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Some alternative suggestions contained in this book:
1. The gravitational constant among stars at a very high temperature may be considerably less than the accepted value of G and their actual masses may be many times greater than those calculated now. This may resolve the dark matter issue.
2. The Minkowsky equation of Point Event is mathematically invalid and deductions based on it may be erroneous.
3. If there is nuclear fusion in stars, then the primordial gas must have been deuterium and not hydrogen as assumed by cosmologists.
4. The universe may have a reflecting boundary and many astronomical observations of distant galaxies may be reflected images of our own galaxy emanating billions of years ago.

Release dateMar 19, 2012

Muhammad Nasim

Born in Bihar, India on 15.12.1946. Pakistani national resident in Karachi. Mechanical Engineer. Graduated from Bangladesh university of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka in 1967. Post-gradute study at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Member ASME, ASHRAE, Pakistan Engineering Council, Fellow Pakistan Intitute of Engineers. Speciality HVAC and Mechanical design and Project management. Deep interest in Science, literature and religion.

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    Alternatives - Muhammad Nasim

    Alternatives to Great Thoughts


    Muhammad Nasim



    Published by:

    Muhammad Nasim on Smashwords


    Copyright © 2012, 2022 by Muhammad Nasim

    I dedicate this work to

    All the great scientists of past, present and future.





    Chapter 3 – THE SCIENTIFIC ERA



    Chapter 6 – DISTSNT WORLDS


    Chapter 8 - CONCLUSION


    I am a born agnostic and challenger. When for the first time somebody told me that two and two makes four, my instant response was, but so does one and three. When I was taught that every particle in the universe attracts every other in the universe, I was seized with the question How does a particle know that the other exists? The unquenchable thirst for knowledge and challenges made me read books on practically every subject: science, art, fiction, religion, history, philosophy, astronomy, cosmology, biology, politics, law etc. in addition to the usual physics, chemistry and mathematic in my courses of study which in which I studied far ahead of the prescribed curriculum. Nearly forty years ago I felt that pure science as I knew it had reached saturation and decided to work as a professional engineer. But the pieces of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle I had accumulated in my mind began to assert themselves and a sizable part of my mind became preoccupied with indexing and correlating the vast amount of information I had accumulated.

    Nearly twenty years ago, I started taking notes of my thoughts. In 1996, I compiled a book titled The Rational Universe which never got published. As I read and re-read it, it became obvious that there were too many holes in the reasoning.

    The narrative you are going to read now is not intentional criticism. It is my logical response to what I needed to believe as many others do in this world. I have analyzed, criticized, extended and modified the concepts found in text books and introduced some original ideas. The main theme of this book is physics as it was closest to my professional knowledge base. It is also the scientific parallel of my other book Islam for the Perverted.

    Rather than elucidating the contents or getting a famous person to introduce it, I would let the readers judge it and give their views.

    Happy reading!

    Muhammad Nasim

    E-mail: mnasim_99@yahoo.com

    Blog: http://naseemmahnavi.blogspot.com

    Chapter 1


    In the introduction to his book A Study of History Arnold Toynbee grieves about the transformation in the organization of knowledge that took place during his lifetime -- from integrated comprehensive discourses to fragmentary periodical articles on limited and specialized topics. He has ventured to unify the history of mankind into an integrated analysis, but he also had to split the early civilizations into a dozen societies which he tried to synthesize in terms of gradual interactions among their kings and soldiers. Toynbee's complaint highlights the change in scholastic attitude that has taken place over the past nearly one century, the merits and demerits of which are, indeed, debatable. An orientalist, Idries Shah, in his book The Sufis lets out steam against the latest way of thinking in the following words:

    Modern science, however, instead of accepting the idea that experience was necessary in all branches of human thought, took the word in its sense of experiment, in which the experimenter remains as far as possible outside the experiment.

    The above splitting of the Urdu/Persian word ‘Tajurba’ is also a classic example of the difference between a historian and a Sufi who is primarily concerned about how individuals feel. Obviously, Idries Shah, not being familiar with the esoteric morality or ethics of scientific research, has mistaken the coolness of scientific attitude as coldness. Briefly, it can be stated that in scientific parlance truth becomes accuracy, honesty is called exactness, love is known as dedication and life is identified as growth or movement. The need to produce unbiased observations necessitates an attitude of temporary detachment, just as a judge cannot afford to be emotional. Similarly, many opinions are not expressed simply for the fear of appearing partisan. The various postulates that one comes across in the study of modern science are not prophecies but compulsive assumptions that are necessary to accommodate a line of reasoning with observed facts. Only a qualified scientific mind would comprehend the burden this author is carrying due to the many approximations being presented in this book which, of course, are necessary for the purpose of this publication which seeks to expose the subtlety rather than the rigidity of existence. Yet, an attempt has been made to remain as unequivocal as possible. It may be worth mentioning here that during my stay in the United Kingdom I discovered that whereas in the better educated communities the words professionalism and glamour were understood to mean objectivity and attractiveness respectively, among the less educated they denoted deceptive antics and pornography in that order. In the language used in this book an attempt has been made to ensure that the same impressions are created on all readers by a given set of facts or words.

    Idries Shah's objections do seem sustainable in the case of social sciences. In social research, one needs to feel the way the subjects of one's study feel without getting carried away by those feelings. An attempt to develop social theories by remote observation of people's actions and reactions usually results in the formation of oppressive regimes of thought which may eventually develop into rather messy situations such as the misuse of the developing knowledge of psychology in Communist and Nazi dictatorships and the frequent exploitation of religion in some parts of the world. Perhaps a lot of mutual contempt among cultures and religions is the result of barriers which disallow the sharing of

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