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Second Chances
Second Chances
Second Chances
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Second Chances

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About this ebook

Ever wish you could have a second chance at a lost love? Or to have a second chance on a love you never took a dance on? This book is a collection of 5 short stories that talk about people getting that second chance. Each story intertwines with another and we see how taking a risk can make a person realize what they missed out on.

Release dateApr 2, 2014
Second Chances

Ashlea Burns

Ashlea is a mother of three, she is working towards her degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment. She has had a few books published, articles in local magazines and is the owner and publisher of Faith by Grace Publishing.

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    Second Chances - Ashlea Burns

    Second Chances

    Ashlea Burns

    Copyright 2010 by Ashlea Burns

    Smashwords Edition

    I want to thank all of the people who have supported my writing and me. I couldn’t have got to where I am with out the support of friends and family. A special dedication to my three wonderful children and husband, for showing me I should always push myself to my full potential and not to ever give up. I love you all so much.

    Also a very special thank you to Lisa Lafferty for letting her daughter Shaylen be the model for the cover of this book.

    Table of Contents

    Reunion- Story 1

    Undeniable Love- Story 2

    Stolen- Story 3

    Life or Love- Story 4

    Forsaken- Story 5


    Kelly stood, staring in the mirror, seeing an almost thirty year old, divorced, mother of twins staring back at her was enough to make her start crying. Her husband of seven years ran off a few months ago with his secretary, leaving Kelly to raise their three year old twin girls all alone. She was on the verge of a mental breakdown, about to be fired from her job and to top it all off her ten-year high school reunion was tonight.

    What am I going to do? she said out loud for her self to hear. What do I have to be proud of? Besides my wonderful girls everything else in my like really sucks.

    Kelly stared at her dark circles under her eyes and the knotted mess of hair on her head. She didn’t really want to go to the reunion but

    her mother had insisted that she go, said it would be a good break for her. She had left her mothers home in Maine and flew to Florida to face her peers. With her mom watching her kids she could have a little time alone to think about where she was going to go from here.

    She grabbed her bag off the hotel bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready for tonight, luckily her best friend Nikki lent her a nice, black dress for the reunion.

    What was I thinking? she said under her breath as she shut the bathroom door.


    Kelly walking into the old school gym., it’s all decked out with decorations and old school photos of the senior class. She looked around at some of the pictures, most where of the football team and cheerleaders. Some were of the choir, debate team and prom committee. She was glad to see that there were no pictures of her on the wall. She was pretty quiet in high school; she didn’t play sports, participate in clubs or even socialize too much. She had two best friends that she hung out with all four years and one boyfriend that she dated the last two years, but that was it.

    She still kept in touch with Summer and her sister Ariel, but as for Adam she lost contact with him shortly after graduation when she moved to Maine with her mother after her parents got a divorce. Adam had asked her to stay, he even proposed to give her a good reason to stay, but she turned him down. For ten long years she had regretted that decisions. She so badly wanted to be with Adam but she wanted to explore the world and go to college before she settled down. Things didn’t go how she planned either.

    She only got to explore a few states and went to school right outside of Maine. That’s where she met Steve, her now ex-husband. He played her well, making her believe he really cared for her only to backstab her a few years later.

    Kelly walked through the gym taking a seat in the far corner she hoped that no one would notice she was even there. She watched as couples danced, talked and drank punch. She looked around to see if anyone was looking her way, then made her way to get some punch. She grabbed a cup off the table and poured some punch in it. Standing there drinking the punch is when she seen him. …Adam..,.. He looked more handsome than she remembered. His blond hair was spiked up in the front and his green eyes shined like emeralds. Kelly suddenly began to hyperventilate when she seen him walk through the door. Quickly setting down her cup she heads out the side door of the gym. The cool, sea air hitting her in the face helped her catch her breath.

    Walking towards the beach, she bends down and unhooks the straps of her shoes. Picking them up she steps across the sand, feeling the coolness upon her feet she begins walking along the seashore as the moonlight reflects across the water. Slowly walking , listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand.

    There you are? I voice from behind said, startling Kelly.

    She turns around to find Adam walking towards her.

    Oh, um, she said not sure what to say. Hi.

    Hi? he said with a laugh. Is that all I get after not seeing each other for ten years? reaching out and giving her a hug.

    The feel of his touch, the smell of his scent, its enough to drive Kelly crazy. It’s been ten years since she has seen or even talked to Adam. Ten long years and yet it felt like prom night in that instant. She wanted so badly to kiss him, to show him she still loved him. Would that be too much for her to handle? Could she bring herself to express her regret for leaving him ten years ago?

    It’s been too long. She said with a slight smile.

    Yes, it has. He replied. Way too long. He smiled at her and they began walking along the sand together.

    They walk over to a nearby log and sit down, watching the waves through the moonlight. Kelly shivers in the crisp, night air as Adam takes off his jacket and wraps it around her.

    Better? he asked

    Yes, she replied Thanks.

    They sat there in silent watching the waves.

    After several hours Adam walks Kelly back to her hotel.

    Thanks for walking me back. She said as they stood outside of her hotel room.

    My pleasure, he replied, Just wish this night didn’t go by so fast.

    Yeah, she said. Me too. They stood there silent for

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