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All That is Love
All That is Love
All That is Love
Ebook199 pages3 hours

All That is Love

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About this ebook

Listening to the world with your heart opens a window to the soul. In this place you are able to see truth is everywhere. It sings through the wind in the trees and in the cry of a new born child. It comes to our hearts through light in the beauty of a rainbow. It reaches us in every breath we take and whispers I Am All That Is. May the Golden Way lead your heart dancing to a truth you have always known.

A magical, life-changing story about a special group of nine travellers who set out to create a better world by offering a different and exciting way to look at life. Written in a simple, easy-to-read style, this enlightening tale presents a fascinating look at who we are and why we are here. As the story unfolds, we see a positive view of life; gaining greater insight into love, truth, birth, death, in between lives, colour, astrology, nature, relationships, choice, religion and much more. We find answers to puzzling aspects of life; such as why one person lives a trouble free life and another suffers great hardship. This wonderful story will leave you with a more loving and optimistic view of the future; for yourself, your family and the world.

Release dateJan 13, 2013
All That is Love

Sandy Stevenson

Born in Australia, I spent many years in the UK, travelling extensively around the world, experiencing amazing adventures, places and people. Many special moments include crossing the Sahara and Africa, travelling across the USA in a motor home, winter travel through Europe, camel riding in Egypt, the midnight sun in icebergs in Greenland, Zimbabwe Falls, northern lights in Alaska and surviving a hurricane in the North Atlantic as ship crew. In 2004, I left my UK Victorian countryside home to live by the ocean in Queensland, Australia. I feel so blessed for my life, for my beautiful daughter and brother and the incredible friends who have shared my journey. I spent many years devoted to study of the human spirit. My spiritual journey has offered many challenges but I have always searched for the positives and used these as learning opportunities to help me with more understanding of the higher overall picture. I help wherever it feels right and believe that is what we came here. I hope my new book, Seekers of Higher Truth, helps to better understand this truly incredible journey we are on. Bestseller 'The Awakener' was a handbook for all those who came to help Earth with her transition. It has also been translated into German and Lithuanian. My new book 'Seekers of Higher Truth' may help with an understanding of our journey from Source and our goals in the universe. A second book, 'All that is love' was written as a story, to provide a book to assist lightworkers with acceptable, easy to read information to help friends and family discover a spiritual path. It is a magical, life-changing story about a special group of nine travellers who set out to create a better world by offering a different and exciting way to look at life. Two other books cover all the articles I have written since publishing 'The Awakener' in 1997. Their titles are 'The Awakener Articles 1995-2021' and 'Ascension Awakening Articles 2022-2023'. Another book 'Q and A - Spirit Way' is a compilation of questions I have been asked over 40 years.  What an amazing and unique journey we all share.

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    Book preview

    All That is Love - Sandy Stevenson



    Do you remember this day? It was the 31st of October - 14,216 years ago.

    Cracks appeared down the magnificent gold and silver inner walls of the mighty temple. The surrounding temples had already collapsed, pure white columns crumbling into the waters that now lapped the edges of the steps. The mighty Healing Temple, always thought of as indestructible, was beginning to shake as the outer vibrations increased in intensity. The walls began to tilt, cracking the domed roof and showering the temple in a rainbow of glass. The beautiful amethyst crystal shattered as it hit the gold and blue marble floor.

    The temple priests and priestesses stood in the centre of the square below the temple as the waves began crashing further inland. They watched in disbelief, searching their minds for a reason for the chaos going on around them. It was incomprehensible. How could this be happening? They knew they had a highly advanced technology. Whole cities could be built using sound vibration alone. But it should have been safe. They had always gone to such lengths to ensure that they maintained a balance between their scientific technology and their application of the humanities. It had been ideal, with everyone coexisting in peace and harmony. Yes, there had been some problems lately, but surely not sufficient to throw the balance out this much.

    They could hear the pitch of the vibration constantly increasing. It had to be connected with the intense shudder they could feel beneath their feet. They knew in their heart of hearts that it was the end. This was too intense, too devastating. With the waves mounting in intensity, it now looked as though the whole continent was going to sink.

    The others who had left some months ago had foreseen it. They had said that irreparable imbalances had been created through the latest genetic experiments, causing a decline in spirituality. Many priests had said they no longer wished to be here, that disaster was inevitable. They had left for other lands, to build new pyramids and temples, and to create a new civilization as this had once been.

    The ground itself began to split apart. Large chunks of land began breaking from the landmass and toppling into the ocean. Huge buildings, houses, monorail systems and bridges followed the mighty crystal healing temples into the water. As the crystals plunged through the depths, their crystalline points were smashed against sinking debris. The golden glow of their inner light was lost in the rapidly darkening waters. The crystals became more and more distressed as they attempted to stay linked to their Mother Crystal, as it, too plummeted down through the fathoms; each of them trying to maintain their sequence of the program that gave life to the civilizations of Earth. The giant quartz crystal, itself weighing tons, took a fairly straight path downward. Miraculously, it landed upright and undamaged on the ocean floor of Atlan. Its program for the new millennium remained intact.

    The dolphins, diving deeply, emitted high frequency sound vibrations into the path of the crystals as they tumbled and fell, to help ease their trauma and maintain a balance. The whales and dolphins had known for some time that the choices being made in Atlantis would result in disaster for their world. They were positioned in readiness, creating a huge circle of energy around the landmass. They were doing everything possible to hold things intact, in the hope that perhaps the civilization could be created again under the water.

    It took only several hours. Where once stood the mightiest and most advanced civilization ever known on Earth, there was now but a few ripples in the water. Anyone who was open to it, of course could have sensed the magnificent Mother Crystal as it continued to emit its powerful energy. They may have felt the vortex spiraling up through the ocean waters to the sky above, an inter-dimensional energy, destined to be the source of a great future mystery, taking everything that came within its radiating sphere into another dimension.

    But no one was left to feel it, or to realize that this magnificent crystal, responsible for the co-ordination of the entire continent, would one day confirm the existence of Atlantis.

    Many years would pass, the event passing from distant memory to legend. Even the symbolic day of Halloween would fail to recall the loss of Atlantis.



    6,000 years later

    The family stayed behind to listen to the traveller and see what all the fuss was about. Shimara had felt excited from the first moment she heard he’d arrived. The family usually left town about this time to get home to check the crops before dark. They were checking some strange patterns appearing in the fields that might be some sort of soil erosion. So far, it only affected a small area, but they were keeping a watch on it. Shimara pointed out to her husband that there was nothing they could do about this now anyway, so delaying a couple more hours wouldn’t matter. The children also wanted to stay, but for different reasons. They hadn’t yet investigated the town’s new canal. With all three eager to stay on, her husband gave in. Adrian had to admit to being more than a little curious himself. In fact, he had actually been thinking of suggesting they stay longer in order to hear the tale.

    They heard rumours of course, from people who heard it from others. But now a traveller had arrived from the province of Shangri-La. His accent showed he had truly made that long, hard journey. People were gathering now in the town square, hoping that at last some light would be shed on the stories they all heard.

    The family drew closer to see the stranger better. He was tall and attractive. His fair hair was almost silver, glinting whenever the sun caught it. There was an air of peace and calm about him that brought a feeling of expectancy. Many people were now gathering, chattering excitedly among themselves. They always enjoyed these occasions, when strangers from far away parts would speak to them of the news they’d gathered on their travels. But this traveller had provoked a greater anticipation, for he was to speak first hand of something they had only heard whispers of before and had never been able to piece together.

    Most of the town gathered to listen, sitting down on the blankets they placed on the hard, sandy ground of the town square. The traveller remained standing, waiting until everyone was ready.

    I have come to tell you a story about my homeland of Shangri-La. A group of us have pledged to take this story to the farthest of lands, for we feel that it may be of benefit to others. He spoke confidently and with assurance, but there was something else about him that was more difficult to define. As he spoke, his words resonated, like a long-awaited truth reaching a forgotten place deep within the soul.

    I am going to tell you of something that began some years ago. It is about a way of living we call the Golden Way.

    "The town I speak of was just an average place, set in the heart of a range of mountains with peaks that shimmered in a violet haze. It was a mining town originally, but continued to expand as more people were drawn to its beautiful mountain scenery.

    "The people were simple in their ways. There were still those who pottered around the old mines on the outskirts of the town, looking for a lucky find. Joe, an old miner, was one of these. He had explored these mountains most of his life. He said he didn’t know what led him that day to the stream. He hadn’t planned on going that way up to the ridge. It was even out of his way, but when he got to the stream, something made him decide to rest a while. He hadn’t been digging or disturbing anything, but suddenly he saw the crystal, lying on the edge of the stream right in front of him. He had never seen anything like it. He’d seen crystals before, of course, often digging them up in the hills. But this one was different. It was much bigger than any he had seen. It had three points spearheading out from both ends.

    "He forgot about his plans for the day and decided to take the crystal for appraisal to the assayer’s office in the town. If it was valuable, he might raise enough money to pay for provisions and heating for the coming winter.

    "The crystal was big, but he managed to get it into his pack. It was also quite heavy and he had to rest along the way. Whenever he stopped, he lifted back the flap of his pack and had another look at it. It certainly was a strange shape. Even the colour was unusual, a sort of translucent gold that reflected an inner Light.

    As he headed off to town, he told people along the way about his find. Some of them wanted to see it. When he showed them the crystal, they commented on how special it looked. The children, always curious to see the things he brought back from the mountains, scampered along with him as he strode to the assayer’s office. He was quite excited, thinking of the possibilities it may

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