting on a soil particle.


    3.6 Soil Structure

    The structure of a soil refers to the arrangement of the soil grains. Loose or dense structures are found in coarse-grained soils,

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