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Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers
Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers
Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers
Ebook44 pages23 minutes

Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers

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About this ebook

Updated on a regular basis, this e-book contains practical advice for all international travelers! It has up-to-date advice on all important topics for travel including: immunizations, immunization reference chart, costs of vaccines and prescriptions, routine travel advice on water purification and foods to avoid, decreasing arthropod exposure, pediatric travel information, anti-malarial medications, prescription needs for traveler's diarrhea, medications for prophylaxis, medications for gastroenteritis, management of common problems like jet-lag, health insurance coverage, travel kit information, altitude sickness, travel advice for the pregnant female, and other useful information for your trip.
Release dateFeb 24, 2015
Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers

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    Book preview

    Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers - Robert M. Gullberg, MD., FACP


    Health Advice and Immunizations for Travelers

    by Robert M. Gullberg, M.D., F.A.C.P.

    During his career Dr. Gullberg has worked as a physician in India, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Central America (Honduras), and Africa (the Congo).

    Did you know…..

    Illness is common among travelers and caused by behavior patterns which can be modified by proper advice.

    About one in five people report illness while traveling internationally.

    While overseas, one out of every 23 U.S. travelers requires a physician to treat an illness. One out of every 200 international travelers is hospitalized.

    The most common illnesses include gastroenteritis (34%), upper respiratory illness (12%), and fever (4%).

    Immunizations for Travelers:

    Immunizations of Worldwide Importance

    Tetanus: An individual who has had a full primary series of inoculations with tetanus toxoid (three injections) and a booster injection every ten years is protected against tetanus. These recommendations are particularly reinforced for international travelers since they may be more prone to accidental injury and they are less likely to have access to an emergency room. Tetanus toxoid is given in combination with diphtheria toxoid (Td), or more recently with pertussis protection also (Tdap). Local side reactions are common and include pain and swelling at the injection site, which may last a few days.

    Diphtheria: Generally, adults are not properly immunized against diphtheria, an observation which has led to the inclusion of this toxoid in combination with the more commonly used tetanus toxoid. Diphtheria organisms are common and disease persists in many developing countries such as Russia. The traveler should also realize that by not being properly immunized, he or she could become a vehicle for carrying the organisms back to friends and family in the United States. The local side effects of the combined tetanus-diphtheria injection are common, but the protection it affords is worthwhile.

    Poliomyelitis: Polio remains a common infection throughout many developing countries. As of 2015, countries with polio include: Pakistan, Ethiopia, Israel, Iraq, Nigeria, India, and Afghanistan. Less than half of

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