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Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History
Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History
Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History
Ebook318 pages6 hours

Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Supervolcanoes

  • Volcanic Eruptions

  • Geology

  • Climate Change

  • Survival

  • Disaster

  • Natural Disaster

  • Survival Against All Odds

  • Power of Nature

  • Scientific Discovery

  • Volcanic Eruption

  • Catastrophe

  • Post-Apocalyptic World

  • Disaster Scenario

  • Love Triangle

  • Human History

  • Human Evolution

  • Long Valley Caldera

  • Toba Eruption

  • Supervolcano

About this ebook

A revised and updated comprehensive examination of the supervolcanic eruption of Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia over 75,000 years ago, and how it changed human genetic history by causing a population bottleneck, written by best-selling author Marie D. Jones and her father, the late geophysicist Dr. John M. Savino, Ph.D. The book describes what a supervolcano is, how they form, where they are located across the globe, and which ones may be ready to erupt. Will Yellowstone be next? Features a fictional scenario of an actual eruption at the Long Valley Caldera in California, and what happens in the days, weeks and months to follow. Are we prepared for the apocalyptic devastation known as a supervolcano?

Release dateNov 23, 2015
Supervolcano: The Catastrophic Event That Changed the Course of Human History

Marie Jones

Marie D. Jones is the author of over 30 books in print, including several novels and novellas. She is also a produced screenwriter and has written and produced three short films. She lives in San Diego, California.

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    Supervolcano - Marie Jones

    Praise for SUPERVOLCANO:

    John Savino and Marie Jones have described one of the largest mega volcanic explosions in human history. They go on to show how other potentially dangerous volcanoes such as Yellowstone and Long Valley need to be monitored, and preparations made in case the worst should happen. An extraordinarily detailed and compelling read.

    —Simon Warwick-Smith, Co-author of The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes

    "Using scientific analysis, Supervolcano exposes the massive catastrophes that are part of our geologic past. It’s a lively detective story revealing how these events have profound repercussions on our species. With their book, Savino and Jones enliven the discussion on how we came to be who we are and what lies in our future.

    —Joseph Christy-Vitale, author of Watermark: The Disaster That Changed the World and Humanity 12,000 Years Ago

    "Who we are and where we come from are questions that never seem to go away. Painting a picture of what happened so long ago to make us who we are has always been a giant jigsaw puzzle for the historical disciplines. In Supervolcano, geophysicist Dr. John Savino and Marie Jones piece together that puzzle and paint that picture. From geology to genetics, and a touch of comparative mythology, they tell the story of mankind’s earliest history in a savvy tale of discovery and science. Ultimately, they link our history to the catastrophic history of our planet, and specifically to a global cataclysm 75,000 years ago, which only a few thousand people survived. History and catastrophe, at times, are one and the same. For anyone interested in the origins, or the possible future of mankind, Supervolcano is a must read!"

    —Edward F. Malkowski, author of Before The Pharaohs, and The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt

    When a supervolcano goes off...it produces energy equivalent to an impact with a comet or asteroid. You can try diverting an asteroid, but there is nothing at all you can do about a supervolcano.

    —Dr. Ted Nield, Geological Society of London

    The Toba supervolcano eruption has been one of the most decisive events in the past 100,000 years, for the human race as well as for our green and dangerous planet. This makes it all the more surprising that neither Toba nor the phenomenon of supervolcanos in general has received more than passing acknowledgment in scientific publications while the general public has been even more badly served. A serious and informative book on the subject has really been long overdue and necessary.

    —George Weber, President ,The Andaman Association

    For Maxwell


    When my father and I wrote this book, he was vibrant and in good health, and still incredibly passionate about his work. It was an awkward process at first, getting into a writing and researching groove, but since my dad always wanted to write something that wasn’t for a scientific paper or journal, I was thrilled to give him the opportunity and even more thrilled that we had a publisher at the ready.

    After the book initially came out, my dad began to get sicker and sicker. At first, doctors misdiagnosed him with a number of different possible diseases, including MS. The thing is, they had no idea what was wrong until he was sadly too sick for it to matter. By the time he was properly diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, there wasn’t much any of us could do except watch his body weaken and shrivel, even as his brain stayed sharp as a knife.

    What is ALS? This is from the ALS Association’s website. ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. A-myo-trophic comes from the Greek language. A means no. Myo refers to muscle, and Trophic means nourishment – No muscle nourishment. When a muscle has no nourishment, it atrophies or wastes away. Lateral identifies the areas in a person's spinal cord where portions of the nerve cells that signal and control the muscles are located. As this area degenerates it leads to scarring or hardening (sclerosis") in the region.

    Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their demise. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, people may lose the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe. The motor nerves that are affected when you have ALS are the motor neurons that provide voluntary movements and muscle control. Examples of voluntary movements are making the effort to reach for a smart phone or step off a curb. These actions are controlled by the muscles in the arms and legs.

    There are two different types of ALS, sporadic and familial. Sporadic which is the most common form of the disease in the U.S., is 90 – 95 percent of all cases. It may affect anyone, anywhere. Familial ALS (FALS) accounts for 5 to 10 percent of all cases in the U.S. Familial ALS means the disease is inherited. In those families, there is a 50% chance each offspring will inherit the gene mutation and may develop the disease. French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot discovered the disease in 1869.

    ALS usually strikes people between the ages of 40 and 70, and approximately 20,000 Americans can have the disease at any given time (although this number fluctuates). For unknown reasons, military veterans are approximately twice as likely to be diagnosed with the disease than the general public.  Notable individuals who have been diagnosed with ALS include baseball great Lou Gehrig, Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Catfish Hunter, Toto bassist Mike Porcaro, Senator Jacob Javits, actor David Niven, Sesame Street creator Jon Stone, boxing champion Ezzard Charles, NBA Hall of Fame basketball player George Yardley, golf caddie Bruce Edwards, , musician Lead Belly (Huddie Ledbetter), photographer Eddie Adams, entertainer Dennis Day, jazz musician Charles Mingus, former vice president of the United States Henry A. Wallace, U.S. Army General Maxwell Taylor, and NFL football players Steve Gleason, O.J. Brigance and Tim Shaw."

    If you’ve ever known anyone who had ALS, you know it is a horrible disease. There is no cure and treatments rarely work, if you can afford them. Death can come quick, or take a long and agonizing time. But the brain stays intact. Imagine...your brain is active and wants to do so much, but your body is simply breaking down.

    We wanted to write another book, either about his theory on micro-quakes, or his big passion for the last fifteen years of his life, which was human-driven climate change. One of the last things he ever said to me before ALS took away his ability to speak was that he feared for my son’s generation because of climate change. He actually cried, which he rarely did.

    But he couldn’t type or use a computer anymore for research, and soon, he couldn’t function at all. He died the day after Christmas in 2012, and I miss him very much. But he lives on in my own love of science and in many of my books, and in my passion to learn and to share what I learn.

    This book has been revised in parts to include new research, mainly pertaining to activity at the Yellowstone supervolcano and the Cascadian subduction zone, which is a major threat to our Pacific Northwest. But the lessons of Toba remain the same.

    In my dad’s honor, a portion of profits from the sale of this book will go to the ALS Association, at http://www.alsa.org/. Yes, we did our ice bucket challenges in 2014, but I hope this is the biggest ice bucket I can take for my dad and others with ALS.

    Part One



    The Dragon Sleeps


    Why would a volcanic eruption that occurred approximately 75,000 years ago matter so much to those of us alive today? What possible connection could we have with those who walked the earth so many thousands of years ago? There have been volcanic, even super-volcanic eruptions throughout the history of our planet, yet what happened in the center of the northernmost part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra sometime between 70,000 and 75,000 years ago, at a volcano called Toba, literally changed the course of human evolution in a way that no other singular event has in recent geological history. At least not since human footprints have been found upon the earth.

    Toba is not your garden-variety volcano. It is a super-volcano. The volume of material erupted by Toba is estimated to be about 2,800 times greater than the material spewed out during the relatively puny 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. Even the largest eruption in recorded history, Tambora in Indonesia in 1815, which altered the climate of the entire globe and killed more than 120,000 people, pales in comparison to the mighty supervolcano. Toba, by contrast, ejected about 300 times more volcanic ash.

    But Toba is more than just a massive and amazing force of nature; when it erupted, it created a volcanic winter that plunged temperatures around the globe, causing environmental chaos. Toba changed us as human beings. It changed our species, our way of life, and the way we looked at the natural world around us, including the gods and goddesses we worshipped.

    The story of Toba is one of change. When an event occurs that wipes out most of your own species, not to mention most of the plant and animal life you feed upon, you change. You change physically, as did the few lucky survivors who went on to become the genetic grandparents of all humanity. You change emotionally, as the 9/11 terrorist attacks changed all of us on some level. What happened to those living at the time of Toba was far more terrifying, for it took away much of what sustained life and erased the signature of every existing branch of humanity, except for one. Imagine losing everyone and everything you love, and everything you need for survival. It would change you, too.

    But we believe you also change spiritually when a cataclysmic event of such magnitude rips your world, and the world itself, apart.

    We wanted to write this book for many reasons:

    *Because we, like millions of other people, find supervolcanoes simply fascinating.

    *Because Toba was the biggest supereruption in the last 2 million years.

    *Because Toba wiped out most living things on the planet.

    *Because Toba created a rare population bottleneck that shifted the genetic footprints of the human species.

    *Because Toba caused severe radiation poisoning to exposed humans via destruction of a portion of the ozone layer that shields the Earth from the sun’s dangerous ultraviolet radiation.

    *Because Toba created an environmental situation that led to global climate change—something we now struggle with today.

    *Because Toba, or another mighty supervolcano such as Yellowstone in Wyoming or Long Valley in California, could erupt again. In both cases, there are intriguing signs of unrest.

    *Because natural disasters both thrill and repel us as a species; we want to look away, but we cannot. We are frightened, yet drawn like the moth to the flame.

    But we really chose to tell this story because it has not been told before, and because it speaks of our innate human desire to understand where we came from, how we got here, and most importantly, where we are headed in the future. Could telling the tale of Toba prevent such disaster on an epic scale from happening again? Maybe...maybe not. Could documenting our genetic commonality stop wars and racism? Maybe...maybe not. Could scaring people into a state of preparedness keep them from suffering the same fate as Toba’s many victims? Maybe...maybe not.

    We chose to tell the story anyway.

    As two people who deeply respect the lessons of the historical past, the knowledge of the scientific world, and the power of the written word to tell a story of mythological proportions that resonates on so many levels even today, with headlines of global climate change, deadly tsunamis, and new volcanoes found under the sea...we could not NOT write this story.

    Ultimately, Toba is just a physical mark upon the Earth where right now a gorgeous, deceptively peaceful lake sits; a location on a map with little meaning for those not already aware of its critical impact on humanity. Standing upon its banks, you would think of how lovely it looked, never knowing you were looking into the maw of a dragon, whose underbelly still churns with magma and hot gasses, although much less violently than 70,000-odd years in the past. A dragon whose fiery breath has, in some way, touched every human on Earth, albeit at a cellular, genetic level.

    But for those with the wisdom and the insight to look beyond the surface of the dragon, Toba is a deeper, more constant reminder of how fragile our existence is, and how easily it can be changed into something else for those lucky enough to survive.

    That we survived. Toba is our story, and yours, too; for we are all made of the fiery breath of the same dragon. On the morning of December 26, 2004, the second-largest earthquake in the past 100 years occurred off the coast of northern Sumatra, creating a massive tsunami that devastated the region. This mega-thrust event ruptured approximately 745 miles (1,200 km) of the Indonesian subduction zone. The epicenter of the earthquake was about 250 miles (400 km) west of Lake Toba. Was this the stirrings of the dragon? We will explore the relationship of the great December 26 earthquake and the volcanic zone in that region in a subsequent chapter.

    But for now the question remains: Which dragon will next stir and breath its fiery breath upon the world in the form of a supervolcanic eruption? Only time will tell.

    Chapter 1

    Mountains of Fire


    From the moment of its formation, the earth has been restless. Natural disasters of cataclysmic proportions not only helped shape and mold the planet in its initial stages, but also continue to transform the face of the world we now live upon and call home.

    Earthquakes, tsunamis, meteor impacts, and floods have all contributed to the ever-changing landscape. Even today we struggle to understand, and survive, massive movements of earth and water that often come without warning. But none have had a greater effect than the mighty volcano. And of the hundreds of volcanoes that dot the Earth, many clustered near boundaries of the Earth’s major tectonic plates, none are more powerful and transformative than the supervolcano.

    Television and the Internet have brought us to edge, where we can literally peer down into the belly of a volcano. We can sit back in our recliners and watch molten rock spew over the landscape (lava), and scenes of a dense, hot, chaotic avalanche of rock fragments, gas, and volcanic ash race away from an explosive eruption column (pyroclastic flow) at speeds greater than 60 mph (100 km per hour), devastating everything in their path. We were all awe-struck when live images of eruptions of Mount St. Helens in Washington State and Pinatubo in the Philippines kept us glued to our television sets. But these and other highly publicized eruptions are no match for the one force of nature that has the ability to truly change the face of the entire planet, and the living things lucky enough to survive. That force of nature is the supervolcano!


    To qualify as a supervolcano, the volcano itself must be large enough to result in a supereruption of ejected material more massive than any volcano in the historical record. This colossal eruption doesn’t just consist of huge incandescent hurricanes of hot gasses, ash, and rocks, which can cover thousands of square miles and obliterate all forms of life in their paths; supereruptions have the potential to do far more damage. In other words, they are judged by the global extent of their catastrophic effects on the environment and, as we will see, civilization.

    The London Working Group of the Geological Society, in their chilling 2005 report, Super-eruptions: global effects and future threats, state that many large volcanoes on Earth are capable of explosive eruptions much bigger than any experienced by humanity over historic time. The Working Group, comprised of six renowned earth scientists, goes on to claim, Super-eruptions are different from other hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms or floods in that—like the impact of a large asteroid or comet—their environmental effects threaten global civilization.

    Another sobering fact is that there is no known mechanism for averting a devastating supereruption. This is in contrast to the possibility of sufficiently perturbing the orbital parameters of an incoming asteroid or other near-earth object to avoid a collision with the Earth, a possibility being actively pursued by the European Space Agency under Project Don Quijote. The Project adopted the Spanish spelling of Don Quixote, the protagonist in Cervantes’ novel, who has chivalrous ideas that tend toward the fanciful and impractical. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is also pursuing a mission, known as the Deep Impact mission, a six year project that culminated on July 3, 2005, with the controlled collision of a small impactor satellite with the comet Tempel 1.

    The mechanism, tectonic settings, frequency of occurrence, and environmental and climatological effects of supervolcanoes will be discussed later. The last known supervolcano erupted at Lake Taupo on the North Island of New Zealand about 26,500 years ago. Any prehistoric people who might have been close enough to see the first few seconds of the eruption would have ceased to exist shortly thereafter. The complete lack of any kind of direct observation forces us to turn to information about the regional and global environmental impacts of historic volcanic eruptions. These can hopefully provide insight and guidance for estimating the aftermath of a supervolcano on the scale of the largest known volcanic event in possibly the past 27 million years—Toba.


    Before we get into the nuts and bolts of volcanoes, let’s to take a look at an event of special significance in the world of volcanology that happened in 1943 in a cornfield in Mexico. The significance of this event is that it provided a reality check for volcanologists in their understanding of the formation and cessation of activity of a volcano. They were able to witness the event firsthand, and make detailed observations of the complete lifecycle of a volcano.

    On Saturday afternoon, February 20, 1943, not far from the Mexican village of Parícutin, Dionisio Pulido, a Tarascan Indian, was burning shrubbery in his cornfield in preparation for spring sowing. His wife and son were nearby shepherding their young lambs when, suddenly, there was a roar of thunder and the ground in front of them tore open to form a fissure about 150 feet (46 meters) long. Dionisio later recalled that he and his family heard loud and continuous hissing or whistling sounds and saw smoke rising from one end of the fissure, which smelled like rotten eggs. The rotten egg smell is the characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide commonly associated with volcanic eruptions and hot springs worldwide. Dionisio and his family had just witnessed the birth of a volcano.

    By the next morning, the young volcano had taken on a conical shape, and had grown to a height of 30 feet (9 meters). During the day the volcano grew another 120 feet (37 meters), and had taken on the classic form of a scoria cone and that night incandescent bombs blew out from the top more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) up into the darkness. Unfortunately for Dionisio and his family, a slag-like mass of lava spilled out of the young volcano and encompassed their cornfield. The volcano was later named after the nearby village, Parícutin, even though lava flows from the growing volcano would end up destroying the village just a few months later.

    News of the birth of Parícutin spread rapidly, and within a few days geologists and volcanologists from many parts of the world came to study this extraordinarily unique volcanic event. The volcano remained active for 9 years, from 1943 to 1952, and marked the first time scientists were able to observe the life cycle of a volcano from birth to extinction.

    The Parícutin eruption was unusually long for what is known as a Strombolian eruption, with several eruptive phases occurring over its 9-year life span. For the first two years pyroclastic activity was the dominant eruptive mode. This activity then waned and was replaced by an outpouring of lava from the base of the cone for the remaining 7 years. The only deaths associated with the volcano were three people who were struck by lightning generated during the early pyroclastic eruptions. The final height of the scoria cone was estimated to be about 1,390 feet (424 meters).

    The preceding account of the life cycle of the volcano, Parícutin, introduced several terms in volcanology. For instance, we saw that Parícutin was a scoria, or cinder, cone built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. Scoria or cinder cones are one of several main types of volcanoes. These include, in order of increasing eruptive intensity or violence, shield volcanoes, scoria cones, stratovolcanoes, lava dome, and calderas.


    Before proceeding with descriptions of these different types of volcanoes, we introduce a relatively simple, semi quantitative scheme developed in 1982 by Chris Newhall of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Steve Self, then at the University of Hawaii (presently at the Open University [UK]), for estimating the magnitude of historic eruptions. The scheme is referred to as the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI). Historical eruptions can be assigned a VEI number on a scale of 0 to 8 based on one or more of the following criteria:

    Volume of ejected material.

    Eruptive column height.

    Subjective descriptions of the eruption (gentle, effusive, explosive, cataclysmic, and so on).

    Plume head height.

    The volume of ejected material and the plume height are considered to be the two most reliable criteria in assigning a VEI number. The VEI scale is analogous to the Richter magnitude scale for estimating the size of earthquakes, in that both are logarithmic scales wherein an increase of 1 unit on either scale implies an order of magnitude (that is, factor of 10) to increase in the intensity (amplitude of a seismic wave, volume of volcanic ejecta) of the corresponding seismic or volcanic event. Based on a compilation of VEI numbers for Holocene (last 10,000 years) eruptions, Parícutin was assigned a VEI of 4.

    Scientists from Cambridge University performed an investigation of 47 of the largest explosive eruptions on Earth, all with VEIs of 8 or greater, ranging in age from 26,500 years old to 454 million years old. As part of their investigation, the scientists devised a scale for comparing sizes of supereruptions that mitigates one of the shortcomings of the VEI scale. The problem with the VEI approach is that it does not take into account the different densities of material ejected from a volcano. This can result in a high VEI number for an eruption that produces a large volume of fluffy ash compared to an eruption that produces a smaller volume of dense volcanic rock. Based on the VEI scheme, the first fluffy event might score a VEI of 8 while the second event is awarded a VEI of 7, hardly a fair outcome. The results of the Cambridge study, especially as they pertain to the temporal behavior of supereruptions, will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 4 when we focus on the makeup of supervolcanoes.


    Now let’s take a look at a likely scenario for what is going on deep inside the Earth that led up to the volcanic eruption and formation of a cinder cone in Dionisio’s cornfield. Magma, or molten rock, forms deep in the earth and is propelled upward by

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