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A Course on Group Theory
A Course on Group Theory
A Course on Group Theory
Ebook540 pages9 hours

A Course on Group Theory

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This textbook for advanced courses in group theory focuses on finite groups, with emphasis on the idea of group actions. Early chapters summarize presupposed facts, identify important themes, and establish the notation used throughout the book. Subsequent chapters explore the normal and arithmetical structures of groups as well as applications.
Topics include the normal structure of groups: subgroups; homomorphisms and quotients; series; direct products and the structure of finitely generated Abelian groups; and group action on groups. Additional subjects range from the arithmetical structure of groups to classical notions of transfer and splitting by means of group action arguments. More than 675 exercises, many accompanied by hints, illustrate and extend the material.
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    A Course on Group Theory - John S. Rose



    In his presidential address to the London Mathematical Society in 1908 (published in the article [a12]), William Burnside remarked that ‘It is undoubtedly the fact that the theory of groups of finite order has failed, so far, to arouse the interest of any but a very small number of English mathematicians …’ And he ended with the words ‘I wish, in conclusion, to appeal to those who have the teaching of our younger pure mathematicians to do something to stimulate the study of group-theory in this country. If, when advice is given for the course of study to be pursued, the importance of some knowledge of group-theory for a pure mathematician (which is generally recognized elsewhere) were insisted on, there is little doubt but that a demand for the serious teaching of the subject would soon arise.’

    Seventy years on, such a plea would be scarcely necessary: the central importance of group theory is now fully recognized and reflected in the teaching of mathematics in universities and colleges. No doubt this is due in no small measure to the profound influence of Burnside’s own masterly book on the subject of groups ([b3]). Nowadays it is customary in British universities to provide introductory courses of lectures on groups and other algebraic systems for undergraduates in their first year of study. The present work offers material for a further course of study on group theory. It is based on courses of lectures given by the author at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne to third year honours undergraduates and to candidates for the Master’s degree.

    The reader is supposed to be familiar with the contents of the kind of introductory course mentioned above. Specifically, knowledge is presupposed of the notions of isomorphism classes of groups, cyclic and abelian groups, subgroups and cosets, Lagrange’s theorem, orders of elements, symmetric groups and the decomposition of a permutation as a product of disjoint cycles; and of the most elementary properties of vector spaces, linear maps and matrices, fields and rings. A rather terse summary of the facts about groups which are presupposed is contained in the preliminary chapter 0, which also serves to establish notation used throughout the book.

    Chapter 0 is followed by another short chapter, chapter 1. This is intended as a curtain-raiser to the whole book and attempts to trace various important themes in terms comprehensible to the reader on the basis of the presupposed knowledge. The aim is to provide a motivation for some of the technical definitions and procedures to be treated in detail later on. The emphasis in chapter 1 is entirely on finite groups, which are in fact the primary objects of study of the whole book. Nevertheless, an attempt has been made to avoid finiteness restrictions wherever their imposition does not materially simplify the discussion; and certain important results on infinite groups which arise naturally in context have been included, especially in chapters 7 and 8.

    The systematic treatment begins in chapter 2, where many basic examples which recur throughout the book are introduced. Subsequent chapters deal in a fairly leisurely way with a selection of the most important lines of development in the subject, and an attempt has been made to give a unified rather than a piecemeal treatment. An indication of the selection made is given by the chapter titles. In brief, one may say that chapters 3, 7, 8 and 9 deal with the normal structure of groups and chapters 4, 5 and 6 with the arithmetical structure, while chapters 10 and 11 treat aspects of the interplay between normal and arithmetical structures.

    A particular emphasis is placed on the idea of group actions. This is conceptually important as typifying the way in which groups occur in mathematics, as well as providing a powerful method within group theory itself. The basic facts about group actions are given in chapters 4 and 9, with applications in chapters 5 and 10.

    Chapter 10 calls for special comment. It is devoted to an exposition of the beautiful treatment of the classical notions of transfer and splitting by means of group action arguments which was given by Professor Helmut Wielandt in a lecture at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, in May 1972. This provides a very impressive illustration of the power of group action techniques within group theory. This material has not previously appeared in print and I am very greatly indebted to Professor Wielandt for allowing me to include it here.

    Any book which attempts to give a general account of group theory must inevitably be selective. To the practitioner of the subject who inspects the book, the omissions are probably more striking than the topics chosen for inclusion. In offering the present work for scrutiny, I am especially conscious of two major omissions: the representation theory of finite groups (and the associated theory of group characters) and the theory of defining relations of groups. Of these two important topics, the first may seem a surprising omission from a book which stresses group actions, since representation theory may be viewed as the theory of group actions on vector spaces (as is explained at the beginning of chapter 9). I feel, however, that in both cases an adequate treatment would lengthen the book unacceptably. Moreover, a proper discussion of defining relations would involve the theory of free groups which, although fundamental, is rather different in spirit from the topics treated here. Good accounts of both representation theory and defining relations are to be found in several of the general texts on group theory listed among the references at the end of this book. A number of specific references to representation theory are given at the beginning of chapter 9. On the subject of defining relations, I wish also to mention explicitly the important established work of reference by H. S. M. Coxeter and W. O. J. Moser [b6], and the recent book by D. L. Johnson [b22].

    The present work is arranged in short sections which are numbered consecutively through each chapter. In many instances, a section is devoted to the statement and proof of a single result, to which reference may be made in other parts of the book by citing the appropriate section number. The more important results are designated ‘Lemma’ or Theorem’.

    The exercises form an essential constituent of the book. They are numbered consecutively from 1 to 679, their numbers appearing in bold type. Exercises 1 to 12 appear at the end of chapter 0 and are meant to be accessible to the reader with the presupposed knowledge. There are no exercises in chapter 1. From chapter 2 onward, the exercises are set at roughly equal intervals throughout the text. The aim is to give exercises which illustrate and extend the material of the formal course as soon as the relevant facts have been established in the text. There are many cross-references to exercises, particularly in the later chapters of the book: these references are given merely by citing exercise numbers; it is hoped that the regular distribution of the exercises and the bold type of their numbers will make these easy to locate without the additional citation of page numbers. The statements of many of the exercises omit the conventional imperatives ‘prove that’ or ‘show that’; they are nevertheless assertions to be proved. I imagine that few readers of the book are likely to attempt all the exercises. However, a number of definitions and results given in exercises are needed in the main text, and these are indicated by asterisks against their numbers (e.g. *1); these exercises are mostly straightforward. Many of the more difficult exercises are accompanied by suggested hints for their solution.

    Dates have been attached to some results in order to indicate a historical perspective to the development of the subject. For the same reason, various references to early articles and books have been included in the list at the end of the book. However, no pretence of historical scholarship is made: this is a book on group theory, not on the history of the subject. For a scholarly account of the early development of group theory, the reader may consult the book by H. Wussing [b40].

    The references to works of other authors are divided into articles, with numbers prefixed by the letter ‘a’, and books, with numbers prefixed by the letter ‘b’. The works listed are mainly those to which reference is made in the text and in no way constitute a comprehensive bibliography of the subject. Many of the authors quoted have written other important works on group theory, and there are of course also many important works by authors who are not quoted. An impression of the scope and bulk of publication on group theory in the years 1940 to 1970 may be obtained from the recently published volumes of reviews taken from the periodical Mathematical Reviews: Reviews on Finite Groups (ed. D. Gorenstein, Amer. Math. Soc. 1974) and Reviews on Infinite Groups (2 vols., ed. G. Baumslag, Amer. Math. Soc. 1974).

    I was fortunate in the mathematicians who provided my first comprehensive impressions of group theory, which were formed by listening to courses of lectures given by Professor W. L. Edge in Edinburgh, Professor P. Hall and Dr D. R. Taunt in Cambridge, Professor B. Huppert in Mainz and Professor H. Wielandt in Tübingen. Although they might not care to recognise the views or the modes of treatment of the subject which I have chosen to adopt here as deriving from their own accounts, I wish to place on record my sense of indebtedness to them for providing the original stimulus which led me to pursue the subject. Of my particular indebtedness to Professor Wielandt regarding the content of chapter 10, I have already spoken.

    During the writing of the book, I have been helped by many friends and colleagues. I wish especially to offer thanks to Dr R. H. Dye, whose misfortune it has been to occupy an office adjacent to my own and who has shown exemplary patience in listening to my trial expositions of many arguments which have been incorporated (and others which have not) and frequently brought clarity to my confusion; to Professor A. Mann for several valuable suggestions which I have adopted; and to Dr S. E. Stonehewer, who most generously undertook to read the whole manuscript, performed this task with characteristic conscientiousness, and helped me with many pertinent comments. I wish also to express warm thanks to Miss Joyce Edger who cheerfully and skilfully transformed the manuscript to typescript; and to Dr and Mrs R. H. Dye for their help with proof-reading.

    Newcastle upon Tyne

    26 May 1976



    In this book, the capital letters G, H, J, K, L (sometimes with subscripts and superscripts) will always denote groups. The reader is supposed to be familiar with the elementary basic facts about groups which are summarized in this chapter. Further details are to be found for instance in Green [b14], or chapters 1, 2 of Ledermann [b29], or chapters 1, 2, 3 of Macdonald[b30].

    A subgroup of G is a subset of G which itself forms a group with respect to the operation defining G. Then, if X is a non-empty subset of G, X is a subgroup of G if and only if x1x2− 1∈X whenever x1 and x2 are elements of X.

    We shall usually denote the identity element of a group by 1. Then if G is the group in question, the subset {1} consisting only of the identity element of G forms a subgroup which we call the trivial subgroup of G. Strictly we ought to preserve the notational distinction between the element 1 and the subgroup {1} of G, but in practice the same symbol 1 without brackets is used for both element and subgroup. A subgroup H of G is said to be non-trivial if H ≠ 1. We say that G itself is trivial if G has just one element (in which case G = 1); and similarly that G is non-trivial if G has more than one element. Sometimes we refer to an element of G distinct from 1 as a non-trivial element.

    Let gG. If the elements g, g², g³, … of G are all distinct, we say that g is an element of infinite order in G and we write o(g) = ∞. If on the other hand there are distinct positive integers r, s such that gr = gs, we say that g is of finite order in G : then there is a positive integer n such that gn = 1 and we call the least such n the order of g, denoted in this book by o(g). If g is of finite order and m is an integer, then gm = 1 if and only if o(g) divides m.

    Elements g1 and g2 of G are said to commute if g1g2 = g2g1. A non-empty subset X of G is said to be a commuting set of elements if x1x2 = x2x1 whenever x1 and x2 are elements of X. If G is itself a commuting set of elements then G is called an abelian group (in honour of Niels Henrik Abel, 1802–29).

    If there is an element g of G such that every element of G is expressible as a power gm of g (where m is an integer), we say that G is a cyclic group and that g generates G: then we write G = 〈g〉. Any cyclic group is abelian.

    Let X be any set. If X is infinite we write | X | = ∞. If X is finite, we denote by | X | the number of elements in X. Sometimes we write | X | < ∞ to signify that X is finite. For any group G, we call | G | the order of G. In particular, if G is a finite cyclic group with, say, G = 〈g〉, then | G | = o(g): explicitly, if o(g) = n then G = {1,g,g², …, gn − ¹}. For an arbitrary group, the trivial subgroup is the only subgroup of order 1.

    In a few passing remarks throughout the book we refer to infinite cardinal numbers. When X is an infinite set, | X | may be interpreted as the cardinality of X. With this interpretation, various statements to be made can be refined to give corresponding results which distinguish between different types of infinite sets. However, the reader who is unfamiliar with infinite cardinal numbers may ignore all such remarks without impairing his understanding of the rest of the text.

    For sets X, Y we use the notation

    Y X mean Y is a subset of X,

    Y X to mean Y is a subset of X and Y X.

    In the latter case we say that Y is a proper subset of X. When Y X we denote by X\Y the set of elements of X which do not belong to Y. In group theory we write

    H G to mean H is a subgroup of G,

    H < G to mean H is a proper subgroup of G.

    (Warning. Ledermann and Macdonald use ‘proper’ to mean ‘proper and non-trivial’, but we do not follow this usage.)

    According to Lagrange’s theorem, if G is a finite group and H G then | H | divides | G|. This fact is of crucial importance for finite group theory. We recall that the theorem is proved by partitioning G as the union of a number of disjoint subsets of G each containing | H | elements. For these subsets we may select the right cosets of H in G, that is the subsets Hg = {hg : hH} with gG (where each g determines a subset Hg). Alternatively, we may select for the subsets the left cosets of H in G, that is the subsets gH = {gh : hH} with gG. If g1 and g2 are elements of G, we have Hg1 = Hg2 if and only if g1g2− 1∈H, and g1H = g2H if and only if g1− 1g2∈H.

    For an arbitrary (not necessarily finite) group G and H G, the same argument still applies. We may partition G as the disjoint union of right cosets of H in G or of left cosets of H in G. If there are only finitely many distinct right cosets of H in G then there are only finitely many distinct left cosets of H in G, and conversely, and the numbers of them are the same. This number is called the index of H in G and denoted by | G : H |. Note that | G : H | = 1 if and only if H = G. If G is a finite group then | G : H | = | G|/|H|. But it can also happen that an infinite group has proper subgroups with finite indices. If on the other hand there are infinitely many distinct right (or, equivalently, left) cosets of H in G, we write | G : H | = ∞. Later on (in chapter 4) we shall place this idea of partitioning a group as a union of disjoint subsets in a much more general context, and derive other important results by arguments of the same kind. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the idea of an equivalence relation on a set, and the connexion between this and the partitioning of a set as a union of disjoint subsets.

    If gH G, then the order of g in H is the same as the order of g in G. The element g generates a cyclic subgroup 〈g〉 of G, and this subgroup is finite if and only if o(g) < ∞, in which case | 〈g〉 | = o(g). Now if G is a finite group with, say, | G | = n, and gG, then 〈g〉 is finite and so o(g) is finite; and, by Lagrange’s theorem, o(g) divides n. Hence gn = 1 for all gG.

    : X Y is a map (the words mapping and function are synonyms for map) of a set X into a set Y. Frequently we write x or x of an element xX: X Y : Y Z then the composite map of X into Z, defined by applying to each xX : thus, by definition, x) = (x . (This corresponds to the European convention of reading from left to right.) With the functional notation customary in analysis, by which the image of x (x)(x(x)). However, it is inconvenient to maintain a consistent convention for notation of maps, and either convention will be adopted according to circumstances.

    : X Y and xX: x x on xis used only between elements of sets.

    : X Y is said to be infective if xxwhenever x1,x2∈X and x1 ≠ x2; and to be surjective if every element yY is expressible as y = x for some xXis both injective and surjective, it is said to be bijective. Let 1X denote the identity map on X, i.e. the map 1X : X X defined by 1X : x x for all xX: X Y : Y X = 1X. Also, if 1Y denotes the identity map on Y : X Y : Y X = 1Y: X Y : Y X = 1X = 1Yis invertible: X X is often called a permutation of X. If X : X X is necessarily a permutation of X: X X; here the condition of finiteness of X is essential. The reader is supposed to be familiar with the elementary properties of permutations. These will be summarized when the symmetric groups are introduced in chapter 2.

    Elements of a set are sometimes called points: X X is said to fix a point xX if x = x.

    Two groups are said to be isomorphic if there is a bijective, structure-preserving map from one to the other (see 2.6). Then the relation of isomorphism is an equivalence relation on any set of groups. This relation is fundamental to group theory in the sense that group theory is concerned with classifying groups ‘to within isomorphism’. We cannot expect to distinguish group-theoretically between groups which are isomorphic but have no elements in common. For the sake of brevity we shall call an isomorphism class of groups a type. We write G1 ≅ G2 to denote that groups G1 and G2 are isomorphic.

    : X Y and S is a subset of X, then the restriction of to S 1 : S Y 1 : s s for all sS|S. It may happen that there is a subset T of Y such that s T for all sS: S T : s s for all sS1 if T Yby restriction.

    S X and 1X denotes the identity map on X then 1X|S : S X is the inclusion map of S in X.

    Throughout this book,

    p always denotes a prime number,

    a set of prime numbers,

    C the field of complex numbers,

    R the field of real numbers,

    Q the field of rational numbers,

    Z the ring of integers.

    For any positive integer n,

    Zn denotes the ring of integers modulo n.

    In particular, Zp is a field, sometimes denoted by GF(p) (a so-called Galois field).

    If a and b are integers and n is a positive integer,

    a b mod n means that n divides a − b.

    We sometimes write (a, b) for the greatest common divisor of a and b: this is defined provided that a and b are not both 0. We say that a and b are co-prime if (a,b) = 1. If a and b are co-prime integers then there exist integers a′ and b′ such that aa′ + bb′ = 1.

    *1 Any group of prime order is cyclic.

    *2 Any two cyclic groups of the same finite order are isomorphic.

    *3 If g² = 1 for every gG then G is an abelian group.

    4 Let g1,g2∈G. Then o(g1g2) = o(g2g1).

    *5 (i) Let gG with o(g) = n < ∞. Then, for every integer m, o(gm) = n/(m,n).

    (ii) If G is a cyclic group of finite order n then the number of distinct elements which generate G (n(n) is the number of positive integers not exceeding n which are co-prime to n.

    *6 Let g1,g2∈G with o(g1) = n1 < ∞, o(g2) = n2 < ∞. If n1 and n2 are co-prime and g1 and g2 commute then o(g1g2) = n1n2.

    7 Let gG with o(g) = n1n2, where n1 and n2 are co-prime positive integers. Then there are elements g1,g2∈G such that g = g1g2 = g2g1 and o(g1) = n1, o(g2) = n2. Moreover, g1 and g2 are uniquely determined by these conditions.

    8 By considering orders of elements in the multiplicative group of all non-zero elements of the field Zp, prove Fermat’s theorem : for every integer a not divisible by p, ap − ¹ ≡ 1 mod p.

    9 Let G be an abelian group of finite order n. Show that the product of the n distinct elements of G is equal to the product of all the elements of G of order 2 (where the latter product is interpreted as 1 if G has no element of order 2). By applying this result to the multiplicative group of all non-zero elements of the field Zp, prove Wilson’s theorem for prime numbers : (p − 1)! ≡ − 1 mod p.

    10 Let H G and let g1,g2∈G. Then Hg1 = Hg2 if and only if g1− 1H = g2− 1H.

    *11 (i) Let J H G. Then | G : J | is finite if and only if | G : H | and | H : J | are both finite, and if so, | G : J | = | G : H | | H : J|.

    (ii) Let J H G with | G : J | = p, prime.

    Then either H = J or H = G.

    12 Let H G and gG. If o(g) = n and gmH, where n and m are co-prime integers, then gH.



    The ideal aim of finite group theory is to ‘find’ all finite groups: that is, to show how to construct finite groups of every possible type, and to establish effective procedures which will determine whether two given finite groups are of the same type. The attainment of this ideal is of course quite beyond the reach of present techniques (though the corresponding aim for finite abelian groups was achieved a hundred years ago: see 8.24, 8.41). But what kind of programme might be devised towards the fulfilment of such an aim?

    To each finite group G there is associated the positive integer | G|. We note two elementary facts.

    1.1. For each positive integer n, there is at least one type of group of order n.

    For instance, the set of complex nth roots of unity forms a (cyclic) group of order n under multiplication: see 2.14.

    1.2. For each positive integer n, there are only finitely many different types of groups of order n.

    To see this we observe that for any group G of order n and any set X of n elements, X can be given the structure of a group isomorphic to G: G X and then to define multiplication in X by the rule (g)(g) = (g1gfor all g1, g2∈G. It is straightforward to check that this multiplication on X becomes an isomorphism. This means that groups of order n of all possible types appear among all possible assignments of a binary operation to any particular set of n , and so this is also an upper bound for the number of types of groups of order n.

    (For another proof of 1.2, see 4.24.) For each positive integer n, let v(n) denote the number of types of groups of order n. Very little is known about v(n) in general (see 301 for a sharper upper bound on v(n)); but one simple remark can be made immediately. It follows from Lagrange’s theorem that a group of prime order must be cyclic (1). Since any two cyclic groups of the same order are isomorphic (2), we have

    1.3. For each prime number p, v(p) = 1.

    There are numbers n other than primes for which v(n) = 1. We mention a result which characterizes these numbers – though the result is not of importance in group theory, but merely a curiosity (see 575).

    1.4. Let , where s, m1,…, ms are positive integers and p1,…, ps distinct primes. Then v(n) = 1 if and only if m1 = m2 = … = ms = 1 and for all i,j = 1,…, s, pi − 1 is not divisible by pj.

    (Thus for example v(15) = 1; see 215.)

    Now, for each positive integer n, let va(n) denote the number of types of abelian groups of order n: then va(nv(n). From theorems on the structure of finite abelian groups (see 8.43), we have

    1.5. Let , where s,m1,…,ms are positive integers and p1,…,ps distinct primes. Then

    and, for each j = 1,…, s,

    is the number of partitions of mj; that is, the number of ways of expressing mj as a sum of positive integers (the order of components being disregarded). In particular, .

    This shows that there is no upper bound for va(n) which is independent of n; and hence also no upper bound for v(n) independent of n.

    A natural approach to the problem of constructing finite groups is to seek an inductive method in terms of group orders. Thus we should try to describe each finite group in terms of groups of smaller orders: then in principle we might hope to start with certain basic groups and to build up a description of all types of finite groups step by step.

    Therefore we naturally think about subgroups. What subgroups does a group G of order n have? By Lagrange’s theorem, the order of any subgroup of G is a divisor of n. However, it is not necessarily true that G has a subgroup of order m for each divisor m of n (see 185). The best general result about existence of subgroups of prescribed orders is the following consequence of Sylow’s theorem (see 5.32).

    1.6. Let G be a group of finite order n. For each prime p and power pm of p which divides n, G possesses a subgroup of order pm.

    This result directs attention to groups of prime power orders. Such groups have helpful special properties and play an important part in the analysis of general finite groups.

    Among the subgroups of a group G there are some which are especially useful in deriving information about G: the so-called normal to mean ‘K is a normal subgroup of G’. The explicit definition of the term is given in 3.2, but for the present discussion we merely state the following key facts (see 3.20–3.22).

    1.7. Suppose that . Then we can define a corresponding group G/K (not a subgroup of G) which is called the quotient group of G by K. In some sense, G is built up from the two groups K and G/K. In particular, if G is finite then so are K and G/K, and | G | = | K|.|G/K|.

    One always finds among the normal subgroups of G the group G itself and 1, the trivial subgroup; and G/G ≅ 1 and G/1 ≅ G. But the interesting normal subgroups are the ones different from these, if they exist.

    If, in 1.7, G is finite and K G and K ≠ 1 then we get a description of G in terms of two groups K and G/K of smaller orders than G. This description cannot be regarded as complete, because knowledge of the types of the groups K and G/K is not in general enough to determine uniquely the type of G (see 116). This then raises the extension problem: given groups K and Q, determine the types of all groups G and G/K Q. Note that if K and Q are finite groups then the number of such types is finite, because all such groups G have the same finite order | K|.|Q | and therefore the number of types is at most v(|X|.|Q|). Although the extension problem is hard, it is much more amenable to attack by currently known methods than some of the problems mentioned earlier.

    is used to mean ‘K is a normal subgroup of G and K G’. For any finite group G we consider chains of subgroups

    which cannot be refined: that is, such that we cannot insert a subgroup H with Kj H Kj for any j = 1,…, s. Then we try to describe G in terms of the quotient groups

    which we have made as small as possible. Note that

    Such a chain (i) which cannot be refined is called a composition series of G.

    1.8. Any finite group G possesses at least one composition series.

    To prove this, we argue by induction on | G|. If | G | = 1 then 1 = K0 = G is a composition series of G. Suppose that | G | > 1. Choose K G with | K | as large as possible (it may be that K = 1). Then | K | < | G|, so that by the induction hypothesis K has a composition series

    where s is a positive integer. Then

    is a composition series of G. The induction argument goes through.

    The most important fact about composition series is contained in the Jordan-Hölder theorem (see 7.9):

    1.9. Let G be a finite group and let


    be composition series of G. Then r = s, and the two sequences of s quotient groups K1/K0, K2/K1,…,Ks/Ks − 1 and H1/H0, H2/H1,…,Hs/Hs − 1 contain groups of exactly the same types with the same multiplicities (possibly in different orderings). We call s the composition length of G and the groups K1/K0, K2/K1,…,Ks/Ks − 1 the composition factors of G.

    Some groups will have composition length 1: such groups are called simple. Explicitly, a group G (not necessarily finite) is simple if G ≠ 1 and if the only normal subgroups of G are 1 and G. One can show (see 7.2)

    1.10. Every composition factor of a non-trivial finite group is a simple group.

    Now we may think of the Jordan–Hölder theorem 1.9 as an analogue for finite groups of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic for positive integers. Finite simple groups play a corresponding rôle to prime numbers. The Jordan-Hölder theorem says that every non-trivial finite group G is a kind of ‘product’ of simple groups, and that these simple factors are uniquely determined by G (apart from ordering). Of course formation of a ‘product’ in this context is not a uniquely determined process as it is for numbers. Nevertheless, the results quoted effect a division of the original classification problem into two parts: (i) find finite simple groups of all possible types (the ‘building blocks’ of finite group theory), (ii) solve the extension problem (that is, find how the building blocks fit together).

    A great deal of effort has been devoted during the last ten years to problem (i) and, although the obstacles ahead look formidable and the goal is not yet in sight, significant advances have been made. At this stage we merely mention (see 3.6, 3.60, 3.61, 5.24, 5.28)

    1.11. The only abelian simple groups are the groups of prime orders. There are also infinitely many types of non-abelian finite simple groups.

    How might we attempt to investigate the structure of a non-abelian simple group? We have no non-trivial proper normal subgroup, by means of which we might hope to express the structure of the group in terms of the structures of two smaller groups; but we should still like to work from smaller groups up to larger groups. Therefore we think about subgroups which are not normal. A starting point is provided by the following result, which is one of the most striking achievements of the modern period.

    1.12 (W. Feit and J. G. Thompson [a23]). Every non-abelian finite simple group has even order.

    The result was a conjecture of Burnside in 1911: see [b3] p. 503. In fact, in the first edition of his book in 1897, Burnside had already recommended an investigation of the existence or non-existence of a non-abelian simple group of odd order, without predicting the outcome. The question was finally settled in 1963 with the publication of article [a23]. A proof of this theorem is unfortunately beyond the scope of any textbook at present, though D. Gorenstein’s book [b13] gives an account of many of the techniques involved. The importance of the Feit–Thompson theorem is that it ensures the existence of elements of order 2 in non-abelian finite simple groups.

    1.13. Let G be any group of even order. Then G possesses at least one element of order 2. (Any such element is called an involution.)

    The result is an immediate consequence of 1.6. Alternatively, there is a more elementary proof as follows. Let T = {xG : x² = 1} and U = {xG : x² ≠ 1}. Then T and U are subsets of G such that G = T U and T U . Now we count the elements of U. Possibly U , in which case | U | = 0. If not, choose x1∈U. Then x1 ≠ x1− 1∈U. Possibly U = {x1, x1− 1}, in which case | U | = 2. If not, choose another element x2∈U. Then x2 ≠ x2− 1∈U, and also x2− 1 ≠ x1 and x2− 1 ≠ x1− 1 (since x2 ≠ x1− 1 and x2 ≠ x1). Possibly U = {x1,x− 1,x2,x2− 1}, in which case | U | = 4. If not,… We continue until all elements of U are exhausted. We see that in any case | U | is even. Since also | G | is even and | G | = | T | + | U|, it follows that) | T | is even. But T , since 1∈T. Hence | T 2. Therefore there is an element tT with t ≠ 1. Such an element t is an involution.

    Now let G be any group. For each xG we define

    It is easy to check that CG(x) is a subgroup of G; it is called the centralizer of x in G (see 4.25). Also

    is a subgroup of G, called the centre of G and denoted by Z(G) (see 117). Note that, immediately from these definitions,

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