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Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Hot Pursuit

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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The Internet...a world without rules, without boundaries. And it’s all just a click away...

Ryan Corrigan is not what most people would call a “cool” guy. He’s usually called something more like geek or cyber-nerd. Maybe it’s because he and his mom move almost every year, so he never gets a chance to make friends. Or maybe it’s because he spends most of his time glued to his computer. It’s his friend.

But now Ryan’s “friend” has gotten him into some big trouble. If Ryan doesn’t find a real ally fast, he could end up in jail—or worse, a victim of a terrible “accident.”

Different people in different places—the one thing they have in common is a new address on the Internet: Danger.com. Where all your fears come true…
PublisherSimon Pulse
Release dateJul 29, 2014
Hot Pursuit

Carolyn Keene

Carolyn Keene is the author of the ever-popular Nancy Drew books.

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    Hot Pursuit - Carolyn Keene



    DO YOU THINK Woody and the Hot Rods will be on that seaplane?" asked Bess Marvin, pointing to the small silver spot on the horizon.

    I may be a detective, but I haven’t mastered the fine art of seeing into the future—or into a plane yet, said Nancy Drew, laughing gently at her friend. She brushed her reddish blond hair off her face and reached for her sunglasses. The rays of the warm Caribbean sun danced on the water like sparkling diamonds, making it hard for her to even see the plane.

    Bess’s cousin George Fayne jogged up to the girls just then. Her short, dark hair was slicked back from her face, and her skin glistened with drops of water. The water’s great! she said, grabbing a towel and drying off.

    The three friends were vacationing at Pineapple Grove, a resort on the Caribbean island of St. John. From their position under a cluster of coconut palms, they could keep an eye on the other end of the cove, where seaplanes and water taxis landed to drop off and pick up resort guests.

    Bess was perched on the edge of her lounge chair now, her hands cupped above her pale blue eyes, shading them as she stared at the small plane that was now taxiing through the surf. I’ll just die if we don’t get a chance to meet the guys in the band.

    Admit it, Bess, George said, reaching for her suntan lotion. When it comes to guys, you’d like to meet them all—rock stars or not!

    Bess stopped staring at the seaplane long enough to give her cousin a look of mock indignation. You just don’t appreciate how lucky we are to be here at the same time the band’s going to be filming a video.

    Bess closed her eyes just then and crooned softly, ‘Look at the sky above—and launch into love—’

    Oh no, George groaned, rolling her eyes. Not another Hot Rods medley by Bess Marvin! She finished applying sun lotion and stretched her long, athletic figure out on a lounge chair, closing her eyes. Don’t wake me up until it’s over.

    Nancy glanced at her two friends, smiling to herself. Sometimes it was hard to believe Bess and George were cousins. Curvy, blond Bess’s main preoccupation was with guys, and her taller, athletic cousin was preoccupied with sports—and guys, sometimes.

    Bess stopped singing. Okay, okay. The Hot Rods may be a little better than I am, she admitted. Do you think they’re on that plane? she said, staring across the cove again.

    Maybe. They could be traveling in disguise to avoid screaming fans, George teased.

    I’d recognize them anywhere, Bess went on, as if she were the public relations agent for the group. Dark-haired, exotic Enrique ‘Ricky’ Angeles, wacky redheaded Woody Neal, and the gorgeous, blond Tucker Dawson. He’s my absolute favorite. Glancing at her two best friends, Bess added, I guess they’re sort of like the three of us—a blond, a redhead, and a brunette. . . .

    She paused and listened as steel drums playing calypso music rang out into the tropical air, bringing the cove to life. Calypso was the resort’s standard way of welcoming new guests. The girls watched as the visitors stepped from the seaplane onto the island and were greeted with flowers and tall, refreshing drinks. There were a young couple, a family of four, and two older ladies.

    No go. Bess sighed, collapsing back onto her lounge chair.

    Maybe they’ll be on the next plane, Nancy said hopefully. She watched absently as Steven Gibbs, the tall, blond owner of Pineapple Grove, strode toward the landing to personally welcome his guests.

    George had opened one eye to watch the welcoming ceremony. I read in a magazine that everything Gibbs touches turns to gold. Apparently, this land was just isolated jungle until he bought it. But he’s turned it into this fantastic resort.

    Nancy nodded. They’re not kidding when they call Pineapple Grove a ‘slice of paradise,’ she said, quoting the resort’s slogan. As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one thing missing.

    I bet you wish Ned were here, Bess guessed correctly.

    Ned Nickerson, Nancy’s boyfriend, was busy with his studies at Emerson College, near the girls’ hometown of River Heights. Just thinking about him, Nancy felt a familiar warm rush.

    I miss him, she admitted. But there was no way he could get away in the middle of a term.

    Her mind still on Ned, Nancy watched distractedly as the new arrivals gathered around Steven Gibbs and his staff. The music had stopped while Gibbs addressed the group. Nancy was too far away to hear what he said, but she did catch an occasional ripple of laughter from the small crowd.

    Gibbs really has a way with people, Nancy observed. I was impressed with him when he came to greet our plane yesterday.

    He does make you feel welcome, George agreed.

    The girls heard a round of applause, then saw the group begin to disperse. Bellhops gathered up the luggage and guided the new guests toward the flower-lined path that led to the lobby.

    Pineapple Grove had been built in the shape of a starburst. At the center was the main lobby, a huge glass dome that covered the round reception area, providing guests with spectacular views of the grounds and sea. Fanning out from the lobby were pastel-colored stucco buildings, two stories high and with terra-cotta roofs. These were where the guests stayed. Between the guest buildings were mazes of gardens, hot tubs, dining terraces, and thatched-roof huts that housed everything from small shops to kitchens.

    From the map of the resort which was in their room, Nancy knew that Pineapple Grove had been built on a hooked, isolated peninsula of St. John. The hook was surrounded on one side by high, rocky cliffs that formed natural protection for the sandy beach and calm bay waters where the girls now lay. A narrow, curving road was the only link to the rest of St. John.

    It sure is a scorcher, George said, tugging a visor over her short, dark curls.

    Let’s get something to drink before lunch, Bess suggested, looking for a waiter. The resort swarmed with helpful staff members, and their casual uniforms of turquoise print shirts and crisp white shorts made them easy to spot. Bess waved at one who was making his way down the beach. I’m dying to try a coconut cooler!

    The waiter had just returned with their drinks when Nancy noticed Steven Gibbs strolling down the beach. He was escorting a petite woman who was wearing a red swimsuit and a matching wraparound skirt. Her features were nearly hidden by sunglasses and a straw hat that she had cocked over her face.

    Here comes our host. Nancy nodded toward the couple. Maybe he can fill you in on the Hot Rods’ arrival.

    Who’s that woman with him? Bess asked curiously. She seems awfully familiar, doesn’t she? Like maybe a movie star or famous model.

    Sipping her cooler, Nancy idly watched as Gibbs found the woman an empty lounge chair not far from them. You know, she does look familiar, Nancy said. I just can’t place her, though.

    The resort owner brushed the sand from the chair and gestured for the young woman to sit. He was just about to leave when Bess called to him.

    Mr. Gibbs!

    He turned toward the girls. Call me Steve, please, he insisted, flashing them a dazzling smile. We’re all very casual around here. And your name is . . .

    Bess Marvin, she supplied. Then she introduced Nancy and George.

    Of course, Gibbs said. I never forget a face—especially such lovely ones! You arrived on the launch from Saint Thomas yesterday, right?

    Right. Bess was beaming. "We were wondering when Woody and the Hot Rods are going to arrive. The rumor that they’re shooting a rock video here is true, isn’t it?"

    Yes. The Hot Rods are coming. Gibbs pushed his hands into the pockets of his crisp linen suit. Despite the late-morning heat, he looked cool and energetic. But don’t tell me you came to Pineapple Grove just to see a rock band, he teased. Don’t we have anything else that might interest you? Snorkeling? Water-skiing? Maybe a shopping trip or two?

    We’re going out on the glass-bottom boat to check out the reef after lunch, Nancy told him. She didn’t want the owner to think that they didn’t appreciate all the great activities Pineapple Grove had to offer.

    And I’m sure I’ll go waterskiing at least once a day, George added.

    Gibbs smiled at them again. Well, that’s more like it. I’m sure you’ll find that the more you explore Pineapple Grove, the more you’ll find to keep you busy.

    Nancy’s a pro when it comes to exploring, Bess explained. She’s a detective.

    Really? I didn’t realize we had a detective in our midst, he said, glancing at Nancy. I hate to disappoint you, but I’m afraid you won’t find any mysteries here. Just—paradise.

    Nancy was impressed with Gibbs’s style. He made it look as if running a resort with hundreds of guests was the easiest thing in the world. And he certainly had the knack of making

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