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Owls have always featured prominently in the mythology and folklore of a variety of cultures. These mysterious nocturnal creatures are thought to be symbols of wisdom, omens of death, and bringers of prophecy. In fact, owls are one of the oldest species of vertebrate animal, with fossils dating back 60 million years.

Owls have been a source of inspiration to writers, artists, historians and naturalists alike. In a much-anticipated volume on one of Britain’s most fascinating group of birds, Mike Toms draws on a wealth of experience and research, providing a comprehensive natural history of British owls.

The first part of the book covers various aspects of owl taxonomy, origins, anatomy, behaviour and ecology and looks across the British owl species, drawing comparisons and highlighting differences. The second part takes each species in turn to provide a more detailed perspective, fleshing out relevant conservation issues, behaviour and status.

Toms explores Britain’s beloved Barn Owl, Tawny Owl and Snowy Owl amongst several others. He uses the vast database and latest research from his work with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) to focus particularly on the specifics of owls’ breeding ecology, their dispersal patterns, diet, vocalisations, description, population changes and mortality. He addresses conservation issues, changes in legislation and potential changes in the status of one of Britain’s most iconic birds, providing a fascinating overview of the biology and history of British owls.

Release dateJan 2, 2014

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    Owls - Mike Toms


    Introducing Owls

    OWLS ARE SO FAMILIAR and so different from other birds as to be instantly recognisable. The late Chris Mead once noted that ‘O’ is for ‘Owl’, reminding us that our knowledge of what is an owl is something that is often learned at a very early age. They feature in many childhood stories, poems, films and even computer games. Owls have a distinctive appearance which sets them apart from other birds. The round and rather oversized head, with its large forward-facing eyes, is perhaps the most ‘owl-like’ characteristic but the 240-plus recognised species share other features which, in combination, make an owl an ‘owl’. These include cryptically coloured plumage that is soft to the touch and often somewhat fluffy, a down-curved bill with a pointed tip for tearing flesh, powerful talons with sharp curving claws and a tendency to be chiefly nocturnal in habits. Present a birdwatcher with a species of owl they have never seen before and they will be able to say with confidence that it is an owl, something that would not necessarily be the case had the mystery bird been a thrush, warbler or finch.

    FIG 1. With their large, forward-facing eyes, strong facial disc and somewhat oversized head, owls have a distinctive appearance that sets them apart from other birds. (Emma Perry)

    Later in this chapter we will explore each of the features that characterise an owl in more detail, seeking to examine how they are used and how they might differ from the features seen in other bird families. In particular, we will examine how owl vision, hearing and plumage structure support the largely nocturnal and predatory habits of these birds. Our examples will be drawn from the British owls but, where appropriate, other species will be used to illustrate important points. Before we can do this, however, we first need to examine the taxonomic relationships that exist between owls and other bird families. We also need to look at the evolutionary history of owls, explaining how we arrived at the owl communities seen in Britain today.


    Writing in 1857, Charles Darwin predicted that a day would come when we would have ‘fairly true genealogical trees of each kingdom of nature’. Today we are at a stage where these trees – which we now call ‘phylogenetic trees’ – are fairly well established for nearly all groups of organisms. Even so, gaps remain in our knowledge and there has been much debate along the way about taxonomic relationships, particularly in relation to the exact placement of owls alongside other avian orders. An understanding of the relationships that exist between owls and other birds, and indeed within the owls themselves, is a necessary starting point for any research into owl ecology and behaviour. It is also essential for successful conservation action, providing a framework from which the importance of individual populations can be determined.

    The naming of parts

    From the very beginnings of scientific study, attempts have been made to classify living organisms into groups of related or similar species. The earliest classifications were highly simplistic. Aristotle, for example, separated birds into those that lived on land, those that lived on water and those that lived alongside water and it was not until the 17th century that a truly useful and recognisable avian classification was developed. This system, published by Frances Willughby and John Ray under the title Ornithologia, delivered a classification based predominantly on form (e.g. bill shape), an approach that we also see when, 60 or so years later, Linnaeus placed the owls within the order Accipitres alongside the falcons, eagles and vultures. The strong feet, sharp talons and hooked bill are characters shared by both owls and diurnal raptors and were taken to support common ancestry. Certain other features of owls, notably the large eyes, soft plumage and nocturnal habits, were believed by other scientists to suggest that the owls were actually more closely related to the nightjars (Caprimulgiformes). As recently as the early 1990s, a study using DNA-DNA hybridisation supported the placement of owls as nearest neighbours to the nightjars but, as we shall see below, this work has since been challenged and the position of the owls seems to have been finally resolved.

    FIG 2. Nightjars share large eyes, soft plumage and nocturnal habits with owls and were once thought to be their closest relatives, something now proved incorrect. (Joanne Lashwood)

    The use of morphological characteristics to establish the degree of relatedness between species can run into problems, particularly where two unrelated species show similarities in appearance simply because the shared characters happen to be similar solutions to the same evolutionary pressures. Convergent characters, such as the similarities in appearance seen in old and new world vultures, for example, are unrelated to the underlying phylogeny. A real breakthrough in resolving this problem has been the advent of affordable molecular and biochemical methods, for example the use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification of marker genes to allow the sequencing of DNA. The linear DNA molecule carries the all-important genetic information; during the process of cell division its double-stranded nature allows precise replication of the genetic material. Very occasionally, however, a replication error creeps in. If the error happens within a section of DNA molecule that acts as a gene associated with an important process then it may prove deleterious but if it happens elsewhere it may have little or no impact on the individual. Over time, after two evolutionary lines have diverged from their common ancestor, we would expect to see differences emerge within the genetic code because of these replication errors. If we can determine how often the replication errors tend to occur, then we can establish a measure of the genetic distance between the two organisms and, ultimately, construct an evolutionary tree (a phylogeny). Crude estimates from the work carried out to date, suggest that a 2 per cent level of nucleotide substitution equates to roughly 1 million years of divergence, providing the measure by which we can resolve the structure of our phylogeny.

    Two kinds of DNA have been the focus for these molecular studies. The first, known as mitochondrial DNA, is transmitted from the mother to her offspring in the cytoplasm of her eggs. Mitochondrial DNA evolves much faster than nuclear DNA (the second type of DNA used in these studies), in part because the mitochondria lack the mechanisms found in the nucleus for repairing mutations (it should be noted though that the latter are not infallible). Various mitochondrial genes have been used but the most widely favoured is the cytochrome b gene, which has proved to be a good marker at the species and genus level. It does, unfortunately, lose resolution for divergence events that happened more than 20 million years ago and this is where the more slowly-evolving nuclear genes have an important role to play. The inclusion of nuclear genes in studies also helps to tackle problems associated with inbreeding events and introgression (where the genes of one species enter the gene pool of another through hybridisation). The resulting phylogenetic tree represents a hypothesis of the relationships between individuals and does not necessarily present the true evolutionary history behind the tree. Recent and more sophisticated methods may provide an opportunity to reconstruct the route by which one sequence evolved into another.

    The relationship between owls and other birds

    The molecular phylogeny and systematics of owls have been the subject of detailed study by Professor Michael Wink and colleagues (Wink et al., 2008) who have, to date, examined roughly two-thirds of all recognised owl species. The results of this work have highlighted that, while most of our recent understanding of the relationships within the owls is correct, there are some inconsistencies.

    FIG 3. The evolution of owls. Redrawn from Ericson et al., 2006.

    The placement of the owls in relation to other birds is something that has attracted considerable debate, particularly with respect to resolving which birds can be regarded as being their closest relatives. A recent study, using five different nuclear genes, now provides good evidence that the owls are members of the Coronaves, where they fall into a clade with the diurnal raptors (excluding falcons), the latter clustering instead alongside the parrots and shrikes (Fain & Houde, 2004; Ericson et al., 2006). The nightjars (Caprimulgiformes), thought by some authors to be the owl’s nearest neighbours, are part of the Metaves, apparently resolving the debate over the distance between these two groups and it would seem that the similarities between owls and nightjars are the result of convergence (see Figure 3).

    Phylogeny and the British owls

    Molecular studies support the separation of the owls into two families: the Tytonidae (which includes the Barn Owl) and the Strigidae (which holds all the other British species). This treatment was initially proposed by Nitzsch who, working in the 1820s, also proposed that owls should be treated as a separate order (Strigiformes) distinct from the diurnal raptors. The Tytonidae are characterised by having a large head in relation to body size, long legs and a heart-shaped facial disc. Two genera are recognised within the Tytonidae: Tyto, which includes the typical barn owls, the grass owls, the sooty owls and the masked owls and Phodilus, the bay owls. It is thought that Tyto and Phodilus shared a common ancestor more than 10 million years ago. The Barn Owl Tyto alba is a variable taxon, with many subspecies recognised on the basis of geography, size and colour, and the work of Wink et al. (2008) provides good molecular evidence that at least some of these should be treated as full species. Two subspecies of Common Barn Owl have been recorded from Britain, namely Tyto alba alba and Tyto alba guttata. Barn Owls have been introduced into a number of regions across the world, complicating our understanding of the genetic structure of local populations.

    TABLE 1. Owl families and the placement of the British species (following Wink et al., 2008).

    Relationships within the Strigidae are much more complex than those seen in the Tytonidae – with its two subfamilies and two genera – and there is a great deal of variation across the individual genera. Think how different a 3,000 g Eagle Owl is to a 170 g Little Owl, not just in terms of size, but also diet, ecology and behaviour. The Strigidae has been subdivided into three subfamilies, with the work of Wink et al. (2008) recognising the Striginae, Surniinae and Ninoxinae, a slightly different arrangement from that proposed by previous authors (see Table 1). Wink’s reassessment suggests that the subfamily Asioninae, containing our Asio owls (Long-eared Owl Asio otus and Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus), would be better placed in the subfamily Striginae, where it would join most of our other owl species as a tribe, the Asionini. The other tribes within the subfamily Striginae proposed by Wink et al. (2008) are the Bubonini (Eagle Owl Bubo bubo and Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus), Strigini (Tawny Owl Strix aluco), Pulsatrigini, Megascopini and Otini.

    FIG 4. Little Owl taxonomy has been subject to recent scrutiny, highlighting several distinct lineages and a substantial degree of geographic isolation. (Jill Pakenham)

    Long-eared Owl and Short-eared Owl have traditionally been regarded as being closely related. However, the genetic differentiation between the two species is substantial, suggesting a long period of separate evolution, with the Long-eared Owl potentially more closely aligned with the South American Striped Owl Asio clamator and the Short-eared Owl showing taxonomic affinity with the Marsh Owl Asio capensis. The Eagle Owl and the Snowy Owl cluster within the Bubo complex, the latter species showing particular association through common ancestry with the Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus of North America. Discovery of this clustering prompted the recommendation, adopted by the British Ornithologists Union (BOU) in 2004, to correct the scientific name of the Snowy Owl from Nyctea to Bubo (Sangster et al., 2004). Wink and his colleagues found little differentiation within European Tawny Owl populations but did find evidence which suggested that the form found in Israel should be regarded as a distinct species Strix butleri. The Little Owl is placed in the tribe Surnini within the subfamily Surniinae and there is good evidence for several distinct Athene noctua lineages, indicative of a substantial degree of geographic isolation. It has, for example, been proposed that Little Owls from Cyprus, Turkey and Israel be recognised as a distinct species, the Lilith Owlet Athene lilith, separate from the Little Owls of Western Europe, including Britain.

    It is the treatment proposed by Wink et al. (2008) that is followed in this book. Thus the American Barn Owl Tyto furcata and the Australian Barn Owl Tyto delicatula are both treated as a full species, rather than as subspecies of the Common Barn Owl, something that makes interpretation of certain differences in ecology, behaviour and morphology that much clearer. A full revision of the whole Tyto genus is badly needed.


    Geologically speaking, birds are relative newcomers to the Earth’s fauna. Archaeopteryx lithographica, a species for which there are now several well-documented specimens, is regarded by most researchers as being the first known bird. Fossils of the species have been dated to roughly 150 Ma (million years ago) during the Upper Jurassic period. Archaeopteryx shares many characters with small bipedal dinosaurs, such as the dromaesaurids and troodontids, and it is widely regarded that it is from these dinosaurs that birds, including modern owls, originated. The question of how far down this evolutionary line Archaeopteryx should be placed has stimulated some debate, however, with a number of researchers questioning whether Archaeopteryx is actually a bird at all, rather than a dinosaur with feathers. Fossils from the early Cretaceous, notably the turkey-sized Jeholohis prima, are unquestionably birds, capable of active flight (Zhou & Zhang, 2002). Other bird fossils from this period have been collected in North America, Spain and China. It is not until the Eocene, however (c. 54 to 47 Ma) that we see quantities of fossil birds from the British Isles.

    Although bird bones are highly distinctive and thus separable from other vertebrate remains, they are fragile and this creates a patchy fossil record. Soft silts, such as those associated with wetlands and coastal areas, offer the best chances of fossilisation of delicate bones so the record of our ancient avifauna is dominated by the species linked with these habitats. It tends to be the more robust bones that survive, notably the tarsometatarsus, tibiotarsus, metacarpus and humerus, with the tarsometatarsus being the most commonly used element for species identification and placement within taxonomic groupings. Even so, owls are surprisingly well represented in the avian fossil record and the oldest known fossil that is unquestionably an owl comes from Palaeocene deposits dated to c. 65 to 56.5 Ma. This extinct owl, given the scientific name Ogygoptynx wetmorei, was discovered in Colorado, USA, and placed in the family Ogygoptynidae (Rich & Bohaska, 1976). Earlier remains from the Upper Cretaceous, collected in Romania and thought to be from an owl, have since been shown to be from one or more dinosaurs.

    An interesting discrepancy arises when you compare the dating of the fossil record for owls (and other species) with that derived from molecular studies. In many cases, molecular evidence produces a date for a given evolutionary event that is substantially earlier than that evident from the fossil record. This discrepancy may be linked to the patchy nature of the fossil record or it could result from a failure in the assumption that a molecular clock should run at a constant rate. Michael Benton tackled this tricky question by using knowledge of gaps within a known lineage to predict the gap that was likely to exist prior to the earliest known occurrence of that lineage. This was then compared with the date generated by molecular evidence to see if the two were now in better agreement. Using this approach, Benton took the earliest known example of an owl (at the time of his work) back from c. 58 Ma to 63 Ma (Benton, 1999). He also came to the conclusion that, even allowing for the presence of missing fossils, the molecular clock was likely to run faster during a period of species radiation, thus breaking the assumption that the rate was constant. Other discrepancies may arise from the incorrect placement of individual specimens within particular families, perhaps because key skeletal elements are missing or from poor work on the part of some early palaeontologists. It has been demonstrated, for example, that some specimens once identified as being from early owls were actually from other avian orders.

    FIG 5. The geological timescale against which the evolution and remains of British owls are dated. (Adapted from Yalden & Albarella, 2009)

    Much of our understanding of the evolution of owls comes from work carried out since the late 1980s. As new specimens are unearthed so our understanding will continue to develop and, quite possibly, change. Our current knowledge underlines that a major radiation occurred within the owls during or just prior to the Eocene (see Figure 5). Cécile Mourer-Chauviré, for example, reviewed material from Eocene, Oligocene and Lower Miocene deposits located at Quercy in southwest France. Mourer-Chauviré’s work led to the recognition of three owl families: Tytonidae, Selenornithinae and Palaeoglaucidae, the latter only properly recognised in 1982 when a new, more complete, owl specimen came to light in Germany (Peters, 1992). While the Quercy fossils reveal that the Tytonidae was highly diversified within Europe during the Eocene, it also suggests the absence of the Strigidae, this family not being represented within the fossil record until the Miocene (23.5 to 5.2 Ma), when it occurs in both European and North American deposits. It is during the Oligocene that the family Tytonidae is thought to have split into its two extant subfamilies (Tytoninae and Phodilinae). Further diversification of the owls occurred during the Miocene and Pliocene. It is also at this time that we see a species radiation within presumed small mammal prey and it is likely to be this event that helped to drive the radiation seen within the owls themselves. Evidence from the fossil record additionally suggests that the strigid owls began to supersede the tytonid owls during this period.

    Some early specimens thought to belong to the Strigidae have since been placed within the Tytonidae but Strix brevis (Lower Miocene, North America) and Bubo poirrieri (Lower Miocene, France) are considered to be correctly placed within the Strigidae. The earliest known member of the Tytonidae is probably Nocturnavis incerta, collected from Eocene deposits at Eschamps in France. The genus Tyto is represented within the fossil record by at least a dozen species, mostly associated with Pleistocene or Holocene deposits but dating back in one instance to the middle Miocene. Many of the fossil Tyto species are significantly larger than today’s barn owls and some of the island forms are particularly large. There is a wider tendency for island forms to become larger than mainland forms, a trait known as ‘gigantism’. An example of this in owls comes from the Gargano Peninsula in Italy, once an island, where Mlíkovský (1998) identified a single lineage of barn owls evolving to larger size, culminating in Tyto gigantea. Mlíkovský’s work also suggests the disappearance of barn owls from much of Europe during the early Miocene, matching the appearance of the Strigidae in the region and perhaps reflecting changing environmental conditions. We do, however, see their return from the middle part of the Miocene, although this time the fossil record suggests they are restricted to a single genus, Tyto.

    Early owls in the British Isles

    Most of the British Isles was submerged under shallow seas throughout the Miocene, our fossil record for birds not recommencing until the late Pliocene. The few fossils from this period come from seabirds rather than terrestrial species like owls. The Pleistocene (which followed and which covered the last 1.8 million years) in Britain was dominated by a succession of cold periods (the Anglian, Wolstonian and Devensian or ‘Late’ Glaciations) separated by warmer interludes (the Pastonian, Cromerian, Hoxnian, pre-Ipswichian and Ipswichian Interglacials) from which we see glimpses of a changing avifauna. One of the difficulties associated with studying the avifauna of this period is that the glacial events effectively wiped much of the record away as ice sheets pushed south.

    From the Pastonian Interglacial we have our first British record of an eagle owl, the specimen suggesting a form smaller in size than the modern Eurasian Eagle Owl and more similar to the present North African Pharaoh Eagle Owl Bubo ascalaphus (treated by earlier authors as a race of the Eurasian Eagle Owl). The other bird species identified from these deposits include Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus, Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, a buzzard Buteo sp., Guillemot Uria aalge and Razorbill Alca torda, suggesting a coastal avifauna of some familiarity. Other eagle owl remains come from the Hoxnian (Swanscombe, Kent), Wolstonian (Tornewton, Devon) and the Devensian (Langwith, Derbyshire). The specimens from both Swanscombe and Tornewton are of similar size to the modern-day form of Eurasian Eagle Owl. Our only definitive record of Snowy Owl comes from Kent’s Cavern (Devon) – a Late Glacial site from a period where both Arctic Lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus and Norway Lemming Lemmus lemmus are present (Harrison, 1987). It is interesting that there are so few examples of either Eagle Owl or Snowy Owl remains from British sites given the extent to which these species have been found at sites from the same period elsewhere in Europe (see Chapter 6).

    FIG 6. Excavations at Boxgrove in West Sussex have revealed some of our earliest records of British owls. (Boxgrove Projects, UCL)

    The first record of Tawny Owl comes from post-Cromerian Boxgrove, a site just inland from the present Sussex coastline and from which there is also evidence of early human habitation. A sizeable list of other species has been drawn up for the site but some of these identifications are best described as tentative because of the limited remains available from which to determine an identification. The avian community suggests an area with some woodland but with extensive wetlands nearby. Many of our other owls also make their first appearance in Late Glacial deposits. At Pinhole Cave (Late Devensian, Derbyshire) Barn Owl appears alongside reported specimens of Short-eared Owl, Tawny Owl, Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula and Tengmalm’s Owl Aegolius funereus, the latter two species suggesting the occurrence of a more northern avifauna than present today (Yalden & Albarella, 2009).

    The last 15,000 years

    As the Devensian Glaciation ended there followed a period of transition towards the warm temperate climate that we recognise today. This transition took roughly 5,000 years (lasting from 15,000 BP – before present – to 10,000 BP) and was associated with both warm and cool interludes. The evidence points to an initial period of tundra-like conditions, the British Isles hosting species such as lemmings, Reindeer Rangifer tarandus, Woolly Mammoth Mammuthus primigenius and, presumably, some bird species characteristic of the open tundra habitat; Snowy Owl would be a likely candidate. With continued warming we see the development of birch scrub in the southern part of the British Isles and the return of human hunters from what is termed the Upper Palaeolithic cultures. It is in the cave deposits associated with these hunters that we find the remains of birds, including owls. Some of these remains have been radiocarbon-dated, placing them at 12,600 BP to 12,110 BP (well within the warmer period known as the Windermere Interstadial). From the caves at Cresswell Crags (on the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire border) we have gamebirds like Ptarmigan Lagopus muta and grouse Lagopus spp., which dominate the remains, together with Short-eared Owl (two individuals), Tengmalm’s Owl and Northern Hawk Owl. Further south, from Soldier’s Hole in Cheddar Gorge (Somerset) we find another community dominated by grouse and Ptarmigan, this time with Long-eared Owl and Short-eared Owl represented.

    FIG 7. The retreat of the glaciers and a warming climate saw the succession from open tundra habitats to woodland ones. (Mike Toms)

    The Windermere Interstadial was followed by a short period of colder conditions, known as the Younger Dryas, most likely forcing the Palaeolithic hunters to retreat south and presumably greatly altering the avian community present. Two cave sites provide a glimpse of the avian communities during this period. Eagle Owl is recorded from Ossom’s Cave (Staffordshire) at a date of c. 10,780 to 10,600 BP and a likely Snowy Owl comes from Chelm’s Combe Shelter at Cheddar (with a date c. 10,910 to 10,190 BP). The likely Snowy Owl bone – a metacarpal, intermediate in size between the two species – was originally reported as belonging to an Eurasian Eagle Owl, but Stewart (2007), in his review of the fossil remains of the species, suggests that Snowy Owl might be a more likely candidate.

    From about 10,000 BP we see the final period of warming, representing the beginning of the Postglacial or Holocene Period. Returning human hunters of the now Mesolithic culture provide us with some of the best sources of subfossil birds. Archaeological excavations at cave sites suggest that the landscape was in transition from the open habitats of the Devensian Glaciation to the wooded habitats of the later Mesolithic. The bird communities identified from the archaeological remains largely reflect this change but it is worth remembering that the species represented will also be influenced through their use by Mesolithic peoples. Quarry species, hunted for food, tend to dominate and smaller – largely passerine – species are likely to be under-represented. One of the most famous sites from this period is Demen’s Dale in Derbyshire, from which a diverse bird community has been identified. In addition to the gamebird and waterfowl quarry species we also find the remains of Tawny Owl and the unmistakable tarsometatarsus of a Eurasian Eagle Owl. This individual is the latest certain record of the species in the British Isles as a native. A later record, from the Iron Age Meare Lake Village is of uncertain identity and could not be traced when Stewart came to review published material in 2007.

    So what do these records tell us about the owl community at this time and, additionally, going forward further into the Neolithic? As the landscape became more wooded we are likely to have seen Snowy Owl increasingly restricted to more northerly locations, following the retreating tundra habitats. Short-eared Owl may also have retreated further north, though it is likely that populations would have remained established along the coastal margins, where wetlands provided nesting cover and hunting opportunities. Tawny Owl is well represented in the subfossil record and is likely to have been the most common owl within the extensive woodland habitats that were emerging. Yalden & Albarella (2009), using breeding densities derived from Białowie ża’s ‘wild wood’ habitats, suggested that the Mesolithic Tawny Owl population was roughly 160,000 breeding pairs, considerably larger than the current population estimate for the British Isles of c.20,000 pairs. Yalden & Albarella also produced estimates for Eurasian Eagle Owl (c. 450 breeding pairs) and Barn Owl (c. 1,000 breeding pairs). Barn Owl would have been restricted to open habitats, most likely those associated with the coastal fringe of southern Britain, while Eurasian Eagle Owl is likely to have occupied wooded and upland fringe habitats, occurring at a fairly low density. The sparsity of the British records of Eurasian Eagle Owl may, in part, be explained by the low breeding density but it is in sharp contrast to that for Sweden, where the species is well-represented in later Viking burial sites. Since there is good evidence that the species was used as a decoy in falconry, the greater abundance of records from Sweden may reflect cultural differences or, as has been suggested by several authors, the early loss of the species from the British Isles either through persecution or habitat modification.

    As the influence of human communities begins to play its part in shaping our owl populations it is time to turn our attentions to other aspects of the British owls and to identify what sets them apart from other bird species. We shall return to the interactions between humans and owls later in Chapter 6, bringing the association up to the present day.


    The owls show a high degree of uniformity in their structure compared to that seen in many other avian families. The skeleton is typically avian in character, additionally displaying a number of the features that reflect a predatory lifestyle, such as the hooked beak and long claws. Another feature associated with the owl as a predator is the shape of the skull. The owl skull is proportionally much broader than that seen in other birds of comparable body weight. This greater width, together with the flattened front face to the skull that is a feature of many small owl species, is linked to the large eyes which provide binocular vision. The width of the skull may also aid sound localisation because the ear openings can be placed farther apart, increasing the lag time between a sound hitting one ear and then the other. The skulls of those owls belonging to the Strigidae have a more rounded appearance, with larger eye sockets, than those of the Tytonidae, the latter being more elongate and with smaller sockets. The bill also tends to be more elongated in the Tytonidae (Table 2).

    TABLE 2. Dimensions of the skulls of British owls.

    FIG 8. A small number of owls, including this Tengmalm’s Owl, show a striking asymmetry to their skulls, linked to their sharp hearing. (Mike Toms, redrawn from Collett, 1871)

    FIG 9. Differences between the Tytonidae and Strigidae can be seen in the shape and structure of their skulls, as these Barn Owl (a–c) and Tawny Owl (d–f) skulls show. (Katrina van Grouw)

    Each eye is positioned within a sclerotic tube, something that virtually prevents an owl from moving the eyeball in any way; owls cannot roll their eyes, for example. Owls, therefore, have to rotate their head in order to see what is happening around them, something they can do to a very great extent thanks to a long and flexible neck, rotating through an arc of roughly 270°. Owls may also be seen ‘bobbing’ their head or moving it from side to side, a behaviour associated with extending the effectiveness of the owl’s binocular vision and something to which we will return later in this chapter. A small number of species show a degree of skull asymmetry that is linked to the asymmetrical positioning of the internal ears (see Figure 8). These include: Ural Owl Strix uralensis, Tengmalm’s Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus and, again, this is something to which we will return later in the chapter.


    A number of the features exhibited by owls are associated with their nocturnal habits. Before we explore these features in greater detail we first need to examine nocturnal activity itself, quantifying the extent to which it is exhibited by owls and addressing the reasons why owls might choose to be active at night. Nocturnal activity, or nocturnality as it is often called, is rare in birds, with perhaps less than 3 per cent of the world’s avian species carrying out all aspects of their life cycle between dusk and dawn. The sense that owls are unusual in being nocturnal is further reinforced by our own diurnal nature. Night-time can seem like an alien world to us and this may be one reason why owls feature so prominently in folklore and superstition, belonging as they do to that ‘other world’ (see Chapter 6).

    FIG 10. It is with the darkness of night that we associate our owls. (John Harding)

    An examination of the 250 or so owl species – based on König & Weick (2008) – for which information is available, suggests that just over two-thirds of the world’s owl species are nocturnal or strictly nocturnal in their habits. A further 12 per cent are crepuscular/nocturnal, leaving 15 per cent as crepuscular/diurnal and just 3 per cent as diurnal. A number of species appear to be active during either day or night. We know very little about the activity patterns of many owl species so it is likely that our knowledge of the extent of nocturnality will develop over time.

    Nocturnality in other avian families appears to be restricted to species that utilise open, spatially simple habitats. This is certainly true of the nightjars Caprimulgus spp. and the stone-curlews Burhinus spp. In contrast, the more strictly nocturnal owls are species associated with well-wooded and structurally complex habitats, while those associated with open habitats (e.g. Snowy Owl and Short-eared Owl) tend not to be so strictly nocturnal and can often be seen on the wing during the hours of daylight. Martin (1990), looking at nocturnal behaviour in birds, defined three groups of owls based on the degree of nocturnal activity and habitat use. Martin also recognised that many owls did not fit neatly into these groups because the degree of nocturnal behaviour was modified by location, season, local habitat and prey availability. Even an essentially nocturnal species like Tawny Owl may, on occasion, be observed during daylight. One of our local Breckland birds was often seen hunting well before dusk during one particularly wet summer (I. Evans, pers. comm.). Diurnal observations may involve birds disturbed from a roost or they may be a genuine response to poor feeding conditions during the previous night. Both Barn Owl and Little Owl certainly show a flexible approach to their activity patterns, with certain individuals of the former species characterised by a tendency to hunt during daylight hours (often late afternoon during the summer, pers. obs.).

    A relationship between nocturnal activity and the nature of exhibited territorial behaviour has also been suggested by Graham Martin, who noted that highly territorial and sedentary species tended to be strictly nocturnal in their habits. Martin put forward the Tawny Owl as an example of this, with Snowy Owl and Short-eared Owl offered as examples of species with a more nomadic nature that tended to be less nocturnal in their activity patterns. As we shall see elsewhere in this book, knowledge of a territory (and the likely location of prey within that territory) can be of particular importance to a bird like a Tawny Owl, which is a perch and wait predator. Hunting within the complex structure of a woodland, this is likely to be a more effective strategy for a Tawny Owl than hunting on the wing in the ‘dark of night’.

    Why might owls be nocturnal?

    A number of different reasons have been put forward to explain nocturnality in the owls. These include: i) dietary spectrum, ii) competition for food, iii) reduction of predation risk, iv) thermoregulation and v) the avoidance of biting insects transferring blood parasites. Many owls feed on prey that are themselves nocturnal, such as certain small mammals, together with many insects and other invertebrates. Being active during the night provides access to these prey species at a time when few other avian predators are on the wing. It is interesting to note that some of the more strictly nocturnal owl species (e.g. Tawny Owl) tend to have a wide dietary spectrum, while many of the species that tend to take a reduced range of prey species (e.g. Short-eared Owl) are typically crepuscular or diurnal in habits. Competition with diurnal birds of prey may, therefore, be a more important driver for nocturnality than prey spectrum. The Galápagos Short-eared Owl Asio galapagoensis (treated by some authors as an aberrant race of Short-eared Owl) is found on most of the islands within the Galápagos Archipelago. It shares many of the islands with the Galápagos Hawk Buteo galapagoensis and where the two occur together the owl is largely nocturnal in its habits and the hawk always diurnal. On those islands where it occurs in isolation, the Galápagos Short-eared Owl is active during both night and day, suggesting that the more dominant hawk limits diurnal foraging opportunities, either through competition or direct interaction.

    The potential for competition with diurnal birds of prey can also be seen in the literature surrounding our British owls. During a study of the activity patterns of Short-eared Owls on Orkney, Reynolds & Gorman (1999) recorded 146 prey capture events that occurred during daylight hours. On 11 occasions (7.5 per cent) the researchers witnessed successful food piracy by Hooded Crow Corvus cornix or Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus. Harassment of the owls by other species (e.g. seabirds and waders) was also noted frequently. There are many other examples of British owls hunting during daylight or twilight and being harassed or robbed by other bird species, including Kestrel Falco tinnunculus (e.g. Everett, 1968).

    A bigger threat, potentially, is that of predation, with owls known to feature in the diets of certain larger birds of prey, including Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos, Red Kite Milvus milvus, Buzzard Buteo buteo, Peregrine Falco peregrinus and Goshawk Accipiter gentilis (Mikkola, 1976; Ratcliffe, 1993). Owls exhibit relatively slow flight compared to their main avian predators and daylight activity is likely to elevate predation risk. A radio-tracking study of Tawny Owls in Denmark, examining roosting behaviour in relation to age and breeding status, found that 73 per cent of the owls which died from natural causes were killed by diurnal birds of prey, notably Goshawk (Sunde et al., 2003a). Examination of roosting behaviour, both within this study and, experimentally, in a later study (Hendrichsen et al., 2006), revealed that the owls generally favoured less exposed roosting sites, often using these repeatedly for months at a time. Adult birds with dependent young were found to roost in more exposed sites, close to where the young were, suggesting that they sacrificed some of the protection afforded by roosting in cover with the greater vigilance needed for defence of the young. Newly independent young roosted in the most exposed locations and at a lower height on average. This could suggest they were less experienced or it could be that they were trading off roosting cover against the need to catch at least some prey during the day. The latter hypothesis gains some support by the fact that newly independent owls roosted in more exposed locations during years of low small mammal abundance than they did when favoured small mammal prey were more abundant. The researchers also discovered that young birds that had been exposed to the presence of a Goshawk subsequently roosted in less exposed locations than youngsters that had not been known to have been in contact with an avian predator.

    FIG 11. During winter, Short-eared Owls can often be found hunting during daylight hours over suitable areas of rough grassland. (Steve Round)

    Diurnal predation may be linked to the mobbing of roosting owls by smaller birds, which is in itself linked to roosting location. Using stuffed Tawny Owls, Ditte Hendrichsen and colleagues found that the probability of being mobbed was six times greater for exposed roost locations than for those with the best cover. Interestingly, the probability of being mobbed was twice as great before noon than after it, suggesting that small birds were more active in the morning. Mobbing of this nature may reduce an owl’s fitness through the stress imposed by the need for increased alertness or because it increases the risk of predation by an avian predator attracted to the commotion. Nocturnal activity, coupled with cryptic daylight roosting, may act to counter this risk.

    Nocturnal hunting in British owls

    British owls feed predominantly on small mammals, favouring Field Vole Microtus agrestis, Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus and Common Shrew Sorex araneus, among others. Shrews, with their high energetic demands, are active throughout the 24-hour cycle and show bouts of activity lasting from 30–120 minutes alternated with periods of rest. Both Common Shrew and Water Shrew Neomys fodiens are most active just after sunset and just before sunrise, with the bulk of activity taking place during the hours of darkness. Pygmy Shrews Sorex minutus appear to be equally active by day or night (Churchfield, 1982). Field Voles also show regular periods of activity, interspersed by periods of rest, that run throughout the 24-hour cycle. These periods of activity show a periodicity of c. two hours, which is somewhat shorter than the three-hour periodicity noted in the larger Orkney Vole Microtus arvalis (see here). Vole activity tends to be greater in the first part of the night (up until midnight) than after. Wood Mouse is a mainly nocturnal species, usually showing a single period of activity, the timing of which is correlated with the time of sunset, and individual mice may spend up to two-thirds of the night active, but this varies with season, habitat quality, moon-phase and the degree of cover available. In North America, moon-phase has been demonstrated to influence predation on the Deermouse Peromyscus maniculatus by Short-eared Owls (Clarke, 1983). Deermouse activity is suppressed under the light conditions associated with a full moon and the owls’ hunting effectiveness increases with the degree of night-time illumination.

    The activity patterns of these small mammals may well drive the patterns of activity seen in the owl species that prey upon them. Reynolds & Gorman (1999) found an interesting degree of synchrony between the activity of the Short-eared Owls in their study population and the Orkney Voles upon which they fed. Radio-tracking evidence from this study suggested that the owls were timing their hunting excursions to match the period when the voles were active, with both species showing a short-term periodicity of c. three hours. The owls were chiefly nocturnal during the autumn and early winter but showed an increased degree of diurnal activity from March through into July. While nocturnal hunting behaviour appeared to be favoured by these Short-eared Owls, possibly to reduce the level of harassment and kleptoparasitism, the owls may have increased the amount of diurnal activity to target the abundance of voles, counter the shortened hours of darkness and meet the energetic demands of their growing young. Similarly, the amount of diurnal activity seen in Short-eared Owls within a study population on the Scottish mainland also underlines a preference for nocturnal activity. Here, despite territorial birds being present close to all of the observation points used in the study, the owls were found to be active for just 4.8 per cent of the diurnal observation time (Calladine et al., 2010). The related Long-eared Owl is almost entirely nocturnal in habits, with diurnal activity an irregular occurrence outside of the breeding season (Scott, 1997).

    FIG 12. Barn Owls can regularly be seen hunting at dusk, particularly during the breeding season when they have young to feed. (Jill Pakenham)

    A degree of synchrony between other vole predators and their prey has also been noted for Buzzard, Hen Harrier and Kestrel. Within Britain, and indeed within other parts of northern Europe, the Barn Owl is chiefly nocturnal in habits. Most Barn Owls tend to hunt from soon after dusk through until about 2 am, with a secondary bout of activity around dawn. It has been suggested that these peaks in activity are also linked to the activity patterns of voles. Trapping studies have revealed that peaks in Field Vole activity occur at dawn and dusk during the summer months, the species becoming more nocturnal in habits on hot summer days and more diurnal in habits on cold winter days, the latter perhaps a deliberate response to reduce heat loss. These peaks in activity are superimposed upon the series of regular feeding bouts already outlined above for other small mammal species. More generally, the activity of Field Voles and other small mammal prey species may vary with sex or age; for example, adult males tend to be more active than adult females, while juvenile Field Voles tend to be more nocturnal in habits than adults. Differences in small mammal activity patterns may also influence which prey species are taken by owls. For example, Hosking and Newberry, watching prey deliveries to a Barn Owl nest in the 1940s, noted that later into the night the birds were more likely to bring in Common Rats Rattus norvegicus than Field Voles, possibly reflecting a change in prey availability or a change in the owl’s own hunting behaviour, perhaps with the birds spending more time hunting around the farmyard in which the nest was located during that part of the night when the activity of the voles dropped elsewhere.

    Many Barn Owls will,

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