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Mudras for Healing and Transformation
Mudras for Healing and Transformation
Mudras for Healing and Transformation
Ebook883 pages8 hours

Mudras for Healing and Transformation

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Mudras for Healing and Transformation, articulates the depth of mudras in a form easy to understand and apply. Emerging out of their extensive lifetime background and training in the Five Koshas, the authors offer readers access to over one hundred mudras that explore the physical dimension, the subtle body, balancing of the mind and emotions, support on the journey of spiritual awakening, and tapping into their inherent spiritual nature.

The authors have created a text rich in ancient philosophy, blended with a modern-day approach to understanding and use of the science of mudras for healing. The book breaks down the complexity of each mudra through step-by-step instructions. Easy-to-use breakout boxes, for each mudra, include: core quality, benefits, cautions, instructions, and mudras with similar effects. Illustrations throughout help bring further awareness to alignment within the systems of the body, elements activated, doshas, prana vayus, and chakras.

Going beyond mudras to address the entire spectrum of healing, the authors accompany each mudra with a beautiful guided meditation to deepen awareness and the energetic affect of each. These timeless meditations are a perfect complement to the overall flow of the book and will be enjoyed by readers and practitioners alike, from any spiritual tradition.
Release dateDec 13, 2013
Mudras for Healing and Transformation

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    one of the best books on mudras i have read in english
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    100 stars! Just beautiful. I was looking for spine correction related mudras, esp the merudanda ones. I found those only in this book. Additionally i found many other mudras to treat my problem comprehensively along with the ones that i was looking for. Thank you very much to the authors

    1 person found this helpful

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Mudras for Healing and Transformation - Joseph Le Page


Chapter One



Mudras are gestures of the hands, face and body that promote physical health, psychological balance and spiritual awakening. The Sanskrit word mudra, with the emphasis on the final a, can be translated as gesture, seal, attitude or signature. Mudras are gestures that evoke psychological and spiritual attitudes, each with its own specific quality or signature. The word mudra is derived from two root words: mud, which means delight, pleasure or enchantment, and rati, which means to bring forth. Mudras bring forth our own inherent delight and enchantment, which are always present and waiting to be awakened.

The use of mudras is most strongly identified with Indian spiritual traditions in which they have been used for more than two thousand years. However, mudras are also found in various religious traditions around the world, including Christianity, where Christ is often depicted using hand gestures. Some mudras are almost universal, and one of the most easily recognized is the prayer position in which the hands are placed together in front of the heart as a symbol of reverence and devotion. Within the Indian spiritual tradition, this gesture is called Anjali mudra.


Gestures of the hands, face and body are part of our everyday body language. When the arms are crossed in front of the chest, it sends a message of defensiveness. When the head hangs forward, it may send a message of sadness. Clenched fists are often a sign of anger. Touching the tips of the fingers together suggests a pensive mood and raised eyebrows can show surprise or disbelief. These gestures are a non-verbal language that, often unconsciously, communicates moods, intentions and attitudes.

When gestures of the hands, face or body are consciously used to evoke psychological or spiritual attitudes, they are called mudras. Subtle qualities, such as unity and limitlessness, which cannot easily be expressed within the confines of language, find full expression through the use of mudras. In Shamanism, one of the earliest forms of spirituality, sound, movement, and gestures of the hands, face and body are used to invoke the deeper sacred energies of the universe. The shaman transmits these energies through rituals that include the use of gestures to support health, healing and spiritual connection. Various forms of Shamanism are found around the globe, but in India, the impulse to unite with the sacred source of creation evolved into an in-depth science, with mudra as one of its facets.

The Rishis, the great sages of ancient India, explored states of deep spiritual union through meditation. Mudras arose naturally as an expression of these meditative states; they were then employed to call forth these same experiences and share them with their initiated disciples. The ultimate wisdom revealed within the meditative experiences of the ancient seers is one of unity beyond all dualities. The journey toward unity encompasses a wide range of spiritual qualities, such as discernment, limitlessness, wholeness and compassion. Mudras are vehicles to awaken these individual qualities, naturally leading us toward a global vision of unity.

Each of the deities within Indian art and sculpture embodies a specific spiritual quality. Many of these deities are depicted holding mudras that reflect and communicate these qualities. The large number of statues and images showing the deities holding mudras highlights their important role within the development of spirituality on the Indian subcontinent. Among the oldest of these images are statues and paintings of the Buddha in the Ellora and Ajanta caves in India from approximately 2,000 years ago.

During the period of Tantra in India, ranging from the fifth to the fifteenth centuries, the use of mudra evolved into the fully developed form we know today. In Tantra, the body is seen as a sacred sanctuary of spirit, a microcosm of the Divine. The transformation of the physical body into a temple of spirit occurs through the performance of elaborate rituals that make use of sacred sounds, called mantras, sacred geometrical forms, called yantras, and the extensive use of mudras.

Beginning in the eleventh century, the body-positive approach of Tantra gave birth to the science of Hatha Yoga. This approach to Yoga uses the physical body as a primary vehicle for spiritual development, leading to liberation. The texts of the Hatha Yoga tradition outline the practices of Yoga within a framework of stages or limbs, which include mudra. The importance given to mudras within these texts is highlighted in numerous sutras, including the following from the seventeenth century Hatha Yoga text, the Gheranda Samhita (sutra 100):

What more shall I tell thee? There is nothing in this world like mudras for giving quick success (along the spiritual path).1

The importance given to mudras in iconography, Tantric ritual, and the texts of Hatha Yoga demonstrates the key role they have played within the overall evolution of Indian spirituality.


There are several categories of mudras. Facial gestures, such as Shambhavi mudra (turning the eyes upward toward the third eye point), serve to awaken subtle spiritual energies. There are also full body mudras that resemble Hatha Yoga postures, such as Viparita Karani mudra (similar to the Half Shoulder Stand), which enhance and maintain the flow of subtle energy for extended periods. Mudras are also used extensively in Indian classical dance to evoke the essence and feeling of each part of the dance sequence.

The type of mudra that is most widely used, both in the context of dance and as a vehicle for healing and awakening, is the hand gesture. These gestures, which are the subject of this book, are held in high esteem for several reasons:

• Our fingers contain a large number of sensory and motor nerve endings, making them a powerful vehicle for communicating directly with the brain and the rest of the body.

• The hands and fingers are extremely dexterous, creating a wide range of possibilities for awakening psychological and spiritual qualities.

• Each finger is traditionally related to one of the five elements, and specific finger combinations offer a wide range of possibilities for balancing the elements, and thereby optimizing health.

• The hand gestures support the health of the hands themselves and can aid in the prevention and treatment of arthritis when practiced moderately and regularly.


Core Qualities are the inherent positive qualities that mudras evoke within us. These qualities are reflections of our deeper spiritual essence, which is already present as a potential, waiting to be awakened. Mudras function as energetic keys that unlock these qualities. The Sanskrit names of the mudras usually reveal, or at least give clues to, their related Core Qualities. For example, rupa means form, and Rupa mudra instills a sense of stability and embodiment. Dirgha svara means lengthened breath, and Dirgha Svara mudra supports the full expansion of the rib cage and lungs, enhancing breath capacity.

Many of the mudras bear the names of Indian deities, and these mudras awaken the Core Qualities that these gods and goddesses embody. For example, Kubera is the god of wealth, and Kubera mudra instills a sense of intrinsic self-worth. Ganesha is the deity of protection and remover of obstacles, and Ganesha mudra instills a deep sense of trust and protection.

By highlighting the Core Qualities awakened by each mudra, we emphasize that the gestures are not ends in themselves, nor are they magic bullets for curing health conditions, but vehicles for unfolding the inherent positive qualities of our true being, thereby supporting our journey of health, healing and awakening.


Each of the 108 gestures in this book is accompanied by a Guided Meditation that supports the unfolding of each gesture’s Core Quality. These meditations allow us to sense and integrate the Core Qualities more easily as a lived experience within our bodies, thereby enhancing the benefits of mudra practice. These Guided Meditations can be read aloud to a group, or individually by a teacher or a spiritual guide. You can read to yourself silently or aloud as you practice each gesture, or listen to the audio recordings of the Guided Meditations, read by Joseph and Lilian Le Page. One of the best ways to use the Guided Meditations is to work in pairs, taking turns reading and then sharing the experience.


Mudras for Healing and Transformation uses hand gestures as vehicles for exploring the most important facets of Yoga philosophy and psychology, including the five koshas, the five elements, the seven chakras and the eight limbs of Yoga. When these facets of Yoga are explored with the support of the mudras, our understanding of Yoga becomes direct and immediate, and its benefits for health, healing and awakening are enhanced greatly. Using the mudras as energetic keys, the profound insights of Yoga are naturally awakened and integrated within all dimensions of our being.


The power of mudras to support health and healing rests in their ability to cultivate balance and harmony within all dimensions of our being. At the physical level, mudras direct breath and awareness to particular areas of the body, enhancing our awareness and deepening our ability to recognize and respond to the body's messages more easily. Mudras also support optimal breathing. In mudra practice, the gesture itself guides the breath and has the ability to change the speed, focus, quality and location of our breathing almost instantly. As mudras bring awareness and breath into specific areas, a massaging effect is created that increases circulation to the areas where the breath is directed.

As mudras expand and channel the breath, they also promote balance within our subtle anatomy. The breath is a primary vehicle for prana, the life force energy. By channeling the breath into specific areas of the body, mudras enhance our sensitivity to the flow of subtle energy, removing energy blockages and thereby reestablishing the free flow of prana. Specific gestures cultivate balance within each facet of our subtle anatomy, including the energy centers, the chakras; the energy currents, the prana vayus; and the energy channels, the nadis.

At the psychological level, mudras evoke moods and feelings that range from calming to energizing. There are specific gestures for instilling relaxation and serenity while others enhance enthusiasm, optimism and vitality. Mudras support the cultivation of a wide range of psycho-emotional qualities, including self-confidence, courage and self-esteem. Mudras also support us in perceiving and releasing the limiting beliefs that sustain challenging thoughts and feelings. As limiting beliefs are released, space is created for the unfolding of our innate positive qualities. The integration of all of these Core Qualities naturally reveals our true being, experienced as freedom and unity.


Mudras are a vast science that includes ritual, dance and iconography. Within this universe of mudras, our particular focus is the use of the gestures as energetic keys for awakening Core Qualities, leading to a vision of unity. Our journey within the mudra tradition began in the early 1990s through studies with Richard Miller, PhD. Richard organized the mudras into families and we have expanded his concept to include the whole of Yoga philosophy and psychology. Numerous other teachers have inspired our spiritual path, including Kali Ray, Vayuananda, Eneida de Oliveira, Glória Arieira and all the faculty at Kripalu Center. Over the years, we have developed a unique experiential framework for mudra practice within the model of the five koshas - the five dimensions of our being. We have shared this model with thousands of students in our Integrative Yoga Therapy training programs (www.iytyogatherapy.com). We have also used the gestures extensively in therapeutic settings at the Enchanted Mountain Center in Brazil (www.enchanted-mountain.org). Most importantly, mudras have been an essential vehicle within our own journey of health, healing and awakening. It is this personal experience that forms the foundation and essence of this book. Welcome to the Journey!


The mudras in this book are organized within the model of the Koshas (see chapter five), the five dimensions of our being, beginning at the physical level and culminating at the spiritual level.

• Chapters one through five offer an introduction to mudras, enhancing sensitivity and providing a foundation for experiencing the effects of the gestures.

• Chapters six through eight explore the use of mudras within our physical dimension, the Annamaya kosha, including gestures for specific health conditions as well as mudras for activating each of the five elements and balancing the ayurvedic doshas.

• Chapters nine through eleven explore the use of mudras within our subtle anatomy, the Pranamaya kosha, including gestures for the prana vayus, chakras and nadis.

• Chapters twelve and thirteen explore the use of mudras for cultivating balance in the mind and emotions, the Manomaya kosha.

• Chapters fourteen and fifteen present mudras for supporting the journey of spiritual purification, leading to the awakening of our wisdom dimension, the Vijnanamaya kosha.

• Chapters sixteen and seventeen explore the use of mudras for awakening our spiritual essence, the Anandamaya kosha, and integrating our inherent spiritual qualities into daily living.

Mudra practice allows us to explore and integrate all the dimensions of our being, supporting our journey toward health, healing and awakening.


We recommend that you begin your mudra journey with the Hasta mudras. Once comfortable with the gestures of this family, you may work through the book chapter by chapter, exploring the various dimensions of your being, or choose an area of special interest or a particular health challenge that you are working with. You may also choose Core Qualities that you would like to cultivate, such as self-esteem, from the list of Core Qualities (see appendix F). As you practice, your sensitivity will deepen, and the mudras themselves will begin to speak to you, allowing you to sense intuitively which gestures are especially appropriate for a particular moment in your journey.

An excellent way to get to know each mudra is to hold it silently, deepening your sensitivity, exploring its effects at each level of your being: physical, energetic, psycho-emotional and spiritual. We recommend that you stay with each mudra long enough to begin to sense the awakening of its Core Quality. You can begin holding each mudra for five to ten breaths, gradually working up to holding each gesture for up to five minutes, three times a day. The duration of the Guided Meditations that accompany each mudra also serves as an appropriate guide to a gesture’s holding time. You can assess a gesture’s effects by noting the changes in all dimensions of your being, including improved vitality and energy, greater calm and clarity, and a growing ability to meet life’s challenges more openly.


• If you are in treatment for any health challenge, be sure to monitor any significant changes, such as in your blood pressure, with medical supervision. Mudras should never be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

• Each mudra in this book is accompanied by a description of cautions and contraindications in the left-hand column. These should be reviewed before practicing any of the gestures.

• Throughout this book, detailed benefits for each mudra are presented. Since little research has been done on the effects of mudras, these should be considered as possible benefits only.

• A short body relaxation, part by part, together with hand warm-ups, is helpful for releasing tension before mudra practice.

• The effects of a particular mudra may not appear immediately. Allow the process to unfold gradually, understanding that feeling the full effects of each gesture is a journey in itself.

• Many of the mudras open us to subtle energies that may be unfamiliar or uncomfortable. You should never force the practice of any gesture, but rather, always stay within your level of comfort.

• Some gestures may not be right for you at a particular time. For this reason, each gesture lists Mudras with similar effects. An individual may find that one of the similar mudras is especially helpful for them. The Guided Meditation for the principal mudra can usually be used with the Mudras with similar effects as well.

• The recommended pressure for holding a mudra is similar to that of tuning a stringed instrument, neither too loose nor too tight. The contact in mudra practice is always skin to skin, which may involve cutting the nails or adjusting your fingers until you find the point of optimal contact.

• Mudras can be practiced while lying down, sitting or standing. The seated meditation position with the spine naturally aligned is ideal while the restorative position, lying on the back supported by bolsters or firm blankets, is especially helpful when using mudras for healing.

• The speed of the breath and length of the inhale and exhale are naturally controlled by the mudra itself. Simply allow the gesture to guide your breath.

• An empty stomach is optimal for mudra practice. If practicing after meals, wait thirty to forty-five minutes.

• Mudras can be practiced anywhere, any time and in any state of mind. Dawn and dusk are optimal times.

• Only relaxing, calming and soothing mudras should be practiced before bedtime. Many mudras are formed with the palms facing upward; turning the palms downward will produce a more calming effect, which is especially recommended for the evening.

• Discomfort in the hands and fingers can occur if complex mudras are held for long periods of time. It is fine to begin holding a mudra, release it as needed while visualizing it, and then return to it when you are comfortable.

• The support and guidance of an experienced Yoga teacher, Yoga therapist or spiritual guide is recommended, especially when working with health conditions or with mudras that explore the more subtle realms of being.



A quick reference to the main focus and effects of each mudra are presented at the bottom of the first page of each mudra's two-page spread. Symbols are used to represent the primary physical and subtle systems that each mudra activates or balances. These systems include the twelve physiological systems, the five elements, the five prana vayus, the seven chakras and the three ayurvedic doshas. Within each mudra, these symbols are organized by the intensity of the effects produced by a particular gesture.









Chapter Two



Hasta means hand, and the Hasta Mudras serve as an introduction to the practice of the hand gestures. In this first family of mudras, one of the fingertips touches the same fingertip of the opposite hand, directing breath, awareness and energy to a specific area of the body. For example, touching the tips of the little fingers directs breath, awareness and energy into the pelvic floor. As we change finger positions, our focus rises upward, culminating at the throat as the thumbs are brought together in Angushtha mudra. The final gesture in this family, Hakini mudra, brings all of the fingertips and the thumbs together to support the integration of the whole body. The following table shows the relationship between each mudra and the specific area of the body awakened. Each of these gestures is also associated with a particular element, chakra, prana vayu and Core Quality.


Connection to the Earth


• Deepening our sense of embodiment and connection to the earth.

• The health of the skeletal system.

• Reducing stress and high blood pressure.

• Supporting balanced elimination.


Prithivi, Bhu, Adhi, Chinmaya




1.   Hold the palms in front of the solar plexus.

2.   Gently press the tips of the little fingers together, allowing the other fingers to relax inward.

3.   Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held away from the body, the forearms parallel to the earth and the spine naturally aligned.

4.   An alternative way to practice this gesture (especially helpful for those with long nails) is to interlace the little fingers and draw them gently apart as you hold the gesture.

Kanishtha, which means lowest or youngest, refers to the little finger. Kanishtha mudra joins the tips of the little fingers together to direct breath, awareness and energy downward into the base of the body, instilling a sense of stability and grounding. This gesture lengthens the exhalation, deepening relaxation, thereby reducing stress and blood pressure. Kanishtha mudra also expands the natural pause at the end of the exhaling breath, further deepening relaxation and allowing us to sense greater serenity.

Kanishtha mudra activates the earth element, Prithivi, with its qualities of stability, firmness and support. As we integrate these qualities, we naturally deepen our connection to the natural world and its cycles and seasons. This gesture further enhances our connection to the earth by activating the downward moving current of Apana vayu, which nourishes the skeletal system and supports the eliminatory system in functioning optimally. Kanishtha mudra supports the opening of Muladhara chakra, located at the perineum. As this energy center opens, subtle blockages related to survival needs are released, enhancing our sense of trust, safety and security. With a greater sense of security, we move forward along our journey, more able to receive the earth's rich bounty.


   As you hold Kanishtha mudra, take several natural breaths to attune to all the feelings and sensations evoked by this gesture.

   Notice how your breath is gently directed downward toward the base of your body, instilling a sense of support and grounding.

   Sense how your exhaling breath is lengthened naturally, becoming slow and serene, deepening your sense of grounding.

   Become aware of all the points of contact between your body and the earth, as if you were growing roots down into its firm, but yielding, surface.

   With each inhalation, your roots spread outward, widely and deeply, and with each exhalation, you are able to attune to the subtle pulsation of the earth beneath.

   Take some time to sense this pulsation resonating throughout your entire being, allowing you to embody all of the earth's essential qualities.

   Begin by becoming fully present within your physical being, taking several breaths to inhabit your body completely, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.

   With a greater sense of presence, you naturally embody the quality of security, allowing you to feel safe and supported at each step of your journey.

   Fully present and with a greater sense of security, you experience complete equanimity, allowing you to meet challenges with patience and serenity.

   With greater presence, security and equanimity, you attune to the pulsation of the earth even more deeply, sensing your oneness with nature's cycles and seasons, allowing you to feel at home on the earth at all times and places.

   As you integrate all of the earth's essential qualities, you open to receive its rich bounty, providing for all of your needs naturally.

   One with the living earth, you experience complete harmony, fully supported at each moment of your life journey.

   Deeply connected to the earth, affirm the following three times, aloud or silently: Embodying the earth's essential qualities, I journey forward in life confidently.

   Now, slowly release the gesture, taking several breaths to sense your oneness with the living earth.

   When you are ready, open your eyes, returning slowly and gently, continuing your journey with a deeper sense of support and grounding.



• Directs breath and awareness to the pelvis and the base of the body, creating a massaging effect that supports the release of muscular tension from these areas.

• Supports the health of the eliminatory and skeletal systems.

• Lengthens the exhalation, activating the relaxation response, which is helpful for stress-related conditions, including high blood pressure.

• The grounding effects of this gesture are generally helpful for Vata imbalance.

• The calming effects are generally helpful for Pitta imbalance.



• Activates Apana vayu, the downward moving current of energy.

• Opens and balances the first chakra, center of safety.



• Instills a sense of grounding and security.

• Cultivates relaxation and tranquility.



• As our sense of grounding increases, we attune more easily to our true inner being, whose essential nature is safety.



• As we become more embodied and connected to the earth, a deep sense of comfort and well-being naturally arise from within the base of the body.




• Cultivating self-healing.

• Supporting the health of the reproductive and urinary systems.

• Developing healthy intimate relationships.

• Overcoming addictions and codependency.


Svadhisthana, Shankha, Yoni, Trimurti




1.   Hold the palms in front of the solar plexus.

2.   Gently press the tips of the ring fingers together, allowing the other fingers to relax inward.

3.   Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows slightly away from the body, the forearms parallel to the earth and the spine naturally aligned.

4.   An alternative way to practice this gesture is to interlace the ring fingers and draw them gently apart as you hold the gesture.

Anamika is the ring finger, and Anamika mudra joins the tips of the ring fingers together to direct breath, awareness and energy into the pelvis, cultivating a sense of inner nourishment and self-healing. As we practice this gesture, we sense a subtle internal massage within the pelvis, experienced as waves of healing energy flowing out from the center of our pelvis to nourish our entire being. The nourishing massage cultivated by this gesture instills a sense of coming home to ourselves, allowing us to experience complete comfort and ease. As our sense of inner comfort deepens, we connect to our inherent wholeness, deepening our ability to remain centered within our own being no matter what is happening in our surroundings. This enhanced self-nourishment and centering supports the development of relationships that are genuinely healing.

The pelvic area is the seat of the water element, Jala, and Anamika mudra cultivates the qualities of water, including fluidity, flexibility and adaptability. This enhanced sense of fluidity is supported by the activation of Apana vayu, the downward moving current of energy. The soothing qualities of water combined with the downward flow of Apana vayu support the health of the urinary and reproductive systems. Anamika mudra opens and balances Svadhisthana chakra, releasing energy blockages from the pelvis while cultivating a sense of self-nourishment and self-healing that support the release of second chakra issues, including feelings of abandonment, addictions and codependency.


   As you hold Anamika mudra, take several natural breaths to attune to all the feelings and sensations evoked by this gesture.

   Notice how your breath is gently directed down into your pelvis, massaging you internally with soft waves of nourishing energy.

   As your pelvis is immersed in gentle waves of comfort and ease, experience this area of your being as an inner sea of healing.

   Take several breaths to sense soft waves of nourishing energy bathing your pelvic area completely, supporting all of its glands and organs in functioning optimally.

   Now, as you inhale, attune to your inner sea, and as you exhale, allow soft waves to flow downward into your legs and feet, taking several breaths to experience your lower extremities bathed in healing energy.

   Now, with your next inhalation, return to your sea of healing, and as you exhale, sense waves of nourishment flowing into your abdomen, solar plexus, low and mid back, allowing these areas to soften and completely relax.

   With your next inhalation, attune to the soft sea at the center of your being, and as you exhale, allow your heart, lungs, chest and upper back to be infused with healing energy.

   Waves of self-healing now flow upward from your inner sea to gently bathe your shoulders, cascading down into your arms and hands, all the way to your fingertips, filling these areas with healing and nourishment.

   With your next inhalation, return to the center of your being, and as you exhale, sense your spinal column bathed in soft waves of healing. Take several breaths to allow healing energy to lubricate each disc and vertebra.

   With your spinal column nourished completely, waves of healing energy naturally flow up into your neck and head, soothing your senses and allowing them to deeply rest.

   As your entire being is bathed in soft waves of nourishment and healing, you naturally experience absolute calm and serenity.

   Affirm your source of self-healing, repeating the following three times, aloud or silently: As waves of nourishment bathe my being, I experience complete inner healing.

   Slowly release the gesture, taking several breaths to sense complete inner nourishment.

   When you are ready, open your eyes, returning slowly and gently, with a greater sense of self-healing.



• Directs breath and awareness to the pelvis, creating a massaging effect that helps release muscular tension from this area.

• Improves circulation to the pelvis, which supports the health of the reproductive and urinary systems.

• Cultivates a feeling of fluidity in all the joints of the body, especially the hips.

• The nourishing effects cultivated by this gesture are generally helpful for Vata imbalance.

• The calming effects are generally helpful for Pitta imbalance.



• Activates Apana vayu, the downward moving current of energy.

• Opens and balances the second chakra, center of self-nourishment.



• Cultivates comfort and ease with our own sexuality.

• Supports the process of overcoming addictions and codependency.



• Awakens a sense of inner contentment that frees us from the need to seek nourishment compulsively in the outside world.



• As we sense greater inner nourishment and self-healing, feelings of wholeness and well-being arise from within the pelvis.


Balanced Energy


• Stabilizing our level of energy.

• Supporting optimal digestion.

• Releasing tension from the mid back.

• Balancing giving and receiving.

• Unfolding all of our potential.


Pushan, Kubera, Surya




1.   Hold the palms in front of the solar plexus.

2.   Gently press the tips of the middle fingers together, allowing the other fingers to relax inward.

3.   Release the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body, the forearms parallel to the earth and the spine naturally aligned.

4.   An alternative way to practice this gesture (especially helpful for those with long nails) is to interlace the middle fingers and draw them gently apart as you hold the gesture.

Madhyama means middle, and refers to the middle finger. Madhyama mudra joins the tips of the middle fingers together to direct breath, awareness and energy into the solar plexus, the body's storehouse of personal power. As we attune to this area more deeply, we naturally recognize the importance of balancing our level of energy. This gesture supports us in evaluating both balance and imbalance in our level of energy. With greater awareness, we are able to conserve energy consciously, thereby cultivating abundant vitality for all of our activities. This gesture activates Samana vayu, the horizontal current of energy, supporting optimal digestion at the physical and subtle levels, thereby enhancing our ability to balance our level of energy.

Madhyama mudra gently activates the fire element, Tejas, with its qualities of warmth, brilliance, light and transformation, enhancing our ability to balance our level of energy. Madhyama mudra opens and balances Manipura chakra, located at the solar plexus. As this chakra opens, energetic blockages in the solar plexus are released, naturally cultivating self-esteem, personal power and vitality. By bringing awareness to our storehouse of energy and enhancing our ability to maintain balance, we are able to channel this energy consciously to unfold all of our talents and possibilities.


   As you hold Madhyama mudra, take several natural breaths to attune to all the feelings and sensations awakened by this gesture.

   Notice how your breath is gently directed into your solar plexus, instilling a sense of energy and vitality that radiates outward from the center of your being.

   Take several breaths to attune to your solar plexus as a storehouse of energy, providing radiant vitality for all of your activities.

   As you attune to your center of vital energy more deeply, you are able to sense the importance of cultivating energetic balance at all levels of your being.

   Begin by sensing energetic balance within your physical body. Visualize all of your cells working in harmony, taking in exactly what they need, while supporting each other in a spirit of cooperation and unity.

   Take several breaths to reflect on your ability to cultivate this same harmony within your own body by taking in nutritious foods, fresh air, and living in healthy, natural surroundings.

   Envision the changes in your diet and environment that would support your ability to maintain a balanced level of energy within your physical body.

   Next, assess energetic balance within your daily routine. To what extent do you consciously harmonize periods of rest with periods of activity?

   Take several breaths to envision changes in your daily routine that would support balanced use of energy within all of your activities.

   Now, sense your energetic balance within your relationships, family, friends and community. Take several breaths to reflect on your ability to care for your own needs while contributing to the benefit of other beings.

   Envision the changes you could make in your relationships that would allow you to balance your own energy while participating more fully in your community.

   Now, take several breaths to envision yourself living with balanced energy in your body, daily routine, relationships and surroundings, allowing you to appreciate life more deeply while unfolding all of your talents and possibilities.

   Affirm your balanced energy as you repeat the following three times, aloud or silently: With balanced energy at all levels of my being, I live fully and vibrantly.

   Slowly release the gesture, taking several breaths to sense energetic balance.

   When you are

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