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Alien and the Girl
Alien and the Girl
Alien and the Girl
Ebook57 pages50 minutes

Alien and the Girl

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Planet Earth, a crashed ship of unknown origin, and an Alien. One young woman, a famous lake in England and how she tries to save the planet. These two characters battle it out with a war of words. Who will win?

Elizabeth was sat on the grassy banks of the reservoir, watching life slip her by. Was she ever going to get over him? After all, it had been nearly a year since she had been stood at the altar, when her fiancé had scarped with her best friend and chief bridesmaid. She hadn't had a clue about what had been going on until that earth shattering, embarrassing moment of desertion and heartbreak. She had collapsed, her parents and his, were mortified, and everyone was in shock. Lizzy, as she was more commonly known, had dealt with it best she could and what she couldn't admit to anyone was how relieved she was.

Release dateApr 19, 2014
Alien and the Girl

Stephanie Fletcher

Biography (29 10 2012)I am a Mother and best friend to three girls. I truly love my life and every person who has ever touched it with unconditional love, and I am grateful for all their support in my endeavours. I am now a grandmother for the first time in October 2012 and I am sure inspiration will come for some children's stories! I have a website for publishing my writing and poetry. The web link is http://www.stephanie-fletcher.co.ukI started writing seriously after having a traumatic event in my life and having a nervous breakdown to boot. My physical and mental health suffered greatly and now six years later, hand on heart, I can honestly say I am not the self-driven OCD perfectionist I was before.I had a spiritual enlightenment, counselling, and time, lots of time on my hands. I could have quit, and sank deeper into depression but I didn't. I am lucky enough to have three wonderful caring and considerate daughters who witnessed my decent into hell and back, and a family who never left my side. I pulled myself up by my bootstraps and hit life head on again like the Taurean bull I am.I had always written a journal of sorts, spasmodically, and the days of staring into thin air became times of inspiration. At first I was scared to show others my work. The last thing I needed was criticism that cuts you to the soul. I needn't of worried, only but a few people gave me critique that knocked my confidence and I began to grow as a writer.I am not very well educated, only secondary school and college at forty doing a creative writing course and gaining a certificate in counselling skills. I read a lot, anything and everything and I take notes everywhere, for use later in my work. I collect idioms and sayings, inspirational quotes etc and they all help. A voice recorder is handy for those nighttime ideas and I also read my work out loud, recording them and then playing back, as it is easier to see where something doesn't work. I have a programme called ‘dragon speak’ which types up my recordings and saves a lot of frustrating keyboard time, which does my arthritis no good! I like to do my original work long hand so I have a lot of A5 notebooks needing attention.Writing is never dull, or a job, I enjoy everyday I spend writing and often surprise myself at what comes out. I am now attempting my first Novel, called ‘Time Tells Tales’, a synopsis is on my website and the first book of the five tales is published as an e-book on Smashwords.com and is called ‘Alfred's Tale - Dead in a Ditch’. I have three collections of poetry and two short, novella type stories available as well, one of which is free, so go help your self to a copy!

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    Alien and the Girl - Stephanie Fletcher

    Alien and the Girl


    Stephanie Fletcher

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    Stephanie Fletcher on Smashwords

    Alien and the Girl

    Copyright © 19/04/2014 by Stephanie Fletcher

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    Young Adult Reading Material

    I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it.


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    Alien and the Girl

    The Girl

    Elizabeth was sat on the grassy banks of the reservoir, watching life slip her by. Was she ever going to get over him? After all, it had been nearly a year since she had been stood at the altar, when her fiancé had scarped with her best friend and chief bridesmaid. She hadn't had a clue about what had been going on until that earth shattering, embarrassing moment of desertion and heartbreak. She had collapsed, her parents and his, were mortified, and everyone was in shock. Lizzy, as she was more commonly known, had dealt with it best she could and what she couldn't admit to anyone was how relieved she was.

    She had been caught up in the adrenalin of organising such a big do and hadn't stopped to evaluate her true feelings. Was it desperation to marry the first man that had asked her? She was only twenty-two after all; now she had no job, she was back living at home with her boringly, average parents and the humiliation she felt every time they mentioned how hard up they were. They had spent so much on her big day and now she couldn't contribute to the household. She had lost her job of three years due to her ill health - depression and anxiety. Hardily a death sentence but it felt like it most days.

    Even on a day like today when the October sun was shining and there was warmth to it that hinted of the last dregs of summer- an Indian summer the weather forecasters had said. Izzy wondered whether that was Red Indian or Asian Indian - who knew? Who cared? She certainly didn’t.

    The reservoir was one of her favourite places to come and hide from the world at large, where she tried to solve her problems in her head. All through organising the wedding she had dreamed of being in the house that they had bought together, which they had decorated and modernised in the latest trends and then they would settling down and have a family. She desperately wanted a baby and that dream had been destroyed by them as well. That would be her ideal career, being a mother, a stay at home mother who would spend her every waking moment bringing a new life into the world and lavishing it with love and attention. All those dreams had now been smashed to smithereens and her best-friend, the slut, and him, the deceitful bastard, were living her in her dream house! It was so unfair.

    She didn't deserve this - she was a good girl. She had done reasonably well at school, not well enough to go to university but she had got a job straight away in a small office as an administration assistant. It was where she had met him, the so called love of her life who distracted her and took her off the path she had planned for herself, on to the dream one which he then smashed. What she'd give for a moment alone with

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