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Arctic Daughter: A Wilderness Journey
Arctic Daughter: A Wilderness Journey
Arctic Daughter: A Wilderness Journey
Ebook356 pages9 hours

Arctic Daughter: A Wilderness Journey

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Setting off in an overloaded canoe, they journeyed down the Yukon River and walked upstream into the remote Brooks Range to build a cabin and live off the land. She was twenty-two, daughter of a famous woman adventurer. He was her childhood sweetheart. Four years later, they emerged from the Alaskan wilds. Now in her sixties, Jean Aspen updates her spellbinding tale of adventure in a harsh and beautiful land for a new generation. ARCTIC DAUGHTER is at once an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and a lyrical odyssey. A READER'S DIGEST book selection, this remarkable tale of survival and courage measures the value of dreams against the unforgiving realities of the natural world. First published in 1988 by Bergamot Books, Minneapolis, MN.
Release dateMar 15, 2015
Arctic Daughter: A Wilderness Journey

Jean Aspen

Daughter of Arctic explorer Constance Helmericks, Jean Aspen began life in the wilderness. Throughout six decades, the natural world has remained central to her. Jean is also the author of ARCTIC SON. She and herhusband, Tom Irons, live in Alaska and spend much of each year in Alaskan wilds.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In 1972, Jean Aspen and her boydriend left the lower 48 to spend a year in the Alaskan wilderness. They built a cabin, lived off the land, and ended up staying for four years. Because this book was written many years after their adventure, there is a critical distance that actually adds to the story and makes you think about the choices you make--or don't. I highly recommend this book.

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Arctic Daughter - Jean Aspen


More than four decades have elapsed since two naïve kids followed their dreams down the Yukon River and up into the mountains on a remarkable adventure. What for me began as a hiatus from college would ultimately become a lifetime centered on wilderness.

In updating my books for a new generation, I am grateful for this chance of amending some inadvertent slights and for the opportunity to add a note about sequence. In the original book I thought to honor the privacy of others by using pseudonyms, yet twenty years later when I again paddled out of the mountains with my husband, Tom, and our young son after another year in the wilderness, I was remembered in the little Indian village. Why, people asked me, did you change our names? Referencing my early journals, I now wish to set that record straight.

In addition, because Phil and I lived in the Brooks Range for nearly four years, some events were included that compress those seasons. For example, the hike to the Arctic Continental Divide occurred in the summer of 1977, but to keep the book a reasonable length, I originally placed it in 1973, where it remains. In rereading this time capsule of my life, I was tempted to amend and polish my youthful voice, but have generally left it frozen in time. What right have I to direct that hopeful girl from my height of sixty-four years? Let her have her adventures and ideas, her untarnished enthusiasm. Any who wish to follow her wandering footprints into maturity can do so with my other books and documentary, going where she could not—across the mysterious expanse of my lifetime.

Wild Blessings,

Jeanie Aspen, October 2014


My mother once said that I must have been imprinted very early on the Arctic for I spent the first three years of my life there. As a child I can remember people asking me, Are you going to be an author and arctic explorer like your Mommy?

No, I would answer. I’m going to be a doctor.

In my family the role of arctic explorer was occupied. Long before I was born my parents had spent years in Alaska’s wilderness, living off the land, traveling by canoe and dogsled, and on foot. Later they pioneered in tiny planes across the vastness. Writing books and lecturing together had been their way of life until twelve years of companionship ended in an angry divorce about the time my memory begins.

I inherited the legacy. I grew up in Tucson, Arizona, listening to stories and leafing through the heavy family albums where across the pages of Life magazine little Jeanie toddles on her snowshoes. But she remained somehow out of my reach; a fairy child. Still I felt that undeniable pull, almost a memory. An eaglet hatched in a henhouse never really forgets. Across the dusty years it called, echoing between the sky and water of my restless soul—like a promise.

Yes, I was drawn to the Arctic, but not by the glamour of being an explorer. There was something more. Maybe the smell of autumn leaves or the stillness of a winter night; the faint song of running water heard even as I gazed upon the arid playground and waited out my childhood sentence in the public schools of Tucson. Perhaps it was the half-remembered family warmth of my first three years in a little cabin on Takahula Lake. Whatever drew me, it pulled me north as soon as I could fly—unerringly as the geese—to repeat another cycle. At the time, I denied any connection with my parents. Yet somehow I always knew that I would return.

My mother was also serving out her time in Tucson. She once said that she had lived her life by the first commandment, Thou shalt have no other gods before me, for she saw God everywhere in the natural world, and her love of nature came first, even before her children. She was a wild spirit and she fretted being shackled, as she saw it, to the demands of two small children and poverty in the city heat, away from her beloved wilderness.

My earliest memories are of wild places, campfires, and trails along desert streams. More walk, less talk, she would say, restricted even there by my short legs. As my legs grew, she began to dream of returning to the wilderness with her daughters. She managed to get her publisher, Little, Brown and Company, to advance the money for the three of us to canoe three thousand miles down the Mackenzie River system in northern Canada—a journey spanning two summers and resulting in her seventh book, Down the Wild River North. I was fourteen then and my sister, Annie, was twelve. Our mother was nearing fifty.

Before I turned twenty-two I put together my own expedition. Phil, my high school sweetheart and friend, was a year older. Looking at our pictures now I can see how very young we were, a couple of kids on an adventure. The year was 1972, a time when other kids our age were dying in the jungles of Vietnam. So perhaps not so young after all. I see myself with more clarity now than I did then, as if who I was to become was already in me. There I stand, a familiar stranger: a lovely blond girl of medium height, a bit chubby, with tanned skin and even white teeth. There is a sense of determination in the set of the jaw, confidence and excitement almost masking the questing in the blue-gray eyes.

Phil and I had prepared well for an extended journey into the wilderness: two years spent gleaning information from my mother, reading books, and pouring over maps. We would drift down the Yukon River, which flows westward across Alaska from Canada to empty into the Bering Sea, and then pull our canoe up a tributary north into the Brooks Range. There we planned to build a cabin and live alone for a year or more entirely off the land. The day after final exams of my junior year in college, we started north.

I have been asked why I would undertake such a journey. Why, I might counter, would any young person choose instead a mortgage and forty-hour-a-week job instead of freedom to explore a wild and beautiful land?

At 2:00 A.M. the sun was just coming up as Phil’s old pickup truck plowed through the last mudhole and into the tiny settlement of Circle, Alaska. End of the road. Three of us had driven north for ten days, Phil and I and a friend who had come along to take the truck back to Tucson. Gradually, we had left darkness behind as we neared the Arctic Circle, an imaginary line around the earth where the sun doesn’t set for one day each summer and fails to rise one day each winter. Now at last, our rutted dirt track simply vanished into the biggest piece of river I had ever seen: the mighty, muddy Yukon. Like a moving lake, it reflected the early morning sun into our tired eyes.

Phil switched off the truck’s engine and stretched. Silence rushed into the cab. We sat a moment, numb from the hours of jostling. Then I flipped up the door handle, enveloping us in the waiting mosquitoes. Within minutes we had our tents up beside the truck.

By 6:00 A.M. the sweltering heat of an early June day on the Yukon Flats drove us from sleep. We were camped on a sloping, grassy bank facing miles of open water and pale blue sky. The land spread flat and lush beneath the endless summer sun. Behind us a few tattered buildings were hidden from view in the dark spruce trees. Steam rising from the damp earth and foliage made the air heavy and hard to breath. Even the mosquitoes were hiding in the shade.

Feeling tired and cranky, I wandered down to the river and splashed muddy water over my face, drying it with the tail of my blue cotton work shirt. Then I brushed out my long hair, twisted it into a knot, and clipped it up with a large barrette.

Phil was already unloading our canoe and half a ton of equipment from the truck when I joined him. He looked up at my approach and paused to fold a red bandanna, slipping it over his chestnut hair as a sweatband. He was handsome in his way: heavy bones framing wide green eyes, square jaw beginning to disappear under a dark beard. The mouth was small for his face, overshadowed by a craggy nose—victim of high school sports. Phil was of average height, with a body well built and graceful, though his personal inclination was to bull his way through rather than use finesse. Perhaps his most striking feature was his eyebrows (or rather, eyebrow) for it spanned both eyes in a single, dramatic sweep.

It was hard for me to see his features objectively. Through the years of friendship, they had become as familiar as my own. We had been close since high school, hiking, rock climbing, dating. We met in the Southern Arizona Rescue Association when I was sixteen. Our friends had referred to us as Phil-and-Jeanie ever since, as if we had somehow joined to form a third organism. And to me, in a way we had. I wanted it to be that way. He had given me an engagement ring just before we started our journey, and the little diamond winked at me as I began unloading duffel.

We worked quietly together unpacking mounds of gear and piling it on the grass. The canoe and supplies that had crowded the front room of the little house we rented together that last semester in school now seemed to shrink before miles of open water.

My attention was interrupted as a shadow fell across me. I looked up at an older man in a dirty T-shirt and whiskers. Although his remaining hair was gray, the blistered, red face and cracked lips were those of a fair-haired person with too many seasons in the weather. From a flat, metal can he took a fresh chew of tobacco and tucked it thoughtfully under his lower lip.

Whar ya goin’? It came out more like a demand than a question.

I straightened slowly, wiping a sleeve over my forehead.

Up into the Brooks Range.

In that? He spat toward the Lady Grayling, our nineteen-foot aluminum canoe, lying out of her element among the dandelions.

She did look small beside the Yukon.

I fly up in that country sometimes in the winter and hunt wolves, he wheezed, watching me. My neighbor, he gets lots of ’em buggers from the air, but I don’t believe in it, he continued. Mainly ’cause I ain’t got no plane.

I glanced up in surprise, half expecting a grin. His face was impassive but for the slow rumination of the jaws and the shrewd china blue eyes. His self-assurance intimidated me: the solid way he planted his boots on the dandelions.

Go away, I thought. I bent over and went back to packing clothes. Choosing equipment and supplies had been no small task and this last day of organizing was important. There would be no one to help if we forgot something.

They say we shouldn’t poison these here bugs, he stated, still searching for something we could disagree upon. He shifted his weight, watching me work.

I nodded. They’re a big part of the food chain, I told him, fresh from my biology classes. Absently I scratched a welt-speckled arm.

He spit again, a stream of juice aimed expertly between stained teeth. Shit. He studied me a moment. I been pilotin’ the River ’fore you was born, huntin’ and trappin’ this country.

I followed his gaze northward over the glittering water.

’Course I ain’t trapped now in years—not that I couldn’t still do it. He seemed to have forgotten me, his eyes lingering on the river. Jest ain’t the game thar was. Wolves is mostly to blame. Wolves and Indians. I could teach you young pups a thing or two about trappin’. His attention came back to me defiantly.

I imagine you could, I answered in a gentler note. Then I retreated into myself until he had gone.

Soon another man appeared, slowly treading the beach with a cane. He looked to be over seventy, a tiny prune of an Indian, dark and wrinkled. He was dressed in dark cotton clothing of indeterminate color, short rubber over-shoes, and a purple baseball cap.

You want whitefish? I give you big whitefish. His voice was soft and difficult to catch. He glanced up at me and then politely away.

He came only to my shoulder as I ambled beside him along the beach, asking questions about the river we hoped to ascend, a tributary of the Yukon that I had chosen from a map. The only maps available were four miles to the inch with two-hundred-foot contour intervals. The river appeared to have no major waterfalls, be fairly well timbered, and to cut deeply into an uninhabited area of the Brooks Range—a mass of seven mountain ranges that extend east to west across the entire northern third of Alaska. No one we knew had ever heard of this river; few even knew of the Brooks Range. The old man beside me knew this land, but he understood very little English and merely bobbed and smiled at most of what I said.

I catch too many fish. Only me and my wife and no dogs anymore. Every day I come ask white people if they want fish. But they say no, he grinned, showing worn teeth. That there my wife. He pointed toward a tiny, fat prune just disappearing into a small cabin of unpeeled logs. I build that one her own house. Fifty-two year we married now. Church married! But I can’t live with her.

He shook his head stubbornly. We halted beside his leaning cache and he reached into a slimy pail to hand me a fish. Then he stooped and wiped his hands in the grass. I thanked him and returned to the beach to clean the fish.

As I scraped the large scales, my eyes were drawn back to the Yukon. I had calculated that we had perhaps a 75 percent chance of surviving, green as we were. Neither of us had even hunted big game before. I wondered if I had misjudged the odds.

By late afternoon I was dizzy with fatigue. I crawled into the truck cab and curled up on the seat to nap, rolling the windows tight against the mosquitoes. Phil was still loading and reloading the canoe, a job he wished to do alone. He was inexperienced with canoes, but had a natural ability with equipment and a tendency to take charge.

When Phil woke me it was nearly midnight and the sun was setting into the Yukon. He looked very tired. I shivered slightly in the big breath of the river, rubbing the seat print from my cheek. Time to go. We would find our own place to camp away from the curious eyes of the village. I checked around the pickup a last time for overlooked items and sleepily headed down the bank to the canoe.

It looks awfully full . . . I protested.

Phil nodded toward the grassy bank where, even at this hour, the total population of ten had come down to watch us sink. Pretend you know what you’re doing, he intoned under his breath.

Together we shoved the grounded craft and I felt the heavy gauge aluminum give under my weight before she slid free into the water. The little ship wallowed deeply but remained afloat. Gingerly I climbed into the bow. My initial alarm increased when I turned to see Phil settling into the stern. We were inches from the river.

We’re crazy, Phil, I declared. We’re dangerously overloaded and we’re just going to have to get rid of some of this junk! I had forgotten the spectators and started to get out.

But we were already underway. Quickly the current snatched our little tub and spun it from shore, sweeping us into the orange and purple sunset. As the truck dwindled into the evening, we waved good-bye. Pursued by a cloud of mosquitoes, we set forth upon the Yukon.

I glanced back at the sound when Phil started our little outboard motor. The canoe gave a sluggish lurch. As he cut back on the power with a gentle curse, we watched a wave ride easily up and over the stern. Lady Grayling settled deeper while Phil motored quietly with one hand and bailed with the other.

Got to watch that, he said shakily, staring in fascination at the two inches of freeboard that separated us from the river. The glossy, orange water betrayed no hint of its depth. Our little engine purred as we wove through the sky-dappled river for the fringe of faraway shore, that finely drawn ribbon of black reality that divided our world from the clouds and gave it order. The mosquitoes were reluctant to give up the chase, but one by one they stowed away or were left behind.

We’re off at last! I called back cheerfully. I smiled, feeling the thrill of an irrevocable choice.

Phil had finished bailing and was peering toward that phantom shore. Absently he swatted at a lingering bug.

I just knocked my glasses overboard.

You’re kidding, I said, knowing that he wasn’t. Your new ones?


I studied the flawless surface that had swallowed Phil’s new glasses. Let’s camp at the first spot.

He nodded wearily.

Very soon the sun was gone, sliding into the spruce forest, and a diffused pink glow of boundless sky softened the summer. The shore we finally reached shelved gently from a willow bar into a quiet stretch of river. There we beached the canoe, making her fast to a sunken log. We snapped a fitted nylon tarp over the load and pitched our camp among the supple bushes. Without bothering with dinner, we crawled into our small, orange tent and zipped it tight against the bugs. Soon I had drifted into a sound sleep, lulled by the lap of wavelets against the canoe and the shrill cries of arctic terns as they darted for insects in the cool dawn sky.

Early day burned bright and hot when we deserted the stuffy tent for the smell of open water. I knelt in the sand, feeding sticks to a young fire and enjoying the stir of wind on my face. A gossamer mist of mosquitoes swirled in the eddy of my body, attracted by the warm animal smell.

The beach was a story of river moods, gathered from countless other shores. Along it wavered a series of parallel lines marking recent water levels in trails of twigs. Small plants were forcing their first two leaves upward through the mud. Because the Arctic receives most of its sunlight in an intense burst, plants and animals grow rapidly during the brief summer. However, environments with low productivity, such as deserts and the Arctic, are delicate, each niche being filled with a single species.

Here one could see the progression of life. Hardy, young willows formed a living net of fluttering green that locked down the sand with tough, red roots. Behind these stood older willows and the fast-growing balsam poplar, and sheltered by the poplar from the careless river, a two-foot forest of young spruce pushed through to claim the future.

I leaned contentedly back on my ankles and buttoned the throat of my denim shirt against the bugs. We were finally underway. This trip had started in my head, and we had taken one step after another to find ourselves here. That is what it takes, I thought: imagination and tenacity.

Phil dropped an armload of firewood and grinned down at me. It was the first smile I’d seen in days. I want to repack the canoe after breakfast, he said. It’s poorly balanced. I think less weight in the stern would help. He had found his spare glasses—climbing goggles with dark prescription lenses. To save space, he had a set of clear lenses that could be inserted. Phil often forgot to wear glasses, as his driving record attested.

I’ll make us some breakfast, if you want to get started, I offered.

All our bulk staples—like cornmeal, flour, and sugar—were packed in square, five-gallon cans. We had designed a grub box, already dubbed Wonderbox, with racks of plastic bottles to be refilled at intervals for easy access in camp. Freeze-dried camper foods were just coming onto the market and were far too expensive for our budget. I had also reasoned that we could pack more actual food as bulk staples. We hoped to supplement our supplies with rabbits and fish during the summer, and would of course need big game before winter. My mother had told me that an active person consumes his weight in prepared food each month, but a canoe’s capacity is small—even ours with its eleven-hundred-pound limit.

Into a bucket of boiling water I dumped a handful of dried and salted horse meat, an animal we had bought and butchered for the trip. At forty-seven dollars it was protein we could afford and had furnished our first butchering experience. We had oven-dried the meat with much salt and then broken it into chips, which I planned to use in cooking until we found game. I was inexperienced in cooking with staples, and Phil was useless. To the boiling horse meat I added flour, lard, salt, and pepper to make a kind of horse-chip gravy. I stirred the pot and bedded it in the coals to simmer. Then I stripped off my clothes and dashed for the river. Phil was still repacking.

Come and have a bath, I called, safely submerged. You’ll feel much better.

When I’m done, came the voice from the duffel.

I upended with a splash, driving the mosquitoes from my scalp. Come on, you’ll enjoy it. I could imagine the specter of my disembodied head floating on a swirling sea of cocoa amid its own little, black cloud.

Reluctantly Phil undressed in the smoke of the fire (mosquitoes avoid smoke) and proffered one toe to the river. It’s cold! he accused me. He wasn’t big on water under any circumstances.

Just rush in and get it over, I advised him. The cloud of bugs was settling contentedly onto his naked skin. With a grimace, he splashed through the water to join me.

Later I stood beside the driftwood fire as Phil brushed out my long hair. Over us, a cruising gull dipped sharply, head pivoting in keen interest, white on blue. The sudden hiss of the pot shifting startled me and I shoved a stick under the bail, lifting it to rake out more coals.

Thoughtfully my eyes trailed over the muddy beach where the tools and supplies that were to see us through a year alone were heaped in the sunlight. Every item had been chosen with care, from the folding sheet-metal Yukon stove for the cabin, to down clothing and rifles. We had discussed our possible needs at length, each of us making decisions in the areas we were most familiar.

Phil was arranging the load in layers. On the bottom were the water-tight five-gallon cans of food and winter clothes as well as the gas tanks he had built to fit the canoe contours. Items like axes, wire, saw blades, one hundred feet of half-inch polypropylene rope, snowshoes, and a few traps were stuffed down beside these. Many kits, such as sewing, photography, medical, maps, journal, and personal items were packed in a middle layer. On top would be everyday items: tent and sleeping bags tucked into a canvas duffel sack, jackets, and a large Ensolite pad for the tent floor, rolled and tied. All the cookware nested into a seven-gallon kettle we called Mightypot. To ensure that equipment would not be washed overboard in case of capsize, everything was lashed in.

This was our future. There were wicks for the tallow candles that we hoped would light our winter and a few special books. We needed fuel for the secondhand outboard motor and rope for pulling the canoe during the later stages of our journey. We had winter clothing, backpacks, and canoe patching materials. There were knives and whetstones, files, matches embedded in wax, an auger, tin snips, nails, hinges, bullets, panes of Plexiglas for cabin windows, measuring tape, and nylon twine. We had a fish net, binoculars, rivets, a plastic tarp to waterproof the sod roof, window putty, four small bottles of military mosquito repellent (the strongest available), film, and a small gas lantern: in short, everything we could conceive of needing and fit in a canoe.

Like many partners, we tended to specialize. Phil was physically stronger than me and good at building things. I, with my knowledge of the North and my dream, was the momentum behind our trip. And somewhere, unseen, was my mother with her stories and advice.

When repacking was completed and cargo again towered over the little craft, we turned to enjoying our breakfast. It was terrible. The jerky was the texture of cardboard and so salty as to be nearly inedible. Above us, arctic terns hovered and wheeled—dazzling flashes of life engrossed in their great summer task, a job of such importance they had flown from the Antarctic, a round-trip of thirty-six-thousand miles, for these few weeks of sun and insects to perform it. In all the world, only terns can make more terns.

It was afternoon before we got underway. As camp swept behind on a sea of dancing sun diamonds, we discovered that we were not yet across the river. In fact, with the kaleidoscope of wandering channels, big islands, merging backwaters, and sloughs, being on shore was a matter of definition. From the air, this area of the Yukon Flats resembles a plate of spaghetti, but we were comfortably ignorant of this for the map that might have helped had somehow been forgotten in the truck, a mistake that could well have proved fatal. God looks after fools, they say. But not always, I have come to find out.

As we slowly motored, we searched for that elusive other shore and our next landmark, the small town of Fort Yukon, some days travel away. When we stopped the engine far from land and drifted, we found ourselves on a smooth lake of sunlit water melting into flat, blue sky where magic islands seemed to float. Only the uneasy boils on the smooth surface and hypnotic hiss of silt against the hull told of our travel.

Night had already settled upon the lands to

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