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About this ebook

Snuff, a first person point of view-journal styled story based in a small Indiana town, known for two things - it's fields of nothing but weeds and sadly, it's methamphetamine problem. Narrating us through this tale of woe, the root of many innocent lives turned upside down, Hank Bonacci – America's number one dealer and bad guy (in his eyes).

During a deal gone wrong and facing the beating of his life, Hank had suddenly found himself intertwined within the drama of a family of junkies. A family full of junkies, that is in exception to the sole daughter and soon to be high school graduate, Samantha Tuffer. Intrigued by this young female, Hank has an uncontrollable desire to grow close with the young female.

Samantha, young and bright, had promising future clear ahead of her. She had every intention to leave her embarrassing disgrace of a family in the dust once the time came. Unfortunately for her, blood turns out to be thicker than water, and the young female finds herself bare-backed against a wall with a decision that will throw her future down the drain no matter which road chosen. Both of these newly formed roads have been paved by none other than, Hank...

Release dateJan 3, 2013

Benjamin Dickson

Beer drinker, story teller, Pink Floyd diehard.

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    Book preview

    Snuff - Benjamin Dickson


    Benjamin Dickson

    Copyright 2010 by Benjamin Dickson

    Smashwords Edition

    Table of contents:

    Chapter 1 - 4-14-07

    Chapter 2 - 6-23-07

    Chapter 3 - 6-09-07

    Chapter 4 - 6-09-07

    Chapter 5 - 6-09-07

    Chapter 6 - 6-10-07

    Chapter 7 - 7-1-07

    Chapter 8 - 7-28-07

    Chapter 9 - 10-31-07

    Chapter 10 - 1-10-08

    Chapter 11 - 5-24-08

    Chapter 12 - 7-01-10

    Chapter 13 - 7-09-10

    Chapter 14 - 7-12-10

    Chapter 15 - 7-12-10


    Blow after blow, I felt the striking, full fisted force of the twenty-three year old junkie’s frail hand upon my body. I could barely tolerate the beating I was taking at the time, seeing I was greatly caught off guard by his aggression. This young adult’s fists felt like solid steel at the time. The cement basement floor seemed my only safe haven, clinging to it for dear life. I remember thinking to myself -- Self, stand up for yourself. You can take him. At the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was literally that beaten down, and let’s face it, this kid was mad; not angry mad but actually mad in the head. Let’s just say this guy wasn’t the brightest candle on the cake. There was a blazing fire was visible in his dark blue eyes but hell, who am I kidding; the fire I saw could have been due to the red blood covering my eyes while an open gash on my forehead gushed blood. I was in dire need of help, any kind of help - desperate. This man was going to beat me and leave me for death.

    High as a kite, and completely addicted to heroine, the young man who was on the upper end of this fight went by the name of Billy Tuffer. Not to get side tracked but you see, at the time, I was Bill’s drug dealer. Not only was I his dealer, I pretty much ran the smaller hick town of North Vernon, Indiana. Cocaine, Heroine, Meth; if anyone had it - it came from me. Okay, back to Bill here. Bill started off young when it came to drinking booze and smoking tree. When I say young, I’m talking thirteen years young. It’s easy to say he was a product of his environment, seeing his father suffered an overdosed and his mother is an undercover crack-cocaine addict. With age, Bill craved more and more of a rush, which lead to his relationship with the needle.

    Now, you may be wondering how in the hell was this heroine addict giving me the beating of my life at the time, seeing how most people addicted to the stamp tend to be skinny and frail. Always remember, you can never underestimate a fiend in rage, especially one that easily towers a good six or so inches above me. When enraged, it’s comparable to a retard’s hidden strength. Standing at 6’2" with a shaved head, Bill was only starting to lose weight in his early stage of addiction, with some fat still remaining on his bones. I was unarmed at the time, and he was broke; which lead to him setting me up. We met in his mother’s basement, where he had no money and was determined to score. I brought out a few stamps - he grabbed - I attempted to fight off - and that’s when the fists started flying. He caught me with a right cross immediately off of the bat, which I’ll admit, caused me to see stars as I fell to the ground from this single blow. This is when the beating grew ugly. I assume something had really been bothering Bill at the time, seeing how his eyes had started to tear up while every single punch thrown was filled with emotion. It was as clear as day, Bill wanted me dead.

    Suddenly - Billlllll!! Bill stop! What in the hell! A screechy, annoying voice was heard screaming as Bill’s doped out mother rushed down the wooden basement stairs from the first floor of her home. When I heard these words of distress, all I could think was: THANK YOU GOD. These words caught Bill’s attention for a second as he turned around to find his frail and boney mother. The forty-nine year old easily looked to be in her sixties, obviously due to her drug abuse.

    Angry, and not listening to his mother’s demand, Bill shouted in a demanding manner back at his bleached blond haired mother that he loved so dearly. Fuck off mum, I’m gonna end this... Bill then dropped to his knees, right on top of my body; using his weight to pin me to the ground. Now with one hundred percent control of this fight, Bill wrapped his slightly boney hands around my neck and started to squeeze. End all this nowww! He shouted again in a fury that I have never seen before from any of my loyal customers. I could only think to myself - Yep, I’m toast. Thanks Sally, thanks for the help...

    Just as Bill started to choke the life from me, the woman with all of her mite threw her body at her son like a wrecking ball striking a bricked wall. This happened to throw Bill off balance and away from me momentarily. As the mother and son scuffled on the ground for a very short few seconds, an argument escalated between the two. This led to Bill easing up in order to state his case to his controlling, junkie mother.

    Bill! No you stop this! I can’t have you put in jail now stop! The woman shouted as she pushed her heavily drugged out son away in attempt to calm the man down.

    Bill slurred back in response while enraged. C’mon mommm, I’ma end this! He came at me first, I’m not backin’ down like some bitch. The hell do you think I am?!

    I know baby, I know. The woman said as emotion gets to her and tears started to roll from her eyes. You showed him you’re boss, I’m not gonna lose my only son. You can’t do this! I remember a short pause of silence following as the mother found herself caught up in her

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