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Rings and Homology
Rings and Homology
Rings and Homology
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Rings and Homology

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About this ebook

This concise text is geared toward students of mathematics who have completed a basic college course in algebra. Combining material on ring structure and homological algebra, the treatment offers advanced undergraduate and graduate students practice in the techniques of both areas.
After a brief review of basic concepts, the text proceeds to an examination of ring structure, with particular attention to the structure of semisimple rings with minimum condition. Subsequent chapters develop certain elementary homological theories, introducing the functor Ext and exploring the various projective dimensions, global dimension, and duality theory. Each chapter concludes with a set of exercises.
Release dateJan 5, 2015
Rings and Homology

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    Rings and Homology - James P. Jans


    ( 1 )

    Basic Concepts

    This chapter has been included to broaden the audience for this book to anyone who knows the definitions and elementary properties of rings, fields, and groups. Readers with a greater degree of mathematical maturity may skip this chapter and refer back to it when necessary.

    DEFINITION. If R is an associative ring with an identity 1, then an (additive) abelian group M is called an R-left module, provided there is a unique element ra M, corresponding to each r R and a M, such that


    for all r, s R and a, b M. The element ra is sometimes called the module product of r and a. For convenience, we shall refer to R-left modules as R modules.

    Note that we put the ring elements on the left because of Eq. (1.2), which states that the product rs acts on M as "first s, then r." For commutative rings, this distinction is not important; the ring elements may be placed on whichever side of the module that is convenient. However, for noncommutative rings, a little more care is necessary.

    An R right module S is defined analogously, with the module product designated by ar for a in S and r in R. Equation (1.2) becomes, in this case,

    which means that rs acts as "first r, then s


    1.Every abelian group is an R module, where R is the ring Z of integers.

    2.Every vector space is an R module, where R is the base field of the vector space.

    3.If R is a ring and B is a left (right) ideal, then B is an R module (right R module).

    Suppose that M is an R module; then the set I = {r|rm = 0, all m M}, is a two-sided ideal of R called the annihilator of M. If J is any two-sided ideal contained in I, then for any element j in J, we have jM = 0. Therefore, every element of the coset r + J in R/J acts on M exactly as r does, and we can consider M as an R/J module by the definition (r + J)m = rm. The process sketched above can be reversed. If T is an R/S module, for S an ideal of R, then we can consider T as an R module by defining rt = (r + S)t for r R, t T.

    DEFINITION. If S is a subset of the R module M, then S is called an R sub-module of M if S is a subgroup of M such that, for each r R, {rs|s S} = rS S. If S is an R submodule of M, then the quotient group M/S is an R module with module multiplication given by r(m + S) = rm + S. The R module M/S is called the quotient (factor) module of M by S.

    We shall say that an R module S is simple if it has exactly two R submodules, (0) and S.

    If is any collection of R submodules of an R module Mis also an R submodule. If T is a subset of M, then there exists a unique smallest R submodule MT of M containing T. One way to get MT , where the are all the R submodules of M containing the set T. Another way to get MT is to take for MT the set

    where the f over the ∑ indicates finite sum. The reader may check to see that both methods give rise to the same submodule MT.

    We shall say that T generates M if MT = M. In the case that T is finite and M = MT we say that M is finitely generated. If M can be generated with one element, then we say that M is cyclic. When T is a set with one element t, we note that Mt = Rt = {rt|r R, , an R submodule of M, the usual notation for MT is ∑Sα.

    DEFINITION. Suppose that M and T are R modules and that f is a function from M into T :

    then f is called an R homomorphism if f is a homomorphism of the additive group of M into the additive group of T, and if f satisfies the condition

    The kernel of f, Ker f = {m M| f(m) = 0}, and the image of f, Im f = {f(mT|m M}, are R submodules of M and T, respectively. If S is an R submodule of M, then there is a natural R homomorphism:

    such that Ker v = S and Im v = M/S. In fact,

    An R homomorphism f: M T is called an R epimorphism, R monomorphism, or R isomorphism, according as Im f = T, Ker f = (0), or Im f = T and Ker f = (0), respectively. In the following discussion, we shall often use the terms map or mapping for R homomorphism because they are shorter.

    There are a number of techniques for constructing new homomorphisms from old. We outline a few of these below.

    If f : M T is an R homomorphism and if X M, Y T, X, Y, submodules of M, T, respectively, with the property that f(X) = {f(x)|x X} ⊆ Y, then there is a new homomorphism f′: M/X T/Y given by f′(m + X) = f(m) + Y. One checks to see that the definition of f′ applied to a coset is independent of the representative m of that coset and that f′ is an R homomorphism. The homomorphism f′ is said to be induced by f. Certain special cases of this technique for making new homomorphisms are of interest. For instance, let X = Ker f, Y = (0) ; in this case, the induced homomorphism f′: M/Ker f T = T/(0) is actually a monomorphism.

    Another process for inducing homomorphisms is as follows: If f: M/X C is a homomorphism, then this induces f″: M C where f″(m) = f(m + X). One checks to see that this is a homomorphism and that (f″)′: M/X C is actually the same as f: M/X C, where ( )′ indicates the process described before.

    There are more obvious methods for constructing homomorphisms. If f:MC is a homomorphism and if X M, Y C such that f(XY, then f|X: X Y is also a homomorphism where f|X is "f restricted to X." A special case of this occurs when X = M, and Y = Im f. In this case f: M → Im f is an epimorphism.

    Some people occasionally confuse f: M C with f:M → Im f. We shall try to avoid this by thinking of the homomorphism as a triple f: M C consisting of two modules M, C, and a function f from M to C satisfying certain conditions. To say that two homomorphisms f: M C and g: N D are equal will mean that M = N, C = D, and f(x) = g(x) for all x M = N. Sometimes the notation for this gets cumbersome, and we shall lapse into saying "the homomorphism f," although we should say the homomorphism f : M C.

    When we have a simple R module and consider R homomorphisms in and out of it, we see that there are not very many possibilities for kernels and images. These facts are summed up in the following lemma.

    Schur’s Lemma If S is simple, then a map out of S is either the zero map or is an R monomorphism, a map into S is either the zero map or an R epimorphism, and a map of S to itself is either the zero map or an R isomorphism.

    If we have two R homomorphisms, f: MT and g:T′Q, and if T is a submodule of T′ then their composition gf: M Q is also an R homomorphism. If the R homomorphisms are going in opposite directions, h:AB and k: B A, we shall say that h and k are inverses of each other if hk is the identity function on A and kh is the identity function on B. In this case, it is easy to see that both h and k are R isomorphisms. Conversely, if h is an R isomorphism, then there exists a unique k such that h and k are inverses. These facts about isomorphisms, together with the easily verified property that the composition of

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