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Mobile Homes Freezing
Mobile Homes Freezing
Mobile Homes Freezing
Ebook42 pages17 minutes

Mobile Homes Freezing

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Desperate Freezing Woman Shows Mobile Home Insulation Secrets. Hi, there. My name is Linda Culbreth and I am a real person. I live in my third mobile home and froze last winter when I had no choice but to set my thermostat down to 41 degrees - and the heat came on more than once. I share my journey to comfortable and affordable housing - doing things even I could tackle by myself.

Release dateMay 26, 2013
Mobile Homes Freezing

Linda L Culbreth

Linda L Culbreth is a longtime Christian writing teacher and former Christian Dramatist. She is a guest speaker on podcasts and is a published author of a series: Christian Faith Fiction, A Clean and Wholesome Novel which contains Courageous Christian Novel The Cross Penny, Kisses of Mercy, Precious Memories, and the prequel - which is a novella, Camp Ahyoka.Linda also authored the series of preschool children's books - Ok, just one more, which includes the following:Book 1 - One More Hungry LionBook 2 - The Secret at The Petting ZooBook 3 - IndubitablyBook 4 - Fishie, FishieBook 5 - Mama Dinosaur’s Tea PartyBook 6 - Zebra’s RaceBook 7 - The Two-Headed Snake is a true story of a two-headed black rat snake with actual photos, for any age, not just preschoolersBook 8 - Birds on The FenceBook 9 - A Bat Named BartholomewBook 10 - CattywampusBook 11 - Belly Button BroccoliBook 12 - Nolan Bear Gets DressedBook 13 - William, The Wandering QuackerBook 14 - A Can of WormsBook 15 - Up The Hill, Down The Hill, Across The BridgeBook 16 - A-Z Animals Nocturnal? Diurnal?Book 17 - Hissy-Fit (about TEMPER TANTRUMS)Book 18 - CoddiwomplingBook 19 - The Rabbit & The Turtle, Quockerwodger Style, sortaBook 20 - Hippopotamus on The RoofLinda has authored how-to books, Bible study guides, plays, tabletop books (Gratitude is the Best Attitude), and a writing course (Multiply Your Ministry By Writing).She is also a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend. She is owned by a service dog and is a retired Christian school administrator.

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    Book preview

    Mobile Homes Freezing - Linda L Culbreth

    Mobile Homes Freezing

    Linda Culbreth

    Copyright 2013 by Linda Culbreth

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would lie to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1 - Introduction

    Hi, there. My name is Linda Culbreth and I am a real person. I live in the middle of America in southeast Missouri. It can get quite cold here. Winters can be mild or below freezing for over a month. And summers can easily reach into the three digit range. I live in a 1998 used all electric mobile home with the rating of zone 2 which is supposed to be adequate for this area.

    Sure it is. If you don’t mind freezing AND paying a heavy duty heating bill. And if you don't mind being hot in the summer and paying a heavy duty cooling bill.

    Well, last winter, which was really quite mild, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to pay the heating bill and be comfortable. So, I bundled up (If I could still bend my knees and elbows...), turned the thermostat down to 41,and froze. Even conned a friend to come over and help me hang brown-wrapper-paper-covered insulation in my bedroom and kitchen. Thank you, Mary Ann. You are real handy with a staple gun and rolls of packing tape.

    Sure looked funny. Helped a little. But you could see it blow around

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