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Go Teach: Switch Your Learner's On
Go Teach: Switch Your Learner's On
Go Teach: Switch Your Learner's On
Ebook140 pages3 hours

Go Teach: Switch Your Learner's On

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The teaching landscape is forever changing with new teaching and learning ideas, and new targets that teachers have to meet. New regimes and changes of government, usually bring in a raft of ideas or policies that change the way teachers teach. The idea of Go Teach is to try to enthuse and develop teaching skills through innovative approaches, whilst meeting the current teaching requirements. Whilst this book is heavily based on the UK system, many of the ideas and methods can be transposed into any classroom across the globe As the end result of any teaching, is that the learners learn and if they enjoy learning they will go on to learn even more. The better you are at switching them on, the more they will attain and the faster they will progress. This book is aimed at those considering or new into teaching, but existing teachers may find the hints, tips and resource ideas throughout the book, very useful. So what are you waiting for Go Teach...

Release dateJan 19, 2014
Go Teach: Switch Your Learner's On

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    Go Teach - Jeremy Green





    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Copyright © by Jeremy Green 2015


    The teaching landscape is forever changing with new teaching and learning ideas, and new targets that teachers have to meet. New regimes and changes of government, usually bring in a raft of ideas or policies that change the way teachers teach. Teaching is still very rewarding, but at the same time has become more and more based around meeting various targets and criteria set by governments. The idea of this book is to try to enthuse and develop teaching skills through innovative approaches, whilst meeting the current teaching requirements. Making best use of new and existing technologies, to create resources to switch learners on to make learning enjoyable and purposeful. After nearly 14 years of teaching, I still have the same passion and enthusiasm I had when I started. There have been times I wondered why I teach? But, there really is nothing more rewarding than watching your learner grow and be an important part of both their childhood and growth. An amazing job undertaken by amazing people!

    Whilst this book is heavily based on the UK system, many of the ideas and methods can be transposed into any classroom across the globe. As the end result of any teaching, is that the learners learn and if they enjoy learning they will go on to learn even more. The better you are at switching them on, the more they will attain and the faster they will progress.

    It is quite a while since I started teaching, but I still find it one of the most rewarding and inspiring careers. It is not an easy job at times, paperwork heavy, dealing with difficult individuals and constant change. Even during those difficult years, with difficult classes or sudden changes to the curriculum that has meant late nights re-writing learning materials. The rewards of seeing a child or adult of any age succeed and move forward is the one thing that keeps me teaching. The odd thank you and appreciation many learners have, usually after they have left is a nice bonus. As a teacher, you will never be forgotten, you will have had an impact on their lives in a very much life changing phase for those young individuals. Most important of all, it is the positive impact that has helped learners grow educationally and emotionally. Teaching is not for everyone, but I do believe that with patience and enthusiasm everyone can be an outstanding teacher. An outstanding teacher is one that can keep the lessons interesting, even with an uninteresting topic; they ooze enthusiasm and subject knowledge. They know and understand their learners, adapting their teaching to meet their learner’s needs. More often than not, their colleague’s see them as an outstanding teacher and their teaching ability is revered. It does take time and dedication - it is never easy breaking through the various barriers that many children have when they arrive at school or college. Even adult learners can come with their own barriers or learning issues. With the right knowledge and strategies, you can deliver high quality and outstanding lessons, teach the unteachable and unlock young minds. I have also felt that teaching techniques are applicable to all levels of learners from the very young to the very old. What changes is the level of language used, the complexity of the information and the length of time spent on each activity. An infant may only do 10 minutes per topic, but a 16 year old, may do an hour. All of the techniques and ideas in this book can be changed and adapted to suit the audience, as that is part of being an outstanding teacher, knowing your learners and being able to understand and adapt your delivery to meet their needs, whilst meeting the needs of the curriculum.

    During my career so far, I estimate I have taught just over a thousand young people. If you start to multiply that by the number of teachers, it is easy to see the great impact across the globe the positive difference an individual teacher can make. An outstanding teacher makes an even bigger difference, as learners will achieve more and progress better educationally. They reap the rewards of their learners' appreciation, as well as helping to raise standards within their school or college. They engage all their learners and deliver outstanding lessons.

    Thanks to all the dedicated and hardworking teaching staff I work with. Also, thanks to all my learners who constantly keep me on my toes and up to date, even if they are adding to my grey hairs at the same time. Without learners, I would not have a job and even those challenging learners that I would love to give to someone else, help me learn and put together new strategies in order to teach them.

    The first part of this book looks at why we teach and what is expected of us, before moving on to how to be an outstanding teacher. Not just to meet the requirements of a lesson observation, but to switch your learners on. Through a variety of teaching techniques and delivery methods, using a range of resources. There is nothing old hat in teaching, merely adapting to a new audience or way of thinking. A technique that is no longer in favour, often comes back tweaked or updated a few years down the line. The ‘wheel’ does not have to re-invented, merely adapted to meet the needs of the ever changing teaching landscape…

    Outstanding teachers are masters at multitasking

    In today's classrooms, teachers are faced with the daunting task of dealing with questions, adjusting the lesson to meet the various modalities of the students by differentiated learning. Being a coach, a mentor, Fitting in the curriculum amidst all sorts of distractions and outside influences and the needs of their learners. They make good use of new technology, such as tablet computers, interactive white boards and Moodle. An outstanding teacher is able to handle all of these things at once, with patience and knowledge.

    Outstanding teachers are enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject matter

    When a learner is able to observe a teacher speak passionately about the subject in whom they are teaching, the learners become drawn in and enthusiastic about the subject. This gives them a thirst to learn, and they strive to learn with greater attainment and achievement being the outcome. Outstanding teachers have the ability to take the blandest subject, and turn it into an exciting challenge and interesting topic. They will add in interesting activities that will captivate their learners and get them to switch on instead of off.

    Outstanding teachers are able to adjust a lesson on their feet

    The best lesson in the world may not go according to plan for a whole variety of reasons. An outstanding teacher will not let that faze them. They are able to come up with an example, an activity or a demonstration, On the fly in order to illustrate a point and further understanding. An outstanding teacher does not see the lesson plan as rigid, but as pliable and dynamic as the learners in their class.

    Outstanding teachers know practice makes perfect

    Outstanding teachers allow the learners, many opportunities to see the same material in various forms, so that all learners can learn according to their own learning style. They present the material with visuals, kinaesthetic activities, and auditory learning. Maybe adapting further for learners with learning barriers such as dyslexia, dyspraxia etc. They also allow the students to teach each other with peer learning, as every teacher knows, the best way to learn something is to teach it. An outstanding teacher is revered by all their learners, one who the learners are sad to be no longer being taught by and are rarely forgotten.

    Outstanding teachers have procedures

    Outstanding teachers have procedures for EVERYTHING. They have procedures on how to enter the room. They have procedures on how to finish. They even have procedures for turning in work when returning from an absence, how many times work will be marked and so on. Procedures make a classroom run smoothly. Learners like to know exactly what is expected of them, how to do things in the classroom, and consequences for not following procedures. Learners feel secure knowing the boundaries and what is expected of them. They also like an element of routine and consistency in the expectations placed on them.

    Outstanding teachers listen to their learners

    In order for learners to become confident in the subject matter, learners need to know that teachers will do all they can to help them learn. They need to feel that they can easily approach their teacher for support and guidance. The object is not for teachers to just teach, but to guide them to learning it themselves. Learners become more and more independent as they progress in education.


    There are many reasons why teaching is an increasingly popular choice of career, for a wide range of outstanding and talented people from all walks of life. Teaching is a rewarding profession in many ways, offering fantastic career prospects and development opportunities. There are many career options and choices from going into management to specialising in a specific area of teaching. Most teachers tend to join the profession at a young age; there are those that join the profession later on as a career change. Many teachers decide on the age group they would like to teach and then train in that specific area, be it primary, secondary, further education or even higher education.

    The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out mainly at school/college or other

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