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Sustainable Plastics: Environmental Assessments of Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics
Sustainable Plastics: Environmental Assessments of Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics
Sustainable Plastics: Environmental Assessments of Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics
Ebook580 pages11 hours

Sustainable Plastics: Environmental Assessments of Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics

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Providing guidelines for implementing sustainable practices for traditional petroleum based plastics, biobased plastics, and recycled plastics, Sustainable Plastics and the Environment explains what sustainable plastics are, why sustainable plastics are needed, which sustainable plastics to use, and how manufacturing companies can integrate them into their manufacturing operations. A vital resource for practitioners, scientists, researchers, and students, the text includes impacts of plastics including Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) and sustainability strategies related to biobased plastics and petroleum based plastics as well as end-of-life options for petroleum and biobased plastics.
Release dateSep 22, 2014
Sustainable Plastics: Environmental Assessments of Biobased, Biodegradable, and Recycled Plastics

Joseph P. Greene

Dr. Joseph P. Greene is a retired professor with 20 years of teaching experience at the Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing Department of California State University, Chico. Prof. Greene received a PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1993 from the University of Michigan. He began teaching at California State University, Chico, in 1998 after a 14-year career with General Motors Corporation in Detroit, MI. His research interests include plastics materials for automotive applications, bio-based and biodegradable polymers, recycled plastics, composting technology, and anaerobic digestion.

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    Sustainable Plastics - Joseph P. Greene


    Plastics are one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century. Plastics enable products to be made that meet the needs of the public for plastic applications. Plastics make life easier for all of us. We can purchase food, drink, and consumables in safe, lightweight, and clean containers and packaging made from plastic. We can drive around or be transported in a vehicle that is comfortable, pleasing to the eye, and safe thanks in part to plastics. We can communicate with small electronic devices that keep us connected with one another and also help entertain us with real and fantasy worlds.

    Plastics are lightweight and easily thrown away with other heavier debris. Plastics can be recycled and reused many times. However, the lightweight benefits of plastics can cause them to be airborne and difficult for waste management companies to collect and dispose them off in landfills or other disposal environments. The lightweight plastics can occupy large volumes of landfills and can be a litter problem for land and sea. Floating plastics debris might be the final legacy of our disposal-society generation. Through education and training we can help our younger people become the sustainable generation. We can educate them in the ways of producing products and services with reduced environmental impacts. Products and services can be created with minimal waste, greenhouse gases, and pollution. This book can help provide information on creating lightweight and sustainable plastic products for our sustainable world.

    Bioplastics today can be made from corn, soy, sugarcane, potato, or other renewable material source. Petroleum plastics can also be sustainable if they are made from renewable or recycled material sources. The manufacturing process also can also be sustainable. Plastics have the opportunity to define sustainable materials that are made from renewable or recycled materials sources, made with lower energy, produce less pollution, and have a low carbon footprint. Sustainable plastic materials also are recycled or composted at the end of the product service life. This book will define sustainability and sustainable materials and provide practical examples of sustainable plastics and provide examples of life cycle assessments (LCA) for these materials. This book can be used for education and training for plastics professionals and students who are interested in creating sustainable products.

    Sustainable plastics can include biobased, biodegradable, and recycled plastics. LCAs will be used to provide a scientific explanation of sustainable plastics. The content of the book includes definitions of sustainability and sustainable materials, evaluations of the environmental concerns for industry, definitions of life cycle assessments, explanations of biobased and recycled plastics, and examples of sustainable plastics as defined by LCAs.

    The author would like to thank Ms. Vanessa Vaquera for providing the artwork in the book.


    The author would like to dedicate this book to Dr. James O. Wilkes, Chemical Engineering Department, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.



    American Chemistry Council


    Alpha hydroxyl acid


    Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (ASTM D6686)


    American Society for Testing Materials




    Biochemical oxygen demand (ISO 14851)




    Carbon dioxide equivalent


    German Organization for Standardization


    Department of Energy




    Environmental Protection Agency


    Greenhouse gas


    General purpose polystyrene


    Greene sustainability index


    Global warming potential


    High density ethylene


    High impact polystyrene


    Liquid Scintillation Counting (ASTM D6686)


    Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (ASTM D6686)


    Integrated stretch blow molding


    Life cycle assessment


    Life cycle inventory


    Low density polyethylene


    Mono-ethylene glycol


    Materials recovery facility


    Municipal solid waste


    Oriented polystyrene sheet


    Polyethylene terephthalate


    Poly glycolic acid








    Poly lactic acid


    Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential






    Poly vinyl chloride


    Refused derived fuel


    United States Department of Agriculture


    Introduction to Sustainability


    Sustainability has many definitions. The most common definition of sustainability has its roots in a 1987 United Nations conference, where sustainability was defined as meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs (WCED 1987). Sustainable materials, processes, and systems must meet this definition and not compromise the ability of future generations to provide for their needs while providing for the needs of the current generation. Thus, for plastics manufacturing, materials and processes used today should not deplete resources for future generations to produce plastic materials.

    Sustainability can be measured by the outcomes of using a material, process, or system on the environment, society, and economy. The three components of sustainability have economic, social, and environmental aspects and are related with each other as shown in Figure 1.1. Materials, processes, and systems can have environmental, economic, and societal impact. Sustainable materials, processes, and systems have all three impacts. For example, the development of materials will have environmental impacts of using raw materials, energy sources, and transportation that come from natural resources, which can create air, land, and/or water pollution; economic impacts are creating commerce, jobs, and industries; societal impacts are creating roles for jobs and services. Organizations are often analyzed with a Triple Bottom Line approach to evaluate the social, economic, and environmental performances of a company (Esteves et al. 2012). This approach is the key to creating a sustainable organization.

    Figure 1.1 Sustainability definition.

    Examples of sustainability measures were developed for using a holistic approach from sustainability measurements of technology use in the marine environment (Basurko and Mesbahi 2012). The environmental effects of ballast water were measured with an integrated quantitative approach of sustainable assessment. The systematic approach can provide environmental, economic, and social sustainability for marine technologies. The sustainable tool allows for the inclusion of sustainability principles to the design and operations of marine products. Sustainability can be effectively incorporated into the design phase of products and services and create reduced environmental, social, and economic impacts. The sustainable tool was created with LabView® software with SimPro® life cycle assessment (LCA) program to provide an integrated approach with a single indicator to reduce the environmental, social, and economic impacts of ballast water effects on the ocean quality.

    1.1.1 Societal Impacts of Sustainability

    The first aspect of sustainability can measure the impacts of products and processes on the society. The societal impact of using a material and manufacturing process can be measured by the effects on the population and the roles of the workers in the community. Sustainable manufacturing processes are defined as providing proper wages for the workers and a clean and safe work environment. The method and environment of producing a manufactured product can result in impacts on a person, group, and community.

    The wages, benefits, hours per week, safety, and other human resources provided to an individual worker contribute to the quality of the product or process and the ability of that product or process to maintain its presence in the marketplace. A workplace that produces a product or process without wages and benefits that are appropriate to the workers in the region can lead to high turnover rates of workers, poor worker moral, and loss of personal buy-in for workers. The product or service will not be sustainable since it may not last if few workers are available or the environment may suffer tragic losses due to health or safety concerns. Poor working conditions and poor wage structures may benefit the economics of the current company but may lead to poor working environments for future workers and thus is not sustainable.

    Sustainable workplaces feature the maintaining of welfare levels in the future (WCED 1987). Welfare can be defined as a subjective measure of the sum of all individual's utilities generated from the consumption of goods, products, and services (Perman et al. 2003).

    1.1.2 Economic Impacts of Sustainability

    The second aspect of sustainability can measure the economic impacts of using a material and manufacturing process to produce products. Sustainable manufacturing processes are defined as providing proper wages for the workers and clean and safe work environments.

    Economic impacts of sustainability can be measured with a capital approach that can be defined as maintaining economic, environmental, human, and social capital over time for future generations (Kulig, Kolfoort, and Hoekstra 2010). The capital approach can be proposed as a theoretical basis for sustainable development indicators (Atkinson and Hamilton 2003; World Bank 2006; UNECE 2014). The capital approach provides a theoretical approach by measuring all capital stocks in their own units. The capital approach can provide consistent, theoretically sound, and policy-relevant comparisons between countries (Kulig et al. 2010).

    The economic impact of using a material can be measured by the effects on the creation of jobs and industry for communities. The creation of jobs can lead to creation of taxable bases and tangible property. In addition, the use of sustainable materials and processes can lead to reduced energy, transportation, waste disposal, and utility costs for manufacturing operations. Sustainable enterprises can be defined as Lean and Green, where manufacturing costs are minimized, and manufactured materials are made with reduced environmental impacts. Recycling of metals, plastics, glass, paper, wood, waste inks and concentrates, waste oils, and industrial fluids can reduce the amount of trash that is sent to landfills and hazardous disposal sites and reduce the waste disposal costs. Use of recycled or biobased plastics can reduce the manufacturing costs of some plastics. Use of lower energy pumps, motors, and lighting can reduce energy costs for plastics manufacturing.

    The incorporation of sustainability into the business plan can lead to a design for sustainability paradigm where an eco-design approach can lead to integrating social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects into the supply chain of an eco-friendly product line. This can lead to healthy organizations providing good jobs to healthy employees and contributing to the social network of the organization and community.

    1.1.3 Environmental Impacts of Sustainability

    The third aspect of sustainability can measure the environmental impacts of producing a product or system in terms of usage of natural resources for raw materials, energy, and real estate land. The production of plastic products can generate greenhouse gases (GHGs), solid and liquid waste, air pollution, water pollution, and toxic chemicals. Environmental aspects are measured with the life cycle process explained in Chapter 3.

    Strategic environmental assessment can be used to provide a basis for establishing sustainability for products and services (White and Noble 2013). Strategic environmental assessment can help ensure that policies, plans, and programs are developed in a more environmentally sensitive way. Strategic environmental assessment can support sustainability by providing a framework for decision making, setting sustainability objectives, ensuring consideration of other sustainable alternatives, and promoting sustainability outcomes through institutional learning. Several common themes emerged from a review of using strategic environmental assessment of sustainability including:

    Providing a decision support framework for sustainability

    Being adaptive to the decision-making process

    Incorporating sustainability objectives and principles

    Considering relevant sustainability issues early on

    Adopting sustainability criteria

    Identifying and evaluating other sustainable alternatives

    Trickling-down sustainability

    Capturing large-scale and cumulative effects

    Enabling institutional change and transformational learning

    Environmental aspects of sustainability can be measured by monitoring resource depletion and pollution generation during the production of products or services. Resource depletion can include land use, energy usage, water usage, fossil fuel usage, among others. The pollution emissions can include GHGs, water pollution, air pollution, climate change, toxic chemical released, human toxicity, carcinogens released, summer smog creation, acidification, eutrophication, among others.

    An important environmental concern is the increased amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb and emit thermal radiation within the thermal infrared range causing the planet to increase in temperature. During plastic manufacturing, GHGs are produced by the energy sources needed to mine the raw materials, processing the raw materials into pellets, conversion of the pellet into finished products, and transportation. GHGs comprise of gases that contribute to global warming by creating a layer of insulating gases that insulate the planet. These gases absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. GHGs include methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, fluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to global warming due to its volume. Methane has a global warming rate of 22 times the rate for carbon dioxide. Typically, the production of these gases is listed in LCAs as CO2 equivalent. Thus, the formation of GHGs is listed as CO2eq. Reductions in GHGs can be done with lowering energy usage for products and services.


    The American Chemistry Institute established green chemistry principles. The green chemistry engineering principles provide a framework for scientists and engineers to design and build products, processes, materials, and systems with lower environmental impacts. Green chemistry principles can be used to develop chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous or toxic chemicals. The 12 principles of green chemistry are as follows (Anastas and Warner 1998):


    Atom economy

    Less hazardous chemical synthesis

    Designing safer chemicals

    Safer solvents and auxiliaries

    Design for energy efficiency

    Uses of renewable feedstock

    Reduce derivatives

    Use of catalytic reagents

    Design for degradation

    Real-time analysis for pollution prevention

    Inherent safer chemistry

    Prevention of waste generation during the manufacturing of the chemicals can help reduce environmental impacts of chemical production. Atom economy guides developers in incorporating all materials in the creation of chemicals. Synthetic chemicals should be created with little or no toxicity to the human health and the environment. Solvents, separation agents, and other auxiliary substances should be used sparingly or not at all. Energy usage should be minimized in the creation of chemical substances. Renewable feedstock should be the material source of the chemical substances rather than fossil fuel-based sources.

    Creation of unnecessary intermediates or derivatives should be minimized or avoided if possible to reduce chemical waste. Catalytic reagents should be used rather than stoichiometric reagents. Chemical products should be designed to biodegrade in a disposal environment rather than be a persistent pollutant. Real-time, in-process monitoring and control of hazardous substances should use analytical methodologies. Chemical substances and processes should minimize the potentials for accidental chemical spills, explosions, and fires.

    The 12 green chemistry definitions can be grouped into three areas for reduction in energy usage, reduction in waste, and reduction in pollution. The reduction in energy area includes design for energy efficiency, use of renewable feedstock, and reduces derivatives principles. The reduction in waste area includes prevention, atom recovery, and use of catalytic reagents principles. The reduction in pollution includes less hazardous chemical synthesis, reduce derivatives, designing safer chemicals, safer solvents and auxiliaries, design for degradation, pollution prevention, and inherent safer chemistry. These three areas are used to define sustainable manufacturing.


    Green engineering can be defined as a process to develop products, processes, or systems with minimal environmental impacts. The full product life cycle is developed when evaluating the environmental sustainability of the product, process, or system. The 12 principles of green engineering are as follows (McDonough, Braungart, Anastas, and Zimmerman 2003):

    Inherent rather than circumstantial

    Prevention instead of treatment

    Design for separation

    Maximize efficiency

    Output-pulled versus input-pushed

    Conserve complexity

    Durability rather than immortality

    Meet need, minimize excess

    Minimize material diversity

    Integrate material and energy flows

    Design for commercial afterlife

    Renewable rather than depleting resources

    Sustainable engineering is based on maximizing product throughput, quality, efficiency, productivity, space utilization, and reducing costs. Products are designed with inherently nonhazardous methods and nontoxic materials. Waste should be reduced at its source and not discarded after production. Production operations should be designed to minimize energy consumption and material use. Energy and materials should be utilized from a product requirement rather than a material input. Material and energy inputs should be based on renewable sources rather than from fossil fuel sources.

    End-of-life options for the product should be designed at the beginning of a product life rather than at the end of it. The design goal should be product-targeted durability rather than product immortality. Universal functionality should not be a design goal.

    Multicomponent products should be designed to promote disassembly and value retention. Integration and interconnectivity with available energy and material flows should be designed into products, processes, and systems.


    Environmental aspects of product manufacturing include production of liquid and solids wastes, air pollution, water pollution, and GHG emissions. Discharges from manufacturing facilities can lead to pollution of the sewers, water treatment plants, and neighborhoods.

    Pollution prevention in communities with manufacturing operations can be achieved with regional sustainability programs that provide small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies' pollution prevention technical assistance and financial incentives to reduce pollution at the manufacturing sources rather than at the waste water and sold waste disposal sites (Granek and Hassanali 2006). Pollution often includes heavy metals, particulates, sulfates, phosphates, petroleum-based oils, solid waste, oil-based inks and concentrates, and other contaminants. Sustainable practices can reduce the pollutants by installing filters, using water-based inks, biobased oils, and recovery units for waste water effluent.

    Sustainability can be defined in many ways for manufactures to reduce GHGs and reduce pollution. Often missing from sustainability analysis, though, is waste generation. Products or services that are sustainable must also not produce significant amounts of solid or liquid waste. Sustainable products and practices should encourage the use of recycled materials during the production of products and processes and encourage the recycling of waste materials during the production of products and processes.

    The essential components of sustainable products and services are ones with reduced GHG emission, reduced pollution, and reduced waste generation. Sustainable products, processes, and systems minimize the generation of GHGs, waste, and pollution.

    Thus, sustainable manufacturing incorporates producing products and processes with

    reduced GHGs emissions,

    reduced solid waste, and

    reduced pollution.

    This definition will be used in subsequent chapters in the book.

    The first component of sustainable manufacturing processes is the reduction in GHGs. Reductions in GHGs can be done with lowering energy usage, which has direct cost reduction implications. Sustainable materials and processes minimize the generation of CO2eq gases.

    The second component of sustainable manufacturing is the reduction in waste generation. This can be listed for plastics manufacturing as the solid waste that is generated during the extraction of raw materials, production of the plastic pellets, and conversion of the pellet into plastic products. The listing of waste generation is listed as kilogram of solid waste. California in the United States has a law that requires state agencies and schools to achieve greater than 50% diversion rate of solid waste (California Assembly Bill 939). Wherein, over 50% of the trash that could be sent to landfill is sent to recycling, composting, or reuse. Reductions in waste generation can reduce the cost for manufacturing operations. Sustainable materials and processes minimize the generation of solid waste.

    The third component of sustainable manufacturing processes is the reduction in pollution of air, land, and water. The pollution component can be defined in LCAs as creation of chemicals that cause eutrophication, acidification, and human health concerns.

    Eutrophication can be defined as the addition of nitrates and phosphates to the land through the use of fertilizers and soil conditioners. Eutrophication is a very common pollutant from fertilizers in farming or from natural causes. Eutrophication can deplete oxygen in ocean and freshwater lakes causing algae and phytoplankton blooms in the water.

    Acidification can occur to ocean and freshwater, as well, as in soil when the pH is reduced due to the presence of sulfur and nitrous oxides. The presence of sulfur and nitrous oxides in the atmosphere can be released into the soil and water ways during rain storms. Sulfur and nitrous oxides are released during the combustion of fossil fuels at energy plants, burning of plastics as fuel, and during the combustion of fuels.

    Toxic chemical pollution is caused by the presence of toxins that can cause human health problems, including cancer, blindness, sterility, and other health concerns. Combustion of fuels can lead to release of carcinogenic materials into the environment.

    Sustainable materials and processes reduce the release of pollution in the land, air, and water.


    LCAs are an essential component of sustainability and can be used to scientifically determine the environmental effects of products, processes, and systems. LCA can be used to calculate the energy and raw materials consumed and the resulting carbon footprint, waste, and pollution generated in the production of a product or process. LCA is needed to establish the sustainability of products and processes because it follows a worldwide thorough approach to establishing measureable environmental outcomes of products and processes. LCA will be more fully explained in later chapters.


    Sustainability is an essential component of manufacturing today. Plastics manufacturing can lead the way in producing products with lower carbon footprint, lower waste, and lower pollution through the use of recycled and biobased materials. Lean and Green are essential components of the manufacturing industry. Lean and Green manufacturing for plastics can be a unique feature of plastics manufacturers and can provide sustainable products for a promising marketplace.

    1.7 SUMMARY

    Sustainable materials, processes, and systems must not compromise the ability of future generations to provide for their needs while providing for the needs of the current generation. The three components of sustainability have economic, social, and environmental aspects. Organizations are often analyzed with a Triple Bottom Line approach to evaluate the social, economic, and environmental performances of a company.

    The first aspect of sustainability can measure the impacts of products and processes on the society. The societal impact of using a material and manufacturing process can be measured by the effects on the population and the roles of the workers in the community.

    The second aspect of sustainability can measure the economic impacts of using a material and manufacturing process to produce products. Sustainable manufacturing processes are defined as providing proper wages for the workers and clean and safe work environments.

    The third aspect of sustainability can measure the environmental impacts of producing a product or system in terms of usage of natural resources for raw materials, energy, and real estate land. The production of plastic products can generate GHGs, solid and liquid waste, air pollution, water pollution, and toxic chemicals.

    Green chemistry principles can be used to develop chemical products and processes that reduce waste generation, energy, and production of toxic chemicals during the creation of chemicals. Green engineering principles are based on maximizing product throughput, quality, efficiency, productivity, space utilization, as well as, reducing hazards, pollution, and costs.

    Sustainable products, processes, and systems minimize the generation of GHGs, waste, and pollution. LCAs are an essential component of sustainability and can be used to scientifically determine the environmental effects of products, processes, and systems.


    Anastas, P. and Warner, J. (1998) Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, p. 30. Oxford University Press, New York.

    Anastas, P. and Zimmerman, J. (2003) Design through the twelve principles of green engineering. Environmental Science & Technology, 37(5):94A–101A.

    Atkinson, G. and Hamilton, K. (2003) Savings, growth, and the resource cure hypothesis. World Development, 31(11):1893–1807.

    Basurko and Mesbahi (2012) Methodology for the sustainability assessment of marine technologies. Journal of Cleaner Production. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro .2012.01.022

    California Assembly Bill 939 History of California Solid Waste Law, 1985-1989, Cal Recycle, http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/Laws/Legislation/CalHist/1985to1989.htm (June 2014).

    Esteves, F., Santos, J., and Anunciacao, P. (2012) Sustainability in the information society: a proposal of information systems requirements in view of the DPOBE model for organizational sustainability. Procedia Technology, 5:599– 606.

    Granek, F. and Hassanali, M. (2006) The Toronto Region Sustainability Program: insights on the adoption of pollution prevention practices by small to medium-sized manufacturers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Journal of Cleaner Production, 14:572–579.

    Green Chemistry (2013) The twelve Principles of Green Chemistry, American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute. http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/greenchemistry/about/principles/12-principles-of-green-chemistry.html.

    Kulig, A., Kolfoort, H., and Hoekstra, R. (2010) The case for the hybrid capital approach for the measurement of the welfare and sustainability. Ecological Indicators, 10(2): 118–128 (March 2010).

    McDonough, W., Braungart, M., Anastas, P.T., and Zimmerman, J.B. (2003) Applying the principles of green engineering to cradle-to-cradle design. Environmental Science and Technology, 37(23):434A–441A.

    Perman, R., Ma, Y., McGilvray, J., and Common, M. (2003) Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. Pearson Higher Education.

    UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for

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