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The Guardians of the Light
The Guardians of the Light
The Guardians of the Light
Ebook251 pages4 hours

The Guardians of the Light

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When the human race stands on the brink of extinction and the dominion of Hell seems unstoppable, who will bring hope to the faithful?
BEHOLD! The Guardians of the Light. Warriors chosen among mankind by the Gods themselves. Four young men and women gifted with immense powers and legendary weapons to fight against the rising evil. But when they are faced by the greatest evils the Universe has ever known can even they prevail?
Join Gabriel, Libby, and Michael as they search for their fourth and final companion in a world torn apart by war. Demons, devils, and worse, stand in their way and should they fail in their quest than all humanity will be lost.

Release dateJan 2, 2013
The Guardians of the Light

J.R. Brousseau

I suppose I should begin at the beginning. I was born a Navy brat, in Norfolk, VA. From there, my family moved to San Te, CA, and then to RI. I have no need to state what town in RI since the whole state is only 30 miles wide and 60 miles long. I did most of my growing up here in the smallest state in the country, though I have also lived in GA, MO, NY, and spent a bit of time in the Middle East. Alas, I have always returned to RI as my home and it is here that I currently reside. As an avid 31 year old reader of fantasy novels, I have found myself growing more and more disgruntled with the same old story and style used over and over again. Somewhere along the line, it was determined that a fantasy novel had to be longer and longer, written in series that seemed to have no apparent end to them. My introduction to fantasy novels occured in the 6th grade when I picked up a copy of "The Sword of Shannara" at a used book fair. I was hooked immediately to the genre. Imagine my disapointment when I found that the story line was almost identical to "The Lord of the Rings". I read many other novels through the years and then, in 2000, I joined the Army. About this time I began reading the "Wheel of Time" series. Here I am, almost 13 years later and I am still reading the "Wheel of Time" series. Mostly out of stubborness at this point, because I have almost lost track of the story as much as the author apparently did. Since the Army, I have opened my own Karate Dojo, a life long dream of mine as I have trained in traditional Okinawan Karate for over 25 years now. I had also longed to write a novel, but at the time I needed to do something that could earn me a living. I knew that it was a long shot to ever get a novel published...or so I thought. Around the time I opened my Dojo, I began reading an author by the name of Brian S. Pratt. I found his approach to fantasy to be a breath of fresh air. More than just this, he offered insight into the world of Smashwords.com. And so, here I am. I am putting the finishing touches on my first novel which will hopefully be available before December 21st of this year. It is, obviously, a fantasy novel. And more than that I will not say until I am ready to publish it. Until that time, I bid you all adieu.

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    The Guardians of the Light - J.R. Brousseau


    In the beginning we were one. Perfect in form and of pure energy within the void. We had always existed as such, and eternity was but a moment. Ages and time held no meaning, but in the vastness of our existence did we grow curious. We questioned if we were alone and sought to know the truth of this question.

    We sent forth small pieces of our self to explore the infinity of the void in which we existed. As these spirits of our essence returned we found always the same answer, we were alone. As our search expanded so too did the energy invested in our spirits and longer spans past before these spirits returned.

    We do not know how it happened, but finally one of our spirits came back altered. It had somehow become self aware, with a will that was separate from ours. For a time, it was able to hide this from us and from within our being it began to change us. By the time we became aware of this, it was too late. Fully one-third of our form was corrupted by this other, that was no longer of us. Rather than allow the corruption to continue, we made a decision, not knowing that this was what the corruption had hoped for. We split from the other and in so doing we caused what man came to call the Big Bang.

    In an instant a vast portion of our energy transformed for the first time into matter. In that instant was the first battle waged. That which was corrupted sought to destroy all that we had made almost before it began. The battle waged for less than a single heartbeat, and for thousand lifetimes and, in the end, we prevailed and the universe was born.

    Though we had won the battle, the war was far from over. Neither side in this war wanted the destruction of all and so we set rules to govern our conflict. The most important of these rules was that we would not confront each other directly ever again, for to do so could unmake all that was, all that is, and all that ever would be. Instead, we would each work through physical agents that would do our will.

    This arrangement saw the creation of Angels and of Demons. It caused the birth and death of stars. Our conflict became a struggle that permeated every atom in all of creation and once more threatened all that exists. Thus did we pause our war once again to seek a better way.

    Through this conflict what we did not foresee was the creation of life. As we fought, some of our energy was broken off and this energy animated the first living cells the universe had ever seen. We saw life created and destroyed on many worlds and through these lives we saw our chance at salvation, or ruin.

    We scoured the universe until we found a world that was perfect for our needs. We determined that much of the life inhabiting this world would be dangerous to our plan and so we sent an asteroid into this planet and destroyed much of what lived there.

    When the world was habitable once more we created purposefully for the first time, life. The life that we made, we called man and we breathed our own spirit into this being and made it the most unique life in all of creation. That part of us that was corrupted also gave something to this creation, the will to freely choose its own path and destiny.

    Magic was alive in those days, for our spirit was divided among so few. Humans were able to change their world with but the power of their mind. We saw this and thought that it was good, for this power would be needed if our battle was to be fought by our creation upon this world.

    For millennia we watched as mankind slowly grew. We rejoiced at the discoveries of tools and fire. We lamented the fights that occurred amongst them. We had not foreseen that humans would grow at such an alarming pace and thus did our spirit become spread too thin and, slowly, the magic that they wielded waned, so that fewer among them could achieve what their ancestors had.

    As our beloved creation developed larger societies we began to take an active role in their progress. They knew us as Gods and called us by many names. By these names would we appear to them and guide them, as a parent does a young child, in the ways of morals and goodness.

    Our adversary also came amongst them and did attempt to corrupt their spirits, so that in death their power would become His power. In this manner did we perceive that we had erred, for we had become many and He had remained one.

    We sought out, in the many groups of humanity, a society that worshiped us as a single whole and found such in a society that had named themselves the Israelites. It was agreed amongst us that we would attempt to unite all of our creation under a new belief that a single greater God, a beacon of Light, stood alone against the Dark.

    Our greatest hurdle was that the Israelites were a small and subjected group within a greater empire and thus did we decide to send the greater part of our spirit to walk in their midst as one of them. Thus came the age of Christ.

    Our adversary, known in this region by many names but recognized by most as Satan, saw a great opportunity. If He could corrupt this incarnation He could tip the balance of power in his favor and avoid a final battle altogether. But we had invested too much of our spirit in this creation and the Christ child was of us and thus able to rebuke the temptations of the Dark One.

    Through this life did we spread teachings of goodness, peace, and unity. Through his death did we open the door for all of our broken spirit to return to us and be forgiven. Alas, though we came close, we ultimately failed.

    Unspeakable horrors were done in the name of God and in the name of Christ. Man became divided over the most trivial matters and waged terrible wars because of our spirit made flesh. Mankind became more divided than ever and their wars threatened to tip the balance of power.

    Finally, after centuries had past, something happened that we had hoped for from the beginning. Something that could once more defeat the corruption. Our creation began to seek, and find, answers for why and how their world existed.

    We rejoiced at the discoveries that humans made. They learned of the universe and even discovered how it came to be. Mankind learned of how life developed and evolved and as our creation grew in knowledge, we began to interfere less and less. We were sure in our false pride that humanity would learn the answers on their own, eventually seeking us out to rejoin with us. But ever did our adversary work in the shadows, guiding man down the wrong paths.

    His greatest achievement was in making humans believe that He did not exist, and in doing so did he make them forget us. Our creation wrongly began to believe that they came into existence the same as all other creatures. They began to look only to their science. Magic was dead and no longer did they seek out their Gods.

    We and our counterpart did perceive that the time had come for our true battle to be fought. We believed that if any more time passed we would be too weak to fight while our adversary believed that He was now the greater of us but had reached the limit of His growth.

    We agreed that, though we could each have many agents in our war, the full number of Champions would be limited to four each, two males and two females. That part of us that was corrupt chose his Champions and they were named among men as the Warriors of the Dark. They were evil and vile, perversions of what we had wished of our creation. He had even managed to corrupt one whom we had wanted as our own Champion.

    We knew that to awaken magic in the world once more that the number of our creation would need to be reduced dramatically. It was decided to effect this change through the use of weapons that mankind had created and that afterwards all modern weapons of humanity would be made unusable.

    And so the war is upon us and the end of mans domination of his world is at its end. Long did we seek our Champions and all of our hope rests now upon their shoulders. Now is an age of wonder. Now is an age of magic. Now do we send forth the Guardians of the Light.

    -From the Book of Truth written by the First Prophet of the Time of Prophecy.


    Today was a day like any other for Gabriel, a young man of average height and average build. He had short, well kempt brown hair and hazel eyes. He awoke around eight, made a simple breakfast of toast and coffee, took a shower and jumped online to continue his job hunt. The economy hadn’t been kind to him, or to anyone else for that matter, and good jobs were hard to come by. By all accounts he considered himself lucky to own his own karate studio though it didn’t earn him much because most people didn’t have the disposable income to afford it. After about an hour of submitting his resume to various positions he shut down his computer and got ready to head out to his business to do some cleaning up and finish up some paperwork.

    Before leaving his apartment Gabriel checked to make sure that all of his supplies were ready for his spell casting later that night. I wonder why I even bother with all of this still he said quietly to himself. Today was Samhain, however, and Gabriel always found some comfort in the rituals and festivals. Gabriel considered himself a pagan though he didn’t stick to only one following. Instead he would take the parts that felt right to him from various faiths, Wicca, Druidry, Buddhism, Christianity and others. Once he was certain that all was in readiness, he headed out to begin his day.

    It didn’t take Gabriel long to finish cleaning up his dojo and the paperwork consisted mainly of looking through the pile of bills that he couldn’t afford to pay. There were still about six hours left before his first class so he made himself comfortable in his car and grabbed his e-book to continue reading a story that he’d already read a half a dozen times. Gabriel preferred reading in his car because it left him the ability to enjoy a cigarette occasionally, one of his few vices. He’d only completed a paragraph before he noticed one of the areas many homeless heading his way and, with a sigh, he put his e-book down so as not to be distracted from the almost certain conversation to come.

    Good morning the man said through a mostly toothless smile.

    Good morning to you as well sir, how are you today Gabriel responded politely.

    He found the old man’s appearance to be almost humorous. He was tall, about six-three, with well groomed gray hair that was almost white. He was wearing what appeared to be a tweed suit that was purchased in the seventy’s with a hand tied bow tie and, Gabriel noticed, he actually smelled pretty good for a homeless man, almost sweet.

    I’m fine, just fine today the man stated and Gabriel noticed that he had a slightly southern accent. I was wondering if you could spare a cigarette. I don’t have any and I don’t make much as a travelling preacher the man continued.

    Not a problem sir Gabriel said while reaching for his pack. He had already figured that was the reason the man had chosen to approach in the first place.

    Thank you, and you can just call me Preacher, sir seems so proper. What do you do if you don’t mind my asking Preacher asked.

    I’m a karate instructor Gabriel replied while reaching forward with his lighter to light the cigarette he had just given to Preacher.

    Ah, a noble profession. I took kung-fu myself and used to be in the green berets, so you know that I’m a pretty good fighter myself Preacher responded and then proceeded to show off a couple of moves that seemed comical and just a bit foolish to Gabriel.

    And I was beginning to think he might not be one of the slightly tapped homeless people around here, Gabriel thought to himself though being an army vet himself he kept his thoughts to himself and replied impressive. I respect anyone who’s served our country, and I am honored to meet someone who has studied any martial art. Too bad teaching it these days doesn’t pay the bills.

    Maybe so Preacher replied, but anyone who works to inspire others is earning a more spiritual currency. Would you mind if I said a short benediction for you?

    Gabriel felt a bit uncomfortable with overly religious types but he didn’t wish to appear rude and he figured that afterwards the man would finally go away so that he could get back to his book.

    Thank you, I would appreciate that was Gabriel’s response.

    After placing a hand on Gabriel’s forehead, Preacher said a short prayer and marked the sign of the cross on Gabriel’s head.

    I can see big things in your future young man, mark my words, Preacher said when he was done.

    I certainly hope so, he replied. I hope you have a good day and maybe I’ll see you again sometime.

    I don’t doubt it, said Preacher, and you have a good day too.

    And with those parting words the old man turned and walked away.

    Gabriel reached for his e-reader to continue his book where he had left off and looked up once more to make sure that Preacher wasn’t coming back. He was a little surprised that Preacher was nowhere to be found.

    Strange, Gabriel thought to himself, he didn’t seem to be moving that fast. Gabriel went back to reading and thought no more of the encounter.

    Gabriel’s karate classes went smoothly that evening though the youth classes were a bit riled. Every Halloween he allowed his students to wear their costumes to class and that always seemed to excite them. It was with the start of his adult class that things went downhill fast.

    Gabriel! cried Libby, one of his two adult students, I think your car is being towed.

    What? he exclaimed as he ran from the dojo and into the night air just in time to see his car rolling down the street on the back of a tow truck. Damn it.

    Well you knew it was gonna happen sooner or later, Libby declared as she followed him out of the studio.

    Yeah, he replied but I was hoping that I had a little more time to get the money together and pay them. Do you think you could give me a ride home after class?

    Sure, no problem.


    Gabriel had always liked Libby. She was a lovely young lady with the white skin, light red hair and pale blue eyes common to those of Irish decent. They had been friends for many years thanks to their mutual interest in karate and they had spent a couple of nights together some time ago. They had never officially dated though, mostly due to Gabriel’s phobia of relationships, but they remained very close.

    Their class was enjoyable and helped Gabriel to get his mind off of his current troubles. The ride back to his apartment was pleasant and filled with conversation of the ‘good old days’. When they pulled in the drive way Gabriel was reluctant to allow the evening to end.

    Would you like to come up for a drink? Gabriel asked.

    Libby’s reply was hesitant as she didn’t wish for the night to end either, but she also knew where things would likely lead and she wasn’t quite ready to spend another night that would be just that, a night.

    Gabriel, I… Libby started to say.

    Don’t worry about it, Gabriel interrupted quickly, already knowing what she was going to say maybe we can get one another time.

    Yeah, that sounds good, she replied, grateful for Gabriel’s understanding.

    Have a good night then and I’ll see you later, he said

    Yeah, you too. Hopefully things will be looking up soon, she responded.

    Hopefully, good night Libby.

    Good night Gabriel, and with that she backed out and was gone.

    Gabriel turned to head inside reluctantly. He had wished that Libby would take him up on his offer but he knew why she didn’t and he didn’t like hurting her. He liked her a lot, maybe even more than liked, but he had been hurt in the past and he didn’t want to take his relationship with Libby to the next level for fear that it would end up in similar heart break.

    Once in his apartment, Gabriel grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on his couch to watch a movie. Thankfully he had quite the collection of DVD’s since his cable had been shut off two weeks prior for non-payment. Tonight he chose to watch a three hour fantasy movie figuring that by the time it was over it would be about time to head into the woods next to his home and complete his Samhain ritual.

    Truthfully he had considered just going to bed and forgetting about celebrating the pagan festival but with the way his luck had been going he thought that might not be such a good idea.

    If I don’t have time for the gods a few times a year then why should they find time for me, he thought.

    So, with a sigh, he rose from his spot, grabbed his supplies and headed out into the chill night to conduct his spell.

    The spot he regularly used wasn’t far, perhaps two-hundred yards from his door but he still felt apprehensive going into the woods at all at night. He wasn’t afraid of the dark but he was afraid of the creatures of the night, most especially the skunks. Some luck was with him this night though because no animals came across his path and he arrived at his predetermined location without incident. The area was a small clearing surrounded by tall oak trees and the ground was covered by the red and brown leaves they had shed.

    Gabriel took some time to carefully clear a spot for a small fire and he even dug a shallow pit to keep the flames from spreading. It took him only a couple of moments to get the fire started and it’s light gave him some added comfort on this dark night.

    Gabriel performed his spell, based off of one that he had read in one of his many new-age books. It didn’t take long and as always he thought that he felt a slight tingling sensation, as though he was just barely touching the edges of magic.

    Once the spell was complete he hesitated closing his circle. Something felt unfinished but he didn’t know quite what that something was. As had sometimes happened in past spells he felt a sudden urge to cry out the name of his Goddess though he never had followed through. He was always afraid that someone else would hear and he would end up looking foolish standing there in the middle of the woods.

    This time however, as he was about to just shake off the urge and call an end to the night, all of the issues and problems that had been plaguing him flooded through his mind. The litany of bad experiences began to overwhelm him and he shut his eyes against it, feeling something within him building.

    Finally when he thought he could take no more Gabriel shouted out in a powerful voice CERRIDWEN!

    Silence. That was what followed his mighty shout and he was just about to open his eyes and head for home when he realized that he had fallen to his knees.

    Wow, he thought, that was intense.

    Thankfully the ground was soft even if the grass felt a bit damp.

    Wait, there isn’t any gra…His unfinished thought was interrupted by the most beautiful voice Gabriel had ever heard.

    Well, it’s about time.


    Gabriel opened his eyes, apprehensive of what sites awaited him. He was unexpectedly forced to immediately snap them shut again. He was not prepared to open his eyes to the brightness of daylight. He was more cautious on his second attempt to view the sites about him.

    What he beheld was wondrous to behold. He

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