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Angel/Witch Saga Book 1: The Becoming
Angel/Witch Saga Book 1: The Becoming
Angel/Witch Saga Book 1: The Becoming
Ebook150 pages4 hours

Angel/Witch Saga Book 1: The Becoming

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Cameron quits her job and her best friend Francis lightly convinces her to work with Dean (Francis’s Boss) at his company. Instantly Cameron falls for him. Little do they know that Dean has an alternative motive and is not looking for someone to couple with.

Sam works at Walmart, he’s an everyday guy and willing to help out his friends and people he doesn’t know. One day he meets a new girl that moves into the apartment next door to him. Her name is Afriel.

Once these four meet, it begins a life or death rollercoaster ride to get out and get away from their worst fears.

Read what happens when these four people discover their true paths as they venture into endeavors as unforeseen allies. Their goal is to stop an ancient evil who is hell bent on destroying Heaven and taking God’s Throne!

This Fantasy, Action Adventure book will keep you on the edge of your seat with every turn of the page!

Release dateSep 25, 2015
Angel/Witch Saga Book 1: The Becoming

William L. Truax III

William L. Truax III is a disabled veteran; father and author. 

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    Book preview

    Angel/Witch Saga Book 1 - William L. Truax III

    Angel/Witch Saga

    Book 1:

    The Becoming


    William L. Truax III


    Text copyright © 2015 William L. Truax III

    Image Copyright

    Fernando Cortes/shutterstock.com

    All Rights Reserved

    To my loving family for all their support and to Tiffany who helped me along the way.

    Table of Contents:


    Chapter 1: Cameron

    Chapter 2: The Story?

    Chapter 3: Finding out about Dean!

    Chapter 4: Sam

    Chapter 5: Death of a Mother

    Chapter 6: Cameron II

    Chapter 7: The Hostage Plea

    Chapter 8: The way out?

    Chapter 9: Angels?

    Chapter 10: The Witches in training?

    Chapter 11: The training begins?

    Chapter 12: Dean Guild

    Chapter 13: Training or the Staff Cometh

    Chapter 14: Is it Dean or Himeros?

    Chapter 15: Brother?

    Chapter 16: The Shot?

    Book 2 Preview

    Chapter 1: Reconciliation?


    Darkness closed in around me; the lack of sight was playing tricks on my mind. Sounds of shuffling feet on the damp walkway behind me frightened me. Then the sound shifted and emerged in front of me. I stood there terrified, and I tried to move but my legs refused.

    The trials have been going on for some time now. I am nervous. Scared even. Horrified, that’s the word. If I am exposed… I don’t want to think of that now, I just need to escape.

    I hid my head into my hands. I didn’t know what else to do. Suddenly a hand found its way onto my shoulder and I jumped right out of my skin. I ran; I couldn’t stop. Whatever it was behind me called out to me but I ran. Sight left me, the one thing that I had left was sound and I heard nothing else but the sounds of feet. The darkness wrapped around me, surrounding me on all sides when suddenly WHAP! I ran into a pole. The lamp lighter (whom I barely noticed) made a speech, but I did not understand him.

    Laughter roared all around me, and I cried out in pain. Suddenly a thunderous crack echoed through the night sky, it was like a reaction to my silent command and my body reacted to the sounds. I forgot about my throbbing bulge, that knot on my head.

    Lightning began crashing all around me, just as a thunderbolt crashed down… Beep… Beep… Beep!

    Chapter 1: Cameron

    The sounds of my alarm clock rang throughout my room. My Mom banged on my door.

    Wake up Cameron! You’re going to be late for your first day!

    I stirred; I slowly moved the covers off of me. My pillow was on the floor, my blankets acted as a cocoon, keeping me safe from the creatures of the night. I sluggishly and reluctantly emerged from my cocoon and placed my feet on the carpeted floor. I looked down at my painted toes and smiled. They were multicolored and in a striped pattern same as my fingernails. Blue and white stripes.

    I stood up and made my way to the mirror. I undressed myself and gazed at my body in the mirror for a few minutes. I have an average build, real curves and I am very proud of my body. My hair is mid length and chocolate brown. I have dark brown eyes most of the time, but occasionally they change seemingly to fit my mood. It’s like a new twist on a mood ring!

    Once I finished staring at myself, I was getting dressed when my Stepmother Bri walked in on me.

    Yes ma’am? I asked.

    You have five minutes. She said with a smile, You’ve got to get a move on!

    When I finished getting dressed, we passed through the living room and as I broke away from her there was a knock at the door. I opened it and standing there was a dream came true, my best friend, Francis.

    Hey! Oh it is so good to see you! I jumped into her arms and squeezed.

    Francis is taller than me by an inch and sexier than a supermodel. She had breasts the size of melons and wore low cut shirts that emphasized her cleavage. Her pants were tight and showed off her heart-shaped ass perfectly. Her hair was thick and black. It hung down to the middle of her shoulders and was cut in the front to frame her face.

    Mom and Dad came walking out as Francis walked in. I closed the door behind her and said good morning to them both. They smiled and said good morning to us.

    So Francis, why are you here? Mom asked.

    Oh yeah, she began, "I’m here to pick up Cameron for a shopping spree at the mall. I got fifteen-hundred from my boss for fixing his computers. He had built several gaming PCs and didn’t know what he was doing."

    Great! But you know Cameron has to go to work, it’s her first day. I got her a job at a local farm. Dad said.

    DAD! I shouted.

    Dad nothing. You have to work around here.

    Yes, sir. I replied with a slight frown.

    Francis laughed hard, You? Work? Farm? Oh, I’ve got to see that!

    I shoved and smiled at her. She looked at me and shoved back.

    I swear you two act like little girls when you both are twenty-four. You need to stop and grow up a little. Mom stated with her finger pointing at us.

    No way! What’s the fun in that? I replied and I shoved her once more.

    Mom and Dad looked at us crossly. I smiled at them then went to the door and grabbed the car keys hanging on the hook.

    After eight grueling hours, I came back home and immediately went to the shower. I ignored my Mom and Dad’s questions of how my first day went. Honestly it was horrible. The chickens attacked me as I went to grab their eggs, I scraped up droppings, fed animals of all sorts and tried to accomplish other tasks I was given. I stunk to high heaven and to top it all off, I was chased around the yard by each animal herd they had!

    So there I stood, undressing in the bathroom. I turned on the water and walked into our standing shower. The water ran over my body. I didn’t care to soap up yet, I wanted the warmth of a hot shower. Once my shower was done and I was dressed, I went into my room and laid down on my bed. I gently drifted off to sleep.

    As the first light of the day crept over my face I stirred. I rubbed my eyes and as I stretched I felt something. So naturally I looked to see what I hit. Francis was laying there next to me. She looked so adorable sleeping there I just had to disturb her. As I reached down to mess with her, she snarled.

    Don’t even think about it! Coffee first, then the messing with Francis can begin.

    No way! I exclaimed and finished my reaching and tickled her sides. She wiggled and squirmed all around in my bed just as ticklish as ever. So I jumped on top of her and continued my assault. She was laughing so hard tears flowed from her eyes and that’s when my Dad walked in.

    Ah! You’re awake –oh- is it torture the Francis time?! Dad asked and then joined right in. I hopped off of her and my Dad finished his bit.

    I looked at her smiling all innocent like and said, Good morning honey.

    Francis rolled her eyes and smirked. Her hair was all puffy and I laughed at her. I called her a puffball and she gave me the evil eye and then we both laughed.

    So, do you work today Cameron? Dad asked.

    I put on my best sad face and told him, No. They let me go. Said that I wasn’t qualified enough. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him I couldn’t stand the job and quit.

    Well honey, he stated, although he looked skeptical. I’m sorry. You’ll have to find something else. So, here, hop to it. He handed me the want ads.

    Oh, I have got just the thing! Francis spoke quickly. My employer is looking to hire new people. I can get her in today.

    REALLY?! I said, I am not going to say no to that!


    I kicked her out of bed and told her to hurry up and take me. She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of bed. We stood there for a moment waiting for my Dad to leave when she picked my clothes for the day.

    You’ll need to look presentable. She stated.

    She pulled out my red and black dress. This dress was lined and form-fitting, it hugged me a little too tight. I am not a big fan of using my body to get a job, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Slipping it over my head was fine, but I panicked when I heard a rip.

    Please tell me that was you Francis.

    Nope, it sounds like you gained a little-

    DON’T YOU DARE! I screamed at her.

    She went back to the closet and pulled out another one of my dresses. This one was green and sea blue. I didn’t like it much. My mom bought it for me years ago, occasionally I’d wear it if I had nothing else.

    My stepbrother Tom came bouncing into my room at this point and I covered and screamed at him. He didn’t listen. He never does.

    Now to explain this, my Dad and Mom live together, but my Dad is married to my Stepmother Bri and we all live under the same roof. Tom is her son and we have been brother and sister since we were five.

    Yeah, that about sums it up. It is weird - but - not at the same time. My parents are not married anymore, but since my Mom had that near death experience, my Dad and Step-mom thought it best she stays with us for a while.

    As Francis hands me the dress, she turns and kicks Tom hard in the legs and pushed him out of my room. She closed and locked the door behind him.

    What type of job is this?

    She didn’t speak.

    Oh, you’re a hooker! I shouted.

    Not quite. She replied. We’ll go over the details when we get there, but back to the dress-code. We are business casual to a point. The company asks that the women dress up better than the men. None of the other girls do though, no eye-candy.

    I had to agree with those women. I don’t want to be stared at either. Francis blowing over the job details made me uneasy, but she assured me that it was right up my alley; something I can do as she put it.

    So as I was about to tell her no to this job she gave me those damn puppy-dog eyes that I couldn’t resist. I put the dress on, she zipped up the back and off we went.

    It took about two hours to get there, and the building was huge! It

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