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The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials
The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials
The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials
Ebook336 pages4 hours

The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials

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In the United States alone, the annual construction of over one million new homes causes a very substantial drain on natural resources. Today, approximately 60 percent of the timber cut down in our country is used for building homes. Using alternative home building materials and creating a greener home are about creating better homes that are environmentally friendly, are less expensive in the long run, and create healthier occupants. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with alternative building materials and do not know the first thing about going green. However, The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods will teach you everything you need to know about this movement toward natural construction methods.

This book will show you how to identify, locate, and effectively use alternative building materials. You will learn about straw bale, cordwood, cob, adobe, rammed earth, light clay, pisé, earthbag, bamboo, earth-rammed tires, cork, wool carpeting, sod, compressed earth, earth plaster, beer cans, bottles, as well as living roofs and more. In addition, you will learn the costs and performance characteristics of these materials and construction techniques for each, as well as how to integrate plumbing and electricity into these unfamiliar materials and substitutes for conventional approaches.

You will also learn about the structure, climate control, siting, foundations, and flooring options you gain when using these materials. Also included are the advantages and benefits of alternative building materials for both consumers and builders and the key ecological design principles. Ultimately, you will come to understand that these materials are cheaper, easier to build with, stronger, more durable, and more fire resistant.

Architects, designers, students, homeowners, home buyers, owner builders, and those who want to build for a sustainable future will want to read this book. If you are concerned about the environment, want to create a healthier, more enjoyable home, and want to save money, The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods will show you how.

Atlantic Publishing is a small, independent publishing company based in Ocala, Florida. Founded over twenty years ago in the company president’s garage, Atlantic Publishing has grown to become a renowned resource for non-fiction books. Today, over 450 titles are in print covering subjects such as small business, healthy living, management, finance, careers, and real estate. Atlantic Publishing prides itself on producing award winning, high-quality manuals that give readers up-to-date, pertinent information, real-world examples, and case studies with expert advice. Every book has resources, contact information, and web sites of the products or companies discussed.

This Atlantic Publishing eBook was professionally written, edited, fact checked, proofed and designed. The print version of this book is 288 pages and you receive exactly the same content. Over the years our books have won dozens of book awards for content, cover design and interior design including the prestigious Benjamin Franklin award for excellence in publishing. We are proud of the high quality of our books and hope you will enjoy this eBook version.

Release dateOct 30, 2009
The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ever consider building your own home? If you have, did it automatically include the use of timber or brick? Author Jon Hunan begins the information on the back cover of his book with this unsettling statement: “The construction of more than one million new homes each year causes a very substantial drain on natural resources.” In his book, “The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials and Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials”, he shows his readers how to avoid contributing to that substantial drain and even help the environment by utilizing other more unconventional materials.

    “The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building” is a fun look at the myriad possibilities to consider when planning the construction of an alternative materials home. Nunan covers everything from sod and compressed earth to cordwood and even tires and beer cans! He begins by noting that his book is not the only resource his readers should use then goes on to impart a wealth of information on permits and planning, site considerations, roof choices, insulation, and much more. And while he’s correct in saying that no one book can truly be a ‘one stop shop’, he gives so many helpful pointers that I kept thinking, ‘what else is there for me to research?’ He continues by addressing the various alternative materials, the pros and cons for each, what works best in which climates, etc, etc, etc. Coupled with Nunan’s witty style, the text was both informative and full of personality. I especially enjoyed the color section included in the middle of the book – it really brought the information to life. For readers with little to no exposure to these types of structures, it helped bring a sense of clarity to what Nunan was describing in his chapters. The black and white photographs throughout the book were wonderful as well but it’s fantastic to see these amazing projects in full color!

    Every green builder – whether novice or professional - needs to consider alternative materials when undertaking a construction project and “The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials and Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials” is the best place to start!

    Reviewed by Vicki Landes, author of “Europe for the Senses – A Photographic Journal”

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The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods - Jon Nunan



If it were not for my mother’s lifelong obsession with natural living and my father’s uncanny ability to underestimate the difficulty of just about everything, I probably would not be writing this book. In the fall of 1995, my mother began casually dropping hints that she would like to build an eco-friendly cordwood house with her own hands; sometime in the early part of 1996, my father decided that this was a fine idea and began making preparations to sell our current home and begin construction of the house they live in today.

At that point, none of us had any idea what we were doing. If my father had ever picked up a hammer to do anything more than hang a picture, I was certainly not aware of it. The good sense and intricate planning that generally go into the construction of a family’s primary residence were decidedly absent from the very beginning; the blueprint my father sketched on college-ruled notebook paper with a blue ballpoint pen was — and remains — the punch line to many of our friends’ and family’s most-amiable inside jokes. Despite the lack of any formal knowledge of construction and with only our six hands to do the heavy work, Mom, Dad, and I (with some help from my 11-year-old sister and 6-year-old brother) began building our new home in June 1996.

Things did not go well at first. The plan was to live in tents all summer and have the house ready by the time Pennsylvania started to get too chilly to sleep outside, which is generally sometime around mid-September. The tents blew over the first week, so Mom, Dad, and the kids moved in with my grandmother in the next town over, and I moved myself into my father’s hatchback Suzuki® Swift — which, at 18, felt like my own alternative dwelling. The 10-hour days we put in (when not encumbered by day jobs or other obligations) certainly bore fruit, but by early August, it became very plain that we had seriously underestimated how long this sucker was going to take to construct.

To make a very long story short, the house was habitable after about six months, although it was far from fully finished. Our experience was not unlike the experiences of many owner-builders, and even though the job did not go exactly as planned, the finished product is something each of us is extremely proud of. The obstacles that popped up when building the house my parents now live in were numerous, and so were the mistakes we made along the way, but perseverance and patience carried us through. Now, we have a heck of a house. Like many owner-builders, we skimped on the planning and ended up paying for it both financially and in terms of effort; in the end, however, everyone involved in the construction of our cordwood home is glad we took the alternative building plunge.

No one ever said it was going to be easy — except for Dad, of course. It is my sincere hope that this book will help anyone who reads it to understand the kind of undertaking building an alternative home really is and simultaneously illustrate what a fulfilling and unique process it can be when done right (or even when done halfway right). Anyone who is interested in this kind of construction already has the majority of the tools necessary to bring their dreams to life in the form of their own bodies and minds. However — and trust me on this one — understanding the other tools and techniques required to build a sustainable structure before you move out of your current residence to start building is not a bad idea, either.

Table of Contents


It would be misleading to say that one book can explain everything there is to know about alternative building. The world of alternative, sustainable, and green building is enormous, and a book that could tell you everything would be next to impossible to compile — and rather cumbersome to carry around. Many of the books written about alternative building focus on one or maybe even a few important facets of creating a house from scratch; while these books are certainly useful, it would take quite a few of them to really get a good understanding of the entire process. This book attempts to remedy that.

Unfortunately, one book cannot tell you every option for every step in every situation; what one book can do, however, is give you a few options for the likely steps you will find in most situations. This book will describe these steps. It will give you choices at every step, describe the benefits and drawbacks of these choices, and give you suggestions as to which choices might make the most sense in your particular situation. It is my sincere hope that anyone who reads this book will know the benefits and drawbacks of building an alternative structure, understand the basic steps necessary to build such a structure, and have a good idea of which type — if any — of these building techniques will best suit his or her situation.

If you are interested in becoming an owner-builder, this book will help you better plan your alternatively constructed home. You will find examples of what materials and techniques work best in your area, as well as advice on how best to procure these materials as cheaply as possible. Remember, though, that building a house is a huge project that cannot be completed overnight. If you are looking for a cheap place to live and need it tomorrow, you will have far better luck looking in your local classifieds. Also remember that no structure that is to be equipped with modern conveniences is ever built by a single, first-time builder. If you want the kind of home you would find in a housing development, you will have to buy one; if you simply want a hole in the ground, you hardly need a book to help you shovel. If you want a realistic description of how an owner-built, alternative dwelling is created, however, you have come to the right place.

What Is Alternative Building?

In many cases, the types of building that are considered alternative today have their roots in structures that humans have been constructing for centuries. The reason why these building techniques are gaining popularity in modern times is twofold. First, these old building techniques are far more eco-friendly than the majority of structures we are used to seeing; second, these structures are simple enough in nature that they can be built cheaply and without the aid of a lot of the heavy and expensive equipment associated with most new construction.

Some alternative building techniques are far from ancient. Constructing a home from used tires, for example, is a process that could have only taken place after the invention of rubber tires in the mid 1800s. In the end, however, it does not matter too much whether the technique is old or new; what really matters is that these techniques exist and are being used today by people like you.

The terms green, sustainable, and alternative get thrown around a lot these days, and it can get quite confusing in some situations to tell whether one particular technique falls under one or more of these headings. In this book, green building will refer to any construction practice that is less damaging to the environment than a similar practice used in conventional lumber-framed construction. Sustainable practices will encompass any building technique that can be done repeatedly without changing the environment in any noticeable way. Alternative building will denote any practice that you do not see in conventional construction.

For example, creating a structure from matchsticks would be considered alternative building; if the energy used to power the electricity in the matchstick structure came from solar panels, the structure could be considered both green and alternative; if the matchsticks used in creating the structure were produced by a company that replants the trees that they harvest or were pulled from a landfill rather than purchased new, the alternative, green structure that you end up with would also be sustainable.

As the owner-builder will quickly find when constructing his or her dwelling, one of the biggest challenges in alternative building is the noticeable lack of options offered among conventional materials and techniques. The construction of your average conventional house certainly shares plenty with that of its alternative cousins, but because the market is so saturated with general guidelines meant for conventional builders, those interested in alternative building have to sift through a lot of unusable advice.

The Importance of Green and Sustainable Building

As the world population continues to grow at an alarming rate, people are realizing that the planet cannot sustain such continuous and exponential growth. Space is increasingly limited, and we are continually diminishing our natural resources such as timber — much of which is cut to build homes. It is obvious that we cannot continue to build new homes at this rate indefinitely. Awareness of this extreme imbalance has created a trend toward more sustainable living practices, as well as a trend toward building smaller and more sustainable homes. From the ground up, alternative home building is much more environmentally sustainable than conventional home building. Depending on the type and amount of sustainable materials used, green homes can significantly decrease the footprint we humans are leaving on the environment.

Typical modern buildings consume an enormous supply of natural materials. For example, according to the World Watch Institute, they use 40 percent of the world’s energy and 55 percent of all the wood cut for non-fuel purposes. About half of the energy for constructing and operating buildings serves heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation; in the U.S., more energy goes to building and operating buildings than to transportation or to industry. However, green and sustainable construction takes these factors into account from the very beginning; in many cases, an alternatively constructed, owner-built home will not only reduce waste during the building process, but will reduce energy consumption over the home’s lifetime.

In terms of home building, conventional construction produces a significant amount of waste; the typical new construction project averages 3.9 pounds of waste per square foot. It is estimated that more houses will be built in the next 50 years than have been built throughout all of human history, which is a lot of potential waste.

Materials used for home building in the last 100 years are typically designed to last for a much shorter period of time than many sustainable building materials, thus adding to the burden of already-full construction and demolition landfills. The waste in these landfills, called C&D — or construction and demolition — is the largest type of waste in the entire human waste stream. Buildings are demolished on a regular basis to clear the way for a bigger store, house, or office building. Demolition creates an enormous amount of waste, averaging 155 pounds per square foot.

In the past few decades, more attention has been focused on the effects of conventional building practices on natural resources. Today many organizations, communities, and individuals see sustainable home building as a means to decrease our ecological footprint. Green building has become a viable solution both to individual home builders and to buyers. Additionally, using local, renewable, and recycled materials encourages other sustainable practices such as conservative energy use, thus focusing on both the present and the future.

Using Readily Accessible Materials

The most important thing to remember when choosing what building technique is right for your situation is this: It is both cost-effective and feasible to work with what is readily available in your area. Building with logs might be aesthetically attractive, but if you live in an arid area, it will cost you unnecessary time and energy when compared to building with materials that are locally abundant. Additionally, it is almost always the case that using easily accessible materials is also a more eco-friendly option than having materials shipped in.

Because the term readily available can mean drastically different things depending on where you plan to build, it is important to be flexible when planning your project. If your goal is to construct an eco-friendly dwelling, it is a bit counter-productive to have all of your materials shipped in. Transporting materials from far away requires a great deal of energy consumption and is often far more costly than using what is already present in your area. While a house built out of red pine might be an eco-friendly option in upstate New York, it would be a huge hassle and unnecessary expense in an area like lower New Mexico. Having your heart set on one material or another can become both financially and environmentally costly; when planning your project, it is a better idea to draw inspiration from the materials you see around your neck of the woods rather than from magazines, books, and Web sites.

If you are thinking about building an alternative home, it is a good idea to understand not only the techniques that will be involved during construction, but also the different forms of building that fit well with your particular environment. This book will teach you both.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Planning and Permits

While not every locale in the United States operates according to building codes — some locales outside city limits have absolutely none — a large portion of the design and building industry operates according to the International Building Code (IBC) that the International Code Council (ICC) developed in the 1990s. Though some builders might still refer to the Uniform Building Code, which influenced the IBC, it has since been rendered defunct. The stated goal is the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of people through their buildings and communities; however, the code is fairly limited to certain types of homes and does not touch on many of the building practices explained throughout this book.

The focus of the IBC is primarily wood-frame homes. Modern building codes often certify alternative materials used as infill, such as straw bale, but often ignore the use of these same materials when intended for load-bearing and structural uses. Such a lack of regulation for sustainable housing should not be a deterrent, however. An engineer can help prove the design’s structural integrity, and some builders cite tests for corroborating structural safety. Many go so far as to provide an extensive narrative, clarifying the design and any questions the inspector may have. After the home is built, certain organizations can certify the home’s sustainability, which is yet another means for connecting with other green builders, and it is useful when it comes to ensuring many of the qualities a home builder hopes for from energy-efficiency to a healthier home.

As far as getting a building permit to begin constructing a green home, it really depends on where you live. Some areas do not require a permit, and codes vary. Sometimes the size of a building can make all the difference between needing and not needing a permit. For example, in some rural areas, small buildings might not require a permit at all, while the design for a sizable building might be difficult to get approved. The inspector of the local jurisdiction, which varies with locale, approves the design plans, and inspectors typically follow the IBC. If there is any discomfort with the design of a sustainable home, some home builders succeed by providing a legal letter stating that the jurisdiction, which grants the permit, is relieved of responsibility for the methods used to build the home. Be sure to have as much documentation as possible for the inspectors, who ultimately give approval.

Where do you go to get documentation to show the feasibility of alternative building practices? Different organizations, government-operated and otherwise, exist to certify a building’s green qualities. Such certification can further help the home builder educate him or herself about different energy-efficient technologies. Though there is no single, federal entity to certify a building’s green qualities,

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