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Lenny Petrocelli had always been a slacker, a mediocre low-life, getting by on his good looks and street smarts. One day he woke up. Entangled by his gangland bosses in the web of child prostitution and human trafficking, he was being set up as the fall guy to take the rap, if the horrifying but lucrative enterprise went down.

Seeing the violence and abuse young girls from Asia were subjected to in the gruesome world of sex slavery, Lenny did the most difficult but the most important thing in his entire life: He became a better person. Now he would risk everything, even his life, to put an end to this savage exploitation.

Peer into this awful world. See it through Lenny’s eyes. Discover what’s possible even in the face of the worst, most pernicious evil and cruelty.

Embrace the promise of redemption and the power of love.

If this gritty novel rings true, it’s for good reason. “Petrocelli” is based on actual stories from a violent and gruesome under-world, where millions of children and adolescents across the globe are held in bondage as slaves.

PublisherJohn Rachel
Release dateOct 30, 2015

John Rachel

John Rachel has a B. A. in Philosophy, has traveled extensively, is a songwriter, music producer, novelist, and an evolutionary humanist. Since 2008, when he first embarked on his career as a novelist, he has had eight fiction and three non-fiction books published. These range from three satires and a coming-of-age trilogy, to a political drama and now a crime thriller. The three non-fiction works were also political, his attempt to address the crisis of democracy and pandemic corruption in the governing institutions of America. With the publication of his most recent novel Petrocelli, a gruesome story about human trafficking for prostitution, and The Peace Dividend, a political strategy for curing America of its addiction to war, he has three more novels in the pipeline: Love Connection, a drug-trafficking thriller set in Japan; Sex, Lies and Coffee Beans, a spoof on the self-help crazes of the 80s and 90s; and finally, The Last Giraffe, an anthropological drama and love story involving both the worship and devouring of giraffes. It deliciously unfolds in 19th Century sub-Saharan Africa. The author’s last permanent residence in America was Portland, Oregon where he had a state-of-the-art ProTools recording studio, music production house, a radio promotion and music publishing company. He recorded and produced several artists in the Pacific Northwest, releasing and promoting their music on radio across America and overseas. John Rachel now lives in a quiet, traditional, rural Japanese community, where he sets his non-existent watch by the thrice-daily ringing of temple bells, at a local Shinto shrine.

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    Petrocelli - John Rachel



    John Rachel

    Special Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should go to a commercial vendor and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

    Published by

    Literary Vagabond Books

    Los Angeles • Osaka



    Copyright © 2015

    by John D Rachel

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-311-12336-7

    Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, except where clearly indicated, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system currently available or developed in the future, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Cover Art by Timothy Rankin

    Table of Contents


    Note from the Author

    Chapter 1: BROOKLYN, 2005… Not A Nice Place To Visit And I Wouldn’t Want To Live There

    Sutter Avenue

    Tony’s Place

    The Date

    Dante’s Dungeon

    The Neighborhood

    Cage Etiquette

    Chapter 2: PASSPORT PLEASE!

    In Bed with the King

    Children of Nong Khai

    One Night in Bangkok

    Siddartha Schools

    The Saint and the Sinner

    Chapter 3: CITY STREETS: Turf Wars

    The Fire Within

    Djin Djin Girls

    Christmas in September

    A Kidnapping

    Big John

    Chapter 4: MALAYSIA: The New Economics


    Work Ethic

    Happy Meals

    Chop Chop

    The Fall Collection

    Chapter 5: THE WINDY CITY: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    Family Reunion

    Willis Tower

    St. Lawrence Seaway

    Charm School

    Changing of the Guard

    Chapter 6: SAVING THE WORLD: God’s Holy Work

    Safe Sex

    St. John the Baptist of Hell’s Kitchen

    Community Policing

    Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

    War Games

    Chapter 7: THE ART OF PERSUASION: Poetry and Polemics

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Goodbar

    News Flash: Accident At Sea


    Live on CNN: Shipwrecked! Hundreds Drown!

    Two’s Lucky Three’s a Charm

    Saturday Night Fever

    Chapter 8: DANCES WITH WOLVES: The Law of the Jungle

    Around the World in Eighty Hours

    Tragedy at Sea: Vessel Trafficking Children


    The Cattle Drive

    Breakfast at Tiffany’s

    I Wear My Sunglasses at Night

    Chapter 9: NO LAUGHING NO CRYING: The Wishing Well

    Baptism of Fire

    A Prayer Early One Saturday Morning

    The Bully Pulpit – Part I

    Like the Good Old Days

    Make a Wish

    Chapter 10: MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: Building An Empire

    In the Lapdance of Luxury

    The Cookie Crumbles

    Yellow Trash

    Shell Game

    The Bully Pulpit – Part II

    Djin Djin Goes Viral

    Chapter 11: SINK OR SWIM: The Psychology of Quicksand

    The Element of Surprise

    A Night at the Movies

    Every Mother’s Son

    Strawberries Are Out of Season

    The Silent Hell of War

    Chapter 12: BLOOD ON THE TRACKS: Red Flags and Visions


    Two Tickets to Paradise

    The Nice Thing About God

    Slaughterhouse Five

    Fade to Black

    Chapter 13: IF WOMEN RAN THE WORLD: Sugar and Spice


    The Bunker


    Girl Talk

    Girl Talk 2

    Chapter 14: THE LIGHTS GO ON: The Shades Come Down


    The Call

    Love is a Four-Letter Word

    Confessions of an Assassin



    Chapter 15: RUSSIAN ROULETTE: One Bullet On The Table

    Conspiracy Theories

    Pomp and Eulogy

    Another Nice Thing About God

    Crime Stoppers

    The Invisible Man

    Chapter 16: LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN: Closed For Repairs

    Home Sweet Home

    The Fugitive

    All Work No Play

    When It Rains It Pours


    Good-Bye Hello

    Everyone Has a Price


    Tea for Two

    All the President’s Men

    The Midnight Hour

    Twin Towers and Lady Liberty

    Lost and Found

    Last Rites



    I Left My Heart in San Francisco

    The Great White North

    There Is A God

    The Way to a Man’s Heart

    New York is for Lovers

    Epilogue: AND THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH: Hope Upon Hope To Do Better Next Time

    More Books by John Rachel

    About The Author

    Legal Notices and Disclaimers


    Special appreciation goes out to Justin Beardsell for helping me bridge enormous generation gaps and connecting me with contemporary youth culture. Also to Ryan Paul Burke and Max Coldham Brewer for bringing me up to speed on currently popular traditional and designer recreational drugs.

    As has become my heartfelt custom, I want to thank my best friend and wife, Masumi Nishida, for her encouragement and faith in me, and her magnificent ongoing role as my teacher and guide in discovering the wonders of Japan and Japanese culture, despite my resistance to achieving even a rudimentary grasp of the Japanese language.

    Lastly, for their belief in me and their unwavering enthusiasm, thanks and butterfly kisses go out to my unapologetic publisher Literary Vagabond Books, specifically the svelte and droll head of that organization, Sybil Fairbanks, and my new editor there, Patrice Morgenthaal. Both of you are studies in and witness to the irrepressible power of the human imagination.

    Note from the Author

    Various authoritative articles and news stories, and the widely reported protests against the use of child and forced labor by prominent American corporations or their direct suppliers — the Gap, Nike, Levi-Strauss, Wal-Mart, Phillips-Van Heusen, Hanes, J.C. Penney, Firestone, to name a few — had years ago piqued my awareness and concern about widespread practices related to trafficking. But it was the time I spent during 2007 living in Africa, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia which really codified my understanding of the flesh trade for both sweatshops and the sex service industry. It is currently estimated that human trafficking is annually a 36 billion dollar business worldwide. I have also read there are more than 25 million people in the world kept in bondage as slaves. I fear this is a low figure.

    A non-fiction book I read while in Thailand called Sex Slaves by Louise Brown (© Copyright June 1, 2001: Vurago UK) became the central inspiration for this novel. It elucidates in excruciating detail what countless young girls (and boys) must endure as they are bought and sold in the ever-expanding global market for young prostitutes. This relatively brief but powerful book prompted the extensive research on my part into human trafficking, which became the factual underpinning for my story.

    Though Petrocelli is entirely fictional, shortly after I finished writing it, I started to see more and more articles appear on credible online news services (e.g. mainstream sites such as bbc.co.uk and cnn.com) which paralleled my story line. These reports both confirmed the accuracy of much of what I describe in the book and illustrate the expanding scope of these criminal and abusive enterprises.

    While there is no shortage of crises these days, human trafficking is emblematic of a sickness that is spreading throughout the world. It is a horrible and heartbreaking indictment of our lack of progress in many areas of human rights and one that goes to the core of pandemic contemporary amorality. Many thought we’d be doing better by now. Of course, that’s just me talking and I am interested in what you have to say. Please feel free to email me your comments … john@jdrachel.com … though I am not accepting death threats or proposals of marriage at this time. You can be brutally frank, though understandably I would prefer you to be brutally kind.

    Also feel free to visit my personal web and blog site: http://jdrachel.com.

    Chapter 1

    BROOKLYN, 2005 … Not A Nice Place To Visit

    And I Wouldn’t Want To Live There

    Sutter Avenue

    Wudja look at that! She can’t be twelve years old.

    She’s a little fucking gook. Who can tell?

    Hot turquoise micro-mini. Black top with a silver playbunny logo. Long straight black hair sweeping provocatively over half of her face and caressing her back. Purple lipstick and silver-glitter eye-shadow. Shiny ribbon necklaces, bracelets, hoop earrings, and a tiny white vinyl purse. A glitzy little china doll. Ninety-five pounds soaking wet. Getting into a stretch Hummer limo.

    What I’d like to know is … what kinda man wants to fuck that?

    Shawna, a plus-size black hooker who was a regular fixture here on Sutter Avenue, jumped off the curb, turned her backside to the limo pulling away, and theatrically grabbed her big ass. Here some cushion for the pushin’ when you’re done with the scarecrow, mothafucka!

    Lilly, her best friend and nightly co-worker here on Brooklyn’s unofficial but regularly patronized meat street, burst out laughing.

    Sistah Shawnee … you … you are insanious!!

    This is shit. Monday night. What the fuck are we doin’ out here? One hoonie and he goes for that sushi shit. Man, this ain’t worth it. I’m goin’ home.

    I hear ya. Believe me, I hear ya. But I ain’t got a choice. Either I bring something home or there’s one severe ass-kickin’ with my name on it.

    Lilly, Lilly. How I love ya, girl! You my favorite sis. Tomorrow witcha. Same ole same ole!

    Tony’s Place

    The alley seemed unusually quiet. Walking up to Tony’s, he noticed the neon sign was not lit. But the door was open and there was Tony behind the bar, business as usual. Nirvana’s Lithium was mid-song but the volume was so low it sounded like a gramophone.

    Hey. Your sign is out. You know?

    What can I say? I’m energy conscious.

    Where is everybody? Any lookers tonight?

    It’s still early, Lenny. Give it some time.

    What? Like ten years?

    Leonis Petrocelli aka Lucky Lenny was born and raised in Brooklyn and spent all but one of his 34 years there. That one year was the worst of his life. His parents had split up and as a misguided attempt to keep him in a stable home environment, they sent him as a young man of 15-years to live with his grandparents in Des Moines, Iowa. Ambitious and bright but averse to any real effort, he had always gotten by on his good looks and audacious street smarts. That was basic equipment in Brooklyn. In Iowa it made him an emperor.

    He still hated it. The kids in Iowa made the worst dorks in New York look like Johnny Depp.

    The usual?

    Tony, my man, tonight I say the hell with the usual. Like Winston Churchill once said, change is the master key. Tonight we’re taking the road less traveled.

    You’re the boss.

    So tell me, what’s fizzy but daring?

    A Shirley Temple, no sugar, extra twist of lime, stick of licorice and three shots of Sterno.

    You read my mind. You are a genius. The Albert Einstein of mixology.

    Tony popped the cap off of a Mickey’s Malt Liquor, then poured a shot of Cutty Sark. Without fail, the dialogue was the same every time. Winston Churchill. The road less traveled. Some absurd concoction. Then the Mickey’s and the scotch. Some things in life have to be predictable. The anchor against all of the intervening chaos.

    They sat in silence. No one came in. Mondays and Tuesdays, always quiet. But tonight? Like a morgue. Fortunately, Tony was a paradigm Stoic. He just adjusted his pace and went with the flow. Or lack of it.

    They just sat and let the time slip. A Zen vacuum. The shot of scotch was long gone. Eventually, the Mickey’s down to one final swig.

    Another round, Lenny?

    He shook his head, swallowed the last sip of the malt liquor, gave a thumb’s up, got up off the stool to leave.

    Lenny theatrically looked around at the empty bar. Just pace yourself, Tony. I think you can handle this.

    Thanks for the gracious words of encouragement.

    No problem. If I see anybody out there, I’ll send ‘em in. Dead or alive.

    The Mother Theresa of Brooklyn. They’re gonna name a church after you.

    Bite me, you ungrateful tub of spaghetti. With friends like me …

    "I’ll have to rent pallbearers. See ya tomorrow."

    Not if I see you first.

    Winks. Grins. He started to leave, then hesitated as he heard the toilet flush. He glanced at Tony. Tony didn’t look up but kept polishing a glass.

    Lenny rolled down the sleeves of his shirt as he headed out the door. The day had finally cooled off a bit. Welcome relief. No breeze but at least bearable. This summer had been hell on earth.

    As Lenny turned the corner, he almost ran into her.

    He wished he had. Oh yes. What an eye-popper! Tall and thin, nice tits. And the face. Full curvy lips painted wet dream red. Eyes like flying saucers. Cameron Diaz with black hair. He wanted to lick her neck.

    Hi, Lenny.

    Have we met?

    Come on. Has it been that long? You know who I am.

    No. I don’t think so. Lot of people know me. Doesn’t mean I know them.

    You kill me. So you’re gonna play MIA with me.

    Sure. I could do that. Let’s get a drink and talk about it.

    Better yet. Let’s have a drink at my place.

    Your place. Close by?

    I’ll make it worth the walk.

    Lenny knew this type too well. What did she want? She definitely wanted something. Careful. You don’t have time for this. Well … yes. Maybe I do, Lenny thought. This one looks like she could be an excellent toss.

    Do you have a name?

    You seriously don’t remember me?

    "Let’s say — just theoretically, of course — that I’m at present in the throes of massive amnesia. And you, my little mannequin dream doll, can save me. Bring it all back in a flood. By just giving me a little something to go on."

    P. S. 131 … does that jar anything loose?

    Yeah. My gag reflex. If you really went there, you know I wasn’t around very much.

    But I was. You couldn’t have missed me the four days you stopped by for your cameos. Now they call it stalking.

    Lenny tried to get a good look at her. They had moved onto the street but the light wasn’t good. Who was this chick? Was she playing him?

    He took her arm and they stopped walking. He studied her face.

    Alicia Krysynski!

    Alicia Peters. Married. Divorced. At least people can spell Peters. Well, maybe not your friends. An easy mocking laugh. Then a seductive smile.

    My god, you have changed just a bit, I’d say. Just look at you! Where are the pigtails? And the bottle lenses? Straight-A René. Miss goody two shoes.

    Still such a charmer. Come on, my place is not far.

    You can’t be doing very well if you still live in this dump of a neighborhood.

    I have my summer villa here.

    Lenny laughed but without conviction. A summer villa. That’s rich.

    Keeps me in touch. It’s always good to remember where you came from.

    The Date

    A studio apartment. He looked around. Something didn’t click. Where were the dishes?

    After closing the door, Alicia turned toward Lenny. Unbuttoning her blouse, she walked up to him and kissed him deep and hard. A tongue that could swim the Atlantic.

    The sleeper sofa was already pulled out into a bed. She pulled him down on top of her. Her hand in his pants. Waves of pleasure rippled through his whole body. Before he knew what happened, his clothes were off and she had her skirt up around her stomach. Her blouse disappeared. No bra. He could spend eternity with those tits. Eternity!

    With the finesse, prowess and bedroom manners of a stud bull, he entered her quickly.

    Oh god. Oh god! This is so good! Oh yes. OH YES!!

    He collapsed, swallowed by the hard-fucking carnal ecstasy. His breathing slowed.

    Alicia … Alicia. That was so amazing!!

    A male voice. I thought it was pretty amazing. How about you?

    Another male voice. I’ve seen better. But it wasn’t bad. It was up there. Maybe a seven or eight. Lenny’s got an ugly ass, though.

    Lenny froze. Finally he slowly turned. Sitting at the table were two familiar faces.

    Rule number one. Never trust a chick. This was Frankie, who insisted on being called Franklin. The organization’s south side chitman.

    Rule number two. Heat always within reach. Martin was fondling Lenny’s Storm 45 Beretta. You taught us well. You should know better.

    What’s going on? Who told you to—?

    Frankie. You did, Leonis. You did.

    Martin. Get dressed. We got an appointment.

    So they had turned. Someone must have gotten to them. Money? That’s loyalty for you. Thugs for sale to the highest bidder.

    Lenny got up slowly, staring directly at Frankie. Franklin. You really don’t want to do this. Don’t mess things up for yourself. I’ll forget this ever—

    Get dressed. Martin was pointing Lenny’s gun directly at him. And shut the fuck up!

    Alicia had already put herself back together and looked at Lenny amused. With mocking melodrama and sarcasm. Soap opera chagrin. I always loved you, Lenny. I wished things had worked out. She laughed a little too loud and was out the door.

    Alicia … what did I ever do to you?

    I said, shut the fuck up, Lenny! Get dressed or we take you like that.

    Dante’s Dungeon

    Frankie drove. Martin sat in the back seat, gun pointed at Lenny’s neck.

    No one said anything. What was there to say?

    What was this? They were pulling up to the rectory of St. Francis of Assisi — the diocese office where a Bishop Mulcahey held court. Chief of the New York Catholic gestapo. The Teflon priest. Accused of fondling little boys in Minneapolis. Promoted beyond the reach of the law. In fact, here he was the law.

    As the car pulled up, the Bishop greeted them with a broad smile. His hands cupped for prayer. Or prey.

    It went smoothly I see. Welcome, Lenny. It’s been a while.

    Been a little busy. Lenny trying to feign cool while he figured out what was going on.

    It’s never too late. The Lord has infinite patience. Even for scumbags like you.

    The Bishop went on into the rectory office but by the time they got Lenny inside, he was no where to be seen. They sat Lenny down in front of the big maple desk, clearly an antique of great value. The large desktop had only a few folders, a telephone, and a gold penholder. Martin and Frankie stood behind him.

    Lenny looked around. The walls were covered with framed dignitary photographs and certificates honoring the Bishop. There was his Doctorate in Theology, an inscribed photo of the new Pope Benedict, and a large ornately framed portrait of John Paul II.

    Barely audible was an exchange of words from behind the Bishop’s private chamber door. When it opened, Bishop Mulcahey came through looking directly at Lenny. A smile was fixed on his weathered face, his bushy eyebrows adding a comic counterpoint to the formality of his cassock and sanctity of his skullcap. He sat down and looked at Lenny.

    Before the Bishop could speak, Lenny piped in. I have been admiring your walls. You hang with some heavyweights. A real admiration society.

    What’s your point? Be careful, Lenny.

    My point is there is something missing in your collection.

    And what’s that, Lenny?

    Pictures of all the young boys you diddled.

    You know, you’re always a little behind the curve. You have no idea where you’re going. And you just don’t know when to stop. Look around you. Try to grasp your situation, Lenny. Maybe try thinking before you flap your jaw.

    Thanks for the advice. I guess I should just be grateful I’m not twelve years old and in here alone with you.

    The Bishop took a deep breath. Do you have any idea why you’re here? Lenny … it seems you’ve upset some people.

    Bless me father, for I have sinned. And who exactly are these people?


    From the bottom of my heart, Bishop, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Can I go now?

    I know who you work for, Lenny.

    What are you talking about?

    It’s a dead end. Franklin and Martin have seen the light. They’re helping. But you’re the key.

    What exactly are you saying? What do you want from me?

    Work with me. I’m going to take this apart. You’re going to be out of a job anyway.

    So, you’re saying my new role models should be these two vermin you have added to your distinguished staff?

    The bishop stood, then stared down at the empty surface of his desk at a spot right in front of him. A weariness seemed to settle into his body as he balled both hands into tight fists and leaned heavily into his knuckles. He looked at Lenny, eyes leaden with exasperation. He shook his head.

    Just take him down, gentlemen. Maybe he’ll be more inclined to cooperate in a few days.

    They escorted Lenny out of the rectory and across the courtyard. In the very back of the gothic cathedral, in the shadows of a wing which housed a wedding chapel, was a steel trap door, apparently the entrance to a storage cellar. They removed the padlocks and when the doors were open, dirty cement stairs descended into a dark, cavernous space. Piled everywhere were garden implements and other groundskeeping equipment. It all looked to be in serious disrepair, rusty and caked with dried mud. At the very back was a cage-like structure, securely strapped to the cement walls.

    The bottom of the cage was covered in moldy straw. There was a cot, dirty and discolored with time, a wool blanket, and a small pillow, incongruously covered with a brand new pillowcase. Next to a stool was a large chamber pot and a pitcher. An old garden hose draped in the corner of the cage, maybe a foot off the ground, leaked a miser’s share of water.

    Make yourself at home. I’ll have the butler bring you some tea and crumpets. Martin thought he was such a comedian. He always tried too hard. No one ever laughed. Except for him.

    The cage was chained and locked. They left him there in the dark. When the outside storm cellar doors slammed — loud, heavy, metallic — Lenny could see he would have a lot of time on his hands the next few days.

    The Neighborhood

    He’s dead, I tell ya. That’s all. He’s dead. Deal with it.

    Keary, a light-skinned AfricAm whose bout of pessimism was no more than a passing moment of theater, was on a neighborhood walkabout with Markham, Lenny’s sys-ad guru. Self-taught geek Markham always kept things running for everyone around him, was as even-tempered as an operating system, but also had a keen and sportive eye for the glitches in his fellow human beings. His mouth was always breaking into a satirical grin. A real Irish laddie minus the bottle of stout.

    You, Keary, are a drama queen.

    Hey, don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t change anything. At least not for now.

    Just do your job and stop worrying. It’ll all shake out. What are your options, homey? Work at McDonalds?

    He’s dead. That’s it.

    Two weeks is a blink. How long we been with him? Three years? He’s probably shacked up with some Shakira. If she’s got pierced nipples, we may never see him again.

    They passed Mama’s Phat Boy Body Shop. The sign said …

    Cum Inside

    We’ll Pimp Yur Ride

    Delusional advertising. The lot looked like a auto salvage depot that had been bombed. All high-speed chase catastrophes. Phat Boy pulling on a tire iron the size of a city hall flagpole.

    Hey Phat Boy! Lookin’ good. Keary’s diplomatic sensibilities. He bought friends with a salvo of flattery. Pointing at a demolished ’96 Olds. Nice tint job. You do that?

    Fuck you!! Massive man, massive voice. Words rumbled out of him like an earthquake. Still bleachin’ the leather, I see. Ever win that date with Michael Jackson?

    "Ha ha ha. Phat Boy, you are alright! It’s all good." Keary’s rapper mode. Hip hop hands.

    Markham shaking his head. Cheshire cart smile. Hey, my man! When did you become a gangbanger? Nice hand work.

    No gang stuff there, my friend. That was the real thing. Standard American sign language.

    Sign language. You’re kidding, right?

    Nope. I just told Phat Boy he looked like a pregnant walrus.

    Keary, my man. You never cease to amaze me. Markham stopped in his tracks and feigned surprise. What a coincidence! Here we are! I’m thinkin’ it’s as good time as any to check in to ground control.

    Yo, bro’! A recommendation which is both tactically and strategically sound.

    They turned off the main street into an alley. Another sharp angle into a small lot, a short stroll to a door in the corner. Steel with three locked deadbolts.

    This was computer central, the cyber headquarters for everything. The lists. The skin ads. Email connections. Where they took Visa and Mastercard. And you got stroked. Yes … at the very least you got stroked. Everything was negotiable.

    Once inside, they secured the door and activated the videocams. Two small surveillance monitors came to life, one with a view of the lot and the other an alley feed.

    Damn Sam. Looks like Fantasy Knights is offline again. What’s with that server? Or I guess it could be the station. Markham tapped the reboot button. Mark my words. No more OEMs ever! I’ll build ‘em myself from now on.

    Keary only monitored the auto-spreadsheets. But that itself was a big job. Up to $30,000 a day at $300-1000 a pop. Check maybe every eight or nine hours. Look for anomalies. Sudden drops in activity. Gaps in booking. One thing about sex. It was 24-7. So the lights were never off.

    Markham was responsible for everything else. The usual geek stuff of keeping 17 networked computers working and failsafe. Mainly it was security. Both cyber and real world security.

    The cyber end was easy. Domains registered in Russia, business addresses phantomed in the Philippines, sites hosted in Tuvalu and mirrored in Australia. Sixteen websites spread in cyberspace like a thin fog. It would take years for anyone to sort it out.

    Real world security was another matter. They had to have a physical presence to keep things operating and current. The girls were here in New York. But they came and went. Constant data updates. Photos, video bios, calendars. The input geeks worked at night, 12 midnight till 4 am. Mostly college students. Good pay for basic computer skills.

    They had to keep things securely under wraps. It skirted the edges of the law. Actually, it was on the wrong side of the law. Prostitution is prostitution.

    They had been raided twice. But this is where Markham’s genius really showed. What did the blues find? Hmm. Just 17 computers hosting catalog sales for camping supplies, health products, office equipment, and sports accessories. Astrological and Tarot Card readings. And oh yes, don’t forget the weight loss program for busy executives and new moms. Lastly, a cute little Cyber Camp for the kids.

    All the real stuff, meaning the escort services, were in secure hidden folders, behind the desktop facades of legitimate businesses. All they had to do to look proper and upstanding, was reboot the master server, holding down the shift key. Welcome to our family cyber mall.

    Today everything looked fine. Money was a little off. But this was the end of summer. Vacations always hurt business. The local boys at the beach with the wife and kids. Charming.

    They locked up and headed out.

    Hey homey. Have you talked to Martin lately? We were supposed to do a Mets game. Markham was a diehard fan. Ergo the twenty plus Mets t-shirts. Everyone speculated he would even wear one at his own wedding.

    Yeah, I saw him. But it’s been a while. He was very abrupt. Said he was in a hurry.

    Maybe he’s with Lenny.

    With the body? Or do you mean he’s dead too?

    Keary, the incorrigible drama queen.

    You’re just jealous of the royal jewels. See if I invite you to the Winter Lingerie Ball. You’d look like shit in a whalebone bodice anyway. And you’d probably choke on your wig. If you didn’t fall down the steps. Gerry Adams in high heels? I don’t think so!

    Is that supposed to make sense? Are you high?

    High on life, mama! He broke into a song. Then started dancing.

    "Ooh, I’m too sexy for my love …

    too sexy for my love …"

    Cage Etiquette

    Lenny’s peristaltic reflex finally calmed. Détente between him and the chamber pot. Which was now overflowing with shit, piss and vomit. Would they ever empty this thing?

    He had confined his puking to the pot and the far corner of the cage. But the stench was relentless. The cage was small. Too small to even stand up. His joints ached. And his whole body was caked with his personally generated filth.

    And what were they feeding him? It was dark down here but he doubted the food would be recognizable under any conditions. It certainly didn’t taste like anything he had ever eaten before. Textures of an autopsy.

    The girls came in twice a day with bowls of this food slop. They were petite and silent. Little geishas. Maybe very young. He couldn’t really tell. They all had black hair.

    They put the bowl by the cage door. He fed himself with his hands, through openings just large enough for them to fit through. The girls only came back to take the last bowl away and replace it with the new one. There was just enough light to sense the revulsion on their small faces. What did they do to pull this duty? All of them were extremely cautious. No possibility of his grabbing them.

    Lenny lost all concept of time. There were few clues. He saw a little light on the stairs when the cellar door was open. Both meals were during daylight hours. What difference did it make anyway? He was weak. He was sick. Admittedly very frightened. Would this ever end?

    He heard the locks coming off the cellar door. Down the stairs came a frail body. Very short black hair. A boy this time? No … another young girl. She carried a small penlight. Lighting the path through the equipment rubble.

    The switching of the bowls.

    Please … please help me.

    She hesitated. Kept her eyes averted. Shoe gazing.


    She ran. And stumbled. Got up and kept running.

    Lenny finally lost it. He started to sob. Please … please … It felt like he cried forever. Cried at the base of an infinite staircase. Cried at the altar of lost worlds, dissolving dreams. Please … please … Pleading before the gatekeeper of memories. Reaching for the deliquescing images of a faint and fading reality becoming even more remote and impossible. Distant shimmering mirages. Please … please … he cried, creating eddies of nothingness with his outstretched arms. Eventually his world closed over him like a sepulchral shroud and banished every trace of light. All he could see and feel was darkness. All he heard was perfect silence.

    He awoke with a start. She had come back.

    The Bishop says God wants you punished.

    For the first time in his life, Lenny had nothing to say. He just stared silently into the eyes of an angel. Big beautiful eyes. Asian eyes.

    Eyes avoiding his. I can’t help you, she whispered almost apologetically.

    How old? She couldn’t have been more than 13 or 14. These Asians always look so young anyway.

    Then she glowered at him accusingly.

    Are you the Devil?

    Lenny wanted to reply. To form some words. Nothing came. His mouth would not move. His mind produced nothing. He so desperately wanted to say something. But there was nothing there. Empty. His mind a complete blank.

    I will pray for you. I have to go now.

    She was on her feet and gone almost instantly.

    Lenny … Lenny … Lenny. You asshole! You blew it. You fucking blew it.

    His face was frozen between pain and insane. He glared into the emptiness of the dark, cavernous space for what must have been hours.

    Now think. Think you numbskull. She’ll come back. She’ll come back and you have to be ready. You’ve got to be ready. What the fuck are you gonna say? She’s gonna come back. Do you think maybe you can handle this little girl next time? Maybe not freeze up like a helpless moron. Get it together, Lenny. And think, goddammit. Think! Know what your gonna say and be ready to say it.

    Hours passed. The sound of the locks. Light on the stairs. It must be mealtime.

    Long hair.

    A different one.

    Switching of the bowls.

    She wanted me to give you this. The new girl laid a tiny piece of paper next to the bowl.

    Lenny picked it up. It was the size of a business card but on paper stock. It was printed in red ink and said …

    I’m Djin Djin

    I’m from Thailand

    Do you want to fuck me?

    Chapter 2


    In Bed with the King

    Luxury hotel room. The Mandarin Oriental in Bangkok. Breathtaking view of the Chao Phraya River.

    Christine is beautiful, blonde, smart and wholesome. Inviolably virtuous. The crucifix on her necklace is not a fashion statement. She is the real thing. She even saved it for marriage. God bless her.


    The phone rang and her anticipation was evident.

    Ohmigod. Tom, it’s you! Oh sweetheart, it’s so good to hear your voice. Things here are going great. They couldn’t be better.

    "Have they given you the grand tour? What’s it like?"

    Wonderful. Wonderful. The kids are so beautiful. Their faces. Their eyes. It’s all I can do to keep from crying.

    "And they seem to have it together?"

    Oh yes. Very organized. We spent three days on the trip. Two whole days in Nong Khai. It’s right on the border of Laos. They have like a school, or monastery, some kind of big ancient building. That’s where the children live. For now.

    "Boys or girls?"

    Both. Maybe more girls than boys.

    "How old are they?"

    I’d say 10 years to maybe 14. It’s hard to tell. But they are so adorable. The way they hug you. They’re so full of love. Just craving some affection. They’re a little shy but then they really warm up.

    "Just so you know, everything here is fine. Megan might spend a night or two at her friend’s house. Danny’s his usual invisible self. I think maybe I hear some stirrings from upstairs. We’re just getting our day started."

    So what time is it there?

    "A little after seven. It’s early morning."

    Right right. Twelve hours. Oh goodness! I have to go. I really have to go. The banquet. Give my love to Megan. Tell her mommy misses her. And Danny too. Love you. I’ll be back in just a couple more days. Love you. Love you so. God bless.

    She looked in the mirror and frantically started to fool with her makeup but then looked at her watch. Better not. Can’t be late for the big night.

    The banquet hall was full, everyone in formal dress. She was escorted to her seat at one of the VIP guest tables by a short but very proper young man. A speaker was well into his oration.

    … one of the real rewards of my job, being part of something which is of inestimable value to everyone involved. Everyone here knows that this program has set a new standard for humanitarian assistance. And it provides an irreplaceable bridge between our two great nations …

    I’m sorry. But what is his name? she whispered. Christine loved people but was so bad with names.

    Nitya Pibulsonggram. He’s the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Here, let me write it down for you. It’s a difficult spelling.

    Thank you so much, she pantomimed. She took the piece of paper and entered his name in her PDA.

    Speaker after speaker came and went. Their English was surprisingly good but as the evening rolled on the speeches started to sound all the same. Even so, Christine’s energy was unflagging and she took care to catalog each and every one, name and title. You never know. Might need a favor down the line.

    The banquet climaxed with a brief but ceremonious appearance by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej himself. With the first lady no less, Queen Sirikit! Short speech. Miracles do happen. Unctuous applause. Kodak moments. Then to Christine’s astonishment at the close of his remarks …

    Finally, I wish at this time to give special recognition to our American counterparts, three individuals who have demonstrated special commitment and extraordinary initiative in this effort. Mr. William Parker. Please stand. Mrs. Geraldine Freed. Thank you. Thank you. And last but not least, Mrs. Christine Lindholm. Mrs. Lindholm, stand so we can see you. Everyone, please show your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of these individuals. Thank you. Thank you. And now please enjoy the rest of your evening and the splendors and charm of my beautiful country.

    Their names read off of prompter cards. But it still felt good. Christine was reeling as she mixed with the guests and other dignitaries, now that the formal banquet program had ended.

    Whew! What an evening! What an adventure this has been! God bless this amazing country and these fine people.

    Children of Nong Khai

    It was business. These pathetic women should be grateful for small favors. And now they think they can change their minds. Just like that. Sentimental old fools. They can’t afford to feed themselves, much less their children. So be it. At least the little fuckers won’t starve to death. Their husbands know the real deal. You don’t see them bellowing like swamp buffalos over this. It was business. Pure and simple.

    Once the real money came in, Dok Phnom could claim clean hands and walk away from all of this misery. Unfortunately for now, he had to just sit tight. He sure hoped the Americans would come through soon. They promised. These children would be leaving early next week. The money better be here by then. He had to be back in Nakhom Phanom very soon. Had some handwringing Hungarian delegation coming. Some bleeding heart Belgians right after them. This was almost too good to be true. He would retire within two years. Move back to America.

    The Siddartha Schools were a stroke of genius. Certainly he had no problem filling the schools with beautiful little starving faces. Poster kids for all of the relief organizations and their fundraising campaigns. Sad eyes and skinny limbs meant big bucks. From America and the EU countries. And he had them all coming to him! Beating down his teakwood doors. Save The Children. Children International. TEAR Fund. Compassion International. Christian Children’s Fund.

    It started way back. Maybe the toilets didn’t flush but they had internet access at Vientiane High School in Laos, and that paved the way for his B. S. degree at Syracuse University in the States. Then on to the graduate program in NGO Management and Development at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. That was where he really got wind of the goldmine there was out there. NGOs funded by all of the corporate foundations. CEOs trying to gussy up the image of the corporate plunderers with high-visibility philanthropy, squeezing every bit of public relations juice out of what amounted to pocket change donations. But all that petty cash coming in from a lot of different places added up. Some of these save-the-world institutions were awash in money. All you had to do was say the right things and on went the spigots. Make them look good. They write the checks. That was the name of the game right down the line. Everyone winked and slept well.

    Dok Phnom chose his squalor with the eye of a saint and the heart of a pillager. It was ironic that these cesspools of poverty were to be his fountains of affluence. Chiang Rai was doing well. And Nakhon Phanom definitely held its own. But Nong Khai had been his first setup and remained the flagship in the fleet. Everything had fallen into place from the get go. The abandoned monastery was huge. Ready made for over two hundred kids, if you packed them in just so. And Nong Khai itself never ran dry of the on-the-brink-of-starving families ready to offload one or two offspring, just to ease the burden of survival. Both from the city and the surrounding countryside. The hill tribes were especially easy prey. Too dumb to breathe.

    Dok took an almost sick delight in seeing the expression on a mother or father’s face when they found out that not only would their child receive food and shelter but were being enrolled in a special school for spiritual development. Based on newly discovered secret teachings of the Buddha himself no less.

    The child sponsorship groups loved it. Even if they weren’t, the kids were billed as orphans. Poor little dears. No where to turn. But you can help. Put your bloated wallet to work and get a picture for your marble mantel, your own little sad-faced abandoned boy or girl from Bangladesh. Or Malaysia. The Philippines. Or Thailand. It didn’t matter where. This was better than Prozac and a martini to wash away the white-guilt of the master race.

    Everything went so smoothly until it was time to ship them out. Then the mothers started bawling. Oh how they wailed and whined. I’ll never see my baby again. Boo hoo. You’d never see them again if they had starved to death. You made your deal. This is business.

    Dok never asked where they ended up. But it didn’t take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out where the market was for this kind of trafficking. Bodies were bodies and did what bodies did. They ended up either in a factory or on the streets in some big city. Boston. New York, London, San Francisco, Houston, Frankfort. Even Bangkok itself. He was just filling billets. Nothing personal. And as far as he could tell, they ended up better off than they would have here in northern Thailand. In this disease-ridden filth and blight. If starvation didn’t take you down, then yellow fever or tuberculosis would. Or maybe H5N1 Avian or H1N1 Swine. That was the latest off the runway of human misery. Count your blessings, you little fucks.

    One Night in Bangkok

    After the formal banquet and especially after being personally singled out by the King of Thailand, Christine was beside herself with excitement. She wanted to call her husband Tom right away and tell him everything, but he would be at his office. It would have to wait. She tried to relax but couldn’t sleep. Finally the adrenaline dissipated and she managed to sleep a couple hours.

    Next morning, she headed out early for a day of splurge shopping. Bangkok had everything. From junk and trinkets to high fashion. At the end of the day, most of the time being spent at the MBK Mall and Siam Discovery Center, respectively huge and exquisite, she had filled a newly bought suitcase with the day’s plunder. Clothes to die for, souvenirs for friends, shirts and silk ties for Tom, and a few gifts for her two kids.

    When she returned she had a message waiting for her from Roger. He was an old friend from college who had kept in touch over the years and was now based in Bangkok. Finally, they would get together again, catch up, and certainly reminisce about their days together in Campus Youth for Christ, the organization where they had met. It was there, she was introduced to and charmed by her husband-to-be. Those were heady days. How much they all craved the chance to truly get involved and change the world. Spread the blessed teachings of the New Testament, try to eliminate some of the horrible suffering in the world, and in general just build on the good works of the Lord Savior Himself.

    Christine got in the back seat of the bright pink taxi.

    Thongchai, thank you for coming so late at night. Good to see you again.

    No problem. Good see you.

    "You have been so good to me. Taking me everywhere in this crazy city. You are the best driver in

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