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Certificate of Tyranny
Certificate of Tyranny
Certificate of Tyranny
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Certificate of Tyranny

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  • Contracts

  • Marriage of Convenience

  • Historical Fiction

  • Legal Drama

  • Government Conspiracy

  • Bureaucracy

  • Legal Jargon

  • System Is Rigged

  • Legal Manipulation

  • Government Overreach

  • Historical Documents

About this ebook

This report is a detailed research project exposing the use of government documents as a tool of subjugation. The report covers the history of birth, marriage and death documents used in the land known as 'Montana country'. The report gives many citations from dictionaries and law books, providing evidence of systemic fraud committed by the government of Montana. Information on probate courts and trust contracts is included.

Release dateDec 18, 2015
Certificate of Tyranny

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    Certificate of Tyranny - Humble O'Pinion


    Evidence of systemic tyranny by the use of State documents

    Published by Humble O’Pinion at Smashwords.com

    Copyright 2015 Humble O’Pinion





    Smashwords Edition, License Notes.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away. This ebook is free at Smashwords.com Thank you.


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1- The Setup

    Chapter 2- Certificates of Tyranny

    Chapter 3- The Marriage Contract & Trust

    Chapter 4- Birth Certificate

    Chapter 5- Death Certificate and Probate

    Chapter 6- Statutes at Law


    O’Pinion. Governments have used paper to trick, track and tax their captive populations since the invention of paper. The Romans used paper to track and tax the Jews in the time of Christ; the Pope initiated the Crusades by a Papal Bull that convinced Christians to invade land held by Moslems; and the British used stamped paper to place a direct tax on the American Colonies in 1765.

    The new United States government also used thick books full of paper to number and track the native ‘Indian’ peoples of America, and the US government used paper to record treaties with these Indian tribes, those people that could not read.

    The United States seems to claim that paper is the source of all law, through its constitutions, statutes and orders.

    The US government has also convinced its citizens that paper no longer represents money; that paper IS money and the creator of that money is its legal owner.

    Plus, the U.S. citizen must ‘volunteer’ to adhere to the track and tax paper system, or he will receive no benefits from its existence, and he may even run afoul of its creators. On Halloween, this is called ‘trick’.

    The paper documents are registered and stored by the government to help them enforce their claim of a benefit/duty upon the citizen. With every benefit comes an obligation.

    If a citizen agrees to be a party to this arraignment, he must allow the state to place an encumbrance upon any property that he has registered. The encumbrance is commonly known as ‘a lien’.

    If a citizen agrees to be a party to this arraignment, he must also participate in the overall contract of citizenship, without asking too many questions. The duties include, but are not limited to- volunteering for military service; volunteering to pay all taxes if applicable; and voting.

    All of the obligations of citizenship are tracked by paper and become a ‘legal’ contract by the signatures of the parties. The contract is registered, creating a lien. The lien is one more vessel floating in the Sea of Paper. BACK to Top

    Chapter 1. THE SET-UP

    Government certificates, licenses, declarations, notices and registrations are evidence of a contract. A contract yields benefits and obligations upon all parties to it.

    Contracts require four elements: lawful object, agreement, performance and consideration.

    The parties must be lawful, competent adults that come to an agreement on what is to be done by whom; and what value is to be traded for the performance of the contract. If any the four elements are missing, there is no lawful contract.

    Can a man make a contract without the other party’s consent?


    Can a man make a contract for future performance without agreement of what that performance will be?


    Can the State contract with an infant for continuous performance of a contract not yet described?


    Yet that is what the US government has done to infants, teenagers, adults and even to senior citizens.

    Infants are not really in contract with the government, but the parent’s have laid a trap at the child’s feet.

    The parents seek some kind of benefit by obtaining a government certificate or license. The parents convince their children that the benefits have been realized, and will be realized for the children too, so long as they enter the ‘contract for commerce’ system of law.

    The following information is printed on certain government documents from 1917 and 1932, documents that my ancestors gave to me:

    a (birth) certificate is very valuable as proof of age and citizenship; it is necessary to have in the future life of this child for the purpose of entering or leaving school, obtaining working papers or marriage license, inheriting property, holding public office, entering civil or military service, and for many other important objects.

    A new benefit of the birth certificate was added in 1943. To qualify for wartime gas rationing the applicant must provide verification of birth. In other words- a birth certificate. You can now thank your parents for getting you a birth certificate, or not.

    The truth is that ‘your’ birth certificate belongs to the state that issued it.

    O’Pinion. The BC is bait for a trap that will lure the child into perpetual subjugation until the end of his life, and probably way beyond.

    With the birth certificate and the many contracts that follow, the certificate ‘holder’ loses his standing as the Posterity of the victors of the American Revolution and claims his ‘citizenship’ status as the subject of a private corporation that was created in 1871. See Amendment Fourteen (1868) and the District of Columbia incorporation Act of 1871.

    The minute the parent or child takes that first benefit from some certificate or license, his obligations also begin. Those that accept benefits from a government corporation become its beneficiaries. BACK to Top


    Chapter 2. CERTIFICATES OF TYRANNY. Who benefits from government documents?

    June 11, 1906. My ancestors were married in Butte, Montana. They applied for a marriage license from the Butte district court and a received a blank certificate form for their priest.

    The marriage ‘license’ authorizes any approved judge or clergyman to solemnize a marriage. The solemnization ceremony is an act done in a public venue.

    When the wedding ceremony is completed the priest then signs and returns the certificate to the district court. The priest (or justice of the peace) does not control any marriage; the priest controls the marriage ceremony.

    The district court then puts the certificate and the license together as a marriage contract; and notifies the State of Montana that this contract has been registered.

    A true marriage is a covenant between a lawful man and a lawful woman, solemnized before the neighbors of the county, two witnesses and God. That has been our tradition for a thousand years, or more.

    O’Pinion. The American ‘marriage contract’ began after the Revolution and has slowly crept into our culture, one marriage at a time. The marriage contract represents or personates- but is not- a true marriage covenant. See more on the meaning of ‘represent’ and ‘personate’ below.

    While the marriage license and certificate documents are distinct- they act as one when combined and registered.

    My ancestors provided little information to their priest for the 1906 certificate. All the ‘fill in’ information was written by hand, in a cursive style. My ancestor’s signatures do not

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