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The Civil War Rivalry: Oregon vs. Oregon State
The Civil War Rivalry: Oregon vs. Oregon State
The Civil War Rivalry: Oregon vs. Oregon State
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The Civil War Rivalry: Oregon vs. Oregon State

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Since 1894, the Ducks and the Beavers have squared off on the gridiron to do battle for football bragging rights in Oregon. It's a rivalry that pits family members against one another, splitting the allegiance of an entire state. Award-winning sports journalist Kerry Eggers tells the complete story of one of the most historic rivalries in college football. Through firsthand interviews with the key performers in the rivalry and extensive research in both schools' archives, Eggers offers a comprehensive account of the players, coaches and fans who have made the Civil War the state's most anticipated football game. Whether a Beaver or a Duck, this is a book no fan can do without.
Release dateJul 22, 2014
The Civil War Rivalry: Oregon vs. Oregon State

Kerry Eggers

Kerry Eggers has been writing sports for Portland newspapers since 1975. Eggers is a five-time winner of the Oregon Sportswriter of the Year award, most recently in 2011. He is past president of the Track & Field Writers of America and former winner of the Jesse Abramson Award as the nation's top track & field writer. This is Eggers's sixth book. Others include "Blazer Profiles" (1991), "Clyde 'The Glide' Drexler" (1998) and "Football Vault: The History of the Beavers" (2009).

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    The Civil War Rivalry - Kerry Eggers




    Thirty-five years after Oregon reached statehood and fewer than 30 years after the end of the Great War between the Union and Confederate states, the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College (OAC) met on the gridiron on a sawdust field in front of 500 curious observers.

    The Farmers beat the Lemon-Yellows 16–0 on OAC’s College Field that cold, wet November day in 1894, beginning a traditional rivalry that merits comparison with any in college football today. Only three current West Coast rivalries have lasted as long or longer than the Civil War: Utah and Utah State (1892), Cal and Stanford (1892) and Idaho and Washington State (1894).

    In some quarters, people were impressed with this new fast-moving, sometimes violent game known as football. Others weren’t so convinced.

    The game is little better than the sports of the amphitheater of old or the bullfights of Spain, the Salem Daily Post editorialized later that year. A scientific game like baseball or cricket is all right in connection with universities or colleges, if not carried to excess; but football is on a par with the shinny played with a curved stick.

    Shinny was a reference to an informal style of ice hockey, or perhaps street hockey, popular in the day. The comparison was not exactly high praise for a sport being introduced in Oregon colleges during that era.

    Intercollegiate football began in 1869 with a contest between Rutgers and Princeton in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Two teams of 25 players each attempted to score by kicking a round ball into the opposing team’s goal. Throwing or carrying the ball wasn’t allowed. Rutgers won 6–4.

    By 1880, a more oval, rugby-like ball was in play. There were two 45-minute halves with a running clock, three downs to make five yards for a first down. Scoring was four points for a touchdown, two for a conversion, two for a safety and five for a field goal.

    Walter Camp (1859–1925), a player, coach and sportswriter, was the forefather of the more modern game. He standardized an 11-man team, the line of scrimmage, the center snap and advancing the ball by the run or the pass. Camp coached Yale’s team from 1876 to 1882 and for three years after that at Stanford.

    Football came to the West Coast in the 1880s and was played on a club level in Oregon in the early 1890s. OAC, which established what it called the College Athletic Club in 1892, got a one-year head start in football on the U of O. New OAC president John Bloss—a Civil War veteran who had played a key role in the Battle of Antietam in Maryland—announced in 1892 that the school would begin playing intercollegiate football the next year. Bloss’s son, Will, had played football at Indiana, and he became OAC’s first coach and quarterback.

    On October 15, 1892, the Oregon College Foot Ball Association (OCFBA) was formed. Representatives held their first meeting in Albany, with J.W. McCrum from Pacific (Forest Grove), A.P. Shattuck from State University (Albany), E.E. Washington from Portland, H. Colman from Oregon State Normal (Monmouth) and A.S. Additon from OAC attending. Willamette was unrepresented but played as a charter member of the association.

    McCrum was elected president, Additon secretary and Shattuck treasurer at the meeting. Each team in the association was assessed a five-dollar fee to be used in purchasing a pennant to be presented to the team winning the most games during the season. A schedule was drawn up, with games to be played the following winter. Each institution was to select a member to serve on an advisory committee as a court of appeals.

    OAC’s team color that year was orange—no black yet—and its mascot was a coyote named Jimmie. The school’s sports teams weren’t called the Coyotes, however. In the early years, newspaper accounts referred to the Farmers, the Hayseeds, the Agrics and the Agriculturists. Later, it was shortened to Aggies, and sometime in the early twentieth century, Orangemen came into vogue.

    In Eugene, an Oregon Athletic Club was formed in 1893, one year after intercollegiate sports were introduced. The initial color was yellow, and in 1893, students voted to add green and to call themselves the Webfoots, derived from fishermen who had been heroes during the Revolutionary War and whose descendants had settled in the Willamette Valley. Despite that, early references to UO sports teams were to the Lemon-Yellows, the Dudes and the Webfeet.

    (In those years, Oregon was unofficially known as the Webfoot State. Ironically, when the state nickname became the Beaver State in 1909, Oregon students changed the name of the yearbook to The Beaver. It became The Webfoot in 1914.)

    By 1893, American college football rules called for two 30-minute halves and three downs to make five yards for a first down. A team scored five points for a kicked field goal, four for a touchdown, two for a conversion and two for a safety. Substitutions were allowed only after injuries or disqualifications; passing was prohibited.

    With Bloss as player-coach, OAC won five of six games that first season, beating Albany, Monmouth (twice), Multnomah Athletic Club of Portland and Corvallis Athletic Association and losing to Portland. Meanwhile, Oregon was organizing a football team of its own. Stringent rules were put into place by the faculty: Each team member must have 42 credits earned, [with] student character above reproach, and he must have been a student of the university for at least one year.

    The first game was played on March 24, 1894, against Albany on a Eugene field now on the site of the university’s computing center and Gilbert Hall. Oregon won 44–2 at a site that had no bleachers and no seating for spectators—just two long benches for the teams. Spectators lined the field, sat or stood in carriages with the horses still attached or watched from nearby rooftops.

    The first UO coach was Cal Young, who had learned to play football in 1886 at Bishop Scott Academy, a military school in Portland. He was 23 and working in the family meat market when Oregon got the go-ahead to form a team. For the first game, Young served as one of the game officials—not an unusual occurrence during the formative years of football in the state.

    Ours was probably the only UO team that didn’t know defeat, Young wrote later. Of course, we played only one game.

    While Young goes down as the only undefeated coach in Oregon history, he wasn’t the best one. Editorialized the Eugene City Guard after the win over Albany: The University boys had no coaching to speak of before the game, and while individual playing was excellent, the teamwork was open to criticism.

    After that game, Young resigned, giving way to former Princeton player G.A. Church. Oregon joined the OCFBA, which now included OAC, Pacific, Oregon State Normal and Portland. Oregon thus embarked on a three-game fall season in 1894, beginning with the game in Corvallis against the Farmers.

    From the Corvallis Gazette’s game account:

    About 500 people saw the OAC football team defeat the State university 11 today by a score of 16–0. The game was marked by brilliant plays throughout. Playing began at 1:30 (p.m.) and for the first few plays, the Eugene players went with a dash that won plaudits from all, and it seemed they would do up the Farmers in short order. Their game consisted principally of straight runs around the end. On center plays, their work was generally ineffectual against the heavy line rush of the home team, and many times cost them considerable loss of yardage. OAC made large gains around Eugene’s right end.

    The best of feeling prevailed during the entire game, and little or no slugging was indulged by either side. The Eugene team made a favorable impression on everyone. With the exception of (Percival) Nash, who suffered a dislocation of a shoulder blade in the first half, none of the players were injured.

    The playing was spirited throughout, but lost interest after the first half, as it was plainly apparent the varsity (Oregon) team was outclassed. The Eugene players conducted themselves as gentlemen and made a favorable impression with each of the 500 interested spectators. A commendable feature of the game was the general good feeling that prevailed among the players and the absence of slugging on either side.

    The Gazette account focused heavily on deportment, a reflection of the feeling of the day. The early years of college were rife with calls to abolish football on college campuses because of the physical nature of the game, which, with no padding to protect the players, resulted in injuries and, in extreme cases, death.

    From an editorial in the Eugene-based Union Republican: The next legislature should pass a law prohibiting the playing of the cruel, inhuman and outlandish game of football, at least by the students of the University of Oregon. There is no sense in it. Students are sent there to gain knowledge and refinement, not to cultivate a desire for participating in a cruel game of this kind.

    Not everyone agreed, however. A letter to the editor in the Oregonian from W.E. Carll of Oregon City reflected the feeling of many during the era and made a case that football was well worth saving. Carll wrote:

    The present cry against football, and the action of some of our local university faculties with reference to stopping and possibly prohibiting football, show a woeful amount of ignorance and blind prejudice on the part of those who so quickly jump to criticize and call brutal one of the best, if not the best, of all modern games. The criticism can in no way apply to more than one or possibly two plays in the game, and these can be easily eliminated, and in fact are rapidly being eliminated from the game. So it will be only a question of time when these features will no longer mar the noblest of outdoor sports. Then is it not better to try to clear up these few defects and give true recognition to the benefits which result from a heavy indulgence in football?

    Football necessarily teaches a man self-reliance, self-command, perseverance; it cultivates his powers of concentration. A man must have his wits about him, must judge quickly and play quickly—his opponents are pressing, he must hear and instantly obey orders, and further, when fatigue comes on he must force himself to continue constantly watching, being ever ready to see, meet and possibly invent new play to oppose any new play of his adversary. It therefore teaches a man to contend against opposition and therefore teaches perseverance and self-control.

    There is no other sport in the world which makes so much demand upon a man’s mental and physical qualities. The puny, cigarette-smoking, narrow-chested must avoid it, and must regret that their fathers and mothers had not prepared themselves by physical training to produce offspring better qualified for the battle of life. A few broken bones or a few bruises should not cause us to cry down the game. All manly sports have some drawbacks of this nature. How long will it be before our country may be called upon to try conclusions with some nation, and then, if not before, will the manly training of the gridiron field make heroes well able to carry out the physical power what their mental powers may prompt them to?

    It is well to understand why the weak and the timid shrink from the sight of the game. Not having courage to participate, they exclaim in horror that such things should occur. But with one of courage, how different it all is! How he thrills at a quick, alert play, how he actually feels the impetus of a rush! And when some noble fellow makes a creditable run, how he urges him on until possibly a good tackle fills him to the brim with applause for the player who had the courage and strength to stop such a cyclone of flesh and blood. All of these things should and will make the game take precedence over all others.

    There are points which we must all agree make us ashamed of the participants. There are brute plays by brute natures, more noticeable in a game before spectators on an open field. But no more deplorable than if such cropping out took place in the shop, counting-house or home of the brute. All lovers of good sport should see to it that such players are suppressed.

    With all the hue and cry against football the season of ’94, just closing, has little serious damage to show, and football men have gained experience, muscle and a priceless stock of health. If college faculties would follow the advice of such men as Walter Camp or Whitney, and make suitable and necessary changes in the rules, the ranks of the railers against the game would be quickly reduced to those who howl and rail at everything except their own existence.

    Another newspaper editorial, entitled The Uses and Abuses of College Athletics, Especially Intercollegiate Football, addressed the need for universities to stress academics and clean play on the field:

    he faculties should demand a high grade of classwork from the men on the teams, barring temporarily any man who is neglecting his legitimate occupation, that of study, for the sake of football. It is not at all necessary that training for the games need interfere with the study by any member of the team. As far as I know, the Oregon college [players] represent a high average of intelligence and moral force. In addition to a high ideal of scholarship to be maintained, a still higher ideal of school and personal honor should be insisted upon. The members of the faculties can do much to help make this a clear, concrete, well-defined force in all college athletics. The universal mottos should be, Much for honors, but everything for honor.

    The young men are constantly under the temptation to yield to the lower ideals of some of their enthusiastic admirers outside of college circles…Rumors get afloat as to what the other teams intend to do in the way of slugging, and anxious would-be friends advise the college men to do ’em up if they try any rough play. If these tendencies are not counteracted, there is always danger that the two teams may face each other, each believing it will be obliged to defend itself against the unfair and intentionally disabling play of the other, when, as a matter of fact, neither team means to take the initiative in rough play.

    By 1900, 43 colleges throughout the country fielded football teams. The number was increasing each season. Unfortunately, so were the dangers of the sport.

    According to the Chicago Tribune, there were 18 deaths and 159 serious injuries as a result of playing football in 1904. Newspaper editorials called on high schools and colleges to ban football outright. President Theodore Roosevelt—a proponent of the value of the sport—summoned coaches from 62 schools, including Harvard, Yale and Princeton, to the White House in 1905 to urge them to curb excessive violence and set an example of fair play for the rest of the country. The schools released a statement condemning brutality and pledging to keep the game clean.

    But in 1905, the toll was 19 deaths and 137 serious injuries. Following the season, Stanford and Cal switched from football to rugby, and Columbia, Northwestern and Duke were among the schools to drop football. In 1906, radical rule changes included legalizing the forward pass, abolishing dangerous mass formations, creating a neutral zone on the line of scrimmage and doubling the first-down distance to ten yards (at that point, still to be gained in three downs).

    It led to a gradual decline in the number of deaths and serious injuries. College football was preserved, to be further popularized in the years to come.



    After the initial loss to the OAC in Corvallis in 1894, Oregon dominated the next 25 years of the intrastate series. From 1895 to 1922, the Dudes lost only three times to the Hayseeds, though six of the 26 meetings over that period ended in ties.

    In 1902, the first attempt at forming a regional collegiate athletic league was made. OAC, UO, the University of Washington, Washington Agricultural College (later to be Washington State), Montana and Idaho were among the nine schools in what was called the Northwest Intercollegiate Athletic Association. The NIAA, though, disbanded with little fanfare two years later.

    Oregon got a home field in 1903, when Kincaid Field—with grandstands holding 800—was built on land belonging to Eugene pioneer Harrison Kincaid. Kincaid was a newspaper publisher and served two terms as Oregon’s secretary of state. OAC would continue playing its games at College Field until 1910, when a stadium was built and renamed Bell Field.

    Oregon won 6–5 at Corvallis in 1904 in a game that produced the longest run from scrimmage the series will ever see. OAC went into the contest with a 4-0 record, having allowed only one touchdown (worth five points in 1904) in beating its alumni, the Portland Meds, Washington and Utah State. Oregon was 4-2, having been shut out the previous two weekends by powers California and Stanford. College games that season featured 25-minute halves. Fields were 110 yards long, with no end zones (established for the 1911 season).

    On a wet day on a muddy College Field, Oregon led 6–0 at halftime after a Joe Templeton touchdown and the PAT, or what was in those years known as a goal kick. OAC’s star center in those days was Dow Walker, bigger than most of his peers and, if not a great player, certainly opportunistic for history’s sake.

    Setting the stage for a description of Walker’s run, the Oregonian’s post-game account began this way: Fancy, if you can, 200 pounds of brawn and muscle racing down a field swimming in water and so muddy that a snipe would have bogged down; fancy, if you can, this giant human form racing across this field of water with a slimy, mud-dripping ball tucked under his arm, with 11 Oregon men howling at his heels like a pack of hungry wolves, and you have a picture of center Walker making his sensational 105-yard run.

    On an early second-half possession, the Webfeet methodically worked the ball downfield toward the Agrics’ goal. Templeton, though he was guilty of three serious fumbles, was playing a ripping game, the reporter wrote. But the fates had it in for him, and in a lively mix-up at OAC’s 10-yard line, the greasy ball slipped from his grasp, and it flew backwards as if it had been shot out of a gun.

    The writer called Walker sort of Sandow II, in reference to Eugene Sandow, a pioneering Prussian bodybuilder of the era. Walker, or Sandow II, was on the fringe of the skirmishers, and saw the ball scooting merrily toward Oregon’s goal. Like a panther he sprang forward, grasped the ball and hiding it under his huge shoulder, sped down the field. Templeton howled that he had lost the ball, but the din on the sidelines drowned his cry, and before Oregon realized what had happened, Walker was 30 yards away. It must have seemed countless miles to the goalposts to the big fellow. Once he almost stopped, and the OAC rooters became frenzied in their agony of fear. But he struggled on, planting his colossal feet into the mud and ooze, sending great showers of muddy water right and left. Walker saw the goalposts through bleary eyes, stumbled and staggered on, and was 10 yards in front of the nearest Oregon runner when he stopped.

    Nearly 60 years later, Terry Baker’s 99-yard run in the Liberty Bowl became etched in most Oregon Staters’ minds as the longest in school history. From scrimmage, yes. But it was Walker, the lumbering center with colossal feet, who has the program’s longest play ever, covering more real estate than the 100-yard kickoff returns by Ray Taroli (vs. UCLA, 1970), Tim Alexander (vs. Southern Cal, 1998) and Gerard Lawson (vs. Hawaii, 2006).

    (Oregon’s longest plays: Woodley Lewis, 102-yard kickoff return, vs. Colorado in 1949; Jim Smith, 98-yard fumble recovery return, vs. Oregon State in 1967; Bob Newland, 95-yard pass from Tom Blanchard, vs. Illinois in 1970.)

    By 1905, Oregon was figuring out a way to make money from its football team. With 2,000 people looking on at Kincaid Field, Frank Templeton’s touchdown run sealed a 6–0 triumph over OAC, and the large crowd provided gate receipts of $760, split between the two schools. It accounted for most of the $400 profit Oregon football would show for the season.

    Oregon made a wise investment prior to the 1906 season when Hugo Bezdek was hired as its first full-time coach for $1,500 salary—$1,100 to oversee the department of physical culture and $400 to coach. Bezdek was also allowed to hire an assistant coach, a first for the program.

    Born in Prague in 1884, Bezdek came to America as a small child when his family settled in Chicago. The 5-7, 175-pound Bezdek played football under the great Amos Alonzo Stagg at the University of Chicago. Bezdek was a four-year starter in the backfield and named to Walter Camp’s All-Western team his final season.

    The best player I ever coached, said Stagg, a member of the first All-America team in 1889 whose coaching career spanned six decades and ended in 1946, when he was 84. Bezdek coached a year under Stagg at Chicago before being recommended to Oregon by his mentor, taking over the UO program at age 23.

    Before the 1906 season, Bezdek instituted training table, required all 35 players to learn every position and introduced the forward pass, which was being legalized that season.

    Oregon had a fine season under Bezdek that fall, going 5-0-1 and allowing opponents only nine points. The one blemish was a scoreless tie against OAC on a muddy sawdust field at Corvallis.

    The Agrics were in good hands, too, under first-year coach Fred Norcross, who had been star quarterback and captain at Michigan under the legendary Fielding Yost in 1905. From 1901 to 1905, Yost’s Michigan teams went 55-1-1, outscoring opponents by a margin of 2,821 to 42.

    Before being hired by OAC, Norcross had spent a short time serving as a surveyor in Montana, pioneering for a railroad. Like Bezdek, the 5-6 Norcross was diminutive in stature and was soon known around campus as the Napoleon of football and The Wise Man of the East or just Norky. His young 1906 team was called Norky’s Green Bunch. The Agrics were 4-0-1, having tied Washington 0–0 at Seattle three weeks before, going into the Oregon game.

    The Oregonian’s pre-game account focused on Norcross’s decision to bar the public from its practice sessions. The OAC practice throughout the week has been behind closed doors, the newspaper report said. The exclusion of onlookers from the field has been religiously kept and little is known concerning what finishing touches coach Norcross has given the team…The team is very light compared to the men usually sent out by Oregon Agricultural College. It will hardly weigh an average of 160 pounds to the man.

    Oregon, the newspaper said, expects to win by a small margin after a hard game.

    UO star Fred Moullen missed the game with a sore shoulder, which didn’t help his team’s chances for victory. The visitors, through a post-game account in the Eugene Gazette, claimed conspiracy. The feeling among the Oregon players is that the shifty Corvallis coach turned the hose on the gridiron last night in order to gain the advantage of a sticky field with bottomless mud for his youthful team, the newspaper wrote. OAC has an 11 composed of hard, gritty players, but the team’s hardly in the same class with the veteran Oregon team.

    From the Oregonian: It was played on a muddy field, and to this fact the university men attribute their failure to win a victory. The game was very largely a punting duel, with all the honors on the side of Corvallis, both in the long-distance punting by (Carl) Wolff and in the better handling of punts by the Corvallis ends and backs…The collegians early in the game turned their attention solely to punting and often kicked on first down.

    Afterward, Bezdek was quoted as saying, We outplayed OAC 60 percent. We made 15 first downs and got loose several times…but on account of the sticky mud, we could do nothing. Oregon outclassed OAC and would be only too glad to play a postseason game on a good field. I have no fault to find with the OAC people, but I hold them responsible for not having a better field.

    Oregon captain W. Chandler said Oregon would have won by 20 points had the game been played on any field but a muddy wallow like the OAC gridiron.

    The man who refereed the game, Bruce Shorts, voiced his agreement. It was positively the worst exhibition of football I have ever seen, said Shorts, a former tackle at Michigan. Neither team could do any playing, as the men were ankle deep in mud. Not of the ordinary kind, but sticky stuff that hindered every movement. There was not a spot on the field that was free of it. After the first few downs, it was impossible to distinguish one player from another. The ball was usually coated with several pounds of mud and punting the ball for any distance was out of the question…On a dry field, Oregon would outclass Corvallis. Oregon is three or four touchdowns stronger than Corvallis, and under anything like favorable conditions would have won easily…Altogether, it was a wretched exhibition.

    Shorts, it should be pointed out, had served as Oregon’s head coach the previous season.

    The Corvallis Gazette, in the homer-ish spirit of the era, countered with a story under a headline that read, Skill, Not Mud, Did It.

    The statement made by the Eugene Guard accusing the OAC players of having flooded the ground the night before to make the field muddy is without just cause, began the Gazette article.

    Norcross wasn’t buying any excuses, either. On account of the heavy condition of the field, Oregon’s superior weight (average 174 to 159) enabled (the visitors) to make the greater yardage, Norcross was quoted as saying. "Our superior punting and handling of punts more than counterbalanced their odds in weight. Oregon played good ball and the contest was gentlemanly and clean.

    I believe the Oregon players to be too sportsmanlike to whine over the fortunes or misfortunes of a football game. It seems too bad our players cannot be given some credit for what they do, and the charge of watering the field is really too silly to discuss. To me the charge sounds like a wail from persons who have wagered and lost. Some people are greater in adversity than in victory; others are not.

    The 1906 campaign was the only one in which Bezdek and Norcross met as coaches on the gridiron. After the season, Bezdek returned to Chicago to attend medical school. A year later, he was hired as football coach at Arkansas, continuing a coaching career that would last three decades with many twists and turns.

    Former Dartmouth star Gordon Frost—who had coached high school football in Seattle the previous two years—took over the Oregon program for the 1907 season. Frost had graduated from Dartmouth in 1904 and then coached high school ball in Seattle for two years.

    There was plenty of anticipation for the ’07 matchup in Eugene, which in those years was billed as the Oregon Intercollegiate Game. Oregon, under Frost, entered the game 3-0 on its way to a 5-1 season. OAC was also 3-0 en route to a 6-0 campaign.

    It is a game both elevens have looked forward to for 12 long months, and the game that the supporters of their respective institutions and all over the state have discussed, wondered about and figured on for a similar period of time, wrote the OSU Barometer, the school newspaper. It is the game all Oregon and all of the Northwest is watching with breathless interest.

    Most Eugene businesses were closed for the day so proprietors could be on hand to cheer for Oregon. From Corvallis and Albany, trains bearing nearly the entire OAC student body, among others, carried 1,700 fans to attend the game played on UO’s sawdust field. One group of the team’s followers, called the OAC Rooters’ Club, walked the entire 40 miles from Corvallis.

    Gambling, which ran amok in sports much later in the century, was prevalent even in the early 1900s. On the day before the game, William Jaspers Kerr—in the first year of his 25-year tenure as OAC’s president—addressed the student body during a special convocation in chapel exercise in the Armory on the ethics of athletic contests.

    He urged students not to wager money on games, insisting the practice tends to bring wholesome sports into disrepute, leads those who wager into evil habits and applies funds that parents provide for education to unworthy and vicious purposes, the Oregonian wrote. "No influence can work faster for the demoralization of sports than gambling on games, said the president.

    President Kerr also insisted that gentlemanly deportment, whether player or supporter, is a first essential to clean sports. ‘Whether victorious or defeated, accept the result as true sportsmen,’ he said, ‘and let your demeanor be such that your state and your college will be proud.’

    Players of the era were of small proportions almost inconceivable more than a century later. OAC starters weighed from 147 pounds (Walter Gagnow, the QB) to 206 (Bill Jamison, a tackle), with eight starters weighing under 170. UO starters ranged from 141 (D. Kuykendall, the QB) to 198 (J. Scott, the center), with five starters under 170.

    A crowd of 4,000, the largest to watch an intercollegiate game in the state, saw OAC prevail 4–0 for its first win in 10 years in the series.

    From a game account printed in both the Oregonian and the Gazette: Never before in the history of Northwest football had a game been played that called forth such a magnificent display of strength and skill. It was spectacular from whistle to whistle, causing the spectators to hold their breath in wonder and then break forth with cheering.

    Game stories of that era often commented on the crowds and the pageantry, as they did on this day. The Oregon rooters did effective work, as did those of the Agricultural College, the Eugene Guard wrote. The latter were attended by the Cadet Regiment Band of 35 pieces, while the Eugene Military Band furnished music for Oregon.

    OAC fullback Carl Tubby Wolff provided the game’s only points with a field goal from the Oregon 30-yard line with 22 minutes to play. From the Gazette: The angle was difficult…A pall of hushed silence fell over the great crowd as he squared away for delivery of the blow with a calm deliberation…He was easily the coolest person on the grounds, and the oval shot from the field and sailed gracefully and unerringly over the center of the bar between the posts, scoring the points that marked the first victory over the University in eight games. Two thousand hearts leaped, two thousand voices howled and two thousand people caroused out of a delirium of delight, while as many or more felt the keen disappointment of impending defeat, though admiring the cool youth whose good foot had saved the day for the Orange.

    Oregon missed a number of opportunities to tie the score or win the game. After back Fred Moullen pounded the line on six consecutive plays, carrying the ball for a collective 30 yards to the OAC 20-yard line, he missed the second of two field goals—in the lexicon of the day, placekicks. Dudley Clark also attempted a dropkick without success.

    (J.R.) Coleman had a golden chance to score after receiving a forward pass but was tackled from behind by the fleet-footed (H. Earl) Rinehart, the Oregonian reported. The game ended with Oregon struggling desperately to cross the Corvallis goal line.

    In the school yearbook, the Orange, a jingoistic and hyperbolic account read this way: This mighty aggregation was to lock horns with the U of O for the Northwest Championship. And when they came together in battle, great was the carnage. The two great masses of brawn and muscle came together with a great crash like the grinding of broken metal. And they surged back and forth like two bullocks in deadly combat. There were hundreds of OAC lads and lasses on the sidelines shouting encouragement to their team and praying for victory. When the first half ended with no score, they danced madly around their team in a serpentine and threw up their hats and yelled like an OAC Rooters Club. Then OAC approached U of O’s goal line, and the trusty right foot of Tubby the Wolfe made the final score 4–0. And OAC went raving mad and turned the city of Eugene upside down unto all pandemonium turned loose.

    In contrast to the contentious air of the coaches the year before, there was a sportsmanlike tone to the coaches’ post-game comments this time. The teams were evenly matched and both played exceptionally good football, Norcross said. The Agricultural College team was favored slightly by good luck.

    We were fairly beaten and will take our defeat like sportsmen, Frost said. Since Corvallis has beaten us, I wish her team all success and I hope to see it win the (coast) championship.

    Wrote the Oregonian: Although the rivalry was keen and enthusiasm ran high, a spirit of fairness and good sportsmanship existed throughout the contest. Corvallis has nothing but praise for Oregon’s splendid team, and Oregon had the same feeling for the victors. The friendly feeling engendered served to restore the friendship that existed between the two colleges prior to the unpleasant incidents last year. Nobody in Eugene begrudges the Corvallis victory, and there are no sore spots in either side.

    OAC’s team carried the momentum through the rest of the season, outscoring its opposition 138–0 in six games. The Agrics ended the season by traveling to Los Angeles to face St. Vincent’s College—later to become Loyola Marymount—for the Pacific Coast championship. OAC won 10–0.

    When the coaches and players returned via train to Corvallis two days later, great was the rejoicing, wrote the Orange. The people turned out in multitudes to do homage to the champions. The hearts of the fairest maidens fluttered at the glance from the heroes of the hour. The faculty came out with their wives and children to rejoice with the multitude. Bells were rung, cannons boomed and the faculty actually yelled. It was like a cross between the feast of the Gods and a Fourth of July. They were the champions of the Pacific Coast.

    The spirited game set the tone for the rivalry to take a quantum leap in intensity for the following year. The 1908 game was scheduled for the first time at a neutral site, at Portland’s Multnomah Field.

    Oregon was on its seventh coach in seven years. Robert Forbes became the first to man the post for successive seasons, running the program in 1908 and ’09. OAC was in its final of three campaigns under Norcross.

    The Lemon-Yellows went into the game 3-2, having lost the previous two Saturdays to Whitman and Washington. The Agrics entered with a 4-0-1 mark, having beaten Whitman the previous weekend and having outscored their five opponents 73–0.

    The Farmers are in line for the Pacific Northwest championship and expect to repeat their record of last year, the Oregonian wrote. Members of the university team (Oregon) expressed confidence in their ability to win against their old-time rivals…It is evident that coach Norcross’ famous football machine will be put to it to gain the ascendancy.

    A throng of 1,500 fans trekked to the game from Eugene, including 60 who decorated a train with the words University of Oregon, using a letter for every car. Bunting in Oregon colors, flags and pennants was also used to make the train as attractive as possible. About 2,000 rooters came from Corvallis.

    From a dispatch from Corvallis on the Farmers: Every man is in perfect physical condition and ready to put up the fight of his life.

    A capacity crowd of 10,000 watched as Oregon beat OAC 8–0, while an overflow throng estimated over 5,000 saw the game from the hillside on the south, the roofs of nearby buildings and the Multnomah Club verandas, according to the Oregonian.

    Fred Moullen was the difference, kicking a pair of four-point field goals to provide all the scoring in a game played in a heavy downpour. From the Oregonian: Before the largest crowd that ever saw a football game in the Pacific Northwest, the University of Oregon 11 demonstrated its superiority over the Oregon Agricultural College team. It was made possible through the accuracy and power of the trusty right foot of captain Fred Moullen. The Oregon captain kicked two goals from placement in the first half of the most magnificent football struggle ever seen in Portland. It brought joy supreme to the wildly cheering and vociferously enthusiastic rooters of the University of Oregon, for the varsity team had been rated as second choice and odds of two and three to one had been offered against the chances of defeating the OAC team.

    On its first offensive series, OAC fumbled after a long drive into Oregon territory. The Lemon-Yellows mounted a drive of their own, with Moullen booting a field goal from the OAC 10-yard line for a 4–0 lead. Neither team showed much offense or ingenuity in the hard-fought battle.

    Only once or twice during the 35-minute halves were there individual plays that gave one of the largest and gayest crowds that has ever attended a football game in the city’s history a chance to thrill, the Oregonian reported. "The new style football was regulated out of the game, and only twice, both by OAC, was the forward pass used, and failed dismally. Only once or twice were fake, or trick, plays tried. It was just straight football, with lots of punting, a game in which Oregon made splendid use of both brain and brawn and took advantage of every chance and made opportunity for plays that were brilliantly executed. At every stage of the grueling contest, Oregon was ever ready to take advantage of its opponent’s fumbles and weaknesses.

    Even those hardworking and loyal OAC rooters that swayed and strained and sang in the grandstand must have realized with a shock that was sickening that they had been fooled into believing Oregon was sending a team of weaklings just to be slaughtered. For down on the rain-soaked field, had they had but half an eye, they could have not helped but known that, man for man, Oregon was outplaying their team. And in the pinches, where brain is pitted against brawn, the better judgment was displayed by the lads from Eugene.

    The school annuals, not surprisingly, saw the game’s outcome differently. In the Orange came the first mention of the nickname Beavers for an OAC athletic team. Time after time, the Beavers tore through the line for good gains, the yearbook wrote. However, they went into the game with a touch of overconfidence and did not play a consistent game.

    The Oregana praised Moullen, calling him the man with the famous stub foot, and said the UO captain holds the world record for placekicking a game, a boot from the 53-yard line in the Idaho game this year. (Records from the Oregonian reported that Moullen kicked four field goals in a 27–21 win over the Vandals, the longest being from 45 yards on a free kick after a fair catch of a punt. No mention of any world records.)

    Moullen, with his two placekicks, was of course the leading figure in the Oregon ranks, the Oregana wrote. "But the punting of (Dudley) Clark, the breaking up of plays by (Louis) Pinkham, the fierce tackling of (Robert) Dodson and the running in of punts by (Sap) Latourette all worked together in getting the ball near enough to the goalposts for the kicks to be attempted.

    No wonder the Oregon students took possession of Portland for a brief time after their victory; for their team, composed of four old men and seven freshmen, had practically annihilated the Corvallis team, which contained seven veterans of their last year’s Pacific Coast championship team. Some say the cries of ‘Oregon, there! Corvallis, not there!’ resounded through the Portland streets far into the night.

    It was the end of a successful 14-4-3 three-year run for Norcross at OAC. Through his first 18 games, Norky’s teams had yielded a total of four points—on a field goal by Willamette in a 4–0 loss to end the 1906 season. His ’08 team, though, lost its final three games of the season to Oregon, Washington and the Multnomah Athletic Club.

    Norcross never coached again. He left Corvallis and began a long career as a mining engineer and executive.

    Latourette’s 60-yard touchdown run was the highlight of Oregon’s 12–0 win over its rival the following year at Eugene. The Webfeet would win by the same score again in 1910, but hostilities reached an unprecedented pitch that turned the rivals decidedly uncivil toward each other.



    Oregon had never had a coach serve for more than two seasons until Hugo Bezdek came back for a second tour of duty in 1913. Bezdek, who had coached the Lemon-Yellows to a successful 5-0-1 season in 1906, returned to Eugene after spending five years as the coach at Arkansas, where his legacy includes the school’s current nickname.

    Arkansas athletic teams had carried the name of Cardinals until the close of the 1909 season. After an unbeaten season, Bezdek referred to his team as a wild band of Razorbacks at a post-season rally. The moniker stuck and has been applied to Arkansas teams since that time.

    Oregon offered Bezdek a two-year contract at $3,500 annually, with the student body paying $2,000 and the university kicking in $1,500. The school was going to get its money’s worth. Bezdek signed on to be the athletic director and head coach of the football, basketball and baseball teams.

    OAC, meanwhile, was in the first season of a three-year run with Ed Doc Stewart as coach. Stewart was also multifaceted, having coached basketball and baseball for the Aggies the previous season. The son of a Methodist minister, Stewart was working as a newspaper editor and sportswriter in Masillon, Ohio, when he was named as the first coach of the professional Massillon Tigers in 1903. He also played quarterback for the team for four seasons.

    Stewart was involved in the first major gambling scandal in pro football. Through his newspaper, the Massillon Independent, he charged an attempt was made to bribe some of his players to fix a two-game championship series with the Canton Bulldogs. No legal charges were ever filed, but it caused Ohio pro football to be in disarray for several years.

    Oregon and OAC tied 10–10 at Corvallis in 1913, both teams enjoying only moderate success that season. The next year’s fortunes were better for both schools. The Webfeet won their first four games but ended with a 4-2-1 record. The Aggies outscored the opposition 172–15 in running up a 7-0-2 mark, routing Southern Cal 38–6 to end the campaign at Tacoma, Washington.

    The Oregon teams met that 1914 season in Corvallis. Bezdek’s Lemon-Yellows had fallen 10–0 to perennial Pacific Coast power Washington the previous Saturday at Seattle. Coach Gil Dobie’s UW troops never lost a game in eight seasons, going 58-0-3 from 1908 to 1916.

    Coach Bezdek led his squad to Kincaid Field this afternoon and held a practice session behind closed gates, the Oregonian wrote. Even the most ardent fan was barred from the field. Although beaten and scarred by the Dobie champs, there is not an Oregon athlete who is discouraged to an extent that he will predict disaster at the hands of Stewart’s huskies next Saturday.

    (No, OAC’s nickname wasn’t the Huskies in those days. It’s what sportswriters evidently called strapping young athletes. Washington, by the way, was known as the Sun Dodgers until its teams became the Huskies in 1922.)

    The big news was that Oregon quarterback Anse Cornell had been ruled out of the game by UO trainer Bill Hayward due to injury, though OAC assistant coach Everett May was quoted as saying, I have bet (Hayward) a new hat that he will play. Cornell saved the game for Oregon last fall with a sensational run around end. If his injuries permit him to enter, it will increase our worries…I look for one of the greatest battles in Northwest gridiron history.

    The Southern Pacific and the Oregon Electric ran specials from Portland and Beaverton/Hillsboro and a students’ special from Eugene that carried 2,000 fans. The teams played to their second straight tie, this one ending at 3–3, before a Bell Field crowd of 7,000. Cornell did not play. No word on whether May ever settled up on his wager with Hayward.

    Wrote the Oregonian’s Roscoe Fawcett: After the rival teams had fought each other to a standstill, (OAC’s) Art Lutz booted a placement between the varsity posts in the third quarter, and at that stage the three-point lead looked as big as the Matterhorn alongside Mount Tabor.

    Oregon’s offense was not having much success against the husky Orange and Black forwards. Neither team attempted any passes in the first half. But then Oregon, down 3–0, opened wide the throttle for an aerial attack. A long pass to Oscar Weist moved the ball to the OAC 30, and then Shy Huntington—a youngster from The Dalles just breaking into big-league ball—kicked a 32-yard placement to tie the score 3–3 with nine minutes left.

    At the very close of the game it looked as though a placekick would be the Aggies’ final resort, as they had the ball on Oregon’s 25-yard line, Fawcett wrote. But Lutz evidently overestimated his time and did not get the kick off.

    The Pacific Coast Conference (PCC) opened play for the first time in 1915 as World War I raged in Europe, with UO, OAC, California and Washington as original members. Stanford joined in 1917. For a few years, OAC and UO held dual membership in the PCC and in the Northwest Conference with Washington, Washington State, Idaho and Whitman.

    After losing its first two games to Multnomah Athletic Club and Washington State, Oregon ran off seven straight victories, including a 9–0 whitewash of OAC before a sellout homecoming crowd at a Kincaid Field enlarged to seat 8,000.

    The Aggies came into the Oregon game with a 5-1 record two weeks after an inspiring 20–0 upset of the Michigan Aggies (now Michigan State) at East Lansing. It was the longest trip ever made by a Pacific Coast team, affording a rare opportunity for the national media to compare the eastern and western games. The Aggies made the trek with nine starters nursing injuries sustained in a 29–0 beating by Washington State the previous Saturday. The Michigan Aggies, meanwhile, had scored a big win over Fielding Yost’s powerful Michigan team 24–0 on that day and came in as huge favorites.

    After the four-day train ride to East Lansing, Herb Abraham, OAC’s 175-pound halfback who was to become the school’s first All-American, scored two touchdowns and spearheaded the Aggies’ passing attack to a one-sided triumph. Watching the game that day was the legendary Grantland Rice, who wrote a poem in the New York Tribune the following day in tribute:

    How sad to think about the slump, that’s soaked the distant West!

    To think how far their teams have dropped below the laureled crest;

    To think that in that land along the old Pacific’s rim,

    They haven’t any stalwarts left to play the game with vim;

    They haven’t any team at all, from all their ragged hosts—

    Except a team that crushed a team that smashed a team of Yost’s.

    Ah yes, it’s sad to think about the old Pacific slump,

    The way the West has hit the chute and hit it with a bump;

    But when you speak of things like this in a manner somewhat free,

    Don’t mention it at Michigan or up at MAC;

    They haven’t any stuff at all to call for Autumn’s boasts

    Except a team that smeared a team that smashed a team of Yost’s.

    Oregon had the best of it in the showdown with the Aggies, though on a rain-drenched, muddy Kincaid Field. Or perhaps it was a matter of the Aggies getting the best of themselves.

    The Lemon-Yellows got their touchdown in the first quarter after OAC’s Darius Smythe attempted to punt but fumbled and recovered on the Aggies’ two-yard line. Again he tried to punt, but this time the punt was blocked and rebounded into the hands of Lloyd Tegert, who stumbled over the goal line for a touchdown. That made it 7–0, and UO got a safety late in the game when OAC captain Brewer Billie attempted an end run from a punting formation, fumbled and was tackled behind his own goal line.

    The yearbook from each school told a different story at the end of the year. From the Oregana: When the present students at the universities are grandmas and granddads, they will still be talking about that game with OAC on November 20, 1915. For that was the game when the old Oregon Spirit was vindicated and our Davids vanquished the Goliaths, who were heralded over the United States in the press as the ‘Terrors of the Michigan Aggies.’ That was the day when Jupiter Pluvius opened his fountains and deluged field, fans and players. And through the sea of mud and water plowed the wearers of the lemon-yellow, ever on the offensive and leading from kickoff to whistle. They had been told that OAC would plow right through the line; that the best they could hope for was the efficacy of prayer. They didn’t need a prayer, a horseshoe or any symbol of luck…It was the greatest exhibition of fight ever put up by an Oregon team.

    From the Beaver: The field was a perfect sea of mud and the soft and slippery ground made it quite impossible for the Orange backs to make gains that were so common in previous contests.

    After the 1915 season, Doc Stewart left to take the head football coaching job at Nebraska, accepting a salary of $4,000, a $1,400 raise from what he was making in Corvallis to coach football and serve as athletic director. He later coached football and basketball at Clemson and Texas, taking the Longhorns to an 8-0-1 season in 1923. While coaching at what is now Texas–El Paso in 1929, Stewart was shot and killed by a deer-hunting companion. OAC was a so-so club in 1916, finishing 4-5 under first-year coach Joseph Pipall. He was a learned man, having done post-graduate work at Yale after getting his undergraduate degree from Harvard. Pipall arrived from Occidental in Los Angeles, where he had won five straight conference titles.

    Oregon, meanwhile, had a powerhouse brewing, building off momentum from the previous season. The fight song Mighty Oregon was played for the first time at Oregon games in 1916, replacing a tune borrowed from On Wisconsin. Bezdek, no longer coaching basketball or baseball, was keeping his focus strictly on the gridiron.

    Oregon entered the game billed in those days as the annual classic or the Oregon classic with a 4-0-1 record and coming off a 12–3 win over Washington State. It marked the final regular-season appearance of star halfback Johnny Parsons, who nearly cost Oregon a chance at its first Rose Bowl appearance.

    The PCC had instituted a rule barring freshmen, leaving players with three years of varsity eligibility. Under the PCC regulations, a player could represent a school in varsity action no more than three years within a five-year period from his first registration in college. Parsons had first enrolled at Oregon in September 1911 but didn’t play football because of illness. He played from 1912 to 1914 and then dropped out of school for what he said were financial reasons. He enrolled in school for spring term in 1915 but dropped out again. The next year, at age 26, he was back for what he hoped was his senior season of eligibility.

    The PCC rules required an athlete to have completed 12 credit hours during his last semester in school. Parsons, and Oregon, claimed the previous spring term didn’t count since he wasn’t in school. Problem was, there were charges that Parsons had competed in a track meet under an assumed name for Oregon that spring.

    Oregon, claiming Parsons should have one year of eligibility left because the PCC rule was non-retroactive, played him through the first five games of the season. He carried 16 times for 93 yards in a 28–0 win over Multnomah Athletic Club in the team’s second game. Parsons scored two touchdowns as Oregon, using the tandem wedge and reverse formations to full effectiveness, stomped California 39–14 the next week.

    The next game on the schedule was Washington at Eugene. During the week leading up to the game, Sun Dodgers coach Gil Dobie raised a stink about Parsons, leveling charges of professionalism (playing after his eligibility had expired), playing under an assumed name and leaving school six weeks before the term ended. He said Parsons shouldn’t play against his team and called for Oregon to forfeit its victory over Cal.

    Nothing happened immediately. Parsons played in a 0–0 tie with Washington and, ironically, cost the Lemon-Yellows a chance to pin Dobie with his first loss in nine seasons as the Washington coach. Under the rules of the day, certain eligible players from a team could recover an onside punt. In the second quarter, Oregon punted and Parsons—eligible on the play—got to the ball first at the UW one-yard line. But when he dove for the ball, it slipped into the hands of Oregon center Jake Risley. Risley was ineligible to recover the onside kick, and Washington was given a touchback.

    The next Saturday, Oregon beat Washington State 12–3 before a crowd of 6,000 at Portland’s Multnomah Field.

    This Oregon team is one of the most powerful physically I have ever seen on the gridiron, said coach William Lone Star Dietz, whose WSC team (the school was not called the Cougars until 1919) had defeated Brown in the Rose Bowl the previous year. It should have beaten Washington last week by three touchdowns. Oregon outweighed us by 10 pounds to the man and I’d almost be willing to wager on it.

    But Dietz said the Lemon-Yellows should not have played Johnny Parsons. Oregon knows Parsons is ineligible to play football there this year, and we put in a formal protest against him before the game in Portland, he said. We have proof that Parsons has not made up work that he flunked last year, and we intend to take it to a meeting of the conference officials. They have made the statement in Eugene that Parsons was not a student at the college last year, but we have found he was allowed to participate in track there just the same. We will have the game against us thrown out, the game against Washington thrown out, and all the other games where Parsons was used.

    Oregon’s faculty athletic council placed settlement of the ruling in the hands of the PCC court of appeal, a two-man board that was—ironically—composed of a representative from Washington and one from OAC. In a bye week before the contest against the Aggies, the advisory committee declared Parsons ineligible. But Oregon was not ordered to forfeit any games, and Parsons would be back for a grand postseason finale.

    There was great anticipation in Corvallis for the annual Oregon Classic. New bleachers had been constructed along the east side of the gridiron and a new board fence built along the south side of the entire athletic field. The first homecoming weekend was to be held, and the double attraction was expected to draw a record-breaking crowd.

    A programme of sports has been arranged in addition and the evening will be given over to dancing, the Oregonian wrote. The business houses of Corvallis will close during the game and the churches are planning on serving meals that day. Hotels are in receipt of many requests for reservations, and the student body is making plans to entertain the large number of alumni that are expected to be drawn to their alma mater by the double attraction of the game and Homecoming weekend. The seating capacity of the field will be more than doubled by the building of new bleachers. The Homecoming exercises will open Friday night, when a monster rally and bonfire will be staged.

    Oregon, with a bye week after the WSC game, had bigger fish to fry. UO coaches were hoping they were in line to represent the PCC at the upcoming Rose Bowl game. The candidates were Washington and Oregon, both unbeaten. Word was out from the Football Committee of the Tournament of Roses Association that an invitation would be sent out on November 18 to the team showing the best portfolio for the season, based on comparative scores. Oregon was banking on the decisiveness of its 39–14 win over California. Washington had beaten the Bears 13–3.

    The invitation finally arrived on November 21, four days before the OAC game. Oregon Will Play Penn in Pasadena, the Oregonian headline read. Bezdek’s Great Eleven at Eugene Picked as Strongest Team in West.

    Oregon has displayed an offensive punch on a par with that of the old Dobie machines, the story read. Many of the fans believe that, except for the sloppy, miserable field at Eugene, Washington never would have been able to stop the Bezdek machine. Pennsylvania is not the best of the Eastern elevens, but it is fairly representative of the best the Atlantic seaboard can afford.

    On Thursday, November 23, the UO faculty approved Oregon’s participation against Penn at Pasadena in the New Year’s Day game that wasn’t yet called the Rose Bowl. The faculty authorized pushing back Christmas vacation a week, beginning it on December 2 and starting classes for winter term on January 8 so that school representatives and students could attend the game.

    Even without Parsons, Oregon’s lineup was loaded with experience. Practically every one of the Eugene players has had at least one year of service, the Oregonian wrote. Three have played for two years, and one—captain Johnny Beckett—is playing his fourth year. Beckett, an All-Northwest tackle, shifted to halfback to fill Parsons’ place.

    Players were more than a bit smaller in those days. Only one player on either team weighed as much as 200 pounds. The lineups for the game:

    Oregon Aggies: Charles Moist, 5-10, 167, E; John Brooke, 5-11, 205, T; John Wilson, 5-9, 179, G; Ray Selph, 5-11, 198, C; Albert Anderson, 6-1, 175, G; Alex McNeil, 6-1, 185, T; Clyde Hubbard, 5-9, 158, E; Walter Morgan, 5-8, 160, QB; Lee Bissett, 5-11, 165, HB; Charles Low, 5-9, 160, HB; Meier Darkhorse Newman, 5-7, 172, FB.

    Oregon: Brick Mitchell, 5-11, 177, E; Glenn Dudley, 6-1, 175, T; Bill Snyder, 5-11, 198, G; Jake Risley, 6-0, 174, C; Bart Spellman, 5-11, 180, G; Ken Bartlett, 6-0, 176, T; Lloyd Tegart, 5-10, 170, E; Shy Huntington, 5-10, 178, QB; John Beckett, 6-0, 185, HB; Orville Montieth, 5-10, 168, HB; Hollis Huntington, 5-11, 178,

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