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The New Rulers of the World
The New Rulers of the World
The New Rulers of the World
Ebook301 pages5 hours

The New Rulers of the World

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

John Pilger is one of the world's renowned investigative journalists and documentary filmmakers. In this classic book, with an updated introduction, he reveals the secrets and illusions of modern imperialism. Beginning with Indonesia, he shows how General Suharto's bloody seizure of power in the 1960s was part of a western design to impose a 'global economy' on Asia. A million Indonesians died as the price for being the World Bank's 'model pupil'. In a shocking chapter on Iraq, he delineates the true nature of the West's war against the people of that country. And he dissects, piece by piece, the propaganda of the 'war on terror' to expose its Orwellian truth. Finally, he looks behind the picture-postcard image of his homeland, Australia, to illuminate an enduring legacy of imperialism: the subjugation of the First Australians.
PublisherVerso UK
Release dateMar 22, 2016
The New Rulers of the World

John Pilger

John Pilger, an Australian, has twice won British journalism's highest award, that of Journalist of the Year, for his work all over the world, especially as a war correspondent. For his documentary filmmaking, he has won France's Reporter sans Fronti�res, an American television Academy Award, an "Emmy," and the Richard Dimbleby Award, given by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, for a lifetime's factual broadcasting. He lives in London.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    John Pilger is without doubt, one of the most insightful journalists of our time. His courage to portray the truth is the subject of both harsh criticism and even hatred. Yet there is also those who understand that his dedication to expose the reality of the stories he covers, is in fact a love affair with justice. Something that very few journalists even know what means any more. And I speak as a one. There is nothing more to be said about this book than that it is full of details and truth and that John Pilger does what he does best. Write in a tone that leaves nothing to speculation. It is a true must-read because it shows exactly what the title says. And you can deny it, reject it and choose to ignore it, but essentially it's true.

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The New Rulers of the World - John Pilger


‘Pilger is unique not just for his undimmed anger but also for the sharpness of his focus, the range of targets that he chooses and the meticulous precision with which he hits them – often with their own words.’ New Internationalist

‘[Pilger’s essays] are all empirical, angry and well-referenced; they illustrate his essential argument that the imperial power wielded by rich states and multinational corporations, led by the US, is far more destructive than any terrorist organization.’ New Scientist

‘Pilger and others have helped expose the realist myth of impersonal laws governing actions of states. They rake the muck on which the power and wealth of states and corporations are founded, and the stench is awesome.’ Irish Times

‘… it is harder to condescend away all that cogent argument and still more that clearly marshalled chapter and verse: this is a book to spoil any westerner’s weekend.’ The Scotsman

‘The issues Pilger addresses are fundamental to any notions we have of establishing genuine international justice and democracy, and this book should be compulsory reading for all.’ Big Issue

‘Despite decades of familiarity with the terrors of war, Pilger’s courage in speaking out remains undimmed.’ Scotland on Sunday

‘Outstanding and horrifying …’ Good Book Guide

John Pilger, an Australian, has twice won British journalism’s highest award, that of Journalist of the Year, for his work all over the world, especially as a war correspondent. For his documentary film-making, he has won France’s Reporter sans Frontières, an American television Academy Award, an ‘Emmy’, and the Richard Dimbleby Award, given by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, for a lifetime’s factual broadcasting. He lives in London.




The Last Day

Aftermath: the Struggle of Cambodia and Vietnam

(with Anthony Barnett)

The Outsiders (with Michael Coren)


A Secret Country

Distant Voices

Hidden Agendas

Freedom Next Time




This new edition published by Verso 2016

First published by Verso 2002

First published in paperback 2003

© John Pilger 2002, 2003, 2016

All rights reserved

The moral rights of the author have been asserted

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Verso is the imprint of New Left Books

ISBN-13: 978-1-78478-211-5

eISBN-13: 978-1-78478-212-2 (US)

eISBN-13: 978-1-78478-402-7 (UK)

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

Typeset in Perpetua

Printed in the UK by The Bath Press, Avon

For Denis Halliday, Hans Von Sponeck, Felicity Arbuthnot, the late Charlie Perkins, Daniel Indra Kusuma, Dita Sari and others too numerous to mention, whose actions have given us power











I was recently in the Marshall Islands, which lie in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, north of New Zealand and south of Hawaii. The geography is important; whenever I tell people where I have been, they ask, ‘Where is that?’ When I mention Bikini, their reference is the swimsuit. Few seem aware that the bikini was named after the nuclear explosions that destroyed Bikini atoll; its Paris designer hoped his ‘unique creation’ would ‘cause an explosion right round the world’. Sixty-six nuclear bombs were exploded in the Marshall Islands: the equivalent of 1.6 Hiroshimas every day for twelve years.

As my aircraft banked low over Bikini lagoon, the emerald water beneath me suddenly disappeared into a vast black hole, a deathly void. This is the crater left by the 1954 Hydrogen bomb known as ‘Bravo’. When I stepped out of the plane, my shoes registered ‘unsafe’ on a Geiger counter. A breeze did not stir palms petrified in what appear as unworldly formations. There were no birds.

On my return journey to London, I picked up an American magazine, Women’s Health, at the Honolulu airport. On the cover was a picture of a slim, smiling woman in a bikini swimsuit and the headline, ‘You, too, can have a bikini body.’ In the Marshall Islands, I had interviewed women who also had truly ‘bikini bodies’: each had suffered thyroid cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. All were impoverished, the victims and guinea pigs of a rapacious power still rampant.

Memory is a staple of this book – memory in a time of organised forgetting: of saturating pseudo-information and the truth inverted. In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in Prague and promised to help ‘make the world free from nuclear weapons’. This was front-page news. Obama has since approved plans for an arsenal of nuclear weapons costing $350 billion, an all-time record. This is not news.

Unleashed American generals reminiscent of those in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove now talk openly about ‘nuclear war-gaming Putin’s Russia’. One of them is a General Breedlove. He says repeatedly and without evidence that the Ruskies ‘are massing and threatening’. A barrage of similar accusations and threats is aimed increasingly at China. ‘Perpetual war’ has become the jargon of those in the universities and media who describe themselves as ‘liberal realists’.

Since I wrote The New Rulers of the World these dangers have intensified as the current rulers believe their dominance is threatened. The machinations described in the chapter ‘The Great Game’, are now so pervasive that the encirclement and intimidation of nuclear-armed Russia is not contentious. Propaganda is the principal weapon at this stage; news is a smear and scare campaign of the kind I grew up with during the first cold war. The Russian president is a pantomime villain who can be abused with impunity. The evil empire is coming to get us, led by another Stalin or, perversely, a new Hitler. Name your demon and let rip.

Among the drum-beaters there is the joie d’esprit of a class reunion. The liberal realists of the Washington Post are the same editorial writers who, in promoting an invasion of Iraq in 2003, declared the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction to be ‘hard facts’. As many as a million men, women and children died as a consequence, and their ruined society converted to a breeding place of fanatics now known as Islamic State.

In the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, the biggest military buildup since the Second World War is subjected to the most successful news blackout I can remember, along with Washington’s effective takeover of the Russian borderland in Ukraine and the role of neo-Nazi brigades in terrorising the Russian-speaking population of eastern Ukraine.

‘If you wonder,’ wrote Robert Parry, ‘how the world could stumble into World War Three – much as it did into World War One a century ago – all you need to do is look at the madness that has enveloped virtually the entire US political/media structure over Ukraine where a false narrative of white hats versus black hats took hold early and has proved impervious to facts or reason.’

Parry, the journalist who revealed the Iran–Contra scandal, is one of the few who has investigated the media’s central role in this ‘game of chicken’, as the Russian foreign minister called it. But is it a game? The US Congress has voted on Resolution 758, which, in a nutshell, says: ‘Let’s get ready for war with Russia.’

The rulers of the world want Ukraine not only as a military and missile base; they want its economy. Kiev’s finance minister is a former senior US State Department official in charge of US overseas ‘investment’. She was hurriedly given Ukrainian citizenship. The US wants Ukraine for its abundant gas; Vice President Biden’s son is on the board of Ukraine’s biggest oil, gas and fracking company. The manufacturers of GM seeds, companies such as Monsanto, want Ukraine’s rich farming soil.

Above all, they want Ukraine’s mighty neighbour, Russia. They want to Balkanise or dismember Russia and exploit the greatest source of natural gas on earth. As the Arctic ice melts, they want control of the Arctic Ocean and its energy riches, and Russia’s long Arctic land border. Their man in Moscow used to be Boris Yeltsin, a drunk who handed his country’s economy to the West. His successor, Putin, has re-established Russia as a sovereign nation; that is his crime.

In the nineteenth century, the Russian writer Alexander Herzen described western secular liberalism as ‘the final religion, though its church is not of the other world but of this’. Today, this divinity is far more violent and dangerous than anything the Muslim world throws up. In his celebrated essay ‘On Liberty’, to which modern western liberals pay homage, John Stuart Mill wrote: ‘Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justified by actually effecting that end.’ The ‘barbarians’ were large sections of humanity of whom ‘implicit obedience’ was required. ‘It’s a nice and convenient myth that liberals are peacemakers and conservatives the warmongers,’ wrote the historian Hywel Williams in 2001, ‘but the imperialism of the liberal way may be more dangerous because of its open-ended nature: its conviction that it represents a superior form of life.’ He had in mind a speech by Tony Blair in which the then prime minister promised to ‘re-order the world around us’ according to his ‘moral values’.

Richard Falk, the respected authority on international law and the UN special rapporteur on Palestine, once described a ‘self-righteous, one-way, legal/moral screen [with] positive images of western values and innocence portrayed as threatened, validating a campaign of unrestricted political violence’. It is ‘so widely accepted as to be virtually unchallengeable’.

In the news, whole countries are ordained for their usefulness or expendability, or they are made to disappear. The machinations of Saudi Arabia, a principal source of extremism and western-designed terror, is of minimal news interest, except when it wilfully drives down the price of oil. Yemen has endured twelve years of American drone attacks, and now an American-backed Saudi invasion. This bloodletting has none of the thrall of Islamic State (IS), a product of the destruction of Iraq, Libya and Syria – just as Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were the product of the genocidal bombing of Cambodia.

Latin America has also suffered this western disappearing trick. In 2009, the University of the West of England published the results of a ten-year study of the BBC’s coverage of Venezuela. Of 304 broadcast reports, only three mentioned any of the positive policies introduced by the government of Hugo Chavez. The greatest literacy programme in human history received barely a passing reference.

In Europe and the United States, millions of readers and viewers know next to nothing about the life-giving changes implemented in Latin America, many of them inspired by Chavez. Like the BBC, the reports of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and the rest of the respectable western media were often notoriously in bad faith. Chavez was mocked even on his deathbed. How is this explained, I wonder, in schools of journalism?

Why are millions of people in Britain persuaded that a collective punishment called ‘austerity’ is necessary? Following the economic crash in 2008, a rotten empire of capital was exposed. Banks were shamed as collective crooks with obligations to the public they had betrayed. But within months – apart from a few stones lobbed over excessive corporate ‘bonuses’ – the media message had changed and public memory diverted. The mugshots of guilty bankers vanished from the newspapers and this new propaganda buzzword, austerity, became the burden of millions of ordinary people.

Today, many of the premises of civilised life in Britain are being dismantled. The ‘austerity’ cuts are said to be £83 billion, which is almost exactly the amount of tax avoided by the banks and by corporations like Amazon and Murdoch’s News UK. Moreover, the banks are given an annual subsidy of £100 billion in free insurance and guarantees: a figure that would fund the entire National Health Service. The ‘economic crisis’ is pure propaganda, a conjuring trick by the rulers of the world, led by corporate and media class warriors whose ‘information dominance’ and ‘control of the narrative’ – to quote the jargon of the ‘realists’ – is their most powerful weapon.

‘Class’ almost never speaks its name. Class is not part of the new liberal ‘reality’ that has been building for more than a generation. In 1970, Charles Reich’s book, The Greening of America, caused a sensation. On the cover were these words: ‘There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past. It will originate with the individual.’ I was a correspondent in the United States at the time and recall the overnight elevation to guru status of Reich, a young Yale academic. His thesis was that truth-telling and political action had failed and only ‘culture’ and introspection could change the world.

Within a few years, driven by the forces of consumerism and profit, the cult of ‘me-ism’ had all but overwhelmed our sense of acting together, of social justice and welfare for all and internationalism. Class, gender and race were separated. The personal was the political, and the media was the message. Today, the promotion of bourgeois privilege is often disguised as feminism. In 2008, the elevation of a man of colour to the presidency of the United States was celebrated as a blow against racism, even the dawn of a ‘post-racial era’. This, too, was fake.

In a village in Afghanistan, inhabited by the poorest of the poor, I filmed Orifa kneeling at the graves of her husband, Gul Ahmed, a carpet weaver, and seven other members of her family, six of whom were children, as well as the graves of two children who were killed in the adjacent house. An American 500-pound ‘precision’ bomb had been dropped on their small mud, stone and straw house, leaving a crater fifty feet wide.

I remembered Orifa when the aspiring next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton, was celebrated on the BBC’s ‘Woman’s Hour’. The presenter described Clinton as a beacon of female achievement. She did not remind her listeners about Clinton’s profanity that it was ‘morally right’ to invade Afghanistan in order to ‘liberate’ women like Orifa. She asked Clinton nothing about her part, as US secretary of state, in a terror campaign using drones to kill women, men and children. There was no mention of Clinton’s idle threat, while campaigning to be the first female president, to ‘eliminate’ Iran, and nothing about her support for illegal mass surveillance and the pursuit of whistle-blowers.

There was, however, one finger-to-the-lips question. Had Clinton forgiven Monica Lewinsky for having an affair with husband? ‘Forgiveness is a choice,’ said Clinton, ‘for me, it was absolutely the right choice.’ This recalled the 1990s and the years consumed by the Lewinsky ‘scandal’. That her husband, President Clinton, was then invading Haiti, and bombing the Balkans, Africa and Iraq, was of no interest. In the middle of this ‘scandal’, UNICEF reported the deaths of half a million Iraqi infants under the age of five as a result of an embargo led by the US and Britain. The children were media unpeople, just as Hillary Clinton’s victims in the invasions she has promoted – Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia – are unpeople. All that matters is that Clinton is a woman attempting to shatter the ‘glass ceiling’. Shattered lives across the world are testament to her ambition and political ruthlessness.

In politics as in journalism and the arts, dissent once tolerated in the ‘mainstream’ has regressed to a dissidence: a metaphoric underground. The recent seventieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a reminder of the great crime of fascism, whose Nazi iconography is embedded in our consciousness. Fascism is preserved as history, as flickering footage of goose-stepping black-shirts, their criminality terrible and clear. Yet in the same liberal societies whose war-making elites urge us never to forget, the accelerating danger of a modern kind of fascism is suppressed; for it is their fascism.

‘For goose-steppers,’ wrote the historian Norman Pollack, ‘substitute the seemingly more innocuous militarisation of the total culture. And for the bombastic leader, we have the reformer manque, blithely at work, planning and executing assassination, smiling all the while.’

Uniting fascism old and new is the cult of superiority. ‘I believe in American exceptionalism with every fibre of my being,’ said Obama, evoking declarations of national fetishism from the 1930s. As the historian Alfred W. McCoy has pointed out, it was the Hitler devotee Carl Schmitt who said, ‘The sovereign is he who decides the exception.’

This sums up Americanism, the world’s dominant ideology. That it remains unrecognised as a predatory ideology is the achievement of an equally unrecognised brainwashing. Insidious, undeclared, presented wittily as enlightenment on the march, its conceit insinuates western culture. I grew up on a cinematic diet of American glory, almost all of it a distortion. I had no idea that it was the Red Army that had destroyed most of the Nazi war machine, at a cost of as many as 13 million soldiers. By contrast, US losses, including in the Pacific, were 400,000. Hollywood reversed this.

The difference now is that cinema audiences are invited to wring their hands at the ‘tragedy’ of American psychopaths having to kill people in distant places – just as the President himself kills them. The embodiment of Hollywood’s violence, the actor and director Clint Eastwood, was nominated for an Oscar for his movie American Sniper, which is about a licensed murderer and nutcase. The New York Times described it as a ‘patriotic, pro-family picture, which broke all attendance records in its opening days’.

I began this new preface with a description of the devastated Marshall Islands, which hold no place in our political and moral memory. The biggest atoll in the Marshalls is Kwajalein, home to the Ronald Reagan Missile Test Site. It is here that Reagan’s ‘star wars’ project consumed billions of dollars. Set in a place of nuclear carnage, Kwajalein commands the Pacific and Asia, especially China. Here, the Obama administration is developing what it calls a ‘space fence’: the aim is to target China with missiles.

In the eighteenth century, Edmund Burke described the role of the press as a Fourth Estate checking the powerful. Was that ever true? It certainly doesn’t wash any more. What we need is a Fifth Estate: a journalism that monitors, deconstructs and counters propaganda, and teaches the young to be agents of people, not power. We need what the Russians called perestroika. Vandana Shiva calls this ‘an insurrection of subjugated knowledge’.

Meanwhile, the responsibility of the rest of us is clear. It is to identify and expose the lies of those who ‘control the narrative’, warmongers especially, and never to collude with them. It is to re-awaken the great popular movements that brought a fragile civilisation to modern imperial states. Most important, it is to prevent the conquest of ourselves: our minds, our humanity, our self-respect. If we remain silent, victory over us is assured.

John Pilger, London, September 2015


When American Vice-President Dick Cheney said that the ‘war on terrorism’ could last for fifty years or more, his words evoked George Orwell’s great prophetic work, Nineteen Eighty-Four. We are to live with the threat and illusion of endless war, it seems, in order to justify increased social control and state repression, while great power pursues its goal of global supremacy. Washington is transformed into ‘chief city of Airstrip One’ and every problem is blamed on the ‘enemy’, the evil Goldstein, as Orwell called him.¹ He could be Osama bin Laden, or his successors, the ‘axis of evil’.

In the novel, three slogans dominate society: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. Today’s slogan, ‘war on terrorism’, also reverses meaning. The war is terrorism. The most potent weapon in this ‘war’ is pseudo-information, different only in form from that Orwell described, consigning to oblivion unacceptable truths and historical sense. Dissent is permissible within ‘consensual’ boundaries, reinforcing the illusion that information and speech are ‘free’.

The attacks of September 11, 2001 did not ‘change everything’, but accelerated the continuity of events, providing an extraordinary pretext for destroying social democracy. The undermining of the Bill of Rights in the United States and the further dismantling of trial by jury in Britain and a plethora of related civil liberties are part of the reduction of democracy to electoral ritual: that is, competition between indistinguishable parties for the management of a single-ideology state.

Central to the growth of this ‘business state’ are the media conglomerates, which have unprecedented power, owning press and television, book publishing, film production and databases. They provide a virtual world of the ‘eternal present’, as Time magazine called it: politics by media, war by media, justice by media, even grief by media (Princess Diana).

The ‘global economy’ is their most important media enterprise. ‘Global economy’ is a modern Orwellian term. On the surface, it is instant financial trading, mobile phones, McDonald’s, Starbucks, holidays booked on the net. Beneath this gloss, it is the globalisation of poverty, a world where most human beings never make a phone call and live on less than two dollars a day, where 6,000 children die every day from diarrhoea because most have no access to clean water.²

In this world, unseen by most of us in the global north, a sophisticated system of plunder has forced more than ninety countries into ‘structural adjustment’ programmes since the eighties, widening the divide between rich and poor as never before. This is known as ‘nation building’ and ‘good governance’ by the ‘quad’ dominating the World Trade Organisation (the United States, Europe, Canada and Japan) and the Washington triumvirate (the World Bank, the IMF and the US Treasury) that controls even minute aspects of government policy in developing countries. Their power derives largely from an unrepayable debt that forces the poorest countries to pay $100 million to western creditors every day. The result is a world where an elite of fewer than a billion people controls 80 per cent of humanity’s wealth.

Promoting this are the transnational media corporations, American and European, that own or manage the world’s principal sources of news and information. They have transformed much of the ‘information society’ into

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