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Recursive Analysis
Recursive Analysis
Recursive Analysis
Ebook211 pages1 hour

Recursive Analysis

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Recursive analysis develops natural number computations into a framework appropriate for real numbers. This text is based upon primary recursive arithmetic and presents a unique combination of classical analysis and intuitional analysis. Written by a master in the field, it is suitable for graduate students of mathematics and computer science and can be read without a detailed knowledge of recursive arithmetic.
Introductory chapters on recursive convergence and recursive and relative continuity are succeeded by explorations of recursive and relative differentiability, the relative integral, and the elementary functions. A final chapter examines transfinite ordinals, and the text concludes with a helpful appendix of topics related to recursive irrationality and transcendence.
Release dateJan 23, 2013
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    Recursive Analysis - R. L. Goodstein




    Primitive and general recursive functions. Recursive arithmetic and its extensions. Recursive convergence and relative convergence.

    The reduced sequence. Recursive limits and tests for recursive convergence. Primitive and general recursive real numbers.

    1 Recursive analysis is a free variable theory of functions in a rational field, founded on recursive arithmetic. It involves no logical presuppositions and proceeds from definition to theorem by means of derivation schemata alone.

    The elementary formulae of recursive arithmetic are equations between terms, and the class of formulae is constructed from the elementary formulae by the operations of the propositional calculus. The terms are the free numeral variables, the sign 0 and the signs for functions. The function signs include the sign S(x) for the successor function (so that S(x) plays the part of x+ 1 in elementary algebra) and signs for functions introduced by recursion. The derivation rules are taken to be sufficient to establish the universally valid sentences of the propositional calculus, and include a schema permitting the substitution of terms for variables, the schema for equality

    a=b → {A (a) → A (b)},

    and the induction schema

    the schemata for explicit definition of functions for any number of arguments, and finally schemata for definition by recursion. The simplest definition schema for recursion, the schema of primitive recursion, is

    f(0, a) = α(a), f(S(n), a) = β(n, a, f(n, a)).

    Specifically this schema defines f(n, a) by primitive recursion from the functions α and β. We take as initial primitive recursive functions the successor function S(x), the identity function I(x), defined explicitly by the equation I(x) = x, and the zero function Z(x) defined by Z(x) = 0. A function is said to be primitive recursive if it is an initial function or is defined from primitive recursive functions by substitution or by primitive recursion.

    1,1 In this work we shall be principally concerned with primitive recursive functions. Without changing the character of the system we shall build, the class of functions could be enlarged to include for instance multiply recursive functions at the present state of knowledge). The system could not however be enlarged to admit the class of functions which has played so important a part in foundation researches, the class of quasi- (or general) recursive functions, without changing the character of the system entirely. A quasi-recursive function is defined by a system of equations (on the right hand sides of which we may suppose only numerals or primitive recursive functions appear) from which, by substitution, the value of the defined function may be derived for each assigned set of values of the arguments. The left-hand side of the equations may contain, however, in addition to the function being defined, auxiliary functions, about which we may have only incomplete information. Consider for instance the set of equations ¹


    is a primitive recursive function for which (in some sense which remains to be considered) it is known that for each x there is a y for which x(x, y) = 0. Then these equations define f (x) as a quasi-recursive function. To show this we have to consider the way in which the values of f (x) may be derived from the equations. For the purpose of illustration let us suppose that for some given value of x, say x= 3, the first value of y for which x(x, y) vanishes is y = 7. Then, keeping x = 3, we see that

    π(3,0), π(3, 1), π(3, 2), ..., π(3, 7)

    are all greater than zero, but π(3, 8)=0. The auxiliary function τ(u, v, y) is defined only for values of u greater than zero and for v = 0 ; thus f (3) can be evaluated only when we find a y for which π(x, y) > 0 and π(x, Sy) = 0 and, as we have supposed, this occurs when y = 7 (and not for any other value of y), showing that f(3) = 7. This illustrates the fact that to determine the value of f(x), we must first find the value of y for which χ(x, y) = 0.

    In the definition of a quasi-recursive function no limitation is imposed upon the way in which we show that, for each x, there is a y for which χ(x, y)=0; we may for instance establish the existence of y by a proof in some formal system that the assumption that χ(x, y) > 0 for all y leads to a contradiction. Such a proof may provide us with no means of finding the y in question and therefore no means of finding f(x); we may go on calculating the values of χ(x, y) for greater and greater values of y for untold time without finding the y for which χ(x, y) = 0. By confining our considerations to primitive recursive functions we are assured that the values of all functions in the system may be determined in a preassignable number of steps.

    The most appropriate system for utilising quasi-recursive functions would be, not a free variable system, but one which contained an existential operator " and a minimal operator μ" which selected the least of a given set of values. From an existential theorem

    (∃y) R(x, y)

    the minimal operator derives a function f(x) such that

    f(x) = (μy) R(x, y).

    If R(x, y) is a primitive recursive relation then f (x), defined by the minimal operator may be shown to be quasi-recursive; in fact the system of equations considered above is an instance of this. For future reference we list some further important properties of quasi-recursive functions and relations. ²

    There is a primitive recursive function T(z, x, y) such that for z = 0, 1, 2, ..., (∃y)T(z, x, y) is an enumeration of all predicates of the form (∃y)R(x, y) with recursive R. It follows that the class of predicates of the form (∃y)R(x, y) is the same whether R is quasi-recursive, or restricted to primitive recursive relations.

    For any given R let r be a value of z for which

    (∃y)R(x, y)↔(∃y)T(r, x, y)

    (where ↔denotes equivalence of relations) and therefore

    (∃y(R(r, y)↔(∃y)T(r, r, y)

    and therefore (∃y)R(r, y) is not equivalent to (y) ∼ T(r, r, y), and (taking ∼ S for R, and s for r)

    (y)S(s, y) ↔(y) ∼ T (s, s, y)

    so that

    (y)S(s, y) is not equivalent to (∃y)T(s, s ,y).

    Given any quasi-recursive predicate R(x) let R(x, y) denote the predicate R(x) & y= y so that R(x, y) is also quasi-recursive and

    R(x)↔ (∃y)R(x, y)↔ (y)R(x, y)

    whence it follows that there are numbers r, s for which

    R(r) differs from (y) ∼ T(r, r, y)


    R(s) differs from (∃y)T(s, s, y)

    and therefore, neither(∃y)T(x, x, y) nor (y) ∼T(x, x, y) are recursive. In other words (∃y)T(x, x, y) is an example of a predicate of the form (∃y)R(x, y), with primitive recursive R, which is not quasi-recursive.

    Another important enumeration theorem runs as follows:

    For a certain primitive recursive function U(t) all quasi-recursive functions (of one variable) may be enumerated in the form

    U(µy T(n, x, y)), n = 0, 1, 2, ...

    and with the same U, and a corresponding T(n, x1, x2, ..., xk, y) all quasi-recursive functions of k variables may be enumerated in the form

    U(µy T(n, x1, x2, ..., xk, y)), n = 0, 1, 2, ...

    To return to primitive recursive functions we may remark that there are many definition schemata which though seemingly very different from that of primitive recursion are known to define only primitive recursive functions. We shall not enter into a consideration of these schemata here but we shall have occasion in the sequel to note instances of such schemata. For an account of the forms of recursive definition reference may be made to the author’s ‘Recursive Number Theory’ where it is shown that recursive arithmetic may be formalised in a system in which the axioms of the propositional calculus and the derivation schemata referred to above are all demonstrable.

    1, 2 The development of recursive analysis from recursive arithmetic involves the introduction of rational numbers and functions. A rational number may be defined to be an ordered triplet (p, q)/r, of natural numbers, with r > 0.

    We define

    where ‘↔’ is the sign for equivalence; thus for instance the equation (p, q)/r = (p′, q′)/r′ holds if, and only if, pr′ + q′r = p′r + qr′, and in particular (p, q)/r=(kp+n, kq+n)/kr, where k>O.

    A recursive function of one (or more) variables (p, q)/r is a triplet of recursive functions of natural numbers

    {P(p, q, r), Q(P q, r)}/R(p, q, r)

    with R(p, q, r) > 0, and such that (writing P for P(p, q, r), P′ for P( p′, q′, r′ ) and so on)

    (p′, q′)/r′= (p, q)/r → (P′, Q′)/R′= (P, Q)/R.

    For example the sum of two rational numbers is defined by

    (p1 q1)/r1 + (p2, q2)/r2 = (pir2 + P2r1,, q1r2 + q2r1)/r1r2;


    (p1, q1)/r1

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