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Diary Of The Tweople
Diary Of The Tweople
Diary Of The Tweople
Ebook69 pages56 minutes

Diary Of The Tweople

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About this ebook

Welcome to the Diary Of The Tweople!

On June 3rd, 2011, Twitter users from all over the world wrote about their day.

June 3rd was Diary Day.

This ebook is a collection of the best entries from the hundreds we received!

Each diary entry is hyperlinked with the user's Twitter username allowing the reader to connect directly and immediately with the author. This offers the reader a unique reading experience.

Feel free to follow the authors on Twitter or ask them more about their entry.

Did @AlanCarroll3 get the job he interviewed for?

Has @CarrieHLloyd had sushi for lunch again?!

How was @jeremyspake's head the morning after his long awaited catch up with his good friends?

Several of those who submitted an entry signed up for Twitter just to take part in Diary Day.

We hope to do another Diary Day very soon, so please follow @diarytweople for more news on when and how you can get involved!

Release dateAug 12, 2011
Diary Of The Tweople

Gar Deady & Nigel Lane

Two ordinary Irish guys with an interest in social networking and social media. Gar works in finance and Nigel is a teacher.

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    Book preview

    Diary Of The Tweople - Gar Deady & Nigel Lane

    Diary Of The Tweople

    By Gar Deady, Nigel Lane and other Twitter users

    Copyright 2011 Gar Deady and Nigel Lane

    Smashwords Edition


    Welcome to the Diary Of The Tweople!

    On June 3rd, 2011, Twitter users from all over the world wrote about their day.

    June 3rd was Diary Day.

    This ebook is a collection of the best entries from the hundreds we received!

    What makes this ebook so special?

    Well, each diary entry is hyperlinked with the user’s Twitter username allowing the reader to connect directly and immediately with the author. This offers the reader a unique reading experience. Never before has it been so easy to get in touch with the authors of an ebook. Feel free to follow the authors on Twitter or ask them more about their entry. Gain new friends and followers instantly! Reach out to the authors to find out more about their entry...

    Did @AlanCarroll3 get the job he interviewed for?

    Has @CarrieHLloyd had sushi for lunch again?!

    How was @jeremyspake's head the morning after his long awaited catch up with his good friends?

    Several of those who submitted an entry signed up for Twitter just to take part in Diary Day.

    We hope to do another Diary Day very soon, so please follow @diarytweople for more news on when and how you can get involved!

    All diary entries have been published unedited, remaining true to their authors’ original thoughts and feelings... and grammar mistakes!

    Diary Of The Tweople is the brainchild of Gar Deady (@garlad) and Nigel Lane (@nl_84). The diary has exceeded all expectations, and we thank everyone who took part including reality TV star and author Jeremy Spake (@jeremyspake) and world famous DJ Paul Webster (@PaulWebsterjpw).

    Thank you also to all our friends and family who have supported us and a special word of thanks to the wonderfully talented Rob Gale who brought the diary to colourful life.

    Cover and illustrations by Rob Gale



    June 3rd 2011 was Diary Day...

    A glorious day off!!! Let's see what happens......





    Woke up, slightly blurry eyed, dry mouth, yes, i actually am hungover, even though I was convinced I wasn't drunk at all last night! I had been at a work party last night that I wasn't supposed to go to, but heard there was a free bar, and couldn't resist! The joys of my job involve a lot of events by manufacturers.

    So up I got, jumped in the shower, tried to wake myself up somehow.

    I walked to work in the beautiful sunshine (we only get one day a year of sun ;) shame I had to go to work, but this was no ordinary day, today was the last day before I had the whole following week off!! YES! Halleluah! Everyone asks me Oh are you off anywere nice? I reply Nope, I want to be anywhere but here for a few days! ;) story of my life!

    So as were all working away, the sun is shining in through the windows, making it impossible to work! We went to the Park up the road for icrecreams on lunch break, i got attacked by a bee and Icecream in my hair! :( i didnt realise the reality of my plan!

    So embarrased i return to work, sitting here, typing, waiting for the boss to leave... tick tock tick tock.... once he is gone, my holiday begins!!! :) Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee




    Well that was probably the worst day of work I've had yet! Working in a bank isn't quite the rockstar lifestyle I thought it would be :) don't mind too much, it's 25 degrees outside and when I settle onto a pint of Guinness it'll all be forgotten! Oh, and I wentto the zoo today and met a Rhino! He's awesome! PEACE!!!




    St Petersburg , 3rd June, 2011

    05.30 Day starts with 60km cycle ride with old school friend, White Nights means there's plenty of daylight.

    08.00 Quick shower and then off to the office

    09.30 First meeting of the day with the Production Team to talk about an exciting new historical TV project. Some great stuff during the blue sky session, looking forward to the challenge.

    11.00 Catch up with emails and calls.

    12.30 Lunch meeting with the Editor of my latest book to discuss last few tweaks before going to print. Fabulous lunch at the Grand Hotel Europe, love this place and never tire of the great atmosphere and service.

    14.00 After a few nice glasses

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