About this ebook
Read this book and learn how to train your brain to sleep naturally and without sleep medications. Learn what sleep is and why your brain needs it on a regular basis. Put your action plan into place to get a good night's sleep.
Anthony Geraci
I am a neurologist in New York City and also a writer of fiction and non-fiction books. This is a combination well-suited for me as I love to help people and I love to write: so I have put the two together in the form of self-help non-fiction as well as fiction works that will soon be in print and eBook formats. Originally from California, I was educated there and in New York City, my adopted home. After finishing my medical training and a brief career in academic medicine, I opened my private practice, neurOasis, in New York in 2007.
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How to beat insomnia - Anthony Geraci
How to beat insomnia
Your step-by-step action plan to getting a good night's sleep naturally and without sleep medication
Anthony P. Geraci, M.D.
Founder and Director
neurOasis Neurology and Mind/Body Wellness
New York City
Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology
New York University School of Medicine
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013 neurOasis
License Notes: All rights reserved. No part of this book, including interior design, cover design, and icons may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Ebook formatting by www.ebooklaunch.com
Table of Contents
Introduction: Insomnia No More!
Chapter 1: What is sleep and why do we need it?
Chapter 2: Insomnia is a disorder of hyper-arousal, NOT a problem sleeping!
Chapter 3: Medical Conditions that cause insomnia - the first golden rule
Chapter 4: Sleep History Questionnaire and cognitive behavioral therapy - Take a good look
Chapter 5: Sleep medications - the second golden rule
Chapter 6: Sleep hygiene - the third golden rule
Chapter 7: Treatments - Let's get started
Appendix: Resources
Insomnia No More!
Can't sleep? You are not alone. I know how isolated you feel when you toss and turn at 3:00am, growing increasingly frustrated as you wait and wait and wait for sweet slumber to wash across you and turn off your mind. I have had many nights in my life that were anything but restful. I've tried sleeping medications, supplements, breathing techniques - you name it, and I've probably tried it. And now? I sleep like a baby. Every night. Yes, it's true and I am going to reveal to you the secrets to falling asleep and staying asleep.
I know how isolated you feel when you toss and turn at 3:00am…I am going to reveal to you the secrets to falling asleep and staying asleep.
You will find within these pages that the so-called secrets to getting good and restorative sleep are not really secrets at all. Much of what you will learn could be categorized as common sense.
Probably, however, no one has ever put it all together for you so that you can put a plan into action and learn
to sleep well. That's right, you have to learn
to sleep. Your brain has slowly learned bad habits over time, largely due to the fast-paced society we all live in. Insomnia is a relatively new problem for modern people. Prior to the invention of the light bulb and its subsequent impact on our ability to be active at night, most people had no problem sleeping.
Sound like a daunting problem? Not really. You have always had the ability to train your brain to sleep, but no one has pulled it all together for you in one book that is your step-by-step guide to sleeping well.
Read the pages of this book. Do everything suggested and learn about your brain, how it works and why it needs sleep. Be patient. Slowly but surely you will find yourself among a group of people you used to envy: good sleepers.
Sweet dreams,
Anthony P. Geraci, M.D.
Founder and Director
neurOasis Neurology and Mind/Body Wellness Center
Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology
New York University School of Medicine
Chapter 1
What is sleep and why do we need it?
Sleep. That time we all look forward to each day - or at least those of us that sleep well look forward to it. Sleep is one of the few bonds we all share. Very few things in life are absolutely common to all of us. We are all born, we all die, we all eat and drink, and we all sleep. No exceptions.
So, it is little surprise that so many people who have trouble sleeping are always in search of that magic answer, the one special pill, the panacea that will cure their insomnia. Sleep is a