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Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1)
Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1)
Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1)
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Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1)

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Unburdened by the pain of loss and heartbreak, Mikhail is content with his life of solitude. But everything began to change the day he realised he has a psychic ability -- the power to alter the emotions of those around him.

Mikhail is ushered into the Military Academy with others like him -- other Daevas -- where he does his part to help tip the scales of war against the vampires that destroyed the world and plague what remains of humanity. But after going up against his first vampire, Mikhail starts to question everything he thought to be true.

To discover the truth and expose the lies he once believed, Mikhail will set out on a journey of discovery, and learn some things about himself in the process.

Release dateOct 20, 2011
Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1)

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    Dawn of Darkness (Daeva, #1) - Daniel A. Kaine

    Dawn of Darkness


    Daniel A. Kaine

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 Daniel A. Kaine

    Cover Design by Keary Taylor

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Chapter 1

    I'm not taking no for an answer.

    I opened my eyes to see my room-mate leaning against the off-white wall next to my bed. I groaned and rolled over, facing away from him. There was a sharp prod in my side, and then another.

    I'll stop if you say yes, he said, poking me over and over again. I tried to slap his hand away, becoming increasingly annoyed with him, but he caught my wrist in one hand and continued his assault with the other. Come on, it'll be fun.

    Dammit, Ash! I'm not going, so just leave me alone.

    He dropped my wrist and let out a dejected sigh. Ash had been pestering me for several hours to join him and the rest of our squad in celebration of our last night as cadets. I didn't care much for socialising, least of all when it involved alcohol. The thought of having my inhibitions lowered did not appeal to me in the slightest. Not to mention being hung over the next morning.

    Still, Ash was nothing, if not persistent, and I could hardly kick him out of his own room. Not that I would have been able to manage if I tried. At six foot, Ash towered over the bed. His blond hair was cut short and spiked, complimenting his olive complexion and crystal blue eyes. A black tank-top stretched across his chest and abs, showing off his rather athletic build.

    Please, Mik?

    I'm tired, okay? The General made me spend all evening washing the transports for that comment I made earlier.

    He never did have much of a sense of humour. Ash laughed, and then his smile dropped. Please come celebrate with us. It wouldn't be right without the whole squad there.


    Mikhail, I will drag you out if I have to, he said, his arms folded across his chest. I rolled over again and tried to ignore him. I closed my eyes and heard footsteps moving away from me. Just when I thought he had given up, his hands locked around my ankles. I gave a surprised yelp as he began pulling me towards the bottom of the bed. My hands grasped at the bed, desperate for something to hold onto. They found only the covers, which slipped through my fingers.

    Okay, fine! Fine. Ash stopped. I sat up and groaned. I glared at him, my brown eyes locked in mental combat with his. The edges of his mouth crept upwards, and he gave a quick snigger as he made his way into the adjoining bathroom.

    I stood, opened the nearby wardrobe and reached for a black jumper. I pulled it on over my t-shirt before ruffling my hair until it looked presentable. Whereas Ash's hair was always neat, mine was a mess of black waves. Almost being dragged off the bed hadn't helped.

    Meanwhile, Ash had emerged from the bathroom. He squeezed past me, through the gap between the wardrobe and my bed, and picked up some deodorant from the bedside table. I jumped, feeling a firm pinch on my backside, and smacked the hand away. He flashed me a toothy grin.

    Bastard, I muttered under my breath. I'm sure he heard me, not that it would ever deter him. Ash was openly bisexual and had a bit of a reputation for getting around the block. I may only have known Ash for a year, but I knew what people said about him, and that was he never kept a partner for longer than one night. As for myself, well, I never thought about that kind of stuff. Sex is only another way to get attached to people, and when that happens you're setting yourself up to be hurt. People always leave you. It's inevitable. The best way – the only way – to avoid the heartbreak is to just not care. And this was something I had been good at, until Ash was forced into my life.

    It was only a year ago when I entered the Military Academy and was assigned to Ash's squad. I ended up sharing a room with him too, which I had not been pleased about. He and the other members of our squad, the Third Sunreaver Cadets, were at the academy for two years prior to my arrival. An unfortunate accident left their fifth member paraplegic, and so I was fast-tracked to the final year on account of my supposed compatibility with the group. You see, the five of us were gifted. And when I say gifted, I mean we had abilities that most people don't – Daeva, they call us.

    The Daeva were a relatively new phenomenon, and most 'normal' humans feared us. As a result, most of us ended up in the military, who had no qualms about hiring us. It was the only choice available to us, but it wasn't a bad deal – we were given food, accommodation, clothing, and a decent pay. In return the army got itself a nifty superhuman soldier.

    Cheer up. Tonight is supposed to be a celebration. I turned to see Ash looking out of the small window. He didn't need to look at me to tell what I was feeling. Ash was an empath, and a powerful one at that. Besides his empathy, he could also create ice from thin air. He was watching snowflakes fall gently from the night sky, the moon illuminating each and every one of them. It's New Year's Eve, and our last night as cadets! Aren't you the least bit excited?

    Truth be told, I was excited, but not because it was New Year's Eve. I never understood what all the fuss was about. Every year people get wasted and make promises to themselves for the coming year that they invariably break. I was excited because from that point on, we would be fully-fledged members of the Silver Dawn Battalion. Finally, after all the training drills and simulations we would be given real missions; a chance to let loose and show everyone what we were made of.

    A bit, I replied, but you know I hate this kinda stuff.

    You don't hate it. You hate that a part of you enjoys it. Well, that was news to me. Ash moved to stand at my side and his hands gripped my shoulders, turning me to face him. His eyes gazed into mine, searching for something deep inside of me. What is it you're so afraid of?

    Nothing, I snapped and shrugged him off, feeling a little annoyed that he had tried to read my innermost emotions. That was a boundary we agreed long ago was off-limits. The physical contact strengthened his reception. Fortunately for me I had a psychic ability of my own, allowing me to mentally shield myself. He was more powerful than I. He could have forced his way past my shields and peered down into my soul. But he didn't. Point for Ash. Can we get going now?

    Yeah, sure. The serious look on his face melted back into his trademark smile, his lips twisting upwards slightly and flashing a small amount of teeth. It was something I always liked about Ash, and made me able to tolerate him. He could let things go and get on with life rather than trying to force an issue.

    We grabbed our jackets from their hooks on the back of the door and Ash led out into the corridor.

    We're meeting Katiya over at her dorm first.

    My mood worsened at the mere mention of Katiya, causing me to pull the door shut a little harder than I should have on the way out.


    Katiya's dormitory was part of a separate building, a short walk from our own. We made our way across the square and past the stone statue of the Prophet Jules, to a small three-story apartment block used by the female members of the army. A few of the windows in the smaller building remained lit, and as we passed them we could hear the sounds of giggling and laughter; the sound of drunken females entertaining themselves until the New Year countdown. At one window, a young cadet leaned out and tried to tempt us into joining her and some friends, for what I could only imagine would turn into an alcohol-fueled competition for Ash's attention.

    Maybe another night, he smiled and winked at her. He laughed quietly as we moved out of earshot of the girl, who remained hanging out of the window, probably to enjoy the view. Looks like you got an admirer.

    What makes you think she's not another of your fan-girls? I asked. I had a reputation for being cold and uninviting, and I was fine with that, especially if it meant not having to put up with hordes of swooning admirers, as was commonplace with Ash. At least he enjoyed the attention.

    "Because I just know. I mean, yeah, she probably wouldn't mind a piece of me, but when she looked at you... didn't you see the way she froze?"

    That doesn't mean anything.

    Ash sighed. You're hopeless. Trust me, I felt her desire hit me like a brick. She wants you. So, what do you say? I could go back and get her name for you. Maybe fix you up on a date or something.

    I looked back in time to see her blow me a quick kiss before retreating inside. A shudder ran up my spine, and I was sure it wasn't from the cold. Not interested.

    Ash's brow furrowed. You know, I don't think I've ever seen you show the slightest bit of interest in anyone... female or male.

    I stopped walking and turned to face him. What about you? You haven't shown interest in anyone beyond that of a quick fuck.

    Ash's teeth ground together. You know what, Mik? Just... forget it.

    I didn't have to be an empath to know I'd unintentionally hit a sore nerve. But how was I supposed to know? With anyone else he would have laughed it off and made a joke about the other person being jealous. Perhaps, it was because I was one of the few who didn't judge his lifestyle that made my comment all the more hurtful. My only goal was to deflect the conversation away from my personal life. That was something I didn't talk about. How could anyone understand I had no desire to be that close to anyone? Ash especially, I thought wouldn't understand.

    He turned and started to walk away from me. Seeing his reaction created a pit in the bottom of my stomach, an awful hollow feeling that I was unfamiliar with. Each step he took made the feeling grow, and so I did something I hadn't done since I was very young.

    I'm sorry.

    Ash froze. I saw the tension in his shoulders, manifesting itself as a subtle twitch. I don't know whether it was the fact that I apologised – and meant it – or if he could feel how awful I felt, but he came back to me and wrapped his arms around me.

    He was two or three inches taller than me, his breath scalding against the shell of my ear as he spoke. I'm sorry too. I guess we both have some issues to work out.

    Issues. I had plenty of those, but none I wanted to share. I didn't want people to pity or feel sorry for me. Or worse still, I didn't want them trying to 'fix' me. I pulled away from the embrace, feeling more than a little uncomfortable by the display of emotion. It felt good, and that was the problem.


    We continued on to Katiya's room. It was on the third floor of the building, room fifty-four I noted. It was my first time there. Unlike a certain someone I never had any reason to visit the female dorms. Ash knocked twice.

    One minute, Katiya called to us.

    We stood, for what seemed like an eternity, with Ash drumming his fingers on the door frame, and I tapping my foot. The door opened to reveal Katiya clad in a long, white bathrobe. Her chestnut hair fell in waves and curls to her shoulders, framing her healthy-pink skin and matching brown eyes. She looked almost a different person. During training she always tied her hair back into a tight ponytail, and was definitely one of the lads. I guess she had to be in a squad with four guys. Now she looked feminine and softer, though I knew not to judge this particular book by its cover.

    I was just doing my hair, she said as we made our way into the room. It was a single bedroom, painted white like all the others. A small bed with light-blue sheets, a wardrobe, a desk cluttered with make-up and mirrors, and a metal stool were the only furniture.

    Typical woman, Ash said. Never ready on time. He made himself comfortable on the edge of the bed. I chose to stand, leaning back on the desk.

    I figured you of all people would understand a gal needs to look good for a night out, she said.

    Sure, but couldn't you start getting ready earlier? It was a good point, I thought. Katiya dismissed it with a huff as she turned to her wardrobe. She lifted a low-cut white sweater and black jeans from their hangers on the wardrobe door, and carried them into the bathroom with her.

    I won't be long, she said, peering from behind the door before closing it to.

    Ash let out a long breath and laid back across the bed, his arms stretching up over his head. He turned to face me. I'm sorry I snapped at you back there. I... well, some things happened in my past I wish I could forget about.

    I nodded gently, knowing only too well what he meant. I was born an orphan. My mother died during childbirth, and even to her my father was unknown, or so I've been told. As soon as I could leave the hospital I was sent to an orphanage where the kindly old lady who ran the place looked after me. At the age of six, I lost her too. I remember waking one night after a nightmare, and in a panic I ran to her room. It wasn't until the morning when I realised why she hadn't woke when I climbed into her bed.

    The new owner had no love for any of us. I was shipped off to several foster families, only to be returned when they realised they were unable to deal with me. Even that stopped eventually. No-one wanted to adopt an angry teen. Abandonment issues – who, me?

    You know you can talk to me, right? Ash said. Whatever is eating you up from inside, maybe you just need to let it out.

    I'd rather not remember, either.

    I sometimes wondered, would I be more like Ash if I could forget my past? If the pain of being abandoned could be erased, would I be able to be happy?

    Maybe you need to get laid then. It might help take your mind off things. Ash rolled onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. Sex was his answer to pretty much everything.

    At that moment Katiya exited the bathroom. I agree, she said, planting herself on the bed and forcing Ash to sit up. She reached underneath to pull out a pair of black, high-heeled boots. Sorry, did I interrupt your man-talk? she asked, observing the silence that had settled over the room.

    Yes, now can we get going? I said, pushing myself off the desk.

    Gee, sorry for making your highness a couple of minutes late. Katiya stood and scowled at me.


    The bar was only a ten minute walk from the dorms, located outside of the military compound. As we approached the entrance a long, thick arm barred our path.

    I'm gonna need to see some I.D.

    The owner of the offending arm gave us a hard look. He was over six foot, well-built and dressed entirely in black. I'm sure to most people he would have seemed imposing, but being a Daeva puts regular humans at a severe disadvantage. Ash reached into his pocket and pulled out a small military I.D. card. The bouncer looked at it for a few seconds then threw it to the ground.

    Looks fake to me, he said. Of course, he knew it wasn't. Another bigot trying to get in the way of anyone who was different. A lot of people were afraid of us, but not this guy. That didn't make him brave, just stupid.

    You might wanna rethink that. Ash stepped forward, until only an inch remained between him and the bouncer, who was almost twice his size. I sighed. Tonight was going to be one of those nights.

    Katiya was watching intently. She loved a good fight, especially when she could watch her crush in action. It was well known she had a thing for Ash, though the feelings appeared to be one-sided.

    The bouncer grinned. I'll teach you a lesson in respect, freak.

    You could try. Ash grinned back. He took a few steps back onto the pavement. The bouncer started to follow but froze when a hand landed on his shoulder.

    What seems to be the problem here? the man asked. The bouncer looked back at him. No problem, boss. These kids were trying to start a fight when I asked for I.D., but they're leaving now.

    The older man narrowed his eyes at us. Well, what are you waiting for? Clear off! If you're looking to start fights then you'll find no service here.

    Ash picked up his I.D. and we moved away from the bar to wait for the last two members of our group. He glared at the bouncer from a distance, muttering about how he wished he could wipe the smug look off his face. If there was one thing I'd learned about Ash, it was that you did not want to get in a fight with him. Ice manipulation is a terrifying ability to go up against. You can stand still and end up rooted to the spot by his ice, or try and keep moving, only to find yourself on an ice slick. Either way, you lose. The bouncer wouldn't have stood a chance, I thought.

    I was pulled from my thoughts when Katiya spotted Brad coming around the street corner. He was easy to spot amidst the crowd of party-goers, standing at six foot five and being built like a brick wall. His skin was dark, almost brown, but not quite, and you could never tell whether his eyes were green or brown depending on the light. His dark t-shirt threatened to burst at the seams with every movement. A crew cut, crooked nose and square jaw completed his 'bad ass' ensemble. Lucas, who looked tiny in comparison, was walking alongside him. He had long, blond hair, dark enough that you could almost call it brown, and deep blue eyes set against his pale skin.

    You could've waited inside, Lucas said as they approached us. Katiya had her arms folded and was rubbing her hands up and down them. Of course, she hadn't planned on being outside for too long. Ash explained to them what had happened, and with the barracks bar being closed in preparation for graduation day, we decided to head back to the dorms and have a party of our own.


    When we reached the common room of Lucas and Brad's dormitory, it appeared we weren't the only ones to have had that idea. Still, we found enough free seats and set ourselves up at one side of the room, with some drinks bought from the nearby twenty-four hour store. While the others were on lager and spirits, I was content with my ginger beer. Katiya watched me open a bottle and shook her head.

    You should have a real drink once in a while, she said. You never know, it might help dislodge that giant pole from your rear.

    Leave him alone, Kat. This was from Brad. He'll open up when he's ready.

    I'm just trying to encourage him to have some fun for once in his life.

    Katiya and I had never really gotten along. She thought I was an emotionally-stunted asshole, and I saw her as a condescending bitch. Put us both in the same room and we would usually butt heads. That night was no different.

    Well maybe if you removed whatever crawled up your ass years ago and died, you'd be able to say something nice for once, I said.

    The look on Katiya's face was priceless. It was a mixture of disbelief, embarrassment and anger. She opened her mouth, and then shut it again. Her cheeks flushed red. The others laughed, and Ash gave me a pat on the back.

    We ended up playing a drinking game that involved blowing a deck of cards off the top of a can, until none remained. If you were unlucky enough to be the one who blew off the last card, then you downed a shot. I tried to back out at first, being the only one not drinking, but they insisted I should still join in.

    Several rounds later, and Brad was pegged as the clear loser. We moved onto Truth or Dare, at Katiya's suggestion, much to my dismay. Again I tried to excuse myself, but to no avail. I sighed and watched as Lucas was dared to return wearing a bra belonging to one of the girls in the room. He tried Katiya first but was shot down with a hard glare and her middle finger. A couple of minutes later he came back wearing a lacy black bra over his shirt.

    Ash, not to be outdone, also opted for a dare. He ended up on the nearby pool table, where he dropped his pants. There were some cheers from around the room, and a couple of groans. I looked away, feeling embarrassed for him, and dreading what was to come next. Ash returned to the group and their eyes fixed on me.

    I picked truth, hoping it would be an easy question, or one I could lie about. There was silence from the group as they thought over what they could ask. I didn't even want to imagine what Katiya and Ash were thinking up. It was Brad who spoke up first and asked about how I was outed as a Daeva. This was something I had never shared with them. To be honest, I never told them anything of my past. They waited for me to answer, but I was torn between what to say. Did I want to share that part of my life with them? Not if I could help it.

    I'll tell you what, said Lucas. We'll tell you how it happened with us, then you can tell us your story. Okay?

    I shrugged. I had never thought to ask them about their pasts.

    Well, he said, taking my shrug to mean yes. I got caught breaking into the General's office. It was a set up, of course. I mean, I never get caught. Anyway, I was offered a clean slate if I joined the army, so here I am.

    Lucas had 'worked' – and I use the term loosely – as a thief before he ended up in the military. At one point he claimed to be the most wanted man in the city, though no-one knew what he looked like. It was his ability that made this possible. Lucas could move at high-speed without making a single sound. Now he was our recon guy, sniper and technology enthusiast.

    Brad went next. I was walking home one night when a bunch of youths jumped me with a knife. They must've stabbed me a dozen times before they were interrupted and took off with my things. I was half unconscious, but I remember a young couple calling for help. By the time the medics got there, wasn't a scratch on me. Confused the hell out of them it did.

    Spontaneous healing was Brad's ability, though to what extent he could survive was unknown. He sometimes joked that one day he'd test to see whether he could survive a grenade blast. I wasn't convinced he could heal it – all of our powers had their limits and drawbacks.

    I was in a grocery store when it happened, said Katiya. Some guy almost knocked me over and didn't even bother to apologise. I was pissed, and as I went to confront him the fruit around me started exploding. I turned that place into a fruit salad.

    Her power was to create explosions. She said it was to do with increasing the kinetic energy of an object, or something. I hadn't paid much attention when she explained it at our first meeting.

    I looked at Ash who was sat next to me. He cast his gaze down at the table, hesitating. I guessed it had something to do with the painful memories he mentioned earlier. For a lot of Daeva, being outed wasn't a pleasant experience. And for those who lost control, it was usually their last.

    My empathy started when I was twelve, he said. Back then I didn't have a clue what was happening, and I ended up being diagnosed as schizophrenic. Then at nineteen I got into a fight and accidentally froze someone's leg. They lost all feeling in one foot.

    I got the impression he wasn't telling me the whole story, but I understood. Everyone's eyes were on me and I had to come up with something or, as per the rules of the game, I'd have to take the dare. I decided to follow Ash's example, and give them half of the story.

    I made someone so angry that he almost killed two kids. I didn't realise I was causing it.

    Damn, are the kids okay now? Brad asked.

    I haven't seen them since I left the orphanage, but I heard one of them is engaged now.

    You never mentioned you were an orphan, said Ash. He rested a hand on my shoulder.

    I don't like talking about it, I said, wishing I hadn't let that piece of information slip. All through school I was singled out and given extra attention because I had no parents, as if it made me disabled or mentally retarded in some way. The other kids resented me for my special treatment. All I ever wanted was to be treated the same as anyone else. Coming to the realisation that I had the ability to project emotions onto others hadn't helped.

    It's okay. We understand. The hand on my shoulder gave a light squeeze.

    Together we formed the Third Sunreaver squad, the academy's first squad of Daeva to graduate together. It was an exciting time for the army, though I couldn't say everyone in the city was happy about it. Despite the backing of the Silver Dawn – our government and spiritual leaders – who had declared us 'safe', there were many who wanted us gone. I couldn't blame them. After all, the last time humans consorted with supernatural creatures, it had almost ended the human race.

    Chapter 2

    I awoke the next morning at six-thirty. Our usual wake-up call was nowhere to be heard. The bells in the middle of the square would sound every morning, but not today. New Year's Day was one of the few when we were allowed to sleep in. I rolled over to see Ash, still asleep, curled on his side with the blankets tucked tight around him. No doubt he would be praying for a quiet morning after the events of last night. He would get no sympathy from me.

    I lay there for a while, hoping to drift off again, until I got restless. Since I was awake, I decided to head for the shower. I closed the door behind me and left my shorts in the laundry bag that hung from the hook on the back of the door. I turned the shower on and let the water warm up, before I stepped in and pulled the curtain across. The hot water beat against my skin, turning it a deep shade of pink. Just the way I like it. I let the water wash over me until I felt my skin begin to tingle and there was a knock at the door.

    If you're gonna use all the hot water, you could at least give me a reason to need a cold shower, Ash shouted over the running water.

    You always need a cold shower.

    Yeah, well, if you're not out soon I'll be joining you in there.

    I let out a long sigh. Ash did not make idle threats. It was times like these I wished they had installed locks on the bathroom doors. Hell, I should have been grateful he didn't barge in to begin with, but I wasn't. I was annoyed that my sanctuary had been disturbed. I don't know why hot showers make me feel so peaceful. They just do. Ash knew that, but he also knew that left to my own devices, there would never be any hot water left for him. It wasn't my fault though. I possessed a secret ability to warp time in the shower. It's true! How else could you explain that what felt like only five to ten minutes for me, was in actual fact over half an hour? Yeah, no-one else believed me either.

    I finished washing and reached for a towel from the nearby rack. When I was dried off, I wrapped it around my waist and went back into the main room. Ash looked over at me as I exited. He was sprawled out across his bed, wearing only a pair of black joggers.

    What do you do in there that takes so long? he asked.

    Nothing. I moved to the wardrobe and picked out some fresh clothes.

    "Must be a whole lot of

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