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The Leftovers: A Novel
The Leftovers: A Novel
The Leftovers: A Novel
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The Leftovers: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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With heart, intelligence and a rare ability to illuminate the struggles inherent in ordinary lives, Tom Perrotta's The Leftoversnow adapted into an HBO seriesis a startling, thought-provoking novel about love, connection and loss.

What if—whoosh, right now, with no explanation—a number of us simply vanished? Would some of us collapse? Would others of us go on, one foot in front of the other, as we did before the world turned upside down?

That's what the bewildered citizens of Mapleton, who lost many of their neighbors, friends and lovers in the event known as the Sudden Departure, have to figure out. Because nothing has been the same since it happened—not marriages, not friendships, not even the relationships between parents and children.

Kevin Garvey, Mapleton's new mayor, wants to speed up the healing process, to bring a sense of renewed hope and purpose to his traumatized community. Kevin's own family has fallen apart in the wake of the disaster: his wife, Laurie, has left to join the Guilty Remnant, a homegrown cult whose members take a vow of silence; his son, Tom, is gone, too, dropping out of college to follow a sketchy prophet named Holy Wayne. Only Kevin's teenaged daughter, Jill, remains, and she's definitely not the sweet "A" student she used to be. Kevin wants to help her, but he's distracted by his growing relationship with Nora Durst, a woman who lost her entire family on October 14th and is still reeling from the tragedy, even as she struggles to move beyond it and make a new start.

A New York Times Notable Book for 2011
A Washington Post Notable Fiction Book for 2011
A USA Today 10 Books We Loved Reading in 2011 Title
One of NPR's 10 Best Novels of 2011

Editor's Note

After the Sudden Departure…

The ultimate tale of survivor’s guilt, where everyone in the world is afflicted and finds bizarre yet familiar ways to help each other cope, and to try to preserve the leftover scraps of humanity after a Rapture-like event.

Release dateAug 30, 2011

Tom Perrotta

Tom Perrotta is the bestselling author of ten works of fiction,including Election and Little Children, both of which were made into critically acclaimed movies, and The Leftovers and Mrs. Fletcher, which were both adapted into series. He lives outside Boston.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Even though The Leftovers has a hint of a supernatural storyline - the characters have been left behind after the Rapture - it is pure Tom Perrotta. There are many characters, but there is never a problem of forgetting who is who, or what storyline goes with which character. While the overall story is very compelling and well-done, I was most engrossed by the people themselves, as if the novel was an in-depth character study. Perrotta is skilled at making each character a real person, with their own unique history and voice. There were certain lines that made me laugh out loud, and some that made me catch my breath. Pure Perrotta.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    First of all, I did NOT finish this book. I have 3 CDs left and I just can't take it anymore. I've been wanting to quit since CD 2 and thought I would give it a try but after reading the reviews I thought forget it. It's SO boring as an audio book and now that I've read some of the spoiler sections of reviews, I'm not wasting another second on this thing. Oh, and to read in one review there is a TV show based on this book! Really?! Who would waste their time on a show based on a boring book. I say skip this one, don't waste your time.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Ultimately unsatisfying book about the Rapture, maybe. Lots of people disappear, but not from any one religion or in any recognizable pattern. Not really sure if it's the Rapture or not, people are waiting for the final trump to sound. Don't hold your breath; it doesn't happen in the book. Tells about how some people deal with having their loved ones disappear in the blink of an eye. Definitely some imaginative conceptions, but not earth-shattering or important. Readable and mildly amusing?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a curious book. It's not quite speculative fiction, not quite dystopian. The author just states that 3 years before, thousands just up and vanished in an event that became known as the Sudden Departure. There's no rhyme or reason to their disappearance. These weren't the "Faithful" as Christians are taught to believe. The novel simply deals with those left behind and how they survive the loss.The author captures American suburbia perfectly. I love how he shows the not-quite-right creepiness of the new order of things. But perhaps I was looking for a stronger emotional connection to the characters and I didn't feel that all of it worked. Good in a thought-provoking kind of way, though.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What a different take on the Rapture! Imagine being "left behind" while friends/family/strangers far worse in character than you simply...vanish! The reactions of the people in 1 town (no doubt a snapshot of the rest of the country/world)and the effect of the disappearances are the stories told therein. Most interesting are the cults that spring up with a mixed message of guilt, guile, misguidance, finger wagging, even murder. I wasn't so happy with the abrupt end but not altogether unsatisfied.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I heard an interview with the author in which he said he'd at first intended to write a humorous post apocalyptic story. Too bad he didn't stick with the plan. I had no problem with suspension of disbelief - all of a sudden people went missing from the world: christians, jews, atheists, buddhists - with seemingly no reason. That's a fascinating take on the rapture. However even if one can suspend disbelief in the basis of the story, I think true characterization remains a necessity. These characters are plastic and unbelievable, and I've had just about enough sullen, sexually sloppy teen age girls to last me forever. People I don't care about in an interesting situation. That's like being offered chocolate cake and finding it's made out of cardboard. Read it if you have absolutely nothing else to read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was an interesting book. It grabs you if you are interested in takes on the Rapture. This book focuses on the people who are left behind and how they manage to survive.
    The ending was a real twist.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I know I read this book, but for the life of me I can't remember a single thing about it. I remember feeling slightly disappointed at the mundaneness of it after such a big event, which in retrospect is probably the point of the novel. However, I don't remember anything about it besides the premise, and don't know or care what happened to the character. It left absolutely zero impression on me.I originally rated it as 3.5 stars when I read it, but now a year later and I can't remember anything about the book, I'm going to lower it to 2.5. I must have enjoyed it to some degree,but the fact that it left no impression makes me think it wasn't that great after all.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Have to say I was a little disappointed in this book. I do love his writing and the premise sounded very interesting, but he did not take full advantage of this plot. Al though I found some of the characters interesting, in particular Nora and Kevin, the book tended to drone on. I found I just didn't really care about most of them.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    For all that reviewers have picked up on the science-fictional McGuffin of this book--millions of people unexplainedly vanishing in an instant--I haven't read anything of them identifying this novel for what it is: a post-9/11 book. The ones are taken and the ones who are left are so random that the remnant is left not only with the loss but with the survivor's dilemma: "Why?"

    While in the wake of a "mass extinction" event, everyone's life will never be the same, everyone deals with grief in his/her own way. Some barely cope; others manage to carry on in, a little wiser perhaps, in their own way.

    Of course, since the beginning of human history, people have had to deal with the grief of mass losses--the Europeans in the aftermath of World War I, the Russians after World War II, the Armenians, the Cambodians, the Ugandans. But why The Leftovers seems particularly a post-9/11 book is that the way the characters cope with their grief in this book is peculiarly narcissistic, i.e. peculiarly American. Perrotta once again demonstrates he keeps a keen finger on the American pulse and reads it well.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Leftovers by Tom Perrotta is a book about the aftermath of a rapture. One day, about dinnertime, a good portion of the earth's population simply disappears into thin air. The people remaining are left to deal with it the best way they can. What they endure is not a God induced misery of plagues and famine. They are left to deal with the tribulation of dealing their feelings and sense of loss with their wives, husbands, children, parents, friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances that just plain disappeared one day with no warning.The rapture didn't follow any rhyme or reasons, many devout Christians were left behind while atheists, Hindus, Moslems, and other non-Christians went. There was not any word sent down from God about what he was up to either. Some families were left intact, in others, all but one member of a large family left. Softball teams were left without center fielders.So everybody tried to work there way through the results. Some just made the best of it and tried to maintain an upbeat attitude. Others didn't want to forget and didn't want others to forget. They joined a cult called the Guilty Remnant. They live communally, wear only white, and smoke continually to show their status. They follow people around just to show they are watching them. Especially people who are about to do some sinning.I try not to read book reviews before I do mine. That way I have nobody to blame for my uninspiring, off point reviews which despite that are all mine, but I loved the following blurb about this book from a review by Stephen King. He said: "The Leftovers is, simply put, the best Twilight Zone episode you never saw."--Stephen King, New York Times Book ReviewThat in a nutshell pretty well sums it up.I loved this book. I give it four stars out of five. I have never read Tom Perotta before. I'll be checking into his other books. Get it at your local library!! Save some bucks.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A clever notion for a book. I wanted to like it but couldn't really get there. None of the characters came to life for me. Leftovers maybe, but left lingering in the fridge too long.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My first time reading Tom Perrotta, and I'm happy to to say I enjoyed it quite a lot. I will admit, my motivation for reading this is the knowledge that it's going to be a TV show and I wanted to get in early with the story before it started, but regardless I still found it a really good read.The story takes place after the Biblical Rapture, except most people aren't calling it that considering people who thought they would be first in line to ascend were left behind, and staunch atheists were raptured instead.The premise is great because it adds this layer of unease to every scene. Even though life continues somewhat as normal for people (people still work, go to school, there's internet/electricity, people shop and go on dates, etc) in the back of your mind, you're aware that a Rapture has taken place and these people are living in somewhat of a post-apocalyptic scenario. It's just not a stereotypical one.The story centres around Kevin's family of four, whom all were left behind after the Rapture. But it has still greatly affected them. Kevin is Town Mayor, so he has to stay behind to keep order. His wife, Laurie, took off to join a cult that formed after the Rapture. His son, Tom, took a similar route and began to follow a prophet, and his daughter, Jill, turned total goth-emo. We also alternate into the head of Nora, a mother and wife who is suddenly neither after the rapture.I'm on the fence about the pacing of the story. It skips ahead months at a time, but I liked how it did it. We're in Kevin's head, and then two months later we're in Tom's head. Events never repeat even if they involve two or more of the central characters, we only read them occurring once. I liked this, and didn't like it at the same time. It's a very confusing response!The characters are great, the women are strong if a little bland and one-dimensional. Nora is probably the most intriguing female character, though Christine may have been if we delved into her head. She plays a teen impregnated by the prophet Tom followed who finds herself alone after the prophet is arrested. Tom takes care of her through her pregnancy and develops a love for her, which I found totally unrealistic. She seems like quite a horrible sort of person which I feel could have been better understood had we been privy to her inner-thoughts.The Tom/Christine storyline, or forced storyline as it seemed, was probably the weakest part of the story for me. We basically spent the whole of Tom's story learning how attached he's come to Christine and the unborn baby, and how he fears that it might be a girl when the prophet and all his followers are expecting a boy. And then after Christine does deliver a daughter and wants absolutely nothing to do with her baby, Tom carts her around while taking full responsibility for the child and caring for her. Then, when Christine eventually ditches as she is expected to, Tom just drops the baby off on his parents doorsteps where she is found by Nora (who has been trying to attempt a relationship with Kevin with limited results), and then the novel ends with her finding the baby and Kevin coming home. Very odd way to end, it seemed rushed and silly in a way. I would have preferred to be in Laurie's head after she witnessed Meg shooting herself.But despite my issues with it, it was an enjoyable book that I recommend :)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Usually I think Tom Perrotta books make better movies than novels. This is my favorite of his novels that I've read--maybe due to the central conceit more than anything else--and although I don't think it's a great book, I did enjoy it all the way through, which is more than I can say for The Abstinence Teacher. I didn't think Laurie's storyline held together that well--if anyone can explain her motivations to me, drop me a line, because I found pretty much everything she did to be inexplicable--but I still found this to be an engaging read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Another book without an ending. (It doesn't bother me, but I know it does bother some.) Some great concepts. I really enjoyed where this story took me. I wouldn't call this a hopeful book. Maybe even a little depressing. I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What an interesting book this was that sets us in a town after a portion of it's citizens have disappeared. The people that were left behind struggle with reasons as to why they weren't taken and where exactly the missing people went. They were here one second and gone the next...but gone where?Kevin is the mayor of Mapleton and although his family weathered the Sudden Departure, it definitely left them all broken in their own way. Kevin's wife Laurie does not think that the way they are living is benefiting society, so she joins a group that believes they are fulfilling a greater purpose. His son Tom was in college when the Departure took place, so after losing half of his classmates to this event, he withdrew from school to follow an odd character who also thought had all the answers. Kevin's high school daughter Jill still lives at home, along with her best friend that moved in, but high school has been elevated to a new level since the Departure.We follow all of these characters lives throughout the novel, as we get a closer look at their hopes and fears. They are all trying to move on with their lives, but find themselves stalled as there is so much uncertainty in the world where they live. Half of the population is gone and who is to say that the rest of us won't be gone tomorrow?There is so much to contemplate within this novel and I really feel that I shouldn't disclose any more about it that would ruin the story for you. I love stories that make me stop and think, "How would I react in this situation?" That is the type of book this is and the narrator did a great job of keeping the listener's attention. With themes of end times, forgiveness, love and redemption, this book will give the reader or listener plenty to ponder long after you have turned the last page or listened to the last track.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Weird, but thought provoking. Where did all those people go?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Really interesting premise and an unusual twist on the idea of the Rapture. The "action" of the murders seemed gratuitous and added for effect--violence just for the sake of adding something to the story.I read this close in time to reading "The Returned" and it was an interesting juxtaposition.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The Leftovers are those left behind when many people on the planet are abruptly disappeared. It sounds like the Rapture, but the disappearances are random - Greta Van Susteren, Adam Sandler and the Pope are among the missing celebrities. Nevertheless, those remaining are prompted to make religious sense out of it all, and various oddball cults spring up to help people cope.This book was very strange, and I mostly didn't like it. I get that the Sudden Disappearance was not really the point of the book, but when you use a plot device that dramatic, you owe the reader a little meat: the impact on the world economy, on war, on media, etc. Inside, the book focuses on the white-bread residents of an excruciatingly banal suburban town, and their - I'm sorry - boring little dramas. If someone decided to write a parody of what a post-apocalyptic novel would be like if Tom Perrotta wrote it, they might come up with this. Somebody please tell me what I'm missing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really like Tom Perrotta's writing style. I am slowly making it through all of his books - so when I went to the bookstore and saw this one I grabbed it without knowing what it was about. I have to admit that I when I sat down to read it - I still had no idea - I didn't read the back and thought the picture on the front funny but had no idea what it was supposed to mean.I probably wouldn't have read this book if I had known its premise. This is not my sort of books even though it was written by a favorite author. I am glad that I read it! I really enjoyed it. Even though the premise was sort of out there - the writing and the stories were just as good as all the other Perotta I have read. Once the premise was set it was just kind of like - okay... here we go - lets see how this all plays out in peoples lives. There were a lot of characters - but after a while I got all the names straight and I cared about all of them. I really liked it. I would recommend it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    When a large number of people simply disappear at precisely the same time on the same day, those who are left behind have to draw their own conclusions about what happened. Perrotta explores the variety of responses to this event in his new novel, The Leftovers. I found the premise of the book fascinating, and Perrotta managed to keep the story interesting throughout. When a wife and mother of two joins a group called the Guilty Remnant, her husband tries to continue his "normal" life as mayor and father. His son begins to follow a man named Holy Wayne, who believes that his unborn child will save the world, and his daughter rebels in a more typical teenaged fashion. Their storylines weave with those of other survivors to create a complex picture of the coping mechanisms that are used to deal with the losses and uncertainty. While I enjoyed the story, I didn't connect deeply with any of the characters. Still this was a solid 4 star read for me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    What happens to those huwho remain after a rapturelike event causes a mass disappearance? This a study of how people behave in the midst of grief and a loss of their faith in a predictable future. Some choose a cult devoted to the idea of an immanent end of the world and some live a life that seems remarkably unaffected by the recent catastrophe. Interesting, but I found d that I didn't develop much connection with the characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is flat-out fantastic. Take all the best bits of Perrotta's previous genius novels (Election, Joe College, Little Children, The Abstinence Teacher) and mix it with a "Rapture-like event" and... Perrotta's best ever!

    Read it quick, before they turn it into a TV show and it loses its amazingness.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Tom Perotta's The Leftovers is set in a typical American town and is full of typical Americans doing typical things. The only catch? These people have been left behind after a day when people disapeared, at random, from their daily lives. There is significant fallout from this event, and while some people have tried to resume their daily lives, others have joined religious groups, social movements, or are just left asking why. The Leftovers certainly explores an interesting topic--what would people do after a rapture? Would they go on with their everyday lives, or would they throw it all away, knowing that they only have a limited time left to live? Perotta uses his usual blunt, straight on approach to telling the story of this world, and his approach gives the reader an almost documentary like view of his picture of the post rapture world. I thought that the book was well written and explored the topic in an interesting way. The only problem with it (and ultimately the reason I didn't really enjoy this book)? None of these characters were very likable to me, and by 2/3rds of the way through the novel, I was ready to be done with them and their helplessness.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion, the book had an amazing premise. Millions of people gone in an instant, often right in front of you. How would you react? How would the world continue? Unfortunately the author did not take advantage of the opportunities presented by the scenario. The characters seemed a bit extreme - either joining a ridiculous cult/religious group, shaving their head and almost failing out of school, or just pretending like everything is normal. I just felt like there were very few realistic responses to such a tragedy. Nora was the only one who I felt was realistic about the tragedy. She was depressed and didn't know how to move on, but her emotions seemed realistic. She was however the only one I felt was treated appropriately. The remaining characters made me want to shake my head and roll my eyes. Additionally, the book ended VERY abruptly. I wasn't enjoying it that much, but as I was nearing the end and waiting for some resolution for the few characters I felt anything for, the book ended. It almost ended in the middle of a thought. I turned the page and literally said "Seriously? That's it?" to the person sitting next to me. Although I didn't care about the characters during the actual book, I had tons of frustratingly unanswered questions at the end. I made it all the way to the end and you're not going to tell me what happened? I feel like another author needs to take a shot at a subject like this. Not a recommendation.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Okay, I have to say I am a little disappointed by this book! A ton of people vanish out of thin air. Some believe it is the rapture, while others are not so sure.

    The story rotates between the different characters and their life stories. Just when you are getting to know these people and are invested in their lives...BOOM...the story is over.

    It was an abrupt ending and just seemed like Tom Perrotta was tired of writing about these people and decided to end it quickly.

    I was left wondering where the vanished had gone, with no answer. I am hoping that this is just the first novel and there will be another to follow.

    If not....I will be very disappointed! This was the first book I have read from Tom Perrotta. I did enjoy what I read, I just don't like the ending AT ALL!

    I don't want to completely trash this book! It was an enjoyable read-which is why I gave it three stars-but the ending was why I only gave three stars.

    The characters were an enjoyable bunch to read about. They were very memorable.

    Be prepared to be let down if you are looking for answers to where the vanished are. If you want to read a book about quirky memorable characters and don't care for much of a conclusion than you will enjoy this book.

    *For those of you who don't know, this book has been made into a television series that airs on HBO. The first and second episode have already aired, the next episode will air this Sunday. This is going to be one of those rare occurences where the show/movie is better than the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is perhaps more poignant this year (2011), than in some others, given that we've experienced one major and one almost ignored "Rapture Scares". The world was supposed to end on May 21, 2011, and then, when it did not in fact end [ahem], the leader of this recent movement declared that in fact the Rapture would occur October 21, 2011. As I write this, on October 23, we are once again, all left behind, which is the subject of this interesting book by Tom Perrotta. The basic premise is simple - what happens to those who have been "left behind" after the Rapture? The book doesn't answer, nor does it seek to answer, the question of what happened to the people who disappeared, but then again, it doesn't need to. The story of those who remain is interesting enough.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Based on the premise presented in the jacket cover of this book I was looking forward to an atypical story of the rapture and while I got that it was lacking an overall point to the story itself. It felt like a disjoined story that was raising towards something that never came in the story. While characters were well-developed it felt that some were forced into the story in order to add more pages to what could have been a shorter novel, in particular the character of Aimee.

    As I was reading the parts with Tom were probably the ones I found myself devouring the quickest, until the last few times he appeared which felt organic for the character, but also a bit lackluster in where you wanted the overall story to end up. The rest of the characters meandered around to the point you wondered if they were going to achieve much of anything at all throughout the story. I feel like I understand that Perrotta was not trying to write a "why did the rapture happen" story, but it feels like he was trying to tell a story of people moving on after a great tragedy. I am not sure how successfully he does that here. While all the characters do indeed move on in some context it feels that many of them stay trapped in their old lives in some capacity. I enjoy a book, personally, where characters move forward or learn something over the course of the pages I read and unfortunately it does not feel like they did here.

    If I am giving this thus far a negative review why did I give it three stars? It is well-written. Perrotta obviously knows how to craft a story, but knowing how to craft a story does not always make it a success. What this story lacks is a backbone or something to move it forward towards being more than just a group of people that no one cares to read about. Characters do not even intermingle in a meaningful way for the great majority of the book.

    I was left with a bad taste in my mouth for huge chunks of the book, wishing that it would all be over soon. When I finally started to like it I neared the climax of the story. As it neared again the story went to a horrible place for me with the plot, characters, and overall theme of the book. I wanted so much to like this book that I randomly picked up in the bookstore on sale, but unfortunately sometimes there is a reason that a book is marked down and this was one of them. I recommend this for people that are okay reading about everyday life and the changes people can go through after a catastrophic event. I will give Perrotta another chance by reading one of his other works, such as Election or Little Children because you should never judge an author by one singular book that you have read by them but multiple works because an author may be trying a new formula or any number of things with a book, so I say if you don't like this one try another maybe one will click with you or even me in this particular case.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting story and concept. Very compelling premise. Although you are not left with an answer to what happened and why, the characters' different reactions make the story great.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Subdued just like the suburban life which is its backdrop, "The Leftovers" is a poignant post-9/11 tale about the various ways people cope with great and sudden loss.

Book preview

The Leftovers - Tom Perrotta


LAURIE GARVEY HADN’T BEEN RAISED to believe in the Rapture. She hadn’t been raised to believe in much of anything, except the foolishness of belief itself.

We’re agnostics, she used to tell her kids, back when they were little and needed a way to define themselves to their Catholic and Jewish and Unitarian friends. We don’t know if there’s a God, and nobody else does, either. They might say they do, but they really don’t.

The first time she’d heard about the Rapture, she was a freshman in college, taking a class called Intro to World Religions. The phenomenon the professor described seemed like a joke to her, hordes of Christians floating out of their clothes, rising up through the roofs of their houses and cars to meet Jesus in the sky, everyone else standing around with their mouths hanging open, wondering where all the good people had gone. The theology remained murky to her, even after she read the section on Premillennial Dispensationalism in her textbook, all that mumbo jumbo about Armageddon and the Antichrist and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It felt like religious kitsch, as tacky as a black velvet painting, the kind of fantasy that appealed to people who ate too much fried food, spanked their kids, and had no problem with the theory that their loving God invented AIDS to punish the gays. Every once in a while, in the years that followed, she’d spot someone reading one of the Left Behind books in an airport or on a train, and feel a twinge of pity, and even a little bit of tenderness, for the poor sucker who had nothing better to read, and nothing else to do, except sit around dreaming about the end of the world.

And then it happened. The biblical prophecy came true, or at least partly true. People disappeared, millions of them at the same time, all over the world. This wasn’t some ancient rumor—a dead man coming back to life during the Roman Empire—or a dusty homegrown legend, Joseph Smith unearthing golden tablets in upstate New York, conversing with an angel. This was real. The Rapture happened in her own hometown, to her best friend’s daughter, among others, while Laurie herself was in the house. God’s intrusion into her life couldn’t have been any clearer if He’d addressed her from a burning azalea.

At least you would have thought so. And yet she managed to deny the obvious for weeks and months afterward, clinging to her doubts like a life preserver, desperately echoing the scientists and pundits and politicians who insisted that the cause of what they called the Sudden Departure remained unknown, and cautioned the public to avoid jumping to conclusions until the release of the official report by the nonpartisan government panel that was investigating the matter.

Something tragic occurred, the experts repeated over and over. It was a Rapture-like phenomenon, but it doesn’t appear to have been the Rapture.

Interestingly, some of the loudest voices making this argument belonged to Christians themselves, who couldn’t help noticing that many of the people who’d disappeared on October 14th—Hindus and Buddhists and Muslims and Jews and atheists and animists and homosexuals and Eskimos and Mormons and Zoroastrians, whatever the heck they were—hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. As far as anyone could tell, it was a random harvest, and the one thing the Rapture couldn’t be was random. The whole point was to separate the wheat from the chaff, to reward the true believers and put the rest of the world on notice. An indiscriminate Rapture was no Rapture at all.

So it was easy enough to be confused, to throw up your hands and claim that you just didn’t know what was going on. But Laurie knew. Deep in her heart, as soon as it happened, she knew. She’d been left behind. They all had. It didn’t matter that God hadn’t factored religion into His decision-making—if anything, that just made it worse, more of a personal rejection. And yet she chose to ignore this knowledge, to banish it to some murky recess of her mind—the basement storage area for things you couldn’t bear to think about—the same place you hid the knowledge that you were going to die, so you could live your life without being depressed every minute of every day.

Besides, it was a busy time, those first few months after the Rapture, with school canceled in Mapleton, her daughter home all day, and her son back from college. There was shopping and laundry to do, just like before, meals to cook, and dishes to wash. There were memorial services to attend as well, slide shows to compile, tears to wipe away, so many exhausting conversations. She spent a lot of time with poor Rosalie Sussman, visiting her almost every morning, trying to help her through her unfathomable grief. Sometimes they talked about her departed daughter, Jen—what a sweet girl she was, always smiling, etc.—but mostly they just sat together without speaking. The silence felt deep and right, as if there was nothing either of them could say that could possibly be important enough to break it.

*   *   *

YOU STARTED seeing them around town the following autumn, people in white clothing, traveling in same-sex pairs, always smoking. Laurie recognized a few of them—Barbara Santangelo, whose son was in her daughter’s class; Marty Powers, who used to play softball with her husband, and whose wife had been taken in the Rapture, or whatever it was. Mostly they ignored you, but sometimes they followed you around as if they were private detectives hired to keep track of your movements. If you said hello, they just gave you a blank look, but if you asked a more substantive question, they handed over a business card printed on one side with the following message:


In smaller type, on the other side of the card, was a Web address you could consult for more information: www.guiltyremnant.com.

That was a weird fall. A full year had passed since the catastrophe; the survivors had absorbed the blow and found, to their amazement, that they were still standing, though some were a bit more wobbly than others. In a tentative, fragile way, things were starting to return to normal. The schools had reopened and most people had gone back to work. Kids played soccer in the park on weekends; there were even a handful of trick-or-treaters on Halloween. You could feel the old habits returning, life assuming its former shape.

But Laurie couldn’t get with the program. Besides caring for Rosalie, she was worried sick about her own kids. Tom had gone back to college for the spring semester, but he’d fallen under the influence of a sketchy self-appointed healing prophet named Holy Wayne, failed all his classes, and refused to come home. He’d phoned a couple of times over the summer to let her know he was okay, but he wouldn’t say where he was or what he was doing. Jill was struggling with depression and post-traumatic stress—of course she was, Jen Sussman had been her best friend since preschool—but she refused to talk to Laurie about it or to see a therapist. Meanwhile, her husband seemed bizarrely upbeat, all good news all the time. Business was booming, the weather was fine, he just ran six miles in under an hour, if you could believe that.

What about you? Kevin would ask, not the least bit self-conscious in his spandex pants, his face glowing with good health and a thin layer of perspiration. What’d you do all day?

Me? I helped Rosalie with her scrapbook.

He made a face, disapproval mingled with forbearance.

She’s still doing that?

She doesn’t want to finish. Today we did a little history of Jen’s swimming career. You could watch her grow up year by year, her body changing inside that blue bathing suit. Just heartbreaking.

Huh. Kevin filled his glass with ice water from the built-in dispenser on the fridge. She could tell he wasn’t listening, knew that he’d lost interest in the subject of Jen Sussman months ago. What’s for dinner?

*   *   *

LAURIE COULDN’T say that she was shocked when Rosalie announced that she was joining the Guilty Remnant. Rosalie had been fascinated by the people in white since the first time she saw them, frequently wondering out loud how hard it would be to keep a vow of silence, especially if you happened to bump into an old friend, someone you hadn’t seen in a long time.

They’d have to give you some leeway in a case like that, don’t you think?

I don’t know, Laurie said. I kind of doubt it. They’re fanatics. They don’t like to make exceptions.

Not even if it was your own brother, and you hadn’t seen him for twenty years? You wouldn’t even be able to say hi?

Don’t ask me. Ask them.

How can I ask them? They’re not allowed to talk.

I don’t know. Check the website.

Rosalie checked the website a lot that winter. She developed a close I.M. friendship—evidently, the vow of silence didn’t extend to electronic communications—with the Director of Public Outreach, a nice woman who answered all her questions and walked her through her doubts and reservations.

Her name’s Connie. She used to be a dermatologist.


She sold her practice and donated the proceeds to the organization. That’s what a lot of people do. It’s not cheap to keep an operation like that afloat.

Laurie had read an article about the Guilty Remnant in the local paper, so she knew that there were at least sixty people living in their compound on Ginkgo Street, an eight-house subdivision that had been deeded to the organization by the developer, a wealthy man named Troy Vincent, who was now living there as an ordinary member, with no special privileges.

What about you? Laurie asked. You gonna sell the house?

Not right away. There’s a six-month trial period. I don’t have to make any decisions until then.

That’s smart.

Rosalie shook her head, as if amazed by her own boldness. Laurie could see how excited she was now that she’d made the decision to change her life.

It’s gonna be weird, wearing white clothes all the time. I kind of wish it was blue or gray or something. I don’t look good in white.

I just can’t believe you’re gonna start smoking.

Ugh. Rosalie grimaced. She was one of those hard-line nonsmokers, the kind of person who waved her hand frantically in front of her face whenever she got within twenty feet of a lit cigarette. That’s gonna take some getting used to. But it’s like a sacrament, you know? You have to do it. You don’t have a choice.

Your poor lungs.

We’re not gonna live long enough to get cancer. The Bible says there’s just seven years of Tribulation after the Rapture.

But it wasn’t the Rapture, Laurie said, as much to herself as to her friend. Not really.

You should come with me. Rosalie’s voice was soft and serious. Maybe we could be roommates or something.

I can’t, Laurie told her. I can’t leave my family.

Family: She felt bad even saying the word out loud. Rosalie had no family to speak of. She’d been divorced for years and Jen was her only child. She had a mother and stepfather in Michigan, and a sister in Minneapolis, but she didn’t talk to them much.

That’s what I figured. Rosalie gave a small shrug of resignation. Just thought I’d give it a try.

*   *   *

A WEEK later, Laurie drove Rosalie to Ginkgo Street. It was a beautiful day, full of sunshine and birdsong. The houses looked imposing—sprawling three-story colonials with half-acre lots that probably would have sold for a million dollars or more when they were built.

Wow, she said. Pretty swanky.

I know. Rosalie smiled nervously. She was dressed in white and carrying a small suitcase containing mostly underwear and toiletries, plus the scrapbooks she’d spent so much time on. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

If you don’t like it, just give me a call. I’ll come get you.

I think I’ll be okay.

They walked up the steps of a white house with the word HEADQUARTERS painted over the front door. Laurie wasn’t allowed to enter the building, so she hugged her friend goodbye on the stoop, and then watched as Rosalie was led inside by a woman with a pale, kindly face who may or may not have been Connie, the former dermatologist.

Almost a year passed before Laurie returned to Ginkgo Street. It was another spring day, a little cooler, not quite as sunny. This time she was the one dressed in white, carrying a small suitcase. It wasn’t very heavy, just underwear, a toothbrush, and an album containing carefully chosen photographs of her family, a short visual history of the people she loved and was leaving behind.

Part One



IT WAS A GOOD DAY for a parade, sunny and unseasonably warm, the sky a Sunday school cartoon of heaven. Not too long ago, people would have felt the need to make a nervous crack about weather like this—Hey, they’d say, maybe this global warming isn’t such a bad thing after all!—but these days no one bothered much about the hole in the ozone layer or the pathos of a world without polar bears. It seemed almost funny in retrospect, all that energy wasted fretting about something so remote and uncertain, an ecological disaster that might or might not come to pass somewhere way off in the distant future, long after you and your children and your children’s children had lived out your allotted time on earth and gone to wherever it was you went when it was all over.

Despite the anxiety that had dogged him all morning, Mayor Kevin Garvey found himself gripped by an unexpected mood of nostalgia as he walked down Washington Boulevard toward the high school parking lot, where the marchers had been told to assemble. It was half an hour before showtime, the floats lined up and ready to roll, the marching band girding itself for battle, peppering the air with a discordant overture of bleats and toots and halfhearted drumrolls. Kevin had been born and raised in Mapleton, and he couldn’t help thinking about Fourth of July parades back when everything still made sense, half the town lined up along Main Street while the other half—Little Leaguers, scouts of both genders, gimpy Veterans of Foreign Wars trailed by the Ladies Auxiliary—strode down the middle of the road, waving to the spectators as if surprised to see them there, as if this were some kind of kooky coincidence rather than a national holiday. In Kevin’s memory, at least, it all seemed impossibly loud and hectic and innocent—fire trucks, tubas, Irish step dancers, baton twirlers in sequined costumes, one year even a squadron of fez-bedecked Shriners scooting around in those hilarious midget cars. Afterward there were softball games and cookouts, a sequence of comforting rituals culminating in the big fireworks display over Fielding Lake, hundreds of rapt faces turned skyward, oohing and wowing at the sizzling pinwheels and slow-blooming starbursts that lit up the darkness, reminding everyone of who they were and where they belonged and why it was all good.

Today’s event—the first annual Departed Heroes’ Day of Remembrance and Reflection, to be precise—wasn’t going to be anything like that. Kevin could sense the somber mood as soon as he arrived at the high school, the invisible haze of stale grief and chronic bewilderment thickening the air, causing people to talk more softly and move more tentatively than they normally would at a big outdoor gathering. On the other hand, he was both surprised and gratified by the turnout, given the cool reception the parade had received when it was first proposed. Some critics thought the timing was wrong (Too soon! they’d insisted), while others suggested that a secular commemoration of October 14th was wrongheaded and possibly blasphemous. These objections had faded over time, either because the organizers had done a good job winning over the skeptics, or because people just generally liked a parade, regardless of the occasion. In any case, so many Mapletonians had volunteered to march that Kevin wondered if there’d be anyone left to cheer them on from the sidelines as they made their way down Main Street to Greenway Park.

He hesitated for a moment just inside the line of police barricades, marshaling his strength for what he knew would be a long and difficult day. Everywhere he looked he saw broken people and fresh reminders of suffering. He waved to Martha Reeder, the once-chatty lady who worked the stamp window at the Post Office; she smiled sadly, turning to give him a better look at the homemade sign she was holding. It featured a poster-sized photograph of her three-year-old granddaughter, a serious child with curly hair and slightly crooked eyeglasses. ASHLEY, it said, MY LITTLE ANGEL. Standing beside her was Stan Washburn—a retired cop and former Pop Warner coach of Kevin’s—a squat, no-neck guy whose T-shirt, stretched tight over an impressive beer gut, invited anyone who cared to ASK ME ABOUT MY BROTHER. Kevin felt a sudden powerful urge to flee, to run home and spend the afternoon lifting weights or raking leaves—anything solitary and mindless would do—but it passed quickly, like a hiccup or a shameful sexual fantasy.

Expelling a soft dutiful sigh, he waded into the crowd, shaking hands and calling out names, doing his best impersonation of a small-town politician. An ex–Mapleton High football star and prominent local businessman—he’d inherited and expanded his family’s chain of supermarket-sized liquor stores, tripling the revenue during his fifteen-year tenure—Kevin was a popular and highly visible figure around town, but the idea of running for office had never crossed his mind. Then, just last year, out of the blue, he was presented with a petition signed by two hundred fellow citizens, many of whom he knew well: We, the undersigned, are desperate for leadership in these dark times. Will you help us take back our town? Touched by this appeal and feeling a bit lost himself—he’d sold the business for a small fortune a few months earlier, and still hadn’t figured out what to do next—he accepted the mayoral nomination of a newly formed political entity called the Hopeful Party.

Kevin won the election in a landslide, unseating Rick Malvern, the three-term incumbent who’d lost the confidence of the voters after attempting to burn down his own house in an act of what he called ritual purification. It didn’t work—the fire department insisted on extinguishing the blaze over his bitter objections—and these days Rick was living in a tent in his front yard, the charred remains of his five-bedroom Victorian hulking in the background. Every now and then, when Kevin went running in the early morning, he would happen upon his former rival just as he was emerging from the tent—one time bare-chested and clad only in striped boxers—and the two men would exchange an awkward greeting on the otherwise silent street, a Yo or a Hey or a What’s up?, just to show there were no hard feelings.

As much as he disliked the flesh-pressing, backslapping aspect of his new job, Kevin felt an obligation to make himself accessible to his constituents, even the cranks and malcontents who inevitably came out of the woodwork at public events. The first to accost him in the parking lot was Ralph Sorrento, a surly plumber from Sycamore Road, who bulled his way through a cluster of sad-looking women in identical pink T-shirts and planted himself directly in Kevin’s path.

Mr. Mayor, he drawled, smirking as though there were something inherently ridiculous about the title. I was hoping I’d run into you. You never answer my e-mails.

Morning, Ralph.

Sorrento folded his arms across his chest and studied Kevin with an unsettling combination of amusement and disdain. He was a big, thick-bodied man with a buzz cut and a bristly goatee, dressed in grease-stained cargo pants and a thermal-lined hoodie. Even at this hour—it was not yet eleven—Kevin could smell beer on his breath and see that he was looking for trouble.

Just so we’re clear, Sorrento announced in an unnaturally loud voice. I’m not paying that fucking money.

The money in question was a hundred-dollar fine he’d been assessed for shooting at a pack of stray dogs that had wandered into his yard. A beagle had been killed on the spot, but a shepherd-lab mix had hobbled away with a bullet in its hind leg, dripping a three-block trail of blood before collapsing on the sidewalk not far from the Little Sprouts Academy on Oak Street. Normally the police didn’t get too exercised about a shot dog—it happened with depressing regularity—but a handful of the Sprouts had witnessed the animal’s agony, and the complaints of their parents and guardians had led to Sorrento’s prosecution.

Watch your language, Kevin warned him, uncomfortably aware of the heads turning in their direction.

Sorrento jabbed an index finger into Kevin’s rib cage. I’m sick of those mutts crapping on my lawn.

Nobody likes the dogs, Kevin conceded. But next time call Animal Control, okay?

Animal Control. Sorrento repeated the words with a contemptuous chuckle. Again he jabbed at Kevin’s sternum, fingertip digging into bone. They don’t do shit.

They’re understaffed. Kevin forced a polite smile. They’re doing the best they can in a bad situation. We all are. I’m sure you understand that.

As if to indicate that he did understand, Sorrento eased the pressure on Kevin’s breastbone. He leaned in close, his breath sour, his voice low and intimate.

Do me a favor, okay? You tell the cops if they want my money, they’re gonna have to come and get it. Tell ’em I’ll be waiting for ’em with my sawed-off shotgun.

He grinned, trying to look like a badass, but Kevin could see the pain in his eyes, the glassy, pleading look behind the bluster. If he remembered correctly, Sorrento had lost a daughter, a chubby girl, maybe nine or ten. Tiffany or Britney, a name like that.

I’ll pass it along. Kevin patted him gently on the shoulder. Now, why don’t you go home and get some rest.

Sorrento slapped at Kevin’s hand.

Don’t fucking touch me.


Just tell ’em what I told you, okay?

Kevin promised he would, then hurried off, trying to ignore the lump of dread that had suddenly materialized in his gut. Unlike some of the neighboring towns, Mapleton had never experienced a suicide by cop, but Kevin sensed that Ralph Sorrento was at least fantasizing about the idea. His plan didn’t seem especially inspired—the cops had bigger things to worry about than an unpaid fine for animal cruelty—but there were all sorts of ways to provoke a confrontation if you really had your heart set on it. He’d have to tell the chief, make sure the patrol officers knew what they were dealing with.

Distracted by these thoughts, Kevin didn’t realize he was heading straight for the Reverend Matt Jamison, formerly of the Zion Bible Church, until it was too late to make an evasive maneuver. All he could do was raise both hands in a futile attempt to fend off the gossip rag the Reverend was thrusting in his face.

Take it, the Reverend said. There’s stuff in here that’ll knock your socks off.

Seeing no graceful way out, Kevin reluctantly took possession of a newsletter that went by the emphatic but unwieldy title OCTOBER 14TH WAS NOT THE RAPTURE!!! The front page featured a photograph of Dr. Hillary Edgers, a beloved pediatrician who’d disappeared three years earlier, along with eighty-seven other local residents and untold millions of people throughout the world. DOCTOR’S BISEXUAL COLLEGE YEARS EXPOSED! the headline proclaimed. A boxed quote in the article below read, ‘We totally thought she was gay,’ former roommate reveals.

Kevin had known and admired Dr. Edgers, whose twin sons were the same age as his daughter. She’d volunteered two evenings a week at a free clinic for poor kids in the city, and gave lectures to the PTA on subjects like The Long-Term Effects of Concussions in Young Athletes and How to Recognize an Eating Disorder. People buttonholed her all the time at the soccer field and the supermarket, fishing for free medical advice, but she never seemed resentful about it, or even mildly impatient.

Jesus, Matt. Is this necessary?

Reverend Jamison seemed mystified by the question. He was a trim, sandy-haired man of about forty, but his face had gone slack and pouchy in the past couple of years, as if he were aging on an accelerated schedule.

These people weren’t heroes. We have to stop treating them like they were. I mean, this whole parade—

The woman had kids. They don’t need to be reading about who she slept with in college.

But it’s the truth. We can’t hide from the truth.

Kevin knew it was useless to argue. By all accounts, Matt Jamison used to be a decent guy, but he’d lost his bearings. Like a lot of devout Christians, he’d been deeply traumatized by the Sudden Departure, tormented by the fear that Judgment Day had come and gone, and he’d been found lacking. While some people in his position had responded with redoubled piety, the Reverend had moved in the opposite direction, taking up the cause of Rapture Denial with a vengeance, dedicating his life to proving that the people who’d slipped their earthly chains on October 14th were neither good Christians nor even especially virtuous individuals. In the process, he’d become a dogged investigative journalist and a complete pain in the ass.

All right, Kevin muttered, folding the newsletter and jamming it into his back pocket. I’ll give it a look.

*   *   *

THEY STARTED moving at a few minutes after eleven. A police motorcade led the way, followed by a small armada of floats representing a variety of civic and commercial organizations, mostly old standbys like the Greater Mapleton Chamber of Commerce, the local chapter of D.A.R.E., and the Senior Citizens’ Club. A couple featured live demonstrations: Students from the Alice Herlihy Institute of Dance performed a cautious jitterbug on a makeshift stage while a chorus line of karate kids from the Devlin Brothers School of Martial Arts threw flurries of punches and kicks at the air, grunting in ferocious unison. To a casual observer it would have all seemed familiar, not much different from any other parade that had crawled through town in the last fifty years. Only the final vehicle in the sequence would have given pause, a flatbed truck draped in black bunting, not a soul on board, its emptiness stark and self-explanatory.

As mayor, Kevin got to ride in one of two honorary convertibles that trailed the memorial float, a little Mazda driven by Pete Thorne, his friend and former neighbor. They were in second position, ten yards behind a Fiat Spider carrying the Grand Marshall, a pretty but fragile-looking woman named Nora Durst who’d lost her entire family on October 14th—husband and two young kids—in what was widely considered to be the worst tragedy in all of Mapleton. Nora had reportedly suffered a minor panic attack earlier in the day, claiming she felt dizzy and nauseous and needed to go home, but she’d gotten through the crisis with the help of her sister and a volunteer grief counselor on hand in the event of just such an emergency. She seemed fine now, sitting almost regally in the backseat of the Spider, turning from side to side and wanly raising her hand to acknowledge sporadic bursts of applause from spectators who’d assembled along the route.

Not a bad turnout! Kevin remarked in a loud voice. I didn’t expect this many people!

What? Pete bellowed over his shoulder.

Forget it! Kevin shouted back, realizing it was hopeless to try to make himself heard over the band. The horn section was plastered to his bumper, playing an exuberant version of Hawaii Five-O that had gone on for so long he was beginning to wonder if it was the only song they knew. Impatient with the funereal pace, the musicians kept surging forward, briefly overtaking his car, and then falling abruptly back, no doubt wreaking havoc on the solemn procession bringing up the rear. Kevin twisted in his seat, trying to see past the musicians to the marchers behind them, but his view was blocked by a thicket of maroon uniforms, serious young faces with inflated cheeks, and brass instruments flashing molten gold in the sunlight.

Back there, he thought, that was the real parade, the one no one had ever seen before, hundreds of ordinary people walking in small groups, some holding signs, others wearing T-shirts bearing the image of a friend or family member who’d been taken away. He’d seen these people in the parking lot, shortly after they’d broken into their platoons, and the sight of them—the incomprehensible sum of their sadness—had left him shaken, barely able to read the names on their banners: the Orphans of October 14th, the Grieving Spouses’ Coalition, Mothers and Fathers of Departed Children, Bereft Siblings Network, Mapleton Remembers Its Friends and Neighbors, Survivors of Myrtle Avenue, Students of Shirley De Santos, We Miss Bud Phipps, and on and on. A few mainstream religious organizations were participating, too—Our Lady of Sorrows, Temple Beth-El, and St. James Presbyterian had all sent contingents—but they’d been stuck way in the back, almost an afterthought, right in front of the emergency vehicles.

*   *   *

MAPLETON CENTER was packed with well-wishers, the street strewn with flowers, many of which had been crushed by truck tires and would soon be trampled underfoot. A fair number of the spectators were high school kids, but Kevin’s daughter, Jill, and her best friend, Aimee, weren’t among them. The girls had been sleeping soundly when he left the house—as usual, they’d stayed out way too late—and Kevin didn’t have the heart to wake them, or the fortitude to deal with Aimee, who insisted on sleeping in panties and flimsy little tank tops that made it hard for him to know where to look. He’d called home twice in the past half hour, hoping the ringer would roust them, but the girls hadn’t picked up.

He and Jill had been arguing about the parade for weeks now, in the exasperated, half-serious way they conducted all the important business in their lives. He’d encouraged her to march in honor of her Departed friend, Jen, but she remained unmoved.

Guess what, Dad? Jen doesn’t care if I march or not.

How do you know that?

She’s gone. She doesn’t give a shit about anything.

Maybe so, he said. But what if she’s still here and we just can’t see her?

Jill seemed amused by this possibility. That would suck. She’s probably waving her arms around all day, trying to get our attention. Jill scanned the kitchen, as if searching for her friend. She spoke in a loud voice, suitable for addressing a half-deaf grandparent. Jen, if you’re in here, I’m sorry I’m ignoring you. It would help if you could clear your throat or something.

Kevin withheld his protest. Jill knew he didn’t like it when she joked about the missing, but telling her for the hundredth time wasn’t going to accomplish anything.

Honey, he said quietly, the parade is for us, not for them.

She stared at him with a look she’d recently perfected—total incomprehension softened by the slightest hint of womanly forbearance. It would have been even cuter if she still had some hair and wasn’t wearing all that eyeliner.

Tell me something, she said. Why does this matter so much to you?

If Kevin could have supplied a good answer for this question, he would’ve happily done so. But the truth was, he really didn’t know why it mattered so much, why he didn’t just give up on the parade the way he’d given up on everything else they’d fought about in the past year: the curfew, the head-shaving, the wisdom of spending so much time with Aimee, partying on school nights. Jill was seventeen; he understood that, in some irrevocable way, she’d drifted out of his orbit and would do what she wanted when she wanted, regardless of his

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