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Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women
Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women
Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women

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It has long been argued that women, especially black women, have been relegated to a second-class status in American society, and despite modern advances remain subject to a debilitating discrimination in many areas of life. This book presents a fresh perspective on the many facets of sexism experienced by African American women, addressing such issues as wage disparity, spousal abuse, and the rising rate of AIDS among black women. It also examines the roots of sexism among African American males, including the effect of gangster rap music on perceptions of black women, and offers strategies for change.
Release dateFeb 15, 2016
Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Explosive and mind blowing! Must read for every African American
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    the book was so great and informative i love it
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is fire! It's well written, easy to read, and completely mind-blowing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Needed read for people of color. Thank you for providing this perspective.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent! So well written and beautifully presented. A message that reflects power l!

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Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women - Michael Porter

Front Cover Illustration by Tony Quaid

First Edition

Third Printing

Copyright © 2001 by Michael Porter

10-Digit ISBN #: 0913543721

13-Digit ISBN #: 978-0913543726

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.

This book is dedicated to my grandmother, Dorothy Booker; my mother, Evelyn Porter; my sisters, Debra, Jackie, and Gina; and my niece, Tammy.



Part One: Cause, Effect, and Madness

1.   When Love Hurts: Spouse Abuse and Sexual Molestation

2.   Bitch, Hoe, or Queen? The Role of Women in Rap Music and Videos

3.   SBF

4.   AIDS and African/African American Women

5.   White Male Supremacy

6.   The Myth of White Normalcy

7.   African American Men: Innocent or Guilty?

8.   Patriarchy and Female Subjugation

9.   Creating the Dysfunctional Mother

10. How Public Schools Present Mothers as Perpetrators

Part Two: The Women

1.   African American Women: The Crucifixion of Mother

2.   The Face of an Old Black Woman: Grandmothers and the Stability of Black Families

3.   Native American Women, Other Women, White Women

4.   Myth of the Ugly Body

5.   Love or Lust?

Part Three: Agencies and Institutions

1.   Zero Tolerance for Black Skin: African American Women Behind Bars

2.   The Political Pimping of Women

3.   Myth of the Powerless Woman

4.   Educated to Become a White Man

5.   Public School Abuse of Nonwhite and Poor Female Parents

6.   Social Welfare and Women

7.   Religion, Men-isters, and Women

Part Four: The Wicked, the Mad, and the Spiritual

1.   The Necessity of Female Rebellion

2.   Recommendations


Women and men of all races who are committed to revolutionary feminist movement, who want to end sexism and sexist exploitation and oppression, recognize that we create and sustain the conditions for solidarity and coalition building by vigilantly challenging the ethic of competition, replacing it with a communal ethic of collective benefit.

bell hooks’ Killing Rage: Ending Racism

(bell hooks spells her name with lower case letters.)

Woman, Mother—your responsibility is one that might make angels tremble and fear to take hold!

Anna J. Cooper’s A Voice in the South


Why did I, an African American man, write this book? Allow me to explain several experiences that heightened my awareness of the lives and the plight of women, particularly African American women. My maternal grandmother is 89 years of age. She’s mentally sharp. During one of my many conversations with my grandmother I became angry—not at my grandmother but at a White supremacist social structure that kept this brilliant woman from becoming the mathematician or engineer we always felt she should have become. Grandma, you see, is a mathematical genius! I don’t know, maybe it’s a strange kind of naiveté, but I hurt when I see positive human potential denied, suppressed, and crushed. Fortunately, however, my grandmother is the embodiment of spiritual strength. My mother, too, experienced the racist societal mechanism of checkmating African American women. My pain persisted.

When I was an educational therapist for the Charter Corporation during the early ‘80s, I attended a seminar on eating disorders—anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Several prominent White psychiatrists conducted the seminar. They stated that there were no documented cases of African American women suffering from eating disorders. I knew that every eating disorder patient in the adolescent component were White females from middle and upper class families. Today, however, it is not uncommon for African American females to suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

The proverbial ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ occurred while I was a child and adolescent therapist for the state of Georgia. This experience was twofold. First, I could not determine the reason one of my bright middle school female clients would either skip school or fake an illness in order to go home. During a visit to her at school, she told me that the other students always called her black. She then told me that she hates herself. A few days later I was conducting a self-image program for African American teens and young adults. I held up two pictures—one of a light complexioned African American woman and the other of a dark complexioned African American woman. I asked, Which do you consider to be pretty? The picture of the light complexioned woman was unanimously chosen.

So, why did I write this book? Maybe to help stop the mental, emotional, and spiritual bleeding of African American women; or maybe to help ease my pain, which is forever connected to the plight of African American women. As the saying goes, We’re all in the same boat. As an oppressed African man, I cannot fall for the lie that only men will bring about self-determination for oppressed people. We’re all in the same boat.

Women catch hell. Women catch hell because they are born into a social-political-economic system that is owned and operated by patriarchal White male supremacists. Although there are some dysfunctional African American, Latino, Native American, and poor White men, they are not the problem. Nonwhite manhood is absolutely discouraged under White male supremacy. These oppressed men are missocialized and, in the case of nonwhite men, miseducated to be dysfunctional. The problem is the patriarchal White male supremacist who uses his military, economic, and political power to subjugate people of color under his control. As a result of this control, women catch hell.

The patriarchal White power structure has deemed women the playthings of the world. Women are missocialized to entertain men, and men are miseducated and missocialized to view women as their entertainment. It does not stop at entertainment. Men are also miseducated and missocialized to abuse and pimp women. This entire demonic process unfolds from girlhood to womanhood, seriously hindering women from becoming self-determined. Self-determination is something the patriarchal White power structure absolutely does not want women to possess. As most women realize, they are in for the fight of their lives. They must challenge both the patriarchal White supremacist and their own miseducated, missocialized men.

The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women provides a no-nonsense approach and perspective to fight patriarchal White male supremacist oppression. This book is not anti-male; it is anti-female oppression. Those who gain from the oppression of women do not want their victims to understand that when women are oppressed, so are their families and communities. When mother is crucified, her children die too. If economically, educationally, spiritually oppressed communities are to become productive, mothers must become empowered. Many women are home alone and too many African American and Latino men are on the new slave plantation (prisons). The situation is too severe for women to simply suffer and wait for their men to lead them to victory. Patriarchal White supremacy is too deadly for women to simply pray and hope that it goes away. Women must unite and fight.

This book offers insight into the how and why of female oppression in America, and perhaps the world. The beliefs, philosophies, and morals of the patriarchal White male power structure are examined in a no-nonsense, cause-effect manner. And although some may believe that all women should be lumped together simply because of their womanhood, I did not hesitate to focus on philosophical and other differences that exist in the lives of women—especially racial differences. Such a realistic focus is necessary in assisting women to become self-determining.

Although written to assist women, oppressed men should read and discuss this book. Oppressed men are not members of the patriarchal White power structure, and must, therefore, comprehend the dynamics of female oppression and its effect on families, communities, and themselves. Oppression is seldom an isolated event or condition. It spreads throughout groups of people. Even superficial examination would reveal the domino aspect of oppression.

For the past 500 years, the face of the oppressor has been that of the White male. White men rule, and they rule with a bloodletting vengeance. Works such as Frances Cress Welsing’s The Isis Papers, bell hooks’ Killing Rage: Ending Racism and Black Looks: Race and Representation, Marimba Ani’s Yurugu, Angela Y. Davis’ Women, Race & Class, Amos N. Wilson’s Black on Black Violence, and Cheikh Anta Diop’s African Origins must be used as survival study guides by the victims of patriarchal White supremacy. As global economic conditions worsen for the world’s workers, and America’s population becomes more nonwhite, we will experience a renewed spirit of ruthlessness from the White male power structure. And be not deceived: single, working, and elderly women will suffer tremendously.

Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women. Past studies had erroneously classified these deaths as maternal deaths due to bleeding and infection. More women are also battered during their pregnancy.

Mother is nailed to the cross of patriarchal White male supremacy, and we are all obligated to rescue her. If she’s not rescued then we all will die and, God forbid, may be condemned to hell—the consequence of not attempting to fulfill our obligation to Mother.

The heart of a woman falls back with the night,

And enters some alien cage in its plight,

And tries to forget it has dreamed of the stars,

While it breaks, breaks, breaks on the sheltering bars.

Georgia D. Johnson’s The Heart Of A Woman





While working as a child and family therapist, I had the opportunity to help many families deal with issues of domestic violence—verbal and physical abuse of the female spouse and sexual molestation of the children. In my practice I’ve found that insecurities, the use of control, fear to assure loyalty, and the displacement of anger were the reasons men battered their wives. Morally unrestrained, lustful perversion was the primary dynamic in the molestation of female children. Ironically, these dynamics are also active in the patriarchal White male supremacist power structure. Consequently, American society does not embrace trusting, patient, secure male-female relationships.

Insecurity, control, and anger displacement arise when White men experience job loss, financial setbacks, diminished social status, or sexual impotence. Feelings of love for the wife are selfishly based on the husband’s material status and his view of adequate sexual functioning (which is not necessarily the wife’s view). If the husband is financially satisfied, then he is able to love his wife; if not, he cannot be satisfied or love his wife. Quite often, when the husband has no money, the woman is wrongfully accused of acting differently. Thus, the husband’s feelings of insecurity gradually move toward displacement of

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