Small Dynamos and How to Make Them - Practical Instruction on Building a Variety of Machines Including Electric Motors
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Small Dynamos and How to Make Them - Practical Instruction on Building a Variety of Machines Including Electric Motors - Read Books Ltd.
How a Dynamo Works: General Considerations
AS the machines described here are of the smallest size compatible with their being of practical use, it may be assumed, in the case of many readers interested in this book, that probably the building of one of these machines will represent their initial attempt at dynamo or motor construction, and that they will be without the little elementary knowledge of the subject which would so greatly facilitate the work and also render it more interesting. For these reasons this chapter has been devoted to the elementary theoretical principles of the dynamo, together with a few generalities of construction.
Since the time of the earliest electrical research it has been assumed that electricity flows in a conductor circuit much in the same way that water flows in a pipe, and also that the flow, relative to its source, is in a certain direction. These assumptions should not be taken as literal facts, for they are of a purely hypothetical nature, and have only survived because they lend themselves so readily to the practical application of the known laws of electricity. In the construction of a dynamo or motor the presumed directional flow of electricity is of great importance.
The Simple Dynamo.—In Fig. 1 is shown diagrammatically a simple dynamo. Its action depends, as does that of any other dynamo, on the fact that when a conductor circuit is caused to cut lines of magnetic force, electric currents are set up in the circuit. In simpler language, all magnets appear to be surrounded by some mysterious force which has the power of attracting iron and steel; this invisible area of force is termed the magnetic field, and it is when a closed conductor is moved across this field that an electric current is induced in it.
Conversely, if a conductor carrying an electric current is placed in a magnetic field it will tend to move so that its own field coincides with that in which it is placed; thus we get the electric motor.
Returning to the consideration of the dynamo, it is obvious that, for one revolution of the loop of wire, one side of the rectangle will cut the magnetic field twice, once at the north pole and again at the south pole, and as the direction of flow of an induced current depends upon the direction of magnetic-flux and the direction of motion of the conductor, two currents of opposite direction will at different times flow in the circuit. Expressed in a more simple manner, a con ductor, when passing the north pole, would have a current induced in it of opposite direction of flow to that which it would have when passing the south pole.
No mention has been made of the collection of the current for use in a circuit exterior to the dynamo. It is evident that if merely simple rubbing contacts were made—one for each end of the rectangle of wire—the current obtained would be of an alternating nature, flowing first in one direction and then in the other, and that if a unidirectional (the direct
) current is required, some means must be provided for commuting this alternating current. To do this the connections of the two ends of the loop must be continually changed over.
Fig. 1.—A Simple Dynamo
Fig. 2.—Two-part Commutator
This is accomplished mechanically by means of a commutator, shown in Fig. 2. In its simplest form it consists of a metal ring split longitudinally so as to form two segments, A and B, these segments being mounted upon a bush of insulating material, H, the whole being supported upon the axle X, which carries the rectangle of wire. One end of the loop is connected to one segment and the other end to the other segment. The current is collected by means of two brushes, a and b, situated diametrically opposite each other. The action of the commutator will be readily understood. As the wire loop, and with it the commutator, is revolved, the two segments alternately come into contact with each brush. The relative positions of loop, commutator segments, and brushes are such that the change is made just when the current is about to reverse.
The simple dynamo just described is of academic interest only, for the current obtained from it would require sensitive instruments to detect; its design, however, is fundamental of that of the present-day practical dynamo.
It has been shown that for the production of an alternating current there are two essentials in a dynamo, viz.: the field-magnets and armature—the latter being represented by the loop of wire in the case of the simple dynamo just considered—and that current is produced when the armature is caused to revolve (there are variations of this arrangement, but these do not concern us here).
The usual method of collecting the current is by means of spring brushes pressing upon insulated rings mounted upon the armature shaft.
In the case of the direct-current dynamo the essentials consist of field-magnets, armature and commutator. Figs. 3 and 4 show a typical dynamo.
Field-magnets.—A dynamo may be built with permanent field-magnets or with electro-magnets. On certain types of small machines, which are described later, permanent magnets are very useful as is explained in the chapter dealing with that type of dynamo, but for the construction of a really efficient dynamo electro-magnets are a necessity. The usual shape of the permanent magnets is the horseshoe.
The design of electro field-magnets has taken a great variety of forms in the past, but now it has settled into a few standard patterns which theory and practice have proved to be the most efficient. These are shown in Figs. 5 to 10. Each has its special merits either from a point of view of efficiency or of simplicity of construction combined with a fair percentage of efficiency. Undoubtedly the type shown in Fig. 5 is the most efficient all round, and also is the design embodied in practically all commercial machines of the present day. The ironclad type, Fig. 6, comes next in the matter of efficiency, whilst the merits of the others are about equal. In all these last a certain amount of efficiency is sacrificed for the sake of simplicity and ease of construction.
Fig. 3.—Typical Small Dynamo
In some cases field-magnets are built up of two or more parts on account of simplified construction and winding. When this is done it is of vital necessity that the joints should be a very good fit; in small machines magnets should be all in one piece if possible. The field-magnets of small machines are usually of cast iron, though wrought iron and cast steel may also be used. From a magnetic point of view wrought iron is slightly superior to cast iron, but against this must be set the greater difficulty of working.
Fig. 4.—Another view of typical Small Dynamo
Armatures.—The armature of the practical dynamo differs considerably from that of the simple dynamo previously studied; the difference, however, is of design and not of principle. In place of the single rectangle of wire it is necessary to have a number of conductors; also, as these conductors have to be rotated at a high rate of speed, they must be well supported mechanically. The core of the armature provides the necessary mechanical support and at the same time provides a path for the lines of magnetic force, concentrating them in the region that is cut by the conductors. The core thus serves a mechanical and also an electrical purpose.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 5 to 10.—Types of Field-magnets
In the smallest machines armatures are sometimes made of solid iron, but in larger machines—or, indeed, in any machines in which efficiency is a consideration—armatures should be built up of thin charcoal-iron stampings. If a solid iron armature is used it should be made of very soft iron in order that the magnetic changes may the more easily take place. Solid iron armatures have a great tendency to get hot, the heating being due to eddy currents which are set up in the iron; in the built-up, or laminated, armatures, as they are termed, these eddy currents are prevented to a great extent.
The variety of patterns of armatures is almost as diverse as that of field-magnets, although, broadly, those in general use may be divided into three types: the shuttle, or H, armature; the ring; and the drum—and it is the drum that is used almost exclusively at the present day as being the most efficient electrically, and, in addition, if the H armature, which is only used for the smallest dynamos, be excepted, the easiest to wind.
In the simplest types of small dynamos the H armature