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The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel
The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel
The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel
Ebook338 pages5 hours

The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel

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After her lover of thirty years dies, a Boston woman opens a bookstore for her neighborhood, an endeavor that forces her to confront her past while she rebuilds her future

Over the course of their thirty-year relationship, Vicky and Harriet fell into a predictable cadence: Vicky took the lead while Harriet was content to follow. When Vicky dies, Harriet is lost and in search of an identity that was subsumed by that of her partner for three decades. Lying awake in bed one evening, Harriet has an idea—a women’s bookstore for the residents of her blue-collar Boston neighborhood, where people can gather, talk, and buy great books. Using her inheritance from Vicky, Harriet begins her next great adventure, opening not only the store but also herself to whatever may come. But while some in the community thrill at the idea of her bookstore, others attack—using graffiti and hate mail to express their prejudice against what they perceive to be an invasion of their neighborhood by “filthy gay men and lesbians.” Against this newfound scrutiny and intolerance, Harriet must come to terms not only with the world her privilege had insulated her from, but with what it means to go without fear of labels or discrimination in pursuit of a fuller life.

This ebook features an extended biography of May Sarton.
Release dateJul 22, 2014
The Education of Harriet Hatfield: A Novel

May Sarton

May Sarton (1912–1995) was born on May 3 in Wondelgem, Belgium, and grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her first volume of poetry, Encounters in April, was published in 1937 and her first novel, The Single Hound, in 1938. Her novels A Shower of Summer Days, The Birth of a Grandfather, and Faithful Are the Wounds, as well as her poetry collection In Time Like Air, all received nominations for the National Book Award. An accomplished memoirist, Sarton came out as a lesbian in her 1965 book Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing. Her memoir Journal of a Solitude (1973) was an account of her experiences as a female artist. Sarton spent her later years in York, Maine, living and writing by the sea. In her last memoir, Endgame: A Journal of the Seventy-Ninth Year (1992), she shares her own personal thoughts on getting older. Her final poetry collection, Coming into Eighty, was published in 1994. Sarton died on July 16, 1995, in York, Maine.

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is an amazing book, by an author I wish I had discovered years ago. It isn't an easy read, as the subject matter can be difficult. The book is about a woman who has lost her lover and decided to start on a new journey in life. She discovers the riches of friendship with unlikely people, along with the horrors of fear society can hold. I often had to put the book aside because of the passages of hate and fear visited upon the heroine. Pick this book up, you will not regret it. I started this review by saying the book is amazing and I'm ending the review with the same word: amazing.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Liked the premise a great deal, but had issues with the execution. The time period was convincingly drawn and I appreciated the inclusion of specific authors and titles, some of which I had not encountered before. I found the style not very literary, which was surprising given the author. The way time flowed did not feel authentic, sometimes too fast and others too slow for the relationships to develop the way they did. And it may be a generational or class difference, but I felt that the main character felt older than her age.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I got this book when it first came out and at the time it was one of very few, at least to my knowledge, books of its kind. It is a positive story about an older lesbian grappling with the issue she never thought or talked about, as she supports other women. I always kind of wished her bookstore was real so I could find it, go there, and hang out.

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The Education of Harriet Hatfield - May Sarton


How rarely is it possible for anyone to begin a new life at sixty! When Vicky died our friends took it for granted that I would simply go on living, gardening, and reading for pleasure in our house; that I would go on unchanged by her death, as though I were not recovering from an earthquake, and persuaded that I must recreate a self I can live with for the rest of my life. Vicky had always been a power, and I suppose until now I was simply an adjunct to that power, doing volunteer work to keep busy, and managing the household for her. We were closely united, I see now, partly because I accepted early on that she had to be in control and so did everything I could to follow her lead.

I have been living since her death in a strange empty silence, wondering who I am now, and perhaps also who I was while she lived. In some ways it was rather like living with a thunderstorm, you see. Is a good marriage always founded on one of the partners willingly abdicating for the sake of peace?

I loved Vicky because she was such a fountain of energy and conviction, such a giver to life in her profession as editor and owner of a small publishing house, and, frankly, so devoted to me that I was carried along on her tides. We had a truly happy life together for thirty years. Who could ask for more?

But now that I have inherited money (she left me comfortably off) and a huge space around me and inside me, the question is what shall I do with them? I even thought of joining the Peace Corps; more than one woman my age has done so. But I knew really that the Peace Corps did not fit my needs or capacities and would be a temporary escape. So, what then?

It came to me one night that it had to be something useful, needed, and close to home, something I could invest in and make grow, something I could control for a change. That night I began to dream of a women’s bookstore, a bookstore which would be not only a place for buying books, but a meeting place, a welcoming refuge where people could browse and talk. Maybe there could be a fireplace and a table with comfortable chairs around it. As soon as I began to imagine this I realized it was exactly what I must do and I did not sleep a wink, my head was so absorbed in thinking and planning.

I had to laugh at myself for thinking I could embark on such a venture with no business experience whatever, but it felt like an instinct as powerful as a cow’s instinct to eat grass. That is what made me laugh, the certainty that I was at the same time a little crazy, no doubt, and absolutely right that this was the adventure for me, godsent, in fact. Hatfield House: A Bookstore for Women was the name that came to me at dawn.

More than once in our peregrinations, Vicky and I had stopped in at this sort of bookstore. There is one in Andover, for instance. Vicky liked to drop in at bookstores and talk with the owners. You have to keep your hand on the pulse of what people want, she often said. And of course the small bookstores were the great support of the sort of thing she published. I can talk them into taking things they would never have thought of, she also said. And I, tagging along, was amused to see what effect she did have. A stout woman as she grew older, she had, I suppose, what is called presence, a flashing blue eye, a hearty laugh, a vivid sense of who she was, and if no one there knew it, they soon would.

Victoria Chilton, she would announce and wait for an appropriate response. If none was forthcoming, for sometimes she had addressed a young part-time person, she would add, May I speak to the owner, please?

"Where is Fairfield?" she would ask, having glanced around the new-books table and not found her last success.

We had it, we had it, Miss Chilton, the owner might say, but it’s sold out.

You mean you ordered two copies and they have sold? She was laughing by then at herself as well as at the unfortunate owner of the bookstore. Vicky was aggressive, I have to admit, but not in a mean-spirited way. People liked her. No reason why you should order more but people are crazy about English houses these days and this is really a remarkable evocation of what country house life was like fifty years ago. I’ll make a deal with you. Take twenty more and if they don’t sell we’ll take them back.

And by then I had been introduced, we were drinking coffee, and it was all quite friendly and cozy.

The trouble is that evoking Vicky is dangerous for me because even six months after her death, it brings on a wave of acute loneliness. And at the same time, a wave of self-doubt. I am still the prisoner of the past, still overshadowed by my powerful and loving friend. Shall I ever discover who I am alone? And feel free to be that hidden person, whoever she may be?

The middle one in a family of three children, two boys and me, I have had to learn to be most of my life what other people expected of me. My brothers are awful teases and I learned early on to hide whatever was precious to me so it would not be laughed at. Vicky, on the other hand, an only child brought up like a boy, never doubted that what she most wanted she could have, and went about happily seeing that she got it. Her parents adored her, showing only faint surprise that they had produced such a determined character, and by their standards at least, such a maverick. So she decided against anything as usual as Barnard or Radcliffe and instead enrolled in the Sorbonne and spent two years in Paris. She made her way into the publishing business first as an adviser on foreign books to a university press, translated avant-garde works from the French, and had made a niche for herself in literary circles before she was thirty. We met at an Alliance Française luncheon in Boston where she introduced a French poet. I remember envying her evident enjoyment of being herself and doing what she did so well, but I was a little put off by her laugh that day. It did not occur to me that she had noticed me and when she came over to introduce herself and invited me to dinner that night at her parents’ house in Chestnut Hill, I was amazed.

You don’t even know my name, I remember saying.

No, but I like your face.

My name is Harriet Hatfield.

Please come to dinner, Harriet Hatfield.

Oh dear me, how long ago that was! Thirty years.

The trouble with overpowering people is that they tend to take over. I am a rather shy and private person and at first Vicky’s pursuit of me was alarming. I was not ready to enter into any such relationship. I had, I suppose, always been drawn to women rather than men but I had never even imagined what Henry James called a Boston Marriage. At twenty I had been in love once with a young man when I was a student at Smith but by the time we graduated I had come to see that I was not deeply in love, only dazzled, and I did not see myself as a doctor’s wife. I am really a rather selfish person and at that time as intact as a clam in a shell. I had a stopgap job at the Museum of Fine Arts in the order department of their shop, took a course or two there in history of art and watercolor painting, but I had no illusions about my gifts. Marriage was what I thought I wanted and there were various young men who liked my face as Vicky had said she did, and took me out to dinner. My brothers introduced me to their friends always hoping, and then teased me unmercifully because I did not fall in love.

Harriet is immune, Fred used to say.

By then he was married, which did not help. Only Andrew, the youngest, took my side. And my dear father, who sometimes intervened with a twinkle in his eye, said more than once that he liked me just the way I was and did not look forward to the day when I might leave home.

Meanwhile Victoria Chilton had erupted like a volcano on the domestic scene, making me feel more uncomfortable than I had been before, more on the defensive, more vulnerable than ever to family pressures. At the same time I was experiencing a strong undertow of feeling, and quite unable to see my way, in fact terrified of drowning. It was a year of battling Victoria, myself, and my family; a painful year which I would rather forget. But of course in the end she won and carried me off to Venice and the Italian Alps where I had never been.

How strange life is! With all the talk and analysis that goes on these days it astonishes me to think how little we talked about ourselves, how much we simply took for granted, for we were deeply in love. What we did was make plans, to find a house somewhere near Boston where Vicky could embark on publishing, for she knew exactly what she wanted to do, of course. She said things like, You’ll cook and I’ll garden, and sometimes I laughed at her because she seemed so sure about everything.

What if I don’t want to cook?

Then you won’t, that’s all. We’ll hire someone.

We were having a picnic in an olive grove, I remember, and it seemed to me that we were making a map of a new world, ours, and I knew I was committed to it. It was an extraordinary elation and sense of adventure that possessed me, and also, looking out over that peaceful landscape and its eternal images of olives and white oxen plowing in the distance, a sense of safety as though I had arrived at my destination after a long journey.

We are like the philopena in a double almond, I thought.

And now I have the same feeling, that Hatfield House will be the second great adventure for me, and that again I am arriving at my destination after the long journey through grief. And I am ready for whatever comes.


Today I have found the right place, I think, after weeks of searching first in Brookline, then in Wellesley, then in Somerville … looking for the right neighborhood as well as a house I can afford. I am sure I want to be in a neighborhood of diverse kinds of people but they must be readers, after all. I had been looking for a Victorian house, if possible with a mansard roof, large enough for at least two rooms for the bookshop and where I could myself live upstairs. Everything that seemed possible was too expensive, or so said my lawyer, Jonathan Fremont, an old Bostonian WASP who is Vicky’s executor and perhaps fears I may squander my inheritance. You will lose money on this venture for some years before you can establish yourself, so you must be wary, Miss Hatfield.

Nevertheless, all caution to the winds, I knew when I saw the house in Somerville that this was it. Many academic people taking refuge from Cambridge prices have settled there recently and there is as well a large working community of what Vicky called ordinary people: black, white, and Puerto Rican, Italian, Irish—a good mixture. When I saw the house I knew I had found the right nest. Downstairs there are three large rooms and a kitchen which I shall close off and use as a storeroom eventually. Upstairs, two big rooms plus a delightful old-fashioned bathroom with a copper tub in it, and a back room I shall convert into a small kitchen. There is a small barn where I can garage my car. What persuaded me was an atmosphere, a kind of distinction and charm that reached me at once, even though the place is rather run-down, needs paint and a lot of bringing back from years of neglect. In the front room there is a fireplace, I am glad to say, and that will be the center of the shop, with a round table perhaps and three or four comfortable chairs around it where customers can sit and browse.

I have been writing this late at night because I am too excited to sleep. I suppose I am a crazy old woman, but what fun it is to be free to be just that!

Fred, my older brother, who has now retired, has been unexpectedly quite a help. He volunteered to come and see the house, thought it a good investment much to my astonishment, and persuaded Mr. Fremont, who seems to regard me as some kind of incompetent old woman, that we should buy quickly. Somerville is changing rapidly, and all its real estate values are rising as a result of the influx of academic people.

But is the business itself a good investment? Mr. Fremont asked, his nose trembling slightly like a rabbit’s, his right hand twiddling his watch chain.

Of course not, Fred said. Oh how delighted I was! Harriet is not going into this for money, but as a public service, what? And, he said pointedly, surely Miss Chilton must have had some idea how her fortune would be spent, not on first-class round-the-world trips on the QE II, for instance!

I wonder what she did envisage, John Fremont murmured. She was such a definite woman herself.

Vicky never felt more at home than in a bookstore, you know, I ventured, and actually our library will be an asset as I start building up an inventory … if that is the word.

You are not intending to sell the library? Mr. Fremont was acutely upset and red in the face.

Oh not the important first editions, not the books we loved, but there might be five thousand or more accumulated over the years and all in good condition.

I can see that you have very clear ideas about all this, Mr. Fremont admitted grudgingly, but you have no business experience, after all.

I intend to hire an accountant, a business manager, whatever it is called.

Very good, but you can expect, from what I hear, to lose money for at least five years.

Where did you hear that? Fred asked.

I have made it my business to look into things.

At this I glanced over at Fred, who had taken out his pipe and was busy filling it. It’s going to take months to get work done in the house and it’s my intention to make a survey of women’s bookstores in various cities, talk to the managers, get some idea what the special problems and assets are. Do that while workmen are busy …

It’s to be a women’s bookstore, is it?


It was Fred who had asked the question, puffing a cloud of delicious sweet hay smell from his pipe, but I sensed at once a certain chill in the air emanating from both these men.

What in hell is a women’s bookstore? Books have no gender, do they?

Oh Fred, I winced, remembering all the times he had put me down when I wanted to ride a boy’s bicycle, when I played Hamlet in a school production—always, it seemed, when I wanted to do something women were not supposed to do. He is five years older than I and his power always has been in his ability to make me feel ridiculous in some way. But at the same instant I realized with a sense of triumph that I had gone beyond his ironies now because I had money. I had real power to do what I wanted to do, regardless of what anyone might say.

And I plunged in forcefully. The women’s bookstores are the equivalent these days of men’s clubs, I suppose. Places where women can talk to each other, find sustenance, and come to some idea of who they really are.

And complain about how insensitive and brutal men like your brother are, I presume. Fred blew out a cloud of smoke.

There they were, already, I thought, two men who have no idea what I am up to and already resent whatever it may be. Sorry, but my mind is made up. I know what I want to do and I am going to do it.

Thanks to Victoria’s money, said Mr. Fremont.

Let me tell you something, Mr. Fremont. For thirty years I helped Vicky run her business. I kept the household going. I made the garden. I ran her errands. I considered myself, and I was, an active helpmeet. I have earned that money, and Vicky, I feel sure, would be the first to back this adventure of the bookstore.

Are you so sure? Fred asked, putting on now that familiar mask of knowing it all. I did not get the impression that Vicky was a feminist.

That was, and he knew it, a body blow, for Vicky had been rather violently antifeminist. Like many powerful women with successful careers she was apt to identify with men rather than women and felt a little superior, perhaps, to women. Any woman who proves that she can do successfully what men do, in her case running a publishing house, is by her action rather than her belief, a feminist. It was said vehemently out of my own convictions, but once said, I saw the humor of it, and laughed. No feminist she, but don’t you see she taught me to be one by being what she was?

My little sister is growing up, Fred said then.

Yes, Fred, she is, and I looked him straight in the eye.

It is going to be an interesting experiment, Harriet, and I wish you well, wish you what your heart desires.

That was my first confrontation about the bookstore. And I felt that I had won, won at least my own self-respect. How long would it be before I could put my dream to the test?

It soon became clear to me that I am not a practical person, so at times in the next year I was in a state of panic because of a whole lot of business affairs that had to be concluded. Here I have to admit that Mr. Fremont was a helpful watchdog. The hardest thing was breaking up our house, selling furniture, for instance. But I kept Vicky’s big desk for myself, a kind of anchor for me in the bookstore part of the house, and was able to furnish my apartment upstairs very comfortably.

Angelica Lamb stepped in with an excellent suggestion of a young architect to draw up plans for the bookstore. Most of our friends were supportive even though most of them had no real sympathy with what I wanted to do. Angelica really behaved like a sister and without insisting made several other good suggestions. One was to draw people in with something other than books—cheese and wine, for instance. But I disagreed with her on that. I felt sure that once the shop existed and could be seen it would draw women in little by little. I also balked at her idea that I might have poetry readings, for I am not very interested in poetry. Vicky was, and I always felt ashamed that I just could not react as she did. In college at Smith I had majored in history and I had been fascinated for years by all that was coming out about herstory, how much had been buried about women’s lives in the past and was now being discovered.

Slowly my rather vague ideas were coming into focus. There must be a table or set of shelves devoted to what has become a kind of canon in the women’s study programs. There must be a large selection of paperbacks, of course.

But even Angelica raised doubts about the emphasis on women. Why does it have to be limited at all? A good bookstore should be open to all literature, she felt.

But here I was adamant. In the women’s bookstores I visited in Philadelphia, Washington, and New York I always had the sense not of limitation but of a door that had been opened and always I saw a great variety of customers.

I suppose the hardest day was when Vicky’s and my house in Chestnut Hill was emptied. It had sold for a very handsome price but I had not somehow faced the actual uprooting and every time a piece of furniture was carted off, I felt a sharp pang, as though it had become a piece of my own flesh. Then there was the garden. There would be no garden in the new house, no seed catalogs and plant catalogs; only book catalogs would come to me from now on. Would the new owners care for the garden? the tree peonies? the old-fashioned roses?

Oh Angelica, I cried out, what am I doing?

You simply must close it off, she said, you can’t look back now. You can’t afford to, Harriet. And she had dragged me off at five for a drink and supper at her house where I would find dear old Patapouf, our ancient Labrador retriever, waiting for me. Angelica had offered to take her in until I could have her back. And I hugged her and sat down beside her for she was really all that was left of my life with Vicky now. Patapouf licked my face and licked off the tears.

When we had settled down with a drink, Angelica looked across at me and raised her glass, "To the vita nuova, she said, and a brave woman."

Not brave, just driven, I said, taking a good gulp of scotch.

I see that, and I sometimes wonder what it is that drives you. You have chosen not to mourn. You have given yourself no time for that.

This surprised me. Had I not mourned? I had to admit to myself that there was some truth in her remark. I don’t know. I guess I have been fighting for a life of my own. I know it sounds odd, but really for years I have been living Vicky’s life.

You seemed an exemplary couple, you know. I often envied you. Angelica had not married, was involved in innumerable charities and good works, and took off on long travels until very recently. She was now over seventy, and although she often said she did not feel her age, I had noticed and so had Vicky that she was no longer embarking on journeys to Tibet or Timbuktu.

I loved Vicky, you know, and when one loves someone living their life does not feel limiting. I enjoyed Vicky’s powerful life and all that it drew into the house. But when she died, Angelica—this will shock you—I did not feel extreme grief.

Weren’t you lonely? Didn’t you feel cut in two?

Don’t laugh at me, but I think I felt very much as I did when I graduated from Smith, lots of woe at the loss of all that those four years had held and which was gone forever, but also a wild excitement. Now I can begin to live!

It is rather odd, Angelica granted. Her large pale gray eyes opened wide. She had never been a beauty but her unwavering eyes made her rather plain face arresting. I miss Vicky. She was such a life-giver. When she walked into a room the atmosphere became electric at once.

She took over.

Yes, I suppose she did. And she got up. I must see what Alice is up to in the kitchen. Excuse me for a moment.

For the rest of the evening we talked about the bookstore. Angelica was looking around for someone who could help me with the business side.

An efficient mouse is what I need.

One who will not take you over?

Exactly. One who does not displace very much atmosphere.

Joan Hampstead might do …

And who is that?

Oh, someone I have been on a committee with, the committee for the library, actually. She is a divorcée, needs a job, I think, and most important you would feel at ease with her. A very intelligent mouse.

And that is exactly what she turned out to be.

But after dinner I was suddenly exhausted and got a taxi to take me to the hotel where I was stowed until I could move into the new place. There I lay in bed, unable to sleep for hours. I missed Patapouf’s warmth beside me though she had become awfully heavy to lift onto the bed. And I wondered in a kind of anguish how I was going to manage this new life, what a lot I still had to prove to myself and the skeptical Mr. Fremont.


After all the frustrations and exhilarations of getting ready I sent out invitations to the opening of Hatfield House in early September for September tenth from three to six. Of course my list had had to be chiefly mutual friends of mine and Victoria’s, for whom else did I know? But I had posters stuck up at the Coop and a few other bookstores or shops that would accept one. Joan Hampstead was invaluable in helping do this as I was too shy to ask for myself.

By now we had established an easygoing working relationship and had some good laughs as we unpacked boxes and boxes and filled and arranged the shelves.

Should I shelve M. F. K. Fisher with cooking, women, or lit.? Joan asked, and we pondered and agreed that she really included too much else to be placed with Julia Child, the queen of the cooking shelf. I did succeed in my idea of a table filled with the classics of the feminist movement and a dazzling table of art books, biographies, and the newest poetry in Vicky’s honor. This table would be referred to as Harriet’s Choice.

I decided on champagne as the easiest and most festive drink, with orange juice in reserve for nondrinkers. Angelica insisted on having a huge cake catered for me, and that meant plates which we dashed out to get, paper napkins, of course, and plastic forks. Since the new owners of the house had not moved in I plundered the garden of chrysanthemums and asters, a glorious bunch in the middle of the round table in front of the fireplace. It was, as I had dreamed, surrounded by four small round leather armchairs where people could sit and read comfortably. I had placed my desk at the back where I could see what was going on but not obtrusively, and at half-past two I am saying a little prayer to Sylvia Beach, my heroine among women booksellers, to hover over us and give us her blessing. But when at three no one has showed, I begin to feel horribly nervous.

What if no one comes, Joan?

Patapouf, lying under my desk, gives a growl. No doubt she is dreaming. I had imagined that she would help put people at their ease, be the welcomer, waving her great black plume of a tail, but what if she thinks I am being invaded by hostile strangers?

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