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The Shepherd
The Shepherd
The Shepherd
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The Shepherd

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The Shepherd ... by Bill Campbell

The spontaneity, and presence, of God’s Spirit in “our lives” is the only Gospel ... that is respected in this book.

Our traditions ... may have robbed us of the “Gospel of Light”: the Spiritual relationship ... that Jesus,and the apostles of the early church, spoke of.(St. John chs.14,15,16)

Introductions to some new understandings are brought out for those who are seeking “God’s life”, as they are encouraged to become acquainted with ... the “Spirit of Truth”.

The suggestion in the Review pages of this book ... is that you might “hear” what the Spirit is saying, and diligently make it your own, that you might bring forth good fruit unto the glory of the Father.(St. Luke ch.8)

You are in for a treat ... as you discover who the real Shepherd is.

Chapters ...

1. The Shepherd 2. The Prophet 3. The Word 4. The Light 5. The Priest 6. The Steward 7. The Revelation 8. The Message 9. The Ministry 10. and Being 11. and Prophecy 12. and Doing
You will not be disappointed. This is a great resource for Self-Help, and for those who are feeling the call to Spiritual Leadership. You will want to encourage others to have a look as well.

PublisherBill Campbell
Release dateMay 18, 2012
The Shepherd

Bill Campbell

Bill Campbell presently lives in Vancouver, B.C. on the beautiful West Coast of Canada. Listed as #77 for Best Spiritual Books at Canadian Sites by CanadaSpace.com ... he is the Author of 12 Books on Spiritual relationship. For more information visit http://www.billcampbellcanada.com To Order, or See more information about each Book below ... Click on Book Title. Free samples are available, and downloadable, at the individual Book Page. (10 different formats) To return to this page Click on author name. These Books are intended to introduce the Reader to new "relationship" and Spiritual awareness in our present day ... and will serve as an ongoing Self-help and Resource for the Spiritual leader. Remember, reading to the end is important .. as the beginning of the Book is meant to set the stage for the power of the thought presented! Referral and Reviews are always Welcome. Thank you ... and Blessings.

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    Book preview

    The Shepherd - Bill Campbell

    The Shepherd

    Bill Campbell

    Abiding (Vol. 1)


    The Shepherd

    ISBN 978-0-9879727-0-5

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2012 Bill Campbell

    For more information contact:


    Vancouver, British Columbia



    All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. No part of this book may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.


    The Shepherd will introduce you to the born again experience. For indeed, it is He who will baptize you with the Holy Ghost, not just water.

    The spontaneity, and presence, of God’s Spirit in our lives is the only Gospel … that is respected in this book.

    Our traditions … may have robbed us of the Gospel of Light: the Spiritual relationship … that Jesus, and the apostles of the early church, spoke of. (St. John chs.14,15,16)

    Introductions to some new understandings are brought out for those who are seeking God’s life, as they are encouraged to become acquainted with … the Spirit of Truth.

    The suggestion in the Review Breaks of this book, is that you might hear what the Spirit is saying, and diligently make it your own, that you might bring forth good fruit unto the glory of the Father. (St. Luke ch.8)

    You are in for a treat … as you discover who the real Shepherd is. - Bill C.


    1. The Shepherd 2. The Prophet 3. The Word 4. The Light 5. The Priest 6. The Steward

    7. The Revelation 8. The Message 9. The Ministry

    10. and Being 11. and Prophecy 12. and Doing

    A Fresh New Look …

    Chapter 1

    The Shepherd

    Abiding - In His Presence

    They that wait upon the LORD shall renew ... Strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31

    The above Scripture addresses the practical life of the believer ...

    - to wait (Heb. Qa'va'h ... meaning to bind together, ... to be expectantly collective, to be at one" )

    - to mount up (to see the larger picture like from ... an eagle's point of view)

    - to run (in the unique service that God has prepared for you. See: Joel 2:7,8)

    - to walk (steadfastly, cautiously, ... and patiently, without discouragement, or wavering)

    This chapter in the prophecy of Isaiah begins with comfort, continues with the expression of God's glory in the earth; and in vs.12-30, opens a new world … of His Spirit for us.

    It leaves no room for man's carnal princely effort (vs.23-25), but rather returns us to abiding in Him.

    This Word could be compared to St. John chs.14-16 … where we see a fulfillment of Isaiah ch.40, as Jesus teaches his disciples this same message.

    The following pages will reveal to you the walk with the Shepherd, and His revealed ministry spoken of. The born again experience. (St. John 3:3-8)

    "O Zion, that brings good tidings, ... get you up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that brings good tidings, lift up your voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God !

    Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and His arm shall rule for Him: behold His reward is with Him, and ... His work before Him.

    He shall feed His flock like a Shepherd, ... He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

    Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being His counselor, has taught Him ? " - Isaiah 40:9 -13

    This above Scripture does not talk about a God who is far away. We do not have to just believe in Him, ... or spend our time ... praying for a visit. What we are talking about here is a specific kind of ... relationship. We are living, being, and dwelling, in this relationship; and speaking, and ministering out of it. This is what the Gospel is about. The Apostle Peter preached, "This is that, which was (also) spoken by the prophet Joel ..." (Acts 2: 16-21; Joel 2: 21-32)

    Concept Religion (in our world)

    Preachers, and Bible Colleges, are prone to fall into the putting forward of concept religion. Rather than shepherding individuals into relationship with the Spirit of God, ... it is easier to talk about it.

    Rather than imparting to the individual by the Spirit of prophecy, and the laying on of hands, ... it is easier to wow them with intellect.

    In our own strength we have introduced principles of faith, times and dispensations, history, future, principles of success, ... Christian living, etc. Whereas the picture that will unfold here … will turn to the voice of the Spirit and fulfillment of Word, and relationship.

    The promised Shepherding relationship that the prophets foretold is now being fulfilled in our day. We live, and move, and have our being in the midst of the Spirit of God. He doesn't come from afar. Learning to drink of His refreshing, and eat of His Spiritual truth, ... is like drinking from the cool waters, and feeding in the green pastures. We are in the world, ... but not of the world’s ever-changing turmoils, and ideas. This is the enjoyment of abiding with the Shepherd. (the Spirit of God) See: St. Mark 1:15, Acts 17: 27-28, St. John 10:27, ch. 21:16-17

    The Lord is my Shepherd Psalms 23

    The LORD is my Shepherd ... That's Relationship!

    I shall not want ... That's Supply !

    He makes me to lie down in green pastures ... That's Rest ! (in a good place)

    He leads me beside still waters ... That's Refreshment!

    He restores my soul ... That's Healing !

    He leads me in paths of Righteousness ... That's Guidance !

    For His Name's sake ... That's Purpose !

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ... That's Testing !

    I will fear no evil ... That's Protection !

    For you are with me ... That's Faithfulness !

    Your rod, and staff, they comfort me ... That's Ability!

    You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies ... That's Provision! (and Dominion)

    You anoint my head with oil ... That's Consecration!

    My cup runs over ... That's Abundance !

    Surely, goodness, and mercy, shall follow me all the days of my life ... That's Blessing !

    And I will dwell in the House of the LORD ... That's Security !

    Forever ... That's Eternity ! "

    Jesus proclaimed, ...

    "I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd gives ... his life for the sheep.

    That’s why my Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. I and my Father ... are one." - St. John 10:11,17,30

    At this point, ... I want to caution you to go very slow. Many of the things that you think you know ... may not be so.

    For so long we have heard carnal teachings about the titles that Jesus called himself, and we have glorified these titles ... as being names of Jesus. The problem with these teachings is that they are out of touch with the teachings of Jesus and the early apostles, and they attempt to defeat the real message, like the abiding message.

    To understand what I am about to say, one must go back, and re-read the Gospel of John from the first chapter, and then, read further (beyond chapter 10), through to chapter 18. But first, let me finish sharing with you this powerful truth of abiding, and you will soon come to realize what it means to be born again of the Spirit of God. You will learn what the early apostles meant when they said …

    "for as many as are led by the Spirit of God … they are the sons and daughters of God"

    (Romans ch.8, Acts 2:16-18,38-40)


    Realization from the Holy Spirit

    Take time, review, hear, … and write

    What about this Previous Section … ? Which part ?

    This Break is not for Questions & Answers, but rather for Realization that comes to you from the Holy Spirit. Take

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