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A Fortunate Age: A Novel
A Fortunate Age: A Novel
A Fortunate Age: A Novel
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A Fortunate Age: A Novel

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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Like The Group, Mary McCarthy's classic tale about coming of age in New York, Joanna Smith Rakoff 's richly drawn and immensely satisfying first novel details the lives of a group of Oberlin graduates whose ambitions and friendships threaten to unravel as they chase their dreams, shed their youth, and build their lives in Brooklyn during the late 1990s and the turn of the twenty-first century.

There's Lil, a would-be scholar whose marriage to an egotistical writer initially brings the group back together (and ultimately drives it apart); Beth, who struggles to let go of her old beau Dave, a onetime piano prodigy trapped by his own insecurity; Emily, an actor perpetually on the verge of success -- and starvation -- who grapples with her jealousy of Tal, whose acting career has taken off. At the center of their orbit is wry, charismatic Sadie Peregrine, who coolly observes her friends' mistakes but can't quite manage to avoid making her own. As they begin their careers, marry, and have children, they must navigate the shifting dynamics of their friendships and of the world around them.

Set against the backdrop of the vast economic and political changes of the era -- from the decadent age of dot-com millionaires to the sobering post-September 2001 landscape -- Smith Rakoff's deeply affecting characters and incisive social commentary are reminiscent of the great Victorian novels. This brilliant and ambitious debut captures a generation and heralds the arrival of a bold and important new writer.
Release dateApr 7, 2009
A Fortunate Age: A Novel

Joanna Smith Rakoff

Joanna Smith Rakoff has written for The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, and other publications. She holds a B.A. from Oberlin College; an M.A. from University College, London; and an M.F.A. from Columbia University. She lives in New York with her husband and son.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really, really enjoyed reading this book. I know some people will have trouble reading about the struggles of relatively privileged 20-somethings in New York -- if you're one of those people, then this book is not for you -- but I just devoured this book. The story of six Oberlin College graduates living their post-collegiate lives in New York, this book pulls off the considerable feat of shifting perspective between the characters. The jacket copy of the book described it as being in the tradition of 19th Century novels, and I suppose that would be right. It did feel a bit like reading a Jane Austen book.I've come to admire authors who can tell a story that unfolds over several years, and Smith Rakoff does a fine job of this, deftly moving between excruciatingly drawn-out scenes told in painstaking detail and grand, sweeping paragraphs that sum up a month or a season. This is no simple thing, to move through time like that. It's a skill that eludes many talented authors. I also liked that this book took place in New York before and after the 9/11 attacks, but it didn't become maudlin or overwrought. The characters noted the attacks, and some of them were clearly changed by them, but it was the way I felt changed by them. This wasn't a story about people who survived the 9/11 attacks or those who didn't survive them, but rather about the way life was -- both before and after -- for all those millions of people who lived in the city when it happened.If I have a criticism of the book, it's that the joints between sections, and the allotment of time between characters seemed a bit off. Why do we spend so little time with some and so much more with others? I would've enjoyed more from petulant, petty Dave's perspective (I fear I might be the only reader with this request), and I wondered more about Beth and Will. Still, it didn't stop me from enjoying the many chapters that lingered on Sadie. I think she was probably my favorite character in the end. And in this book, there were so many to choose from.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    "A Fortunate Age" by Joanna Smith Rakoff is the story of six 20 somethings, starting out in New York. It is set in the late 90s and turn of the century, and follows five Oberlin graduates as they shed their youth and start their lives.I found that the characters were difficult to follow and I didn't feel that the characters were fully developed. The author focuses each chapter on one character but doesn't go into enough depth in any of them to make me care about them. Smith Rakoff uses flashbacks to try to fill in some of the gaps, but instead of helping, I feel it makes it difficult to keep everyone's story straight. None of the characters in this first novel by Smith Rakoff, is memorable. The author used language that tries to emulate that of Edith Wharton or Charles Dickens and is used to try to fill the depth of this book. Not a successful endeavor. If there was a plot, I couldn't find it. I finished the book only because I hoped that the next chapter would be better. Instead, I was disappointed and no less confused.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Slow start but then a good read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book as well. Like some of the reviews, I didn't relate to the characters- my life and the people I know don't follow the same arc as the characters in the book. However, their lives were appealing in many ways. I loved the references to NYC, and it made me want to jump on a plane and fly there, if only to figure out the subway system. A Fortunate Age would be a good book for the beach or a car trip this summer.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book. True, it took a while to get going. But, for me, the subplot about Emily taking care of her mentally ill sister generated the narrative tension that the Amazon editor felt was missing. After that, I was hooked. And even before that, I was charmed. Rakoff creates a faithful portrait of a circle of friends from Oberlin (even if some of them - Lil, Tal - are initially not as well-developed as the others). Among the characters are many recognizable types. I also liked how the novel captured the late '90s zeitgeist while also having the scope and range of a Victorian novel. Dickens and George Eliot come to mind.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the book very much! It may be in part that I'd recently moved to NYC so the location descriptions and dialogue seemed very plausible. It is also because though my own experience is very different from that of the characters, I could relate to the various dilemmas and complicated relationships that the lead women confronted.I had expected that I would enjoy the book but thought it would be lighter and frothy and was happy to find it much meatier and engrossing than I'd expected!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "A Fortunate Age" follow of group of friends from the Oberlin class of 94 in the late 90s and early 00s as they pursue their dreams in NYC. The novel centers around 6 friends, Lil, Beth, Emily, Sadie, Tal, and Dave--and slowly works in their larger circle of friends and family. As the novel progresses, each of the characters realizes the dreams and ideals they developed in their late 20s are unattainable--whether its a career, a great love, or an art. Eventually, in the shadow of 9/11 they all come to terms with their personal failures after a personal tragedy shakes them all. Joanna Smith Rakoff has a wonderful way of capturing people, so this book--her first novel--has rich character descriptions and wonderfully captures the way relationships ebb and flow between people over time. However, the novel lacks the continuous narrative thread that I feel is critical to a real great work. Instead of feeling like one book, A Fortunate Age felt like a collection of short stories told by different characters, an effect that was heightened by the long chapters--there were only 15 in 400 pages of text. At the end of each story, there was no resolution of the character's narrative, and even though you would expect important story elements to be resolved in the next chapter, it never happened, leaving this reader feeling confused and the story disjointed. By the end of the novel I was frustrated because I felt like their were just too many gaps in the story for me to be able to really enjoy it. I would be interested to read other, perhaps shorter works by Rakoff, because I think she is a talented writer. However, the structure of this novel just didn't work for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A Fortunate Age by Joanna Smith Rakoff, approaches a group of post-graduate Gen-Xers as they begin their adult lives tackling friendship, coupling, love and sex. Rackoff is a tactical author who employs fresh methods of story telling to establish excitement and interest. For example, instead of getting a narrative of events central to the story, we get character reactions to some of these events, as the group tries to relate major events to how they may affect their own lives. To accomplish this we get a lost of tangents and back story which then clarifies character’s motive and thought processes. Huge plot developments are not even mentioned—only inferred later in the story. Such devices combine ensuring a dramatic story arc for all of the characters, and a book that reads as more of complex study of characters then a typical novel. Readers will literally climb into Rakoff’s group and the minds of its members. Overall, Rakoff delivers a strong and highly literary debut. The layered examination of New York culture during the time period reads like a modernized Wharton.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A Fortunate Age is an exploration of a group of college friends as they navigate early adulthood and establish post-graduation lives in late-1990s/early-2000s New York City.The novel is written as a series of extremely close-up character studies where each character’s weaknesses (but few strengths) are emphasized and thus generate little reader empathy. These close-ups invariably introduce a shocking note, or end on one, but are then separated by sweeping passages of time that leave the shock unexplored and unresolved. The text is mostly big blocks of narrative rather than scenes, composed of sentences that wander off and back in elaborate figure eights. For example, from opening the book to a random page: “And so on Friday morning she decided that before she called the woman, she should make a complete to-do list, so as to feel a bit more in control of her time, and after completing said list she was relieved to see that there were any number of tasks that she could, and should, tick off before picking up the phone, errands that absolutely needed to be run before the weekend, such as having her hair trimmed, and picking up some new clothing, and getting a facial.”Though written in homage to Mary McCarthy’s The Group (which I’m now compelled to take a look at), none of the characters here are the trailblazers I imagine the feminists in The Group to be. Leisurely readers will find A Fortunate Age to be quite an interesting book in an intellectual, sociology-study sort of way. But it’s not an emotionally engaging or satisfyingly plotted story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I got this book through the Barnes and Noble Book Club and really thought I was going to enjoy it. I'm the right age and education level to blend right in with these characters, and yet I felt not one ounce of connection to any of them. The book was long and frequently tedious, and characters veered off on major life diversions with never a hint of the underlying motivations. I was extremely disappointed with this novel and didn't feel the narrative spoke to me at all. These characters seemed to revel in immaturity, and the endless posing was exhausting to read. I felt like every character was a negative stereotype of one age or another, and they therefore never rang true to me. I had a really hard time with this book; the more I read, the less I liked it and the less connection I felt to the characters. I believe that Lil's wedding should have marked the transition to maturity, but none of these characters ever seem to actually mature. This is my generation, and I would hate to think that any of my friends resembled these folks...I definitely found the characters mired in perpetual adolescence, and apparently unable to recognize that fact. Getting married and having babies doesn't make you an adult, and I feel these characters were all hiding their immaturity behind the trappings of adulthood. The ending was rushed despite my belief that the book is way too long. My constant feeling while reading was that we were missing too much- too many decisions and actions without any explanations. I think that helped contribute to my feelings of separation from the characters. I couldn't even summon up any sympathy for Lil when she died, and can't see how these people can be considered a group of "friends" given how they act toward one another.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I finished this book several weeks ago and have delayed writing my review because I wanted to see if my reaction to this story changed any over time. Nope. This book is a huge undertaking (both from the author's point of view and the reader's). The story follows a group of college friends as they leave college face the real world. The author writes this epic from the point of view of 5 of the 6 members of the group. The writing is good, the flow of the story is the ultimate problem. More than a few of the characters are largely unlikeable, but just when the reader starts to feel a connection or even an interest in the character, the chapter ends and we're off on another entirely different character and sometimes an entirely different year. Sometimes the loose ends get tied up, sometimes not, leaving huge gaps in the story flow that keeps the reader feeling like they are jumping from stepping stone to stepping stone across the river of this story. Perhaps this book would have been more effective as a collection of related short stories instead of a mildly cohesive narrative.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The book follows a group of friends from Oberlin through the morass of their daily lives, by looking at the group of friends one at a time, one chapter at a time. The book is well-written, hence my 3-star rating, and I'm sure it has an audience but I'm not it. I pretty much hated every single character and was annoyed with how they related to one another within the group. I had to force myself to finish it. I am not a fan of the whiny, misunderstood, lazy Gen X-er spirit portrayed here. As a Gen-Xer myself, I feel like I know these people and their ilk and they annoy me in real life. Why would I want to read about them too? It did not help the book's cause for me.I also had a problem with this author's portrayal of New York as one of the characters in the book. I think it is fine to do that if you make the city relevant for everyone. I live in Chicago, so even though it took me a while to catch on to what she was saying about a particular area, eventually I did identify with the neighborhoods the author describes as similar to some from here (even if I don't know the specific New York area she might be talking about). But, it annoyed me to think that people outside of cities would be at a loss to "get" a whole character in the book, even if that character is a city.I won't be recommending this to anyone.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book is a fairly good story. The characters are interesting-very realistic in the mix of flaws and good points. One issue I had with the characters was that early on, I felt like I was constantly having to check the back cover to remind myself of who was who. It gets confusing with the jumping from character to character, but overall it is a good read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    "A Fortunate Age" follows the lives of a group of college friends from the 90s, the swell and burst of the dot-com bubble, through September 11th and the aftermath. We watch the characters struggle with launching careers, relationships, and families, while trying to find their own identity in a changing world. The novel itself is interesting, with its various plotlines and inter-connected stories, but often inconsistent particularly with its characters. One character started out with a certain mindset, and changed drastically by the end of the novel-- which happens, of course, with novels, but the problem here is that the transformation is never really explained and therefore, seems a bit false and jarring. Large parts of the timeline were skipped as the plot jumped from character to character, with a brief few sentences to catch the reader up. This allowed the book to cover a large amount of time and several characters, but at the cost of character development. At the same time, there were long stretches of narrative that could have been cut with no loss to the story-- for example, the pages of description of the music industry in the middle of the story of one character who was a struggling musician. This is not to say the book isn't worthwhile-- the plotlines were interesting enough to keep me reading, and in the second half of the book, the characters felt more complex and interesting. But a bit more consistency and balance would have made a world of difference.

Book preview

A Fortunate Age - Joanna Smith Rakoff


On a gray October day in 1998, Lillian Roth found herself walking down the stone-floored aisle of Temple Emanu-El, clad in a gown of dark ivory satin and flanked by her thin, smiling parents, who had flown into New York from Los Angeles a mere seven days earlier, still in mild shock that their obstreperous daughter was submitting to the ancient rite of marriage. The synagogue’s vaulted ceiling spinning above her, she took small, self-conscious steps toward the bima, where a serious-faced young man named William Hayes—saddled with the improbable nickname of Tuck—waited for her in an unfamiliar black suit, purchased two days earlier by his mother, who’d deemed the gray suit selected by Lil and Tuck inappropriate for an evening affair.

Four years and four months prior, Lillian had graduated from Oberlin College with honors in English ( just plain honors, she often reminded herself in the years that followed, not highest honors, like her friend Sadie Peregrine, or even high honors, like their departmental nemesis, Caitlin Green). At her commencement brunch, dressed in another frock of dark ivory, she’d made a scene, feverishly arguing with her father about the purpose of marriage in the modern age. It’s an outmoded institution, she’d insisted, her dark brows moving closer together. The brunch, sponsored by the college, was held in a dank tent on Wilder Bowl, and the Moët was flowing perhaps a bit too freely. Lil had already spilled several sips down her dress. "Read any modern thinker— Struggling to come up with a specific name, she looked to her friends, her crowd, as her father annoyingly called them—Sadie, Beth Bernstein, Emily Kaplan, Tal Morgenthal, and Dave Kohane—who sat around and opposite her, surrounded by their own parents, faces flushed proud. They all say so."

The adults grinned serenely (smugly, to Lil’s mind) and tilted their heads toward her, in gestures of intense patience. "You want a certain sense of security, suggested Sadie’s mother, Rose, with whom Lil was a great favorite, having been brought home to the Peregrine town house for numerous Thanksgivings and spring breaks and even one summer, which Lil recalled as two months of unbridled bliss. At a certain point, you want to belong to something, to a family."

Dave’s mother leaned across the table toward Lil, her long red hair falling into the remains of her omelet. I remember saying the exact same thing when I was your age.

"Mom," Dave moaned.

Really? said Lil, biting bits of dried lipstick off her lower lip. I really don’t think I’m going to change my mind. Her elders shared a dark glance. "I mean, is there any reason why people should get married?" Lil’s father raised his wiry black brows, white threads extending from them like antennae, and let a gust of air out through his nose, from which hairs, white and black, also poked, mortifyingly. Twenty-odd years in Los Angeles had done nothing to weaken his Brooklyn accent.

Taxes, he grumbled. You get some tax breaks if you’re married.

"Barry," cried Lil’s mother, giving his arm a push.

Lil rolled her eyes. Then why, she asked, do I always hear people complaining about the ‘marriage penalty’?

Those five friends now sat in the synagogue’s front benches—soon they would be called to the bima to take part in the ceremony—the girls zipped and laced and strapped into evening dresses, which they’d carried uptown in plastic garment bags and hung up to steam in the guest bathroom at the Peregrine town house, almost thirty blocks north of Emanu-El. They’d emerged from the 6 train at Eighty-sixth Street in the early morning to the sights of this strange and hectic neighborhood: blonde moms in jogging suits pushing goggle-eyed babies in old-fashioned prams; fancy grocers and chemists; matrons with pageboys, in dated suits and low-heeled pumps, and even, in some cases, neat fabric gloves. Such things proved exotic to these girls, who were just discovering the city from the vantage point of its more downtrodden, Bohemian outposts: Williamsburg, Carroll Gardens, the grimy fringes of the Lower East Side. All neighborhoods that now command impressive rents, but were then regarded as vaguely suspect and marginally safe, particularly by the parents of the young persons in question.

Not that they cared ("Mom, it’s fine!). They lived where they could afford to live without the dreaded parental supplementation: in run-down tenements on narrow Brooklyn blocks, illegal sublets found through friends of friends (who could afford a broker’s fee?), or rickety apartments in crumbling back-houses, let by landlords who’d never heard the word code in their miserly lives and who insisted on installing everything—from stoves to toilets—themselves, despite their inability to read English-language instruction manuals. According to Lil, Emily’s apartment, on an increasingly expensive block in Williamsburg, had almost exploded a year prior, when the landlady used water piping rather than gas piping in the flat’s little wall heater. The gas just ate through the pipes, Lil had told Beth, breathlessly, over the phone. She got home from work and there was gas puddled all over the floor. The fumes were so strong she could smell them on the street. Brooklyn Gas told her that if she’d worked an hour later, the place would have blown." Emily had stayed with Lil, at her place on Bedford, for nearly a week before things were straightened out.

And though Emily and Sadie worked in midtown and Lil attended Columbia, they met at bars in the East Village, coffee shops on the Lower East Side, and restaurants in Brooklyn, which Sadie Peregrine had, for a year or two after college, until the joke became old and a little embarrassing, called the Far East, as she’d never visited the borough in her youth, never mind that her mother had grown up in Greenpoint, in a railroad apartment above Sadie’s grandfather’s optician shop (though she behaved, as Sadie liked to say, relishing the cliché, as though she were to the manor born).

Thus, the Upper East Side—where Sadie herself was born and raised, as were several generations of Peregrines before her—was alien territory to the other girls, save for the occasional trip to some doctor or other or, of course, to the Peregrine house, where they were occasionally brought round for dinner or Sunday breakfast with the dwindling Peregrine clan. Said neighborhood struck them as utterly outside the realm of their New York (the real New York, Emily privately thought, though she would never say so in front of Sadie), it being primarily inhabited by persons of some degree of wealth or those who aspire to it. Which is not to say that these girls—and their male counterparts, Dave and Tal—did not come from money, for, in a way, they did. With their shining hair and bright, clear eyes, they, all of them, were the dewy flowers of the upper middle class and, as such, were raised in needlessly large houses with a surplus of bathrooms and foodstuffs in the fridge, with every convenience, every luxury, every desire met. Their high school classmates—the superstudents of Scarsdale (Beth), Brookline (Tal), Sherman Oaks (Lil), and so on—were starting residencies at Mt. Sinai or on the partner track at Debevoise; they were, perhaps, even living in the blank residential towers of the East Nineties (despised by Sadie’s parents for blocking their view), biding time before making their escapes to Westchester or Long Island or even (dread!) New Jersey.

But this group, our group, wanted nothing to do with money, the whiff of which had, they thought, spoiled their brash bourgeois parents and aunts and uncles, all of whom were, inevitably, doctors or lawyers or businessmen or sometimes teachers, and none of whom had read Sentimental Education or could identify the term deconstruction or made regular visits to the theater, except, perhaps, to see musicals or Neil Simon comedies. They—the adults—were too corrupted, too swayed and jaded by the difficulties and practicalities of adulthood, by the banal labyrinths of health insurance and Roth IRAs, by the relative safety of Volvo versus Saab versus Subaru, or flat Scottish cashmere versus the newer, softer, fluffier—but possibly less durable—stuff, imported from Nepal, that Neiman’s is carrying lately. Their children were interested in art, though they wouldn’t have ever put it like that. They had read Sentimental Education—Dave in the original French—and directed Ionesco and Genet plays. They went to the Whitney Biennial and visited the new galleries in Chelsea and Williamsburg and twice attended the Lucian Freud retrospective at the Met, but scorned anything to do with Picasso or Seurat or Monet or—my God—the pre-Raphaelites. They kept up with not just The New Yorker but Harper’s and The Atlantic and even, for spurts of time, The New York Review of Books, and lately, Lingua Franca and Salon and various little magazines, though they agreed that the heyday of such ventures had passed decades earlier (what they wouldn’t have given to be transported back to those early days of The Partisan Review, arguing Trotsky with Lionel Trilling and Mary McCarthy). They joked about Derrida and Lacan and Heidegger and Hume and Spinoza and New Criticism, and went to Shakespeare in the Park, and to see the RSC at BAM, and to movement-oriented stage adaptations of Anna Karenina at La Mama, and to Goddard, Fellini, Pasolini, Lubitsch, Bergman, and, of course, Woody Allen festivals at Film Forum.

Or, at least, they had done so—read their classics, favored black-and-whites in repertory—for four long years. Now, at twenty-six, as they struggled to make rent on their grimy apartments, as they bathed in chipped bathtubs, which in Emily’s case—poor Emily being the most impoverished of the group—also served as a kitchen sink, they were starting to feel a little tired, a little sick of the nights in cafés typing on their laptops, the endless drinks dates because who could afford to eat dinner out. Lately, they were starting to look upon their parents’ houses, the green of their lawns, the comfortable lives of their youth, with a bit more kindness.

And then—entirely without warning—Lil announced that she was getting married, married to a man she’d met in her doctoral program, a man none of them knew well, if at all, though they’d glimpsed him at parties over the past year, Lil’s first at Columbia. He was older, at least thirty, and had an aura of glamour about him, which the girls attributed as much to his large, masculine features as to his polite, disaffected air. There was, Sadie remarked, a bit too much James Dean about him. He’d studied poetry, like Lil, before dropping out to take a job at a new magazine, supposedly a cross between Spy and The New Yorker, but focused on business, or technology, or both. Lil spoke as if this was a great opportunity for him, but her friends weren’t convinced.

As was the practice of those of their class and generation, she’d introduced him, at first, as her friend, and they’d pretended for some months that there was nothing more to the story. So well did this pretense work that they’d barely adjusted to the idea that Tuck was her boyfriend when he became her fiancé—though thankfully she refrained from using that term. It was impossible for them to imagine Lil married, in part because it was impossible to imagine any of them married. They knew no married people of their own age. And so, when Lil called her friends, one by one, and told them, in the hushed tones required by her summer job—an internship at a poetry organization, where she was largely responsible for answering the phones—that not only was she getting married but also that she would have an actual wedding, with a white dress and a rabbi and maybe even a veil and a bouquet (though definitely no bridesmaids in matching dresses, that much she could promise), she waited, tensely, for the jibes, the disapproval. But they were so shocked, her friends, that none—not even Dave, not even Beth—could think of anything to say, other than Wow! and "Lil, that’s great! and I can’t wait to meet him, really meet him."

Two weeks later, the couple got in Lil’s beat-up Accord and drove down to visit Tuck’s family in Atlanta, where his mother—hair elaborately dyed and streaked an unnatural auburn, nails manicured to a high sheen—outfitted Lil with an alarmingly large diamond, tucked inside an elaborate Victorian setting, for which she apologized. Those old settings don’t show off the stone at all, she said, her lipsticked mouth pulling down at the corners. "But it’s at least three carats." The ring had belonged to Tuck’s grandmother, his mother’s mother, and possibly her mother before that, no one knew for sure. It was exactly Lil’s size and precisely her style, the girls told Lil, though in fact the ring instilled in them an odd mix of anxiety and admiration, aesthetic interest and adolescent annoyance. It was so large, so important looking (in the words of Rose Peregrine, who agreed that she should have the stone reset), so unequivocally grown-up. Were it not a family heirloom, according to Emily, it would be horribly uncool.

Beth, meanwhile, felt that it quite possibly defied the feminist principles they’d mastered—or, she’d thought, internalized—in college. The ring claimed Lil as somebody’s chattel, some man’s prize. You’re wearing an engagement ring? Beth whispered into the phone one hot night in August, incredulous. She was still in Milwaukee, working on her doctorate. In September, once she’d finished teaching summer session—two sections of Feminist Approaches to Twentieth Century Advertising—she’d move to New York to teach at the New School and write the second half of her dissertation, which she couldn’t do without a semester or two of research at the Museum of Television and Radio, a need that neatly coincided with her absolute desperation for her friends and her mounting disgust with freezing, boring Milwaukee. That is, if she could get everything straightened out with her teaching credits. She’d been sure she had enough, but in June—after she’d accepted the job at the New School—she’d received a note saying no, she was one credit shy. Maddening. And embarrassing. She said nothing of all this to Lil. "A real engagement ring? she asked, peevishly, instead. Like, a diamond?"

Yeah, said Lil, sighing. His mom gave it to us. It means a lot to her that I wear it, so I feel like I have to.

Oh, said Beth. I guess I didn’t think you were the sort of person who would wear an engagement ring. But it makes sense, I guess. Lil, she thought, was moving in this new and strange direction, becoming someone other than the girl she’d roomed with in college, the girl who’d earnestly churned out papers critiquing the phallocentric focus of Harold Bloom’s critical work on Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. "But you don’t feel weird, wearing this big rock on your hand? It doesn’t make you feel like your mom or something? Or like one of those girls we went to high school with? It doesn’t make you feel—she paused here, unsure of what she meant—like you’re someone you’re not?"

In fact, it did. Lil understood now why jewels were once considered amulets, investing their wearers with supernatural powers. With the large diamond glinting on her left hand, she felt herself to be a new and different Lil, one capable of doing anything, going anywhere. At night, she and Tuck drank brandy out of tumblers and talked about writing novels and making documentaries and moving to Romania. By day, whispering furtively into her office phone, she negotiated with caterers and jazz quartets and the Sisterhood of Temple Emanu-El, the Peregrines’ synagogue, and the only venue Lil considered acceptable for the ceremony, despite the fact that she was not, of course, a member, nor was she from the sort of family that belonged to Emanu-El, with fortunes in banking, real estate in the vicinity of Park, and rarefied German lineage. Her grandfather had sold black bread from a cart on Orchard Street and her father was a plastic surgeon who catered to the faces of Hollywood’s third tier, preferred pastrami from Langer’s to sushi, and on Fridays brought home prune danish from Fairfax, where the Orthodox lived in large pink houses. But Lil had Rose Peregrine—secretary of the Sisterhood, member of every possible committee, and the preschool’s board of directors—and thus, by July, Lil had a date in the Beth-El Chapel, and by September a dress, heavy and autumnal, from the sample rack at Kleinfeld, where she’d journeyed alone, taking perhaps too much pleasure in the fuss the saleswomen made over her small waist. As the month wore on and the hot, humid weather continued unabated, she began to wonder if she should have gone with her second choice: a dead-white ballerina dress, with delicate off-the-shoulder sleeves and a full tulle dancing skirt. But she kept such fears to herself, for Sadie and Emily were irritated that they hadn’t been invited on the buying trip. In fact, she avoided talking about the wedding whenever possible, as her friends, she was realizing, were, despite their alleged enthusiasm, a bit, well, weirded out by it. Beth grew silent when Lil told her, gleefully, that Tuck had found them a new apartment, a loft big enough to hold the reception. Dave got crabby when she recounted the talents of the jazz band they’d enlisted—a bunch of NYU students—for a cut rate. He’d just dropped out of Eastman, moved back to New York, and joined a band himself, though not the sort of band that played at weddings, of course.

They’ll probably suck, he said.

No, they’re great, she assured him. We heard them play at Aggie’s.

"Aggie’s, said Dave. Whatever."

Only Tal seemed, however vaguely, to approve of the nuptials in general, and Lil’s plans specifically. After college he’d broken from his parents almost completely—they still barely spoke—but he’d never quite shaken their conservative bent, at least toward things like marriage and family. He smiled at babies in the park and had, on occasional Sundays, been caught reading the Vows column. It’s sweet, he said. Especially the old people.

But as the day approached, the girls began to grow excited. This wedding—which had seemed some elaborate game of make-believe, some goofy lark—was really, actually, truly going to take place. Lil was going to walk down the aisle in a big dress, with a fluffy veil and maybe even a bouquet (her mother and Rose Peregrine were insisting, offering to pay), get married, and become Lillian Roth-Hayes.

It sounds like a bank, doesn’t it? Dave said the night before the wedding, after the rehearsal dinner, as they sat around Tal’s big apartment on Union drinking beer, their toes picking at the frills of mismatched linoleum that emerged from the floor. Lil and Tuck had gone home to bed. Beth was, at that moment, stranded in Pittsburgh. She’d had to stay in Milwaukee later than she’d anticipated, and Lil was pretty put out that she’d cut it so close and missed the dinner ("She couldn’t have flown in yesterday?").

No, a law firm, insisted Emily, who had temped at many such firms. I can totally see the letterhead.

A midlevel brand of dress shirt, suggested Sadie.

It sounds pretty great, actually, said Tal. His friends looked at one another, unsure if he was kidding. I like it. It’s kind of regal. He wrinkled his nose with self-deprecation. Or British.

Sort of, said Sadie, prodding his corduroyed thigh with her foot.

It’s nice, he said. You guys— He shook his head. "It’s nice that they’re combining their names." And they all grew silent, ashamed, looking down their noses into their sweating bottles of beer, for the truth was, they agreed. Some of their mothers—feminists, children of the 1960s—had kept their own names, even if just professionally, which the girls thought dry and unromantic. They had all been thinking, separately, that when they married (if they married), they would do as Lil did and hyphenate, or turn their original family names into middle names.

The next morning, at promptly nine o’clock, Emily arrived at the Peregrine house on East Ninety-second, breathless and apologetic, her dress stuffed into a crumpled grocery bag, followed a few minutes later by Beth, pale hair rising statically from her head, her plump, freckled face arranged in an expression of mild agony. Rose had insisted they meet at this early hour, at her house, to strategize, though they’d simply have to journey downtown on errands and then over to Brooklyn to help set up the loft for the reception, and then back uptown to dress for the wedding.

You look exhausted, Rose told Beth, once she’d seated the girls at her kitchen table, a massive slab of scarred oak, and placed cups of coffee in front of them. You just got in last night?

Beth nodded. Midnight. She took a tentative sip of her coffee. "I am exhausted. It took me two hours to get here this morning."

"Two hours? Rose cried. You took the train in? You’re staying at your parents’?"

Beth shook her head.

She’s in Astoria, Emily explained. Beth was subletting an apartment from a CUNY prof, an alum of her program who was in Finland on a Fulbright. When she’d signed the sublease, she’d thought, of course, that she’d be arriving in the city at the start of September—the start of the fall semester, her favorite time of year—but there’d been that problem with her credits, which she’d worked out, sort of, by teaching the first section of a special topics class. Now her credits were in order, but she had—most likely, it wasn’t entirely clear—lost her New School job, at least for the fall. And paid double rent for a month, which she could ill afford. But she was in New York. That was all that mattered.

Astoria? repeated Rose. Queens?


"Isn’t it all Greek there?"

Not anymore, Emily told her, spooning a scant bit of sugar into her coffee. There’s a big Middle Eastern community, too. There’s this great Egyptian restaurant on—

"You’re living in Astoria, Queens?" Rose repeated, frowning at Beth and cocking her head suspiciously, as though the girls were playing some sort of practical joke on her.

Beth nodded.

We told her not to take it, Emily told Rose, giving Beth a little smile. But she didn’t listen.

"Well, said Rose, pulling out a chair and sitting down on Emily’s right. It’s all the same. She shrugged. I don’t understand why you girls insist on living way out in Brooklyn."

Because it’s cheap, Emily said, then turned to Beth. How’s the place?

Fine, I guess. Pretty big.

In fact, she’d barely examined the place. She’d gotten in so late and risen so early, nervous about finding her way to the Peregrines’, and preoccupied with the wedding—or not so much the wedding itself as the fact that she would soon find herself face-to-face with Dave Kohane, whom she’d managed to avoid for the four years since they’d departed for their respective grad programs, she to Milwaukee and he to Rochester, at which point he’d dumped her, in a strangely passive manner. Or not dumped her—she hated that term—but allowed their couplehood to peter out, for reasons she’d never understood.

Okay, said Rose, clapping her hands together, let me get my list. We’ve got to get started. She glanced pointedly at the clock on the stove. "Beth, do you want to wake Sadie and Lil? They’ll be thrilled to see you."

"I’m up, came a gravelly contralto from the stairwell. Still in the old blue pajamas she’d worn in college, when they’d all shared a crumbling house behind the art museum, her curls flattened by sleep, Sadie padded into the kitchen, trailed by George, the Peregrines’ ancient orange cat, and gave Beth a silent, enervated hug. She had her own little apartment in Cobble Hill, but she’d spent the night at her parents’, as was her occasional wont. With a yawn, she glanced at the kitchen clock. She was a small girl, with a long-waisted figure that gave the illusion of height. Her dark, glossy hair and waxily opaque, vellum-hued skin came from her mother, Rose, a woman of Italianate good looks, as did her curious, formal way of speaking. But her hooded eyes and her bearing were pure Peregrine—as Rose often reminded her, in moments of anger. Sadie, said Rose, an edge rising in her voice, we’ve got to get started. Did you wake up Lil?"

Sadie poured herself a cup of coffee before answering. She’s at home, she said finally, with another, larger yawn.

"At home?" Rose asked in alarm.

She was supposed to stay here last night, Sadie told Beth. Tradition. You know. Spending the night before the wedding apart from Tuck. Beth nodded. "But she couldn’t bear to be apart from him. Even for one night."

Oh, said Rose, pursing her lips. Well, then what’s the plan?

Sadie took a long sip of coffee and made a face at Emily. She has an appointment for a facial at ten—

At Arden’s, said Rose.

No, Sadie told her. She decided to go to some place in Soho.

Rose emitted a sigh of deep disappointment and pressed her fingers lightly to her temples. All right. So—

So, we’ll go get the flowers and meet her in Brooklyn, said Sadie. At the apartment. Her parents are already there.

All right, Rose acquiesced. We have to be back here by three, the latest, to get dressed.

It won’t take us that long to get ready, said Sadie. We don’t have to be at the synagogue until six, right?

"I’m not talking about you, snapped Rose. I’m talking about Lil. The bride. She shook her head at Emily and Beth. And, she added, I have a manicure at three thirty. So let’s go, girls."

And off they went: to Chelsea, with a big wad of cash, to pick up flowers—short-stemmed roses, monstrous tulips, assorted odd lacy things—then to Lil and Tuck’s new loft, on what turned out to be a grim stretch of Bushwick, where Beth and Emily found Lil’s mother, Elaine, directing a team of volunteers—various Roth cousins, some of Lil’s childhood friends—who were stringing tulle and candles around the room, wrapping fairy lights around the loft’s fat beams, and rinsing the old milk glass vases in the kitchen’s small sink. Lil’s father stood behind a small card table, manning a platter of deli meats and chewing openmouthed on a corned beef sandwich. Better get to work, he said, with a wink. Elaine’s on the rampage. The girls trimmed the stems off hundreds of flowers, filled the vases with tepid water, and cobbled together what Rose called French bouquets. You don’t think those look sloppy? asked Elaine, squinting at a drooping tulip. I would have been happy to pay for arrangements. But Lil hadn’t wanted arrangements, just as she hadn’t wanted to be married in a hall on Long Island, despite her mother’s insistence that it would be so much easier.

At lunchtime Tal and Dave arrived to set up the sound system and help with any heavy lifting. Some friends of Tuck’s—a slender couple with a tiny baby in a sling—dropped off case after case of beer and wine and champagne. They were followed by another couple—smiling, with Southern accents—who carried in the cake, covered all over with bright buttercream flowers. The florist came by with white cardboard boxes containing wrist corsages for the mothers, rosebuds for the girls’ dresses and the mens’ jackets, and Lil’s bouquet, which was paler than the other flowers and round in shape, so beautiful and perfect that Beth, against her will, said, Oh! and drew in her breath. A widowed cousin of Elaine’s showed up, already dressed for the wedding in a pink silk suit, and tied floppy white bows on the vases. Then Lil called, saying she’d been delayed and would meet them at the Peregrines’, and the band swooped in, setting up yards of equipment in a corner; then suddenly the caterers were bustling about, loudly creaking open long tables for the buffet, which would be in Lil and Tuck’s bedroom, at the rear of the apartment (It used to be a meat locker, Elaine kept telling anyone who passed within arm’s reach of her), and it was time, Rose said. "Girls, we need to go now."

We do, we do, agreed Elaine. As they gathered at the door, they stopped for a moment and surveyed the room: its pillars shrouded in tulle and twinkly lights, dozens of white-covered tables scattered over the worn oak floor, generous bouquets at their centers.

It’s beautiful, said Beth.

It is, said Emily.

It’s fine, sighed Elaine, smoothing her crisp blonde hair. It had once been black, like Lil’s, but over the years had grown lighter and lighter. She wore it straight, with long bangs that covered her eyebrows, a trick, Lil said, to hide the wrinkles in her forehead, wrinkles she was forever asking Lil’s father to fix, much as his partner had fixed Lil’s nose between her junior and senior years of high school. I still don’t see what was wrong with Leonard’s of Great Neck, she sighed, raising her thin brows. It would have been so much easier.

Come on, said Rose. It’s after two.

They took the train, for there were no cabs to be found in Lil’s desolate section of Brooklyn, three stops in on the L, and Elaine smiled delightedly, saying, "I haven’t been on a subway in years. It’s so clean!"

Giuliani, the girls said, smirking.

Too bad he’s a fascist, Emily told her. They emerged, once again, at the corner of Eighty-sixth and Lex, in boisterous spirits, practically running to the Peregrine house. There, spread across the Peregrines’ four bathrooms, they showered and shaved their legs, the widowed cousin making dour remarks about the time, did they know (yes, they knew) they had to be at the shul by six at the latest? Quickly, they smoothed makeup onto their faces, fingered their hair into waves and ringlets, and pulled on stockings and variations on the wispy, girlish dresses popular that year. So dressed, they turned to Lil, who had spent the day alone, receiving the ministrations of various Eastern European women, and who now emerged from the third-floor bathroom to greet them clad in Sadie’s old striped robe, a foggy look on her face, which—they all noticed—appeared a bit too pink, particularly around the edges of her nose. She should have gone to Arden’s, Rose whispered to Sadie, who squeezed her mother’s arm in warning. Elaine rushed over to her daughter. You’re all red, she said, inspecting her face. "You’re going to have to wear foundation."

"Okay, Mom. Lil seemed to shrink a bit in her mother’s presence, her eyes widening with what Sadie thought were tears. But then Lil caught sight of her friends and smiled, unsure of whom to greet first, and cried, Beth! Oh my God! You look beautiful! I love your dress! Are you wearing lipstick? It looks great! Before Beth could answer, Lil had embraced her in a warm, perfumed hug. It’s so good to see you. We thought you’d never get here. We missed you last night." And with that, she launched into a thousand questions: How was Beth’s apartment? Did she like Queens? Were Dave and Tal coming over, as well, or would they meet them at the synagogue? Was Sadie wearing her hair up or down? How were the flowers? Had her eyebrows turned out even? And could they please keep old cousin Paula away from her? Who had brought her back here anyway? Everyone knew she was a complete nuisance.

Somehow, they managed to coax Lil into Sadie’s room—unchanged since Sadie’s childhood, with its green and white toile coverlet and curtains—and sit her down at the dressing table. Much discussion ensued over whether Lil should dress or have her makeup applied first, until Elaine and Rose decided the matter: Lil should dress first, then a large cloth would be draped over her as Emily applied her makeup. ("Overdo it, Elaine hissed at Emily in the hallway, laying a tan, bare arm conspiratorially on Emily’s back, the beading along the edge of her turquoise dress scraping Emily’s pale shoulder. We don’t want her to look pasty.) Lil pulled on scant tulle underwear—a gift from Sadie—and a long-lined bra, then attached stockings to the bra’s dangling garters, slapping away Cousin Paula’s attempts at help. This is so porn star, said Emily. I know, this thing makes my boobs huge," Lil intoned, with a wry smile, fastening around her waist a glaring white crinoline, and, finally—thus trussed and plumped—slipping the heavy dress over her head, to the oohs and aahs of the girls, and a grimace from Cousin Paula.

You wouldn’t really call that dress white, would you, Elaine? Paula asked. "It’s almost gold, isn’t it? She stopped to scrutinize the heavy satin between thumb and forefinger. Is it actually a wedding dress?"

It’s white, snapped Lil. Mom, can you button me up?

The sky clouded over, threatening rain, and Tal and Dave arrived, looking absurdly old and handsome, transformed by their black suits and glossy ties. Lil rushed up to hug them, though they seemed slightly afraid of her, in her thick lipstick and big, costumey dress, her black hair pulled back from her face in a heavy bun. Lil, you look beautiful, whispered Dave, as if apologizing for his stiff embrace. Tal smiled, took her hands, and pulled her an arm’s length away. Gorgeous, he said.

Okay, kids, called Rose, with a clap of her manicured hands, I hate to break this up, but we need to get going. Start heading for the door.

Moments later, it seemed to Lil, she arrived at the rabbi’s study, where Tuck was waiting for her by a diamond-paned window, his mother fussing with his tie. "Mom, he said, grinning brilliantly at Lil, so brilliantly that her irritation and anxiety fell away, and she laughed with relief at the sight of him. Oh my God, he said when she came into full view. It was all she could do not to wrap her arms around him and press her face to his cheek, which still showed the strokes of the razor. Shall we get started? said the rabbi, and they signed the wedding contract—Tuck squeezing her hand—then she was walking down the aisle, bits of whispers and coughs and laughter wafting uneasily toward her, her mother on her right, smelling faintly of White Shoulders and Max Factor pressed powder, her father on her left, baldpate glowing. Both of them were, to her surprise, smiling. They were happy, she realized, or at least happier than she’d expected they’d be about this marriage to a boy they’d met but once. Not that she’d cared; she’d long ago realized that nothing she did could truly please her parents. But that’s how young people do it, Barry, her mother had insisted back in May, when she’d given them the news. Tuck’s thirty, mom, Lil had said impatiently. We’re not that young." But now, as she walked down the aisle, with a hundred sets of eyes uncomfortably focused on her slow progress, she felt, really, much as she had on the first day of kindergarten, dressed in her stiff, unfamiliar uniform, unsure of what awaited her. Her mother, for once, was right.

Standing in a crowd around the chuppa—two poles held by Tal and Dave, two held by friends of Tuck’s—the girls, at first, felt faintly uncomfortable, looking out at the rows of people before them, unable to fidget or fuss with their hair. Then, slowly, they began to relax, whispering mildly to one another. They held little white cards in their hands, inscribed with the blessings each would recite at the appointed moment. None of them was familiar with this bit of ritual—even Tal, whose mother ran a kosher catering business and who’d actually gone to Hebrew school—but then, they weren’t familiar with any sort of wedding custom: this was the first wedding they’d attended as grown-ups.

One by one they stepped up and read their blessings, which were strangely simple—Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Creator of Human Beings and Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the universe, Who has created everything for Your glory—and somber, and even, Dave said later, generic, just your basic prayers, praising God, nothing about marriage specifically, until Tal, handing his chuppa pole to Emily, stepped up to the bima and read, in his calm, mesmerizing way, his cheeks blaring red at the center, his dark eyes fixed on the guests in the pews below:

Gladden the beloved companions as You gladdened Your creatures in the garden of Eden. Blessed are You, Adonai, Who gladdens groom and bride.

The synagogue, which had seemed quiet before, fell into a deep, stunned silence, contemplating the groom and bride before them. She’s really doing this, thought Beth. She’s a bride. And her heart began to beat faster, so much faster that she nearly missed her cue to step up to the bima herself and read her poem, a short thing by Linda Pastan, which had seemed appropriately unsentimental when she’d chosen it, but as she read, the words—all simple, all arranged in plain, declarative sentences, rather like, she realized, the Seven Blessings—began to accrue, taking hold of her in an unexpected way. Her voice wavered, and as she reached the last line—"Because everything is ordained / I said yes"—she broke into a small sob. Mortified, she stood, frozen, swallowing back tears, staring out at the people in the pews, the rows and rows of white-haired ladies, the assorted young people, some of whom she knew and some of whom she didn’t. Some were crying a bit, as well, including her friends standing around the chuppa. Including Dave, who smiled ruefully at her. They hadn’t yet spoken, had merely nodded at each other across Sadie’s bedroom, the girls forming a shield around her.

Moments later, Tuck stepped heavily on the glass, grabbed Lil around the waist, and kissed her roughly, lifting her up off the ground. Mazel tov, shouted Dr. Roth in his loud, rheumy voice. And the crowd began clapping and shouting. Quickly, the moment passed, and a flock of old ladies began moving slowly down the aisles, holding one another’s arms and peering around them through thick, oversized lenses. These were Lil’s elderly aunts—her great-aunts, really, but since neither of her parents had siblings, she called them her aunts. There were twelve or fourteen or twenty of them, and they all had thrilling Jazz Age names like Fritzi and Ruby and Ella and Minna, and had so long outlived their husbands that, Lil said, it was hard to remember they’d ever had them. Lil herself was named after one—the youngest on the Roth side and Dr. Roth’s favorite, who’d died tragically in a boating accident somewhere in the Catskills, when Dr. Roth was a teen. Her mother had wanted to name her Jessica.

Outside, a cool evening wind tossed around the first fallen leaves. The air smelled faintly of wood smoke, from the fireplace of some nearby brownstone, Sadie knew. A fleet of town cars ordered by Dr. Roth—Lil had thought everyone could just take the subway—stood at the curb, waiting to ferry guests to Williamsburg. The conventional part of the wedding was over. The unconventional would now begin: instead of a sit-down dinner, with carefully contrived seating charts, guests would sit wherever they liked and eat the fried chicken, ribs, sautéed greens, pickled beets, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and corn bread laid out on long tables in the back bedroom. It’s all served room temperature, like a picnic, Lil had told them that afternoon, ignoring Rose and Elaine’s shared sigh.

The trees along Fifth formed a dark outline against the darkening sky, and the synagogue’s doorman guided the guests into the polished, snub-nosed cars, which glided off down the avenue, streetlights stringing a long chain behind them. Beth, Emily, and Sadie walked through the synagogue’s oversized doors, Dave and Tal close on their heels. They breathed in the smoky air and turned to one another, smiling.

That was beautiful, wasn’t it? said Beth brightly, reluctantly pulling her old brown raincoat over her thin dress, a maroon satin she’d purchased at Milwaukee’s one good shop, Dave maddeningly in mind. A week before, she thought it beautiful, perfect, magical, but the moment she zipped it up, at Sadie’s, she saw that it was wrong, horribly wrong—nothing like the sleek, fitted things the other girls wore—with its childish row of buttons down the front, its prim little collar, its empire waist and tie at the back, the sort of style they’d worn in college, over engineer boots and tights.

You did good, said Emily, elbowing Beth. Not a dry eye in the house.

We better get down there, Beth said, flushing with embarrassment and flinging her hand south, in what she thought to be the general direction of Brooklyn.

Definitely, said Sadie.

But, it seemed, there were no more town cars left. Dr. Roth hadn’t ordered quite enough, or perhaps there were more guests than he’d accounted for.

It’s those friends of Tuck’s, said Sadie, shaking her head. She had, in the end, worn her hair down. "They just showed up!"

What? asked Beth. They weren’t invited?

No, Emily told her, eyebrows raised. You didn’t hear about this?

They’re a band, Sadie explained. I can’t remember what they’re called, and they’re in town for the weekend, staying with that couple, Tuck’s friends from Atlanta—

Not the people with the baby, clarified Emily. The others. The woman has a Southern accent—

And she told them that they should just come along.

Does Tuck even know them? marveled Beth.

Emily nodded. They were friends in high school.

Oh, said Beth. This didn’t seem so terrible. Though, she supposed, to Rose Peregrine it was more terrible than terrible. From time to time Sadie vehemently agreed with her mother, to her friends’ surprise.

"They just showed up, she said now, shrugging her shoulders furiously into her shiny mass of curls. With their girlfriends. You saw those girls, right, in the fifties dresses?"

"Crazy," said Emily, smiling at Beth.

"It is," said Sadie, settling her mouth in an angry line.

Hey, said Tal, touching his long fingers to Sadie’s arm. I’ll get us a cab.

We’ll need two.

Then I’ll get us two.

Okay. Sadie appeared chastened, cowed. She looked up at Tal through her lashes. Thank you.

What band? Dave asked.

Sadie looked at him and sighed.

What? he said, holding up his hands in a gesture of exaggerated innocence. There are a lot of good bands coming out of Atlanta right now. But Sadie already had her arm stretched up and out into the night sky, her face eclipsed by the yellow lights of an oncoming cab.

The Times and the Voice and Time Out and New York had all declared Lil and Tuck’s neighborhood—a section of Williamsburg east of the BQE and generally referred to as Graham Avenue, for the L stop that serviced it—the next spot for artists and writers, which meant, of course, that it would really be the next spot for whoever could afford the newly inflated rents and newly opened bistros. But Lil and Tuck’s block—a treeless stretch of Bushwick Avenue, punctuated with twisted subway grates—radiated a forcible menace after dark. Isn’t that a gang tag? asked Tal, pointing at a swath of graffiti on the steel gate of a bait shop.

They stood on the curb, poised to enter the loft, from which emanated a few tentative strains of Coltrane, a hundred chatting voices, and the faint odor of cigarette smoke.

Crips, confirmed Dave. Since moving back to Brooklyn a few months earlier, Dave had come to consider himself an aficionado of street culture, to the amusement of his friends.

Yes, Dave, the Crips operate all the bait-and-tackle shops in Greater Brooklyn, murmured Sadie, furtively running lipstick over her mouth without the aid of a mirror.

Um, I’m sorry, said Dave, "but aren’t you the person who visited this borough for the first time at some point during our junior year of college. And aren’t you the person who had to ask Emily for directions to Prospect Park—"

Emily held up her hands like a conductor. Enough, peoples. We’re going in.

Inside, they found themselves packed into a throng of ancients: the white-headed aunts, innumerable thin, tan ladies in dramatic evening gowns (leopard-print chiffon, yellow sari silk shot through with gold) and slim-cut suits, a half dozen corpulent, balding men possessed of a vaguely mafiosi demeanor, scads of professorial types in bow ties and wire glasses (Columbia people, whispered Sadie knowingly, though Emily, who was from the South, suspected they were Tuck’s Atlanta relatives). As they pushed their way back to the bar—set up in Lil and Tuck’s second bedroom, a luxury afforded by Tuck’s new job—the crowd grew progressively younger: First, baby boomers, the women in rough-weave shifts. Then, Tuck’s thirtyish friends: the baby people, drinking Perrier; the band guys, in threadbare suits and skinny ties, and their girls, hair cut in retro bobs; a troupe of handsome preppy types, indistinguishable from one another in their dark suits and pale blue shirts. And finally, their own friends, the corollary members of their little group, like Maya Decker, who’d flown in from Houston, where she was dancing with a big modern company, and Abe Hausman, who was back at Oberlin, strangely, on some new philosophy postdoc, and Robin Wilde, Lil’s freshman-year roommate, whom they all found a little quiet and dull ("but sweet," Beth was always quick to add).

Hello, hello, they said to these people, "oh my God, how are you?" and grabbed drinks from passing trays: glasses of Lillet and orange, which the girls thought fabulously original and such a Lil thing to do, forcing a hundred-odd guests to drink an obscure and archaic aperitif that no one but Lil—or, they supposed, Sadie, from whom she’d probably cribbed the idea—would think to order. They were tremendously interested in cocktails, having gone off beer in the years since college, and they were learning how to make proper sidecars and Manhattans and French 77s, they told Maya and Abe gaily. Dave had become a master martini maker, his technique cribbed from an oft-watched episode of M*A*S*H in which Hawkeye explains how to obtain the proper dryness. "You’ve got to really stuff the shaker with ice, said Dave. He was disturbed to be talking about such idiotic things with people he hadn’t seen in years, and as a result, he found himself taking an increasingly emphatic tone. You pour the vermouth over the ice, then you pour it out through the strainer, so the ice cubes are just coated with vermouth. And then you add the gin. Ideally Bombay Sapphire. Sadie made a face. Gin. Bleh. Vodka’s much cleaner." Maya Decker nodded gravely.

They made their way into the main part of the loft, now lit by the glow of hundreds of tiny candles—votives clustered on the table, around the French bouquets, which looked wild and lovely in the dim, rustic room, with its oak-planked floor. Beth sat down at a central table, with Sadie and Emily, and rested her hot forehead on Emily’s bare, freckled shoulder. I think they’re about to do the toast, she said wearily. The waiters are coming around with champagne.

Or something that looks like champagne, said Dave, coming up behind the girls, "but most definitely is not."

Dave, shut up, said Sadie, not unkindly, as Tuck stood on a chair and tinked a fork against his flute. The room quieted and the girls rose and moved, with the other guests, toward the open space at the center of the room. This, said Tuck, clearing his throat, "is the happiest day of my life, as most of you realize. And so I want to start things off by making a toast to my wife, Lillian Roth-Hayes…"

This was the first chance that Beth had, really, to examine Tuck. She could tell from his speech that he was kind and intelligent, if a bit self-absorbed. But he was also well-spoken and well built, though short, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His face, she thought, was crudely striking, his eyes so big and sad, like a silent film star’s. Like, she thought, Buster Keaton.

Tuck was born to wear a suit, said Emily.

I suppose, sighed Sadie. I’m going to get a refill.

He usually wears glasses, doesn’t he? Emily frowned and squinted.

I don’t know, said Beth absently, watching Sadie make her way across the crowded room, her long curls vibrating against her shoulders. She wore a simple dress of slate-blue taffeta, with a fitted bodice and a square neck.

She hates him, said Emily, jutting her head in Sadie’s direction.

Hmmm, murmured Beth uncomfortably. This was not the time, she thought, to fill her in on everyone’s feeling about Tuck, who was now recounting how he and Lil had first met, a story that, Beth was surprised to discover, she hadn’t heard from Lil. We should probably listen, she told Emily, and turned toward Tuck, who still held his hand in the air, his jacket raffishly unbuttoned, a sheen of sweat on his forehead. I was standing on the steps of Low Library, he said, "when the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen came up to me and asked if I could direct her to the business school. And I thought, ‘Well, I guess I’ll never see her again.’ Flicks of laughter rose from the crowd. MBA students don’t tend to date scruffy poetry scholars. So you can imagine my surprise when, a few hours later, this gorgeous creature walks into my Yeats seminar. Lil, at Tuck’s side, smiled and shrugged, embarrassed and pleased, her face flushed from champagne. Turns out, she already knew something it took me two years to discover. The business school cafeteria sells the only decent coffee on campus. And she was a scruffy poetry scholar like me."

From the crowd came shouts and claps and calls of Woo-hoo and Here here and Mazel tov, and Tuck thrust his arm higher, above his head, and shouted, But we clean up pretty well, don’t we? causing the volume of clapping to surge and the clinking of glasses to commence. "To Lillian Roth-Hayes," he cried, slipping his arm around her waist and tossing back his champagne. Lil’s grin had grown so large it looked, to Beth, almost painful. She’d never seen Lil this happy.

Emily smiled. That was sweet, she said.

It was, said Beth, dipping her head closer to Emily’s, which smelled, wonderfully, of peppermint. Like Sadie, she wore a close-fitting dress—from the sixties, Beth thought—and the vivid blue-green of the satin contrasted sharply with her red hair. You like him, don’t you?

Emily shrugged. I do, she said. "Though I really don’t know him. But I think I get it."

Yeah, said Beth. I think I do, too.

Lillian’s father had started speaking, though the chatter threatened to overtake his husky voice. Across the room, Sadie had reached an impasse by the threshold to the second bedroom. She stood under a small orange light fixture, talking to Tal, who bent his tall frame over to whisper in her ear, causing her to laugh prettily, throwing her head back and raising her thin shoulders. Her dress, Beth thought, was perfect. Who’s the dark beauty? a voice whispered in Beth’s ear, an unmistakably English voice. Beth whipped around. One of the Columbia guys stood behind her,

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