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Ebook45 pages23 minutes


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About this ebook

Allegra is tired of being ignored by her group of friends, and when she is used and consequently loses another friend, she decides to find some new ones. Follow her as she goes through school searching for true friends, and maybe a little bit of love.

PublisherDamia Bowen
Release dateOct 10, 2010

Damia Bowen

I'm just out of high school, my favourite colour is green and I don't like people who judge on first sight. I want to be an art and english teacher when I finish school, but being a top selling writer would be cool too.i like most types of books, movies and music, I'm pretty easy going and not much fazes me. I'm considered insane by my friends at school and childish by my family.I love life and having fun, but I know when to stop or when things are going too far.

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    Friends - Damia Bowen


    Published by Damia Bowen at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Damia Bowen

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: The Beginning

    Chapter Two: Questions

    Chapter Three: Stupid

    Chapter Four: Lost Friends

    Chapter Five: Floating

    Chapter Six: Definition

    Chapter Seven: Library Meetings

    Chapter Eight: New Friends

    Chapter Nine: Secrets Revealed

    Chapter Ten: Group Changes

    Chapter Eleven: Assessments

    Chapter Twelve: Choices


    Chapter One: The Beginning

    I watched them walk towards me, glad that they had finally arrived. I had been waiting at the place where we usually sit for five minutes, alone, and I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

    Hey guys! I said, grinning and waving hello to them. They waved back, smiling slightly, before returning to their conversation.

    And I was like, ew! I mean, can you think of anything more gross? Megan said, dumping her bag on the seat beside me.

    I know! It’s seriously weird and gross. They should just go away if they’re gonna be like that. Donna said, dumping her bag beside Megan’s. What do you think, Allegra?

    About what? I asked, pulling out my lunch box and looking at the contents.

    About Alanna and Tyler going out? I mean, she’s in year ten, and he’s in year eight. It’s disgusting! Megan said, throwing her arms around in frustration.

    Um. Yeah. It shouldn’t be happening. I mumbled under my breath, trying to not get

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