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The UpHeaval
The UpHeaval
The UpHeaval
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The UpHeaval

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Laughing Cloud got her attention. A gleam transpired in his eyes.

“Ish-kay-nay, would you do something for me?”

“You need my help skinning the deer?”

“No. Would you teach me to kiss the white eyes way?”

She raised her hands in the air. “Whoa, why do you wish to know that?

Release dateApr 1, 2014
The UpHeaval

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    The UpHeaval - Linda Lattimer

    Book 3


    Linda Lattimer

    A Wings ePress, Inc.

    Historical Western Romance

    Wings ePress, Inc.

    Edited by: Christie Kraemer

    Copy Edited by: Rosalie Franklin

    Senior Editor: Leslie Hodges

    Executive Editor: Marilyn Kapp

    Cover Artist: Richard Stroud

    All rights reserved

    Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Wings ePress Books


    Copyright © 2009 by Linda Lattimer

    ISBN 978-1-59705-394-5:

    Published by Wings ePress, Inc. at Smashwords

    Published In the United States Of America

    December 2009

    Wings ePress Inc.

    403 Wallace Court

    Richmond, KY 40475


    To my grandmother and grandfather, Beasley, and to all the Beasley sisters and brothers, (my precious aunts and uncles) who instilled great morals, and kindness, and passed it on to their children. To those who have gone but still remain in our hearts, Uncle Woodrow Beasley, Uncle Woodrow Hall, Aunt Eloise Beasley and Aunt Judy Beasley.

    To Bob, who watches from above. And always to the Good Lord.


    To Lorraine Stephens, Marilyn Kapp, Pat Evans, Christie Kraemer and the artists of Wings, who helped with the publication of this book. I am deeply grateful.


    Marjorie stood by the picturesque window as her gaze swept to the mountains far away. She inhaled the crisp air. It had been five months since she had said her marriage vows to the wonderful Mr. Douglas Calahan on that sunny blue sky day in July. She was glad for the cooler temperatures that had plunged into the valley. The restaurant, as well as the shop, was increasing in profits daily. Word had spread by stagecoach and on the cattle drives about Marjorie’s Kalico Korner. She doubted their tiny off-the-wall town would ever be as prosperous as Amarillo, but it was a little stopping place for anyone passing by.

    There had even been some families who had come down from Amarillo just to visit in the shop, purchase some items, and eat in the restaurant before hightailing it back to the big city. Yes, word of mouth had spread, and she couldn’t be happier. She had been busy with the sewing and preparations of the meals but the others had been a huge help. Larry and Amanda cooked the meals. Louise helped with the orders. Beverly and Melody assisted in the shop when it got extremely busy, Louise did assist with the meals as well. Even Melody pitched in and helped when times got busy. That left poor Serendipity with only Buck and the ranch hands he had hired on the ranch.

    She pasted a smile on her face. Well it was about time Serendipity had ranch hands to do the hardest of the chores. She had plenty to do with her own little family. She made sure to have a hot meal for the girls when they came home at night. Then there was Sandra and Laughing Cloud. They both did help considerably around the ranch. So all in all everything was going very well for the lot of them. Except Amanda and Beverly.

    There had been nothing to help Beverly’s condition. The doctors she saw offered little hope. Others were still trying to find a cure but with each passing day, everyone knew there wasn’t much time left. When she had to travel into Amarillo to see some of the doctors that were studying about leukemia, she was just plumb worn out by the time she returned home. Often Louise would go with her. They would stay and spend the night until she had enough strength to return.

    With each time, Serendipity would ask Linc Cottonwood to travel with them, in the event there was any danger. None of them had forgotten the whole year Louise had been captive. It didn’t matter the youngest sister had been given a good home for that year; she had still been taken from their midst for too long. They never wanted to experience that feeling again.

    The boys had tried to accept it the best they could. All they knew was, one day their Mama had to leave them to go join their Papa’s to start a ranch in the heavens. It would be necessary for them to stay with their new family, the Beasley’s. One day they would all be joined together, but for the present time, the boys were trying to accept that time with their mother was growing to a close with every passing day. Matthew and Alan would both shake their head saying they understood but really how could little ones that age really understand the death of a loved one? Each boy was growing up so fast. Matthew was turning into quite a handsome little man. Alan would go around expressing with four little fingers that he would soon be another year older and Laughing Cloud could take him hunting for deer.

    Each of the girls had encouraged Beverly to get in touch with her family to at least say bye before the illness completely consumed her, but she would not hear of it. She didn’t wish to see a Papa who beat her. As for her mother, if she had even cared enough for Beverly, she would have found a way to never allow the man who was termed father and husband to beat Beverly or herself. The law was crazy; men could get away with taking what a woman owned when the parents died, just like wives could be beaten, even banished, by their husbands.

    Oh Douglas, I’m glad you are nothing like any of those rogues.

    Did you say something, sweetheart? he asked looking up from the morning news he was reading.

    No, dear, just admiring the lovely mountain in the backdrop and thanking God you are nothing like the rogues who beat their wives or take properties from them.

    He left the scattered paper on the small table and walked to her side circling his arms around her as his hands rested on her waist. I would never be like any of those men, darlin’. But what brought all this up this morning? He turned her around to gaze into her face.

    Just thinking of how Beverly doesn’t wish to see her Pa or her Ma. It’s hard on a woman in life, Douglas. Do you think things will ever get better for women?

    If there are nice men out there like your handsome husband, I think they will.

    Oh Douglas, you silly man, she looped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips to hers.

    Whew, that was a kiss, Mrs. Calahan.

    Thought you would like it. I’ll always remember the fabulous wedding we had; you in that black suit with the other men, even Laughing Cloud. The girls in their lovely peach color ones. And the boys. My goodness, Beverly said they both would be having a birthday soon. We will have to throw them a party. And can we get them a pony? I mean Linc and Buck have been trying to round up some mustangs to breed. Even Milton might know of someone’s mare about to foal. Oh honey, wouldn’t that be wonderful?

    You sure do love those boys, he prompted lifting her in his arms and carrying her to the bed.

    Yes, I do. And what are you doing? It’s almost time to open up, young man. I’m already dressed. You too.

    Just behave. Others will open for us. You have everyone running things smoothly when you don’t show up in time, he smiled brightly. He lightly brushed a kiss to her ear inhaling the sweet lavender scent of her fragrance. You look so radiant lately, Marjorie. Is there a reason?

    Just want to please my husband, she said smiling as her lips met with his.

    His breath, so close to her, felt like a feather gliding softly back and forth as it smoothed along the nape of her neck and chin. Still there is something different about you my lovely.

    Must be the married life, she giggled.

    Oh my darling, I do believe it’s more, he whispered lovingly in her ear as her soft moaning sent chills of tingling delight down his spine to his toes. It was unbelievable how one woman could excite him so much, but Marjorie Beasley Calahan had indeed given him so much pleasure it practically drove him crazy.

    Marjorie allowed her fingers to gently massage the back of his neck. She really did love Douglas Calahan more than anything this life had to offer. Oh how she wanted to tell him the real reason; by rights, he should be the first to know, but she felt the need to tell her sisters initially. However, with Amanda so down lately because of Papa Calahan, Marjorie was afraid to say a word.

    Just the thought of dear Amanda with a huge broken heart tore Marjorie to shreds inside. None of them had forgotten how Amanda had expressed the breakup to them after she and Serendipity returned from a weeklong honeymoon. But she and Serendipity both knew by the look that transpired on Amanda’s face something was amiss and being close-knit sisters, they were determined to find the answers.

    ~ * ~

    I suppose you and Aubrey will be making plans soon for another wedding, Serendipity expressed one afternoon when they were gathering for supper Louise and Sandra had prepared for their homecoming.

    Yes, sir, Marjorie clapped her hands together. I bet Papa Calahan will make sure yours tops ours. Have you thought of who you would like to walk you down the aisle? Her eyes flashed to Sandra and Laughing Cloud. Unless you are going to beat your sister to the church or even have a double ceremony.

    Sandra looked at Laughing Cloud. We ain’t getting’ married. He’s an Indian. I’m a white eyes. It won’t mix.

    Laughing Cloud smiled huge. We will marry. You will see. We will have an Apache wedding and your white eyes wedding. You care for me.

    You are mistaken, Indian. Now we ain’t getting married. That bouquet would have gone to Louise if she hadn’t shoved me out of the way.

    But you did say he looked mighty handsome in that black suit, Melody reminded.

    Well you did too, Melody. Now pass the potatoes, I don’t wish to discuss this anymore.

    She loves me.

    Serendipity make him stop!

    Laughing Cloud don’t antagonize her so much during supper, please. Let’s enjoy a nice meal.

    He nodded. Later, he whispered lowly to Sandra.

    She shook her head and rolled her eyes. There won’t be no later. We ain’t getting married. You and I are no couple and will never be a couple.

    "I believe the green eyes says ain’t is not a proper word."

    Serendipity! Sandra screeched through clenched teeth.

    Serendipity shook her finger at Laughing Cloud.

    He only nodded and returned a smile at Serendipity’s words.

    So, dear, have you given thought to Marjorie’s question about who you would like to walk you down the aisle? Papa Calahan will be back from Kansas soon. We should get the plans in motion if you would like to enjoy married life. Serendipity flashed a smile to Buck who immediately blushed. The others smiled except Amanda. With the holidays approaching, it would be lovely to have a wedding during that time unless you would prefer the summer months.

    Douglas and I think Buck would be the excellent choice, Amanda, Marjorie said. I mean, he being the eldest son and all. What do you think?

    That had been the worst question to ask. Amanda broke down at the dinner table as if the flood gates had opened up.

    What did I say? Marjorie asked.

    Amanda took the white linen napkin and blotted her eyes. I’m sorry, it’s nothing anyone said.

    You should tell them, Beverly said. It’s not good to keep this to yourself. This is your family.

    I’m sorry Beverly, with everything in your book, I shouldn’t have bothered you with it.

    Nonsense, I’m glad you thought me family enough to say something. But now your other family should know.

    Marjorie slapped her hands on the table. Don’t tell me the two of you went and had a secret ceremony and didn’t inform us. Amanda, no. We wanted each sister to walk down the aisle in a white dress.

    Amanda lightly sniffled trying to avoid the eye contact that was penetrating her way.

    Everyone dropped their forks to their plates. Buck was the first to speak. Amanda, did something happen between you and Pa? I haven’t heard you say much about him lately.

    Would you like for me to leave? Linc asked.

    No, everyone at this table is family, Buck said. Sit still. Amanda, dear, tell us.

    She sighed. It was right after the wedding ceremony when each of you left to go on your honeymoons. Aubrey saw each of us home. I invited him in for coffee, but he chose to leave early explaining he had a deal to take care of in Kansas. Something Douglas had mentioned to him.

    Dang burn, Pa, Douglas struck his fist to the table as Marjorie took hold of it. I told him the deal was finished. He didn’t have to go away.

    That’s what I figured out with the conversation, Douglas. He told me in no uncertain words it was over between us. They all gasped. Yes. He claims once he walked the two of my sisters down the aisle it proved to him he was too old for me, more like a father figure. I needed someone my own age. Someone to have children with. He didn’t want any more children. He had raised his own. I told him that didn’t matter, but he... she wiped another tear.

    I’d like to tan Pa’s backside right about now, Milton said as Louise casually swept her eyes to him.

    You ain’t, I mean aren’t the only one, Douglas quickly corrected himself. I already had that deal signed on those cattle. Amanda, honey, I don’t know what words to offer. Pa had no right to do that to you. When he comes home, I’m going to have words with him.

    You aren’t the only one, Buck said as his eyes met with Serendipity’s. The wrath was building heavily in her eyes. When Pa did return, he would probably wish he stayed in Kansas.

    What else did he say? If I may ask? Serendipity said, while wishing that ole man was in her presence right now for breaking her sister’s heart. She was sure it had cut straight through Amanda when that ole man let her down the way he had. And right after the wedding was over. Did the man even have a heart to be so cold?

    He encouraged me to see other people. He even said that... her eyes fanned quickly to Linc then back to her plate.

    The nerve of that man, Linc said this time slamming his fist to the table. No offense Miss Amanda, but I’m not some breeder you can fix me up with women, and you aren’t no animal to just toss back and forth like you are in some kind of auction for the highest bidder. The nerve. Sorry, I know he’s your Pa, but I’d like to swing some punches at him myself.

    I told him I was under the impression our love was genuine, but apparently that had all been a lie. I know those weren’t my exact words but I meant them. I did tell him I didn’t need him to be a matchmaker for me. I mean if he really loved me, he wouldn’t care about our age differences. He wouldn’t be afraid what others might say when they saw us together. Then I told him goodbye.

    Marjorie started to express something then closed her mouth. There was no point in making things worse on Amanda.

    Serendipity lifted her fork and took a bite of the mashed potatoes. I think we should all finish eating. Not only is there a chill in the air, but the food is growing a might chilly too. She noticed the boys waited until Milton lifted his fork then took theirs and started eating again. They had grown increasingly fonder of Milton and Louise of late, especially since they had been able to help care for some of the sick animals. I think Amanda can do much better. Right Alan? Matthew?

    Yes. Miss Amanda, I will marry you any day, Matthew said."

    Me too, Alan said as he nestled closer to Milton.

    Douglas stirred the food on his plate. Don’t you worry Amanda, when Buck and I get through with Pa; he’s going to wish he had never seen our wrath.

    Well you can count me and Milton in, too, Larry said who had been quiet the whole evening.

    Louise eyed Milton and smiled, as he sent a meaningful look back to her.

    I appreciate everything each of you wants to do, but if Aubrey says it’s over...

    The man doesn’t mean it, Louise said. I think he just wanted some time apart to make sure you really wanted this. He will be different. Just you wait when he returns.

    That had been five months ago. There had been wires saying he had been making deals, and not to worry he would be home soon and would have a huge surprise for all of them.

    Yeah, well, we have a big surprise for you too, Douglas had said with the last telegram as he raised his fist in the air. No one messed with the hearts of his family not even his Pa.

    ~ * ~

    Marjorie readjusted the skirt to her dress and arranged the curls in her hair. Okay, now we must go downstairs, Marjorie insisted. Others will think...

    Others will know, he corrected and her face flamed.


    Tell me why my wife is so radiant before we go downstairs as if I don’t already know.

    But how could you? I haven’t said a word that we were going to have a child.

    He slapped his hat on his thigh then slammed it to the floor. Yippee! I didn’t know. I was hoping that would get you to tell me. Is it true? Have you seen a doctor? Are you sure? He was rambling so that Marjorie had to laugh.

    Yes. Yes. Yes, to all your questions. I didn’t say anything because I was indecisive as to whom to tell first, my husband or my sisters. Then I remembered Amanda. She has been so melancholy lately. You understand?

    Yes, he picked her up and twirled her around the room then stopped. Concern wrapped around his face. Wait, did I hurt you? The baby? His eyes swept to the bed. Did I hurt...when we?

    Douglas, please, no you didn’t hurt me or the baby. And I am fine. My goodness, I’m not the first woman ever to have a baby.

    You are by Douglas Calahan, my lady. Yippee! Wait until I tell ole Buck we are going to have a baby.

    Douglas this wasn’t a competition here.

    I didn’t mean that Marjorie. I’m just so happy that me, Douglas Calahan is going to have a baby. I mean you are, oh, you know what I mean. Yippee! he shouted even louder. Now I will have to get busy with the building of our home on that section of land.

    "We have time for that, sweetheart. Let’s enjoy our honeymoon a bit longer before we are burdened with

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