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On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World
On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World
On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World
Ebook363 pages9 hours

On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World

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The 2008 financial crisis was a reminder to people both inside and outside the Actuarial Profession of just how complex the Financial Services industry has become, and just how tied the World economy presently is to its fortunes.

This wide-ranging, non-technical book examines our present economic model, the industry’s present function and the appropriateness of the Actuarial Profession’s present strategy and direction in the aftermath of that crisis, and in the context of the challenges that lie ahead.

The book’s central premise is that, far from being a one-off, the 2008 crash is merely a portent of things to come, and that the Profession, the industry it serves, and even the political and economic models under which both presently operate are in need of fundamental reform if they are to equip our society to withstand the challenges that are going to be visited upon it. This book seeks to explore the reasons why, and to open the debate about what shape that reform ought to take. As such it should be of interest not just to actuaries, but to anyone who has an interest in our collective future.
PublisherM-Y Books
Release dateMay 1, 2015
On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World

John Gordon

John Gordon has written and illustrated many children's books as well as worked extensively in most areas of illustration. When he's not writing or illustrating, he gives talks in schools and libraries and plays squash.

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    On the Role of the Actuary in a Changing World - John Gordon



    I am living in a time of wonders.

    Beliefs about the limits of human potential are changing. Fifty years ago when I was a young man I doubt if I would have had the ability to write this book. I could not have worked out for myself the miracle of what it is to be human, the unlimited nature of our gifts, the power that is within each of us to take control of our lives, our health, the rate at which we age, indeed the extent to which we engage with the ageing process.

    I have never written a book. Do not profess to holding any credentials that merit my recognition as a writer, and I am certainly not an academic, but I do believe I have information that is worth sharing. I have changed my life, improved my health, and dramatically altered my expectations as to how I will live out the rest of my existence, by creation and performance of a simple Ritual.

    It is a fact that each one of us has a hand to play in how old we become. Not in our chronological age, but in how we present, how aged we seem, in the ability and faculty we retain and in our continuing ‘youthfulness’ and the extent of our decrepitude.

    It is time to change perspective, to recognise that each and every one of us is involved and participant in the process of our ageing. We are not merely observers. Ageing is not some inexorable and dominant force upon our life. We age ourselves, just as we choose a car, or choose a house, we choose if we are to age or to remain vital and in good health.

    The purpose of this book is to introduce you to a ritual. My Ritual. My invented regime that is a mental, spiritual and therapeutic workout performed every day.

    The Ritual I have created, heals, rejuvenates, maintains and changes, everything. Not only our mindset, although that will be the first thing to alter, but our being, how we present, the energy we have, how we appear, the state we are in.


    It is astonishing to write that such a positive therapy as the Ritual was born out of cynicism and doubt but that is the fact.

    I no longer believed in those dispensing my good health. I do not mean that I doubted the sincerity or commitment of the doctors and nurses who had trained to be part of a national health provision service. I doubted the service itself. I doubted that such a vast machine as a national health provider could really determine what was wrong with me when I was ill and fix it. I doubted the sincerity of the drug manufacturers. How do they know their drugs will suit me? Their drugs are trialled but the trial results are not published. We have no league table of successful pills. We have no chart identifying the number of us who have suffered side effects, or even more significantly, information about deaths in which use of a particular drug may be implicated.

    Even more to the point we have no information on the league table of ‘earners’, the medicines the companies would like to persuade the medical profession to prescribe, because they deliver huge profit margins.

    I may be an ordinary man without power or voice but I would like to know. I would like to know also about the less effective medicines the, ‘generic substitutes’, the ones Health Authorities may want prescribed by every practitioner working for them because they are cheaper to buy? Do they work as well as the big brand guys? Am I allowed to enquire?

    Before I invented my Ritual and took back control of my health I felt powerless, anonymous, without any distinguishing characteristic dependent upon my own genetics that made my illness different in nature to everyone else’s. Illnesses in mainstream medicine do not vary. Piles are piles, asthma is asthma, cancer is cancer. Human physiology and biology is known and mapped. If a pill works it works. If a surgical procedure works it works. But what if it doesn’t and what if it does when there is no medical or pharmacological reason that it should.

    What about the outrageous tendency of human beings to be individuals and ruin everything? Every equation, every scientific test result, defied and contradicted by the idiosyncracies of the ‘non average’ man and women. How many of us are in that category?

    ‘Non average’, ‘Idiosyncratic’, ‘Individual’

    Everyone in the world, I suggest, but of course mass medicine cannot cater for that. To keep a giant breathing things have to be streamlined, packaged, organized in to ten minute consultation slots and detailed triage maps of expected action. The ultimate hope and expectation of those administering a national health service, being I presume, that human assessors can be dispensed with and the dispensing of cures standardised to allow computers to take charge. The end point of reform, some administrators vision, of computers ready in every health centre to receive a patient’s symptom list.

    In the streamlined world of modern medicine you and I as patients are already without voice. Our only responsibility at present is to be ill, to attend with symptoms and let the show unfold, the referrals be made, the scans organized, the diagnosis presented.

    We have absolutely no control over the process of our ‘cure’, and we are not supposed to have. We are supposed to accept whatever diagnosis is handed out and we are supposed to accept whatever pill or potion is given to us to ingest, unquestioningly.

    Prior to creation of my Ritual I felt overwhelmed by the vastness and indifference of the health system I was required to interact with and I felt powerless. It struck me that I had handed over control of my ‘wellness’ to a system that did not even see me. Did not know who I was, beyond the coded patient number I wore on a bracelet on my arm. The preoccupation of those attending me at my last consultation was not my own psyche, or any relevant interaction between my emotions and the illness with which I presented, no, that was far too specific, the medics around me at my last consultation were intent on ensuring the numbers on the paper bracelet on my arm matched the number coded on to my medical records.

    I at that moment felt invisible. I realised my health care would always be like this unless I looked elsewhere, outside of conventional medicine, to an alternative therapy, or to myself, to cure any illness I was afflicted by.

    I have created a Ritual that delivers my ‘wellness’. It is not packaged for anyone else. It is not one size fits all, it is a simple but effective therapy tailored at present to myself that can be adapted by anyone wishing to engage with it to suit their own life. My Ritual is not only for the ill, it is for those already well who wish to remain well.

    Who am I, you will ask, that I presume to create a Ritual that can bestow health benefits? Well I am not a trained physician. I have no triage charts of required action or drug reference guide for prescribing. I hold no shares at all in the pharmaceutical industry. I am an ordinary guy, beyond the world of mainstream medicine, excluded from the laboratories of the drug manufacturers; in other words, I am as vulnerable as everyone else.

    I am almost 70 years old and I do not want some medic, specialist or so called expert to look at me and decide I am in the last decade or so of my life and therefore any medical complaint or disease I am afflicted by is to be expected. Even worse in the event of my sudden death I do not want any coroner or other medic to sign off my death as understandable or natural, because I have lived more than seventy years.

    I want to be treated as an individual and I want everyone reading this book to reclaim his or her individuality and to think differently about ageing and the proclaimed inevitability of degeneration, decline and worsening health, that supposedly comes with age. Lifetimes are extending, we need to think differently about the body we have, what it can do, and how long it can be sustained in a shape that makes life pleasurable rather than an existence.

    We are brainwashed into believing decay is our fate and I want to brainwash everyone to think in a different more positive way. I want the first thought of my readers upon waking to be full of hope and anticipation and belief in their own power to intervene in the days and the life that they create.

    The barometer of age shifts as we evolve and life gets longer. In Britain today those of 90 can still reliably, I believe, be considered old, those of 80 probably, those of 70, 75, probably not, while those of 60 are suddenly rendered incapable of placing within a category. Those of 60 used to be old but they are certainly not now.

    Those who have reached and exceeded the age of 100 are vastly increasing in number. It is not miraculous, or even extraordinary, to have everyone in a care home aged over 95.

    Science and evolution is changing the ball game but one thing is lagging behind, the manner in which each of us, individually, adjusts our thinking to recognise we are going to be here for a very long time. For much longer than we ever considered when we were planning our retirement, and certainly for a good deal longer than we anticipated when we were investing in pension plans or ignoring the suggestion that pension investment was a good idea.

    When we reach 65, or 67, or 68, or whatever age the government decides is our new retirement age we are likely to have decades ahead of us. This book asks that we address one question. What are we going to do with these years? How are we going to exist?

    The convention is to believe our energy for life will deplete as we age, our physical capability will reduce and our mental acuteness will be impaired.

    Do you want to believe that?

    Do you wish to live for several decades in such a reduced state?

    Mainstream medicine does not care. It has the flow charts of treatment decisions, the anatomical diagrams for hip replacements, the pills for diabetes ready and waiting. You can live as you are expected to or you can decide not to give in, not to surrender to expected thinking but to adopt another approach to living the rest of your life. This book will help you. Armed with the information it contains you may begin to see the possibility of caring for yourself before decline sets in.

    Without the purchase of this book all the guides and signposts our society creates and hands out to the ready to be elderly would be likely to take you in a very different direction.

    The message from the state health providers is that the old are burdensome. High maintenance. Billions of pounds on hip replacements, Alzheimer care, worn out hearts, depression, diabetes, cholesterol pills. The message from the drug companies is that the old are money.

    Western society successfully inculcates the belief in millions and millions of pensioners that tidy and small routines are enough to sustain a life after the age of 65.

    The whole of society works on the precept that later decades are not for input or contribution but for incarceration in a closed world of flower shows and nine holes of golf.

    I simply grew tired of the standard messages, of the negativity and the mass programming of expectations for the aged. I did not want to be part of a mass diagnosis of my future health, I wanted to have some control and to do that I knew I had to get to know myself, to understand what I was made of and how I really worked. It took a lot of time. A lot more time than I would have been allocated by those working in a National Health Service but that was fine. I had the time, and if you do not, do not despair because the information I have gained in the last five years can also change your life.

    A few years ago I began to read voraciously, everything I could find, that was to do with health and ageing. I asked questions, rang up important medical men, and I found out the greatest set of facts of my life.

    I found out the truth about how to live my life.

    The truth, or indeed a whole set of truths, that not only altered my perception of everything I had believed in my life but also fundamentally altered the way that I lived and intended to live and keep living over what I now believe will be health filled decades.

    I don’t wish to be seen as arrogant in making that prediction. I know I should not tempt fate and I am not. I surrender to this great and magnificent Universe, to any accident, catastrophe or disaster, it may have in store for me, but at the same time I say thank you Universe because I have discovered the true power within it and within myself.

    I am the same as every reader reading this book. The only difference between you and I is that I am a little further ahead in my quest for health. I have a few more facts, know a few more things simply as a result of the doubt I possessed that the approach society and my national health service would have me follow towards health was the only route I could take.

    This book contains numerous references to academic and medical publications, to websites and institutions, sufficient to lead anyone to all the information that has inspired and helped me to see ‘the bigger picture’. I have shared, all I now know, in the hope that by my final chapter every purchaser of this book will be as equipped as I now am to make the transition from aged to elderly, to ancient, a smooth and pain free glide.

    A daily dose of my Ritual will help every one to access the health they deserve. I hope by the end of this book your own view of the ageing process and the responsibility we each have to engage with and prevent its often deleterious consequences, will have been transformed. You will, I hope, be in the place I have arrived at and alive to the fact that working with as much dedication as the biochemists in the megalithic structures of the drug giants are the lesser known number of men and women, dedicating themselves, not to the cause of profit, but to exploration of the power of self healing, to deciphering the code of placebo and self imposed wellness.

    Very fine scientists are working to disempower the myths those with vested interest impose upon us. I introduce you to the work of the modern day prophets, the most eloquent of the voices in placebo science and self help who teach us healing and well ness is much more complicated than surgery and pills.

    I am not an academic and this is not intended to be an academic work. I have had to hang on by my shirt tails to some of the scientific results being written up at present, but reading the medical papers which document the results of the placebo medical experiments has undoubtedly been good for me. The findings of the placebo scientists allow me to see the potential I have as a human being to intervene in my own health. I believe the results from this area of science should be widely publicised. Indeed the results of the latest placebo experiments should be made required reading for everyone and anyone afflicted by illness and disease because the results would be inspiring to anyone who is ill.

    How depleted in power and strength must anyone diagnosed with purportedly intractable disease feel? The test results obtained in a huge number of experiments dedicated to unravelling the secrets of the response within the body known as the ‘placebo effect’, do not provide health solutions. In many respects they complicate matters further because they document the inexplicable, but they do provide one thing; HOPE.

    The power of the body to react to a useless sugar pill and effectively heal itself, illuminates, if, at present, only with a thin flickering light, the self healing power the body possesses. Much more work is needed to unlock the full secret of longevity and perpetual health for every human being but the results of this ongoing body of work are empowering and uplifting. The test results obtained in placebo trial experiments demonstrate the complexity of the body we possess, demonstrating that the true explanation of what ‘cures’ and restores a body to full health is still, to a large extent, beyond the grasp of modern science. Placebo trial results demonstrated to me the potential the body had for recalibration to ‘healthy’ if the mind was engaged in precisely the right way.

    It was this corrective potential of the body my Ritual sought to harness. I can now see, several years down the line, that modern day healthcare with its emphasis on drug prescription and invasive medical techniques prevents us all from understanding the connection we could make with our own self if we tried.

    Because of the manner in which modern healthcare is packaged delivered and processed we have lost touch with our primal instinct about what we need to keep us well. We have surrendered our power over our body to others and we have imposed an entire set of damaging beliefs upon ourselves our ancestors were never threatened by.

    The focus of western medicine has shifted from any thought of self- healing, self- maintenance, self- restoration to outside intervention, to prescribing the latest drug or subjecting the body to the latest surgical technique. To techniques and practices that did not exist even twenty years ago and which will be outmoded and in many respects discredited in another twenty or less years as drugs come and go with patents expiring and the power to profit, from what is, the now accepted ‘cure’, reduced!

    I would like protection for you and I from the pill makers and drug pedallers indifferent to the side effects their chemicals cause. I do not want you or I to suffer neediness and increasing dependence on drugs and the companies manufacturing them.

    I want to be safe from those who do not know or understand the man I am. What it is that makes me tick, what my liver needs or my bile duct or any of my individual cells which may resemble those of a billion other beings but which are in fact only mine, sustained by me and which have my own particular individual way of operating and surviving and multiplying. My method which is mine and only mine because until genetic engineering perfects cloning and clones me there is indeed on the whole of this earth only one and only me and I would like that to be acknowledged and have a hand in my healing. Is that unreasonable? Is anyone out there in the corridors of healing as interested in my healing as I am?

    I think not and that is why my Ritual once born was nurtured in to the effective tailored therapy it is today.

    The Ritual has optimised my health, my wellbeing, my potential to enjoy my future. I am not aware of any evidence, drug company trial or government dictat that prohibits that or prevents me from saying to every one who is willing to give the Ritual a go, it really can change your life, health and energy levels for the better. Indeed I would go so far as to say the purchase of this book is one of the best investments you have ever made in your entire lifetime.




    What is so important about belief?

    Belief makes things work!

    Think about your own life; the things that you have achieved. Not one thing you have ever been proud of, overjoyed by, or plain relieved to have behind you, would ever have been possible without the belief held in your subconscious mind that the intended objective was yours to deliver.


    We are all born with the gift of belief within us.

    Why is that?

    Why is it if we put our mind to it we can believe in almost anything?

    And why is it as soon as belief is engaged, the thing we believe in is ours?

    You disagree?

    The proviso is this, we must whole- heartedly, 100%, entirely, without doubt reserved, believe in the outcome we seek, and if we do, belief delivers it.

    You disagree more vehemently!

    Life is not that easy. You just cannot sit around believing in things and expect them to be delivered. If that worked you would win the lottery every Saturday night, live in a mansion, own a yacht!

    I can imagine every one reading this book uttering these protestations to themselves, and my answer is this.

    You do not win the lottery every Saturday night because you do not believe you will win. Belief is not engaged. In your mind there may be a hope of winning, but there is also an enormous quantity of doubt, and indeed disbelief that such a thing could occur.

    Do most of us really believe we can own a yacht, or live in a mansion in Hollywood? Of course we don’t. We don’t believe in these things and so we remain on dry land, in a home the biggest mortgage we can secure, acquires for us.

    Whose fault is that?

    It is certainly not the fault of belief!

    Belief is under used, left dormant in most minds, in most situations. What I ask you to do in performing the Ritual is to trigger it. Let it go; as you apply your self to the Ritual release the power of your belief and watch the results unfold.

    Trust me, belief has built within it a force that confounds even the most brilliant minds in modern science, and the joyous thing is, we all possess it.

    There must be a reason, don’t you agree, that we are made in this way?

    We are strings and chains of atoms, neurons and molecules. We are vibrant shapes intermingling and dancing on scans, vast seas of chemicals and yet we are inert, without action, plan or objective until we trigger belief. Belief is our driver. Think of that when I stress my Ritual cannot deliver one benefit to your life if you do not believe in it.


    Do you believe that?

    If you don’t perhaps it is time to remind yourself of what Henry Ford said:

    ‘There is no man living that cannot do more than he thinks he can’.

    The Ritual, that I am going to tell you about will work to impact beneficially on every aspect of your life; IF YOU BELIEVE IN IT.

    Belief in the Ritual is the necessary detonator of a chain reaction of consequences that will change your life, health and prospects forever.

    I can state this as a fact but I cannot begin to tell you why.

    I have no idea why the consequences of believing are so dramatic, and why it is that a failure to believe results in uncertainty paralysis and apathy?

    Scientists, academics and biologists are equally lost to explain the impact of belief.

    Belief is subtle. It is buried within our awareness so that we forget about it. We do not even consider as we stand up from a chair and walk across the room our body believes it can do this. It can move. It can unfold the whole of the spine, push from the pelvis, take weight on the bones of the legs and feet and project itself wherever the mind directs it to. We take movement for granted and yet prior to performance of our every movement, our brain engages and we viscerally believe in the depths of our being, we are going to move.

    Belief is the foundation we need if anything is to be achieved and what is more, the more intense our belief in an outcome, the greater the scale of our possible achievement.


    English teenage ballet star Jack Widdowson who was attacked on an English street in 2011 knows this as does a young man from California Janne Kouri, the victim of an accident in the ocean in California in 2006. Both men suffered devastating injuries to the neck and spinal cord. Both independently made news headlines around the globe when their individual stunning recoveries, from what should, in both cases, have been a lifetime of paralysis, defied all medical prediction.

    The two men had little in common save for the gravity of their initial injuries and their unwavering belief in their own recovery. Both Jack and Janne were told paralysis was the only expected consequence of the injuries they had suffered. Neither man was prepared to accept that fact. Two young men on either sides of the globe set apart from dozens of tragic others by a belief they held in their mind. They believed they would walk again and against all odds they both did.

    There have been many reports of these cases. The one thing all the newspaper and internet accounts of the struggle of each man to recover make plain is that the faith of both Jack Widdowson and Janne Kouri in their own recovery was unshakeable. They believed, in the face of the grimmest medical predictions, they would recover, and they did.

    What is our individual battle against ageing compared with the battle faced by these two young men?


    I absolutely agree, and yet to many, beginning retirement, the onset of age, increasing infirmity, worsening aches and pain, the terror of memory loss, is everything.

    It is a battle we each have to engage with and attitude, will and most importantly belief are the weapons we need if the battle is to be won. Belief in our own power to live differently, belief in the Ritual this book explains, is the key to positive change.

    The secret is to believe.

    Can you do that?


    We really can believe in anything we choose.

    Belief is in our gift. It is an innate ability we all possess.

    Billions of people on this planet believe in a deity they have never seen, have little evidence for and whose teachings and principles they wish their individual lives to be governed by. Religions are diverse but all have one thing in common, complete and absolute faith. Many religions demand their followers to believe in a never witnessed, never personally experienced, being, the will and teachings of whom govern absolutely and determine rigorously, the boundaries of an

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