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Love & College
Love & College
Love & College
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Love & College

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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LOVE & COLLEGE (A NA & College Romance Anthology)


A heart stopping, body throbbing anthology from 5 of today's hottest NA Romance Writers.  Five Books include:  Hooked on the Game by C.M. Owens, Opposing Sides by CM Doporto, Addictive Collision by Chrissy Peebles, The Recruiting Trip by Lexy Timms and Fix It by Christine Bell.

For mature audiences... may contain adult content.

Release dateNov 20, 2014
Love & College

Lexy Timms

"Love should be something that lasts forever, not is lost forever."  Visit USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, LEXY TIMMS https://www.facebook.com/SavingForever *Please feel free to connect with me and share your comments. I love connecting with my readers.* Sign up for news and updates and freebies - I like spoiling my readers! http://eepurl.com/9i0vD website: www.lexytimms.com Dealing in Antique Jewelry and hanging out with her awesome hubby and three kids, Lexy Timms loves writing in her free time.  MANAGING THE BOSSES is a bestselling 10-part series dipping into the lives of Alex Reid and Jamie Connors. Can a secretary really fall for her billionaire boss?

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the series from Tom’s Could not put it down
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    No good could not follow up on the stories hate that you want more but get big fat zero was not worth reading ..
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Worst ever. Waste your time with
    Half of the story it's not complete

    3 people found this helpful

Book preview

Love & College - Lexy Timms

Hooked on the Game

Book 1


Chapter 1



The bills stare at me from the counter and I glare back with disgust.  When I moved in here, I had two roommates to help pay the bills.  My part-time job at the coffee shop isn't going to be of much use.  I'll never cover their half of the rent with it, and my monthly scholarship isn't going to cut it either.

They'll cut my power off tomorrow if I don't manage to come up with the money for the outrageous electric bill.  This wasn't supposed to happen.  I had it all planned out.  My various scholarships would cover tuition, books, and part of the rent, and then I'd find two roommates to cover the rest.  It's too late in the year to go shopping for roommates; everyone else already has a place now, and no one is answering my flyers.

Part one was working out.  I had my money managed to an exact science.  My part-time job was to cover food and clothes.  Then my two roommates, Megan and Lana, stupidly broke into the school to pull a prank and they were both expelled, leaving me without anyone covering the rest of the rent.

I've barely slept an ounce for so many different reasons, and I'll lose my scholarship if my grades drop.  It's hard to focus on my schooling when life is kicking my ass.

My phone buzzes on the counter, right next to a two-thousand dollar check.  I groan when I see a number I don't know flashing across my screen.

Hello? I ask, having a good idea about who it is going to be.

Hey, sweetheart.  Did you get my check? Dad asks, sounding hopeful.

I love the man, but this money is tainted.  It has to be.

I got it, but you know I can't cash it.

Raya, he grumbles, I've told you over and over that money is legitimate.

A man from prison sending two-thousand dollars every month is anything but legit.  Considering why he's in prison... I have to change the subject and distract him.

Whose phone are you using this time?

He chuckles, as though he's amused.  One of the guards left it unattended.  I did him a favor.  Most of this lot would never give it back.  I plan to be a good boy and return it.  Don't worry.

Right.  I'm sure he left it unattended.  It was probably holstered on his hip or snugly tucked in his pocket, but to Ray Drivel, that is considered unattended.

What is that ungodly racket going on there? he asks, sounding annoyed.

Quite frankly, I'm annoyed, too.  The party going on next door is ridiculously loud, obnoxious and irritating as hell.  I hate Kade Colton.  Preppy, rich, snobby, son of a bitch.  He lives directly beside me in his house that makes my home look like a shoebox.  All he does is party.

That massive home was a gift from his parents.  I can't accept such lavish things from my dad.  There could be jail time involved.

My neighbor, I huff, finally answering Dad.

Something crashes outside, and I look out to see the drunken fools cackling as they stand up from the broken fence they've just smashed into.  Kade has no respect for anyone.  This is ridiculous.

I need to go.  I have an early morning, I say, sighing as I tear his check into tiny pieces and toss it into the trash.

Okay, sweetie.  You still coming out soon?

I smile as I start heading toward the back window, following the idiots who are still trampling over the fence.

Of course, I mutter sweetly before telling him bye.

It's no surprise that Kade isn't doing anything to stop them from further destroying my yard.  He's a selfish prick like that.  I'm trying to figure out how to keep from being evicted without touching jaded cash, and he's over there blowing money on booze and who knows what else.

Dude, let's do it, one yells, slurring his words.

I watch as they clamber into the large bulldozer that is parked in the field directly behind the homes.  That's another reason I don't sleep much.  Those bulldozers start early - four in the morning most days.  They're trying to add more houses behind ours to make more money off campus students.

I hope those idiots run that thing into Kade's pool and destroy it.  It'd serve him right.

Deciding not to waste another second on the idiocy going on outisde, I grab some clothes from my room and head to the bathroom down the hall.  My plans for the rest of the night are to take a hot shower and pray for answers to all my problems.  I'm sure I'll be met with the same silence as usual, but it's the only hope I have right now.

The roaring pipes need a plumber, too.  They're too loud.  I'll call a plumber when I can afford one.

Just as I start to strip down, an earthquake strikes, rattling my house all around me.  I scream while grabbing onto anything not shaking violently.  I hear it tearing apart one side of my house.  Why only one side?

A pile of my ceiling drops, slamming into me, and all I see are small flakes of darkness speckling my view before I completely pass out.

Chapter 2


Counselor, you realize the actions of Mr. Colton and his friends could have resulted in the death of a student, correct? the judge asks, frowning as he stares down at the snob.

My client is perfectly aware of the severity of the situation.  However, Your Honor, he wasn't one of those four boys who stole and wrecked the bulldozer into Ms. Capperton's home.  He simply hosted the party that got out of hand.  Surely you can't hold him responsible for the actions of four grown boys.

Kade chances a smug smirk.  He doesn't have an ounce of humility.  He's lazily lounging in the chair, his arms crossed over his chest, and he even goes so far as to look bored.

And the school is allowing him to stay there because of that, Counselor.  The others were expelled and arrested.  However, I'm not too thrilled with the fact he supplied that much alcohol to underage partiers who then destroyed the home.

That earthquake had turned out to be those idiots crashing that big-ass bulldozer through my living room.  Damn near killed me.  Had I not gone to take a shower, they probably would have killed me.  Now I've been living in one of the dorm rooms for three days.  The school offered it to me temporarily, under the circumstances.  I have two days to find something else.

He didn't supply that alcohol, and he checked the identification of every partier.  No one under twenty-one was allowed.

Sure he did, the other lawyer scoffs, cutting his eyes toward Kade.

As if anyone doesn't have a fake ID.  Even I have one.  Albeit I never use it, but I have one.  I'm not voicing that though.  I just hope they make him pay me something.  That's all I need.  Just a little money to replace what I lost.

I'll probably have to go to a different court for that, though.

A snooty man in a pristine business suit stands up and walks over to be behind Kade.  This small courtroom just hosts a few of us.  This isn't exactly a murder trial, but a jury would have been nice, dammit.

I think I know a way we can solve this, the man says, texting on his phone as though he's above all this too much to grant it any real amount of attention.

Please, Mr. Colton, proceed, the judge snarks, sounding bitter, but... compliant?  Why is he letting Kade's father run the show.

My son fucked up, he says simply, putting his phone away and turning his attention to the agitated judge.  But he didn't force those boys to mount a bulldozer and go for a joyride.  I do agree he should be punished in some form, but I think I know better than anyone else how to do that.

Kade's jaw clenches, and he sits up a little better while barely turning his head to listen in.  His devilish good looks and rich influence won't help him out with his own father.

I think Ms. Capperton's situation has become... a problem now, he says, turning toward me with his award-winning smile.  She needs a home, he continues, turning back to the judge.  My son's home is directly across from the school, he has amenities most would die for, and there is plenty of room there for another person.

Kade's jaw clenches all the tighter, making me worry it's about to snap off.  What is his father talking about?

Are you suggesting Ms. Capperton go live with him? the judge scoffs, rolling his eyes.  That's your form of punishment?  No wonder he's so irresponsible.

Mr. Colton lets a rumble of laughter free.  Then you don't know my son as well as I do.  He hates to have rules.  While Ms. Capperton is there, he will respect any and all her needs.  Everything he wants to do will have to go through her for approval.  She'll have power over him, which will limit his social life.  If he steps out of line, she can call me, and I'll start taking things away as punishment for refusing to abide by her rules.  Let's face it, Roy, you can't hold him for anything.  You can't charge him with any wrongdoing.  I'll hire the best lawyer to keep him from having jail-time on his record.  It's up to you.

I can't believe he's doing this.  Me?  Live with Kade?  Hell no.  Not happening.

Ms. Capperton?  How do you feel about this? the judge asks through gritted teeth.

Apparently Kade's father holds more power here than he does.  Hell, he even called him Roy instead of Your Honor.

I don't want to live with Kade Colton, I say quickly, bitterly, turning my nose up in disgust.

Mr. Colton smirks, and Kade relaxes.

Ms. Capperton, do you have a home or money to rent anywhere?  I've looked over your financials.  It wouldn't have been long until you were being kicked out.  I'm sure you could sue for the damages done, but that takes time and money as well.  Do you have time and money? Kade's father asks, sounding so fucking pompous.

No, I almost whisper.

Didn't think so.  You'd have a home - a nice home - and at the end of the school year, I'll buy you a new house you won't have to stress over.  You have to live with Kade first, though.  And if he gives you any trouble at all, you call me right away.

This is one twisted man.  Has he no clue how much I hate his son?  Why punish me by making me live with him?  I don't really have a choice though.  If I was a guy, he'd have me by the balls.

Ms. Capperton? the judge says, prompting me to make a decision.

Do I live through hell for the rest of the year and then have three years of paid housing?  Or do I let the devil off the hook without any punishment while I go homeless and possibly get kicked out of school.  Shit.


Mr. Colton's deep, satisfied smile spreads like the Cheshire cat's grin.  Fine?  What does fine mean, Ms. Capperton? the judge asks.

I roll my eyes, and Kade cuts his eyes toward me, willing me dead with his icy glare.

It means yes.  I'll do it.

Mr. Colton turns to his son, seeming to enjoy this immensely, as he says, Son, meet your new leash.

I don't know what I was expecting to find inside Kade Colton's home.  I suppose I expected the chandelier to be decorated by beer bottles and lacy underwear.  I wasn't expecting to feel like I'm in a house meant for royalty.

It's grand on the outside, all three stories, but inside... wow.  Marble floors, tall ceilings, immaculate furniture, and all the newest appliances and gadgets one can fathom.  Spoiled brat.

I think you'll find everything you need here, Ms. Capperton.  This room is almost just as big as the master.  Are you sure you don't want the master?  I'll gladly make my son switch with you, Mr. Colton says as he types away on his phone, putting it down when he finishes.

I scratch my side, trying to relieve the agony I'm in.  Damn it hurts and itches.

This will be fine, I murmur.  I sure as hell don't want to touch Kade's icky room.  I've seen the girls that come and go during the parties.  And please, just call me Raya.

Very well, he says, smiling.  Raya, are you okay? he asks, pointing to my constant scratching.

Yeah, I mumble, growling almost.  My clothes were in the midst of the destruction path.  The ones that weren't ruined were covered in insulation.  I've washed them over and over, but they still... it just itches.

He frowns just as Kade fills the doorway.  He hasn't stopped scowling or tossing me death-glares since I agreed to this.  He's tall, at least six-foot-three.  I've never before noticed how tall he is.

His dark hair is always bedroom sexy, and his eyes are pools of perfect blue.  His body is enough to make immortals envious - toned and cut in all the right places.

He'd be the sexiest thing I'd ever seen if I didn't hate him so damn much.

You rang, Kade snarks, turning his burning hatred toward his father.

Yes, I was texting to tell you to make sure you get this mattress replaced today.  There's no telling what your friends have done on it, and I want Raya to have fresh sheets as well.

Ew.  Gross.  I hadn't thought of that.  Sick.

I casually pull my bag back off the bed and drop it to the floor, earning a small grin from Mr. Colton.

Already called the furniture shop.  They'll be bringing it by tomorrow.  Kade seems bored now, though still irritated.

I groan inwardly.  No way can I sleep on this mattress now.  Not good enough, Mr. Colton says.  I'll contact them myself.  I'll have it delivered this afternoon.  In the meantime, take Raya shopping.  She's itching to death since your friends got fragments of fiberglass in her clothes.  It'll never come out.  Grab some stuff to help her dress up the room a bit as well.

I have to chauffeur her around? Kade growls.

"No.  You have to chauffeur her and carry her bags.  You'll do whatever she needs you to do."

Kade rolls his eyes and pockets his hands to keep his father from seeing the fists he's made.  I fidget awkwardly, feeling like this is already the biggest mistake I've ever made.

You call me if he gives you any trouble.  I need to get a hold of the furniture shop.  Do you need anything else? he asks, seeming so genuine.

Um... my clothes are fine, I murmur, not wanting to tell him I don't have enough money to buy more.

Nonsense, he says, pulling out a black credit card.  Take this and get whatever you need.  Have fun with it.  Abuse the bagboy as well, he jokes, forcing the card into my hand.

I can't-

Kade, take the girl to some of my shops.  They have a better selection.  Make sure they dress her right, he says to interrupt me.

Whatevs, Kade grumbles before walking out, never looking at me again.

Have fun, Mr. Colton says with a wink, and then he disappears out the door.

I huff as I walk down the stairs, itching and wincing.  My body is battered beneath my clothes.  I took a hard hit when the ceiling collapsed.  This was all just brushed under the rug.  The four guys will barely get a slap on the wrist.  The school only expelled them because they were the ones who were paying for the bulldozer the idiot quartet crashed, not because they crashed through my house.

Kade wouldn't have suffered any punishment at all if his father hadn't stepped in and made sure to divvy some out.  It's nice to know someone thinks of me as brutal punishment.  What does that say about me?

I walk out just as Kade pulls his Audi out of the garage.  His perfect sea-blue eyes are guarded by designer shades.  I hesitate about getting in, especially when he lowers the top.  The music is blaring, which means he's either trying to deafen me or keep me from speaking to him.

Get the hell in, he gripes without looking at me.  I don't have all damn day.

I huff, but I climb in without further delay.  He doesn't even give me the chance to buckle up before he's squealing out in reverse, slinging me to the side when he jerks it hard right to line up with the road.

I squeal, which provokes a menacing smirk from him, and then he starts shifting gears rapidly, throwing us forward.  My hands rattle against the seatbelt as I try to snap it, silently praying for someone to save me from this madman.  I knew he hated me.  Why in the hell did I willingly get into the devil's chariot?

He presses a button that mutes the stereo as he slows down.  I let out a sharp breath, feeling my knuckles slowly uncurl from their death-grip on the door.

Move out and I'll pay your rent anywhere you want to go, he says calmly.

What? I ask, bemused.

I said move out and I'll pay your rent.  You can pick any place you want.  I don't want to be your bitch, and my father is loving this shit.  Get your stuff out of my house, and I'll pay your rent somewhere else.  I have my own money.

Then why let your dad pay for all your shit? I snark, turning my head away.

He chuckles as he hits another street with a more feasible speed.

Because I'm not supposed to touch that money.  It's part of my trust, but I became eligible to use it when I turned twenty-one.  My grandfather has requested I keep it locked up until I finish college.  I respect him, so if he asks me not to do something, I try to oblige.  In this case, I think he'd agree it was worth touching my trust.

Am I that frigging bad?

I can't do that, I mumble, looking out at the passing scenery.

Why?  It's basically the same deal my father made you.  The hard edge to his tone doesn't go unnoticed.  He's such a condescending dick.

Your father worried you'd do this, so he made me a deal I couldn't refuse when I rode with him to your house.

I swallow hard, recanting that impromptu proposition.

What was it? he asks, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

He said if I stayed until the start of next semester, he'd buy me a home after I graduate college, too.  Wherever I choose. It's not exactly something I can afford to pass up.  Not all of us have a trust.

Well, hell.  I'll buy you a home after you graduate.  There.  Problem solved.

I already gave him my word.  To some people, that means something.  You had three days to try and make this right.  You didn't want to, and now your father has been too nice to me to screw him over.

Make it right? he asks, laughing incredulously.  I didn't bulldoze your house.  The frat boys, who I didn't even invite, did it.  Why the hell am I being tortured?  Because my family has the most money, that's why.  You see dollar signs, Cherry.  That's it.

"My name isn't Cherry.  It's Raya.  And no, that's not it.  You're an inconsiderate son of a bitch who has never once given a damn about anyone other than yourself and what you want to do."

I hadn't meant to go all crazy-rant-girl on him, but I'm sick of him and everyone like him.  Entitled pricks have done nothing but piss me off since I came to California.  Sterling Shore, though beautiful, is loaded with nothing but money-hungry people who judge you after two seconds.  All they need to know is your parents are nobodies with no money, and then you're blacklisted.

Tell me how you really feel.  Don't hold back on my account, even though you don't know the first damn thing about me, he sardonically mumbles.

I roll my eyes.  I know all I need to.

You're rich, arrogant, and shallow.  What more is there to know?

He pulls into a parking lot, squeals to a stop, and hops out before I even get unbuckled.  I stare up at the enormous store as I climb out, trying not to let my mouth flap agape.  Shit.  I didn't realize Mr. Colton was Paul Colton, owner of the most coveted fashion line.  I'm way out of my depth here.

I swallow hard, wondering how in the hell I'm going to be able to fit into any of these clothes.  I've seen his models on TV.  They eat air for breakfast and ice for lunch.  There's no way.

Before I got here, I thought a size four was a good size.  And then I saw the natives wearing a size negative-triple-zero, or something crazy like that.  The girls here look like walking beanpoles.  I never had a problem with my curves or my chest until this place.  It's amazing that big chests have been popular forever, but the second my breasts fill out, small chests come into style.  My luck.  Go figure.

I'll bust a seam in anything this store has to offer.  Something tells me Kade is going to revel in my humiliation.

When I walk inside, I'm met with a smiling woman with bright eyes.  You must be Raya.  Mr. Colton called to tell me you might be stopping by.  I've got a wide selection already set up for you, she says, sounding overly eager to impress.

Her eyes slide up and down my body, making me feel uncomfortable.  She's probably realizing just how badly these clothes are going to fit.

I think I can add a few more things that will go well with these, she says, pushing up on my breasts and startling me into a squeal.

Sorry, she chuckles while moving her hands away

The fever invades my cheeks as I blush, and she walks off.  A smug, almost taunting grin is playing on Kade's face when my eyes find him.  He's sitting in the corner in one of the recliners, feigning interest in a magazine.

Not used to being felt up, Raya? he asks, keeping his eyes on the page before he flips it.  With a shining personality like yours, I would've assumed no one could resist.

I just scowl at him.  I'm sick of his snarky remarks.  He's going to make my life hell until I move out.  Maybe that's his game.  I can't let him get to me, because I'm not going to make a deal and then back out.

Raya? the woman calls.  You ready?

I turn away from the ass who's still smirking, and I head to the back to follow the sound of her voice.  This store seems endless, but all of the women's stuff is right here in this area.

Her heels clank against the marble floors as she struts toward a large dressing room.  There's a couch in it.  Really?  This dressing room is bigger than my bedroom - the one that was destroyed.

If you need any help, just call me.  I'll go see if I can round up some more items.  Mr. Colton said you might need some swimwear, so I've started acquiring some things.

I swallow hard, and then I scratch my side.  It draws her attention, and a cringe comes over her face like she thinks I have cooties.

Sorry.  My house was ripped up by a bulldozer and my clothes got insulation on them.  That's why I'm here.

She forces a tight smile, still seeming disgusted, and then nods before walking off.  Great.  Now I'm the dirty girl no one wants to be around.

I pull my shirt over my head, and then screech when a girl walks into the room with me.

Sorry, she says, not sounding genuinely apologetic at all.  Who the hell is this one?  Jessica said you needed swimsuits, so here you go.

She places a wide variety of stringy messes on the rack that is packed full of clothes.  Then she pops back out as quickly as she came in.  Does no one give a damn about my personal space?

I jerk a shirt on over my head before anyone else can come in.  I'm almost afraid of taking my pants off.  I had to buy new underwear since I didn't want to scratch... there.  But the selection was limited based on my budget.  I'd be humiliated if anyone saw these cotton monstrosities.

Without giving it too much more thought, I slip out of my jeans and into another pair without itchy particles all over them.  Oh damn.  I had no idea jeans could fit and feel like this.  No wonder Paul Colton's business is thriving.

I give a twirl in front of the mirror to see my body has been transformed.  I'll never be the same.  I seriously just fell in love with a pair of jeans.  I'm done.  I don't want to try on anything else.

Reluctantly, I slip out of them and start making my way through the hordes of clothing.  Right when I'm in the middle of pulling my shirt off again, a different girl pops in.

Mr. Colton said you might need some dressier items in case you felt like attending some of his events, so I brought you these.  She hangs up several dresses, and then she pulls out a selection of underwear from a rolling cart.  And he said you'd definitely need this stuff.  Just turn around so I can put this on you and lace it up.

She holds out a white corset, but I shake my head.  Why would I need that?

Because you'll be wearing dresses that will require some... boost.  You've got the ideal chest for this.  It'll be perfect for slimming your waistline, too, she says, letting her eyes drift to my midsection.

Sure it doesn't look like I work out everyday, but it's flat enough.  Just because she starves herself to be three sizes smaller doesn't mean I have to.  Bitch.

I turn around, begrudgingly, and she slips it around my waist and pulls it up.  With a flick of her wrist, she's gotten my bra off and tossed it to the floor.  With the first tug of the laces, my breath heaves out of me.  Bitch!  With the second tug of the laces, I refrain from elbowing her in the nose.  By the third tug, I'm condemning her to hell.

She's not being the least bit gentle.  Does she not see all the monstrous bruises on me?  That shit hurts.

After a few more laces, she's finally done, and I'm turning purple from lack of oxygen.  She smiles, but her phone buzzes.  Mr. Colton, she says, seeming all too giddy.  Of course we are.

Can't... breathe, I whisper, trying to draw her attention back to me, but she's too busy sucking up.

I start reaching for strings or laces or whatever they're called, but I can't get the knots undone.  She walks out, abandoning me, and I start wheezing and straining harder.  I've worn stuff similar to this on Halloween, but damn, this is the real deal.  You could shift the placement of organs with this sadistic contraption.

Help, I wheeze out, still struggling to undo the knot.

Raya? Kade's voice sounds out.

As much as I'd really rather wait on anyone - and I do mean anyone - else, it's either him or passing out.

Can't breathe, I strain out again, and the door flies open.

He bursts out laughing when he sees what's going on, and then he shakes his head while coming to stand behind me.  I need air more than I need dignity right now.

He pushes my hair to be over my shoulder, and I shiver when his hand touches my bare skin.

Don't move, he says, still laughing as his deft fingers go to work.

He manages to loosen it up enough for me to catch the first breath of air, and I actually cough on the abundance of it.

Don't ever let Sarah lace you up.  She's got a nasty habit of making girls with curves pay.

Holy shit, I cough out, feeling more relief when he loosens it higher, slowly separating all the laces.  It's not like I'm obese, I growl, finding anger when my panic dissolves.

No, he says, seeming distracted.  Not even close.

I look up to the mirror to catch his eyes intensely focused on my lower back.  His fingers have stopped unlacing the corset, and now his hands are gently placed on my hips as he examines something.

Is this from the roof collapsing? he asks, motioning to something I can't see.

Is it another bruise?

It's a massive bruise, he huffs out, seeming to curse under his breath.

Yeah.  I've got them all over me.

It's then his eyes move to my shoulders where I've got several nasty ones.  He lifts my hair up to start inspecting them as well.  The heat from his breath caresses the skin of my neck, making me squirm.  Uh-oh.  No. I refuse to be turned on by this asshole.  Not happening.  No way.

I hold the corset to me as I step out of his grasp, and he lets his hands fall to his sides.

They said you didn't get hurt, he murmurs, showing humanity flicker in his eyes for the first time.

I didn't suffer anything major, I say while shrugging.  But when a roof collapses on you, it still tends to leave a mark.  Thanks for the help, but I need to get redressed.

He hesitates to move at first, and his eyes fall to my chest.  Fortunately, I have it very covered up.

How much longer will you be? he asks, letting his eyes come back up to meet mine.

I'm done.  I don't want this thing, and I don't really need the dresses.  I don't go anywhere that I would need to wear something like that.  Just the regular clothes for me.

And the swimsuits, he adds, pointing toward the rack.

No.  I don't feel like swimming.  Not my thing.  Besides, I'd look like a punching bag with all these, I say, motioning to some of the bruises around my shoulders.

He frowns again, but walks out.  I opt to go ahead and put on some of the jeans.  It's hot as hell today, but there are too many bruises on my legs to wear shorts.

I slip into a shirt with quarter-length sleeves as I walk out holding a few of the items and the underwear I picked out.  This will be enough.  It's a week's worth of clothes.  Once I get paid, I can go buy some more things from the cheaper stores.

Kade is leaned over the counter talking to the girl who showed me in.  She's giggling and nodding, which forces me to roll my eyes.  I plop down some of the stuff, carefully keeping the panties and bras tucked under the clothes.

Is that all you're getting? Kade asks, seeming confused.

Yeah.  And what I'm wearing, I say, motioning to the t-shirt and jeans I've got on.

The girl frowns when she sees the small selection, and Kade disappears.  Hurry up and ring out the underwear before he gets back, I whisper, causing her eyebrow to lift.

Kade said his father gave you his card to get all you needed.

"This is all I need.  More than I need.  Please hurry."

She turns her nose up in disappointment as she rings it up, seeming to sigh every two seconds.  Add this to it, Kade says as he and two other girls put mounds of clothes on the top.

The girl behind the register gleams as she starts adding it in.

What are you doing? I whisper, scolding him with my eyes more than my voice.

He shrugs, seeming bored again.  I know my father better than you.  He'd make me bring you back, and I've got shit to do today.

And he's back to being a dickhead.  Great.

I don't want all this.

Too bad.

My mouth tries to fall to the floor when the giddy girl announces the ungodly price, but Kade pulls the credit card from my back pocket and hands it to her, acting as though she didn't ring out two new vehicles instead of some clothes.

It's his store, Raya.  It's not like he's not getting it all back, Kade chuckles out.

Why even pay at all?

He pushes my jaw back into place with his finger, and then he leans over me to take the card back from the girl.

Let's go, he says, scooping up all my bags.

Some of the girls help carry out the bags, too, and Kade loads down the small trunk area.  I reach in and grab some sunglasses from one of the bags.  I don't know who put them in there, but I'm thankful because the sun is blinding me.

When Kade shuts the trunk, he surprises me by walking over to open my door.

Come on, he urges impatiently.

The girls stare at us... Well, they stare at him.  I get in, still dumbfounded by his one redeeming act of the day.  Once my legs are safely tucked inside, he shuts the door, gives the swooning girls a wink, and then glides to his side of the car.  Great.  He even walks sexy.  I wish I was still blinded by my fury enough to have not noticed that.  He had to go and help me out of my corset and then open the door for me.

Silently, I start remembering all the reasons I've hated him over the past few months.  Sleep deprivation.  He's caused me to struggle many times on a test because of his obnoxious partying.  I focus on that instead of the two acts of kindness.

When's your next doctor's appointment? he asks, surprising me again when he starts down the road.

Um... I don't think there's going to be one.  Since it was just some heavy bruising.

I don't know why I suddenly feel nervous.  Damn it.  I need my fury back.  Do something bastard-like!

What?  He seems ill, almost as if he's shocked my bruises don't need a follow-up appointment.

Like I said, no major injuries.  No need for a second visit.

He grips the steering wheel as his jaw clenches together.  Then he turns on the road that will lead us back to his home.  I really wish Mr. Colton hadn't made me shake his hand on that second deal.  It's as if he knew I was loyal to my word.  I should have held out for Kade's counter offer.  I'd already be out of this awkwardness.

Fortunately for me, he never says anything else.  Instead, he hops out of the car, seeming angry for reasons unbeknownst to me.  I struggle between my two options - keep my mouth shut or ask him what's wrong.  I keep my mouth shut.

Carrying all my bags at once, he heads into the house, leaving me outside with all the uncertainty of what just happened.  Hot and cold.  I like him pissing me off.  It's easy to hate the rich jerk when he's actually being a jerk.

Chapter 3

A Little Too Close

I've spent a week in Kade's home.  Despite the fact we live in the same house, we barely run into each other.  And when we do, he always makes a hasty exit, avoiding me like I've got some infectious disease.  He hasn't had any raging parties.  Of course I'm sure that has something to do with the fact he'd have to ask for my permission - due to his punishment - and he won't do that.

Just as I reach the main building, I see him.  I never see him at school.

He takes a drag off a cigarette while getting flogged by the numerous eager followers who seem to worship his every word.  I hear gushing about a new party as people beg for some excitement.

This college was supposed to be different.  It's Ivy League, but it's newer, and even though it's not far from the beach, this area is rather dull.  I expected all the rich brats to be at Harvard or Yale, where their alumni parents went.  They weren't supposed to be here.

This is the whole reason I chose this place.  Out of all the scholarship offers I had, this was the most promising, and it's close to my father.  I expected more people like me - people who value education over pedigree and partying rights.  I was wrong.

This is just as bad as any other preppy choice I could have made.  Most of them want to start their own legacy, and there are a lot of rebels who feel like coming here was a way to stand up to their parents.  Just what I need.

Nice clothes, Princess, a guy says as he sidles up beside me.  I take it Kade's daddy is making you his project or his toy.  Which is it?

My cheeks flame.  This isn't the first time I've endured these remarks this week.  I've been accused of screwing Kade's father so many times that I don't ever think I can face the man again.  The ones not referring to me as a mistress are calling me a charity case.

Kade glances up just as I start in, and he flicks his cigarette to the ground before casting his eyes toward the guy heckling me.

Joseph, Kade calls, seeming bored as he walks over to my harasser.  Figures he knows him.  He's probably the one feeding them this bullshit.

The guy chuckles and jogs toward Kade, leaving me to the next attacker, whenever they come.  I'm sure it won't take long.

My head is still reeling from calculus when I step out of class, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.  During class, several snickering fools called me a few choice names.  The professor finally had to put a stop to it.  I need to call Mr. Colton and tell him this arrangement won't work.  I also need to go buy cheap clothes.

Tears have been on the edge of my lids all day, but I've been refusing to let them fall.  I won't let these assholes see me cry.  They might be rich and cruel, but I was raised too stubborn to crumble.  I'd already acquired a few extra layers of skin back home, where the trailer park girl wasn't exactly popular at school.  This isn't anything new.  There are just more people here to torture me.

Hey, a velvety voice says as feet thud behind me.

I ignore the familiar sound.  I can't let him see the glistening specks in my eyes.  The tears aren't falling, but they're there.

Raya, he says, making me cringe.  Why does my name sound so foreign yet so warm when it slides through his lips?

What? I ask, grimacing when the word comes out in a choked form.

Shit.  What happened? His mock concern forces me to roll my eyes.  The tears slink back enough for me to face him.

Nothing.  You'll be pleased to know I'm calling your father today to apologize for going back on the deal I made with him.  You win.  I give up.  Call off the hellhounds.  I'm waving the fucking white flag.

My voice starts cracking too much, and I take a steadying breath before deciding I can't face any more school today.  I almost break into a run in an effort to escape him, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

I didn't do this, and you can't call my father.  He'll come to the school and raise hell if he finds out this is happening, and you'll have an even bigger target it on your back.  What did you expect to happen?  You'd move in and no one would say anything?  That's not the way it works.

So it's my fault they want to call me a slut and a charity case?  Nice.  Real fucking nice, I say in a deadly calm tone before walking away again, ripping free from his grip.

Damn it, Raya!  Stop.  If you have me chasing you across campus they'll talk even more.

Then stop chasing me.  I'll just move out without calling your father.

I don't turn around to see if he stops, but I never hear him arguing anymore, so I assume he has.  I cross the road without even looking, and a horn blows loudly as tires screech.  I never even bother lifting my head.  I hate this.  It's high school all over again.  This was supposed to be a new beginning, a new life - a life where I wasn't the trailer-park girl.

I sling my backpack across the room the second I reach the upstairs suite.  I don't care about the small crack I just made in the sheetrock.  It's as though I'm not allowed to catch a break.  I'm not supposed to just have one frigging thing go my way.

It's not like I can call my mom and gripe.  She feels so guilty about so many things already, even though she shouldn't.  I can't call my Dad's family, they'd do something incredibly illegal, like hack the files of everyone hassling me and give them failing grades.  I can't call my best friend, considering she and my ex-boyfriend got together the second I moved out here.  I have no one, and now I barely have myself.  This is not how everything was supposed to go.

I start shoving different things into my bag, bypassing the new fancy clothes I should have never agreed to accept, when the door slams.

Raya! Kade blares, making me jump.

How dare he yell at me.

I hear quick strides bringing him up the staircase, and I rush over to shut the door before he can see the tears that have started to fall.  Before it can seal, I'm being thrown back as he barges into the room.

You can't let them win.  If you do, you'll be their doormat for the rest of the year.  Possibly the rest of your college existence.  You're a freshman, so that's not going to work out so well for you.

The hard edge to his tone isn't fair.  He doesn't have the right to be mad at me or to speak to me like this is my fault.

"Go to hell, Kade.  Maybe you shouldn't have told them to ridicule me if you didn't want your daddy to be pissed."

I sniffle and wipe my nose as more of my traitorous tears fall.  He grinds his teeth before walking over to my bed and dumping out the bag I just finished packing with all my insulation-laced clothing.  I'll itch to death before I wear that fancy shit again.

Get your ass up and grow the hell up.  Get over it, Raya.  You're a poor girl who landed herself a spot in a rich house.  People are going to talk.  The only thing you can do is show them they're wrong.  I've already spread the word that there will be a party Saturday.  They'll start easing off you.  Show up, drink, have fun... be a normal teenage girl.

I let out an incredulous laugh while dropping my head.  You're such an idiot.  I won't be here in five minutes, let alone on Saturday.  I'll live in the laundromat before I stay here for one more second.

He cracks his neck to the side before jerking me by the arm and dragging me out of the room.  I stumble as I fight against him, calling him a string of names - none of which really make any sense.

What the hell are you doing? I bark.

Keeping you from being a dumbass.

When I plant my feet and force my body to the ground, he leans over and scoops me over his shoulder.  I squeal and scream as I beat his back ineffectively, probably hurting my fists more than his hard body.

I feel the air, the breeze, and the pool in one gust.  I gasp for air, only to find a choking amount of water as I scramble to the surface, swatting my arms through the thick chlorine-filled beast that is burning my open eyes.  That son of a bitch!

I choke and spit in a heaving fit when I finally find air again.

Cool off, he says with a smirk.  When you get out, go grab a shower, eat something, and get some rest.  Things will be different tomorrow.

If I wasn't still coughing up all the intrusive water in my lungs, I'd scream at him.  He walks away before I can manage to recover, and I lose my opportunity.

I know I look like a fool trying to haul myself over the edge of the pool, but I do it.  I lie there for a minute, trying to catch my breath, but I finally manage to stand up and stalk through the house, ready to unleash hell.  He's gone.  That coward has run off after throwing me in the pool.

One of his cars is gone, his backpack is still tossed against the wall of the foyer, and there's no chance of me berating him before I leave.

Reality slowly creeps in.  I have nowhere to go.  I have no money to get another place right now.  One of my scholarships comes in monthly installments, but I won't get it for another two weeks, and it'll only be three-hundred dollars.  What the hell am I supposed to do if I leave?

Without another thought, I walk outside, step to the edge of the pool, and let myself fall back in.

Kade has done well to avoid me since our confrontation yesterday.  Since I really had no other option, I decided to stay.  Once the fury had worn off and the dire reality of my circumstances set in, I begrudgingly accepted my one and only option - live with Kade and endure the mockery.

Maybe I'll get lucky and some scandal will sweep the school and steal the spotlight from me.  Tomorrow he's having a party.  I never agreed to that, but I'm not calling Mr. Colton to tattle.  I doubt I'll ever speak to the man again.

As soon as I leave my last class, I see the guy who harassed me in front of Kade yesterday.  His hat is drawn so low I can't see his eyes, but you never forget those who love to torture you.  Their image is always burned into your brain.

He runs all over me before I can sidestep his path, and my backpack falls from my shoulder.  I curse when the zipper strips and all my shit spills out onto the ground.  So now he's resorted to physical contact to humiliate me as well.  Perfect.  I almost made it through a whole day without anyone spewing their lies or taunts.

S-sorry, he stammers out, sounding a little panicked as he rushes to jerk me to my feet.  In his haste, he almost jerks my arm out of socket.

Sorry?  Really?

He scrambles to start scooping all my stuff up and push it back into my bag, while I stand there stupefied.  What's going on?

When he finishes the task of reassembling my backpack, he frantically starts trying to fix my destroyed zipper.

Fuck, he growls when he's unable to make it work.  I'll buy you a new one, he says while standing up and carefully handing it to me without letting the sides fall open.

I warily accept it, still waiting on some major blow up.  Should I look around to see if this is the distraction before the ambush?

It's then I notice his black and swollen eye - the reason he's hiding under a hat.  An involuntary smile tugs at my lips.  This asshole has apparently tried bullying the wrong person at some point and time.  Serves him right.

I'll get my own backpack, I mutter as his trembling hands release the bag.  I'd hate to end up with a backpack full of snakes or something.

He doesn't say anything else before almost sprinting away from me.  I'll add that to the list of bizarre things that have happened today.  Most people have gawked at me, but no one has really taunted me.  The group of girls who've been calling me Daddy's dirty little secret for several days have all but disappeared today.

Either they've resorted to hushed whispers, or my prayers for a bigger scandal have been answered.  I'll gladly let them talk behind my back.  There's no one here I'm trying to impress.  As long as they leave me alone, they can ruin my name in this state.

What happened? Kade growls when he walks up beside me, his eyes on my bag.

I jump a little from the unexpected suddenness of his presence.  Nothing.  Joseph ran over me, my bag fell and broke open.

I shrug, trying not to seem rattled.  I'm still humiliated for letting him see me fall apart yesterday.  I should be seething over the fact he threw me in the pool, but sadly, I'm almost glad he did.  I would have probably left and been homeless if he hadn't.

He lets a snort of disbelief free, and then his eyes scour the grounds for something.  I tilt my head, curious as to what he's searching for.

Looking for someone?

Yeah.  I'll catch up with you later.

He's gone before I can say anything more than that.  It's not like it matters.  He's so... confusing.  He tosses me in a pool and then avoids me. Then he shows up at random to ask about my broken backpack before disappearing again.  I wish he'd make up his mind about whether he hated me or tolerated me.

Hey, a voice says, startling me.

I turn to see a girl with braided pigtails and a secretive grin.  Here it comes.  I should have knocked on wood or something.  I jinxed myself by thinking they'd moved on from torturing me.

Go ahead.  Say whatever you want.  I've heard it all, I mumble while turning away.

She jogs up beside me, and I chance glancing at her to see a frown instead of her earlier smirk.

I wasn't going to say anything.  Believe me, I know what it's like to be the brunt of a joke.

That stops me.  I give her my full attention, while trying to keep from dropping my gaping backpack.

Then what do you want? I ask, unable to keep the disbelieving suspicion out of my tone.

She fidgets awkwardly and twirls one of her pigtails for a second.

I was going to see if I could maybe come to the party tomorrow?  I don't usually get invited, and I know you don't have a lot of friends, so... I don't know.  I thought we could possibly help each other out.

I study her, waiting for this pretty girl with perfect hair and crisp blue eyes to lead me into a trap.

Why don't you usually get invited?

Because I'm not a rich brat with big connections.  That's all Kade invites.

Of course he does.  He's a snob.

It's not my party.  I don't exactly have the right to invite anyone.

I turn to walk away, but she jogs up beside me again.  No, but since you're dating Kade now, I thought-

Whoa.  Wait.  What? I interrupt, feeling my shock fall out with the words.

She tilts her head, suddenly seeming uncertain about whether or not she should continue.

You're dating Kade, right?  Not his father?  It's all over campus.  The rumor is that you and Kade got together before the bulldozer incident and that's why his father moved you in with Kade.  Then Kade bought you a bunch of clothes because all of yours were ruined in the wreckage and he felt responsible.  You didn't want to accept them, but he forced you to.  I thought... You're not dating?

A harsh breath falls out in the form of laughter.  I don't know why I'm laughing.  I suppose it's because it's so ridiculous.

Kade Colton?  You seriously think I'm dating Kade?  He hates me most of the time, and he barely speaks to me the rest.  Why on earth would you think I'm dating him?

She looks over her shoulder before tugging me at my elbow and leading me away from any prying ears.

You need to let people believe it.  It's the only reason they've backed off.  If you go around proclaiming the truth, then they'll start back up.  It's not as scandalous for a rich guy to be taking care of his girlfriend after a bunch of jerks wrecked her house.  It is scandalous to be the mistress of his father.  And you're nothing more than a punch-line if they think Kade and his father simply feel sorry for the poor girl without another option.

I swallow hard.  Shit.  That's why today has been less brutal.  For some reason, these idiots think I'm dating Kade.

I'm not a damn mistress, I hiss.

I don't bother denying the charity case accusation, because in all actuality, that's basically what I am.  My pride can't compete with reality.  I'd have to leave school and return to Utah if I moved out.

Well, I'm sure Kade will quickly refute that rumor soon enough.  As in the second he hears it, I add, groaning inwardly.

I grip my head.  My day was nice, and now I learn it was a mere misunderstanding.  Damn it!

Surely he's already heard it by now, she says in a low whisper.

I start to walk off, but I stop myself.  This party tomorrow will surely tip everyone off to the truth when they see how very much we're not in a relationship.  It might not be a bad idea to have at least one ally.

Come tomorrow night, I say to the only person who's been nice to me since I've been here.

She squeals in delight before grabbing my phone from my back pocket.  I jerk a little from the unexpected touch as she starts pounding away on my keys.  One thing I've learned... my small town respected personal space, but this place has no boundaries.

I've had my ass grabbed, groped, and mauled numerous times by men and women.  Most of it has been innocent, but for Christ's sake, couldn't someone simply warn me before they touch me?

My name is Ember, and now you have my number, she says while handing me back my phone.  My hands are full, so she simply slides it back into my back pocket.  At least I had warning this time.

She runs off before asking my name.  Who am I kidding?  Everyone here apparently knows my name.

A warm arm wraps around my shoulders as a body sidles up close to me, forcing my head to snap to the right to see who's touching me this time.  Kade?

I'm back.  Let's go grab some coffee.  I'm bored.

I look around, somewhat curious if he's mistaken me for someone else.  The only things I notice are the numerous pairs of eyes on us.

Why would you want to get coffee?  With me?

He chuckles at my question while steering me toward his flashy Mercedes that is parked at the curb.  Another one of his vehicles.  His four-car garage hosts his nice selection.

It's coffee, Raya.  We live together, so we might as well get to know each other.  It'll make it less awkward.  Coffee is a start.

As we near his vehicle, I decide to capitalize on this rare moment of civility.

I invited someone to your party.  Is that okay?

He tenses beside me, and his steps catch small lulls, as if I just caught him off guard.

Care if I ask who? It's like he's trying to sound casual, but it's forced.  Have I just ruined the chance for us to try and get along by inviting someone who is poor like me?  Well screw him.

Her name is Ember.  She's not exactly one of your socialite elites, but she was nice-

That's fine, he interrupts, sounding truly relaxed now.

Damn, he's moody.

He holds the door for me, and I climb in, refusing to entertain all the eyes on us with a glance.  Kade's going to flip the hell out when he finds out that my rumors have now bled onto him.  This small window of civility will be slammed shut, and he'll probably even join in on the next heckle-Raya session.

Don't you work at the coffee place? he asks, drawing me out of my miserable thoughts.

I did, I mutter with a scowl.

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the road ahead.

O...kay.  Anything you'd like to share?

Should I tell the rich brat I was fired when I could barely reach above my head for three days?  The bruises were so severe that it hurt when I tried to stock the cabinets.  After two days, Mr. Grady, the owner, decided he didn't have the time to wait on me to heal.  He fired me, using the excuse he needed a full-time employ instead.

Not really, I mumble, refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing I lost my job because of his stupid partiers.

Do you need a job?  My granddad has a-

I don't need one right now.  I have my monthly scholarship money.  It's from my town church.  They always pick a senior every year with good grades to give a scholarship, and they pay it in installments.  I'll be fine until I can find something.  Since I'm not paying rent.

He doesn't say anything.  I'm sure he doesn't even know how hard someone has to work to earn a scholarship.  I wrote essays, sent test scores, and filled out countless forms while submitting for all the scholarship money I could.

My mom would never have been able to afford college for me, I won't take

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