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About this ebook

What if you could start over?

What if you could wipe the slate clean - your entire past, gone - and begin a new life?

That's the idea behind "REBORN":

A lonely man, struck by lightning, loses all memory of the past. Or is he just using the accident as an excuse to start over?

“REBORN” is a comedy of "un-inhibition" with something to say about the choices we make in life. Its star is an ordinary man offered an extraordinary opportunity.

The real star, however, is the idea that we can all change in an instant - a flash - whether that flash be lightning...

...or simple inspiration.

It’s your choice.

[Note: I'm a screenwriter ("THE WONDER YEARS", "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES") and this story is presented in its original screenplay format. To learn more about me, or this title, please visit ToddTrumpet.com!]

PublisherWill Todd
Release dateNov 3, 2011

Will Todd

ALL ABOUT TODD1960: Born.1961-1982: Grew up. Did non-writing stuff.1983-1985: Worked with NASA as Aerospace Engineer. Started writing scripts part-time for no money.1986-1987: Started writing scripts full-time for no money.1988-1990: Wrote for first two seasons of "THE WONDER YEARS". Nominated for Emmy, Humanitas, and Writers Guild Awards. Won Humanitas and Writers Guild. Lost Emmy to pilot of "Murphy Brown" but I'm not bitter anymore especially since show never lived up to its potential.Wrote the first two "TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES" movies. Became rich, but with occasional pangs of guilt.1991-1992: Tried to elevate the quality of films coming out of Holywood by rejecting all script assignments and writing only on spec. I.E., Obscurity and Unemployment.1993-1995: Ran away to Europe for a few months, returned, wrote first play. Ran away to Asia for a few months, returned, directed first short film.1996: Stopped running long enough to get in line to write a feature film version of "I Dream of Jeannie". BLINK! Next.1997-1999: Completed Quest for Seven Continents with travels to Africa, Australia, South America, and Antarctica (whiter even than The Blank Page).2000-2002: Solidified reputation as International Man of Leisure. Blew it by writing a book in here somewhere.2003-2005: Nap.2006-2007: Wrote, produced, and directed a 90-minute compilation of comedy shorts called "42 STORY HOUSE". Sold very nearly that many DVD'S.2008-2009: Pangs of guilt concerning sudden wealth now a distant memory, sought status as "Too Big To Fail". Failed.2010: Attempted to finance an indie movie called "WHY THE SQUIRREL WON'T FRY". Fried.2011:Published first eBook "THE TELLING OF MY MARCHING BAND STORY". Fell.2012: Published some eScreenplays to see if anybody was interested in reading eScreenplays. Seriously, anybody. Hel-loooooooooo...?2013-2014: Started YouTube Channel "Todd Trumpet Videos". Reached "Blockbuster" (LLC) status.2015-2016: Wrote "A CHRISTMAS CODA". Received lavish praise from Dickens Experts. Who - "Bah! Humbug!" - apparently don't impress the General Public.2017: Adapted "A CHRISTMAS CODA" into a stage play. Learned Broadway and Hollywood, despite being on opposite sides of the country, actually share the same Welcome Mat.2018-2019: Achieved Complete World Domination. (Pending)

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    Book preview

    Reborn - Will Todd



    Will Todd


    Copyright 2011 Will Todd

    Smashwords Edition



    What if you could start over?

    What if you could wipe the slate clean - your entire past, gone - and begin a new life?

    That's the idea behind REBORN:

    A lonely man, struck by lightning, loses all memory of the past.

    Or is he just using the accident as an excuse to start over?

    REBORN is a comedy of unhibition with something to say about the choices we make in life. Its star is an ordinary man offered an extraordinary opportunity.

    The real star, however, is the idea that we can all change in an instant - a flash - whether that flash be lightning...

    ...or simple inspiration.

    It’s your choice.

    Will Todd

    November 2011


    A Note Before You Begin Reading

    Because most of Hollywood hates to read, I included the following note with the script of REBORN, secure in my insecurity about starting a screenplay in such a risky way.

    Fortunately, general readers are not so easily put off by paragraphs longer than two lines, but I include the warning here [with Author's Notes] both for your edification...

    ...and your amusement.


    This script is 94 pages in standard format [Author's Note: When distributed on paper. In eBook format, of course, there is no set page length] and a pretty quick read.

    However, the first 10 pages are completely in prose.

    This was done very much on purpose. The main character undergoes an important transformation on page 10, essentially discovering a new voice, and to emphasize this, I didn’t want him to have any voice beforehand.

    Further, since this story is a Comedy, I wanted to contrast the man’s life before and after his transformation by separating the two with completely different comedic tones.

    Thus, while he talks like a blue streak for much of the script, during the first 10 pages, he doesn’t talk at all.

    Instead, I tried to design this 10 page introduction as a separate, wordless play, with something of a Mr. Bean tone, though you may picture Jim Carrey in the lead if you like (that’s what I did).

    Now, I understand that readers [Author's Note: Readers means Development Executives in Hollywood-speak, whose job it is to read and which roughly translates to Those who hate reading] might naturally balk at digesting 10 pages of prose right at the start of a screenplay.


    If you prefer, I’ve attached a 1-page summary

    [Author's Note: No longer attached.]

    of this initial 10-page opening.

    This way, you can skip over the intimidating blocks of prose at the beginning and start reading on page 10, when a more normal script flow begins.

    Your choice.


    Apparently, everyone in Hollywood made the same choice.

    You, I expect more of!

    Will Todd


    FADE IN:


    as MIRROR IMAGES of the face - distorted, translucent - form first to the right, fade, form again to the left, fade, then REPEAT. It's as if the face, etched in GRAYTONES, can see its past and future literally passing before its eyes.

    But, in fact, these reflections are nothing more than


    FRAMING A MAN who wears a business overcoat, well-worn, and carries an old-fashioned, hard-shelled suitcase. Let's call him GUY for now. Average height, average build, average looks. Make him any age you wish. Guy continues to stand before the doors, a tableaux of immobility in glorious (if temporary) BLACK-AND-WHITE. Standing and staring.

    On the outside looking in.

    Until he finally ventures forward... and is promptly BUMPED ASIDE by A MAN IN A HOODED SWEATSHIRT who hurries past and pushes the door rail hard, LAUNCHING the back glass of the revolving door segment into Guy's BACKSIDE, PROPELLING HIM INTO the Hooded Man, who turns and presumably glares, though it's hard to tell because the eyes are darkly cloaked, which takes Guy aback and causes him to miss his exit, the Hooded Man stepping into the lobby while Guy is forced to ride backwards until deposited out onto the sidewalk...

    ...right back where he started.

    A moment to collect himself. A cleansing breath. Another step forward...

    ...and this time it is A GIGGLE OF CHILDREN who rush past, closely followed by A PAIR OF OVERWEIGHT PARENTS, the whole engulfing Guy and transforming him into a temporary family member with his face CRUSHED to the back glass as the door segment revolves and deposits the family into the lobby...

    ...and Guy back out onto the sidewalk.

    His brow furrows. This shouldn't be this hard. As if preparing to cross a busy intersection, Guy looks left then right then steps forward and - three's the charm - this time he enters the revolving door alone, following it around and stepping out toward the lobby...

    ...until he is tugged back with A SUDDEN JERK. The belt of his overcoat has caught under the weatherstripping of the door, quickly threatening to DRAG HIM DOWN along with the garment. Desperate to stop the automatic spin, Guy thrusts his suitcase in the narrowing lobby aperture until it JAMS with a THUMP and brings the doors to a HALT. While the DRIVE MOTOR WHINES, Guy JERKS at his coat hem and finally dislodges it, then turns his attention to the suitcase, which doesn't come quite as quietly. He pulls and pulls with no results until one last titanic effort SPRINGS the suitcase...

    ...AND ALL ITS CONTENTS, the momentum of the yank throwing Guy against the opposite glass door which sets it

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