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Tiger's Birthday Party
Tiger's Birthday Party
Tiger's Birthday Party
Ebook57 pages46 minutes

Tiger's Birthday Party

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A menagerie of seven amusing and entertaining animal tales each of which contains a moral. It's a reading feast for children of all ages. Tiger's Birthday Party comes to an abrupt end when sloth, by name and nature, went to fetch water. Tiger's Zeal proves its undoing. A lion sets out to kill and eat a wild boar and learns a lesson in the Lion and The Wild Boars. A leopard uses Grace Before Meals to save a hapless powis bird. A man learns that city tricks cannot help him To Catch A Monkey. A jaguar feigns death in The Jaguar and The Wolf to catch its arch enemy the wolf but is outwitted. A male monkey seeks the help of a tiger to prove it is brave in The Monkey and The Tiger. The final treat in this enchanting book is a Rhyme of The Impossible.

Release dateJun 14, 2014
Tiger's Birthday Party

Peter Halder

Peter Halder is the pen name of Burnett Alexander Halder. He was born in Guyana, formerly British Guyana, and educated there, the United Kingdom and the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. Peter worked as a journalist and later joined the Government Service. He served in District Administration, Licence Revenue and Foreign Affairs. As a diplomat, he was Deputy Head of Mission, Guyana Embassy, Washington D.C., U.S.A. and subsequently appointed High Commissioner to Canada. He resigned and accepted an appointment as a Consultant with the Government of Fiji. He later became a Consultant with the Fiji Embassy to the U.S.A. and after, with the Fiji Permanent Mission to the United Nations. Peter received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Guyana Cultural Association of New York, USA and Editor's Awards from The National Library of Poetry, Maryland, USA. His first book, The Cat of Muritaro, was published in 2012. He has a blogsite at www.peterhalder.wordpress.com/ at which his nostalgias, articles, short stories, and poems can be read. He is now retired and lives with his family in Virginia, U.S.A.

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    Book preview

    Tiger's Birthday Party - Peter Halder

    Tiger’s Birthday Party

    A Collection of Animal Tales

    By Peter Halder

    Tiger’s Birthday Party

    Copyright © Peter Halder, 2014

    First Published 2014

    Smashwords Edition

    eBook Edition published by

    DCO Books

    Proglen Trading Co., Ltd.

    Bangkok Thailand


    ISBN 978-616-7817-47-7

    All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and other elements of the story are either the product of the author's imagination or else are used only fictitiously. Any resemblance to real characters, living or dead, or to real incidents, is entirely coincidental.

    This book is dedicated to my wife, children and grandchildren


    Tiger’s Birthday Party

    Tiger’s Zeal

    The Lion and the Wild Boars

    Grace before Meals

    To Catch a Monkey

    The Jaguar and the Wolf

    The Monkey and the Tiger

    A Rhyme of the Impossible

    About the Author


    Once upon a time in the forest, a very, very strange thing happened. It was tiger’s birthday and his friends decided to keep a party for him.

    The party was held in the middle of the forest.

    His friends brought things to eat and drink.

    Deer did not attend. He felt it a risk to do so. I might become a birthday meal gift for some of the invitees when they become hungry or had too much to drink, he told himself.

    No bird attended. The wise old owl warned against anyone attending. We don’t eat or drink much anyway and we would be partying in fear of our lives. Besides birds and beasts are friends but not up close, he said.

    The animals which attended sat on their haunches in the wide clearing while others lay on their bellies.

    Monkey did all the chores. He filled huge scooped-out calabashes with drinks which were placed in a circle around the clearing. Raw meat and fish were placed on leaves from a banyan tree.

    Flies kept their distance from the food.

    When an animal felt like a drink, it would go to a calabash and slake its thirst. Monkey refilled the calabashes when they became empty.

    After several hours of drinking, monkey clapped his hand and shouted Speech! Speech!

    Lion rose from his haunches and stood on his four feet. He shook his head and mane and roared for silence.

    Denizens of the forest, he said, this is a rare occasion to meet as friends and not as foes, as guests and not as hunter and prey, in joy and not in anger.

    A symphony of strange noises greeted lion’s introduction. Each animal shook its head up and down in agreement with what was said.

    I have known tiger for a long time, as we all have, lion continued, and we have not been exactly friends. He lives with his tribe and so do we all, live with our own kind, which is a good thing. We often challenge each other for meals and tiger, on most occasions, donates his kills to me, ha, ha, ha. I don’t know whether it was out of kindness or fear, ha, ha, ha. I believe it is the latter, though I would like to believe it is the former, for, after all, I am the King of Beasts and Lord of the forest.

    Deep silence greeted the words. While we all know that he is the King of Beasts he didn’t have to remind us and this is not an occasion to show off, panther said to himself, looking carefully around lest some other animal read his thoughts.

    "Despite our rage and anger at each other at times, I would like to say here today that tiger is a great fellow and I am proud to be here

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