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The Joy of Compassion
The Joy of Compassion
The Joy of Compassion
Ebook159 pages2 hours

The Joy of Compassion

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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In this book, Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on one of his favorite topics—compassion. He tells us that compassion for others is the best way to overcome any obstacles we encounter, in our Dharma practice, or occupation and life itself, and the best medicine for treating any illness we experience. However, these teachings are not limited to compassion. Rinpoche also explains emptiness, karma and many other essential Buddhist subjects. As ever, his teachings are clear, relevant, humorous and direct—a perfect guide to making our lives meaningful.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche says: "With a good heart, compassion for others, whenever a problem arises, you experience it for others, on behalf of other sentient beings. If you experience happiness, you experience it for others. If you enjoy a luxury life, comfort, you dedicate it to others. And if you experience a problem, you experience it for others—for others to be free of problems and to have all happiness up to enlightenment, complete perfect peace and bliss. Wishing others to have all happiness, you experience problems on their behalf."

This title was published by the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, a non-profit organization established to make the Buddhist teachings of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche freely accessible in many ways, including on our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive website.

Release dateOct 1, 2010
The Joy of Compassion

Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lama Zopa Rinpoche was one of the most internationally renowned masters of Tibetan Buddhism, working and teaching ceaselessly on almost every continent. He was the spiritual director and cofounder of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), an international network of Buddhist projects, including monasteries in six countries and meditation centers in over thirty; health and nutrition clinics, and clinics specializing in the treatment of leprosy and polio; as well as hospices, schools, publishing activities, and prison outreach projects worldwide. He passed away in 2023.

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    The Joy of Compassion - Lama Zopa Rinpoche


    Bringing you the teachings of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    This book is made possible by kind supporters of the Archive who, like you, appreciate how we make these Dharma teachings freely available on our website for instant reading, watching, listening or downloading, as printed, audio and e-books, as multimedia presentations, in our historic image galleries, on our Youtube channel, through our monthly eletter and podcast and with our social media communities.

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    Table of Contents


    About Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive

    Benefactor's Dedication

    Editor’s Preface

    1. Living with Compassion

    How to attain enlightenment

    Guru devotion

    The perfect human rebirth

    Impermanence and death

    Lamrim and retreat

    The incredible power of bodhicitta

    The power of regret

    2. Getting the Best from Your Life

    Sentient beings come first

    Easy merit

    Enlightenment comes from sentient beings

    Rebirth in the lower realms

    Other suffering results

    The four remedial powers

    Purification comes from sentient beings

    The power of compassion

    The best thing in life

    3. The Purpose of Being Human

    Cherishing others brings enlightenment

    Cherishing others overcomes suffering

    Gen Jampa Wangdu

    Serkong Dorje Chang

    The healing power of compassion

    Why do we do retreats?

    4. The Benefits of Bodhicitta

    Helping others is an offering to the buddhas

    The meaning of jig-ten

    The benefits of your own bodhicitta

    The only solution to suffering

    The importance of the Dharma center

    Numberless beings depend on you


    Appendix 1: The Foundation of All Good Qualities

    Appendix 2: Practicing Guru Devotion with the Nine Attitudes



    Publisher's Acknowledgements

    Previously Published by Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive

    Other Teachings of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    About Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive

    About the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

    About FPMT Online Learning Center

    About Lama Zopa Rinpoche

    About Dr. Nicholas Ribush

    What to do with Dharma Teachings


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    Benefactor’s Dedication

    To our parents, for this precious human rebirth.

    To our Gurus, for their limitless patience and kindness, and tireless teaching.

    By this merit, may we always go for refuge to our Gurus and the Three Jewels; with the mind of enlightenment and wisdom, be only causes of happiness for all sentient beings.

    By this merit until samsara ends, please, our precious Gurus, stay with us, and lead us to the bliss of complete Buddhahood.

    Editor’s Preface

    In this book, Lama Zopa Rinpoche emphasizes one of his favorite themes, compassion, and how the purpose of our lives is to strive for the benefit of others. Living with compassion not only helps others; it helps us as well. In fact, if we want the best for ourselves, we should dedicate ourselves completely to the welfare of others, putting their happiness first and our own last—an attitude that His Holiness the Dalai Lama describes as wise selfishness.

    The teachings in this book have been drawn from Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s extensive, 700-page work, Teachings from the Vajrasattva Retreat, teachings given at a three-month retreat held at the FPMT Center, Land of Medicine Buddha, California, in 1999. As a result, there are more references to Vajrasattva practice and other practices than might otherwise have been expected, but the points Rinpoche makes have universal applicability and should be taken in that way.

    I would like to thank my co-editor of the Vajrasattva retreat book, Venerable Ailsa Cameron, and all the other people who helped put it together, and Wendy Cook for her valuable editorial comments.


    Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Deer Park, Wisconsin, 2008

    What is it that makes your life easy and free of confusion and problems? What is the source of all happiness and peace? What brings happiness and peace into your daily life and all happiness up to enlightenment, allowing you to bring happiness and peace to numberless sentient beings? It’s your attitude—the unmistaken attitude with which you live your life, the attitude by which you live your life according to its meaning, fulfilling your purpose of having been born human.

    What is that best attitude that gives the most meaning to your life? It is living with compassion, for the benefit of others.

    When your attitude is that of simply seeking your own happiness, the attitude itself attracts many difficulties and creates obstacles to your own success. Even if you are trying to serve others, when your basic motivation is that of seeking your own happiness, you experience many ego clashes and personality problems in trying to work with other people. Whether you are working in a meditation center or an office, if you are self-centered, you will bring all kinds of useless garbage into your life, especially when associating or dealing with others. All kinds of emotional problems will arise.

    So even though the work you are doing—working for the welfare of others—is good, your self-centered mind generates all sorts of harmful, unnecessary emotional thoughts—thoughts that are totally useless as far as your job is concerned; thoughts that make others unhappy and angry and disturb their minds. Thoughts such as anger and jealousy create much disharmony between yourself and others. These harmful emotions impede the success of your work, bring no peace, happiness or harmony, interfere with your work and your health, and can even create obstacles to your life, to your very survival. By leading you to suicide, such thoughts can even cause your death—you’re not killed by someone else; you’re killed by your own emotional mind.

    The moment you begin to cherish yourself is the moment you have created an obstacle to success in working for others. Self-cherishing brings constant problems. Broadly speaking, if you have self-cherishing, you cannot develop bodhicitta. As long as you do not renounce self-cherishing, you cannot develop the holy mind of cherishing others. That means you cannot attain enlightenment, cannot work perfectly for the sake of all the numberless sentient beings.

    Thus you can see how the self-centered mind is the main obstacle that prevents you from benefiting others. It is from the self-centered mind that desire, anger and all other negative, emotional thoughts arise, obscuring your mind, blocking your wisdom. Even though there may exist many methods for solving a particular problem and you have the potential to apply them, your self-cherishing attitude totally obstructs your wisdom and prevents you from either seeing or applying them. These emotional thoughts obscure your mind and cause it to hallucinate. Therefore, you cannot perceive the methods that would bring happiness, peace and harmony. Even though, simply by changing your attitude—something that your mind is quite capable of doing—you could apply those methods and solve your problems very easily, somehow you never see it or are unable to do it.

    Also, when you are not clear about the purpose of life, you are never clear when it comes to making decisions that affect your life. You always hesitate and are always in danger of making the wrong decision. When your only purpose for living is the benefit of others, it is very easy to make the right decision. It is easy because you are very clear about why you are alive.

    If there is compassion in your heart, you do not harm others. All other sentient beings receive no harm from you, the one, individual person. Instead of receiving harm from you, they receive peace and happiness. Not only do you not harm them but, out of compassion and according to your ability, you benefit them as much as you can. On the basis of not harming, you benefit. Therefore, numberless sentient beings receive much peace and happiness from your compassion.

    So, whether or not numberless sentient beings receive that great peace and happiness is entirely up to you. Giving great peace and happiness to others is completely up to you because it depends upon what you do with your mind, whether or not you practice compassion towards others. Your own mind makes the decision—either you keep going from life to life harming sentient beings directly or indirectly, or you change your attitude from ego to compassion and offer sentient beings all peace and happiness up to enlightenment. All this depends completely on what you do with your own mind.

    Therefore, each of us is responsible for the peace and happiness of all sentient beings, of each sentient being—all happiness up to that of enlightenment.

    The purpose of our lives is, on the basis of abstaining from harm, to bring happiness to others, to be useful for others, to free them from all suffering and bring them all happiness. One kind of happiness is the happiness of this life, but long-term happiness—happiness in all future lives—is much more important than that. And, while causing others to experience happiness in all future lives is highly meaningful, it is even more important to lead them to the everlasting happiness of total liberation—cessation of the entire round of suffering and its causes, delusion and karma. This is more important than simply the long-term happiness of future lives because the happiness of future lives is still contaminated happiness while the happiness of liberation never diminishes or degenerates. It is the complete cessation of suffering and its

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