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Day Seven
Day Seven
Day Seven
Ebook121 pages2 hours

Day Seven

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About this ebook

After her parents were brutally murdered, Hailey tries to live a normal life like a normal teenager; only she doesn't want to be noticed. She was content with hiding in the shadows not being seen by lurking eyes. Until one day things randomly start to change when she gets noticed. When Hailey met Robert she knew there was something more than just 'boy meets girl.' They had something mysteriously hidden between them and neither of them knew what it was.

With Robert's help, Hailey tries to find out who killed her parents. She ends up getting herself in a bit of trouble. There is no way out. Find out how Hailey and Robert meet their end.

Release dateOct 11, 2012
Day Seven

Yianna Yiannacou

Yianna Yiannacou is an aspiring writer who was born in Toronto, Ontario. At the age of 22 she got caught up in the writing world. She was inspired to write a novel of her own after realizing her passion for writing fan fiction. With the encouragement from many fans, she took a leap of faith and decided to publish. She is currently working on short stories that you can find on her website.

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    Day Seven - Yianna Yiannacou

    Day Seven

    Yianna Yiannacou

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    Covert Art by Insomnolepsy titled Behind the Green Door. Edited by Yianna Yiannacou.


    I will begin by saying that I am going to tell you a little story. I know what you are thinking,

    'Obviously', right? I don't blame you. This story is about two people - a man and a woman. It won’t seem like it at first, but I assure you it will. Well, these two people have just met, yet it seems like they have known each other for eternity. There was an immediate spark after the first time they saw each other. There is always that one person in your life that you know and you feel like you can entrust them with the world. Some people call it their ‘soul mate.’ Your every move is mirrored by their behaviour for that day. If they're sad, you feel sympathy for them. If they're mad, you try to make them happy. You know you are in love and it is the best feeling in the world.

    Then, on the other hand, there are other people who you know not to trust – the bad people. They have that look in their eyes that screams, ‘bad news!’ These people you never tell a word to. You stay away from them, fearing not only for your safety, but also for your well-being and the well-being of others. You are tempted to go and see them, to confront them, to prove a point, but that is the last thing you should be thinking about! Reasoning with these people does not work and should not be attempted.

    We tend to lean towards the familiar for safety. It is always good to trust your first instincts. When someone tells you to stay away from that person, you should listen, before it is too late. People are known to fight back when they are trapped in a corner with nowhere to go. They make drastic decisions. Sometimes they aren’t the smartest, but at the moment they feel it is the right thing to do. Regret nothing.

    Trust the ones you love. In the end, they will be saving not only your life, but your soul as well.

    Day 1

    Sunday March 15th 2010

    Just like every other morning, Hailey sat on the edge of her bed, and tried to fully open her eyes from their dreamless sleep. Her shoulders slumped as she stared down at her bare feet, blinking away her blurry eyesight. She always hated her feet, especially her toes. They were painted the same colour as her hard wood floor which was a golden brown. Her entire house was hard wood. No one in her family liked carpet. She sat there barely awake, resisting the sweet temptation to roll back in her covers and laying there for the rest of eternity. Hailey’s body still felt heavy and exhausted.

    She had her eight hours of rest - if that’s what you like to call it – just like every other day, but it never seemed like it was enough. She doesn’t get the pleasure of closing her eyes and seeing the wonderful scenes of gumdrops, unicorns and rainbows anymore. The beautiful dreams she used to have are no more. Instead of peaceful, happy dreams; she has nightmares - Nightmares so terrifying that she feels as if she could lose her life in the heat of the unconscious moment.

    A sigh of relief came bursting out of her as she turned her head to the left to look beside her bed frame. Her calendar hung there neatly on the wall. Each day of the month that passed was crossed off with a big red X. The handy marker lay there as it always did, on her bed stand, waiting to be used again. Today was Sunday so she didn’t have to worry about getting ready and dressed for school. It was only her second year in high school and she already hated it. In elementary school, people knew not to walk up and talk to her. She was the loner kid and she actually liked it that way. People made fun of her behind her back, and even sometimes to her face. Truthfully, it didn’t bother her one bit. She’d gone through a weird, ugly faze all through elementary school. Her appearance was different from everyone else around in her area.

    The town where she lived, everyone had blonde hair and blue eyes - not Hailey though. Even from being born in the town of Collingwood, Ontario, Hailey had long, black hair, and midnight dark eyes. It was because of her mother. Her mother, Carmella Glassman, was an out-of-towner who had visited when she was in her teens. She ended up meeting the love of her life, Hailey’s father, Roger Glassman. Roger fell in love with her the moment he saw her. It was story tale love at first sight. Carmella had literally swooped Roger right off his feet, they liked to say.

    Hailey came out looking exactly like Carmella - a dark featured goddess - while her Dad, in fact, had blonde hair and blue eyes. Hailey’s skin was so pale and unable to tan. If she stayed out in the sun long enough, her skin would redden, but then go back to its soft off-white colour. Hailey never spent enough time outside though, unless she was gardening or just taking out the trash. And getting a tan really didn’t concern her, unlike the other girls in her class who went to the tanning beds two to three times a week just to get that unnatural orange glow.

    Carmella Glassman had always told Hailey that she was an identical match to her mother when she was younger. As much as Hailey could see the resemblance in pictures, she never got the opportunity to meet her grandmother in person. In Hailey’s eyes, her mother was the most beautiful person she had ever set eyes upon. Carmella had long black hair when she and Roger first met, but cut it as she aged. She had beautiful dark eyes which Hailey inherited and she always wore a beautiful pearl necklace. The necklace Roger got her on their first anniversary and hadn’t ever taken it off - it even stayed on while she showered.

    Hailey always went to Carmella for advice whenever she felt sad or in need of cheering up. When Hailey was much younger - when people’s comments did hurt at one point - Carmella would always be there for her daughter, no matter what. Carmella would tell Hailey that things in life would change once she was older and not to worry about what other people said about her. It didn’t really matter what she said or how Carmella gave advice to Hailey. If someone said the exact same words to Hailey, she wouldn’t believe them, but because they were coming out of her mother’s mouth, with her sincerity, Hailey hung onto every word. She adored her mother.

    Carmella had always told Hailey that she would grow up to be beautiful and everyone would want to be her friend. Carmella even put the idea in Hailey’s head that she would grow up to look like the Snow White character. Hailey didn’t believe her then, but she does now. That was one of the reasons Hailey hated high school. She was beautiful on the outside but broken on the inside. Grade nine, for some odd reason, was much easier to be hidden in the crowd. Hailey did not talk to anyone and she made no friends. Everyone was nervous and insecure about everything in grade nine and Hailey loved it. As soon as grade ten came around, it was as if everyone had changed and turned into these massive social butterflies. The beginning of grade ten turned out just as she planned – she talked to no one and no one talked to her. As soon as everyone got back from March break, and the sun came out, everyone noticed Hailey, and she did not like it. Not one bit.

    The newly evolved students of high school all wanted to get to know her. They wanted to know her name, and what elementary school she went to. They asked why she transferred over to their school, even though she has been there the entire time in grade nine. ‘How do you get your hair so shinny? What face product do you use to get your skin so soft and glowing? Are you wearing contacts, or are your eyes normally that dark? Where do you live? How come I have never seen you out before? Do you live in the area?’

    Those were only a few of the questions she got asked from returning from March Break. Hailey physically and mentally couldn’t handle it. She wished with all her heart that her parents were still with her, so she could have someone to turn to. Hailey missed them so much and there was nothing she could do to ever see them again.

    Hailey’s parents both died when she was just ten years old.

    The painful memory still lingers in her mind. She will always remember that day it happened, just like it was yesterday. It was December 24th 2004 - Christmas Eve. The day couldn’t have gotten any better. It was a sunny day that reflected off the fresh, untouched snow that blanketed the ground. As soon as Hailey had woken up, she jumped off her bed and went straight to her window. Opening it created the mountain

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