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Where She Belongs
Where She Belongs
Where She Belongs
Ebook196 pages2 hours

Where She Belongs

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About this ebook

Shanna has almost perfect life in Toronto. She has a great job working with her perfect boyfriend and a five year plan to make it even better. Until she’s called home because her dad had a heart attack. She comes face to face with her long-distance best friend, and long-time crush, Gabriel.
Gabe has loved Shanna since forever. He’s certain he missed his opportunity with her five years ago when he turned her down. But when she comes to run her father’s company with him for a few weeks while her father recovers, he believes maybe he has a second chance.
Can Gabe convince Shanna that she is meant to stay with him and run her father’s company? Or will the lure of the big city and her boyfriend’s name keep her away?

PublisherAsrai Devin
Release dateNov 17, 2015
Where She Belongs

Asrai Devin

A natural born, platinum Smut Peddler, Asrai Devin is a Canadian brat. She spends her free time creating and curating fine erotic content and sharing it on social media. In short, she peddles the finest smut available.

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    Book preview

    Where She Belongs - Asrai Devin

    Where She Belongs

    by Asrai Devin

    Copyright 2013 Asrai Devin

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Title Page


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    About the Author


    Shanna wiped her palms on her pants. What the fuck was she doing here? She shouldn't be here. She should have said good-night after dinner together and let it go there. It was nice of him to call her while he was in town.

    She was tired of being here. She knew she had an amazing opportunity to go to one of the best schools in the country. She wondered why she agreed to go so far from home. She missed familiar surroundings. And seeing Gabriel Brande brought a piece of that.

    God help her, she even missed him. The way he teased her as a teenager, helped her with homework, or allowed her to help around the office. The way he smiled at her which had made her heart flutter. His eyes were warm and compassionate with a hint of something that she hadn't understood.

    She understood now. It was part of the reason she went so far away. He was married, supposed to be starting a family of his own. Except once she was away, she started talking to him more than ever; weekly, sometimes more frequently.

    Those eyes were staring at her now. He had opened the door. He had probably even said something.

    Pardon me, I was lost in thought.

    His surprised expression turned amused. You always were flighty.

    She wrinkled her nose at him. And you always were a pain in the ass.

    He smiled and his hand lifted a little. Then his shoulders dropped. Did I forget something at dinner?

    No, I wanted to talk more. With you. If that's okay.

    He hesitated and glanced over his shoulder.

    She backed up. Maybe I should go, I'll just go home. Forget―

    He grabbed her wrist and they both froze. Had he felt the same sparks shoot through him at the contact? He dropped her arm at the same time she tried to pull away. It's okay. I have papers spread on every surface. And well... you are my boss' daughter― coming into my room unsupervised. If your father ever found out ...

    I won't tell him if you don't. At least this part. She stepped past him, her back brushing against his chest as she barged into his room. She felt him tense as she did so. Crappy. He was going to think she did that on purpose. Well, maybe not. Sorry, she murmured.

    His hand skimmed her lower back and he let the door fall shut. It's fine.

    He had his eyes closed and she wanted to sigh. She was really screwing this up.

    He followed her into the main part of the room. Give me a moment, he said. He hadn't been kidding, he did have papers everywhere. The television was on the news channel, but it was turned so low, one could barely hear it. I can't work in total quiet. I'm used to the buzz of the office and factory. He stacked the papers with care, moved them to the end table, then gestured to the now empty sofa. There you go, have a seat. I'd offer you a drink, but all I have is ice water in a dirty cup.

    Thank you. I'm fine. She smiled at him. Are you going to sit?

    I was going to clean off the chair for me.

    You can sit with me on the sofa. I don't bite. You know me.

    He nodded, his jaw visibly clenched. He sat beside her, the fingers of his left hand curled over the arm of the sofa. Tell me what's wrong.

    No small talk then? She tipped her head and focused her eyes on his hand.

    We did small talk at supper, and you said all was fine. You were passing your classes, you were making friends.

    I have some friends, yes. Classes are going well. She worked her mouth as she searched for the right words. I miss home. I'm far away and there's not a break for another couple weeks. I'm lonely here.

    What about your friends?

    Study groups, mainly. But not like my friends from home. People I've known my entire life.

    He leaned back into the couch. And the new schedule of short classes and long study sessions is tiring.

    She nodded. I'm feeling homesick I know. I'll get over it. But you came and I was longing for a little more home while I could. She swallowed hard.

    He smiled and patted her hand. It's okay, Shanna. We can visit for a while. I can't fill you in on town gossip, as I don't pay much attention. But we can talk shop.

    She smiled and grabbed his hand. I think you do know the local gossip. I bet you are down at the coffee shop, eavesdropping like an old biddy.

    He shook his head, but smiled at her. Yes, well, you always knew my weaknesses. I've started playing Friday night bingo as well.

    She squeezed his hand, wishing she could cuddle into his arms and feel safe. She hadn’t hugged someone in a long, long time. Excellent. Settling into middle-age nicely then.

    He gaped at her open-mouthed. I'm not that old, brat. He pulled his hand from hers and tweaked her nose.

    I'm no longer a brat, old man. She moved back a little and readied herself to dodge another nose tweak.

    He gathered her wrists into one hand, imprisoning her. While she struggled to get free, he tickled her stomach until she giggled while screeching for him to cease the attack. He joined in her laughter. Mercy, uncle, mercy, Gabe, please, mercy.

    He stopped and dropped her hands. She fell into him.

    He tensed. I'm only stopping because I don't want to get a noise complaint from your screaming.

    "That was mean. She stuck her lower lip out as she stared up at him.

    He put his arms around her. Will this make it better?

    She snuggled into his warmth. Yes. I haven't had a hug in weeks, not since I flew out here after Christmas. She sighed and her breath moved his hair behind his ear.

    He grunted as he shifted her and she found herself staring into his face. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him again. She'd always thought he was handsome, always had a crush on him. Until tonight, she’d always felt like an awkward teenager¨– and he’d been married the last two years.

    Except, he wasn’t married now. He wasn’t divorced yet, but his wife Lisa the Bitch, had left him a month ago. Her mother kept her informed with any and all news from home. She asked Gabe about it over dinner, but it was still a sore point. The bitch only moved out this week. Shanna had dropped the topic quickly. She always hated Lisa. Jealousy.

    But now sitting beside her, looking down at her, his fingers stroked her cheek. He bent his head and his breath puffed against her face gently, then caressed while he spoke. You should not be without hugs. He smiled at his double negative.

    She reached up and touched the stubble on his chin. I forgot what it was like when you relax. The last year or so, you've gotten so serious.

    I've been given a lot more responsibility in the plant. I need to show your father I’m capable of handling that at all times.

    You would have to destroy the whole thing to disappoint my father. He adores you. He wishes I was you. Sometimes I don’t love the family business as much as everyone thinks. Sometimes, I think I'd rather go out on my own, build things from the ground up. Her confession rushed out of her. She ducked her head, hoping he wouldn’t judge her too harshly.

    You wouldn't want to take over your family legacy?

    "I don't love the business. I know it's important to the town, to the family. But I don't love it like he does. I want to make something of my own to love." She traced his lips with her index finger.

    You're playing with fire, Shanna, he said, trying to make her sit up.

    She sat up with his help, then turned over and straddled his legs. She put one hand on his shoulder to steady herself, the other she trailed over his cheekbones. Then she brushed the stubble on his chin again. Anything you do won't leave this room.

    He turned his head and captured one finger in his mouth. First he sucked with gentle pressure, then he bathed it with his tongue until her breath caught in her throat. You're teasing a frustrated man.

    Would you like it to be more than teasing? She didn't give him a chance to respond. She swept his lips up into a firm kiss. Her kiss was merely her placing her lips against his. She heard the tick of her watch as she waited for him to respond.

    He buried a hand in her blonde hair on the back of her head and pulled her close. He forced her lips open. His tongue stabbed in to search and lay claim to her mouth. It was a take-no-prisoner's kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Her tongue sparred with his, both of them seeking the unknown delights of the other's mouth.

    He took the pressure off her head, sure that she wouldn't turn away, and he caressed her shoulders. She then slid down her chest. Her nipples perked up at the gentle tease, and instantly sent shots of desire through her body, centering in her core. He slid his hands over her breasts and pinched her nipples, pulling the buds away from her body.

    She pulled from his mouth with a gasp and pressed heated kisses on his neck. Gabriel, she whispered. Gabe. He smelled as she remembered in her teenage years, he still wore the same cologne after all these years. Every time she’d encountered the scent in passing, he’d come to the forefront of her mind.

    What are you doing to me? he asked.

    She could feel his arousal pressing up through his pants against her soft vee between her legs where their bodies fit together.

    Pleasuring you, she whispered.

    His fingers plucking at her nipple once more and came to rest on her shoulder. My self-control is at it's breaking, Shanna. I have to stop.

    She met his gaze. Stop?

    I can't touch you any further. No more. I have to walk away, or I'll end up making love to you. Then I'll have to quit working for your father.

    "Why would you do something like that? He would never, never know what happened between us."

    I couldn't face your father with that sort of secret between us. I'd have to quit or tell him the truth and he would kick my ass across the country. And I would be deserving.

    He has to know I'm not a virgin. And I'm old enough to decide who my sex partners are. She held his gaze for a moment. I know what I want, Gabriel.

    He took her hands. Shanna, honey, I know you think you want me. That's your loneliness talking. I can't fill the void, and I can't get involved with you. Not now with Lisa leaving. Your father is my boss and he needs me. Statement of fact. The stress of doing it alone for so long had worsened her father's health. Strained her parents' marriage.

    She felt a chill go through her body. She started to push away. Just tell me the truth, she said, as his arms kept her from retreating. You don't want me, and I'm just a stupid teenager.

    He caressed her cheek but she turned away. Shan―

    Let me go, she said, pushing against him.

    Alright, he slowly took his hands off her and she moved away.

    She stood there in the middle of his hotel room, her arms crossed over her chest. So?

    So what?

    She turned on her heel. Thanks for a wonderful evening I'll never forget.

    Her body was heated with embarrassment. He said something behind her, but she pushed into the hallway and walked away. She made several random turns, while her eyes blurred with the hot sting of tears. When she was satisfied she was far enough away, she slid down to the floor and cried.

    Chapter 1

    Shanna Whittikar felt the pain of rejection as if it were yesterday, not five years ago.

    Why was she thinking about that stupid night in the middle of a workday?

    She put her hands on her keyboard when a door opened. She smiled up at her boss as he entered the office. Her boss and boyfriend. Is there anything else you require of me, Mr. von Brooke?

    Trenton von Brooke tapped her desk on the way to his inner office. Besides being gorgeous and the most competent assistant this company has ever seen? Could you get the presentation edited today?

    After I check respond to this email.

    You go above and beyond.

    She watched as he walked to his office. Not very many couples got to work together, but she was lucky to have found him many years before he became the success he was today, even if he felt he struggled in his father's shadow.

    She snatched up the phone when it rang. Mr. von Brooke's office.


    Gabe? What the hell was he doing calling her at work? He was her best friend, but Trenton hated him. Their occasional talks were the only secret she kept from her almost-fiance.

    Shanna, I'm sorry to call you in the middle of the day, but your Dad had a heart attack today.

    Shanna felt the world drop from under her. Thank God she was sitting, because she would have collapsed otherwise. What?

    I'm at the hospital with your mom now. She's talking to the doctor. Here she is.

    Shanna was pretty sure she was going to throw up. Her dad couldn't be hurt or ill. He was too strong for those things. Shanna?

    Mom? Shanna said. She bit her lip to keep from

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