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Ebook248 pages3 hours


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Sarah Dessen says this “incredible first novel” is “fresh and wise, all at once.”

I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now, I’ve thought maybe my mother drowned in both.
Anna’s life is upended when her father accepts a job transfer the summer before her junior year. It’s bad enough that she has to leave her friends behind, but her dad is moving them to the beach where her parents first met and fell in love—a place awash in memories that Anna would just as soon leave under the surface.
     While life on the beach is pretty great, with ocean views and one adorable lifeguard in particular, there are also family secrets that were buried years ago. And the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tide means that nothing—not the sea glass that collects along the shore, and not the truths behind Anna’s mother’s death—stays buried forever.
Release dateMay 3, 2011

Jessi Kirby

Jessi Kirby is a writer for young adults whose first book, Moonglass, was named an ABA New Voices Pick. She has also written five other novels—In Honor, Golden, Things We Know by Heart, The Secret History of Us, and The Other Side of Lost. Jessi lives in central California with her husband and two kids. You can visit her online at www.jessikirby.com.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now, I've thought maybe my mother drowned in both.

    I love the imagery and thought provoking words used in this story. Made me want to find a little cottage on a beach and just forget about the world. I really liked how soft and peaceful this story was. Even with death and heartbreak hiding behind each page.

    Definitely a good read. I'm glad I picked this one up.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "Moonglass" was okay, especially for fans of Sarah Dessen but, while I like it, it didn't really move me. I felt Anna spent too much time drooling at all the males on the beach and her initial attraction to Tyler was because he was her age which made her rather shallow. However, their romance was gradual and rather cute. Sadly, Anna didn't grow as a character throughout the story and that frustrated me.The relationship Anna had with her dad was, for me, one of the book's highlights. It was obvious how much they cared for each other and I loved how the author portrayed this. The descriptions of the ocean and cottages were also a positive. They were lush and beautiful, and I could easily picture them in my head.The other big plus was Ashley, Anna's new friend at Crystal Cave. She was a wonderful addition and I loved her from the start. Rich, spoilt and opinionated, I found her a delight. She often spoke rashly but she had a big heart, and was genuinely kind and generous.A coming-of-age story dealing with grief, "Moonglass" was a nice read, but not a great one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    this book was amazing !!!! i absolutely LOVED it !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful novel. Well-written. Just wish it could go on longer or have a sequel.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    simply... wow. truly such a good book and again, truly, so worth reading. thank you.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Worth the read if you’re in the mood for a beach setting with less frothiness, this one’s tinged with sadness.Anna lost her mother at seven years old, it isn’t until she and her father move to the beach community where her parents met that teenage Anna finally confronts the tragedy head on, beginning to process the hurt, the anger, and the guilt she feels over her mother’s death. There’s a realism to this one that I really liked, the relationship between Anna and her dad, how they work their way up to talking about these difficult things and Anna trying to outrun her feelings but the emotion gradually building up inside her until she reaches the breaking point, there’s a real life quality to all of that. I enjoyed the friendships Anna forges, in both cases it felt like there was the potential to go in the direction of rivalry or mean girl pettiness, instead they’re never anything other than supportive which is so heartening to read about. Ashley in particular was a standout to me even though she plays such a small role. I love when a character seems like they might be a one-dimensional stereotype only to end up feeling original, Ashley’s a fresh take on the rich pretty blonde, with such a sweet heart (even if she did throw out some inadvertent insults) that I kept thinking what an endearing heroine she’d be in her own story. Tyler, the love interest unfortunately felt far less defined than Anna’s friends. I liked him, I thought they had chemistry and I see the value in every now and then having a fluffy teen romance scene as a bit of a breather from the heaviness of dealing with her mother’s death, but by the time the book ended I still didn’t really know anything about Tyler apart from him seeming like a good guy. The central story involving Anna, her dad, and her mom wrapped up satisfyingly, however, I wish a few more pages had been tacked on to do the same for Anna’s new friendships and a woman connected to Anna’s mom. It’s not that I didn’t have a pretty strong idea of how that all would have gone, it’s just that those relationships were every bit as crucial to Anna moving forward as the relationship with her dad so I would have liked to have a snippet of their conversations post Anna’s turning point in her mom issues.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is a great blend of happy and sad moments. It's a story about a father/daughter relationship, about fitting into a new place and making new friends, about falling in love, and about coming to terms with losing someone you love.
    For me Moonglass had all the emotions and charms of a Sarah Dessen novel, which I am a huge fan of, but in no way did it appear as a copy of Dessen's style. In this book Jessi Kirby develops a very real, very emotional voice for her main character, one which pulled me in from start to finish.
    There were moments when I was on the brink of tears, because the emotion was written into the pages so well.
    I loved all of the characters, and the storyline was perfectly paced to keep me wanting to turn the pages and dive right into this story.
    It's a quick read, with an emotional heart to it that really got me.
    The one downside that made it lose marks for me, was simply that on a few occasions I felt like things were left out, that really ought to of been in. For instance, the character of Joy was introduced, but after the initial meeting, and then a small interaction later, there was nothing further, and I felt like maybe she should have played a bigger role, or been left out entirely. That's just a small thing though, and on a whole this book was fantastic. I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having recently accepted the startling fact that I love depressing contemporary novels, I have begun to work on a huge backlist of titles I've missed out on because I looked at the subject and scurried in the other direction. Having heard great things about Jessi Kirby's books, I added her to my tbr pile, and my crazy system of choosing reads told me that it was time. Right now, I want to pat my crazy rituals on the back for choosing such a good book for me to read.

    Actually, based on the cover, I feared that Moonglass might be cheesy, but it was actually true, touching and oddly magical. Kirby's writing caught me right away, like a rip tide catches a swimmer, only perhaps not so menacing. Her prose has this natural beauty to it, and she describes the settings perfectly. Her author blurb at the back informed me that she actually lives in the same sort of place she wrote about and her love for the ocean, the cottages, and walking on the beach really shine through.

    The book also has a sort of dreamy quality to it, and not just because a few of Anna's dreams are sprinkled through the text in italics. Most any scene in nature had this eerie, ethereal, slightly magical quality, and it set the tone so well. Some authors transport the reader to a place, and Kirby certainly does that. Though I'm not a visual reader, I could picture the settings vividly, because of how well Kirby describes everything.

    In another thrilling turn of events, Moonglass turned out to be less about romance, as implied by the cover, and more about family. Anna's mother died when she was seven, and she and her father never really talk about it, which has come to bother Anna more and more, especially now that they're moving back to where her parents met. Now, do not take away from this that we have another neglected child, because we don't. Anna's dad loves her, both in words and actions. He can be a bit overprotective, sure, but what loving dad isn't? Even better, though they have rough patches, Anna and her dad really talk and they hang out together regularly, like at the weekly Poke-N-Eat dinners.

    The characters all felt very real to me, and their relationships felt very natural. Anna, adventurous but reserved, does not make friends particularly easily. On her first day, a girl she expects to hate (the kind with a little dog in an oversized purse) approaches her and basically insists on them being friends and coerces Anna into joining the cross country team. Ashley has tons of money, is a bit of a ditz, and has nothing in common with Anna. She's the kind of person I generally despise, but, like Anna, I could not help being charmed by her good heart and generosity. For example, Anna lies to her about her mother, because she hates the pity when people know her mom died, and, usually when that happens in YA, the friend storms off in a huff, but Ashley immediately accepts it and moves into helping mode. Ashley's not the brightest about most things, but she's a genius about people.

    Of course, there is a romance, but a very sweet, understated one. There are no declarations of love and it has all the awkwardness of a high school crush. Other than the fact that Anna gets the hottest guy in school, the romance felt very much not tropey. Actually, not only are their no "I love yous," but Anna and Tyler really don't profess their feelings at all. They're totally in the awkward what-are-we phase for all of the book, which totally happens in real life but I haven't really seen much in fiction. They have a lot of awkward silences, but they're definitely growing closer to one another slowly. I enjoyed this, particularly with it on the back burner.

    Kirby tackles a dark subject but surrounds it with so much beauty that I think Moonglass will satisfy both readers of darker and lighter contemporary novels. This was just such a lovely, flowing novel. Now I'm off to add all of Kirby's other books to my tbr list.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I picked up Moonglass because Jessi Kirby’s name has been going around the blogosphere quite a bit with her recent release of Golden, which almost everyone I know seems to love. I picked up Moonglass on a whim when browsing the used section of the bookstore and recognizing Kirby’s name. And while I wasn’t absolutely blown away by the book or the story or the writing, I did find a certain kind of appeal in this book.

    I’m not going to lie: I found the beginning of this book dreadfully boring. It took me days to get past page 30, and I almost DNF-ed once or twice. The book’s pacing is glacial, and while I sometimes like slow stories, I’d say it’s also this book’s biggest flaw. If you’re in the mood for a fast-paced adventure, well, look elsewhere.

    After I got over the slow start, though, I did enjoy Anna’s story. She’s learning how to heal after her mother’s death, which is a process I understand well. I thought Kirby did a really great job of portraying Anna’s thoughts and actions as she works through her grief. I also think some people will find the bit about sea glass and moon glass interesting, though I will say that I was not one of those readers.

    There are other characters in the story, but really, this is Anna’s story, from beginning to end. It’s summery, but not light. It’s slow, but moving in some places. It’s not a book I’ll recommend wide and far, but I think for certain readers it will resonate well.

    Final Impression: Moonglass is a good, but not awesome, book. It’s definitely for fans of contemporary and probably won’t have a lot of cross-over appeal, but Anna’s story is touching and there’s definitely a “beach” sensation that invades the book. Some people might find the beginning a bit too boring to get through, but I think it will resonate with some readers much more than it did with me.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    First of all the cover for this book is completely stunning. I love a good summer/beach read, but this one touches on much deeper and darker subjects then your typical fluffy beach read. Yes there's some romance and some drama and coming of age, but there's also more to the story.Anna's life completely changed when her father accepts a transfer to a beach community, she tries hard not to love it, but she immediately does. She finds out this is where her father and mother met one summer and that her mother lived in the same community and the house she grew up in was right near where she was living.I really liked Anna's character and although I liked this story, I felt like it was a bit underdeveloped, parts of the story seemed rushed to me and I guess I wanted more. It's a short novel and I feel like another 50 or so pages would have done the book a great deal of good. It was a good summer beach read in the respect that it was short, had a bit of romance, and had a deeper/meaning story behind it, i just wanted a bit more, but still a good debut! and worth a read if your looking for a quick read for a day at the beach.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've come to find that discovering new contemporary YA authors to love is becoming a consuming hobby, but it's so worth it when I find an author like Jessi Kirby and a book like MOONGLASS.I'm not the biggest fan of MOONGLASS' cover, but the blurb by Sarah Dessen intrigued me. Dessen has been one of my favorite authors since junior high I always take a look at books that are rumored to be similar to her style... Kirby's debut is reminiscent of Dessen's novels, but is definitely it's own novel. I found that the feelings explored in MOONGLASS are very much like what one would find in a Dessen novel, but Kirby adds her own flavor and flair to her writing that makes it very much her own.I wasn't positive I'd be Anna's biggest fan. She's kind of... perfect. She has a gorgeous beach body, great hair without having to try, and an engaging personality ... and she's completely aware of it. Luckily, Anna only goes out and displays her assets a couple times before she has her guy pretty well hooked, so the reader is able to overlook her lack of flaws. I'm not proposing that she should have a huge defect, but a little imperfection is generally a good thing.Anna's relationship with her father was, in my opinion, the most notable aspect of this novel. I liked that there wasn't a new woman coming between Anna and her father, but rather the memory of Anna's mother and the ghostly remains of her suicide. I highly recommend Kirby's MOONGLASS and I can guarantee I'll be reading her sophomore novel!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was really excited to read Moonglass by Jessi Kirby after reading positive reviews of it. The book got me excited for my trips to the beach coming up this summer! It highlighted beautiful parts of the beach while still noting the dangers of it. But, I was able to easily forget the bothersome aspects of the beach (my fear of fish and annoyance with sand) and I was able to instead imagine the most glorious views from the descriptions of thing like the "water that sparkled gold as the sun mad it's way toward the horizon." I initially connected with Anna through her unwillingness to ask the questions that run through her mind about her mother or the run down cottage. It's something I've found myself doing with my own mother. If I've been irritated with her, I'll avoid saying anything to her, even if it's a perfectly decent subject she would love to talk about. I do it because I'd rather not talk to her at the moment, and I'll choose to stay quiet. While I was able to connect with Anna this way, I found myself losing my connection with her the farther I got in the book. Events, thoughts, inklings, and everything else became too perfectly interconnected. The ideas seemed to stretch too far and incorporate too much. The material became heavier in meanings and emotions, and now... I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it anymore.The romance wasn't the main focus of Moonglass. Anna's coming to terms with her mother's death is the center topic. When the romance did pop up, it failed to bring forth a spark strong enough to catch my attention. I can imagine the appeal of the attractive lifeguard that's reluctant to fall for the girl at first, but I never became attached to Tyler. I was waiting to fall for him.Moonglass is a quick read and the writing is pleasant. I enjoyed Anna's narrative and the wonderful scenery. But, the book fell flat for me in a few areas. I did like it, but perhaps I was expecting too much out of it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Phew! What a ride! Love, loss, humor, tears, boys, growing up, family, beach, and sea glass – all keywords I’d used to describe Moonglass. Sold yet? I was lucky enough to receive my copy of Moonglass at the start of another hot, sticky Australian summer. The days were sluggish and muggy with the constant whirl of the A/C and the rooms made dark by the closed curtains. The nearest beach was a two hour drive away. I thought I was going to die or, at least, go stir-crazy. Then a savior arrived on my doorstep one morning, hidden behind the trademark brown packaging my favorite online bookseller uses. To say I was jumping up and down, singing “Hallelujah!” is a slight understatement. Taking the advice of my idol Sarah Dessen seriously, I collapsed in the cool living room and began reading this alleged “incredible first novel”. Sarah was not wrong (is she ever?). The opening line was a beautiful wave of emotion that hit me straight away and I only emerged 232 pages later, breathless. I was instantly pulled by Kirby’s poignant writing into Anna’s ocean of struggles. This was exactly what I needed. The characters and gorgeous setting alone were enough to make me fall head-over-heels in love. I could smell the sea breeze wafting through my sweltering house and hear Anna’s feet pounding down the sandy beach. It was all just so…real. I also appreciated how this was a real coming-of-age novel, about finding yourself and not finding love. However, the cute boys were an added bonus. With excellent pacing and a heartrending conclusion, Jessi Kirby’s debut is one you should get your hands on ASAP. It’s a wonderful introduction to young adult or just realistic fiction in general. It helped me get through a tough summer (I swear, this country is trying to kill me) but it’s perfect for anyone who needs a little guidance through those difficult times. Definite re-read material.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Full Review to come :)I liked it but felt it could have been a bit more elaborate and the romance side of it was a little off for me. Tyler seemed very hot and cold, and sometimes it seemed like he didn't care that much for Anna. I didn't like that she never really talked to any of her friends (Ashley or Jillian or even Tyler) about what happened in her past, especially with her mom. I felt like that could have added more to the book in terms of making it a bit more intimate and maybe bringing out the emotion a bit more. The best part of the story (the main part) was having to do with self-forgiveness and Anna coming to terms with the death of her mother. The mythical aspect with the memaids was a very beautiful and lyrical way to incorporate the beach in the story. I really thought the moonglass touch was very creative and an interesting way to connect the MC with her mother.More to come :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I seriously can't believe this is Jessi Kirby's first novel. It was so good! I was instantly captivated with this book on the first page, where Anna talks about water symbolizes emotions and how her mother was drowned in both. This was before the first chapter even started, so it's not that hard to get into this book. It was so interesting how Anna's mother drowned when Anna was seven, yet it was still a huge thing that Anna and her father couldn't talk about to each other. Even though this book was mostly about that, it still had parts about school, boys, and Anna's life in general so that it was never boring. I liked the part with Anna and Tyler and how their relationship developed. Anna's dad was a pretty cool guy and it was interesting seeing how he disciplined Anna, being extremely angry one minute then laughing about what happened the next minute. The way he acted was a repercussion of Anna's mom death and how they're both now reliving it since they're back where Anna's dad and mom met. The idea of moonglass and seaglass having such sentimental value to Anna was interesting and I could really feel for Anna and cared about what she was going through. I felt the emotions in this book and really liked how Jessi Kirby wrote the story. If this was her first book, I really can't wait to see what else Jessi Kirby can come up with!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love books that have to deal with forgiveness. Sometimes in life, bad things come at you, you don't understand till years later and then BAM! You realize your angry. You understand the situation more, but you still don't understand why it happen that way. You want explanations. You want answers now, but more importantly, you need to let it go.Anna is that girl. Caught in the sea of dying secrets, she needed to understand, that she wanted answers to. Anna, I felt everything for this girl. She was so young when it happen, so she didn't grasp the whole thing. When she starts to learn about the past and what it held, she let it out. I felt tears prickling down my face as I fell into Anna's shoes. So much of her was lost that night and so much of her is hurt. I loved her determination to find out what really happened. But what I loved more is that once she saw the whole picture, she understood, and let go.I am so very grateful for the love interest in this book. If it weren't for him opening the doors for her to see, she might not have seen it all. Also, she needed him. He help her a lot with understanding and seeing it differently from another point of view. One thing that amazed in this book that really took me by surprised in this story was the beach bum. Yeah that's right, he played a bigger part than I ever imagined.This is a beautifully written story about a girl who finds answers to a question that has boiled in her soul forever. One that will change everything that she knew. It is a tear jerker, so if you decided to read this, grab your tissue box!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Anna's life is turned upside down when her father accepts a job offer far from her home, her friends, her beach, and the waves that took her mother's life. Now, at Crystal Cove, she is even more haunted by the loss of her mother... for it is the same place her mother and father once met and fell in love. Although she and her father have always maintained a good relationship, she feels that mentioning her mother and her loss is taboo. So instead of dwelling in the past, she plans on enjoying her summer. After all, she has a new beach to swim in, new boys (one hottie lifeguard in particular) to fall for, and new friends to make... but uncovering family secrets may be just what she and her father need to finally begin to truly live.Moonglass is the ideal summer read. There's the beach, the sand, the lifeguards (wink wink), the search for the perfect moonglass and even a mystery to unravel.While I truly enjoyed reading Moonglass, and getting to know Anna - whom I must say I truly liked, my favorite aspect of the story was the setting... the beach - Crystal Cove. Ms. Kirby does a phenomenal job of describing everything from the sand in your toes to the smell of salt in the air. It was a very visual experience for me.Although the story did have a slow start for me and there were a few moments that lost their momentum, I was still very intrigued by the relationship between Anna and her father. How strained it had become since the loss of her mother and my hopes that they would somehow begin to accept their loss and eventually heal. I also found it a nice surprise that while there was some mild romance it wasn't the main focus of the story. Instead I found Moonglass to have a more serious tone... bittersweet and heartbreaking, yet sweet and inspirational. Moonglass will have you yearning for summer and a chance to stick your feet in the ocean. A lovely read, one that you should not leave out of your beach bag this summer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I wish I could live inside this novel. It's been a long time since one of my favorite parts of a contemporary novel was the setting. It's so amazing when you can mentally transport yourself and see where the characters are standing. This beach, the cottages and the overall feel while reading had me longing to run to the nearest beach. Glad it's not that far and I was able to finish the book right in front of the sea! Perfect summer beach-filled read. From experience, pages taste better with the waves crashing as a background.To be completely honest, I was rather bored during the first half of the story. As pleased as I was with the setting, I just didn't feel a plot unraveling or the story building up to something. So the pull to read was low. BUT, and this is a huge but, I was SO wrong. Because the plot is, in fact, seamlessly building up and when it did unravel it was heart-stopping and perfect. I might have cried. It was just the perfect, perfect ending.I also loved the easy-going drama-free romance. You could feel the insecurities we feel without the regular barrier to be together becoming an much of an issue. It felt incredibly real. It makes the book unusual and original. There are a lot of things going on at the same time with this one, but somehow Kirby makes it work and fit together. The characters were really well done too, and I especially loved Anna's dad. He was the perfect dad. I wanted to reach in and hug him.Overall, this is a delicious summer read you should not miss!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Moonglass is a beautifully written novel of self-discovery set against the sun-soaked sand and waves of summer.I loved the character of Anna, as she's just the right balance of smart, confident, tough, and yet still vulnerable. She's also very easy to relate to because she doesn't always make the right decision. She's had to become very mentally strong to deal with the death of her mother and I loved getting to watch how she slowly let new people into her life.I really enjoyed the pacing and unpredictability of Anna and Tyler's relationship since I never really knew what to expect from it. One minute I'd think it wasn't really going anywhere, and then the next, I'd be wondering why they weren't already making out somewhere, LOL.One relationship I wanted to learn more about was Tyler's relationship to Jessica. I can't talk to much about it without giving anything away, but I will say that I expected more of an explanation to what happened. I felt kind of cheated that this "thing" only get a very small mention later on. I think if their back stories had been explored more it could have provided both characters with more depth and a deeper understanding of Anna's personality.The way in which author Jessi Kirby slowly reveals the details of Anna's, mother's death is truly moving, not just for Anna but for the reader as well. It also help to better explain the strained relationship and distance that has grown between Anna and her father. I loved all the mermaid metaphors that were used throughout the book, since they truly helped to capture the atmosphere and mood of the story.Recommended to any fan of YA contemps. Jessi Kirby is an author to watch and Moonglass is a novel that shouldn't be missed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The beach. A cute lifeguard. Sea glass. Dilapidated old beach cottages. The call of the water. Ghosts of the past. Unanswered questions. With ingredients like this, Jessi Kirby had a recipe for an amazing story, and she delivered. Anna has spent the last nine years struggling with the truth of her mother’s drowning. When her father accepts a transfer to Crystal Cove, she fights the move away from home, but then decides maybe a fresh start is a good thing. Until reminders of her past – actually, reminders of her pre-history, when her parents met – start surfacing and refuse to be silenced. Not even the cute lifeguard, Tyler, or her surprising new friend Ashley can block out the visions in her memory. As she begins to settle into life in Crystal Cove, finding a rhythm and pattern that fit, Anna slowly realizes that she can’t keep running from the past – that sometimes you can’t move forward until you stand and drag everything out in to the open. It’s painful, it’s messy, and it very nearly costs her her life (how's that for a teaser?). But at the same time, it’s oh-so-freeing.Anna’s story has plenty of raw emotion. Moonglass is a fast read, but it’s not always an ‘easy’ one – it will get your heart involved, and make you stop and think a bit about what’s really important in life. It is a good story however, and as Anna fights against her own memories, she discovers that others’ lives have been similarly shattered – that she’s not going through this wholly alone. Kirby presents Anna’s struggle in a believable way: it’s not an easy, overnight ‘fix’ – rather, there’s a series of progressions, and even at the end, everything’s not magically ‘all better’, but it is better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I got a copy of this book through the Amazon Vine program. I had heard great things about this book and the cover was just stunning, so I was eager to read it. It ended up being an okay book, although it wasn't as interesting as I had hoped.Anna is being forced by her father to move into a seaside cottage near where his new job is. Anna is having to start her senoir year at a brand new school. She also finds out that her new home is where her mom and dad meet. As, such she is thrust into the mystery of their past and forced to confront some hard truths about her mother's death.There are some things that are very well done in this book. The characters are all very real. I love the way Anna's relationship builds slowly with Tyler. I love the way Anna and her dad have a close relationship and try to talk through even the uncomfortable parts of it. I also enjoyed the way Anna made friends with two very different girls, but that somehow they understood each other and got along.The writing style was also very good, the descriptions of the ocean and the sea are beautiful and you can really picture the surroundings in your mind. I enjoyed learning more about life next to the ocean and about diving, that sort of thing.I also had some things I didn't enjoy. Anna seems drawn to Tyler because he is her age and is cute...because of this she peruses him relentlessly and I thought it was kind of a shallow basis for a relationship. Anna doesn't seem like a shallow girl and she doesn't like shallow girls, so why is she drawn to Tyler immediately? This was a small issue for me, but did bother me a bit.The bigger issue for me was just that I expected more from this story. There is a lot of mystery built up around the old abandoned cottages on the ocean. I keep waiting for something profound to happen, something mysterious, something fantastical. When Anna finally does enter the cottages, I thought it was anti-climatic. I kept waiting for something just...more...to happen. I knew that this was the story about Anna accepting her mother's death; but I also thought there was going to be more. And while I read the story, I started to find it kind of boring as I realized there just wasn't any more to the story.The other thing I didn't know about this book, which I wish I had, was that the ending is depressing. It is hopeful too, but the whole thing about Anna's mother depressed me more than any hope Anna found through her acceptance of the situation. I don't like depressing books, I read books to be enlightened, uplifted, and entertained...not to be left in tears. So, just beware parts of this book are depressing and you will probably end up in tears. It might be because I have a small child and the whole situation just resonated with me, but I absolutely cannot believe that a mother would do what Anna's did.Overall the book is well-written, has realistic characters, and great description. I personally thought the mystery that propelled me through the book was anti-climatic, I also thought that Tyler and Anna had a shallow basis to their relationship. I didn't enjoy the depressing ending, but that is a personal preference...I am not a big fan of tear-jerker type books. If you want to read a book about a high school girl finally coming to terms with her mother's death (which happened when she was 6 or 7 years old) this is the book for you; it is well-written and has very life-like characters in it. If you are interested in reading about death and how it affects those around a person in a YA setting, I would recommend If I Stay by Gayle Forman over this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Moonglass is one of those novels. It isn't long and it isn't flashy, there hasn't even been much buzz about it, yet. But its very much like it cover. It's beautiful in its subtlety. As I started reading I thought, "Oh no another dead mother story," and laughed because I'd read that same line in another novel I read recently and had been deeply touched by. But this is anything but another dead mother story. If you look at the cover on the book, you can see the moon glowing above the clouds, illuminating the water. The same clouds are shrouding the night sky, hiding the stars, yet the beach sparkles with little gems almost like stars, moonglass all around the couple holding hands on the beach. It's very symbolic. The novel is much like the cover-things are covered up, murky and this has made for a strained relationship between Anna and her father who is a park ranger/head lifeguard. It's not really spelled out, but it's not just a summer job. He uproots her and takes a new job at a new beach miles away from the place she grew up, from the place where her mother walked into the ocean and never walked back out while Anna, seven sat and waited for her. Enter the clouds. Anna never asks about her mother feeling her father's unwillingness to discuss her with Anna. But then why does he take a job on the beach where her parents met if he wants to avoid talking about her? It's confusing for Anna and the surf begins to churn inside her. Anna herself is good at avoiding things, evading questions about where her mother is, so that her friends think her mother travels a lot. Avoiding how she really is when she feels something growing inside of her. Avoiding what she's running from, the answers, the truth. And avoiding who she really is. When she flirts with a life guard, she lets him talk trash about her father just for the anonymity - not being the boss' daughter, not being off limits, that girl. But Anna is running from something, her mother's death and the misplaced guilt and shame it brings with it. She joins the cross country team and gives the fastest girl on the team a reason to run faster. But this isn't something Anna can outrun. Tension builds, the clouds fill in. Throughout the book as Anna learns more about her mother, makes friends, falls for the lifeguard, and continues to run, the pace of the book begins to build. It starts slow and gentle like a wave on a calm day at the beach. But as the turmoil-the questions, the emotions, the fears-build inside Anna, a storm brews waiting to explode both inside and out. The tension builds and before long that beach is being pounded with wave after wave. And as Anna seeks an end to her turmoil, the wave just might take her away forever, just like her mother. But this is not a story about a dead mother and daughter. And Anna's savior is not only the most unlikely of heroes, but he's also the moon- illuminating- bringing understanding when it's least expected. And with the first light of illumination, Anna is able to stop running and ask the questions and get the answers she's been running from since she was seven. What's left behind? When the storm ends the beach is littered with moonglass, the sparkling seaglass of the night and gentle reminders of the past. And a perfect night for walking on the beach. The novel is told from Anna's point of view. The descriptions are so great I can feel myself going back to summer days at the beach when my friends and I used to lay out on the beach and watch the lifeguards. I think there must be a pre-requisite that all lifeguards have to be cute if not drop dead gorgeous. And then there's that whole laid back beach atmosphere that pervades everything they do. Jessi Kirby teases us with snippets like "It was the kind of perfect golden summer afternoon when you could tell people just didn't want to leave..." p.29 and "The girl absently scooped up handfuls of sand and let it sift through her fingers..." p.29 and it makes me nostalgic for the warm sandy beaches and long hot summer days. The descriptions are like everything else understated and eloquent each word spare, but perfectly placed. Another author might have been more prolific, making it a longer novel, but Jessi Kirby knew the perfect word count and number of pages. Nothing is wasted in Moonglass. I can't believe this is a debut novel, it reads like a seasoned novelist wrote it. It's going on my shelf of favorites, something I'll read again and again along with my other friends. I'm looking forward to her next novel already. And it's a stand alone, more kudos to be heaped on this debut author for daring to be different!! Heather in Sandwich
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed so many things about this book. From the characters, to the overcoming of loss, to the powerful emotions of the beach and ocean - I was one hundred percent hooked.Moonglass is the story of Anna, a teenage girl who has had her fair share of misfortune. Her mother's death, especially the night of her death, has haunted Anna continuously. After moving from her grandmother's house, and away from her friends, to live with her father, Anna starts to learn alot about the part of her parents that has been hidden from her. But maybe more importantly, with the power of the ocean and a few friends, Anna starts to learn about life. This book was beautiful. It was also very emotional - sad, mysterious, grievous, happy and funny are just some of the emotions that washed over me like the crashing of a wave. Many people can empathize with Anna's story, even if you have never lost a close relative. Everyone has lost something; whether it be a best friend, a childhood home, a baby blanket or a pet. Each of these things, though some simpler than others, take time to get over. Time spent either wishing you could have whatever you lost back or hoping that the lost item will no longer plague your mind. That is when it is hardest, the moment after. Anna is in the moment after, trying to stay afloat while she figures out the world for herself.I know people who live their lives in summers, because they spend all their best times at the beach. I never really got people's obsession with it. I mean, you get sand in all of your crevices, people are everywhere, you get hot and sweaty and go to cool off in the water but you just come out salt encrusted and feeling gross in a different way. Please tell me what is desirable about that. Before this book, no one could. Somehow Moonglass transported my heart to the beach, somewhere it has never been before. This may sound silly, but the entire duration in which I was reading this novel I had an unquenchable desire to walk the beach at dawn, watching the sun come up over the water and looking for sea glass before the early-morning tide washes it back out to sea. I told my beachy friend this, and she laughed. But I was (and still am) completely serious. I only have one question... How the heck can you run and carry out a conversation at the same time? The main character is always running and talking, not seeming to be out of breath at all! Am I just really out of shape (definitely a possibility), or does this seem odd to anyone else?Anyway... If you love the beach, or you wish you could love the beach, you will definitely love this book. If you have suffered loss, big or small, you will be able to relate to this book. If you have moved, loved, crushed, or fought to move on - you will appreciate this book. If you are none of these things, I suggest you start living.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I will be honest, I did have issues with writing this review, not because I didn't like it but because it was beautiful and touching with a very sad subject. So I'm going to stray from my typical review format and just write what I felt while reading Moonglass.While I was reading this book I wanted to go to the beach and lay in the warm sun. Swim in the ocean and search the sand for rare pieces of sea glass while holding my husbands hand walking down the beach. Take a run on the sand while the sun comes up or explore old abandoned homes wondering who the people where that use to live there.The funny thing is I really don't the ocean, I'm not a strong swimmer and got caught in a little under tow when I was 10 and have been scared of the ocean since. I don't like the "hot" sun, being from Washington I enjoy warm sun between 60-75 where you can wear jeans and a light coat if you want too. I'm not a heat person at all. I also don't like to jog because it's boring and I have a sprinters form from all my years of playing soccer. But the searching for seaglass and looking into the old cottages sounds like a lot of fun.The hardest part about this book was how close to home the subject of the book was, no I didn't loose my mom to suicide, but I did loose both my cousin and my sister's boyfriend to their selfish decisions. I understand and empathize with Anna's pain. The book is over 10 years later after Anna lost her mom and she is still dealing with the effects and pains of that loss and guilt of "what if". I look at my family and see the rift between brothers that has never healed and I don't think it will ever. I wish that I could have been in my cousin's life more and been a positive influence for him away from drugs, alcohol and trouble, but I know I could never had made a difference. I see my sister struggling with relationships, but she has finally found the right type of caring guy to handle her with care. I wish that he hadn't done this to my sister, but I know she will become a stronger person because of it.Suicide is the hardest death for family and friends to deal with. The self choice without explanation or a simple note written on a wall in red marker saying "I love you all" is devastating. The lasting effects of the people surrounding that choice will always be ever present and a painful touchy subject.I could go on and on about the subject but I won't. This book is both beautiful and touching. I'm very happy how it ended and so proud of Anna. Healing takes time and remembering the good times are all that you can do in life.You should check this book out for yourself, don't let my rant about suicide steer you away. The book is more about Anna discovering how to heal. The book touched a very personal part of my life and I loved that about the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Summary: Anna watched her mother commit suicide when she was a little girl. Now, many years later, Anna is still pushing aside grief and self-blame for her mother’s death. She and her father move to a new town to start over: the town where her parents first met. Anna finds herself learning more about her mother than she’d ever known…My thoughts: Moonglass starts out solidly; Jessi Kirby slowly builds on Anna’s grief as she moves to a new town. The simple interactions with local boy Tyler make the beginnings of the story feel lighthearted, but as the book progresses, the depths of Anna’s experiences and insecurities are exposed. Moonglass ends on a powerful note, and is successful in conveying a good message in an honest rather than preachy manner.I’m a resident of Orange County, California—the county in which Moonglass takes place. I haven’t been to Crystal Cove, but after reading the book, I’d really like to check it out. Jessi Kirby’s descriptions of the ancient cottages and lingering history made me absolutely fascinated with the setting of the novel.The thing I enjoyed most about Moonglass was the relationships Anna had (and built) with the sub-characters. Anna’s strained yet still amiable bond with her father fluctuated and strengthened over the duration of the novel; her at first shallow relationship with the local girls soon turned into something more. Then, of course, there’s Anna’s relationship with Tyler, a love interest who was cocky and confident without being annoying. I really liked those two together!All in all, Moonglass is a beautiful debut that covers grief in the best way. The ending, especially, moved me quite a bit. If you’re a fan of bittersweet stories (or even if you’re not), give Moonglass a try!

Book preview

Moonglass - Jessi Kirby

Rain and wind pelted the ocean’s surface so hard it looked like it was boiling. In the passenger seat of our VW bus, I shivered despite the warm, muggy air. My dad jumped into the driver’s seat and shook the rain off.

Weird summer storm, huh? Water dripped from his face as he tried to catch my eye.

I looked away.

You ready? Sure you’ve got everything?

Yep. Got it all. I paused, staring straight out the windshield. Oh, wait—except for my friends, my school, my life …


"I know. I’m gonna love it there. It’ll be just great."

He started to say something but shook his head instead, cranked the key, and turned the music up to a volume that made it clear we were finished talking. I felt a pang of regret for being like that with him, but kept my eyes on the beach that he’d decided, without even asking me, to leave. The beach where I’d found a simple peace on my morning runs, and trolled for boys with my friends on lazy summer afternoons, and where I’d caught my last waves of the day, just as the sun slipped into the ocean. It was where my life was.

And where my mother had left hers.

I couldn’t understand it any more than I could put it into words, but tangled up with my anger at my dad over moving was a sense of guilt that ran deep in me. The stretch of water here belonged to my mother. And, somehow, leaving felt horribly wrong.

I would never have said it, though, even if I thought it’d change his mind. I knew well the boundaries we’d drawn. Instead I rested my temple on the rain-cooled passenger window and watched the churning ocean disappear through a blur of gray.

The dark all around threw me off. Apparently I had actually fallen asleep while pretending to be asleep so as to avoid talking to my dad. He put the car in park and stepped out to open the locked gate in front of us. When he looked back and motioned for me to slide over to the driver’s seat, I did so grudgingly and pulled our old bus forward, far enough so he had to back up a step or two, just to see if I could make him move. He didn’t seem to notice.

You wanna drive on down, Anna?

It was a stab at peace. Every time we’d talked for the last few weeks, we’d argued about why I couldn’t just live with my grandma and finish out high school at home, in Pismo Beach. Either he didn’t get it or he didn’t care how unfair it was, the way he’d changed everything like it was nothing. In a week’s time he’d taken a promotion and a transfer, packed up our life, and come to the cove to start a new one. Just like that.

His generous concession was that I could stay with my grandma for the rest of the summer. So while he’d moved in and started work, I’d spent my days on the beach, trying to feel the normal fun and lightness of summer. Shelby and Laura and I went on with our summer traditions. We paddled out at the pier on the Fourth of July so we could watch the fireworks fall down like rain over our heads. We camped out on the dunes, feasting on s’mores and getting spinney on wine coolers. We snuck into the hotel pools only to be shooed out by the owners, who’d known us since forever. And we didn’t mention that I was leaving. Instead we laughed at tourist boys for their loud board shorts and backward wet suits, and then at ourselves for flirting with them anyway.

But none of it was the same. For me, everything we did was weighted with the knowledge that I was leaving and the stark realization that their lives would go on nearly the same without me once I was gone. Mine was the one that would change.

It was a lonely thought, and I tried not to think about it. I had other worries. As soon as my dad had made his decision to take the transfer, something in him had shifted. There was a distance between us that was more than the result of me being angry about moving. He was just off somehow, only half there, and it unsettled me the same way watching a storm move in over the water did. I could tell he was trying hard to hide it and somehow hold on to the careful balance it had taken us so long to build. But the moment he’d made the decision to leave, that balance was all off. Which brought us to the cove.

No, I don’t wanna drive down. I scooted back over to my seat, and he got in, probably resigned to the fact that I was going to draw this out.

Suit yourself. He sounded tired. I looked out my window, arms crossed, and he tried again. I think when you see the place you may have a change of heart.

When I didn’t respond, he sighed and put the bus in gear. We rolled down a steep hill past a carved wooden sign that read CRYSTAL COVE STATE PARK. Just beyond it the road turned to dirt. He perked up and pointed out his open window to a tiny yellow cottage.

This was the first building here, Building One. It was the check-in site for the old tent campers. He said it like he was conducting a tour.

Hm. I curled my toes around the crank on the door and pushed it to crack the window. Cool salt air flowed in, and my mood lightened a little. We were definitely close to the water. The crash of the next wave confirmed it. I breathed in deeply, and my dad glanced over at me just before I could hide a small involuntary smile. He didn’t bother to hide his own as we trundled slowly across a white wooden bridge, our tires thunk-thunking over each plank.

The road made a little curve and opened up to a view that humbled me. A yellow moon hung low over calm, glassy water, creating a path of light that began at the horizon and ended with a splash on the slick sand. Just down the beach I could make out a point dotted with the silhouettes of jagged rocks, where a small wave stood up and broke with a surprisingly loud crash.

I rolled my window all the way down, and my dad broke into a grin. This—he motioned with his hand—is our new front yard. He waited for me to say something. Not too bad, huh?

In spite of myself I felt a little ripple of optimism rising. I looked at the row of cottages illuminated by pale moonlight, and attempted to sound only mildly interested. "So … we actually get to live here? In the park? He nodded, obviously proud. Which one is ours?"

He took his foot off the gas, and our tires crunched over the dirt road. It’s right … up … here. We came to a stop in front of a small white cottage with blue trim. Our new home. Literally on the beach. Not bad for employee housing, huh?

My resolve to stay mad was slipping away. Fast. I didn’t fight the genuine smile I felt spreading across my face. Not bad.

He got out and stood, arms stretched above his head, smiling out at the ocean. Wanna jump in? A wave broke, then rushed up the sand like an answer to his invitation.


Yeah. That drive was brutal without the A/C.

I shook my head, knowing that once I got into the water, my hard-fought battle would lose its bluster. He knew it too, and more often than not had coaxed me into a surf or a swim together to diffuse a fight. I watched for a second, torn a little between not wanting to concede and the desire to let the day’s tension slip beneath the slick surface of the water. I could swim straight out into the shining path of moonlight and let it go for now. Give it a chance. By the time I reached into my backpack to grab a bathing suit, my dad had already made his way to the water with steps so light they made me wonder if I’d been wrong about the change I’d sensed in him.

The water was warmer than I’d expected. I waded out, enjoying the slap of white water against my legs. When a wave rose in front of me, I took a breath and dove under. The familiar surge passed over me, bringing a calm kind of happiness, and I surfaced to meet the cool, fresh smell of the beach at night. Some things were the same everywhere.

I turned to float on my back and take the place in. Down on the beach it looked like a snapshot from long ago. Our beat-up VW bus parked in front of the weathered beach cottage was perfect. A simple, dreamy beach life. Sort of. Despite the calm that was all around me, I found myself almost waiting for the first ripples of the past to appear. I’d known the name Crystal Cove long before my dad had told me we were moving. According to my grandma, it was where my parents had met so many years ago, on summer vacation. My mother had been here, before I was even a thought. Maybe walked the beach, watched the sunset, went for a night swim …

My dad popped up behind me. Almost too good to be true, huh? His smile made him look like a kid.

I felt a momentary softness. It really was amazing, and he really was trying. Hard. Yeah, it’s pretty great.

It is. He said it almost to himself, then was quiet a long moment, and I knew what he was thinking. What he had to be thinking. I tensed and willed him not to feel the need to bring it up.

This is where your mom and I first met, you know. Right down there on the beach. He pointed south, suddenly wistful, and I froze. Though I’d known, hearing him say it turned my stomach.

Yeah. I know. I took a breath and went under, pulling myself past him beneath the surface. I didn’t want to go down this path tonight. Actually, I wasn’t sure I wanted to go down this path ever. We didn’t talk about these things. Our comfortable, mostly easy way of getting along with each other depended on not bringing up my mom. And now here we were. Amidst a whole lot of history I didn’t want to dig up.

I surfaced a few feet away and tried to sound light, but there was an edge to my voice. Sooo, are we gonna stay out here all night, or do I get to see the place?

My dad glanced down the beach, started to say something, and then thought better of it. Yeah. Let’s go. With that he looked over his shoulder just in time to catch the next wave in. I waited for another one and pushed off the sand with my toes. The swell lifted me, and I put my arms out in the face of it, gaining speed all the way to the sand.

As I stood, twisting water out of my hair, my dad strode over the sand below the dirt road in front of our house. I heard a tiny click, and a motion detector light flipped on. When it did, I noticed for the first time what looked like a condemned cottage sitting on the beach, backed up to the cliff. A drooping fence surrounded it, overgrown with ice plant, setting it apart from our row of restored cottages on the hill. I hadn’t even realized it was there. Now, though, in the yellow light, it stood like a piece of history preserved in time. The cracked windows were barely translucent from the mist and sand accumulated on them, and the whole shack leaned precariously, as if the weight of the vines sprawled over it were too much for it to bear. I shivered a little.

Anna, you coming? My dad reached into the bus and grabbed two towels, wrapping one around his waist. He didn’t even glance over at the dilapidated cottage. Here. Towel for ya. He held the other one out to me.

I fumbled with it for a second, then slung it over my shoulder, still unable to look away from the cottage. As we picked our way up the uneven stepping stones in front of our new house, I opened my mouth to ask about it, but changed my mind just as the light clicked off. I paused and squinted at the cottage in the dark, waiting for something. But there was nothing. Just the crash of another wave and the stillness that followed.

My dad put the key into the dead bolt and nudged the door with his shoulder. We stepped into hot, stale air and darkness. The smell was unfamiliar but not unpleasant—something of the old wood the cottage was built of. The light flipped on, and he went straight to opening the windows.

Gets a little stuffy in here all closed up. He pulled a latch and threw open another window.

In the dim light I could see that the hardwood floor had been painted over with brick red paint. The pale yellow walls were smudged and cracked. It wasn’t my grandmother’s house, that was for sure. Once my dad had gotten here, he’d called to say it probably was a good idea for me to stay back with her while he came down here to get settled. I could see why. The place wasn’t exactly homey. Not much hung on the walls or softened the emptiness of it. In the few weeks I’d spent with my grandmother, I had grown accustomed to a comfortable life. She doted on me like I pictured her doting on my dad as a kid, complete with a commercial-perfect breakfast every morning and clean sheets every Sunday. Here I could see that wouldn’t be the case.

He must have seen it on my face. I know. It needs some help. We’ll have plenty of time for that. I’ve been putting in a lot of hours since I got here. I nodded skeptically, eyeing his sunburned face. Plus, I figured maybe you’d have fun decorating. I was silent. Hey. I got started. He gestured to a set of shelves in a little alcove.

In his own way he had tried. Scattered over the shelves were pictures of us that I knew were his favorites. Almost all were images of us smiling at the camera from a boat or our surfboards, happy and tanned. Between the picture frames were a few seashells—his attempt at decorating. I set my bag down.

As long as you’re forcing me to be here, I guess there are a few things I could do with the place. I gestured at the giant picture window framing the moon and the water. I don’t think we should put curtains up there. It’s too pretty to cover up. We looked out at the water, quiet, and it felt like one of those moments that was heavy with the things we didn’t want to say out loud.

Well, come on. I’ll give you the full tour. He put a hand on my shoulder and steered me through a narrow doorway, then flipped another light switch. This—he swept his arm over a bare room with a bed in the middle—is my room.

Wow, Dad … this is depressing. I glanced around. On his ancient dresser was a plate-size abalone shell he had found on a dive in Mexico. Another attempt at decorating. Above it hung a black-and-white picture of my mom, from when they had first met. At this beach. In it she stood at the waterline looking down, like she was unaware of the camera. She wore a white sundress and a calm almost-smile. I squinted to see if I could glimpse any of the cottages in the background, but then felt my dad looking at it too, starting to get lost in the thought of it again.

I clapped my hands together and looked around. So. Where’s my room?

Well, you have to go through my room to get to yours, but you have an outside door too. My mind hummed at the potential of this as I followed him past his bed and to another doorway. He stopped, hand on the doorknob to my room, and turned abruptly to face me, so that I almost ran into him.

Listen. He took me by the shoulders. I know I asked a lot of you, to pick up and move.

My eyes welled up instantly, for too many reasons to name.

And maybe you don’t understand all the reasons I decided to take the transfer. Maybe I didn’t understand?

I kept myself from saying anything, because I knew exactly how it would come out. I was too tired to start it all over again, so I let him go on.

Honestly, I’m not sure I do either. But I think, if you give it a chance, you’re gonna love it here. It’s a pretty special place. Wait till you wake up in the morning and look outside. He squeezed my shoulders, searched my eyes for an answer.

I sniffed and nodded, trying to smooth it over for now. It couldn’t be easy for him, either. That beach out there is the only thing you have going for your case, you know.

He smiled and opened the door to my room. All of my furniture was there, unpacked. He had even made up the bed.

You arrange it however you want. I just didn’t want you to come home to an empty room. He cleared his throat. Most of your stuff is still in those boxes, but I got a few things out. You still have plenty of time to get settled in before school starts.

I stood in the middle of my new room, amidst my things, and tried to feel it. The word home. But it wasn’t there yet. For me, anyway. When my dad said it, though, it had a ring of old familiarity to it, and that was somehow comforting. I sat down on the edge of my bed, which felt the same as it had back home, ran my hand over the same worn-soft quilt.

He rubbed his neck. I gotta open the park in the morning, so I won’t be here when you get up, but I’ll leave some money on the counter if you wanna walk up to the Shake Shack for lunch. We can go for a dive or a surf or something when I get off. He walked over and kissed the top of my head. Good night, kiddo. I love you.

Mm-hm. You too.

When the door closed, I stood up and looked around again. On top of my dresser sat my jar of sea glass, full with the greens and blues of countless hours spent combing the beach. I walked over and examined it, wondering what the ocean might uncover here, on this beach. Maybe a rare piece—purple, or yellow, or red. I set the jar on my nightstand, where it belonged, then changed out of my wet swimsuit.

Any other day I would have opened my door to the outside and sat on the step, breathing in the night and listening to the ocean. But this day had been long and heavy, and the only thing I wanted was to start over in the light of the morning. I climbed into the cool of my sheets and switched off the light. For a long time I lay there listening to the sounds of my new home. The most noticeable was the rhythmic smack of waves on the

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