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Mo' Better: The Crew Series, #2
Mo' Better: The Crew Series, #2
Mo' Better: The Crew Series, #2
Ebook291 pages3 hours

Mo' Better: The Crew Series, #2

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About this ebook

Gwendolyn "Gwen" Myers is a down to earth around the way girl that modern day society would call a tad overweight but luckily she doesn't live by today's thoughts on personal appearance. She loves her friends and family but she has a phobia of relationships. The only long term relationship that she values is the one she shares with her best friend since elementary school. The first real boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship quickly turned sour when she realized that she was basically the butt of a cruel joke. When she finds out that her teenage crush has feelings for her as well will she let go and live or will she shut down and cancel Christmas?

Darryl "D" Rodgers thinks of himself as a straight forward no bullshit type of man. He is 33 years old and has no intentions of settling down with anyone short of the one girl he has had eyes on since his cousin started bringing her around 9 years ago. He knew he was too old at the age of 23 when they first met and he was hell bent on not becoming one of those old dudes that cruise the high schools trying to pick up little tenders. After all he is a grown man and is into grown men things so if it is meant to be it will be. Once the door opens to pursue this youngster when she is of age will he take a chance or did the moment pass?

PublisherK. K. Harris
Release dateJun 30, 2013
Mo' Better: The Crew Series, #2

K. K. Harris

I am a wife and a mother of three children. I am a complex soul if I had to describe myself. Why, some may ask, mainly because I'm a jack of a lot of trades. Not all by any means just quite a few... Not only do I enjoy reading, writing, I also enjoy praise dancing. I am currently the dance coordinator at my church. The complete opposite of the characters and themes of my books but I guess that could only be described as writing what I know or better yet what I knew in a past life. Come take a ride with me on this rocky road of literacy.

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    Mo' Better - K. K. Harris

    ~Mo’ Better~

    K. K. Harris

    K. K. Harris

    Copyright © 2012 K. K. Harris

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.


    I would like to dedicate this book to the love of my life, my number one supporter, my wonderful husband Antonio Harris. You believed in me when no one had a clue what I was capable of accomplishing. Thank you for always pushing me to the next level.


    I would like to acknowledge my wonderful family, there are too many to name one by one so please no one take offense. But there are ones that can be pinpointed by what they know they do, these are the ones who let me run my ideas by them as well as read my works to give their honest opinions. Thank you guys so much for your unconditional love, open minds, and constructive criticism. Thank you to my wattpad.com friends for supporting my stories from beginning to end and providing that much needed feedback from an unbiased viewpoint.

    Also to my growing fan base, I want to thank each one of you for purchasing my books and overall giving me a chance to live my dream.

    I pray you enjoy and God Bless!



    I am lying in the bed just staring at the ceiling as the lyrics from LL Cool J’s song ‘I Need Love’ continue to play in my head while thinking about my cousin’s best friend. I have known this girl since she was 15 and I was 23. Although these old cats around here holla at little young girls all the time but that just felt wrong to me. Even though I always knew when she hit her twenties if the attraction was still there, I was gon have to try my hand and see where it goes. Now she is a sexy ass 24 and I’m 33. Over the years I considered her off limits she was messing with these scrub ass niggas since high school. I was definitely keeping tabs on her since that near bout mishap back in the day that she still doesn’t know I know about. That was just one of the many times me and Brock had to handle some business that had to do with personal reasons.


    What’s up cuz? I answered my phone for my little cousin, Nikki.

    Hey Darryl. She replied but I can tell something is wrong.

    What’s wrong?


    Don’t bullshit me…spit it out.

    It’s not about me it’s about somebody else I know but I don’t know if I should tell you…

    Who is it?

    I can’t tell you…

    Is it Faye?

    NO… a friend…

    Oh ole girl you hang with? I played it off like I didn’t remember Gwen’s name but I was hoping it wasn’t her.

    Umm, yea and luckily you don’t know her like that but some shit happened to her that she would be so embarrassed if someone else knew.

    What happened?

    I can’t tell you over the phone, can you come get me so we can talk. Everybody is at my house for a sleepover.

    Aight, actually I’m down the street, I will be there in 5.

    Ok I’ll be outside. She hung up. I had a bad feeling about this.

    What up D? Brock answered.

    Hey dude I’m going to be a little late, my little cousin needs me.

    Aight mane that’s cool. What’s going on though?

    Shit mane, I’m not sure but I have a feeling its bad.

    Aye mane hit me if you need my help…

    Appreciate it, I’m picking her up now. I’ll hit you in a few.

    You know I gotcha back. Holla. He hung up just as Nikki got in the car.

    Hey Darryl. She gave me a hug.

    Hey baby, now what’s up? She exhaled and started talking. By the time she had finished talking we were heading back to her side of town. Even though I was calm on the outside, on the inside I was a ticking time bomb. I just drove around town while she told me all the horrific details of this past week. Oh somebody is going to pay for this shit. They may not have touched my family but they touched the next best thing.

    So now you know what happened? I had to tell someone because she won’t tell her mom and her dad is hardly ever around anyway so it really wouldn’t matter about him. I didn’t want to tell mama either cause it would just get back to her mom anyway. She said wiping her tears in anger. I hate seeing her cry. Even when she was a little girl I was extremely overprotective of her and always tried to make it all better. She is more like my little sister than my cousin, and she knows I would do anything for her too.

    I gotcha baby… Stay away from them niggas and those hoes.


    NO BUTS… I shouted but I had to contain myself because she flinched. Look, just listen to me, aight. She nodded. And for the record, I will holla at Aunt Faye and let her know I will be picking y’all up from now on until y’all start driving yourselves. Ok?

    Ok thanks Darryl.

    You know I gotcha… now let me handle some business. She nodded again. And this is between me and you… I added.

    Ok, love you. She said getting out the car.

    Love you too, be good and I’ll see you later. I waited until she was safely in the house before I pulled off. Somebody’s gonna pay for this shit.

    Back to reality…

    I was snapped out my mind running like a movie reel by the ringing of my phone.

    What up sexy? I answered when I saw my babies face on my screen.

    Nothing, what up with you? Gwen greeted softly.

    Shit it’s all about you, I miss you baby.

    I miss you too…

    When are you coming home again?

    Luckily in the morning. I am so ready, I could care less if I cook anything else the way I feel right now. She laughed.

    Please quit fronting you love what you do… I said laughing at her rant.

    While you talking, I know you do too with yo always hungry self… She said causing me to laugh harder because that is so true. Between her and Nikki they have kept me fed most of my adult life.

    True but on the real, do I need to pick you up from the airport?

    No Nikki is going to do it because I know you have clients out the ass on Saturday’s.

    No offense but fuck them, my baby is more important than them niggas.

    Boy stop, I will see you after you get off.

    Baby, you sure?

    Yeah, plus it will give me a chance to plan something extra special for you. She said seductively.

    Oh yeah, well in that case… I said feeling my dick getting super hard.

    I love you Darryl.

    I love you too sweetie… I can’t wait to see, touch, taste, and feel you tomorrow.

    Alright don’t start nothing we obviously can’t finish right now baby. I just wanted to hear your voice before I lie down. Get some rest ok? 

    Ok sleep tight… We hung up and I smiled because I love that girl something serious.


    I am so happy I’m back in Little Rock. As soon as I touched down I texted Nikki to see where she was, even though I knew she was probably outside because she is hardly ever late. Sure enough she said she was parked on the side where the baggage claim was. I so love my bestie to death, and I get to see my favorite god children in the world. Me and this chick have been through so much including secrets that would probably rock some stuff if ever exposed. Darryl doesn’t even know half the stuff that’s happened in my life and I’m not sure I could tell him some things. He may look at me differently and I don’t think I could take it if he did that. I would truly die a slow agonizing death if I couldn’t be with him. I have loved him from a far since I was 15 years old. I knew I didn’t stand a chance back then so I just kept it moving. After Nikki and Brock hooked up, that opened the door to all kinds of possibilities for us and no one saw it coming least of all me.

    Hey bestie, I missed you something crazy. Nikki said meeting me at the back of the truck.

    I missed you too. And I bought my babies something back from Vegas. I said giving her a hug.

    Of course you did, why am I not surprised? She said as we got settled in the truck.

    Don’t hate… I said and we laughed. I looked in the back seat and they were just looking at themselves in the little mirrors on the back of the seats. Hey TT’s babies, I missed y’all so much. I was talking to them and they were kicking their legs and talking baby gibberish.

    I think they missed you too. Nikki said as she started driving.

    Can we swing by the Barber shop? I asked with pleading eyes. She glanced at me and smiled.

    I was going by there anyway. You already know that bossy cousin of mine made the request before you got a chance. She said laughing.

    I should have known. We talked about the conference I went to for our business and we made plans to set up a meeting with our workers that we hired for not only the event planning but also on the catering too. The business is going good so it’s about time we both took it easy like we always dreamed of doing. We pulled up at the shop and I have to say I was nervous as hell for some damn reason. We are engaged but I still feel that it could all be taken away from me at any given moment.

    I will grab Aiden. I said getting out grabbing the twin behind me. She nodded while picking up Kaiden.

    Hey guys. We greeted as we walked into the shop. Everyone greeted us as we made our way to the back room where Darryl’s chair and small waiting area is now since he had to expand.

    It’s about time you got my woman here. Darryl said as we walked in. I just smiled.

    Good morning to you too fam… Nikki said rolling her eyes at him.

    My bad, hey cuz… She flipped him off.

    Quit being so damn mean… Brock said walking in behind us.

    Hey friend. I said giving Brock a one arm hug then he took Aiden out of my arms.

    What’s up girl, how was Vegas?

    It was lonely. I said looking over at Darryl who was giving me the eye.

    Hey mister, did you miss me? I asked walking closer to him as he leaned back on his counter.

    What do you think? He asked with a smirk.

    I guess not… I said turning on my heels.

    If you don’t get yo ass over here and give me my suga we gon have a problem… He said roughly.

    Please don’t make him act out… Brock said chuckling.

    Ok fine… I said blowing him a kiss. He didn’t look amused. I walked over leaning into him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and tilted my head back to look up into his eyes. I missed you something terrible. I said to the silence.

    Promise me no more trips for a while… He said before giving me a simple kiss since we were in his place of business. I missed you too much Bae.

    Damn boy ole girl got you whipped like that. I heard a familiar voice say from the doorway. Suddenly all the fear that I have somehow masked came rushing back with a vengeance. I was afraid to turn around. Please don’t let this be who I think it is…

    What’s up Chess, long time no hear from… Darryl said to the voice rubbing a hand down his face like something was bothering him. Oh shit is it a coincidence that him and the one person I never want to see again have the same name as this dude.

    Shit mane, I know just blew into town earlier this week. I hear congrats are in order Brock, I heard through the grapevine you got married.

    Yeah mane, this is my wife Nicole. Bae this is one of our old road dogs from back in the day. We call him Chess.

    Nice to meet you. I could hear in her voice that she is not that happy to meet him.

    Same here, but you look familiar. He said. Darryl tensed up at that statement for some reason but I was in my feelings too tough to try and figure out why.

    Aye dude this young lady is my fiancée Gwendolyn. Darryl said and I turned around dreading who I was about to face.

    Little Gwen, damn girl it’s been a minute since I seen you. Fuck I can’t believe this shit... Mane you engaged to my niece. He said like he was so damn proud.

    Your niece? Brock and Darryl both asked with pure shock on their faces. Nikki looked at me with a questioning look and I know I had a look of pure fear on because she quickly stood up.

    Yea mane, her dad and I had the same pops. He said. Come give me a hug girl, it’s been too long. You done grew up and shit. He gave me a look as if he was daring me to say no. So reluctantly I gave him a brief hug. I wanted to vomit everywhere but I didn’t want to alert anyone else that something was wrong with this on so many levels.

    How is your mom and dad? He asked when he let me go. I stepped back really close to Darryl as he started back to cutting the guys hair that was in the chair.

    Fine… I gave a couple more short answers to his questions regarding the family. I just really needed to leave here. Darryl sensed my dilemma because he kept stealing glances at me while he finished up his work.

    We gon have to catch up later niece, I missed you. He said and I just gave a small smile. You know you were always my favorite. He laughed. I cringed. Nikki noticed.

    Ok babe, let’s roll… I gotta get the boys home for a nap. She said out of the blue.

    Ok yea… I jumped up silently thanking her in my head. Did I mention I love my bestie…?

    Hey didn’t we just have this discussion… Darryl said in a teasing tone but I was in my feelings big time. I forced a smile and gave him a peck on the lips. He looked like he wanted to ask what the deal was but stopped himself.

    Bye babe. Nikki said giving Darryl a hug.

    It was nice meeting you Miss Nikki and I’ll catch you later Gwen. He said and my skin instantly started crawling.

    I will walk y’all out. Brock said following us out.

    I was literally a walking zombie, and I just felt numb. Once Brock helped Nikki buckle the boys in their seats, they stood outside the truck embracing like they didn’t just see each other. I love their relationship and I always hoped I would have the same with Darryl. We were on to a good start although I have been keeping some things from him. The problem with this secret is that it could make or break my new found relationship. How can something that happened so many years ago still pack such a powerful blow that could destroy me physically and mentally all over again?

    That was him wasn’t it? Nikki asked after we had been riding in silence for at least 10 minutes.

    Yes. She just nodded.

    Are you going to tell Darryl?

    I can’t.

    He could…

    NO… I yelled. I’m sorry… I apologized for yelling.

    It’s cool. She threw her hands up in surrender.


    I wonder what was with the sudden change of mood about. Gwen has never been hot and cold with me before so it must be something serious. She almost seemed afraid or something when confronted by Chess. I felt her tense up when he first spoke coming into the room. Something is not right with this situation and I will find out what it is.

    So what have y’all been up to besides settling down and playing house? Chess asked almost like he was fishing.

    Shit ain’t no playing over here pimpin’ what you see is what you get… Brock said being evasive he must be feeling the same way as I am right now.

    Mane just been working and chilling, that’s it… I said.

    How long have you and Gwen been kicking it?

    About a year.

    Oh for real. Never knew y’all like them youngin’s. He said to me and Brock.

    They don’t act their age. Brock said.

    I hear you homeboy but last I checked the age still makes them young bucks no matter how they act.

    Age ain’t nothing but a number right? Or at least that’s the excuse you always used back in the day. I pointed out.

    True dat… I’m just being an overprotective Uncle, what can I say?

    I hear ya.

    I’m surprised her daddy let this slide. I know y’all didn’t give up all the hoes to settle down. He added with a chuckle more as a statement than a question. Brock and I made eye contact trying to garner whether this dude was serious or not.

    Fuck them hoes, they ain’t got shit on Nikki and Gwen.

    So in other words they got y’all asses whipped.

    I’ll be that. We said in unison which wiped that smirk right off his face.

    Well I better roll up outta here gotta see a man about a dog… I will get up with you niggas though. We dapped and he left.

    Something don’t smell right. Brock said looking out of the window.

    Yup and I’m gonna find out what it is too. I said.

    You sure you wanna know. 

    I just hope it’s not what I’m thinking though.

    Me too…

    The rest of the day went by smoothly but I still had a nagging feeling something bad is stewing and when it’s ready to boil over, whew! One thing I know for sure I can’t push Gwen to tell me what’s going on so hopefully she will let me in without me having to assume or find out on my own.

    What’s up baby, I been trying to call you for the last 2 hours. What’s going on? I thought we were getting together tonight. Call me when you get this message. I left Gwen a voicemail because she is avoiding my calls, pushing them straight to voicemail. She hasn’t returned my text messages either.

    Hello? Nikki answered.

    Hey Nik, is Gwen with you?

    No I dropped her off at home after we left the barbershop.

    She isn’t home and she won’t answer my calls or texts.

    SHIT. I will call you back.

    What’s going on and I know you know? I asked feeling my temperature rising.

    Darryl, please just give me a few minutes. I will call you back I promise. She said hanging up on me. I don’t know what I would do if something fucked up happened to Gwen. It’s bad enough I couldn’t completely prevent what happened when they were in high school. I shouldn’t beat myself up too bad because technically I had just met her a little bit before any of that shit happened. Just the fact that it’s so many sick ass niggas out here just pisses me off thinking about it.

    Did you find her? I answered the phone when Nikki called me back.

    Umm, yeah. She said but didn’t elaborate.

    Ok… Where is she?

    Darryl just give her some time to call you ok, I told her you were worried about her.

    Nikki, what the fuck is going on?

    Darryl calm down please…

    How the hell am I supposed to calm down when obviously we’re back to this secret society shit?

    It’s not…

    And don’t you dare say it’s not because it is and you damn well know it. I said because I am truly pissed off that Gwen would run off for one. My blood knows where she is and why but deliberately won’t tell me shit.

    It’s complicated and it’s not really my secret to tell. She said. Just know she is safe, ok?

    …Silence. I really can’t believe this shit is happening to me.

    I’m so sorry but I gotta go feed the twins. She said. I love you big brudda… I didn’t respond so she hung up. I know it was just mean of me not to reply but I’m in shock that the fucked up smell of brewing bullshit is coming from my backyard.

    I don’t know how long I sat in that one spot in deep thought. I was afraid to leave her house in case she came back. I woke up with a start and looked at my surroundings. I was still in Gwen’s living room but there was no noise signifying that she ever came home last night. When I looked at my phone, which was still in my hand, there was no sign of any kind of communication from anyone. The one person that I love more than my own life, whom I wanted to start a family with has completely shut me out. She couldn’t even pick up the phone and say so much as hey, I’m safe, don’t worry, shit I love you, nothing… Just fuck me!!!


    I haven’t slept in two days. Every time I attempt to fall asleep I keep seeing the images that I had buried deep in the recesses of my memory for fear if I thought about it too much I would go insane. The only people that

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