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A False Spring: A Memoir
A False Spring: A Memoir
A False Spring: A Memoir
Ebook317 pages4 hours

A False Spring: A Memoir

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“One of the best and truest books about baseball, and about coming to maturity in America.” —Time

In the late 1950s, acclaimed sportswriter Pat Jordan was a young pitching phenom, blowing away opposing batters for his Fairfield, Connecticut, high school baseball team. Fifteen major league clubs offered him a contract, but it was the Milwaukee Braves who won out, signing Jordan to a $45,000 bonus—one of the largest paid to any new player by the organization—and shipping him off to McCook, Nebraska, to play for their Class D ball club.
It did not take long, however, for Jordan to realize he was out of his depth in professional baseball’s backwoods. He battled with inconsistency and a lack of control for three dismal seasons in such far-flung locales as Keokuk, Iowa, and Palatka, Florida, before the Braves released him and he gave up his dreams of big league greatness.
Declared “unforgettable” by the Los Angeles Times and “a major triumph” by the Philadelphia Inquirer, A False Spring is a powerful and deeply affecting memoir about the gift of athletic talent and the heartbreak of unfulfilled promise.
Release dateApr 19, 2016
A False Spring: A Memoir

Pat Jordan

Pat Jordan is a celebrated sportswriter and novelist whose work has appeared in the Atlantic, GQ, Harper’s, the New Yorker, Playboy, and the New York Times Magazine, among many other publications. A top high school pitching prospect, he spent three years with the Milwaukee Braves organization before leaving professional baseball to pursue a writing career. Time magazine praised A False Spring, a memoir about his time in the minor leagues, as “one of the best and truest books about baseball and about coming to maturity in America,” and Sports Illustrated named it one of the Top 100 Sports Books of All Time. In the follow-up, A Nice Tuesday, Jordan chronicles his unlikely return to the mound at the age of fifty-six. His numerous other books include the sports anthologies The Suitors of Spring, Broken Patterns, and The Best Sports Writing of Pat Jordan, and the crime novels a.k.a. Sheila Doyle and a.k.a. Sheila Weinstein.  

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Perhaps the best book ever written about minor league baseball, A False Spring explores the reasons one youngster failed to fulfill his potential.This is a powerful and frustrating memoir of Pat Jordan's three summers pitching in the low minor leagues, written when the author was in his thirties. At heart, it's an exploration of why he failed, and that story is pretty brutal: Much of the problem was immaturity; he comes off as a cocky kid, with obvious talent but no ability to put the talent to use. Except for a Winter Instructionals interlude, the path is ever downward, and the ending inevitable.There's a Midwest League connection: Jordan spent 1960 with the Quad City Braves. Unfortunately, it's the book's weakest chapter. The author knows this, and discusses the reasons; it's closely tied to the greater failure of his baseball career.The book's honesty is absolutely painful, though occasionally a bit forced. And Jordan's ability to sketch a portrait with a few sentences is really quite remarkable; almost everyone he turns his attention to comes to life on the page. I was particularly taken by his description of Travis Jackson's need to be physically involved in baseball's rituals, contrasted with his relative disdain for the ordinary necessities of the manager's job.The author describes his career as a series of unnumbered photographic slides, scattered purposelessly on a table. This fundamental inability to find a way to tie the episodes of his young life into a coherent whole was, he judges, the reason he failed so miserably. That's perhaps not entirely fair, but it's a good first approximation.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Being the memoirs of a pitching prospect whose career abruptly sputtered out. This is, as has occasionally been noted, one of the finest memoirs ever writen. The author's prose at times made me shudder like no horror novel ever written could. I can't say enough nice things about this book.

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A False Spring - Pat Jordan


I see myself daily as I was then, framed in a photograph on the desk in my attic room. The picture was taken on June 27, 1959, at County Stadium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a few minutes before the Milwaukee Braves were to take the field against the Chicago Cubs, to whom they would lose that day 7–1.

I am standing midway between the firstbase line and the home team’s dugout. To my back I see the stadium’s half-filled bleachers. I am wearing a Braves’ uniform. Although the photograph is black and white, I see all the colors. My cap has a navy crown, a white M and a red bill. My flannel uniform is the color of cream. It is trimmed—shirt and pants—with a half-inch-wide, tri-colored stripe of black and red and black satin. The word Braves is scripted in red and outlined in black at a slight upward angle across the front of the shirt. The script is underlined by a black and gold tomahawk. Below the tomahawk, in the left-hand corner of the shirt is 24 in large block numerals, also red and outlined in black. Unseen in the photograph but clearly in my mind’s eye is the small gold patch stitched onto the shirt sleeve below my left shoulder. It is the face of an Indian of indeterminate tribe, the face contorted by a war cry no less menacing for being inaudible.

To my right is Whitlow Wyatt, the Braves’ 52-year-old pitching coach. Wyatt is smiling at me. My gaze, however, is directed to my left toward Warren Spahn, the Braves’ great left-handed pitcher. Both Spahn and I are perspiring. We have just finished running wind sprints in the outfield and are apparently on the way to the clubhouse to change our shirts when we stop to pose for this photograph.… For whom? For some faceless fan leaning over the dugout roof, imploring Please! whose good fortune it was to catch us in an obliging mood? So we stop, strike a pose, so casual, and wait for the camera’s click. To pass this moment, as he has innumerable others like it, Spahn, hands on hips, turns to me with some bit of small talk, a phrase, meaningless, meant only to fill the instant. And I listen. Nonchalantly, hands on hips also, I listen to Spahn. To Spahnie. To Spahnie who is talking to me, so much younger, and yet with my amused smile looking so at ease—today amazed at how truly at ease I do appear, at how naturally I did fit, in that uniform, between those men, with Spahn, Spahnie and I, the best of friends, I, too, having done this small thing so often, having struck this obliging pose for so many fans, waiting only for the camera’s click before tossing off a remark at which Spahnie and I would laugh on the way into the clubhouse to change our shirts.

I was 18 years old that day and the photograph had been arranged by the publicity department of the Milwaukee Braves, with whom I had just signed my first professional baseball contract. Of all the major league uniforms I wore that summer—and I wore many—none was so gaudy and none so impressive as the uniform of the Braves. That was one reason I signed with them rather than with one of the other 15 major league teams who had also offered me a contract. There were other reasons. The Braves had agreed to pay for my college education, to pay me a salary of $500 per month during each baseball season, and to deposit in my savings account every June 27 for the next four years a certified check for $8750. All told, my bonus amounted to more than $45,000 distributed over a four-year period. It was one of the largest bonuses—if not the largest—any young player received from the Braves in 1959. For my part, I promised to leave Milwaukee the following morning on a flight to McCook, Nebraska, where I would begin my professional career as a pitcher with the McCook Braves of the Class D Nebraska State League.

I pitched in the minor leagues for three years, at towns like McCook, Davenport, Waycross, Eau Claire and Palatka, before I was given my unconditional release by those same Milwaukee Braves. I never did pitch a game in Milwaukee County Stadium, nor did I ever again speak to Warren Spahn. I did, however, keep the cash.

As I write this, confronted on my desk by that reminder of unfulfilled promise, 13 years have elapsed since I posed with Warren Spahn, and 10 years since my last professional game. I was married the year I left baseball (the phrase I always use) and now have five children. I also returned to college and graduated in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English. I taught English at a parochial all-girls high school for five years (the only male in a world of nuns and teeny boppers) and finally turned to writing. I have had little to do with baseball since my release by the Braves. Except for an abortive comeback attempt at 22 (at 22?), I have not pitched a game.

That comeback was a disaster. It had been urged on me by my brother, George, a lawyer, 13 years older than I, and who had had so much to do with my career, with my having had a career, that he could never reconcile himself to my having lost it. Years after I left baseball, he still kept on the wall of his law office that photograph of me at County Stadium. It was a constant embarrassment to me. Yet he never tired of explaining to his clients who that young player next to Spahn was, or what his promise had once been. I think he did this from a sense of loyalty to me, a brotherly duty not to abandon, and also because he remembered me only as I had been before that publicity shot. He never saw me pitch in the minor leagues, especially that last year, and so never saw the roots of my failure, a failure that has always bewildered him. George remembered me only as I had been in high school, when there was little I could not do on a pitcher’s mound. Or in Little League, when my successes, which he shared, were close to total. In those days I often pitched to him on the sidewalk in front of our house. Our parents sat on the front porch and watched. They applauded my efforts. After a fastball that cracked in his catcher’s mitt, my brother would yank his hand out of the glove and shake it fiercely as if to shake off the hot pain. And they would applaud. My brother, tall, gangling, wearing a white button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up past his elbows, would grimace in both mock and very real pain as he shook his burning hand. How I responded to that gesture!

One day when George couldn’t work with me, as he used to call it, I badgered my father into catching me. I was 11, I think, and already threw quite hard. My father, a lefty, had never been much of an athlete. He had been an orphan, and in his teens he turned to gambling for his satisfactions, and in later years for his livelihood. His interest in sports was less fervid than that of the rest of us. My mother was passionately devoted to Joe DiMaggio, and George and I were just as passionately devoted to my pitching, which we thought of even then as potentially a career. For my father, sports were never something to be played, but something to lay nine-to-five on. He was in his early forties then, and, although he’d ceased to gamble full-time, he was still a betting man. And occasionally he would deal cards in a late-night poker game. He was an excellent dealer and was paid handsomely for his efforts. It was in the hands, he said. His fingers were small and soft and plump; my mother said they were like the link sausages she threw in the spaghetti sauce. But how they flashed when dealing cards! He used only his left hand. His fingers were pressed together in the shape of a trowel. They supported the deck. He dealt with a flick of his wrist, his thumb shooting cards around the table with such speed and precision one listened for clicks.

My father began to catch me with reluctance. He had to wear the catcher’s mitt—meant for one’s left hand—on his right hand. His little finger fit into the glove’s fat thumb, which stuck out ridiculously. He grumbled as I threw. His mind was on the card game at which he would deal later that evening at a local Italian Athletic Club. Fellow athletes, my mother used to say, and we’d all laugh. All except my father. He took his sport seriously, too. To impress him I cut loose with a fastball without telling him. Startled, he caught it on the middle finger of his left hand, the one without the glove. The finger split open and blood spurted out, spotting his shirt and pants. For just a second he looked at his finger in disbelief. Then he ran bellowing into the house. I was too terrified to follow. When I finally did get up the courage to go inside, I found him sitting at the kitchen table, his hands wrapped in a blood-soaked handkerchief. He was trying to deal a poker hand to my white-faced mother. With a glance she warned me to silence. The cards slipped in his bleeding hand. They began to spill, slide down his wrist. He tried to pin them to his side with his elbow. They scattered across the floor. He glared at them. Cursed their ancestory. Snatched them up with his good hand and tried to deal again.

Years later, we would all laugh at that scene—my mother and I terrified, my father dealing, the cards spilling, curses and blood-stained kings. It became one of those anecdotes for which families invent a significance which, at the time, eluded them but in retrospect grows to mythical proportions. The point became—my speed! I threw that hard! Hard enough, at 11, to break a grown man’s finger, pink and vulnerable as it might have been. It seems, even then we were attuned to such small evidences of my destiny. My parents, brother and I always had more than a premonition that my talent was something beyond the ordinary. It was a gift, we knew, and so it must be cultivated with the greatest care. For instance, my mother never asked me to do chores on a day I was to pitch, while my father spent all his spare money on the best equipment for me. (At 11 I had a $30 glove and $27 kangaroo-skin baseball spikes.) George, a struggling lawyer then, spent most of his lunch hours working out with me at the park near home. He would catch me for about 20 minutes, then make me run wind sprints from home plate to first base and back again. All the while I ran, he would remind me in long monologues just how badly I wanted a baseball career, and how hard I must work at it. This way, the entire family shared in the development of my talent. From the very first, I was aware that this talent I possessed must be treated with reverence because it was only partly mine, and partly my family’s. My talent united my family in a way we have never been since I lost it.

When I was 12 years old and in my final season of Little League baseball, my name appeared regularly in headlines in the sports section of the Bridgeport, Connecticut, Post-Telegram. The stories varied only slightly. Another no-hitter. More strikeouts. My third consecutive no-hitter. My fourth. And so it went. A season of six games in which I allowed two hits and struck out 110 of the 116 batters retired when I was on the mound. I had been almost perfect. Just two hits all year. And in my last two games every single out made was, in fact, a strikeout (36 in a row, since Little League games last only six innings) with scarcely a walk, an error or a foul ball in between. After the fourth consecutive no-hitter, my parents were called by a reporter for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. He wanted to verify certain facts. Possibly I would appear in one of their columns, he said. Where, I wondered? Alongside some Zulu tribesman who could fit an entire watermelon, lengthwise, in his mouth?

One night we received a call from Dick Young, the sportswriter for the New York Daily News. He interviewed my parents and me over the telephone. A few days later he wrote a column about me. In August the New York Yankees, with whom we were all enamored, invited my parents and me to appear on Mel Allen’s television show prior to a Yankee—Red Sox doubleheader. We arrived at the Stadium properly awed—my mother wearing a corsage and my father and I dressed uncomfortably in suits and ties. We were treated royally. Pinstripes everywhere. Pictures of Ruth and Gehrig and DiMaggio. My mother swooned. Yankee executives hovered over me, smiling. So this is our little pitcher? Does he want to be a Yankee when he grows up?

Needless to say, I did not think of myself as a little pitcher. Nor did I think I had to grow up before I could pitch for the New York Yankees. I was ready then, and to prove it I had brought my glove in a brown paper bag. I expected Mel Allen to turn to me in mid-interview and say, Well, Pat, why don’t you throw a few? Show the fans your stuff. And I would step onto the field and proceed to astonish all the viewers and fans, but most importantly, the Yankees, with my blazing fastball. What an embarrassment it would be for Vic Raschi! How he would envy me, throwing in my suit and tie with more speed than he ever dreamed of having!

We sat in box seats along the thirdbase line. Television cameras were aimed at us from the field. The signal was given. Mel Allen, turning to his right, asked my parents a question. His lips peeled apart like an open wound. My father fidgeted; my mother touched her corsage. One of them answered. More questions. Nervous smiles. Quick glances at the cameras and then back to Mel Allen. I sat at the end of the row, farthest away. I could barely hear. It did not matter. I just sat there waiting, my heart pounding, the brown bag at my feet. And when it was almost over, and I knew it was too late for me to throw, Mel Allen leaned across my parents and asked me a question. I was so disheartened I couldn’t answer. He repeated it. I mumbled something and he returned to my parents. I sat there, glaring across the field at Vic Raschi, warming up with his pathetic fastball.

My brother remembered this. The no-hitters, the headlines, Dick Young, Mel Allen. He remembered it all so well that when I told him what I’d written about that day at Yankee Stadium, he said, But you forgot Casey Stengel! Remember what he said when he found out about the strikeouts? I didn’t remember. He said, ‘I guess your fellas don’t need no gloves when you pitch.’

What I had been is still clear to my brother. It is a picture whose lines have been redrawn so often, retracing identical successes year after year, that it has become etched in his memory. He never saw those lines erased during my years in the minor leagues and then somehow redrawn, without his knowledge, until what they defined when I was released by the Braves in 1962 was something unrecognizable to him. That was why he urged me to make a comeback so soon after I had left baseball. He would not accept the fact that I had lost it all in only four years. It would take only a little practice, he said. We could work out on his lunch hour. He would have me throwing like my old self again. That was the phrase he used: throwing like my old self. Then, when I was ready, he would pick some Sunday afternoon and some team in the Senior City League, and would inform the newspapers and the scouts he knew that I would pitch that day. And after the game, after I had struck out 13 or 14 batters, the scouts would be only too eager to sign me again. Maybe even another bonus, my brother said, only half-kidding. But smaller, naturally.

The high school field where we threw was always deserted at noon. I would arrive first, to claim the field, then wait for George. I passed those agonizing minutes pacing from the pitcher’s mound and back again, praying that no one else would show up, would intrude on this routine, our ritual, wishing my brother would hurry so we could get it over with and I could flee. He would then pull up in his new air-conditioned car. A successful lawyer now, approaching forty, with a touch of gray in his wiry hair, which he still wore in a crew cut. He had fleshed out a lot and was no longer gangling. Still, he was six feet, four inches tall and very sturdy looking. Unbreakable is the word that perhaps best described him, still describes him. He played sports mechanically, as if by memory but not instinct. He moved stiffly, his back a poker that seemed incapable of bending. He seemed incapable of bending, of ever breaking—as I had in the minor leagues. (His argument for my attempting this comeback was brief, You aren’t going to quit, are you?) He wore dark-rimmed glasses and a snazzy bow tie. He would take off his jacket, some Scottish plaid from the racks of J. Press in New Haven, and fold it neatly over a bench. Then he would roll up the sleeves of his shirt. Very carefully, fold after even fold, past his elbows, that same white, button-down shirt, the gesture suddenly calming me, reassuring me. Then we would begin throwing as we had so many times before.

But my comeback did not work out as my brother had planned. I have never again thrown like my old self. And on the day I finally took the mound in the same semi-pro league in which five years before I had struck out batters at will, I was unable to retire a single man. The fans loved it. They laughed and hooted each time my poor catcher (some high school boy I have never seen again) scrambled back to the screen to retrieve another of my wild pitches. I wore my Braves’ uniform that day, a further affront to those fans, many of whom had seen me pitch before and who had been burdened too long with my past successes. I left the game in the first inning. So many runs were scored, so many batters walked or hit, so many wild pitches bounced in front of the plate or flung over my catcher’s up-stabbing mitt, that I have retained only fragments from that day. Jagged little pieces … the shouts of has-been, washed-up, always a bum. The look of pity on my catcher’s face as he walked out to reassure me for the tenth time. A look he is not easy with at his age. And I, feeling bad for him, too. He senses that something is eluding him beside my fastballs. The fans so vicious at this meaningless game? It frightens him. This exorcising of private devils. He crouches for another pitch. I begin my windup, rear back, and catch him shooting a look over his shoulder at the fans. The ball rattles the homeplate screen. The runner on third trots home, and with a little jump lands on the plate with both feet. I sigh, exhausted, feeling empty. Truly empty. Without insides. Filled only with air. Floating above things for a change. Not caring now. Untouchable. Not a bad feeling. Nice, really. New to me. At ease now, I wait for the ball. Look around. Catch sight of my brother. All else dissolves—fans, players, noise, heat, exhaustion, time—is gone. I see only him. Standing beneath a tree along the firstbase line. Wearing dark glasses. Watching and not seeing. He clenches his fist, makes a short, pistonlike punch into an invisible gut. Mine! He still believes! Amazing! It doesn’t matter if I don’t believe. He does. In spite of me, it can still be done. Merely by an act of his will. Another punch. But the niceness remains. I shrug.

I think often about that day. And about the others, too, the good ones. Baseball was such an experience in my life that, 10 years later, I have still not shaken it, will probably never shake it. I still think of myself not as a writer who once pitched, but as a pitcher who happens to be writing just now. It’s as if I decided at some point in my life, or possibly it was decided, that of all the things in my life only that one experience would most accurately define me. It hardly matters whether this is a fact or a private delusion. It matters only that I devoted so great a chunk of my life to baseball that I believe it’s true. I believe that that experience affected the design of my life to a degree nothing else ever will. Yet it never seemed to end properly, neatly, all those bits and pieces finally forming some harmonious design. It just stopped, unfinished in my memory, fragmented, so many pieces missing. Over the years I have begun sorting and resorting those bits and pieces—delicately, at first—finding every now and then a new one to further flesh out that design, finally discovering the pieces had always been there and that what had been missing was in me. This book, then, is an attempt not to relive that experience but to resee it, once and for all, as it truly was, somehow frozen in time, unfragmented, waiting only for me to develop the perception needed to see it whole.


The bird dogs came first. They appeared one spring day in my sophomore year of high school, drawn by the odor of fresh talent and sweet young grass. I knew about bird dogs even then, at 15, and had been waiting impatiently for them to appear. It was a sign. On that day baseball ceased to be just a game for me; it also became my career.

They were called bird dogs because they sniffed out talent, although the name does not do justice to the men. They were kindly, stooped old men in plaid shirts and string ties. They had once owned taverns or hardware stores, and in their youth had possibly played ball with Kiki Cuyler or Georgie Cutshaw. Now, retired, they measured out their weekday afternoons at a succession of high school baseball games. They were always easy to spot, even from the pitcher’s mound, since few adults ever bothered to attend the meaningless games my coach let me pitch as a sophomore; and because they always stood behind the homeplate screen, as if they were ill-at-ease unless viewing life through a maze of wire triangles. Their job was to unearth talent for the major league team with which they were affiliated. It was a loose affiliation, really. In most cases it consisted simply of their friendship with some organization’s full-time scout. Most bird dogs never got paid a cent for their efforts, although occasionally one might be slipped a hundred dollars if his discovery reached the major leagues. But they were so old (in their seventies and eighties) and the gestation period of a professional ballplayer so long (often more than six years in the minor leagues) that few bird dogs lived long enough to see their judgments confirmed. That wasn’t the reason they spent the time and effort, anyway. They did it to pass the time, for one thing, and because they loved the game. But most of all they did it because they appreciated talent. Just discovering it and watching it develop was satisfaction enough for these old men.

One day in my sophomore year at Fairfield Prep, a Jesuit-run high school in Fairfield, Connecticut, I struck out 19 apprentice plumbers, bricklayers and carpenters from nearby Bullard-Havens Technical High School. That night, Johnny Barron, an aged Cincinnati bird dog, telephoned our house. He spoke first with my father and then my mother, as if, like some Victorian suitor, he was seeking permission to court me—which, in a way, he was. Finally, I took the receiver with trembling hands. His voice surprised me. It was ragged and halting, yet somehow at ease, as if we were old friends. And in his mind we were old friends since he’d just seen me pitch.

Johnny did most of the talking that night. He took much for granted. He detailed my strengths and weaknesses (weaknesses?) with a familiarity that would have annoyed me were it not for the warmth in his voice. He said of my fastball, And when you do make the big leagues, it’ll be your fastball that takes you there. It’s a beautiful fastball! It was a strange word to use, I thought, one reserved for a painting or statue or some other work of art. He was a strange man, too. He took such delight in just talking to me that it embarrassed me, even though I’d been aware from the first that my talent, with which I was so familiar as to be no longer awed by it (just as I was no longer awed by my ability to walk), was to others so extraordinary as to inspire a respect that approached adoration. Its presence could lead a dignified old man like Johnny Barron to lose his composure when merely talking to its possessor, a 15-year-old boy. However, the fact that this respect was for the talent, not its possessor, escaped me then.

Johnny concluded his talk a little breathlessly, saying, I wish we could sign you now. But we can’t until you graduate high school. By that time most of the other clubs will be bidding a lot of money for you. I’ll be out of the picture then. Our scouts and front-office people will have taken over. But I hope you’ll remember me, that I was the first to appreciate your gift. It will mean a lot to me. Although I was not sure what he wanted or why, I promised, and he hung up satisfied. I seldom pitched a game that year without spotting him behind the backstop. Often I would not feel comfortable on the mound until spotting him, and would spend long moments rubbing up a baseball until I did. Strangely enough, I never talked to Johnny again, although he often spoke with my parents during the games I pitched. When I did sign a professional baseball contract in 1959 it was with the Braves, however, not the Reds. But I kept my promise and had the local newspaper insert a small paragraph near the bottom of the article that told of my signing. The paragraph mentioned how John Barron, Sr., of Haddon Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut, had been the first bird dog to notice me.

I pitched four one-hitters in my sophomore year of high school, and the following year my reputation as a major league prospect was firmly established. The bird dogs, like Johnny, were gone by then. They had been replaced by full-time scouts who moved in quickly, like carpetbaggers, to take advantage of the friendships cultivated by the bird dogs. The scouts were younger men, in their fifties usually, and their appreciation of talent was more professional than esthetic. They were not unkind men, although they were certainly not so lovable as the bird dogs. But maybe when I caught my first whiff of that bonus money I

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