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Racing Through the Dark: Crash. Burn. Coming Clean. Coming Back.
Racing Through the Dark: Crash. Burn. Coming Clean. Coming Back.
Racing Through the Dark: Crash. Burn. Coming Clean. Coming Back.
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Racing Through the Dark: Crash. Burn. Coming Clean. Coming Back.

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WORLD-CLASS CYCLIST, Tour de France stage winner, and time trial specialist David Millar offers a vivid portrait of his life in professional cycling—including his soul-searing detour into performance-enhancing drugs, his dramatic arrest and two-year ban, and his ultimate decision to return to the sport he loves to race clean—in this arrestingly candid memoir, which he wrote himself.

As a young Scottish expat living in Hong Kong with his father after his parents’ divorce, Millar showed early promise with mountain biking and BMX. Two wise local cyclists took him under their wings, encouraging him to concentrate on road racing. Millar proved a ready convert. Racing Through the Dark offers the winning account of his climb through the ranks—first as an amateur and then as a pro, riding for the French team Cofidis. Among his early triumphs were several stage wins in the Tour de France.

From the moment Millar turned pro, he began to see hints of the unethical measures that many— maybe most—of the other pros were taking in order to race at the very tops of their games . . . and beyond. At first, he felt that he was immune to temptation, that he could win clean. But the ugly pervasiveness of performance-enhancing drugs and the seemingly universal attitude that condoned it began to corrode his willpower. Racing Through the Dark details his eventual capitulation, his subsequent arrest and two-year ban from cycling, and his remarkable comeback as a clean cyclist who is now doing his utmost to keep performance-enhancing drugs out of the sport he so loves.

Filled with thrilling descriptions of the world’s most spectacular courses, Racing Through the Dark captures the pure joy of cycling and includes some of the most vivid accounts of racing ever written by a true insider.
Release dateJun 26, 2012
Racing Through the Dark: Crash. Burn. Coming Clean. Coming Back.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Millar was one of the last British cyclists to go through the older system of being an amateur, before turning pro and being a domestique and main rider for the European teams. He is an immensely talented rider, and if British cycling had been in existence when he started I don’t think that he would have had all the problems with dope and drugs, that ended up with him being banned for two years.

    For all that he has done, he is now a major ambassador for anti doping. In the book he talks of the omerta that exists in the teams, and between the teams and the UCI, even now. It will take a decade to clean the sport of cycling up, especially after the fallout from the Armstrong saga, but cycling is changing.

    Really good book, a must read for all cycling fans.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    thoughtful and honest, a great read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ever since I saw David Millar win the prologue in the Tour I have followed his career. Back then, unlike now, there was little British involvement for us armchair racers to get behind so he was the obvious rider to support for us Brits. I was very disappointed in him when he was exposed as a doper. I knew doping in cycling was bad, the Festina affair had clearly shown that, but it wasn't until I read this book that the depth of doping, the attitude of the teams towards it and the pressure on the riders to constantly produces results or get fired opened my eyes to just how bad it had been.This book should be read by anyone who follows professional road racing.Great read.

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Racing Through the Dark - David Millar

My Early Years

Even though I was born in Malta—for those who need to know, on January 4, 1977—I have always thought of myself as a Scot.

My parents, Gordon and Avril, left the island when I was eleven months old and returned to Scotland. This was a homecoming, a return from abroad to our brethren. Yet because my father was in the Royal Air Force and subject to their postings, it wasn’t really his choice where we ended up.

We lived in Forres. My earliest memories are of a housing estate, a school bus—with a metal bar across the top of the seat in front of me that I’d try to bite but couldn’t, because of the bus bumping around—and of my grandma giving me chocolate eclairs.

The RAF housing estate was my playground. I could usually be found playing with my Star Wars figurines and space ships—a quiet little boy by all accounts, living in his own little world.

1977, Malta. Proof that I was born in the seventies under the Maltese sun. Gordon looks like a Starsky & Hutch extra, while Avril looks like she’s come straight off the Buck Rogers set.

I’ve been told a story, by both Mum and Dad, about a birthday party they held for me at home. I disappeared early on and was found playing alone in my room, asking when everybody was going home. I remember being like that when I was young.

I liked drawing. In fact, I drew a lot. There was another toddler whom I was best friends with, but I can’t remember his name now. My sister Frances—sometimes Fran, sometimes France; Fran to others, France to me—arrived a little less than a year after our return to Scotland, and she quickly became my new play partner.

Fran was a quick developer and walked and talked at a freakishly young age. When people learned that I, not Fran, was the older sibling, this confused them. I’ve never had a problem with it—Fran’s propensity for talking, that is. I simply point out that I’m older than her anyway and claim seniority that way.

Dad was stationed at Kinloss, the RAF base not far from Forres. On occasions when he wasn’t flying, he’d take me to the base and I’d play on the grass-covered aircraft hangars and run around after him among the aircraft. Even now, it’s a vivid memory. Sometimes I’ll pass a garage that will have that same smell of warm metal and diesel and I’ll be back there, running among those big war machines, with my dad, in the grass-covered hangars. I wish more garages had that smell.

I was too young to understand his job, but I remember his leaving for the Falkland Islands. He just disappeared one day, and we didn’t see him again for what seemed like forever. It’s the only time I can remember my mum telling my sister and me to pray at night. There was never any news, and it must have been very hard for her.

My godfather, Major Mike Norman, was involved in the Falklands War, too. He and his wife, Thelma, were friends with my parents in Malta. Mike had given my mum a Royal Marine insignia to be flown above the house when she went into labor. She still has the flag.

Mike was something of a war hero, and, years later, while I was living in Hong Kong, I learned what a significant part he had played in the conflict when I saw a BBC film called An Ungentlemanly Act. Mike had been the commanding officer of the Royal Marines unit on the Falklands when the Argentinians invaded.

When it became clear that the Argentines were mounting a full invasion, he was charged with defending the island by Rex Hunt, the island’s governor. Although outnumbered, Mike led his men with courage and skill, but after hours of defending Governor’s House he was ordered to surrender.

Two months later, when the Argentine army capitulated, he raised the British flag once again. Nonetheless, the war left its mark on him. Many years later, after Mike had retired, my mother spoke to Thelma on the phone and asked how he was.

Oh, he’s fine, she said. He’s out gardening. But you know, Avril, his knees never really recovered from that bloody yomp.

In many ways, growing up as a forces child made us different from other kids. Our dads, whether in the RAF, army, or navy, couldn’t just switch off their value systems on coming home and taking off their uniforms. They worked in an environment with hundreds of years of history and standards. It made for a disciplined and regimented childhood.

My sister and I could be taken to any restaurant in the world, and there would be no risk of our behaving badly. Without being too hard on us, my father was a disciplinarian. But he was also incredibly funny and loving when he was relaxed and happy, which was all the funnier because it was impossible to imagine him ever being the same when he was in his uniform.

I remember one flier friend never stopped calling him sir, even when they were both in civilian clothes.

Why don’t you just call him Gordon? I asked him once.

I can’t, David, he replied, deadpan. He’s my commanding officer.

Years later, after my dad had left the forces and joined Cathay Pacific, I appreciated what a change it must have been for him going from being a young wing commander in the Royal Air Force to a middle-aged copilot in a commercial airline. It couldn’t have been easy for him.

My dad was reckless at times. I remember seeing him, around the time that he was a squadron leader, standing in the dining room looking out of the window, staring at his white Lotus Elite. There was something broken about his expression—he told me that he’d crashed his car and that he felt sad.

I first learned to ride a bike in Scotland. But it was hardly the most auspicious start to my cycling career, as I rode into the back of a parked car on one of those first rides.

In fact, I was a little accident-prone. Playing tag at school, I managed to break my collarbone for the first time. It took my mum, bless her, three days to believe that I’d broken it. I’m not sure if that says more about me, or my mum.

My mum is one of the most intelligent people I know, able to maintain a challenging conversation on almost any subject. She studied engineering at Glasgow University, based on her admiration for her adopted father, yet, forty years on, she is now on her fourth different career. She came from a loving yet unorthodox family, adopted as a baby by a couple already in their mid-forties. Today the only family she has is my sister and me, and her fabulous piano-playing neighbor Terry. Her background probably explains her absolute love for France and me, yet this collarbone incident also showed she was no pushover.

Just before we left Scotland, I did it again. One of my best friends had a hill in his back garden that in winter hardened to a stony mix of frost, ice, and snow. Naturally, we considered it our duty to ride down this. I must have taken it more seriously than him, because I was the one who ended up crumpled at the bottom of the hill, nursing a second broken collarbone.

There’s a final memory of our time in Scotland—of leaving in 1984, and Fran and I, cocooned in the bucket seats of my dad’s Lotus, singing along to Yazoo. Dad had a new posting. We were moving on again, heading south to our new house in Stone, Buckinghamshire.

It’s hard to imagine Frances and me arriving in England as wee Scots, the two of us arguing away with our strong singsong accents. The years since, traveling and living in many different places, have left me with the most neutral of accents.

If anything, what I have now is an expat Brit accent that morphs itself spontaneously to mimic those around me. It’s not something I’m proud of; I would much prefer to have held on to the Scottish accent that I had as a child, because I remain very proud of being a Scot.

At times, I have to admit that, listening to my English accent while calling myself Scottish, I’ve felt like a fraud. But then I suppose our nomadic lifestyle made it important that we were good at fitting in.

When I started school in Buckinghamshire, I would always play lunchtime football in Scottish national team kit. Looking back, I think losing my accent was a pivotal moment. Even so, I feel most at home when surrounded by Scots, and it was among Scots that I spent most of my time during my doping ban.

I didn’t enjoy school that much, but out of the classroom, I had a blast, particularly after I discovered BMX and became the proud owner of a Raleigh Super Tuff Burner. Dad would take me along to the BMX race leagues in High Wycombe every other weekend. I was eight years old, and it was the perfect introduction to racing.

The BMX boom was at its height, and movies such as ET and BMX Bandits were big box office. I still haven’t seen ET, even though, a few years later while on a family holiday in California, I was chosen out of a throng of children to ride the ET BMX against a blue screen at Universal Studios. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them I hadn’t actually seen the film.

I loved the rush of BMX racing. The start gate would come crashing down, and the ten riders in the field would hurtle with childish abandon toward the first ramps and left-hand banked turn, or burn. There was very little skill involved. It was more dependent on a lot of youthful courage and blind luck.

I was still on my trusty Raleigh, competing against kids on special racing BMXs. This had never bothered me, until one day, when, after finishing in the top three and while pushing my Raleigh back up the hill for the next race, I heard the commentator remark on my less-than-special bike. I was upset to say the least.

Despite that, in my first season I finished fourth in the county for my age group. This entitled me to a number 4 handlebar plate for the next season, but I clearly remember thinking that fourth in the county wasn’t really that good.

I don’t know why I would have such high expectations or put such pressure on myself at such a young age. I was competing against boys who were clearly taking it much more seriously than I was. For my dad and me, it was simply a Sunday out together. He didn’t allow himself to get mixed up in overcompetitive dad syndrome. Any pressure or desire I had to perform came from me and me alone.

1986, Stone primary school. Frances and I rocking the uniform. I get the impression there was a lot of giggling pre- and post-photograph.

But that number 4 plate was never used because my beloved Super Tuff Burner was stolen that winter, effectively ending my BMX career. I spent years looking in ditches and scouring bike racks searching for that bike, and it took me a very long time to accept that it was never coming back.

As well as BMX, I’d taken to roller-skating much of the time, usually at roller discos. I can’t remember how often the roller discos were, but they were never regular enough for me. I was a roller-disco king—Thame Leisure Centre was my kingdom.

France, in true younger sibling fashion, had taken to copying everything I did, be it BMX or roller-skating. It was never long before France was, like me, fully equipped, tagging along. Most irritatingly, everybody still thought she was my older sister, which was not cool for an already quiet, shy, introspective boy. I’m ashamed to say that I did my best to make sure that skating was the last hobby of mine that Frances copied. At the time, I didn’t see the love, only the burden of a little sister.

France was so confident, so able to talk to people. She would talk to anybody at any time on any subject. We—my parents and I—would hang back and send her forward to ask all sorts of things of all sorts of people. We didn’t need local knowledge or a tour guide when we were on holiday, because we had our own little search engine on legs. Frances was our Google.

My mum and dad made a significant effort to improve us both. We were both given extra tuition outside of school, and I was learning to play the trombone and the piano. I was trombonist in the school jazz band, and now it amazes me that I pretended to enjoy it and persevered for so long.

But there were problems at home. It became impossible to ignore the troubles between my parents. At first, it had been subtle, but now there were things that I couldn’t ignore. It became harder to pretend that the fights weren’t happening. I suppose it had been going on for a long while, but children choose not to see such things.

Eventually, things reached a crisis point. I was woken up in the middle of the night, my tearful mum and dad sitting on my bed, telling me that they were splitting up, that it wasn’t my fault and that I should look after my sister.

I don’t think I cried. I certainly don’t remember being tearful, but I remember being incredibly fucking angry. My childhood had come to an abrupt end. I was eleven.

The next morning, I walked to school as usual, through grass covered in morning dew, my feet leaving a trail behind me.

The Mess

Things changed fundamentally over the next couple of years.

Not long after Dad moved out, Terry, my mum’s new partner, moved in. With Terry came his children, Simon and Sarah. Simon was a bit older than me, and Sarah was the same age. It was weird at first. At that time my dad didn’t have a home and was living in the officers’ mess at Northwood, while we were all under one roof in a little village 15 miles from Stone.

Terry was nice enough though, and he soon won us over. He had met Mum through work, so we’d already met him before everything—my parents’ relationship—had fallen apart, but it was still a new family to me.

Now I can see that I wasn’t happy. I didn’t like our new home, school made me miserable, and, to make matters worse, we had no money. Dad wasn’t around much, although he and I would get together on Thursdays, as he lived in Aylesbury and I’d stop by his house on the journey to and from school.

Fran and I spent a few weekends at the mess in Northwood. This was not just any officers’ mess, but home of the combined commander and chief officer’s ward room, where we would be dining on special dispensation of the president of the mess committee.

It was more like a gentleman’s smoking room, full of high-ranking older officers who’d be sitting, quietly dining with full silver service, while reading or simply enjoying the rarefied peace and quiet. France and I would be on our very best behavior, knowing that we had no margin of error in such an environment. It was the last time such behavior would be required of us.

But France and I had started to argue more than laugh, perhaps as much due to our adolescence as to the tumultuous times that we were living through. And I was changing, rebelling.

The upheaval caused profound changes in me over a very brief period of time. I began to doubt the wisdom of adults, and began to understand that my life was mine to control. But I was still a kid—I wasn’t ready for such big changes.

School held little escape. Aylesbury Grammar’s intake was largely smart state-school boys being groomed toward public-school values. Football—which most of us loved and cherished—was not on the school games list, and rugby took its place. This did not go down well. To rub salt into the wound, the one subject I liked most, art, was held in little or no esteem.

Mixing such a diverse bunch of boys together did not make for the most harmonious of classrooms. We made our French teacher cry more than once, and our second-year tutor had a nervous breakdown. We were smart and rebellious, a terrible combination for a teacher.

I was still keen on cycling—I just didn’t have a bike. My short-lived BMX career was already over, but I started to take an interest in mountain biking. I took on some odd jobs, and Dad said he would match whatever I earned so that I could buy a new bike. So on top of a paper round was added car cleaning and lawn mowing. My financial planning, targeting a new mountain bike, was ridiculously organized.

I had a big wall chart taped to the ceiling where I would monitor progress, relative to weekly and monthly targets, while lying in bed. I would empty my money box and count it all out, like a wee Ebenezer Scrooge. (This was about the most sophisticated I would ever become in planning my finances, although, in fairness, I should point out that things have gotten better recently.) At the end of the rainbow was a Marin Bear Valley ’89, black and gold and very handsome. I bought it in a shop in High Wycombe, and my life in cycling began.

Soon after that, Dad told us that he was leaving for Hong Kong. I knew he was leaving the RAF and training to be a commercial pilot, but Hong Kong hadn’t been mentioned. We presumed he would be near us whatever happened. He immediately said that we could move out there with him, but we didn’t even know where Hong Kong was, let alone what it was like. It didn’t seem real, and although it wasn’t to have an effect on us for a while, affect us it did.

Before he left, Dad and I went to Scotland together to look at boarding schools. I hadn’t been happy at Aylesbury since the beginning. The whole experience felt so miserable, from the cold, dark, silent wait at the bus stop, through the long journey on a double-decker bus, to the death march from the bus station to the school. And then there was the school itself.

It was almost five hundred years old and had the foundations of a great institution, but it was dilapidated and frayed at the edges. Some of the teachers were wonderful, but there were also terrible teachers, young, inexperienced, and badly trained.

At the beginning of my second year at the grammar our form groups were changed around. To my horror I found myself in a class of boys I neither knew nor liked, and I wrote a letter to the headmaster expressing my unhappiness at being separated from my friends. A couple of days later, the deputy head asked to see me.

He explained that the headmaster had read my letter and asked him to speak to me.

So, David, he began, I understand you are not happy with your new form group?

I stood by my letter. No, sir.

Well, you understand that these form groups were created to help you? We are not in the habit of allowing boys to simply pick their form group. Why should we treat you differently?

I explained that I understood the reasoning behind the form groups, and agreed it was the best way to educate us. Then I said: "I think my situation is a little different from the other students.

My parents recently divorced, and we have moved away from all my old friends. This has all happened in the last two years, and I seem to be living in constant change. I don’t feel like more change, sir.

I hadn’t intended to mention my parents’ divorce, but as I spoke, I realized that it was a key element in my motives for sticking with my friends and being moved to a less academic class. He got up from his chair and moved back behind his desk.

Well, I will speak to the headmaster and give him my opinion. If we choose to make an exception and allow you to go to the form you want, you can be sure we’ll be keeping an eye on you, so make sure you don’t let us down.

Thank you, sir.

There was a pause. One last thing, he said. I asked around about you before this meeting. Did you know you are thought of as, er, a bit of a ‘wide boy’?

I had no idea what a wide boy was, but I liked the sound of it. Hesitantly, I replied. No, sir, I didn’t. Should I say thank you …?

He smiled at that. Thanks to him, my last few months at Aylesbury Grammar School were not nearly as miserable as they might have been.

Dad’s new life took shape. France and I went to Hong Kong to visit him at half term, enduring the YPTA (Young Person Traveling Alone) system of flying around the world. Even now, Frances and I feel a pang of empathy for these kids when we see them in airports with their little travel packs around their necks.

You’ve probably seen them, too, preteens chaperoned on and off flights by cabin crew. They label you, putting a packet around your neck containing ticket and passport. Then you board a flight, seated alone, often surrounded by other kids with their mums and dads, heading off on a holiday—together. It’s a crushing experience. From the moment of leaving one parent and then meeting the other at the final destination, you are in limbo, between families.

Yet it was worth that humiliation to get to Hong Kong, because from the moment the plane landed, I fell in love with the place. I’d stepped from a black-and-white world into life in Technicolor, and I knew that was what I really wanted.

Frances and I were there for less than a week, but it was enough time for me to decide that I wanted to move there. Dad had made it clear that it was an option for both of us, if we were interested. Hong Kong offered an escape, and I didn’t hesitate, even though I knew that when I got back home I’d have to tell my mum.

I can’t remember exactly how I told Mum, but I can remember the distress it caused. She cried every night for weeks. France was the collateral damage in it all. She didn’t want to leave Mum after seeing how upset she was, and this would be what always kept her from Hong Kong. My leaving her behind was to weigh on our relationship for a decade.

Leaving Mum was hard, but I guess that part of me held her responsible for Dad moving out and for us moving houses. This wasn’t—isn’t—necessarily true, but believing it made it possible for me even to consider leaving.

Now, from a distance, I look back and see that it was a life-changing decision. I was a selfish, damaged thirteen-year-old determined to take his life into his own hands. It changed me, hardened me, and laid the foundation for the person I was to become.

Hong Kong was my escape, I was going to the Far East for the same reason as so many before me—to start afresh in a faraway place. The dreariness of Aylesbury was made all the more profound by the knowledge I was leaving for a new life. I felt sorry for everybody who had to carry on.

I didn’t return to live permanently in Britain for fifteen years.

Flying Ball Bicycles

Hong Kong—HK—is a strange and magical place, one of the wonders of the world. It was especially so during the years I lived there. The British lease on the territory was nearly over, and the 1997 handover back to China was rapidly approaching.

HK’s residents lived with the ever-present ticking of the countdown to Chinese rule as the backdrop to their everyday lives. It made for vibrant times. At first, I didn’t understand this—I just loved the atmosphere and thrived in the city’s electrified air. Everybody and everything seemed so much more alive than what I’d left behind in England.

The people whom I met were generally positive, dynamic people, and the two cities, Hong Kong on the island and Kowloon on the mainland, were ever-changing beasts in their own right.

I never grew weary of sitting on the Kowloon waterfront, gazing across the harbor at that most famous of skylines, admiring the sheer scale of it all. I’d go to the far end of the Ocean Terminal car park, perch on a wall, and look out over the water. It was an oasis of peace among all the chaos and noise. At night, HK was otherworldly, particularly if the clouds were low. The city’s neon lights would reflect off them and illuminate an upside-down, snowy mountain range shrouding the tops of the tallest buildings. It was, and I’m sure still is, sublime.

Kowloon’s growth had been stunted because of the presence of Kai Tak airport. Development could not shoot skyward because of the planning limitations imposed by the flight paths. But what it lost in height, it made up for in intensity. The most densely populated place in the world, Mongkok, was only a five-minute walk from where I went to school. Ten minutes in the opposite direction took me to the Walled City, a self-governed, mythical enclave that over a century had grown into what, to me, looked like the most ambitious postapocalyptic film set ever created. It was governed by the triads and was a total no-go area for a gweilo like myself.

I lived with Dad and his new wife Ally in the New Territories, near Sai Kung, in a marina development built into the sea on reclaimed land and comprising scores, maybe hundreds, of big terraced town houses. The development was brand-new and had attracted many expat families. There was a big group of us who would hang out and have fun. My first few years there were some of the happiest I’ve had—K61 Marina Cove, the home and resting place of my adolescence. I’m sure if I were to return there now I would see the ghosts of my youth.

School—the King George V, or KG5—was a Hong Kong institution, built in the 1930s among paddy fields and farmland. KG5 sat under the flight path of one of the busiest airports in the world, sandwiched between two of the most densely populated places on the planet. We studied an English curriculum and were taught by mainly English teachers. We also wore English-style uniforms and were the only school kids in HK to do so.

The school itself was the antithesis of what I knew. I had come from a single-sex school and was essentially a well-mannered, chivalrous boy. I was something of a novelty to my fellow students, especially as I had started halfway through the year. I’d never had much attention before, and I was surprised to find that I liked it. In fact, I loved it. Initially, the curriculum itself wasn’t challenging, as I was about a year ahead of what was being taught, so I just sat back and luxuriated in my new life.

Unfortunately, I continued to luxuriate for the next five years.

It didn’t take long for my report cards to begin their slippery downward slope. First to tumble were the effort marks, followed, before too long, by my grades. But I was having too much fun to care or even bother to try to make a difference.

I have to say that I wasn’t always well advised. One of my dad’s most memorable pieces of good counsel revolved around my decision to continue studying French.

Come on, David, he said. It’s not something that’s going to be of any use to you in the future, is it?

I reminded him of that particular nugget of wisdom a few years later while eking out a lonely existence as a wannabe pro cyclist in a quiet French village, cut off from local society, barely capable of ordering a café au lait or buying a baguette.

As having fun increasingly took precedence over learning useful things, Dad did a good job of kicking my arse into gear. After a while, though, even he was having too much fun to be bothered by such trivial things as his son’s performance at school.

Brit expat culture was a remnant of a colonial history in which good manners, smart uniforms, and hard drinking were the only way to survive a Far East posting. It didn’t take either of us long to get used to the privileges offered to us on a daily basis, and, in fact, we slipped into that lifestyle with ease.

The British community was small, but the majority of the locals regarded us as a ruling minority. Even the kids were treated deferentially, strolling around Kowloon in our colonial-school uniforms. Perhaps it empowered us a little too much, but it also gave me confidence, and any shyness I may have had dissipated rapidly.

We used this social situation to our advantage and would act as if we could do what we wanted. Our parents’ underlying guilt for making us live in such a faraway place meant that, most of the time, we got off lightly. So we would push a bit further each time, seeing what we could get away with. In fact, we were all spoiled and indulged, adults and children alike, some more so than others.

There were positives to growing up there. We became multinational and multicultural, so it was a very healthy environment in that sense. Yet the special status we enjoyed in HK meant that many of my friends would never quite fit in anywhere else.

But that was Hong Kong before the handover, a land of self-indulgence. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, without any thought of the future or past. It was the expat lifestyle at its purest.

I had other interests, though, beyond the expat circuit. I’d taken my new passion for mountain biking with me to HK, and, surprisingly, it turned out to be a great place for riding. Hong Kong and the New Territories are very hilly, almost mountainous, and beyond Sai Kung and Sha Tin were the country parks, where we were given free rein.

Every Sunday in HK was like a scene from End of Days, as all the Chinese would board buses and leave the city to spend a day in the country. The KMB super-big double-decker buses, always a hazard, were particularly likely to knock you off your bike on those days. They were equipped with a big red emergency Engine Stop button on the back.

Sometimes, adrenaline pumping after being brushed by one of them as it overtook me, I’d give chase, catch up, lean across, and push the button. I’d ride on, looking back as the bus ground to a halt, the perplexed driver standing alongside his stalled juggernaut, trying to figure out what had happened. These were my first sessions of interval training.

As I got more into riding, I was becoming a geek, a bike perv. I would hang out on a regular basis at the Flying Ball Bicycle Shop. It was a crazy shop, deep in the heart of Mongkok, and the very definition of organized chaos. Tiny and with perhaps one of the most valuable equipment stocks in the world, the shop had bikes that I’d only read about or seen in magazines, kit that a bike shop in England would never dream of stocking.

Mr. Lee, the owner, kept long hours. He was there seven days a week, from nine in the morning until, sometimes, ten at night. He lived in a flat above the shop with his family and must have had the patience of a saint, because I surely annoyed the hell out of him, hanging around the shop, getting in the way, and not buying anything. It was here that I saw a notice for some races in one of the country parks. I told the boys about them, and we all set about training for them.

Back then, my idea of quality training was to come home from school, eat a bowl of cereal, and then set out on my mountain bike up Hiram’s Highway, a 4- or 5-kilometer climb, starting not far from the main entrance of Marina Cove. I would shoot out of the blocks as fast as I could and be tasting blood by about halfway up the climb. This was a sure sign I was in the zone.

At the top of the hill, I’d turn around and head back down, taking as many risks as possible to get back home as fast as I could. There was one corner where I considered myself a chicken if I couldn’t get around it at 30 mph. It served me well, though, because in the races I was usually able to finish in the top five. I was a very skinny, motivated fourteen-year-old, but I must have had something, because two of the guys there, Simon Roberts and Ted Remedios, decided to take me under their wing and convert me to road racing.

We would all go mountain biking together, but they would use the time to educate me about road cycling. At first, like so many others before they are seduced by road riding, I was totally against it. I thought the road was a bit effete, old school—the Lycra, shaved legs, and the boring conservative mentality—but as time went on I began to pay more attention, mainly due to their persistence. I’m grateful to them for that.

Ted was the main protagonist in this brainwashing. He told me stories and loaned me magazines, books, and videos. Little by little, I became fascinated by it all. Road racing seemed purer than mountain biking, more mythical, and it made mountain biking seem childish and transient. There were few moments of technical genius, unlike football or basketball or cricket, but what it did have was epic human accomplishment on a grand scale, performances as seemingly close to superhuman as I’d seen in sport.

One story particularly touched me.

In the 1990 Tour de France, Miguel Indurain was riding as domestique to Pedro Delgado, then still the great Spanish champion. Delgado was not at his best, yet Indurain supported him unquestioningly. Indurain lost any personal chances he had during one mountain stage by staying with Delgado and pacing him through the valley to the foot of the last climb. Indurain never claimed that he could have won the 1990 Tour, yet many since have said that he was fully capable of it.

This was new to me, this culture of sacrifice and obligation. In other sports, champions were just champions—they hadn’t served an apprenticeship as a professional helper to other champions, before finally getting their own chance. I found this ideal, of working up through the ranks to earn your right to lead and to win, dignified, old-fashioned, and romantic.

I read two books that really seduced me, Kings of the Road and Bernard Hinault’s biography, Memories of the Peloton. Both seemed epic, honorable, and sometimes tragic. The more I learned about it, the more it seemed that in professional cycling—unlike other sports—winning really wasn’t everything. It appeared to be as much about respect and panache as about winning. I really liked that.

I’d never come across a sport like it, and my growing fascination with it—and the secret dream of one day riding in the Tour—was the final nail in the coffin of my mountain biking days.

Yes—I know how this reads now: I was very naive and romantic, but my youth gave me that right. Idealism is a good thing and, at its purest and most passionate, it can take you a long way. The downside is that it can leave you incredibly unprepared for the harsh realities of that world when you get there.

Before leaving off-road behind, I did manage to break my collarbone again. Out on one of the trails after school one afternoon, I catapulted over the bars, landing badly. I had a long walk back to the road and then a wince-inducing one-armed ride back to the house. That sealed the deal; within a few months I’d sold my mountain bike and, with the help of my dad, bought a road bike. It was a no name frame in green and white, with a Shimano RX100 groupset—the perfect beginner’s bike.

Things were changing back in England. Mum and Fran had moved to Maidenhead, in Berkshire. I flew back from Hong Kong, my new road bike with me, for my first school holidays. Mum knew that road cycling was my new thing and had done some research on local clubs, with High Wycombe CC the closest of any

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