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A Question of Courage
A Question of Courage
A Question of Courage
Ebook38 pages30 minutes

A Question of Courage

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The Captain was known as Gutless Gus, they said he lacked courage. Then the real test came when they ran into the enemy?

Feeling angry and tired, I finally managed to get away from Rule Book Charley and find my quarters which I shared with the Engineer. I knew him casually, a glum reservist named Allyn. I had wondered why he always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder. Now I knew.

He was lying in his shock-couch as I came in. "Welcome, sucker," he greeted me. "Glad to have you aboard."

"The feeling's not mutual," I snapped.

"What's the matter? Has the Lieutenant Commander been rolling you out on the red carpet?"

"You could call it that," I said. "I've just been told the duties of an Exec. Funny--no?"

He shook his head. "Not funny. I feel for you. He told me how to be an engineer six months ago." Allyn's thin face looked glummer than usual.

"Did I ever tell you about our skip--captain?" Allyn went on. "Or do I have to tell you? I see you're wearing an Academy ring."

"You can't tell me much I haven't already heard," I said coldly. I don't like wardroom gossips as a matter of policy. A few disgruntled men on a ship can shoot morale to hell, and on a ship this size the Exec is the morale officer. But I was torn between two desires. I wanted Allyn to go on, but I didn't want to hear what Allyn had to say. I was like the proverbial hungry mule standing halfway between two haystacks of equal size and attractiveness. And like the mule I would stand there turning my head one way and the other until I starved to death.

But Allyn solved my problem for me. "You haven't heard this," he said bitterly. "The whole crew applied for transfer when we came back to base after our last cruise. Of course, they didn't get it, but you get the idea. Us reservists and draftees get about the same consideration as the Admiral's dog--No! dammit!--Less than the dog. They wouldn't let a mangy cur ship out with Gutless Gus."

Gutless Gus! that was a new one. I wondered how Chase had managed to acquire that sobriquet.
Release dateNov 4, 2015
A Question of Courage

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    A Question of Courage - JF Bone

    A Question of Courage

    by Jesse Franklin Bone

    Copyright © 1960 by Jesse Franklin Bone

    This edition published in 2011 by eStar Books, LLC.


    ISBN 9781612102283

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    A Question of Courage

    by Jesse Franklin Bone

    I smelled the trouble the moment I stepped on the lift and took the long ride up the side of  the Lachesis. There was something wrong. I  couldn't put my finger on it but five years in the Navy gives a man a feeling for these things. From the  outside the ship was beautiful, a gleaming shaft of duralloy, polished  until she shone. Her paint and brightwork glistened. The antiradiation  shields on the gun turrets and launchers were folded back exactly  according to regulations. The shore uniform of the liftman was spotless  and he stood at his station precisely as he should. As the lift moved  slowly up past no-man's country to the life section, I noted a work  party hanging precariously from a scaffolding smoothing out meteorite  pits in the gleaming hull, while on the catwalk of the gantry standing  beside the main cargo hatch a steady stream of supplies disappeared into  the ship's belly.

    I returned the crisp salutes of the white-gloved sideboys, saluted the  colors, and shook hands with an immaculate ensign with an O.D. badge on  his tunic.

    Glad to have you aboard, sir, the ensign said.

    I'm Marsden, I said. Lieutenant Thomas Marsden. I have orders posting  me to this ship as Executive.

    Yes, sir. We have been expecting you. I'm Ensign Halloran.

    Glad to meet you, Halloran.

    Skipper's orders, sir. You are to report to him as soon as you come  aboard.

    Then I got it. Everything was SOP. The ship wasn't taut, she was tight!  And she wasn't happy. There was none of the devil-may-care spirit that  marks crews in the Scouting Force and separates them from the stodgy  mass of the Line. Every face I saw on my trip to the skipper's cabin was  blank, hard-eyed, and unsmiling. There was none of the human noise that  normally echoes through a ship, no laughter, no clatter of equipment, no  deviations from the order and precision so dear to admirals' hearts.  This crew was G.I. right down to the last seam tab on

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